The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 1
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In Three ParU4 Pager PAflT I TELEGRAPH SHEET PAfiM TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1925. AII.Y. C1CNTS. A liberty Undtr Law Equal RIghUTruc Iniusblel riWov acvuAT, is cents, "Keep Cryer 99 AIR EXPRESS LINE OPENS SOUTHERNS CAUFORHjy flOCIALISTS HOLD KEY OPEN SHOP ADVOCATES WIN VICTORY IN HIGH COURT fl TATE WINS 0 TAX FIGHT Success Scored Inheritance Levy is Upheld Amount Due California to be Fixed Ahead of Any Other Deductions 0 riand Awaiting Radical Vote Witt Form Cabinet if They Decide to Give Their Undivided Support Decision in Case Growing Out of Fight to Break Union Grip on San Francisco Reversed BT A. P.
NIGHT WIRE WASHINGTON, April 13. When labor strikes or lockouts do not result in a material restraint of interstate commerce, the Supreme Court held today, the Federal government is powerless to intervene. The decision was handed down in a case from San Francisco where the Industrial Association of that city, the California Industrial Council and other organizations of employers had been found guilty in a lower court of violating the Sherman antitrust law in a fight for the adoption of the open shop as opposed to the closed shop which labor unions had enforced up to 1921. JUNKERS IN WAR TALK Hold Hindenburg Their 'Moses' Proposal to Form Temporary Government to Act on I Currency Abandoned fBT CA.KIJB ASSOCIATED TKBPB PARIS, April 18-t-Tha mlnls-Itterlal crisis Is entering on the fourth day and the only net result of three days of consultations between President Domoerrne and the meat prominent politician a of the Left parties has been to put It squarely up to the BotliJlafa, whether they Intend to enter a Cabinet led by Arlstlde Brland ul aasxuae some reapoTurtoftrflea of sTOTerament. The SorfaUsts hold the balance of power with 1 04 Deputies In the Chamber.
M. Briand's maneuvering has left the Socialists no way out; they must decide tomorrow and announce' exactly where they stand. M. Brland hae already' fastened upon them the responsibility of upholding the formation of a Cabinet In time of stress with momentous problems confronting: B.RIAVD DELAT3 Tt was expected that M. Brland, who had been asked by the President of the republio to form a Cabinet, would grive his answer today to M.
Doumergue, but he encountered such difficulties that he was impelled to ask for more time. He Informed the President that he could not. a. definite answer until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. as he Is awaiting the decision if the National Council of the Socialist party regarding their willingness to participate in the new government.
The -idea of forming. eight-hour Ministry to present before Parliament for its ratification authorising the Bank of France to raise the legal rate of circulation from 41,000.000,000 to 45.000.000.-.000 francs which was earnestly discussed throughout the day, has been abandoned. The Bank of France's weekly statement on Thursday next again must shw more than 43,000,000,000 paper money out. CntRESCT ISSCK The idea of the forty-eight-hour Cabinet came from M. Roblneau, governor, of the Bank of France, and M.
de Monzles, Finance Minister. They both called on'M. Brland today with the object of winning him over to their view point, which was the necessity of regularizing the currency issue. M. Brland convinced them it was an (Continued on Page 2, Column 4) RUM AGENTS TRAPPED IN CONSPIRACY INVENTOR OF AUTO IS DEAD Elwood aynes, Victim pf Influenza, Drove First Motor Car at Kokomo, in 1894 tBT A.
P. NIGHT WIREJ KOKOMO (Ind.) April' 13. Elwood ilaynes, pioneer automobile builder of this city, died at his homo here tonight from Influenza. Mr. Haynes had been critically 111 for several days.
United States Supreme Court Holds Federal Fee is Secondary Item fRT A. P. NIGHT WtBC! WASHINGTON, April 13. California's inheritance can be imposed upon an estate before the Federal Inheritance or estate tax has been deducted, the Supreme Court held today in a case brought bv the estate of Henrietta Pierce Wat-klnson. The courts of California sustained the estate In Imposing Its inheritance tax without deducting from the value of the estate the tax paid the Federal rovtrnmtnt.
The question decided will affect the taxation of inheritances In a number of States. The opinion was one of the first to be prepared by Associate Justice Stone, former Attorney-General. STATE'S RIGHTS Asserting "there Is murh In tndl. clal opinion to suggest that a State may impose any condition it chooses in privilege of faking property by will or descent, or. ln- oeea.
tnai it may abolish that privilege altogether." it held that "a State Is untrammeled in its power to tax tha privilege." i "The Supreme Court has held1 repeatedly." Justice Stone said, i "that the power of testamentary disposition and the privilege of in- nerttance are subject to Ftate taxation and State regulation, and that regulatory taxing provisions, even though they produce Inequalities In taxation, do not effect an unconstitutional taking of property," unless the inequalities are so flagrant as to amount to I Even assuming that the State did not hold such unlimited power under the Constitution, he added, "there la no constitutional guarantee of equality of taxation," since the power of the State to dlscrim. Inate In fixing the amount and Incidence Of taxation upon inheritances is "The guarantee of the Four teenth Amendment of the equal protection of the laws." Justice Stone said, "is not a guarantee of equality of operation or applica tion or Mate legislation upon all citizens of a State." The sections of the State statutes directly Involved in the case at hand "unquestionably may result in inequalities or taxation." 'the court declared, since its require ment mat the ederal estate tax shall not be deducted before fixing tne state impost, "imposes a much larger proportionate tax on the succession to a reatdum of a large estate than to a smaller estate, although the residuary estate and the residuary legacy be legal In each Instance." The decision denied, however, that even such admitted Inequality could be used by the plaintiffs to sustain their contention that there would be a denial of "equal protection of the laws" as content-plated by the constitution. "Here the construction of the taxing act is not open to question," the opinion concluded. "Its meaning and application have been determined by the Supreme Court of California and by Its determination we are bound. We hold that In enacting it the Legislature did not exceed Its constitutional power." STATE PROFITS BY DECISION OF COURT (BT A.
P. mOHT W1RM SACRAMENTO, April 13. The Inheritance-tax decision handed down today by the United States Supreme Court In the case of the estate of Mrs. Henrietta Pierce Watklnson, upholds a principle contended for by State Controller Rav Riley. In a statement issued-here today, Mr.
Riley declared that approximately 800,000 in taxes. Paid or unpaid, upon many estate In California, awaited the outcome oT the appeal. Tne state now will be abl to collect these taxes. Mrs. Watklnson.
a resident of Ran Francisco, died August 1920. leaving sn estate or ii.sgn,-000, Mr. Riley said. The controller. In his statement, declared the Federal Supreme Court decision means that the Federal court holds that "the stat tsx of-tho- Federal government must ba aecondary to the one levied by the State." by Ford Plane Regular Service Connecting Chicago and Detroit is Inaugurated Half -Ton of Freight Carried Betuccn Cities in Less Than Three Hours teXCIXSIVH PtWITCHI DETROIT (Mich.) April 13.
Commercial aviation, on a scheduled time basis, began in Arnert" today with, the round-trip of th Stout metal airplane "MaldenDear-. born" carrying 1000 pounds of Ford Motor Company freight between tha Detroit and Chicago plants of the company. Henry and Edsel Ford watche4" the ship leave the Ford airport In Dearborn at 9:3 o'clock this morning to Inaugurate the third arm of transportation for their giant industry. The plane will make aground trip between the two. cities' every other carrying Ford mail and small parts exclusively, and will fly on ths first of a series of air lines to be operated by tne company between its largest plants about the country.
The craft Is the first of two which soon wilt be carrying the familiar Ford name through the air and ultimately will be added others which wilt link the great factorle of the company all over the country. On the value or the service in augurated today will depend the extent of tha expansion of aero nautical transportation of the company, the Forda announced. i.eavinsr at a.m., ma snip flew by way of Bryan, and the air-mail route to Chicago, arm ing at IZjl Detroit time. Returning, the plane took off at 2:48 p.m. and reached the Ford airport at ,6:38 p.m., making the same time of two hours and fifty minutes both ways.
On the return trip, tha plana carried 980 gounds of freight in small packages. DEMAND FOR, PLANES "This la tha beginning of a new form of transportation for the company," Edsel Ford said today after the plana had left, "We have bn using trains, automobile trucks and steamships, and now we have airplane transportation. Another plans, similar to the is. now beiug built, and it will placed la service as aoon aa It is completed. Wa believe we will be able to use or dispose of all.
the products of the Stout factory this year. There have been many inquiries from all parts of the country about the planes, and with our sales fore we are aure we can dispose of the entire product of such a small factory this year. "Ultimately wa hopa to link our plants at Chicago. St. Louis.
St. Paul and at Iron Mountain, with air transportation lines similar to this one. The hydroelectric plant at St. Paul will ba connected with the plant at St. Louis, which in turn will be connected with tha Chicago plant.
Detroit will ba a terminus for the Chicago and Iron Mountain lines. Interfactorv mall probably will make up much of the cargoes of these ships. Urgent shipments of small parts for which a sudden need arises will constitute the bulk of tha loads, however. STIUj EXPERIJfENTING "We are not announcing- the suc cess of this system of transporta tion, in a sense, are experimenting with thur line. For the.
present, the plane will make thi pound trio every other the other plana is completed a round trip will ba made eaoh day. This service, however, is a permanent one. We hope to learn mora about Its use soon. "There Is no Intention of accepting for shipment any freight or mall except that of the company This Is strictly a Ford enterprise, operated solely by and for the company's business. "The Ford Motor Company does not contemplate the manufacture of airplanes.
We will buy the planes built at the factory here in Dearborn by the Stout Metal Airplane Company, to which we will give our Henry Ford feels. It was stated, that time is ripe to begin the solid establishment of commercial flying. The automobile manufacturer and Mrs. Ford were among the first spectators te arrive at the fleU (Continued on Page 2, Column 2) act only on Assembly bllla and vice teday that he will call up his bill liT 1 lift I yvwaoo WedneMay. while Walter said the Assembly measure will be acted on Thursday, as the Heisinger reapportionment bill and constitutional ajnendment la set for a special order of on Wednesday.
-Under the Joint rufla that neither house can act on ita own within seven daVa of final adjournment, the reapportionment ww. urea pending in tha Senate and Assembly must be dispod of b-PrMav neon er die en the mmn tra Mennn fir Jid hence tha next few day will decide the" fata Of this ail- important question. THE DAY'S NEWS SUMMED UP As a part of their employera adopted a permit sys tem tinder which supplies could be obtained by builders who would sgree to Join the open-ehop movement. The lower court finding that these permits were required for the purchase of building materials and supplies produced in and brought from other States into California, held that there had been an unlawful restraint of interstate commerce. The Supreme Court, tn an opinion by Justice Sutherland, declared today, however, that it did not And there had been a substantial obstruction of Interstate commerce sufficient to constitute a violation Lot the Sherman antitrust law.
CONSPIRACY NOT SHOWN Asserting that the evidence showed that interference with Interstate trade was neither desired nor Intended, Justice Sutherland declared that such building materials as had been brought into the during the labor dispute come to rest within the State 'and had ceased to be a part of interstate commerce. Considering that the aggregate value of the material brought into the State did not erceed a few thousand dollars In comparison with the expenditure of $100,000,000 for the construction of buildings during the controversy, he said, a showing had not been made to satisfy the court that there had been a conspiracy to restrain interstate commerce. "To extend a statute intended to reach and suppress real Interference with the free flow of com merce among the States to a situa tion so equivocal and so lacking substance," he added, "would bo to cast doubt upon the serious purposes with which it was framed. HISTORY OF CASE San Francisco had long been known as a union city prior to February, T921, when the open-shop case had its genesis. The building industry there had particularly been dominated by labor unions, and the trouble began when members of labor unions not only reiuaea to worn tuuuevtuv nonunion labor, but also refused to work with union men not members of local organizations.
Arbl- Continued on Page 2, Column T) provement and expansion. Pago 1, Part II. Three downtown office safes are robbed by yeggs, using sledge and chisel to open vaults. Page 9, Part II. Jackie Coogan's representatives deny that he Is to retire from screen and enter school; new contract is to be considered in East, rage 1, Part II.
PACIFIC SLOPE. State Control, ler Riley asserts Highway Com mission has ample money without increased gasoline tax. rage Part i I Senate passes bill authorizing Los Angeles to pay damages to Owens Valley farmers for Aqueduct wa ter. Page 4, Part I. Chances of reapportionment lessen as time for action grows.
Page 1, Part I. i Possibility of California and Arizona proceeding in river parley, despite absence of Nevada ns, seen at Phoenix, Page 8, Part GENERAL EASTERN. Henry Ford successfully launches regular air express service between Ie-trott and Chicago. Page 1, Part I. Elwood Haynes.
Inventor of the automobile, dies from attack of in-1 fluenza. Page 1, Part I. High winds, accompanied by hall and rain, sweep Illinois; Thunderstorm drives pedestrians off Chicago streets. Page 1, Part I. Santa Fe Railway boosts dividend from 6 to 7 per cent as menace of harmful legislation Is declared over.
Page 5, Part I. Diary of student at Northwestern University, who shot himself and then drwTOrf co-eds and members of sororities; principals plan to curb students activities off campus. Page 5, Part I. WASHINGTON. Supreme Conrt rules in favor of employers in San Francisco open-shop flgbt.
Page 1, Part rnlted States Supreme Court upholds right of State of California rq deduct estate inheritance tax before Federal levy Is deducted, rage 1. Part I. Supreme Court alms another blow at Kansas Industrial Conrt by ruling that compulsory arbitration unconstitutional. Page 2, Part i FOREIGN. Socialists, with bal- i ance of power, control fate of next Frcnch'Cabinet; Brland oeiay i rrntanre of Invitation to form covernment pending their decision whether to give him support.
Page 1, Part I. French woman has confessed to pohwmlng six person! to satisfy passion for seeing them suffer, police report. Page 3. Fart L. of his ambitions was to find a combination of metals that would resist the oxidizing influences of the atmosphere and at the same time take a good cutting edge.
An alloy of cobalt and chromium, which is used now for making d'en-tal and surgical Instruments, was the result. -He also invented and discovered a-number of other ai-loys. Mr. Haynes was a native Hoosier, having been born at Portland, October 14, 1857. After completing the course in the public schools there, he attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute at Worcester, where he was graduated in 1881.
Later ho was a student at Johns Hopkins University. He was married in 1887 to Miss Bertha Lan-terman, also of Portland, Ind. The two chlldrert. a eon and daughter, both assisted their father in his laboratory work in connection with his factories lit Kokomo, Ind. China Gets Note From France on Customs Treaty 1st cablb AXD ASSOCIATED ntFMl PEKING.
April 13. The Chinese Foreign Office has published a letter from the French Minister dated the 9th which Informed China that France is willing to hasten the ratification of the nine-power customs treaty growing out of the Washington conference. The letter stated France also is desirous of holding a special customs conference with China The cotrtmunlration expressed confidence that the approval of the French Parliament would he forthcoming soon and that the Mr. Haynes. Inventor of America's first automobile and Internationally known as a scientist and metallurgist, was stricken with influenza following his return from a recent trip to Washington.
On the Fourth of July, 1894, Elwood Haynes, then a young field superintendent for a natural gas company with headquarters at Kofcomo, had a'queer buggy, without tongue or shafts, towed out onto country road. He drove it triumphantly back Into Kokomo at the remarkable speed of eight miles an hour, under power generated oy a gasoline' engine. That, It is asserted, was the first trip of a gasoline-driven Vehicle In America. This horseless carriage. which soon became a familiar sight in the streets of Kokomo, was the result of two years of experiments and now is preserved In the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, D.
C. Mr. Haynes said he was ordered to "get the contraption off the streets," when he drove his first automobile into Chicago. The automobihs was the direct result of the fact that Mr. Haynes had a large territory to cover In his duties as field superintendent for a natural gas company.
He desired to make his rounds more rapidly than he could with a horse and started his experiments, being of an Inventive turn of mind and having a technical education. A year after his first successful trip with his horseless carriage. Mr. Haynes formed a company for the manufacture of automobiles and was president of It for many fprovements in the automobile. "The Father or tne AUiomoDiie-was a school-tescher st the stsrt of his career.
This did not suit him. as he always was of an Inventive turn of mind long before he developed the Idea for a horseless camags, wm jivrn i Militarists Expect General to Lay Foundation for Monarchy Communists Openly Threaten Uprising if Idol of Army is Elected BT STGRID SCHULTZ (BT CABbW-EICLDSlVB W8PATCB1 ICopiTlSt, 1925, fcr the Chicago Tribune BERLIN, April 13. Count York Von Wartenburg, right-hand man of (Sen, Von ter Ooltz, Germany's most notorious militarist, expressed great delight with Gen Von Hindenburg' nomination when inter viewed today because he and his friends believe the "happy days of war" are near, ount Von War- tenburg is the leader of Germany's Baltic troops disbanded by order of th iAJIies; in, 1920, but-hidden away in small groups throughout Germany, "We have 800,000 men behind us and all the German secret associa tions. Count York braggel, but admitted the great bulk of these men. are unarmed and without money, Their supreme chief, Gen Von Der Qoltz.
is in Hanover trying to confer with Gen. Von Hindenburg, but the Nationalists, who are "managing" the field marshal, smuggled him out of Hanover in an effort to keep him away from the masses, and away from opportu nities to make dangerous speeches or hear the appeals of thousands who want him to withdraw from the political arena. 'V PEACE IS STRESSED The headquarters of Gen. Von TTIndenhnrr were indlenant when askprl whether his eventual election; will lead to war with France in the near future. "Peace is an Important point in the field marshal's program." They are willing to "stand the republic a few more years until a real monarch appears.
He will come in 1927 at the earliest." Thus, the Nationalists are again referring to the twenty-first anni versary of Prince Wilhelm, son of the former Crown Prince They emphasize that even if the President of Germany, Gen. Von Hindenburg or another, wanted to declare was he wS. be unable to do so. "Gen. Von Hindpfnburg will take the oath of the Weimar constitution.
Clause 45 of the constitution provides: 'War can be declared and peace signed only through special law. The Reichstag alone can make laws for Germany. It Is true that Clause 47 of tha constitution nominates the President chief of the German army. As chief he could mobilize the army, but if he did it on the strength of 'extraordinary danger' he would be forced pupated by the to withdraw nis orders it re- Relchstag. We know the Reichstag will oppose any oeciaraiion or war, since tne majority of the Reichstag is composed of 'international paclflcts.
Socialists and IjAYING FOUNDATIONS Gen. Von Hindenburs's nomination does not mean the Immediate resumption of militaristic rule in Germany. The National ists do not want war at present. Tney en- Hindenburg to prepare tne ground for a return to a monarchy If he really Is elected. Adventurers such as Gen.
Von Der G-oltz and Count Tork are doing everything In their power to create an atmosphere of war, but they art opposed by Gen. Von Hindenburg himself, the vast masses of German workers, and by the big money powers In Ger many. Even If the militarists could get the men together, they will be unable to obtain arms and moniy. -The big 'industrialists and Germany's official association of In dustry, with the workers, are against war experiments. They want to earn money.
Privy Councillor Kaaten. one of the outstand ing men In the association of In dustry, declared that th member of the association deplore the nomination of a "military man Instead of a man who knows business. Industry and o-actieal life." He. as well as other leaders, affirm that the Industrialists re fused to advance funds for Gen. Continued on rage 3, Cofoina Two Held in $2500 Bond for Asserted Attempt to Bribe Coast Guard bt a.
r. Nicjrr wdei NEW TORK, April 13. Two sertea agents or rum row were held in $2500 bond for grand jury action by Federal Commis sioner Rasquin In Brooklyn today on a charge of violation Of the promotion act. At tne same time police began a search for two otners, supposedly their con federates in a conspiracy which failed to bribe Coast Guard officers to bring liquor from rum row in a government boat and amugsle it to Bootleggers asnore. The men.
who gave their names to the commissioner as Harry Murpny ana J. U. Maloney, both of Manhattan, were trapped when officers of the Coast Guard boat CO-203, pretending to accept the scheme, went to rum row under the agent's guidance, took on board between $100,000 and 000 worth of whisky and cham pagne, and returning to New Tork delivered both agents and liquor to rederaj authorities. Capt. E.
V. Jacobs, commandant or the New York Coast Guard di vision, revealed that rum-row representatives have rceently made numerous attempts to bribe Coast Guards to assist them in getting uquor asnore. The supply ship from which this load of liquor was taken escaped to the high seas after the two agents were caught. Its name Is withheld, but officers said it flys the Biltish flag. FESTIVAL QUEEN SOUGHT SACRAMENTO, April 13.
Ar rangements have been completed for the first annual asparagus fe tlval at Ialeton on the 18th and 19th to be featured by the selection of the delta's prettiest girl as the "Queen of the Grax.i." Many entries for the queen con test have been received by General Chairman Hay. TO INSTALL PUMPS CKXCMSirt! DISPATCH PHOENIX. April 13. Work is to be started at once on tha work of pumping development authorized by the stockholders of the Bait River Valley Water Users' Association. It Is proposed to develop an additional 180.000 acre feet irrigation water by Installation of electrically operated pumpa.
at the heads of the Arizona. Consolidated, Grand and Maricopa canals. to experimenting itLClrtmistry. ranged for an an early date. THE SKY.
Clear; wind at 5, west; Telocity, 5 miles. 'Thermometer, highest, 73 deg.i lowest, 52 deg." Forecast: For Los Angeles and vicinity: Fair. For complete weather data, me last page of this section. FEATURES. Radio, Page 3, Part II; 'Women's Pare, Clubs and Society.
Pages 6 and 7, Part IT; Markets and Financial. Pages 12. 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Part News of Southern Counties, Page 10. Part Oil News, Page 18, Part Pictures, Page 12, Part Comics, Page 4, Part ni. SERIAL.
Page 7, Part I. NEWS IX SPANISH. Pago 11, Part I. SHIPPING NEWS. Page 11, Part I.
THE CITY. Industrial gas fight looms, with Railroad Board disclaiming jurisdiction to settlement Of competition problem for rival local companies. Page 1, Part II. Police and Sheriffs deputies scour hills for bandit pair who held up six people in Summit Inn. Page 8, Part II.
Man convicted as poison-pen writer Is sentenced to twenty-two months in Iavenworth prison. Page 5, Part II. Banquet being arranged for Monoher. due to arrive here Friday on inspection tour. Page 10.
Part II. President Prkiham's opposition to Senate BUI No. 178. and stand In water and power situation is approved by Chamber directors. Page 1, Part II.
Flood of shipping activity on at port; arrival or departure of vessel each lialf-honr yesterday's average. Page 11, Part I. Man conducting correspondence scnool or norterins is fined on con vtctlon of defrauding 3000 negroes by promise of Jobs. Page 5, Part Los Angeles man. sued by wife, runs amuck, taking own life after slaying wife and fatally wounding visitor.
Page 9, Part II. Former Judge Bledsoe, speaking at Harbor, declares the port Is greatest asset in Southwest, and pledges himself to aid In its Im H.MSTAN5IFE2.I Selfish ncss and happiness are enemies you can't be happy when you are thinking of yourself. OLSON'S DEATH IS MYSTERY Baffling Substance Found in Body of Asserted Shepherd Victim to be Tried on Guinea Pigs lEXCLUSrVE DISPATCH CHICAGO, April It. Although Coroner Oscar Wolff has not mad public the complete report, of Dr. William D.
MeNally concerning the analysis of tha vital organs of Dr. Olson, it became known today that an undetermined substance which has so far baffled chemical methods was found In the organs. REDISTRICTING IN BALANCE Reapportionment Bills Must Be 'Acted on in Senate or Assembly in Next Four Days or Die BY A. P. NIGHT WIRE April Whether constitutional reapportionment of legislative membership as is being urged by Southern California will meet with favor at this session of the Legislature must be determined before Friday noon, tha limit of time each house will have to hni Durlnr the last seven days preceding adjourment.
customa conference could be ar- wmcn wouia leave no traces atier a long period or time. Dr. Olson was a close friend of young McCUntock, and the mu nicipal Jurist says nis ineory is that ha was killed to get him out of the way because he stood be-! tween Shepherd and the i.oo, COO McCUntock fortune. Examination of the viscera of Mrs. Emma Nelson McCUntock, mother of the young millionaire, showed that a considerable quan-titv of bichloride of mercury was administered to her and Coroner Wolff asserted that she was murdered.
Indictment of Shepherd on this charge also is contemplated. The next step in the investigation will be the resumption of ths inquests Into tha three deaths with tha same Jury hearing tha evidence la all the cases. i Awordinr to Judga Harry Ol-. son. brother of the physician and Instigator of the Investigation which resulted in tha indictment of D.
Shepherd for tha murder of William D. McCUntock. this substance Is to be Injected Into guinea plga to learn "whether it ie polsonoua Judga Olson said that he did not believe tha Coroner, who passed the day In the investigation of another poison mystery would release his report until the reactions of the animals to the unknown material have been studied, "I never believed metallic poison would be found In my brother's body," tha Judge continued. "At least, not enough to cause death. My belief has always been that he died of pruMie-acld poisoning, set for tha 54th the Senate can versa, There is pending la the Senate a bill by Senators Harry Chamberlain of Angelea and F.
P. Sample of San Diego providing for reapportionment on tha strict population basis, while en. tha third-reading file in tha Assembly ie a companion measure by Assemblyman Thomas Dodge of Los An-eeles and Byron J. Walters of San L'iego. The Chamberlin-Sample measure came out of committee without recommendation, but the Podge-Walters bill waa given, a "do pass recomaienauu no pass Senator Chamberlain announced 3 -4.
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