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The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 13

Los Angeles, California
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Editorial Section Part II: 14 Paes THE CITY AND 6UBURS8. VOL. XXXVII. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 13, 1918.

POPITI.ATinV I i ciwo-(i8i(n FIGHTING 'TL I RALLY TO LIBERTY LOAN. Thousands of Volunteer Workers Comb City for More Subscriptions. How the Biggest City on the Coast is Adjusting Itself to Revolutionary Conditions Created by the Whole-t sale Prohibition of All Gatherings. they will bo swamped," said Chairman McKee. "Onward Christian Soldiers, appP hint as much here as it applies) a plains at Fl in-tlerSj at the or anywhere on the Western or Balkan battle front.

The Hun must be defeated, and there is a part today for every man and woman in Loa Anfeles to play. It is his duty to combat General Spanish Infiuenxa, General Apathy and General Peace Propa-andu With tho wholesale lnfluensa-pre-j nting closing order in iTull fore and effect, Los Angeles yesterday hoard of health's order is preventive and not combative. Los Angeles emphatically has not an- epidemic of Spanish Influenza. It has not an epidemic of anything. It has one case to every 600 people of escape is excellent.

This is not in the medical books, but the doctors indorse its truth. Up to last night the health office had received reports of 471 new cases for a grand total in the city ordinary influenza, which is plain 0f 1044. Nine deaths occurred yes- gnppe or the old-rasnionea, ais- terday as against ten the day before, agreeable kind. The more thor-. Most of these were only indirectly oughly and cheerfully the present aue to influenza.

So far the disease precautionary regulations are been blamed for but twentv- 10 uie limit. The establishment of the Victor Honor Roll has proved a incentive and it was said by in charge that several million -lolUrs 1 1 .1 -i 1 1. .1.1. served, the sooner they will be re- eight deaths here altogether. Two Responding to the call of a twentieth-century Paul Revere, typified In the personality, of Chairman H.

McKee at the head of the. Southern California State Central Committee for the Fourth Liberty Loan and sounded "through all the countryside," not from the topmast of a gallant steed but on electric waves end through thcpublic prints, the citizens of Los Angeled rallied yesterday to the summons "to arms." doffed their coats and went into the highways and byways to do for the Loan what our soldiers are doing for tho Germans, and best expressed in the inelegant but sufficing phrase, ''mopping up." Meager reports from scattering precincts up to a late hour last evening were encouraging, and it was hoped at headquarters that the totals when they became available would show an addition of many millions to the Los Angeles total, which Is now far behind the sum required to place this city in the 100 percent, class Practically the succesn of the campaign now rests upon the work in the precincts and every aid is thirds of these are pneumonia cases. ORDER FAR FELT, With every new hour from 6 o'clock p.m. Friday, when Dr. EFFECT OH -r6 pOLTlC At SfeCU-: scinded.

In the meantime, the calamity howler glmuld Iwi Interne! for the ixniod of the closing order's life. The man who tells of 100 people dead of influenza in one day in Los Angeles and of entire districts prostrated, quarantined and tin; facts of it suppressed should bet brained or rather, suffer what would he luaiinlns; to anyone with brains on the spot and burled at public; ex-Hnso pointed for the hereafter reserved for cruel liars. Tlio health ofllce is taking the greatest pains, to keep the public accurately and fully informed from day to day of the actual progress of the disease and tflto fight against It, The truth Is encourngiiig. Keep cheerful. The Influenza bus; thrives In gloom.

seriously took up the task of adjusting Itself to new and well-nigh revolutionary conditions. Perhaps no single prder ever promulgated here comes so near to 100 per cent effect. Between schools nd churches, theaters and public gatherings of all kinds, indoors and out, there is hardly a man, woman or child in the restricted areanow most of Los Angeles county who has not to revise his daily aniSunday conduct 'to a more or less radical extent. It is a strictly personal matter to nearly three-quarters of a million Los Angeles is the largest city on the Coast and one of the first to put Into effect so sweeping a regulation. Personal inconvenience of this negative sort is not permitted to interfere with a general and cheerful Adherence to the rules, The most serious phase of the situation is the slowing up of the Liberty Loan drive.

However, with the determined co-operation of the public, even this handicap will be overcome. NEW REGULATIONS. The committee appointed by Mayor Woodman to handle the influenza situation, met yesterday afternoon in the office of Health Mi This honor roil is for those who have already subscribed to the Fourth Liberty Loan and are making a second subscription. The first day's results from this roll waa over $227,000. AIR FLOTILLA.

A picturesque and lmpresaivo not was added to the campaign ye-ter-day morning when out of the East there came a mighty flotilla uf air-, ships sailing high ovr the city in bnttle formation; their sliver bodies gleaming in the sunshine, and their' bomb Tacks laden with messages to the hundreds of thousands of titl-rons 4000 feet below who enneil their necks heavenward and ejacu-hited over the magnificent showing of the largest fleet of airships ver, put into the vault above in a single formation. Thr werA 11R "fihinw iP the 1 1 -o 1 1,, AC AAA ITS' VM C- cLoseo For TMt" uRfvnoN The FLU way A SAFE 1 Commissioner Powers and voted medical and dental schools should be included in the prohibition, but that clinics may and should remain open; The Hollywood Training School, with an average attendance of 15 00, was ordered closed, but the meetings for the Instruction of draft men, carried on by various exemption boards, were not prohibited. An appeal from the business colleges that they be permitted to remain open was denied. Courts were not Included in the closing or CATCH THE To der, uui HpeuiaiuiB win nut ue permitted to gather. Department stores will be notified to holding special sales, calculated to gather a Una." Jit the parade which ohin.j Into view iit 11:15 o'clock.

Headed the flagship of Mnj, John O. P. Hartholf, commandant of March Field avlu'tion camp, Riversido, the' formation was as perfectly main- tained as that of a battalion of reasoned troops on parade. The armada left Klvcraide at 10:30. precisely the hour fixed for the departure, and the sixty-tlve-mite run to, Los Angeles was accomplished In three-quarters of an hour.

It was the most magnificent object; lesson in the accomplishment of aeronautics that has been made since-the science of the- air has fixed, and nowhere has its like thus far been seen. Every ship was manned by a stu. dont from March Field, and every pilot demonstrated his complete con-' tmi and familiarity with the work, In hand. By a slight stretch of the imagination one could imagine him-' self in a beleaguered city "some-whore in France." and had the lit tie slips of peace propaganda been Indeed high explosive bombs there would be but a retle of the city of Loa Angeles left to tell the story this morning. The military parade and all other features artnngud for the day were abandoned, but this single feature, undoubtedly did more to Impress upon the minds of the people the need uf providing the sinews of war to such a work than any other, event could have done.

With a complete mastery of the air, with thousands instead of a hundred such flyers, any-une could understand thnt the ond would bo very materially hastened. The "parade" extendd in a north-eibterly-to-southwesterly direction, nnd It took nearly fifteen minutes for the to pass, although. a 17 (T NEED'NoT (NTWt nc NlTn int vuukvI i-CN. I crowa. Street railway companies will he Instructed to disinfect cars every twenty-four hours.

Club gatherings will stand prohibited, but this does not apply to the closing of clubs, the members of which make their homes there, such as the Jonathan, California and Los Angeles-Athletic clubs. Plans are being formulated for the opening of a temporary hospital at Los nyeles Htrbor, to have ten to twenty beds, JUST THE GRIP. General business has suffered to some- extent an the theatrical industry is, of course, hard hit. There every reason to hope, however, tluit the condition will soon be over. It must be borne in mind that, the t- I 1 There are scores of preventives and specifics for Influenza, with more arriving by every mail.

Anybody can tell you an infallible way to avoid it or to cure it if you've got It. But there is no surer way to immunity than confidence and cheerfulness. If you're afraid you're going to get influenza you're pretty nearly elected. If you believe you will not. get it your chance to A being thrown to these workers In an effort to reach every citizen and to Impress upon him the crisis which the city faces and the absolute necessity of doing more than has been done to save the Four-minute men, tank men.

Boy Scouts, women's committees, and even Industrial committee workers still busy with thtdr own work, have been thrown into the breach, s.nd the Issue is being put straight up to the people themselves. MORE NEEDED TODAY. The work Is to be continued at full pressure today. Advertising pages call for 25,000 workers, and precinct headquarters will remain open throughout the day. "I hope fm I Oversubscribed Not stinted to the bare necessity of amount invested.

my wbiq iijriitK ci mim wiue Ufc high speed. The air was clear and the sun bright, so that in spile of the height at which It was necessary s.ett(n the ooryoe: 5tegt ere: ocsycr Aye ff Not framed caku- (Continued on Second Page.) I I law of requisition, I but flumr forth lav- am Powerii's edlrt went Into effect, the ESMJ5HU) 1880 ifW 1 1 4 lishlv a thnuarh nn I order took on fresh significance id jsave that of possibil- FRAtlKj.ilART ty this the Patri- mil fm mim lot's response to the 3 Fourth Liberty Loan. extenslveness. In one fell swoop the hated 'flu or rather, the war to prevent It robbed Los Angeles, temporarily at least, of four of the biggest spectacles in its history yesterday the great Liberty Day parade, the grand opening of the Liberty Fair, ths big tank celebration at Central Park and the world-record-breaking launching at the harbor plant of the Southwestern Shipbuilding Company. Yesterday was a whole holiday, (Continued on Seventh Page.) 0 The same applies to Reedcraft.

-334 SOFTS EZQASYW, LOS ANuELzS 'J The Cartoonist Left the Window Open and in Flew Enza. (Gosh!) Not the mere pursuance of fixed lines as to shape or finish, not simply quality enough to equal other makes, but a generous outflowing of originality, oversubscribing all prerequisites in furniture for the best homes: Reedcraft contribution to a beauty-loving rrCRFF-nrOAFTtn. Reedcraft old onlV at Our I -shops, 937-9 South Broadway. GO TO CHURCH IN YOUR OWN HOME TODAY. Pastors of Many Flocks, Barred from Their Hquses of Worship by the Influenza Closing Order, Present Their Pulpit Messages Through the Columns of "The Times." Wing tip boot of genuine pigskin, deep mahogany shade a fMlmWJ wstion- or doubt QSWH 1.1 i I the of people tufio SI ol WmJO 'ove mus'c lii mod 1 oara f'i expreuimlhatihe Wei l'ie finet piano it is possible to make.

(gl Ef In the great pianoforte establishment which Jonas Chicker- Ti I ing built, the tradition of nearly one hundred years are to 1 Id this day inculcated in the Chickering piano -each an art yfl product with an artistic purpose, Grands Uprights Players ft If Wt invite your inspection of our complete line. fj Liberal allowance for your used piano. M. Easy Terms Arranged I I Have You Heard the New ymmrS CHICKERING AMPICO yi Jw 1 Com In stid let 11 dvmoniitrste tbi vV jr If lug inlU. jtys One-Price 'i HO Piano Store" y0g-, f.

igtV mK TO WK DM 1 chop Company the predatory fPotsdam gang to reverse all the verdicts of history. faith in "When nations and Individuals come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty, the triumph Is always in the end with the right, foe good is mightier than evil and God Is stronger than the devil. 'Have faith in German military autocracy is receiving its Heal death blow. The stars in their courses fought against Sisera, and the visible and Invisible forces of righteousness are on the side of God and humanity, and the victory will always be with Justice and truth. 'Have faith in DR.

HUGH K. WALKER. FIRST FRESBYTERIAN. When the churches of the city are allowed to resume their services, the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church will be delighted with the work of renovation in the church and chapel buildings. Through the generosity of lndi-vlduul members of the board of trustees, and In co-operation with the Indies' Aid Society, some 13000 have been given to put the entire plant in the very best condition.

New carpets are to belaid in all the rooms of the Sunday-school building, and all the woodwork, the walls and ceilings of both building) are to be redecorated: This old church Is renewing it) 4116418 WtstStvfath SL- Los Asjtlef For the first Sunday In its history since Los Angeles became a city, and probably In all the nearly a century and a half of its existence, the church' doors are closed today to assemblages for publlo worship. This Is In compliance to the demands of the health authorities, to which the churches have given cheerful acquiescence. But this does not mean, that prayers and hymns of praise and supplication for divine guidance, will not arise.1 They will ascend from under the rooftree at many household, and the preachers believe that the temporary prohibition of the assemblage of people for religious meetings will hav the tendency to revive practical home worship, which has become a sadly-neglectnd function In religious life. Various pastors have urged upon their parishioners the duty of conducting home worship today, and In at least one parish this has been carried on in systematic manner. CHURCH AT, HOME.

Rev. J. E. Hoick, pastor1 of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Euclid avenue and Eagle street, took prompt steps, as soon as It was ascertained that the churches would be closed, to brlnr this matter to the attention of all his parishioners.

Through the organisation of Boy Scouts in his congregation, who volunteered their services, he placed the following letter in the hands of the head of each household attached to his parish: "An order has been Issued by the City Health Commissioner, backed by the military authorities and the State Board of Health, directing all colleges, schools, churches and places of public assembly closed to prevent the spread of the epidemic. Consequently, no publlo services will be held in St. Paul's Church until further notice. "While this drastic order will Impede the progress of our work, it need not Interfere with the spiritual life of the church and Sunday-school. Accompanying this letter is a message from J.

M. Peters, our Sunday-school superintendent, also a list of questions on the Sunday-school son for the day. The lesson may therefore be studied at home and a Messing from on high will be Imparted. "I am also sending herewith a list of scripture references on the sermon which I had planned to preach Sunday morning.) I trust that yoa will look up these references carefully and ponder over them prayerfully. A form of prayer is also suggested for use in your devotions.

"I pray that God, who Is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble may be with you. and keep you from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome AMONG CATHOLICS. Bishop Cantwell of the diocese of Monterey and Los Angeles, through his chancellor, Rev, John Crawley, has issued a notice to Catholics declaring that there will be no divine services or public masses at any of the churches of the city for the present, and urging ail Catholics to beseech Almighty Qod to take away from Los Angeles the epidemic that at present so seriously threatens It. The official board of the First Methodist Episcopal Church took action even before the decision of the health authorities was definitely reached to order the closing of the churches and other places' of publlo assemblage, and decided that there should be no public services at that church for the present. Pastors generally will devote all their tlm to personal pastoral work during the tim the prohibitive order is In effect.

Today the leaders of various city churches send their messages to the people through the columns of The Times. Herewith are given their sermon fttes for this day: 1 DR. CHARLES EDWARD LOCKE. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. "The crlsal events of these momentous are teaching us once mora lesions of faith In God, in humanity, lit righteousness, and faith In the fundamental principles of justice which underly all human "At times during the past four years It has seemed as if justice had abdicated her throne, and that brutal force would hold the scepter.

It looked as if savage kultur would overthrow all Christian culture. There was a tragic moment when all holiest Ideals seemed about to be overwhelmed in blood and defeat, but history repeats Itself, and now the Berlin beasts are retreating in confusion, Napoleon's army went out of Russia. "The mob of lustful libertines did not reach Paris or- the English and once again unseen armies have fought on the righteous side, and the most invincible (army that ever undertook to defy the laws of God and man is now meeting daily defeat at the hands of humanity's defenders. "It has taken four years of patience and prayer, and fighting, and faith in God and brave men, but the tide has, at length turned, and the reverse of the Prussian hordes will be followed by disgraceful routs, and -unconditional surrender will end all this boasted attempt of youth and enters upon its fall work 1 with a clean balance sheet, and a number jj good things in prospect relating to the welfare of the kingdom In Los Angeles. 1 Dr.

Walker expected to speak this morning on "The Church We For-got." in which he would have tried to xhow the kinship of the ancient 1 iiBN I 1 1 iimiiiir 1 (Coutlnurd on Mlxth.

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