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The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas • 3

Leavenworth, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JAISTUAIIY 30, 1801. DAILY CONBKIlVATIVE-LEAVIlSrAVOrTII, KANBAB, (Transportation. flit 3f twr." I HE LEADING PAPER IN KANSAS lw gaily feitfrnwlivf. VVKDXKSIUY, JANUARY, 33, ISC.l. H'tuthcr iubings.

W. C. LOUEIVSTEIN, No. 17 Cherokee Street, Corner of Third, Commercial and Financial Slattern. IjiivBXWOKTU, Jun.

18, 1801, Money mutters arc quiet. F.xchange on (H. I.nuls plenty at i ier cent, premium. F.xchange on New York scarce. Gold in nearly all drained out of tho country.

Quotations are: New York, for coin a per cent prcm riiilailflphln, yt Hraitun, )l llncinuatl, Si. 1mis, i'i discount tiolil and Xew York exchange lias been selling from 3 to per cent, premium in Kt. Louis tho past week for liankable funds, with a prospect uf a decline to 2 to 3 per XXXVIth CONGRESS. SECO.VD SESSION. Skkatk.

Mr. Seward presented a petition from the citizens of New York, remonstrating ngainst any legislation, or (living any protection to sluvcry in tlio territories. Mr. Douglas introiluced'a bill amendatory of the act of and the net of 1850, in relation to fugitivo slaves. Referred to the committee on judiciary.

FOR PIKE'b PEAK AND MOUISir CITY. JO.VES CART WRIGHT'S Freight Trains i FROM 'I LKAVENWOIITII TO THE I I Crittenden submitted resolutions urnienueii isiiuiiiiuuu rvHumiioiis THE CONSERVATIVE, DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY, WEEKLY A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. J)ir. hi t.ont. premium KKKjJ OIF TUB leu.

Yesterday being qtiito warm hint bail a tendency lit make tlio ieo Home-, what' insecure. Tho amount of business ilonu liolwefen Uisiomi mill this tie river hns W-oii romi over, him been very lnrgo. M'hkx the Ijuu'uI heunl tho news of our udiuU-eioil, yesterday, ho Cell into ecstneies of joy nuiii Hie forte henceforth was to be a P. and immediately left lor Kieknpoo tu eocurc tlio Seal of rituto to frugmcntiiry document of office. It is Mippotfed lio laboring under an nbcr.i-tion of miiiil, and where hi unimpaired imagination may lend liim, is not known.

(ioon Jok B. A gentleman of this city wbo bus lavor ot ms resolutions irotu aim otner btlvnj fur gM Xov vrk SljlttM. 3 to 4 per cent, premium for currency, and a prospect of Mr. rfolllison presentea me oruilinncn Ol an tctIro tiwle In pork, anil raten will nrolmbly decline. secession of Georgia.

His addressed the Sen LEAVENWORTH CITY, KANSAS, A A IN LEATHER, HIDES, Shoe Findings, A PLASTERING HAIR, LAND WAIUUXTX. Not admen in our market; demand light, prices nnmi nal and no prospect of ao advance. Wo lfiO acres selling at iVK 1-JO SO 88 (I 40 sa ale, justifying the action of'lns State. The resolutions of the Va. legislature wore also read.

Mr. Mtson addressed the Senate, moving that tho message be printed. 1 to said Va. of-ferod herself aB a moliator, and tho resolutions ruling out yesterday morning beyond the city rwiniftt tho l'resident to prevent a collision, NOW I.S THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. THE CONSERVATIVE Is dlirused through every part of Kansas, and read by the enptu everywhere.

It is the earnest champion of Liberty, 1'rogress, uod wlntever will conduce to our growth in Virtue, Industry, knowledge, and prosperity. Arrival and Departure of the Mall). AI1R1VALS. Eastern Mail Ft Joe, arrives dnily, ex- limits, while old Kiuknpoo was provliiiniing to the wlich, if occurring, no mortal arm could rem-city'thc fact that the Kansas bill had panted the the evils to follow. lie trusted the noble ccpt Punduys, at 2 If effort of his State would 1)0 successful it was We shall c6mmcnee loading OUR FIRST FREIGHT TRAIN On Monday, April 2nd And continue' to load a Train weekly during the scason-i nutil Hie first of October.

Junction City and tart Riley Mad arrives daily, x- cept Sundays, at becompton Sluii (via Fort Itilcy) arrive dally, except rundny, at 4 lAwrenee Mall arrives daily, except sjuiiilays, at. 1 nd jpeudencp, Wyandotte and Kansas City, arrives a delusion to think that coercion would not lead to war. He said tho seizure of forts was a measure of precaution, if peace was restored, every dollar of the public property Would be ll.iuso, met couple, of ou horseback, coining in from tlio country. They eagerly inquired tho eniiBO of tho firing. They were told that the Missottriiinshud invaded Kansas, attacked tho Fort, uml all Leavenworth wad in anna! In the twinkling of an eye they turned their horses accounted for.

lie the seceding VioiidavV. States were actuated bv a desire to keep the at THE LEADING PAPER IN KANSAS, IT COMMENDS ITSELF TO ALL REl'CliUCANS WE HAVE COOb STORE HOOMS IN DENVER CITY AXI) AURAKIA, AS A I Weston (way mail) arrives dailv, except Sundays, 9 A.M. Eastern mail (via St. Joe) closes daily, except gun- days, at 8 A. M.

Junction City and Kort Kiley Mail, except Pundays, closes daily at .0 Ijiwrence mai closes daily, except Sundays, 9 lcompton Mail (via Kurt Hiley) closes dally, except at 9 Independence, Wyandotte and Kansas City, closes, daily, except Sundays, at 9 Grassunjipcr tulls mail closes daily, except Sundays, at 9 Weston (way mail) closes dally, except tMindays, at 8 I WUX ALWAYS PAY THK HIGHEST MARKET PRICE i' on Hides! ALSO It FUES, WOOL AND TALLOW. jatiMdly Wfhero parties can have. their GOODS HTOBKD t'BEE 0'' CHAHGE v. rOUTUIRTY DAYS, peace, an I the plan of Virginia was the only coursq which would stop the crisis now threatening. Mr.

Hale asked if Va. had made similar appeal to the seceding States. Mr. Mason answered that a Commissioner had been sent to all the separating States. Tim motion to print was agreed to.

Mr. Hemphill made a lengthy address, arguing in favor of secession, and that the withdrawal of State was not rebellion and was no caiuw lor war. llousK, 28th. Mr. Rice presented the petition of 1400 citi, zens of Boston, of various political opin'ons-asking for a peaceful adjustment of our national AGENTS: omen hoi ks.

Krnm the first of Outobor, A. M. to 6, r. h. daily PAM'I.

AM.EN, St. luls. PRATT SALTER, Chicago. I heads towar Is th Ricky Mountains, doubtless thinking tho atmosphere of city life would not bo conducive to health. Moral.

Make some allowance, for what a wag ust from tho l'ealt tells you. hi Estmumusk. io of the most extraordnnry feats in the "Extra'' line, was ni'ist successfully performed yesterday ly our go-ahead neighbor of tho Herald. Some half hour aficr our second edition appeared on tho trcet, giving the only account of the admission -f Kansas, as State, Herald extras were to bo soon stilting that Kansas was cduiittcd yesterday." It was printed in clear, hold typo, and made tuvcrnl lines. 1'be paper had somewhat of a saluion-colo' appearance, and the entire "Extra" Inked very niiieh like the "directions for winding" pasted in clocks.

The fun of the thing was, it took both edit and devil to carry the news from our office to theirs but the meanest thing was, did not give us credit for the inte'li pence. For gigantic newspaper enterprise, commend us to the Herald. Tub Dxiox (1 lauds. This line body or men, lis many ol'our rendors are aware, have been dril except Sundays. On Sundav, fnini 9 I.

M. until 10 A. V. J. V.

rjllROOER JAMES M. TAYLOR, Denver City. P. JI. Hovcs tf dillL'iilties.

Tho Committee to whom it was entrusted, asked that it be presented to the Ieavenworth Eail EcadCertain Freight Ottlce In the idd Express Ofllce under ths House. JONES CAUlWHlilHT, jan-Uiliwly larenworth, Kansas. SOCIETY NOTICES. MASONIC. Kixo Soiomox'h Iiixjk, No.

10, A. V. A. JI. Meets at Masonic Hall, wan street, south sfile, between Fourth and Fifth, llrst and third Tuesday of every month.


FAMILIES AS A STIC PAP i) TO ALL BCSINESS MEN AS A COMMERCIAL PAPER; TO THE 1NTELUGENT AND REFINED AS A LITERARY PAPER; nil, TO EVERYBODY AS A GENERAL SEWSPAPEil. The Coxskhvativk will contain the Fullest Telegraphic Dlintrhos. It possesses siiwrtor facilities for obtaining news from every County In Kansas, us well as from the country ut large and no expense will be spared to nuke it a faithful mirror of tho times. BEST A.XV LARGEST ASSORTM EXT House which was accordingly done, lue petition was enclosed in an American flag and its preseii'ation called forth applause on the floor and in the galleries. The Boston Committee Wits in the galleries durjng these proceedings The petition was laid on the table in order to be printed.

Mr. John Cochran introduced Mr. Biglcr's proposition for taking a sense of th6 people of the several States on certain amendments to the Constitution. Ho said he would be willing to lat it of all the Late News Lkavkswohth bono, No. 2, A.

K. M. Meets, at the same place on the first and third Satonlny evenings of every month. Et'llELHKKKlf, W. M.

PARLOR AND COOKING STOVES SIX DAYS LATER FROM NEW YORK! i Ijiavrxwoktu R. A. t'li-UTKK, C. D. Meets at the same place on the second and fourth Hatunlay evenings of every mouth.

K. R. llEES, W. M. if fi i i Orem Excitement In Irf-aveiiwortli Mnniifiictnrpd tmi of tlio very bt miitpriHl, nnd mostly hy the wU bratcU flovo Wurks of GUuh F.

Filley, of St. Iuuist. Missouri. ODD FEI.1XJWS. iJiAVKXironii Iwon, No.

I. O. O. F. Meets at same place every Tuesday evening of each week, T.C.DAVIS, N.O.

MY PARLOR STOVES THE greatest excitement was caused lately by tho arrival, of the larg! stock of Fjib Wwt ExrjmranxT, No. 1, 1. 0.O.K. Meets on the 2d and 4th Fridays of every monih. A.

LAfiAN, C. P. send it to any committee suggested, provided he could bo assured they would not strangle it referred to the select committee of five on the I'lvsident's special message. Mr. Campbell presented the resolutions of the Pennsylvania Legislature expressing ardent attachment to the constitution and the Union, repugnance to secession, and pledging the support of that State in such a manner and to such an extent as may be required for the maintenance of the laws etc laid on the table and ordered to be printed.

On motion' of Mr. Aldrich, the comriiittee Ait of the latest patterns, combined with both Beauty and Durubilitv, as well as Economy. WATCHES, JEWELRY FANCY GOODS, I THE LEADING PAPER IN KANSAS. (iKKXAKM taMiit, No. 9, 1.

O. 0. every evening at same place. A. UKN2, N.

U. IIERSIIFIELD WLVCIIELL'S It will look with especial care to our peculiar interests, (11 ClyOOliill StOVOS believing that Katisus is destinei' to become the most i (iOOD TEMI'LAKS. Star or tiik W'wt Ijow.k, N. Meets every Honda evening at the Hall, corner of Shawnee ami Fourtli streets. W.


of ways and means was instructed to consider the exiedicney of repealing the tariff on sugar. Mr. Morris offered a resolu.ion that members i from slave-holding States, be requested to pre-1 Lhavuxwoktm Ionor, No. 32 Meets every Wednesday evciiing at same place. II.

W.C. T. No. 43 Delaware Street, All those who h.iv examined their Stock were surprised to learn that they sell XEW SILVER HUNTING WATCHES hnportant State id the Confederacy. Our news department will contain the latent Domestic, Foreign, Cummer, cial, Scientific and Progressive Intelligence.

THE LEADING PAPER IN KANSAS. Tlio Farmer and tlio Agriculturalist will (lud It for their ling for or three weeks past in tho new building of I. 11. Anthony. Those who have been so 1' rtunntc as to witness their drilling, speak in high praise of the progress made.

Tho drill is that of the Zouaves, so well known all over the world. All speak in praise of rapt. Thatcher as an instructor he is a strict disciplinarian, and no doubt when the tluards appear in our streets our citizens will bo proud of them. We learn that at a meeting of the Company, hold on Monday evening, they adopted the Zouave fatigue uniform, suggested by dipt. Thatcher.

It is as follows The cups or hats are to bo of a light hind, called Fatigue Cap, such as are worn by the United States army ofii ors. The jacket is Shell Jaekot mide of dark-blue army flannel; is to baro infantry buttons down the breast, and well lined and -padded, and to have buttons on the wristbands. The pants arc of a red color, made of I'. S. flannel are to bo made very loose, Turkish fashion, gathered at'the top and bottom.

A gaiter is to extend from the knee well down over tho foot, and to be made of United States nriny cloth, of a sky-blue color, to have nine buttons down tho side, with straps and buckle -to bo lined with muslin. Tho belt is to be red, with a plate in front. The tluards, we learn, are to elect their officers next Monday night. Iluhincss Notices. Tiik Daii.v Coxkkiiv vtivr can be found at tho News Hoom of J.

M. Williams; and at (Jarden A lingo's News Depot, at the Post Office. advantage to nmke TUB Coxskrvativk a constant visitor Crimsporfnitoit. T. J.

XOGA1V, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, OFKIt'E Chcnikee Street, U'twwn Main and secoml. in their Families. It will contain a fund of informition on all the most Important topics uf public discussion. LOOK AT THE TERMS sent an liltnivttum proposition, embracing their views tqion which they will be illing to pledge their State to net tii to in the Union as a final adjustment. He moved the previous question question when the resolution was lost, 29 only voting in the affirmative.

The report of the committee of thirty-three came up. Mr. Fryor vindicated the South assuming that the Union was a'ready dissolved and the only alternative now being peace or war. Mr. Crow moved a tmspension of the rules to I nke up the Senate's amendment to the Kansas bill which passed 117 against 42.

So the Kansas bill passed both Houses. On motion of Mr. Stanton, the House under a suspension of the rules, passed the bill for more effectually organVng the militia of tho District of Columbia, 119 against 42, with much opposition from the Democrats. THE DAILY. Fifteen CenU a week.

Six Dollars yjur. KIGIIT DOLLARS! Also, GOLD WATCHES VEBY CHEAP. There is no reason why every body should not have a good time piece. FINE HOLD CHAINS, Gold Rings, RraceEets, And other kinds of Jewelry and Fancy Goods; CUTLERY. THE BEST NEEDLES, 4c, fcc, AT THE LOWEST NEW VOltK PIUCES.

On bond a lanje number of Cannon Stoves Made for KnnsnK ('mil. AIho, a liirge number of Box anl various kinds of Hotting stoves. Call See And I will certainly autUfy you with my prices and qual My of ware. Don't forget right on tho CORNER OF DELAWARE AND SECOND STO. AUn on hRnd a large lot of Zinc, Ruiwia and common Iron I'ipe and Elbows, Tin and Copper Ware, Tin Hate, Sheet Iron, Ac, Kvery urticlg warranted.

jgyAftmt for Kunwis Coal of a Superior jan.H.Ulm R. MEUK. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR 1 THE WEEKLY CONSERVATIVE is furnished to Hulwcri-ber AT HALE THE PRICE oi any other Weekly in Kansas. One Dollar pays for it a year. SCUSCRIHE.

Jt in the best paper to send to your Euatcrn frieuds. 1 Three Dollurs a venr. VT. CLATO-, WIlOUiSALK AHIt RKT.MI. DUtLKB 1.1 Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Clotliing, Furnish ng and Out-Fitting Goods.

Conservative Buildings, above Main, jau29-dtf LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. J'! THE TRI-WEEKLY. Best and cheapest Family i Newspajter in the West, i "1 Only One Dollar a year. Con-' THE WEEKLY. only a few Advertisements, Full of vuluable reading matter.

INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS. Any person sending us FIVE SCBSCRlBEItS to the Daily will be entitled to one copy gratis. Any person sending us FIVE SUBSCKICEUS to tho Trl-1 Weekly, will bo entitled to a copy gratis Any person sending us TEN SU1SSCHIBE1W to the Weekly, will be entitled to a copy gratis. I TERMS. Cash In advance.

The three Editions of Tim Coxskrvativk are published at i Leavenworth Steam Dye Works. J. CIIIVERS, SILK AND WOOLEN Dyer and Scourer, ON SECOND BET. SHAWNEE AND SENECA. GENTS' COATS, VE TS and PANTS are dycl, cleansed and neatly repaired, and made to look as well as new.

Every description of ladies' silk, satin and woolen SHAWLS and DRESSES are dyed, cleansed and restored to their original jierfection. junJUdSm Consorial. HERE I LOST IT AND Here I Hope to Find It. Wj call attention to the advertisement of Mr. Loliensteiu, dealer in Leather Findings, Ac, corner of Cherokee ami Third streets.

By close attention to business and honorable dealing, Mr. V. has built up a large business the largest in that line in the city. TnosK wifhing fine Fancy Dross Hoods, Hosiery, Lares, Hln wis or any of those rich Ooods kept by Weaver, Seaman A at about half price, will do well to call soon at No. 50 Delaware Street, and get their share while they ore jri.inr.

W. U. WATSON, jatii'Jdlflt-liJ Receiver. Ooon ISoAiimxii. Mrs.

Dexter has just taken the fine new three-story building on Shawnee Street, just opposite Tiik' Coxhkiivativb Build Pin (fioobs. WATSON, BE ACE CO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 11 CJ OD8, BOOTS SHOES, CLOTH ITXT C3 HATS CAPS, SEVEN YEARS! Cue Half the Price of any journal In the West. To Le for Fe ears. i There arc many who strive, but few who meet with success. 0 good house in South Ia-little west and neur Dr.

C)f ACRES LAND with a venworlh, locattil James Itatvi. milE f-EVEN VEAUS of unrivalliKl succcis attending AMiSTTOTiriiTEE LEADING PAPER IN KANSAS. tho JL 1 Kcmnrkablc easy terms to a good tenant. Jaii'JfMtf 1IBACK WATSON, Ageots. n' Cosmopolitan Art Association elusion Hint "a rolling atone uo moss." have therefore leased the jdeaint little BARBER SHOP ings, and is better prepared than ever to accommodate boarders.

Mrs. D. is too well known in Tim Conskhvativk Is furuislied nt such a moderate I For Sale or fo Let for a Term of Years. THE I)t48 by 200 fetd. on Choctaw Street, with good well and tountlation for a Machine Sbop or Mill beuig the property formerly occupied by the Bay State price that its circulation is more than double that of any of its cotemporaries.

An advertisement in Tiik Co.sskrva-tivk is seen aud read iu every part of Kansas. Have made it a household word throughout every quarter of the Country. Cadcr ttie auspices of this popular Institution, over throe hundred thousand hemes have learned to aipreciaie by beautiful works of art on their walls, and choice 1 literature on their tables, the great bcuehts derived from a subscriber. I Subscriptions are now being received in a ratio unparul-1 lcled with that of any pre ious year. the city to need any commendation from us.

Her is always well filled with tho choicest viands the market affords, and her rooms are neat and clean enough to satisfy the most fastidious. We bespeak for mine hostess an overflowing houso. (illKfid's PlI'Ti nE (lAI.LKUV AXI PlIllRXOLOflt- CAL Rooms, Sfi Delaware street, near Third. Pic- 12 Delaware Street, 12 I'lamng Mill. Cheap to a purchaser on extraordinauv good terms to a good tenant.

BH.WE WATtON, Agents. Junaidtf at No. 33 i fecund ntriM-t, whrre I am pcruianently located, and With razor kwn. and water hot. You'll always find ine on the Hpot, Hrisk kk a hi rk willing an a be, To aliare White ilan, Indian, Squec-Cec.

Ho. 33 1-2 Second street, WEST SIDE, BET. DELAWARE AND CHEROKEE, I.raveiiXYorlh. I ADVERT ISEli TEHM3 OF SUBSCKIPTIOW LEAVEXWOllTll Anv lierson can become a mrmber n- subscribing thm' 4 tftprcss. PIKE'S PEAK! Change of Express Bates! EVERY MAN Who wants a knowledge of his business extended to the "I ah kver 11.

II. THOMAS. dollars, f'r which sum they will receive, 1st I be largo and superb steel engntving. 0x38 inches, entithsl VAUttArr his Reihhw.7' One copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrated "line CusxorouTAX Aki Joikx.u." 34 Four Hdmissinns. during ttie sensm.

to 4i The Caller? of Paintings, 54S New York." In addition to the above beoetits, there will be given to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over 503 Beautiful Works of Art acbint Shops. WESTERN POUNDSY best class of customers in Kansas, should advertise in The Leavenwurth Coxssrvaiivs. I THE LEADING PAPER IN KANSAS. As an Advertising Medium it has no rivaL If you wish to have your busbies known, place your Cards in a paper lufes taken in the latest and moat improved style, at low prices. PiiaK.voi.onicAi..

l'hrenol-igical examinations with charts, and written descriptions of character iven if desired. A. (IREGti, Practical Phrenologist, jan 2'J-dAwlw. Cm The sudden changes of our cli-luat. rc sources of Pri.noxAitv, and Asthmatic: Affections.

Experience having proved that simple remedies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at be had to "Jlroiru't HraHcklal or ioicngcs, let tho Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so flight, us by this precautions more serious attack may be effectually warded off. Pi Speakers 8- P. S. A Full Assortment of fE MINER'S BOOTS, BLANKETS AKD OUTFITTING GOODS For The Plains, a THEOUBH IN 8IX DAYS ON AND AFTER THE FIRST INSTANT, THE TARIFF on Express Matter from Leavenworth tlty and St. Joseph, to Denver City, will be as follows On 1000 lbs.

and over, at the rate of 20 cts. per lb. On 00 lbs. nnd under one thousnnd, 25 cts. er lb.

Vnder 600 lbs. and over one hundred, 30 cts. per lb. On 100 lbs. aud under one hundred, 40 cts.

per lb. Extra Coaches always on hand, enabling us to forward, at abort notice, any amount of Freight. ji.ii2o.rim JOHN W. RLSSEIX.See'y. MACHINE SHOP.

i i. fiat C1RCCLATES. I comprifting valuable Paintings, Marbles, Pariaiia.Oullinefit Jkc, formiiig truly national bt-mtit. ll.e nujH'rl. Knxraviiix.

which ewr nubMriber will ru-crhe. cntitiinl "FaUtH' SJustrring bU inunf uf the most Uenutiful aii'i jMipuljir over issmti in thin couutrr. It done on stwl, in (ino line and sUpi-le, 1 anil printed vn mivy jilate pajior, 3'J bv 38 -J making int choice ornament, suitable for the walls of eitlr the lihraiy, iwrlor or otliep. It subject tho ct'h'brate! acvne vt John FaUtair receiving, in JuHtii-u Shullow'fi offlcp, the rwruit which hvt bw-n patlionil forhinnitTir It cuhlnotbe furnlHi bf the trade fur than five dollars. The Art Jmrnal i-t too well known to the whole emmtrr to wed commendation.

It is a ignificently ilhmtratM majputine of Art, contaimn; ssayn, stories, by the very best writr iu America, The i'iijf raving; sent to any part of the countr by-; mail, with eaivty, hcui jiucktil iu a cylinder, iJittiu pn-aid. vitl be. reeeivei until the evenin-f of tlm Hj 1. lutd i -t CONSTANTLY ON HAND, jsn'JIMlf nod Siso as will find them effectual for clearing MAISON, WILLSON Choctaw street, near Second, LEAVEUW02TH CITY, One Dollar a Year WE' KIT CONSERVATIVE is furnished to subscrl and slrcngtbing the voice. See Advertisement.

jan2Sdly 10 tovsi MfTiVF.s. T1.0 Advertiser, liaving been restored to beiiltb in a fpw trci-ka l.v ft vnrv ben at HALF THE PRICK of any other Weekly in All ho want A UVE PAPER, A TRUE PAPER, AN ABLE PAPER, A WIDE AWAKE PAPER, Will subscribe for TnK Co.v-inv.vnvK, THE LEADISQ PAPER IN KANSAS Kansas. One Dollar novs for it a year. StrWKltih. It is the best paper tu seiii to yuur Lustera friends.

i c. H0U3E, SIGN ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Glazing, Graining, l'APEIt HANGING. AVE IN FULL OPERATION THEIR LAROE FOUN-DRV and Machine wtn'ch lis. Is-en fittnt on II Willi an eve to the wants of KANSAS awl MIWH'ltI. nnd (or Salt.

feel conti'lent. ith the advantage of luiviup new and im- proved machinery, that they can defy eomjielition iu their lino. They are prepared to furnish i simple rcuicdy, after having suffered several years i with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to bis fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, be will send a cony of the OAI.TAR, for side at the GAS WORKS. CA -TlN'iS, (both of iron and brass.) 1KIVSE FRONTS, IRON STEAM ENGINE-: (of any poaer,) wAiiii.

nii.ii iitn; tnr tu ci-ssr and the pn iaiunis bv jriven to Nn't rilMTs. 'o person is restricted to siiijj'e ubs('Hption. Thoxr remit tints $15 niv eittithtl to uvmn-i. ami to iiiij extra enpnn injr for their troiible- -Subscription frna Califumis. the t'anadas.

and aU foreign eountrie, miirit 1 S3 50 imtt-ad uf in rfh-r tti lef ray extra postaee. For furtiier nd fur a cpy of the el -jantlv i'lut rated Art Journal. pDmomHcl the bandttmeisl 1 in Ameriea. It con tain! tatalupee of rrentt- i numerous fu per enrnvint. Kfuinr v-rice, hr mioi'M'r.

iSaiiintii however, wiil bw jM'Ut to tiuw lulling to subscribe, iu rreipt of 18 eenw, in ciii. r. Actuary r. A. A-.

New tuK. V. B. ubirrijittons received and fi-rsarSfl by J. V11J.IAMS.

at 104 Hi eirret, asrent f.r 1. ft veil th a'al vicinity, where itccinHn Kngr.iviis- aud Art tn Ite Mvit. inu.i'Hl lllU: fur at the AU h'ttern nnd ctmmnitKcatiitn! rhouM be ad lrcsMMi ti D. It. AITHO'Y, Publisher, l-atenworth, Kansas.

CAS WORKS. prescription used (free of charge), iih the direct- inns for prvpnringauil using the siune, which they will Bad n-li. for Asthma, SJw at DaVV FurDiture Store, RnoK'iHTia, Ac. The only object tho adver- Cl AS d. AS.

STEAM and WATER ll'E HTIlMi. b-nvror dersat OAS WORKS. SAW MILLS COMPLETE, ILOI RINO JM1J.S, ic.fcc. fcc. A portinn of the bnn-linar is dcvi'twt wiwsl wi-rk, and ill lie able to do anything in the line of wood turning, fcc, fcc.

the OAS WORKS. DELAWAUE STREET, Helwreii Second and Third. A. f. lriLDEIt, Land gml ani Dealer Land tiscr iu sending the Preseriptlun is to benefit the afilictcd, nnd spread inforiniition vfhii ho con-1 cei' es to Lc invaluable, and he hopes every suffer- i will try his remedy as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a Messing.

wishing the preseriptioii will address lii v. niW'AlU) A. IVIIX.iN i 1 1 1: Omilv. New Yelk" 1 Warrants, I'M 1 A A. EDDY Vliikcj.ile ealer is DEUGS AUD MEDICINES, Sio.0 DrInunrr.tMt'oiii(r of Ulnlii, jsnJ'Jdlv LLAVENWOIiriL KAVtf.tS.

mi tl fry up C.Hin'r'- priinipt'v sl- VLLOrV a i.i. IV IMEU, 'Ihey aim have men exjievieneiil putting up Kneinea and Himrind whom they ill out when they m.i br required. I'arlit-olfH' mtentimi paid to wiiith ill be -ne nn reastui.ihlc ui-. an-1 at loiite. a-1 pi B-iM-'lU: I At.

I id Wacrauo of Kiinsis. and ii- Unnl. lm'ate- uon-n'-idt-Ht. h'r all WARRANTED. hu: ne..

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