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The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas • 1

Leavenworth, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



"TTTJjEREAS, The State of Kansas iias beB intaded and Is threatened with further inva sion.noW, there- andMXJSTOGENCT for Kansas CH AKXJ23 V. JliOWRIE, Attorney at laW OFFICE, No. 61 Delaware Street, Leavenworth, Kansas. -auglrt-dtf tHF fors. 'homaa Carney, and Commsnder-ia PUBLISHED BY I J.

3 'WILDER 'CO. Chief cf the militia of the State of Kashas, by virtue the power and authority in me vested, do order FIRST ANNUAL. FAIR Under the Direction of tho 1. The enrolled volunteer militia of the State Is here MOPRIKTORS i 5 MATTHEW WEKSHTMAX. General Orders Tio.

9. Headquarters District of the Bokoes, Kaxfas Citt, Mo Angnst 18, 1863. I. Lieut. Col.

Walter King, 4th Regiment 'It- S. will, as often as may be necessary, visit the several military stations in that part of Missouri included in this strict, and ascertain what negroes ar there who desire escort out of Missouri, and were the slaves of persona ho, since the 17th day of have beeji engaged in the rebellion, or have ia any way given aid or comfort thereto. He will make and certify a list of all -such negroes at each of such stations anf of the per--ous by whom the disloyalty of their masters can be l. W. WIIJUKR.

Hew Stone Building, 52 Shawnee Street. I A WIIiSO'M'S" IIIRAM GBISWOLD, (Late of Cleveland, Ohio,) AXT It A I A Xv LEAVEN WOETH, KANSAS. OFFICE Over Ko. 61 Debt ware Stret. by called Into active service.

2. The enrolled militia of the State (including all per sods subject to military duty, not members of some vol unteer company) are hereby called into active tervice. KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL OKKK Shawnee Finn Door from the corner of Main Street. 3. Ice following rules and regulations are prescribed SOCIETY, Will be held in the city of LE AY EX WORTH for the organization of said enrolled militia.

I. The enrolled militia of each voting precinct will as semble at such time as may be designated, and immedi shown, and will deliver one copy of snch list to the Commander til such station, and forward ore to these ately proceed to organize themselves into companies of X'CAHON ORiT. McCAHON GRAY, rO. 4S DELAWARHE Up Stair, Kansas. faplTlfl Headquarters.

Before preparing such lists, he will give not less than forty nor more than one hundred men. due and public notice of tha time at which he will be TERMS OF THE DAILY by the Carrie at 20 A hti Mailed per year. 3 tti'K Dollar per It contain all the matter M.t.iished in the Pnily. WEKKLY. I'dHar per year.

It publish more waiter tlian at. paper in Kansas and is published at one half i lit, 'paper will be furnished uolosn paid for IX At Aii i ihouM be addresed II. When not less than forty nor more than one hun dred men have enrolled themselves in any one company, they shall proceed to elect by ballot, one Captain, three engaged in such duty at each station. He will be gor e-ned in the discharge of hia duties by spec al written instructions received from or through these lieutenants, one Ensiga; four Sergeants aod four Cor porals.

SEMIS MEDICAL CAEDS. II. Commanders of such stations wil lfurnish from 1 I I 1 I r- III. When such election shall have been had, report time to time, as they may be ealivd for by commanders shall at once be made to division and regimental head Tl'ESDA WE0XESDAV, THURSDAY ninl FRIDAY, OCTOBER Clh, Tth, Sth and 9th, 1803. Competition Open To All The ATB S- Tlie Premiums otfered wilt embrace almost all the De-jartm'nts of 1'roductive Industry, and amount to nearly 3 0 0 0 1 for Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Hogs will be erected.

Also Halls for the reception and display of Fruits, Articles, Implements, and Products. Water for stock will be abuudiintly supplied. Feed will be provided at cost. Convenient camping-ground will be arranged. A large 1 Dr.

lMcCormick'a ii. W. AVIiaKIt Leavenworth, Kansas. quarters, of the names of the officers so chosen and a of escorts, copies of the lists so prepared and filed with them: and will issue rations, where necessary, to negroes named in such lists who are unable to remove from such full muster roll of said company, and commissions will at once be issued to such officers. IV.

Immediately upon such election, said company station or to earn a living there, until escort can be furnished them to a place of safety where they can support themselves. with its officers so elected, will be held in readiness for OFFICE m.l vooiua ars in tho CONSERVATIVE BuiW-inj, up Hiairs, No. 15 Pbawnp street, msjiiOdtf T. SINKS, 31. HAVING regumrd the practice of bin hia eerxicps to the cilirens of L'aTpnworUi and vicinity.

49 Omcs on Jlain street, b-tweiu Delaware and 51iw-nf, adjoining U' Telegraph Office. dec3ldtf ctive service. V. In case such organization shill nut be perfected in III. Commander; of companies and detachments serv- isctUawonB.

NIXONCHA MAXlTACTt'RERS OF BOOK AND NEWS PAPER, ng in that part of included in this District will the precinct in the time and maum-r prescribed herein, commanding officers are hereby orderdd to detail some give escort and subsistence, where practicable, to all ne THIS is tUo only cewinjj Machine in the wvriJ making the lock stitch with rotating hook, and u.sing the jrlass foot. The sale's of this machine in 1S61 amounted to being more than the combined sales of all other Sewing Machines. There are five ranging in price from $45 to $125. Other leading Machines are in ibe samo room, and can be compared side br side. Geo.

A. Prince Improved Patent Kelodeons. groes named in such ci-mm-a lists, to jnuepeDuence, Kansas City, Westport or the State of Kansas sending direct to these Headquarters all such negroos fit for mil commissioned officer with pufiicient forcj to compel the attendance of the enrolled militia of such precinct at a rendezvous to be appointed, and if then said organiza tarv -ervif-e, and enlist. tion is not voluntarily perfected, officers will beappoinr- Of A3! S'tts and descriptiotn. Al-o the new rchooi and cliureh organ Me'odeonx.

Mason Hamlin's Improved Melodeons and Harmoniums. PIANOS from Steinway, and Gilbert's celebrated manufacturies. Several of these fine instruments are no on hand, and may be een and fully tested. They are for sale at Manufacturers' prices, with the addition of Bv order of Brig. Cen.

Ewing. P. B. PLUMB, Major and Cbie' of Staff. General Order No 58.

ed and commissioned by the Commander-in-Chief to cm-mand the militia of such pree'ect. 4. The Major GeueriiW of Division are hereby dl racted to superintend the organization herein provided O. II. FIELD.

M- ECLECTIC PHySICIAN and SUEGEOIT. DK formerly of Cincinnati, having permanently located in Leavenworth City, will devote his entire attention to his profession, in the city and vicinity. OFFICE and RESI f'ENCE No. 107 Shawnee street, between Fourth and Fifth, opposite American Concert Hall. Office hours from 8 to A.

and 1 to 3 IV Mw CaJlre-reived ateffice and promptly Hi forences Newton, M. Cincinnati; Cincinnati; K. S. Wiihita, City. jj.iC61v transportation, and are fully guaranteed every respect citarsViolinsFlctks 77 AND 79 WALNLT CINCIXVATI.

lA.N'i'tA' ou liiiuila comjlete stock New Pas' r)r, Manilla Paper all aiKn, AYrappiug i'vprr, 1'apur 1 Ruleil ud CIhiu C'HpFper, fat -r anil Commf rcial Xi'te I'appr, Printer's (apis ji olin I'osta, IVtoy ami Jlp Now ayl Cwtorcd Ink. Highest cash price paid for Itag-i. apl2d6ra will -efford refreshments at moderate rate. THE GROUNDS Will be conveniently located, amply enclosed and suitably arranged with Halls, Offices and Exhibition Rings. executive eojJBrrrEE J.

1'. Johnson, Doniphan Connty G. W. Collamore, Douglas County D. Lakin, Jefferson County A.

Ellis, Miami County S. H. f-trickler, Davis County 3. S. Hidden Nemaha County C.

Leavenworth County J. R. Swallow, Lyon County 4. O. Marshall, Linn Conntv C.

B. Lines, Waubaunsee Countv. BAILEY, I'residentj F. P. BAKER.

Treasurer, F. ii. ADAMS, Topeka, Secretary. Jambs L. McDowell, Leavenworth, General Sup't.

Send to the Secretary for the Premium List. Also snd 50 cents for a year's subscription to the Kansas Farmer. a tig I'-d THE BREVOORT FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY. DRt Qi HUDSON A. JVew St Xiarge btocic of the mnst popular sheet music is now en hand.

and will ho replenished" constantly iiiect from the pullshers. To teachers aud dealers -music, Liberal Disco uiit will be they can depend npon A LARGE STOCK To select from at ali times rilENDERS hi professional' Kervicei to the ehfeena of Leavonworth and vicinitv. He mav be ar AND ALI. KINDS OF 5 Atid'other small instiumcnts with th? rarioas Instruction Books, Will be kept constantly on hand. Xastruciiona will be given on the guitar, and pianos tuned on ieasanable.

it-ran. As J. R. Brown will nee essarilv be absent most of the MUSIC A. ILt hif oSico wheu not absent on professional businesa.

Office opposite Solomon's Billiard Saloou, on Main No. 63, between Shawnee and Ivlnware. on Feneca, near Sictb' tree 5 if City reference given. LOOK TO YOUR OWN INTEREST time, "the above business will be in full charsre of V. S.

A. MARSHALL, en 1st, StSOrderB from couulry dealers for musicwill be promptly tilleil. S. Clow, wbd ill give it his entire and personal attention. for.

0. In the absence of Major Genera! McDowell, and of all regimental organizations in the county of Lenven-worth, 1 em m.i ndcrs of companies in 'said county are hereby ordered to report to Co5. Samuel A. Drake, who, nutil further orders, will command the Enrolled Vclun teer Militia of said county, aud will he obeyed and, respected accordingly. 6.

The Enrolled Jlilitia voting precinct of said county of Leavenworth, will assemble at such time aud place as may be designated by Col. Samuel A. Drake, who in the absence of said Major General, is vested with lull power to carry out and perfect aid organization ia said county, and will be respected and obeyed accordingly. 7. Up to the time of tho organization of the Enrolled Militia, as hereby provided for any person may join a.ny Volunteer Military Company.

8. The Commander-in-Chief is confident that the horrors of the Iswrence massacre have so deeply impressed the people of Kansas that no appeal is necessary to urge them to the perfecting of eome organization efficient for the protection of their homes and firesides from irsurder and rapiue. It is but just thai the duty of home defence should be shared by all. and the Commander-in-Chief is determine to exert the authority given him by the laws to enforce the requirements of this order. By order of THOS.

Governor and Coniniannpr-iB-Chief. J. C., Col. and Ai'3-de-Camp.

New China, Glass, NEAR iELAWARU. THIRD BTRFET W. S. 2d 3d. ISTO.

52 SHAWNEE ST. BET. -l A Certificate of Authoitry. Leavenworth, May 8, 1363-d tf fTiCi lift. a nine 1.

clock, til! live ap'JSdtf 11 ck. r. (T.i ejepir? the 21st day of July, A. D. 1SS4.


MOORE DUBOIS, I- I i 'f s. AUDITOR OF STATL'S OFFICB, 1 ToPEKi, Kansas, July 21st, 1863. HARDWARE AND METAL HEKKAS, The Brevoort Insurance Company, locat DENTISTS ed at New York, the fctate of iork, ha3 n. iin Delaware Street, JOBBING IMaware Street, f.r CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY expire on the 3d day of August A. 1SW.J Are now reot-ivin the i bet.

Sd fc4th, LEAVENWORTH, Kaiua. WM. BLAIR largest Statement of Corn Exchange Ins. Co. T.

K. ANTHONY, Agent, Leavenworth. I AUDITOR OF STATE'S OFFICE, THJfcka, Kansas, August 5, 1S63. 116 Llki: STREET, CHICAGO. "VfTHilREAS," The Home Insurance Company, located at New York, iu the State of York, Las filedin ALL OPERATIONS in the line of our profession performed ina scientific and satisfactory manner.

Refer, by to the following patrons: Hon. Thomas Carney Hon. J. L. McDowell, J.

O'Brien, 11. l. C. A. Logan, M.

S. W. Jones, M. l. J.

M. McCormick, if. Sinks, 51. D. tioods 'ui for and order' CiloJ promptly.

filed iu this office a sworn statement of its condition, as required by the first secti of tho act To regulate Insurance Companies not incorporated by the State of Kansas," passed February 80th, 1863; and, Yhereas, fcaid Company has furnished the undersigned satisfactory evidence that it is possessed of at least ose hundred thousand dollars of actual capital invented in stocks, or in bonds, or in mortgages of real estate, worth tloubie theamountfor which the same is mortgaged; and Whereas, Said Company has filed in his office a written instrument, under its- corporate seal, signea by the President and Secretary thereof, authorizing auy agent or agents of said Company in this fctate, to asknowledg service of process, for and in behalf of said Company, consenting that such service of process shall be taken and held to be as valid as if served upon the company, according to the laws of this or any other fctate, and aiving all claims or right of error by reason of such acknowledgment of service. SS'oio, Therefore, In pursuance of the first fccction of the aforesaid act, -sa Hairgrove, Auditor of ttato for the state of Kansas, do hereby certify that said Brevooit Insurance Company of Xew ork, is authorized to transact the busines-s of Fire Insurance in this state untii the 21st day of July, in the year one tuoufsand eight hundred and sixty-four. In IKtftissi Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed sEAimy name, and caused the seal of my office to be affixed the day and year above written mis oiuco a sworn statement ot Us condition, as required by the first section of the act, To regulate Insurance Companies not incorporated by the State of Kansas," passed February 20ih, 1863 and, Whereat, Said Company has furnished the undersigned satisfactory evidence that it is possessed of at least uMi HCNisllED THOUSAND DOLLAKS ot Capital invested in stocks, or in bonds, or In mortgages of real estate worth double the amount which the sam? is mortgaged and, Whereas, Said Company has filed in his office a written CARDS. Bixilders', Manufacturers' SMITH, CURRIER COMMISSION MEKCHANTS," ji the ever brought to Iavenworth, will them at a VKRY SMALL ADVANCE On Fjstem Pric; THe attention of Ocmntry to the above, as we are eonSdeut can make priori" to suit them, being determined to I. A a A quality of Wares can be bought for in the Wnt.

i'he citiiens of I.eavenworth and vicinity are "1 I'y requested to call and see us before purchasing Our Stock will be complete, and the pricea sfu ti i.j:t. FLOVH, OHAIIV, ritODLCC AX I) 4, -i, CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY To Expire 011 Hc SOUi or August, A. D. 1863. ArwroK of Statu Office, TOrKKA, KA2.SAS, Auguot 20, 1S63.

WHEREAS, The Corn Exchange Fire and Inland Navigation Insurance Company, located at New Y'ork city, iu the State of New York, has filed in this office a sworn statement of its condition, as required by the first section of the act, "To regulate insurance Companies not incorporated by the State of Kansas," passed February 20th, 1S63- aud, Whereas, Said Company has furnished the undersigned satisfactory evidence that it is possessed of at least one hundred thousand dollars of actual capital invested in stocks, or in bonds, or in mortgages of real estate, worth double the amount for which the same is mortgaged and A hereas, Kaid Company lias filed in his office a writen instrument, under its corporate teal, signed by the President and Secretary thereof, authorizing any agent, or agents ot said Company in this State, to acknowledge service of process, tor and in behalf of said Company, consenting that such service of process shall be taken and h'dd to be as valid it served upon the Company, accordinz to the laws of this or auy other State, and. instrument, under its signed by the Pies-I idem auiSecretary -thereof, authorizing any agent or stents ot said Company in this State acknowle-ige aer- vice of process, lor and in behalf of said Company, con-! scnting vhat such service of process bhall be taken and held to be as valid as it served npon the Company, ac-j cording to the lawB of this or auy other State, and warv-1 ing all claims or rights of error "by reason of such ac- knowledwments ot service. T.02 BROAD "STREET, Corner of Pearl, Xew, York. HEAWjrAKIKB8 K. S.

"I Leavkxwokth, August H4ih, 1S63. 1. In conformity ith the command of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, I hereby designate the following iilaces fur the assembling and organization of the Enrolled Jlilitia at 4 o'clock this P. 3J. First Ward WssKiogton no use, corner of Seneca and Fourth streets.

Second Ward -Harmony Hall Thin! do Turner's Hall. Fourth do McGoaigle's shop. 2. The gentlemen referred to in my Circnlar of yesterday, and the members of the City Council are requested to organize the me.incs and assist in their tetpeetive wards. 3.

TLo people of the County will effect their organizations oti Wednesday at the places of votiog in each township, and report to ilieso headquarters as soon as practi. cable. The officers of companies thus organized are enjoined to exercise the greatest vigilance, and to communicate promptly any iiifuriuatiun they may seceive concerning the movements of any hostile forces. 4. In the event of anyaLirm, commanders of companies will report with their commands without delay at the Market House, bedls will be rung and signal guns fired, if practicable.

Officers are urged to be always on the alert, and to take steps to turn their men oat promptly upon every call. o. Arras will be furnished ae fa as they can be procured. Companies will, however, arm themselves with revolvers, rifles and such weapons as they can procure, until they can be more effectively armed 6. Captains cf all companies are requested to report to the undersigned, at tho Market Honse, everyday at 11 o'clock, A.

for 7. In parading their companies, officers will separate the armed from the unaimed men, placing the latter under the, ehrje of competent drill officers. S. Am DRAKE, Col Comd'g (JEISEUAA. OUDERS-SO.

il. IlEADQt-AKTERS DISTRICT OF THE BORDEE, Kanr-as City, Aug. 25, 1S63. All persons living in Jackson, Cass and Bates counties, and in lhat part of Vernon included in thl3 District, except those living within one mile of the limits of Independence, Hickman's Mill, Pleasant Hill and tlar-risonvillc, and those in Kaw township, Jack-sou county, north of Brush creek and west of the Big Blue, are hereby ordered to remove from their present places of residence within fifteen days from the date hereof. Those who within that time establish their loyalty to the satisfaction of the Commanding Officer of the Military Station nearest their present place of residence, will receive from him certificates stating the fact of their loyalty, and the names of the witnesses by whom it can be shown.

All who receive such certificates will be perrnittiHl to remove to any Military Station in this District, or to any part of the Stat Kansas included in thia District, except the counties ou tlie Eastern border of the Stato. All others shall remove out of this District. Officers commanding companies and detachments serving in the counties named, will see that this Order is promptly executed. II. All grain in the field, or under shelter, in the district from which the inhabitants are required to remove, within reach of Military Stations, after the 9th day of September next, will be taken to such stations and turned over to the proper officer there, and report of the amount 60 turned over made to District Headquarters.

All grain found in such district after the 9th day of September next, not convenient to such stations, will bo destroyed. I1L The provisions of General Order No. 10, from these Headquarters, will be at once rigorously executed by officers commanding that part of the District, and at the stations not subject to the operation of Paragraph I of this Order, and' especially in the towns of Independence, Westport and Kansas City. IV. Paragraph 3, General Orders No.

10, is revoked as to ali who have borne arms against the Government in this District since the 2lst daj tf August, 1863 By order of Brig. Gm. EWiG. H. Haknabs, A.

A. A. G. a25 THE SECOND K.AKS VS. Housekeepers' Hardware, Auditor of State.

Moore H.tven-i, Agt-att. STATEMENT of the condition of the Brevoort Insur Tatole and Pocltet Cutlery, Eng. and Araetioan Files, Now, therefore, in pursuance of the first section of the aforesaid act, Asa Hairgroe, Auditor of the State of Kansas, do hereby certify that said Home insurance Company of New York is authorized to transact the business ot Fire Insurance in tbisttate. until the third day of August, in the year en thousand eight hundred and sisty-iour. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto subscribed my sgAt name and caused the seal of my office to be af- Used, the day and vear above written.

-ASA. HAlfcUROVE, Auditor of State. V. B. Anthony, Ageni, Leavenworth, ance Company on the thirty-first day ot December, 1863, the Auditor of the fctate of Kaunas.

SAME -1ND LOCATION. Firsts The name of the Company is the Brevoort Insurance Compacy," and is located in New Y'ork City. -j C.PiTAt. -econd. The amount of its cap- ital stock is $150,000 00 Third.

The mount ot its capital JEWELRY. wnviug all claims or right of error by reason of such ac- MORGAN COLLINS, lKX'HB, SIGN AND ORN AHIENTAL. fAn) DEALERS CffJfjHW WALL PAPER; WINDOW SHADES, Tsr JOHN BELLER, A large and complete stock direct from the Manufacturers is offere4 to the trade at favorable prices, by. WM. BLAIR 178 I.akc Street, Chicago.

stock paid up is 150 ,000 00 MAKER WATCH Fourth, 1. Cash on hand and-in- bai-k $15,557 57 Cash in hands ofageuts and other $1,099 SI $16,657 S3 Second, iveal Estate unincum-? CO Third. Bonda and stock owned by i the company S. $30-100, $10 250. $11,235 00- Fourth.

Debt due the company secured by $86,250 00 5,000 KEGS SUPERIOR Store, and fur pale at lowest rates, by WJL BI AIK 179 Lake Street. Chicago. VARNISH, STATEMENT' of the condition of the HOJIE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Y'ork, on the first day of July; A. 1. 1SC3, made to the Auditor of tho Stata of Kansas pursuant to the Statute of that State.

The name of tLis Company is "The Ffome Insurance incorporated in nu! l-jvti to.j in the city of New York- k1 -1- The Capital of iai2 Company actuaiiy paid up in cash $1,000,000 00 The Surplus on tho 1st datr of July, 937,949 1 fx It i at kuowie gmei.t 01 surviee. ow, ilierefoie, In pursuauce of the Brat section ol the aioresaid act, 1. HAlKiiituVE, Auditor of State for the state of Kansas, do hereby certify that said Corn Exchange fireud luiaud Nsvigation Insurance Company of New Yoik ciiy is authorized 10 transact the business of Fire insurance in this rtate until the l)th day of August, iu the year one thousand eiyhl hundred and sixty-iv ur. In wilness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and caused the teal of my office to be affixed the day and year above riuen. SKA1.J ASA liAlKORjVE, Auditor of State.

STATEMENT of the Condition of the Corn Exchange ire and Inland Navigation Insurauco Company, on the thirty -tirat day of December, 1862, made to the Auditor of Kansas, pursuant to the statute of that btate, entitled "An act to regulate Insurance Compank-s, not incorporated by the ctate of Kansas. SAMK AMD LOCATIO.V. 1st, The name of the Company is Corn Exchange Fire and inland Navigation Insurance Company, and is located corner of William and Beaver streets, city and State of New York. I. CAPITAL.

2d, Hie amount of its Capital Stock is $200,000 Fifth. Debts otherwise secured $41,100 00 Ami t.EALF.R IX WATCHES, CIXK'KS, JLWELER, YANKEE XOTIOXd, 4c. Watches, tlocka and Jewelry repaired and war Delaware Street, No. 4T, In t.ouse formerly occupied by Paul Rohr. 1 Debts on premiums SHOP Off 8ECOXD STREET, (BETWEEK DELAWARE AKD CHEROKEE' Kanias.

7 77 S9 S'r? 74 12 150 00 Seventh; All other Total assets -of the eompany Deduct for doubtful debts and securities. 350 DOZ. Blood aud Wadsworth's Gef-man, Cast, and Silver Steel Total amount of capital ami surplus. ,949 60 K. E.

WATSON $183 137 12 77,063 59,833 27 49,917. 75 r. sKisssF 1 iJ BCtea 1- man. I Mxth-suiatxtaaiJ JSSFTS Amount of cash in Continental Bank, NiYY Aniouut of cash in hands of Agents, and iu course of transmission. Uniucumbered real estate, No.

4 Wall street U.S.Treasury Note 3-10 mar- $1S2SS 68- Fer w.le bv rSucceinrn to O. MraeVtlln, WM. BLAIR CO. 176 Iakc Street, Chicago. i ItABIUTtKS.

Fifth. Tho amount, of due or-not due to banks or other creditors. Hxtb. Losses adjusted and due Xo, SI 59.920 00 151 ,2 JS 63 Hi (.. t.

Uegistereu and Coupon Stock, i881, market value. U. S. llonds, 5-20, -C Si.CurtiacaJtes of Indebtedness. Missouri State Bonds 6 percent 4th, ASSETS.

1 Cash of the Company on hand. ,754 25 2. Oash in the lianas of snd due from .12,054 7 3. Keal instate unincumbered, none, 4. The Bonds and Stocks owned by the Company as per vouchers accompanying how secured- -and the rate of interest thereon to-wit 10309 .53 ..446.783 78 Doz.

Airit'8' Old Colony, Porter's and 550 $1,037 47 00 00 850 $8,267 47 $13,208 66 arr's Sevtnth. Losses adjustea ana not Eighth. Losses nadjusted Jiiuth. Losses in suspense wait- 1 ing for further proof All other claims against the Amount required to be re-iusur-' Cd Total liabilities. 13,400 00 Shawnee St 8hwnK St --fs5 market value St' North Carolin.

do do. Shovels caxxca. SpAdes, 1st. Corn Exchange Bank 12,036 CO Tunetsee, do do O.S00 00 11.S00 00 00 00 1 6. Debts due the company, secured by mort-cas-e.

on unincumbered Keal Estate, as $19,556 13 to the trade fai rates, by i tt'tt Lake Street CWcaeo. Tier vouchers accompanying 179.SOO 00 -4 4 unio, ao Illinois, do .1 California State Bonds, per cent do. i i. Brooklyn City Water Bonds do. ul'Sv VDrJALErfS IN 03,000 00 00 138,009 00 109,160 00 Late of tho Finn of Wm.

Spear 4 Glasgow, Mo. SKINNER, WHITE mi -it ci i i h. Manufacturers of ToDacco, No. 14 Pine Street, between Main and Zil, ST. 1X)IJIS; MO.

CALLING the attention of the merchants of Kansas to our card, we would say to them that we have just fitted up- the most complete Factories in the State. Halving a. large iiydraulis l'ress, and all of our machinery of the most improved kinds, and iu fact our facilities for manufacturing and the procuring -of Fine Leaf Tobacco are not surpassed by auy. We are determined to establish a Same fot eur brand We respectfully ak all to give us a trial. We have abont 1 ,000 Boxes of Spear Co.

assorted brands of Chewing Tobacco, and also 800 Bales Smoking Tobacco on hand. SKINNER, TVHITE CO. ft bS-dtf GARVE HOUSED I rbftMEiifct tope v' irbtiU'1- KORTHEAST COUNEK KAKSAS ATEXt'E ASD FIFTH STREET, TOPEKA. 0, Debts otherwise as per vouchers accompanying, viz 1st, Loanson shares, sundry stocks aud bonds 25.091 17 iif- Total amount loaned on above. 8, All other ecuritiea 2, o-- Total assets of the Compa ny 31 III.

1IAAB1UTIKS. 5, The amount of iabilities, due or not due, to banks and other creditors none. 813,092 50 Loans on bonds aud mortgages, being Bret lien ot record ou unincumbered real estate, worm at least rate of interest 7 per cent Loans too. stocks aui bonds, payable on-demand, the market value of securities pledged, at least Government stamps on hand Other miscelianeoaa. lue for premiums on policies iagued at Bills receivable -lot premiums on inland navigation, risks, Interest due, and accrued but not-due.

Drugs Medicines PAINTS AND OILS, VARNISHES, By Stuffs, Turpentine, Alcohol WHITE COAL OIL, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, 500 Bundles Sheet Iron, 00 314 29 48,027 80 1. 3,46 2,724 44 6, 1sses adjusted and due none. 7, Losses adjusted aud not duo Losses unadjusted-t-none. 9, Losses in suspense, waiting for further proot none 10, AU yther claims againut the Company noie. OCO Copper Botloma, 6.

i i- 47,030 17 3IlSCBlHEOUy. 11th Greatest amount insured in any one risk, or allowed to be insured in any one Muck, no definite amount. STATk- OF XEVV YOilK) County of New York James C. narnatt; President, and John 8. Hariland, Secretary, of the Brevoort Insurance Company being severally sworn, depose aud say and each for himself aays, that, the foregoing is a full, true and correct statement of the affairs of said company, that the said Insurance Company is the bonifide owner of at least one hundred and nfty thousand dollars of actual cash capital invested in stocks and bonds, or iu mortgages on unincumbered real estate, worth double the amounts for which the same is mortgaged; that neither the abeve described, investments, nor any part thereof, are made for the benefit of any individual exercising authority in the management of said That the mortgages above described have not been signed nor in any manner released or impaired bv the said company, and that they are the above descri ed officers of tlie said company, JaS C.

HARNATT, President 4NO. S. L-t Subscribed and sworn before me at New York, this eleventh day of Julv, 1863. by each of th above named lU SOdepouents. A3.

w. Public Rotary of the State of New York. 1 1 1 OFEICK. 1 27,307 61 Wire, QOO Bdls Brij 2,007,530 91 Writing Paper, Envelopes, Fine Toilet Dep't of the 1 St. Locis, June lOih, 1863.

Co. W. F. Cloud, Commanding District of S. TV.

31issotiri, Springfield -Colosl I answer to yonr communication of the 1st inst. I am directed by the General Commanding toeay, that when you obtain the authority of the Governor of Kansas, (who has been written:) you may recruit where you please within this Department. I have the honor to be, Colonel, Verv Respectfully, 'Your Ob't Serv't, (Signed) A. Y. Colburs, Lt.

Col. Ass't Ad Gen. None. Amount of losses. adjustcu, an4 due unpaid Losses incurred and in process of adjust IOO Caoks Sheet Zinc.

aoapa, iiair ana tooi nrusnes, rusnon, jt rr r-, ana onouiaer raees 5 .1 i 48,278 19 Also, a general asortment of Japanned aud Pressed; Losses reported, on which uo action has been taken Noue. Putty Mini NVirnlow Olass. Tin Ware, Tinners' Tools and Machine, in store Total liabilities $3,46 IV M13CKLIANEOCS. 11. The greatest amount incurred in any one $15,000 12.

The greatest amount allowed by the rules to be insured iu any one city, town or village no rule. 13. Tne greatest amount all wcd to be insured in auy one block no rule. -It, The amount of its capital or earnings deposited in any other State as security for losses therein, naming them, with the amount in each, and whether such company transacts any business of insurance in said State or States none. 1., The charter, or act of incorporation of said Compa thor THIS well kno1Btepeka jrOi'JW bein oughly renovated, and will ojien in a few dv beina; CTtiims for losses resisted by the Company 0,633 06 Itiviuends uecutred and due and 670 00 under and for sale at lowest rates, oy wm.biir&co.

JuneS-dSmo 176 Lake Street, Chicago. the I'hyaicUn' Frescrfptlons carefully 'prepared at 11 li.urs,"diy and night. either cash but not vet None-. None. A great rariety of GAitVEY 1 Money All other existing claims agninst the Com-i pany.

WM. I). IlfSfKI.t. CEO. K.

ItCSSEU. None. Oil Lamvi, inimntvn ny, ilerewitii. RUSSELL BROTHERS, The following is the order from Gov. to Capt Huut, authorizing him to raise a t'EEBH liEfiCHElS aiwaya oi hand, Who flstters himielf that the fact a sufficient guarantee to the Ksnsai pubHethat all conrfort? and eon-Tenieuces of a first-class hotel will be forthcoming.

The i i -v TotafftmouiitofloMstelwinanHfa'-- w- bihlioa. 69,561 5f5 The greatest-aniofint insured ou any one rtsk is 50,000 I dollam. but will not, a steneral rule! exceed S10.000 ihe I'OPILAR MEUICINM 01 me rooms are large and well furnished and convenient, ice il I1KA1.V.RS IS August 3, 1863. Aea Hairgrove, Auditor of the State of Kansas, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a true and correct statement; of the condition of the Brevoort Insurance Company of the State of New York, as taken from the statement made by said Company and now on file in this office t': i In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my szai.J name, and affixed the seal of my office Tope-, ka, the day and year above written. i ASA HAIRGROVE, Auditor of State of battaliOD for tne Second Kansas uavairy State of Kassas, Execctiv6 Depabtmext, Topeka.

Julv 30th, 186a The Company nas no geuomi ruie as to me amount allowed to be insured in any city, town, village pr block, boinz governed iu this matter, in each case, bv the gen- 4tai-i vrr i VfC-Sl Vt 1-l-RK WINES AND LlQCORS for Medicinal purposes. Shawnee street, between Third and Fourth, th side. K. WATSOSC Xi Teli24.iem I house is Jmmedtateir Si ront ot tne tapiioi uuuuiuga, on Kansas Avenue. The table will bo bountifully supplied with all the substantial, as well as delicacies, of the season.

Audit nwue-la required, we might add, this house ia the, "headquarters'' at- th- Capital o-onr next President GEN. JAMES IlENltY LASE. u2ldtf -a 1 I At MASlTA'TfllEIU Capt. R. H.

HunU Second Kansas Volunteers, 'r rrr trf OF TV. r.7,, vji-v Hatement' FAIRBANKS' STATE OF NEW YORK, I 1 County of New York. A. H. LOWEKKE, Vice president, and II.

Windsor, Secretary of the Corn Exchange Fire and Inland Navigation insurance Company, beiug severally sworn, depose and say, that the foregoing is a full, true and correct statement of the afiairs of the said Company; that the said Insurance Company ia the bona fide owner of at blast one hundred thousand dollars of actual eash capital in-vested in Stocks and Bonds, or in Mortgages on Keal Estate, north double the amount for which the same is mortgaged; that the above deocribed investments, nor any part there jt, are made for the benefit of any individual exercising authority in thetaanagementof said as President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director, or otherwise that the mortgages above described have not been assigned, nor in any manner released or impaired by said Company: and that they are the above described officers of said Insurance Company. A. 11. LOWEKRE, Vice Fresident. W.

WlCTSll. 5lm(arr TIN. SHEET 1R0S COPIES WABEd thTs yoke, JUSTICES BLANKS too rwn Sot! City and County of New York. i cJ a Carriage Kepository. NORTH CLARKE" "TTOCLD respectfuTly-lnfonn the citizens of Leave n- 4Jbarlea J.

martin, i icmucui, nu guuu ucuee, cecrw SCALES Wt will nave goou assortmentoi nu waie on iiauu in a few days, made up of the best stock, to which we invite the attention of wholesale and retail purchasers. Our father, Mr. George Russell, who started the first store of the kind ia Kansas, and who has had thirty, five years experience, in jtb, our establishment. XJ vX generally, that they have worth and thin public Commanding o0t Sir You are hereby authorized to recruit two (2) companies for the Second Kansa3 Volunteer Cavalry, authority having heretofore been given to Col. Cloud to cause said egi-uient to be recruited to the standard by General Orders of War Department for Cavah-y Very resp'v, your ob serv (Signed) Thomas Cakxkt, augl9-dtf Governor.

Boarding House. TERSONS can he accommodated with board, with or opened etter Waiwhniiut Trnrbl. tary, of insnrancevompany," being several ly aworn, depose and say, and eaca for himself says, that tue foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the alTairsof the said Corporation, and that they-are the above described officers thereof. (Sieued.) CHaKLES J. MaRTIX, President, JOHN McGEE, SeoreUry.

if fcAii a' Substribed and swora beSore tne, this 28th of July, A Witness hiy hand and fflcial seal, i J.i,H. au6 M. ii Notary sm. 7 Subscribed and -sworn before me, tkis twelfth day Uniformi in Style! ofo EST I TTrEare'now printing every description of JDSTiCES' BLANKS, on the best Cap Paper, drawn up Lawyer and Justice of the Peace of Leavenworth City. The diaerent forma are warranted perfect, and IB ac-oordanewith ibe Statutea.

re, prepared til than for any County or Town In Kansas, and Justices will be upUed en the most liberal ternM. V' Addrens orders to "CONSERVATIVE OFFICE," Anf. It, 181. tf Leavenworth, KanMt. yti will pay the highest market price for PAVER ILGS in exchange for onr war.

Store near Northwest Corner of Shawnct? aud third streat, Leavenworth. a23dly One Dollar a Year; LUI i Commissioner for the Vtate of Kansas in New York. Wit-; Lsbav ness my efiicial seal. ao3 172 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. Carriage Hopositorv At No.

.115 Delaware St. Near 5th, FOR TilE SALE OF; CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES of 'ever description, from the most celebrated East erir Manufactories, and will be receiving constantly a further supply. Our Livery friends will find with us the celebrated Dunlap Buggies, of Philadelphia. jaW-dly WANTED. At the Conservative Jol koobss, order for Job Printing of all kinds, which will be execnt um we r.icHARPS fc chamberun, corner of KLNGSLKT.

without rooms, at IOR only One Dollar one greenback dollar you can TTORo Corner of Third and Choctaw. OR neat and tasty Job Printing, go to the CONSERV. ap7-dtf tut rir -oju ty.ismr mi ik. iviiuiiiu hort notice, at oheap ratea, ana in in art. AJlvfc Ottlfe, ftoe.

1 ana ptiawnee tret..

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