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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRIDAY, JANUARY 2. ltetl from Englapt and France. Sliip. week. The tbip .1 riinn, rapt French, which HH Liverpool oj (hi 22J November, arrived off thii port on lh morninor fifihlit nil hni un fortunately wu cast away on the touth tide of Long Island, about 40 miles from Sandy Hook, wnero mm now Uet bilged.

The passengers and Craw were' all tared. The cargo consists of salt, coal and dry goods. The ship is said to be in. tared in two offices in this city one half in each The cansigoees are Jer. Thomson, owner, Phelps ti Walker Sons, Whitehead, Geo.

Jfewbold, Hone Co. Hollis, Schcr nerhorn Sons, Schmidt Si Co. Spackman Wilson, Philad. A Stevenson, Geo. Sloan, Denston, W.

Shirley, and to order. Passengers, Deborah Shaw and family, Elizabeth Brown, Moses Brown, Jane Wallis, Benj. Frankland, C. Sloan, Ja. Uollis, Henry Hollis, Dcfortemaine.

In the Mary Jonet and family, John Thin, Patrick Rouke, and Patrick Callaghan. The letter bag of the Union was brought up yes terday, containing London papers of the 20lh and Liverpool of the 22d November. By. the packet ship Stephania, Capt. Macy, uave receivcu rant papers to the 20th Nov.

These papers are chiefly filled with local matters, and speculations on the medi tated reconquest of SOUTH AMERICA respecting which, however, nothing farther has transpired. The London Courier continues to treat the subject in the same tone of defiance and lullation all tending to show that the British government has finally resolved on opposing every attempt to overthrow the free constitutions of South America. The Pihte, published at Paris. asks, "if the powers composing the Holly Alii. ance should publish their declaration of non recognition of the independence of South America.

and England, on the contrary.and should officially recognise that independence, which they have already done tie facto, what will be the conse quence To this it is promptly answered" an appeal to arms, a determination which hit jetty't Ministers had unequivocally avowed in the preparations for war going on in the different ports." SPAIN. Ferdinand's arrival at Madrid on the 13th No remner, is at last announced. The lay previous be said to have passed several important de crees. the publication of which was immediately expected. The formation of a new MinMry was talked of, and the dismissnl of Don Victor Saez, the King's Confessor, is said to have been deter mined on.

tlis removal is attributed to his having to direct the concience of his majesty A letter from Madrid of the "th Nov ember, tates that a Congress would assemble in that city on the ht of December, to consist of different Am Dassauorsoi foreign powers. Kiego appears to have met his late with great firmness; to the Judge who read the seutence, he observed, "may my death restore calm and bnppincij to Spain. FRANCE. The levies recently decreed to augment the naval force of France, ure stated to have been countermanded, and a number of tr a.nen ds charged from the Royal navy. Orders had bee transmitted by the French government to the se veral councils ot war in the frontier divisions ol Spain, to suspend the execution of the judgments they had rendered.

This order is said to hav been given in cousequeno of the intercession of the Duke d'Angouletne in favor of those French men taken in arm against their country. Mar thai Lawriston had arrived iu Puns, and the Duke d'Angouleme was expected there on the 1st De cember. The French papers state that peopl were employed in landing the cargo ot the ship Paris, but it was not known whether she would be got off. A sale of 150 bbli. pot ash, 200 boxes tea, 150 bags coffee, and 150 bales of cotton, part of the cargo was advertised to take place on the 'J lili November.

We regret to learn that the crew. with the exception of the Captain and fir mate, were all lost la going from Cherbourg to Havre in a French sloop. TURKEY GREECE. It it stated in letters from the frontiers of Italy that the Porte had issued orders for the immediate equipment of all their vessels of war; but for what purpose was not known. The D'van is taid, in accounts from Constantinople, to have expressed to Lord Strangford some disquietude on account of the renewal of negotiations between Russia and Persia.

We have a confirmation of the pleasing intelligence that in the late naval engagement with tho Turks, the Creeks were the victors. Their fleet, commanded by Admiral Midoule, is stated to have been led to the attack on the Ottoman's in three divisions about the latter part of September, a little above Myteline. The engagement lasted upwards of four hours; the Greeks, by menus of their fire '6ips, burnt 4 large Turkish vessels tho others were either sunk or stranded on the coast of Asia, and two captured frigates wcro brought into the port of Ptrns. Tbo remainder of tho Turkish fleet sought refuge in the port of Oliveto. We bare also the particulars of the different engagements on land, alluded to in the late accounts from Smyrna at having been disastrous to the (Jteks, So far from tin's being the case, it appears (hat the Turkish army under the commaud of the Pacta of Adrianople, and Jussuf Pacha, which penetrated into Livadia, was completely routed, and was flying to Thessaly, with the Greeks at their heels.

The army of the Pacha of Scodra had also experienced two signal defeats in attempts which he madf to dispute the defile of Missolonghi with vbe Grecian Commander, Contoyanne. Iu a third attempt, however, he was more successful. Taking advantage of a large detachment of Greeks hivving been sent on another service, ho again attacked the dcGle, which he succeeded in forcing, and, when the last accounts came away, he was in full march towards Missolonghi but as this place was defended by CO pioces oJ cannon, no apprehensions were entertained for its safety. Gene ral Contayanne, who defended the pass so brave ry, wat killed in the tecond attack. Both par ties must have fought desperately, as no lest than 2000 Scod riant mere left dead in the field in the first affairs.

There can be little fear as to um utrai acceu th when we Etffl them defending tht mtelvtw to nobly. GREAT BRITAIN, The British Parliament had been summered to meet on of February for the despatch of business. The Cabinet Council, which hd been called by Mr. Canning, was numerously attended but we do not observe that any thing bad transpired as to the result of the deliberations. The Morning Chronicle elates, that General Beresford't principal object in procediog to Lit bon was to endeavour to counteract the power of the French party in the Portuguese cabinet Sir Robert Wilson had arrived iu London.

Baron Von Hoffman. This fellow's case was brought before the Court of King's Bench, Dub lin, on the 14tb November, on an application (or conditional order to restrain proceedings in the Insolvent Debtors' Mr. Dixon stated that the Baron had been arrested at the suit of a person named Jaoobs, of New York, upon an af fidavit of a debt ol two thousand dollars, sworn to be due to Jacobs by Von Hoffman, the amount of bill of exchange payable at Liverpool. Here the learned gentleman was about to enter into the particulars of the debt, when the Court inti mated to him that from having had the case so lately before them in Chambers, it was unneccs sary for him to do so. Mr.

Dixon then resumed aud staled, that the ground on which he prayed the interference of tho Court was, that the In solvent Debtor' Court had not iurisdiction. and could not take cognizance of a debt contracted by two Ibreigners in a foreign country and lhat supposing tho Insolvent Debtors' Court had no jurisdiction, the Baron could not avail himself of the Insolvent Debtors' Act iu consequence of his inability to comply with its provisions. Condi tional order anted. by lettert received in London from the East nJics, it appears that lOi; houset were destroyed by fire at the Bazar, Bhaugulporo, in the East Indii't. Three females were bunted to death and four were missine.

Many cloth merchants were ruined. The natives stood weeping and looking on the fire, without doing any thing to stop it. The amount of exports of British manufactures to Buenos Ay res and Chili, during the last year. is stated to have exceeded tcven million ot dol lars. The London Courier is now printed by a ma chine constructed by a Mr.

Napier, which is on pable of throwing off considerably more than 2000 an hour on one occasion it produced at the rale ot 28C0 per hour. No new steam apparatus employed, but two men alternately turn a fly wheel which acts as an impelling power. Placards were posted about the etrcets of Lon ion proposing a general mourning as a mark of respet to the memory of the unfortunate Riego. From Mexico. Accounts from Alvarado state, that the catle of St.

Juan recommenced firing on Vera Cruz the 2d of December. A fleet frotii Havana of 5 sail, including a frigate and a sehr. of war, arrived off the 21st Nov. with provisions, troops, kc. F.

Yesterday morning about 5 o'clock, our citizens were alarmed by the cry of fire. It if believed to have originated in a fuiull stable situ a'e in the rear of Canal near Greenwich stand between Canal and streets. As the building at the place where the fire were chiefly stables and small wooden buildings, the appearance, at first, was very alarming but by the usual activity of our firemen, the (lames were suppressed before they ha 1 produced that calamity which had been apprehended. The following are the principal sufferers Messtt. Robertson Buchannan, tallow rhand lors, 21 Desbrosscs street.

Their manufactory in the rear is completely destroyed. Andrew Zimmerman, hay cartman, in Dcs brosses street His house greatly injured. The manufactory of William Joues, gold beat er, between DcsbroEscs and Canal street, destroy cd. A two story frame building belonging to John llornung, between do and do greatly injured The house of James Van Water, shoemaker, No. 17 Desbrosses street, do.

1 he houe of Chri tian Pulis, No. 23 Dcsbros ses street, sustained very little damage. Four or five stables were completely destroy ed. Congress. There was not much business of importance transacted in either House on uay or I uesday Ia In the donate the ill tu revive and continue in force certain act relating to discriminating duties on imports and tonnace, was takeu up, as in Committee of the whole, and paofedtobe cngrissed anJ read a third time.

By general consent, lite bill afterwards bad its third reading, was passed, aud sent to the house of Re prcsentalivcs for concurrence. Iu the Mouse of Representatives, Mr. Webster, from the Committee on the Judiciary, who were instructed to inquire into the expediency of es nu iiiiionn cy. icm oi itauKruptcy, re ported that it is not expedient to establish tuch system. Applications In the Legislature.

Of sundry inhabitants in the city of New York, for an act of incorporat inn, by the name and style of the Uni ted States' Fire Insurance Company, with a ca pitai ol f.Vi(),Utii), with liberty to increase it to juu.wu. ui sundry inhabitants of the city of New York, for an act to incorporate a bank, to be located in Broadway, by the name of the Ma nufacturer'! and Farmer's Bank, with a capital of JHOO.OOO, wi'h privilege to increase it 300,. 000 more, ifdcemed expedient, for the purpose of etatdi.htng a branch in each of the eight dii (nets of this stjitc. Tl i 1 iiiv pri Hucm oi mo u. I.

Willi UlO Cilll sent of the Senate has appointed Alexander Ham ilton, to be a Commissioner for ascrlaining claims and titles of Land in the Territory of Florida, and Franklin Litchfield, a citizen of the United States Lading at Porto Cabello, in Colombia, to be ConsiQ'. crthe United States at that place. Captam Riley, celebrated for his adven tures amont; be Arabs, in the deserts of Africa, i a member the Ohio inic lUn. We think itan act to aij in the GircnlatiatoTlhe folbwingjJicin(1, anj we, timed obiervaians frcm a Boston print, by ex prcfltto" "oof readeri our entire approbation ofl uieir wundnoat and prudence. We hop they will receive thatteriout consideration to which we believe io our hearts they are eminently entitled.

We were not a little surprised to ie the a names of certain gentlemen whom we personally know and highly respect, placed on the committee at their late public meeting, here alluded to, but wo have since been informed thit wat done without their knowledge and aeainst their consent and that they hare decisively declined acting. 1 he tame speaies of indelicacy in this respect has been practiced there as was tout here. From tht Boston Daily Admlutr. The Cause of the Gruki.Ai may appear strange to those who recollecf. the history ol Bos ton, lliatshe should have suffered anv citv in the Union to precede her in point of time, or eeal, in a cause to iruly worthy ot the sympathy ot every true ana christian people.

'1 Iwse who would draw Irom this apparent delay, or from the cautious manner iu which Ihe subject is hero discus scd, an lnlerence, that the citizens of this town feel an interest less deep.or are unwilling to make sacrifices at great as any portion of the civilized worm, would grossly err. 7 hey are holly ignorant of Hie character of the population of Bos ion. ii mere nave Dcen appearances ot deliberation, they arc attributable to the rcrlectin clia racter of the people to their contempt for mere proiefnons, wufii important anJ va uab exer. tious are to be made to their entire reliance on the national rulers to their intimate belief and conviction, that nothing can be more pernicious man mo excitement ot the passions ot a free peo ple, wiucn may nurry, or perhaps farce the Go verninent tulo measures, which their sober judgmeut would not approve, and the adoi tion oi wnicn, may cause Hum and us years of suffer ing, Deioro we can get rid of their effects. Iu brief, the Yankees are fedeialitlt in principle they have contributed to form a federal government, and they are disposed to leave our national conmtws to their management.

If the interests duties, either moral or political, of the United States if the feelings of the wholo public require uur mouni aiu in lavour ol ihe liieeks, tliey do not think so ill of the newly elected Cousrcss. as to believe they will not respond to the public lulling mai mcy win mner in ihe course ol du ty, or be less zealous, than the warm ami anivi. individuals of the several cities, who may mfc thit ucranun io sniw their ardor in a righteous cau c. I know it may be said, that Coneress are ino. rant of the state of public feeling, and need sup port.

I deny this to be the state of things. The Greek cause has been fully discussed for three years past It was mil understood, when these elections to the present Congress took place but well or ill understood, is it certain, that meeting. in a few populous cities better expf ess the public feeling and opinio than the sober judgment ot On the contrary our historv 14 full is indeed pregnant with examples of Ihe most rash and intemperate conduct of popular meetings, iiud ol the most permanent and detructive effects resulting Irom them. To DonuVnr meetings a gmist Washington's proclamation of nutrality we the disgraceful sceues of I79J and 170 1 riots in our cities the resistance to our count ol iaw, and the burning of Briti li vejscls at our wharves. 1 0 popular meetings we owe the burn ing of the venerable Jav in e.iTuv.

lor hi a.tmiia hie treaty with Great Britain. To ings after the Chesapeake affair We owe an illiini table embargo and all the train of evili which loiiowtd Irom it. ino man who has at heart the well being and peace and prosperity of his country, can view without terror any attempt to excite the popular feelings on questions which are sob Iv by our national rulers, and rer tcai there a cast iu winch Iromimotf besinninssSrom a little cloud. a greater prospect of a dreadful storm, than in the present case 01 me Urecks. There certainly muiu 1101 nave ocen inucn excilcaipnt ott I'm question In this country orieinullu.

We did nol snew us muen as we ought to have done. have been cold bevoud all decenrv. Hut 1 1 the eflVct of popular excitement clearly, we shall give me nisiory ol the present exertions. Lon: after Frauce, Great Britain, and Germany sen: prooauiy nearly a million of dollars to 1I1 aid ot the lirecks, we breon to move. At first was prelcnaed and probably honestly intended to uo no more than to relieve their and furnirh some little aid.

But men. srrowii. tp ions ana eloquent, as tliev proceeded, at la a vowed, as in the New York address, that we haJ only to declare it and Greece was free." This, it experience had not taught us to our humilia 1011, that there is in fart, a wide and untravcr a bto chasm bet ween our professions, and toast and orations, and action, was a declaration, that we snou id embark the lortunes ol the whole nation in the Grecian cause. Became Greece would have a right to presume that in a public docu cni ngneo py vvm. Ifayard, ot the highest reputation, and Charles King, son of one ol our se nators, the nation intended to pledge its fortuues ou the ludepc mlonce of Greece I wish I culd stop here.

The Philadelphia gentlemen go further thev treat the several iMorernm nls of t.uroue with no little ilectee ol scorn. We are unable to see why we should mingle with the ir policy. We are not their guor aians, nor nave we a right to dictate to them meir policy however we may condemn it 'Minis not the worst feature in this appeal we aie called upon to brand Great Brila and British officers with passinz by the bluzunr Islands ol Greece with "frigid neutrality." Now, for our own honor and glory, as this co test has lasted three yea rs, and we have not contributed more than we shall ever raise as Lord Stianeford. at the Turlii Court, has exerted hiinselt for the relief of the Greeks as far as he could do as the British tioveruorot the Ionian Islands has eiveu an asylum at one time to 7000 fugitives from the as ottict rs of British slims of war have protected individual Greeks from the ruthless vengeance of the Turks, and as we ham novrr heard that our Meditcrrancau Fleet ever main tained any thing more tnan a "frigid neutrality" or even haJ any orders to go to the relief ol these Christian sufferers, and to offer them an asylum in our country, winch wemirrht lawfully do it hasseemed to me very injudious to mingle these natioual rellcclious with a cause so holy and so pure. Nay more.and I have purposely reserved to th last, my principal objection to this very imitrn.

deny as it seems to me, course ol managing Ihe question we could not if we were the greatest enemies 01 inc lirecKs and the best fi lemls of the Sublime Porte do greater injury to the former, than by avowing, that we intermingled with the alfurs of Ihe Greeks because they were republicans and by abmiug the F.uropcan Governments rtnu ucciaring mat we came into Lurope to erect the ttaudard of Liberty against Monarchy a gainst the existing powers! Mr. Webster will take no such ground but if he should, he to premise it by a proportion to build 10 sljps of tho line and raise 200,000 men. P. S. As to the eloquent, but rather sarcastic tion, that those who prelerred to submit me question 10 Congress, were influeued by avaricious motives or timidity, the sons of the Pil runs have no other reply, than their free institutions, their jealousy of all encroachments the re fistauce to the Stamp act the destruction of the tea their blood freely shed at 1 exinpton and Bunker hill, and the convention of Saratoga.

In I. II uni jr iiiu a9 lormeny mat their opinions ought to be free, and they will resist as they have ever done any ttempts to restrain tho free exercise of them. In tho present case they wish sue ix i io me urccKs mey would do as much, at lca't, as their neighbours to secure their free doin butthpy think the most effectual mi.ili. ol attaining this end, is to proceed as they and their ancestors nave always none, with (treat coolness aim system to rely less on words thau deeds to wait forthe proper moment and to consider whether their interference remiiturelv, may not call down on the heads of the much, nndundeser vedly oppretscd Greeks, greater evils than thy wonid have sustained but for their SutermedTingl leo. Sudey ley.

hether they would not by tuch conduct mntt decided enemies of those bordering powers, who are now oui coiu spectators. A UALM MAN To the Editor of the Evening Post. I observe that almost all our newspapers in mentioning the Beaumarchais claim, which is year after year brought before Congress, always speak of it as the claim of the late Baron de Beau marchais. Ins is a sbeht error of tha nr. in.

volving a very considerable error nersona. The true Dame is Caron do Beaumarchais, a name wiiiui ccriaiuiy auus nme weight to the claim, though it is that of a man of wit and even genius, who was no Baron, but whose squubbles, intrigues and speculations, were the town talk of Paris for many years, and whoie pleasant and witty, tho' rather licentious, comedy of the Marriage de Ft garro, and opera of Tarare. after turnine the heads of all play going Parisians for two or three seasons, still keen undisputed possession ih rench stage, and in some shape or other of trans lation or imitation, of every stage in Europe. nis name is laminar to all who are conversant with the more recent literary and dramatic his. tory of France, and occurs in every page of the wier volumes 01 uaronunuims' entertaining memoirs.

From the Albany Daily Advertiser, Dee. 29. It was ttated some time ao. that four ladi in Paris, Oneida county, came to their death in consequence a hard Worm being boiled in the water used for their tea. The Intelligencer, printed in the vicinity of that town, states that inquiries have been made as to the truth of this story, and that it is ascertained to entirely without loundation.

SALEM, (N. Dec. 24. If ashiAgton and Warren ank. Some of our readers will be gratified to perceive that the bills ofthis bank are rising in value.

In New York they are worth 50 cents on the dollar in specie andatSaudy Hill, Mr. C. Wuiu receives them in exchange for hard ware, Sic. at par. i lie artificial care lately discovered in Argyle, proves to have been desicned for uumoses very different from what were at first conjectured A correspondent informs us that, instead of the habitation of a hermit, it has been the occasional resort of a lew young blades, who, preferring cards to catechisms, and whist to worship, were in the habit of retiring to this sequestered spot, that, at a distance from parental restraint, they mmht spend the sacred hours of the Sabbath in unhallowed sports.

SECOND WARD NOTICE. The Committee of the 2d Ward, appointed to procure contributions for the Greek Fund, will wan on me innaniianis in the district marked be low, on Saturday, 3d January. It will be a mu tual convenience it th.ise intending to coutribuic would leave their contributions with their fami lies. District Beck man. Snruce.

and Nassau sts to William street. FH I II ARD. At a meeting of the citizens of the Fifth Ward. assembled on Saturday evcuuig, the of De cember, iust. at Howard's i avem.

at the cnrnir of Leonard Hnd Church sts. HENRY WIIK4. I ON, Esquire, was called to the chair, and Jo. aEt'H GREK.NLEAF, appointed Secretary. 11 was Kesolved, I hat the ward be divided in to eight districts, aud a committee appointed for each district to solicit donations Iron the inhabitants to aid the cause of the suffeiing Greeks.

Hereupon me ward was distributed as fol lows, to wit 1st District Beginning at the corner of Eroad way and Reed street, up Broadway to Anthnnv. down Anthony to HuJtou, through Hudson io up ueea to liroadway. lli Beginning at the corner ol Broadway and Anthony street, up Broadway to Frauklin. down Fra Provost to Iludsou, Hudson to Anthony, up Anthony to Broadway. 3d Beginning at the corner ol Broadway am! Franklin street, ui) Broadway to Walker, dowi Walker and Beach to Iludsou, through Hudson to Provo up Provost aud Franklin to Broadway.

4th Beginning at the corner of Broadway no. Walker street, up Broadway to Canal, down Ca uni aud tollud on, through Iludsou to Beach, up Bca and Walker to Broadway. 5th Beginning at the intersection of Cana and I.aight streets, down Canal to the River along the River to Laight, up Laight to Canal. 0.11 iseginning at the comer of Laight ami Hudson, along Hudson to North Moore, don North Moore to the River, along tho River Laight, up Laight to Hudson. 7th Brgiumiigatthe corner of North Moon and Hudson, down Hudson to Harrison, down Harnsou to the River, along the River to North MoM up North Moore to Hudson.

Bin Beginning at the comer of Harrison and Hudson, down Hudson to Reed, down Reed to the River, along the River to Harrison, uu Har rison to Hudson. The several districts above described, includi all the intersecting streets on both sides. The following gentlemen were appointed the committees 01 ine several districts, to wit Gideon P. Hewitt John P. Groshon.

Fre derick G. King, Wetmorc, aud Jas. Bioeek er. 21 John Johnson, Geore Conkiin. Henrv D.

se.iuwi.K, vm. M.Kusscl, James Robertson John A. Duulap, Wm. Scott, and G.C. Collin.

3d Henry Wheaton. Gideon Tucker. Jame' Warner, m. M. Carter.

Charles Kinr. Joseph Greenleaf, James Van Benscholen. John B. Sch melzel, Jas. Fox, N.

Philips, and Thos. Stokes. 4tn Isaac kuens, Richard Kiduev. Jas. Bar.

row, Rev. Hooper dimming, Robert Schuyler, uaviu 11. Barnes, an t'hilip I. fcchuyler. 5th Thos.

G. Gary, A. L. Stuart, Samuel uoyu, vv. sandlord, John 15.

Murra John P. De Wu M. M. Ouackeubos. Murra'v Hoffman and Alderman Z.ihnskie.

6th John E. West. Joseph Newton. Andrew Bowden, Wm. Burtscll, David Rogers, Wm.

B. Hallow, Thos. M'Kie. ah II. Strong, Jos.

Bainbridge, David Jacot, W. J. Childs, Andrew Maverick. filh Gen. Paulding.

Wm. H. Maxwell, Dr. Buchan, Dr. Hitchcock.

G. C. Vernlanck. Geo. Ireland, Benj.

Romaiue, Dr.N. J.Quarkenbos. Kcsoiveu, 1 hat tho proceedings of this meet ing be published in the papers of this city. Resolved, That this meeting adjourn until Wednesday the 7th dav of January next at 7 0 clock in the evening, to receive at that tune the reports ol tho different district committees. HENRY Chairman.

JOS. GREENLEAF, Sec'ry. At a meeting of the inhabitants of the 9th ward held at Creigier's Tavern near the U.S. Arsenal, agreeably to public notice, on Tuesday evening, 30th Dec. the following resolutions were unanimously adopted John Slidell, Esq.

being called to the chair, and Thomas W. Robinson appointed "crctary. Resolved, That we cordially approve of the exertions making by our fellow citizens in this cny, anu in various purls ol the Union to raie by subscription, a sum ot money to aid the Greeks in their sirucgle, wiih their barbarous and inhu man oppressors, lor religious aud civil freedom. Itesolved, lhat the following be the committee to district tho ward and wait on the inhalii tints for contributions iu aid of tho Greek Fund, and that the monies so raised be paid over to the trca urer of the GenerM Committee in this city, Thomas Morris, Alderman Doughty, Nicholas Fish, A. F.mmelt Gideon Lee, Athens Sherman, Wm.

Torrey, David WagtatT, Jchabod Pratt, Rev. Wm. Crcighton, Rev. Alex. Gunn, Rev.

tyr. Richmond, Jacobus Dvckman, John Dough tv, John Slidell, Peter Mver, llichd. Ames, J. Monroe, Jr. Andrew M'Gowan, Wm.

A. Davis, Clement C. Ed. Cox, Robt. Hallidav.

Henry Meisr, Wm. Bavard, Jr. Wm. Harrison, F.flingham Sclicffelin, David Board, Ak. Collin, Abr.

Chs. Beakfey. T.t. bert J. Van Beuren, John Wett, David Stebbins, nam.

Reynolds, i'eter O. Stuyvesant, Adrian Hegeman, 1 hos. C. Taylor, Geo. Depeyster, Thos.

Brass, Casper Meyer, Jacob Schelflm, Dr. Quackenboss, 'I hos. W. Robinson, Christopher Mildebtrger, John Warren, John Macomb, Isaac Varian, Kobt.S Bartow, Geo. W.

Cowman, Noah Talcot, Lindley M. Hoffmau, P. L. Mills, John Aspiuwall, Abel heatou, Hugh Saml. Gunton, A.

Jackson, John Adi iance, Jacob Hanson, James Striker, Wm. Crawford. Henry Post, Joel Post, Arthur Burtis, Wm. Hoogland, John Molt, Matbew L. Davis, B.

P. Benson, Ugdeo Edwards, James Mienell, John Lmiberecr, Geo. Youle, aJichael Floy, John Ureekman, Johu N. Grenzeback, Caleb Ezekitl Miles, Henry Brevoort, Anthony Tieuiau. Resolved, I hat the proceedings of the meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secretary, aud published in thedailv papers.

JOHN S'LIDELL, Chairman; TI103. W. ROBINSON, Scc'ry. The above named Commttee are requested to meet at the same place on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, P. M.

MARRIED, Last evening, by the Rev. Mr. Brientnall, Mr John M. Ferris, of Westchester, to Miss Eliza both Powell, of White Stone, Long Island. At Kip's Bay, on Wednesday evening last, by the Rcvd.

Richard F. Cadle, Horsey Baylies. id i. ii ii i ii i. io nss Harriet u.

lilacKwell, daughter of ja nits macKwcn, r.sq. DIED, Yesterday, of a liunerinz and painful illness. which she endured with the moH exemplary pa tience and resignation, Mrs. Armeuia Kain. con sort ofMr.

Richard Kain, of thefirm of Hart and Kain. His friends, and those of her father, Nicholas B. Lyon, are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, trom her late residence, No. 34 Catharine st. Yesterday morning, alier a lingering illntss, which she bore wim christian fortitude and re signation, Miss Ruth Miller, daughter o( Robin.

sou Crockett His friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend her funerul, tomorrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock precisely, from her late residence, No. 5 Balavia street At New Orleans, on the 'JClh Nov. Catharine Vanhorn, of Yerk, of consumption. Ou the of Dec. Richaid Stanard, of York, of bilious fever.

lafij OSS. CLEARED. chr Pacification, Ililliard, Jacmel Wm Stcvcus ARRIVED THIS FORENOON. Brig Acenoria, Gay, of Machias, 41 davt from Isle ol May. with salt and wine, to Hay Wood.

Leit, Nov. 120, brig Factor, Blackner, of Boston, irom 61 brig Gray, of York, lor carthagena, 2 days. The ship Nancy, Pierce, of iu.iui.iiit ior oucnos Ayres, sailed ou the loth. Brig Alabauu Packet, Pendleton, of New York, passed od a whaling voyage. The brig Irousidts, ot Boston, for Goree.

sailed day before. Brig Mary Eliza, Ellis, of SaiiJwich, from Innidadde Cuba, Falmouth, and 4 dayt Irom Newpgrt, with sugar and molasses. Schr Free Mason. davt from l'mvidenrn. Schr Maria Martha, of Hartlord, from Jamai ca and 3 days Irom Newport, with rum, i imeuto.

logwood, Ac. Schr Three Sisters, Hall, 4 dnys from Port laud. Schrfea Flower, 7 days from Elizabeth City. Schr Nancy, Crowell. 1 1 davs from St Johns, N.

B. with plaster and fi i to Tooker hi Ca. I' 1 Nevius. 1'a srd in the Souud a ship aud brie bound to New York. Schr Aliuu a.

ilson. from SL Thoma. 1 1 days from B.iston. Schr Hojit Return, of Dennis, from Jacquc and days from Ne London. With i i.tfi i.

logwood anJ mahogany to Le Roy, Bayard Co aim iuaciicr. Sloop Jun, 4H hours from New London Moop 6 days Irom Ssf. JOIl.S, Dec UouqhtKiy. schr Olive Branch, uo scnri.aiy Hunter, t'alraeter, do. On the 10th Dec.

experienced a very heavy irale ol wind Irom Hip K. accompanied with snow, ii hich she lost out 67 barre ls off the deck, iti th? loss of some sails tnd ringing, witli othe uamac. i 1 1.1 1.111, uuui MiiiL'oiusn, leu 1 Hi IO1I1 ik. t.t. iw.ii, mu urig is ii eiia.

01 uismasm aiij wnicr rogsed, and toox irom ti wreck the master and lliree of Hie crew, i.j others had pen bed with hanger and the inui menry 01 tne weather. niltAULLPIIIA, Dec. 3L Arr.ichrE!4 nor, davs York. Dec. 23 Arr.

kd Um ml I arris Har da, Mix.from Elizi Ann, NYork, i dvt from Racked Island. Sloop Bet ey, 17 days from Trinidad, Cuil uri? lor ew York, in 7 days. BOSTON, Dec. 29rr. brig Delia, NT leans, and 11 days from ti Balize.

Pasrd the river ship Rebecca, Wheaton. davs l. Hamburg. Saw about 30 sail of vessels 'out i of the bar bound in, the 15th and in the buyi Mexico passej 15 sail steering for the Balize Spoke 27lh in lat40lon 70, a ship 30 hour NYork lor i 'crpool. Schr MoiRiam, Sears, from Malaga.

30. Arrived brig Cuba, 30 daysfr St Thou! S' hrs Ahibamannd Dolphin, from NYork HOLMES' HOLE, Dei. 25. rr Herald Havana. Left I Uh bi ii Noble, Maxwell, in' ior YorK.

Sik Kc Dec 2i at fir. 30, brig Levant, 3 days from York f. Port rrince. BALTIMORE, Dec 3l. ArriVcd, schr ren, tioyi, 10 days Irom St Barts.

Left, tl Eliza. Latimer, for York, in 5 davs. PHILADELPHI Jan. 1. Arrived, brig I doiua, Sharp, 4 1 days from Marseilles.

Nov. 16. ship U. States, Hutchius, dit. unc; Pi iienre.

lor York, to sai It isOlilh V. mes, Brown, uncertain where bound, ditil i 1110 ricasaiit, Llark, for So ftmerua, unc: virnet. Kennedv. Cir V.i ail in 10 days I'acific, Apthropc, for South Ari ica, unc. Third ni of Mr.

Pear.nao's engaccmrnt In which cl a actor be will sing To conclude with BROTHER SISTER. nan. a ULSU Smvrnn .1.... 1 51 nm ue ireeroe tile rouuc opcrol Jocoso u.iiii, in ine.uaiuoi Mr PeanJ a number MrPcanrf nu a number of one 1 crormance commence at I unit 6'ja Saturday, Exchange no Robb.Ty.'si iJm lll'J LU.VUihY BJ I hi elegant ship, if previously ii ui" at auction, at 1 iiouie.on Wednesday, 7th i'U suo nuienis it scmcnt iu this pa A ltn I'M'. tiKRA RD'S will sell 'ol 1110 inspection ol the wani I 'r L''' v.riters, 550 voyage of 2 A 1 1 01 TrusteeTTfi'flJ 1.

lumbm Colleie. ill hn 1..1.1 .,1 atlOoA Ja2t CLEMENT C. MOORE, clcrt J'i in drums and bctctj 0 lleaper. from BoSnI 10 an purcna ers. For tale In Ja'2 ucysL.l CO.W it ja3Ct KflTllP milE Military Ball, honor of the New Orleans, aud ill aid of the GrJ? tnke place on Thursday ef ei.iu&M the Pl oipa nn it oi jam nrv.

imvj 'i he doors will bo open to commence at 8 o'clock! It expected that Ladji appear iu ball Dresses, Military aud Navy, are their uniforms. and the The tickets are not transferable, and th. of each subscriber mutllpe expressed on th, i ne varnages win meir compan a with the horses heads tdwards Chalhan 2 aud will take up, with tho horaei headt to uivaunni. Gentlemen are requested on arrival Theatre, to discharge their carriages for tlu ning, as carriages will be iu wuitimr. WM.GRACIE, Sec'i on by the undersigned 111 his sole name, who uiscnarge an accounts due by the said firm, 4 31 1 p.

EHOVIUI. ed at the rj A To tail from New es and tubsnriiJI direction of tho managers, to convey theooai1 ny home. To insure order, a stroug politjfxr be ou duty. Managers for the Night Major Gen. Morton, Corns.

Geu. Brig. Geu. Fleming, Colonel Brett, Qr. Ms'r.

Gen Bayard, Colonel Lawrence Col. James I Jouts, Major Colden. Col. Oracle, Henry Brevoort, Capt. Livingston, A.

Schermerhoro fil. viuci i i mu t'liairman, togiy be lormcd on the 5th of January, htotl present evening school, all the diffeitut brwrbe: i English education, Navigation, iVc. wij eoo unite tobe carefully tau ht ou literal ternm Having engaged a professor of the Fremh taogui tooach lhat language on a peculiarly mttrest mgand novel several olasses are ttw io iu me couree ol the dav. an: il t't a select evening French class will cotreocei i. vi 1 in 10 ur uoies a k.

IiriuresieJ with a lively nme ol gratitude tot liberal share of nat r.u, a Nantucket If 1,001 Pat year, the sub 1G. Arrived, sloop tl1" opiortm.ity to 1 tt liuicr.ts cently received. nJrr tlr. of the soison to Uu ir audtor. ew the ai'urances ol" i.r.

i. heir important professional dutie 1 J. VTS. lw A. CARPENTER.

Tvthe olarus of Tint; ani Fusion adwav WM. BI.OODGOOD. No. C01 BroM has and will oi.n. 1,,.

invoice of very eldr inl tmaii part of (ii Id and silver Wove Mu lin. of vnrinn.rd. ours and pattcrus, onsidcred the most article for turhau drc scs or tnmmiiiet that ha been offered this seaon. I doz. ouly.

Gre ian Silk Scarfs, fthc original name.) richly embroidered Slid (ringed with Sib ver, adapted for tur barn and handkerchiefs For i iwirr iurpoe iney are very beautiful Ihrrege llandkerchiefj, of variou richly orname itcd. ioui Do. do. plun. with Silk borders WnU.

nM'' f'" es a lare assortment figureJ. klt. Reticulci 4ain aud lo.broidered Silk Hose. Also A Case, containing between 2 and iOOO strips rench Chintz Trimmings, comprising the ijreat Ja2 It "1LRET CA' MK VE. oU ,0 nlure, 30 casks Catalonia ir.p.

I 3 2 JOSEPH OS IMMIV r.i FALL UHF.isSFs A 'In 1 i v'ikC rKO. W. ARNOLD. No. 313 just received a baud omc assortment eft Silver and Cold Lace Ball Dresses, and a Irw nan oi egarit liarnitur.

or the bottom cfi( i wri times i U0SCi varjf. I ol fa ncy good. a 3t fKl I'rmie Grl i 1 bale Turtle Shell, fcrt O.MAlRANfcCO. 33 Burline slio. iVS AHOGANY.

7000 li nt st I lauding from schr. Romto. for f3 J.OSBOKN I i r.t IU. A 4 i L'L' i I 1 South it oouin ti. I Lt0 La 'i'i ouu ceroons primo Mining and ior sale bv 2 HUSH v.

nrtn.i 1.. i. O. UORN ot Ao. 11 I.

vauuau uu ucbum le season. lie: (Ilstabl The Io Wm. Wallace, Z. Savannah, Louisa Matilda Augusta, D. A new thin, The proprietors gent requist of tin more certain and i id passengers, hav the above vessel! eek, throughout th first rate fasten xperienced chaster ither of the subsc rora charge of tl Freight or passage, apply to Jan 2 Ft Thefaptt ALLLUlLiNt' COAL CO.U'.JJvTbls.

is wanted tocoi THE Stockholders of the Alleghany (I be taken low, if fur Company, arc hereby notified, that aneV or reiel11 ot tion of Directors for the cusuing year, i'p side Old slip, plate at Washington Hall, on Monday, j3 FISH day of January iust. 4 o'clock, P. M. 1 1 "2 '01 G. BOGEfif tAT ao jive.

fill IE. partnership heretofore existin unl I n.o i dissolved. Tho business future be tun ine new and cl CQPAIt WF.ltSHIl' low. master, has a OHN T. BOYD bavin taken his and will I ThkhdoiieC.

Boyd into Copartnership, the hValance of freight siness will lie, hereafter, conducted under ofoinuiodations. ai firm of John T. Boyd Co. kharf. to FISH JOHN T.

BOYD. I 2 JOHN jajc UMJUORK C. BOTD. The fine MARY, an. or ii eight 2 G.O.&S FOB 10 TF.ACHEUS.

Itii The fa f.lOR SALE, a School Establishment. AmiJIMXCORD, 'I in the most respectable and healthy ptrtn'ulXl week. Fc the room The rooms are large, and west side 1 iaieu lorine lustruction ol pupils of both teiesl many of whom will be left with the nurrhiJJ the present occupant intendinj to reliuquhh thJ business he will remain with the purchiserml 111 nenecoiues acquainted ith the patrom well as pupils. Any information can be had applying to Lduiund llavilaud, No. 35 Fulton' 'lrcet jan 8 tf iiui tu, a.

a waiter. Apply ttl w. iiarnson street. ja 3t AN rt.D, a middle aged woman. of udh repuonablo character, as Nurse tod goou camstrcJs preterrcd An Kneiish woman wouMhJ 1 Apply at this Ulhce.

ja 2 Jt DE FUl A fat Sunday ui eit 11 immediaii 2 DE Ft The shi lu lor the abi luilt, substantial relator passu go, )i Ja 1 rrr, lAfv Ik 'onimpJ ua.eju! received, a large' "nnnr aso tmcnt of 4 (i Si 7 4 plain Swist aiwliut riw, Heavy while Gros He Naplet I Black and coloured do. Aim, Auction litis morning Stout figured Silks, at 5s fi A few boxes of super bla. scarlet and trim son Silk velvets scilm? remarkably crtap I leavy black and white Silk Stockings Long white Kid Gloves 0 White burse skin and kid do Plaid merino cloths lor clothes, Lc. 11.1.1 am Strekt, iv 3d door from MaMen I.m. V7 agt St.

1)47 It St.Donii II if'al South st Maidcn Lanetf i. respcctlully hilormt biiln Inciids and cil toniL.r. Ihuf a good a wrtineui of Irish lincnt, shcetingt ud dmpers, which he is selling off his usual Io prices, v. I caso 4 4 Irisa linens, from 4s to fit per yd 1 2So So do 5 4 do sheetiiR IV mil 10 4 damask diapert li 4 do do 7 4 do do 6 4 do do 7 8 bird's eye do Irish do Long lawns; cambric, jl For Xihl, uuuersiKnuu respecnuuy apprize ue youi.g gentlemen ol this city that they pro The pose forthwith to furnish a room 111 the most tr 'Ar Slcver propriate manner in Philom Academy, forth, lOtb iust purpose of teaching the practice and theory le master on he Bookkeeping, in which all kinds ot mcrcautih Iuithv wharf, bii ine will be transacted. A class ml J.

GREE rhetat: iro engaged, apply on bn 'j2 JO The 1 I'ACKE partol rL For fre '5 hand onie side C. II. 1 audi 1 tinn. ai! X'i un boaid 10 li r. or pa ifb'O I louse 1 i J.

The I I 11 Loir at Al colours, jkf The ih will, aid to the capt Jo J2 Ji H. AS1TI WotivO rl Variety of Ci 1 ..11,1111 uidlvID lllv fi litll in A be imajincd, they will besold remarkably cheap, LilHi. ce With many ..,,1 Mors lhce 01m utsil me cooot, rt AVKS laiidin ill T7 jF.RIi friei Jda;.

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