The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 19
- Publication:
- The Los Angeles Timesi
- Location:
- Los Angeles, California
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- 19
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Southern California Interests. Editorials NewsBusiness Society The Drama. Vol. XLIIL THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1924. PART IL 22 PAGES.
POPULATION! th z- -imom Two Parties on Harbor Inspection Trips PUN DRIVE ON FOREST FIRES DEATH VIGIL IN ARCTIC SNOWS THEIR WEDDING SET FOR TODAY CYKLER BOUGHT M'KEE TICKET "Bargain Harbor Lease" Man Admits Accommodation GAS FIGHT APPEAL TO BE TAKEN City to Carry Ruling on Referendum Petitions to Appellate Court vv til II ff 11 'I IV i ill S' I ill 1 lifM'iiSiSJpfi Prominent Men Visit Port Southwest Realty Board members are shown in ferry boat at bft looking over the harbor under the guidance of President McKee of the Harhor Board. At right, Mayor Cryer and Harbor Commissioner Colden inspecting paving Job at new American-Hawaiian terminal. D0LLEY SPIKES FOE'S GUNS WpiMm 1 Anticipates Charge of County Forester to be Given Prosecutor's Aid Reports 648 Blazes in Year; I Losses Heavy Will Ask Extreme Penally for Violations A campaign to stamp out forest and brush tires In Los Angeles county is noon to bo started by the County Forester's office, working in co-operation with tlie District Attorney, Stuart II. Flint heud of the forestry department, announced yesterday. Stressing the Importance of the fire situation In mountain districts surrounding Los Angeles, Mr.
Flin-thm pointed out that there were 648 fires reported to his oflice last year, of this number, he attributed 65 per cent to carelessness on the part of campers, tourists, hunters, motorists, ranchmen and persons engaged iu burning undergrowth. DEPUTY'S AID EXCLUSIVE For the first time in the history of the County Forester's oflice, arrangements have been made with the District Attorney to have a deputy assigned exclusively to the prosecution- of cases involving the violation of county and State tire regulations. In this way it is hoped to win a larger number of convictions in such cases, and thug brine tn the nuhlie th fur-t "Ihut lit hnrit ifs intpnrl tn pnfnrra fire, I laws. "In the past the public has regarded too lightly the regulations of State and county governing fires," Mr. Flintham said.
"We want to impress everyone with the fact that it is a crjme, punishable by fine and imprisonment, to set any kind of fire unless all of these laws are adhered to." An acre of brush land was valued by the forester at $2500 solely because of its capacity to retain rain and melted snow. Computed on this basis, the- annual tire loss of the county runs into millions of dollars, Mr. Flintham said. "Fires are one of tho worst enemies of the prosperity of this section," he continued. ASKS EXTREME.
PENALTY "In the past, violators have been "let off" with a email tine. Because the punishment has been bo light, the public has come to look on the illegal setting of a tire as merely a minor offense. "During tho next fiscal year we are going to try to exact tho maximum penalty in every case brought to our attention. If wo are to preserve our water resources. It absolutely is essential that we protect to the utmost th fnrPRt and underbrush (tnewth in thn foothills and CASE IS DISMISSED Hoveys Freed of Kidnaping Charge by District Attorney I 1 1 Charges of child-stealing and being accessories after tho fact to kidnaping, brought against Arthur Hovoy and his wife, Margaret Hovey, were dismissed yesterday by Judge Avery on motion of Deputy District-Attorney Jordan, who told the court there was insufficient evidence to secure a conviction of the pair.
The complaint against the Hoveys accused them of enticing 6-year-old Pansy Scott away from her mother, Mrs. Mary Keller of 408 Undercliff street. 1 Expenditures, Later Found Unauthorized Harold H. Doljoy, chief field agent for prohibition enforcement in California, assumed the offensive. yesterday In the campaign to "get" (lim being waged by San Francisco and Los Angeles bootleggers and )ootleg lawyers, by stating that charges of misappropriation of funds would be the next propaganda issued against him.
'1 DOMINGUEZ GIVEN HELP IN ELECTION O. A. Torgcrsen to Aid in Balloting Tasks; Rose Hill Test Today On account of the increase in the number of special annexation, district bond and other elections, the City Council yesterday created the position of ussistant superintendent of elections to assist City Clerk Domlnguez in the de-tulled work required. The position was created upon recommendation of the City Clerk In order to continue the eillcient handling of these duties, and will be filled by the appointment by the City Clerk of O. A.
Torger. sen, who has assisted City Clerk Domlnguez for two years. Mr. Torgersen will receive $200 a month. There will be a special election today In the Rose Hill district to decide the question of bonding the district for $124,000 to purchase tho Scheutzeti Park proper ty for a public park and playground.
Residents of Fairfax Addition adjoining tho western city boundaries near Beverly Hills and fronting on Wilshtre Boulevard, yester day petitioned the City Council to call a special district election to vote on the question of annexing this section to Los Angeles. The addition comprises twelve acres. Gr EST LOSES WALLET J. F. Murray, a guest at tho Stoll Hotel, yesterday reported to the police the theft from his room of his wallet containing $235.
Murray woke to see the thief vanish through the door, and gave chase but could not catch him, he said. In an effort to bring about a "clav BO tno Council may lay before the voters at tne May 6 Presidential primary election the two Power Bureau "gas grab" ordinances authorizing the expenditure of $50,000 of public funds, an appeal will bo taken by the city to the District Court of Appeal from the action of Superior Court Judge Sayre ordering the City Clerk to check completely tho two referendum petitions filed against the ordinances. The two petitions bore a total of 58,766 signatures and a complete check, it is said by the petition circulators, will show that there were sufficient signatures on the petitions to call a special election or. In order to save the taxpayers an expense of $100,000 for the election, the Council could repeal the Power Bureau ordinance. The Power Bureau is hoping to nullify the court's action by the appeal.
As a result of tho appeal, the City Clerk was instructed yesterday by Acting City Attorney Whitehead to delay resuming the check of the referendum petition signatures, which was ordered by Judge Sayre in his writ of mandate served on the City Clerk late Tuesday. Tho two ordinances authorize the Public Service Commission to spend $50,000 from its revenues to defray the cost of a survey to be made by the California Railroad Commission of the electric properties of the Los Angeles Gas and Electric Corporation. These properties are said to be worth and $21,000,000, and if the appraisal is made by the State commission, the Power Bureau then intends to ask tho voters for a bond issue to purchase these properties at the price fixed in the State commission's valuation. MERGER OF TAXI FIRMS IS PLANNED Head of Yellow Company Announces Combine With Brown and While Harry Lleb, president and gen eral manager of the Yellow Taxi- cab Company, announced yesterday that negotiations had virtually been completed for a consolidation of that company with the Brown and White Taxi Company. The details have about been worked out but the plan must bo ratified by the stockholders of both companies.
It Is proposed to name the new company the Yellow Cab Company, he said. "The Yellow taxis here now number eighty-nine and the Brown and White X50. If the deal goes through about 100 more cabs will be added. We expect to reduce operating expenses and probably rates by the consolidation," he said. C.
C. Tanner is president and general manager of the Brown and White company. The merger has been under discussion about two weeks, it was said. MILLION IS PRICE PAID FOR TRACT Large Area on. Glendale Limits to be Developed by Bert Farrar Announcement was made yesterday of the purchase of 992 acres of land, adjoining the eastern city limits of Glendale and bounded on the north and east by Flintrldge by Bert Farrar, local subdlvlder and realty man, for a reported consideration of $1,000,000.
The tract, which will be known as the Chevy Chase Estates, whs owned formerly by E. C. Anderson, oil official. It is the Intention of the buyer to subdivide the acreage into residential home sites, making use of the 20,000 live oaks and nrio'en on the property and having restrictions for the cons homes of Normandy architecture, A syndicate composed of prominent business men and engineers will supervise the improvement of the property. TO MOVE PRISONER United States Commissioner Long yesterday ordered the removal of Jack Armstrong from Los Angeles to Spokane.
Armstrong Is charged with violating the prohibition law. Graft and Explains Minor C. Neal, the agent who resigned in disgrace, and who is now out on $15,000 bonds on a rum-smuggling charge, backed by the San Francisco wet clement, has been reported as spreading rumors that there was gross misapplication of funds during my regime in charge of the Los Angeles offife," said Mr. Dolley yesterday. "Let's get out of.
the mazo of gossip and lies. Here are the facts: DOLLEY GIVES FACTS "When I wns in charge of the Los Anjeles force, and when Neal was a trusted agent, wo were handicapped by lack of transportation. Every week the Federal Judges, Bledsoe and Trippet, or dered the marshal to sell automobiles confiscated from bootleggers, I took up the matter with State Director Rutter and U. S. Atty.
Burke and the Judges, tho result being that Judge Bledsoe issued orders turning over to the prohibition office several cars. "These machines were then the property of tho United States government, and were used by agents in the performance of their dirties. There was, however, no fund from which they could be kept in repair. Meanwhile, the office had been selling to Junk dealers barrels, old copper, sugar and other things seized from moonshiners. The money thus received I turned over for use In repairing the cars, Slightly less than $500 was used in this manner.
The fund we termed the office Last July Director Rutter notilied mo that a Treasury ruling declared this method unauthorized, so the remainder of the 'kitty' was placed in the general fund of the State office, and has been handled in that way ever since. SnoVS BIG SAVING "The San Francisco office, which hires automobiles, spends about $1800 a month for transportation. Thus, with the system I originated, the Los Angeles office saved about $10,000 a year. The intelligence unit of tho Internal revenue is apprised of the facts. The money, which I learned was expended il- (Contlmicd on Page.
2, Column 2) Ada Blackjack Tells More of Polar Doom Starvation Prompted Trip to Land of Peril Atavistic Instincts Caused Survival of Ordeal Desertion and destitution were what forced Ada Blackjack to dare the dangers of the disastrous Wrangell Island expedition. Yes- years' stay on that ice-bound fleck df land In the Tolar seas, for slx- teen months an Eskimo woman Ifilnnn itnirtnir fnnr vhitn fnpn. fni" eight months companion, nurse, servant and sole support of a dying man. "In the summer of 1921." she Faid, "we were living' on Seward Peninsula, my husband, our son and myself, when he deserted me. I was bone poor, almost naked for luck of clothes and with no money.
"Bennett, my boy, was 4 years old. He will be 1 this coining spring. Without food, with no livelihood, with a baby to care for, I there was nothing to do but go tot my mother. She lived at Nome, forty miles away. We walked.
When Bennett was too tired to walk, I carried him. SHE IS TIXY WOMAN The boy tons his mother's shoulder now. She is tiny, less than five feet tall, solidly bujlt and rosy with health. In her broad, placid face there are no lines. She might b'o eighteen or twenty-eight.
As a matter of fact she is just under I 26. i' "At Nome," she continued, "I tried and tried to get work, but Nome Is a small town it seems very small to me now, after seeing this city and there was nothing to do. An agent of Capt. Stef-ansson found me. He said he would pay $00 a month.
The work was to bo easy and I hired out as seamstress, I was to sew clothes for the party out of skins." Although full-blooded Eskimo. Ada is no longer an aborigine. Her mother lived in an igloo, but until yesterday! she herself had never heard the -word. "Igloo," she said, "what is that, Eskimo? My people have many dialects, but I never heard that word." PALATE SPOILED NOW Her stomach and her palate have been spoiled by civilization for the diet of a people whoso background for untold centuries has been starvation. At the thought of those months on Wrangell Island with nothing to eat but train oil and ship's biscuit, she made a grimace of disgust.
She was never taught the tricks of trapping and fishing. Instead the United States government taught her English, reading and writing. Yet in the extremity of privation her racial inheritance triumphed. How they ran short of food; how three of them left the island in a despairing midwinter dash for succor, and were never seen again; how the fourth, left behindgrew steadily weaker, as scurvy sapped his strength, have been told; but the story of her six months alone with a dying man, from January to June of 1923, and three months more with his dead body, hoping, despairing, but always waiting for relief, has never been heard except from her wn lips. LACKED FITNESS Filling In the gaps between her terse, reluctant sentences, one pieces together the stern truth.
The stronger, bigger white men died because they were not fit in the biological pense to survive. There was game, but they did not know how to catch or kill the white men able to travel fled for help. Whereupon Ada turned trapper. "All I knew about hunting," she said, "was shooting squirrels in (Continued on Pace 2, Column 4) TO GET HERE Treks Wolf-Infested Come to Horse Show our ranch. The snows were too deep for sleighing.
"I was pretty well fagged by the time I reached a place where a road had been broken through. The Journey was then continued by sleigh for about thirty-five miles to Victor. Idaho, which is our nearest railroad station." A'fr reaching the railroad, fur 'es were over, though the (t timed on Page 2, Column S) Reimbursed by Check Bui He Hasn't Cashed Check Story of Drauing-Room to Go Before the Grand Jury Emll Cykler, head of the Pan-Paclflc Construction Company which acquired one of the "bargain leases" at the harbor through the good offices of Edgar McKee, president of. the Board of Harbor Commissioners, admitted yesterday that he bought a Pullman drawing-room for McKee when the latter went to New Orleans on harbor business last December 2. He said he did it merely as an accommodation to McKee and without any reference to prospective leases or other harbor board business.
He stated that reimbursed him for his outlay, giving him a check for the amount. This McKee corroborated. However, Mr. Cykler stated that he still has tho check; that he has not cashed It. He added that he will show it to the grand jury if that body is interested.
It was stated at the District Attorney's office that the matter will receive attention by the grand Jury along with other harbor matters, including the gifts to McKee of two expensive suits of clothes by persons having business with the harbor board. Dep. Shelley said that other witnesses having knowledge of the' drawing-room matter will also be called. TIfE NEW ORLEANS TRIP McKee's trip to New Orleans was as a delegate to the annual convention of American Port Authorities, officially representing the city. With him went Harbor Commissioner Colden.
S. S. Sandberg, Harbor Traffic Manager: J. W. Ludlow, Harbor Engineer, and Boyle Workman, chairman, of the Council Harbor Committee.
Mrs. McKee accompanied her husband. As Is customary in such cases. the official reservations were made from the offices of the harbor board, each member of 'the party oemg assigneij a berth. On tho train it developed that McKee had a drawing-room which had been secured for him and Mrs.
McKee by Mr. Cykler. "Mr. McKee called up and asked me to use my Influence in getting him a drawing-room for the trip. This was just the night before their departure and I man aged to obtain a reservation at the ticket office of the Biltmore Hotel," Mr.
Cykler said yesterday. "I gave Mr. McKee the tickets just before the train left Los Angeles, and he reimbursed me for them." he added. "Did he give you cash or pay with a check," Mr. Cykler was asked.
"He gave me bis personal check." said Mr. Cykler. He then added that he will produce the check and show it to the grand jury to disprove that McKee accepted any gratuities from him. STILL HAS CHECK "How is it that you still have that check, Mr. Cryklor?" was the next question.
Mr. Cykler did not explain. He merely reiterated that ho stilt has the check given him by McKee (Continued on Pago 2, Column 3) That was the warning sounded by Charles L. Estey. president of Estey of Chicago, in an address before the Commercial Board at the Biltmore Hotel yesterday, the program being In charge of The Tlmes-Mlrror Printing and Binding House.
"Do not be deceived," continued Mr. Estey. "The labor unionite does not worm himself into your employ for the sake of receiving an honest wage. He is there for a purpose and that purpose you are likely to discover to your regret. "It is not your climate and scenery, your fruits and flowers that draw employers and employees to lA'B Angeles," continued the speaker.
"Los Angeles is the white spot of America because you have here men with backbone enough to stand for the open shop and Industrial freedom. In this connection. I would pay grateful tribute to that patriotic pioneer of industrial freedom. Gen. Harrison Gray Otis, who gave up everything time, money, energy and all the fine intelligence at his command to protect, in Los Angeles, the inherent rights of free Americans, employers and employees alike.
"I congratulate the institution in charge of this program on the fact that from front door to back, from roof to cellar, there ia not (Continued on Page Column 5) crrty Saturday momnfr Metropolitan 0700 If possibU I oezJ er Phone. I EARLY COPYf for 1 Alice Louise And Justice Lewis Keed Works APPELLATE JURIST TO WED TODAY Marriage is Culmination of Romance Beginning Two Years Ago A romance which had its beginning two years ago in a chance meeting will be taken before the altar today when Justice Lewis Reed Works, of the Second District Court of Appeal, and Alice Louise Pentecost quietly are married before a few invited friends. News of the intended marriage came to light only tsterday when I Justice Works and his bride-to-be appeared at tho marriage license bureau. The wedding is to be solemnized today in a church service but the couple declined to give the name of the church, as they desired that the service be private, they said. She is a native of Canada and came to Los Angeles about two and a half years ago and met the purely by chance, when Justice Works was seeking quarters at the time the new University Club was being built.
Justice (Continued on Page 2, Column 5) BRAVES WILDS Wyoming Ranch-Woman Wastes on SnoiVshoes to WARNS OF UNION AGITATOR Chicagoan Tells Commercial Board One Organized orer Can Endanger Employers Sta0 "Business men of Los Angjles, listen! If you allow one labor-union agitator to get Into your employ, the success of your establishment Including the welfare of all your employees is endangered." PHONE EXPANSION ORDERED Southern California Company to Spend $10,000,000 for Improvements This Year Total authorizations for expenditures in excess of $10,000,000 for expansion of the Los Angeles Exchange during 1924 were in the hands of Southern California Telephone Company officials yesterday following a meeting of the board of directors. Besides planning for 1 11 SUIT ASKS GAS PLANT PLAN HALT Taxpayer in Long Beach Would Bar Work on City Project Until Bids Are In Another offensive in the legal war over the proposed municipal gas plant of Long Beach was launched yesterday when John A. Rodgers. a taxpayer, filed suit against the beach city and its officials for an injunction restraining them from continuing with the project until bids have been advertised and a contract entergd into for the work. The complaint, which reviewed the controversy over the gas system, set forth that tho defendants were planning to erect a municipal plant in violation of the provi sions of the city charter.
It was stated that the beach city virtually had entered into an agreement with the Southern Counties Gas Company to purchase its plant for $2,625,000, to be raised by the sale of the 000 bond issue voted last fall, on January 15, last, the defendants were said to have violated this asserted agreement by ordering City Manager Windham to ahead with the plan to erect a separate municipal plant. The complaint recited that the City Manager was about to proceed with the work without advertising for bids or without en- "tering into a contract, which pro visions were held to be necessary legally in order to make the construction of the project conform to the city charter. Presiding Judge York is expected to rule today on an application for a temporary restraining order sought by the plaintiff. Arrest Nine at Asserted Fake Realty Office What was described by officers as a fake real estate office at 108 East Twelfth street was raided by the police vice squad late yesterday afternoon and nine men were arrested on gambling charges. Hans Weaver, proprietor of the place and one of the nine men (aken into custody, was charged with conducting a gambling house.
The raid was made by Patrolmen Thomas, Greenhlil and Griffin. nald the plaie had been operating for a weejt. The front part of the office was used as a blind, they said, and in the rear the various gambling games were conducted. About $300 was seized by the officers. The money had been placed on the table by crap-shooters, the officers stated.
held by business men here in the I lat fw MU Of the thirty persons charged in warrants procured by Deputy Joos ifij. nr.trii.-'.itii-ic th? in. 1 ft it tvp' I ri i ly i Tj'J' rrieue-4 tr.i 4-t-s- WHITE ELEPHANTS STOLEN Policemen Are Dum founded by Report of Missing Animals from Wilshire Residence "No. 431 South Western avenue two white elephants stolen," drawled the sleepy clerk at Wilshire Police Station yesterday morning. A little thing like fifty miles of snow eight feet deep between her home and the nearest railway station wasn't enough to keep Mrs.
H. H. Harrison of the Circle Ranch in Wyoming from coming to the new telephone central ofilce buildings and switching equipment to make possible the addition of telephones this year, the board authorized money for wire projects covering the entire city. Almost 250,000 miles of new telephone wire will be made a part of the Los Angeles system during the current year. The $10,380,000 authorized to date is part of the $19,200,000 construction program under way by which -it is planned to make twice as great a gain in telephones, as was made in 1923.
Authorizations by tho board included $118,390 for aerial and underground wire in the extreme southeastern section of the exchange where installation of switching equipment is under way in a new telephone central ofilce building. This building, scheduled to be in service in July, is the fourth of tho erven new concrete and steel structures being added to the exchange here. In addition to carrying on the largest telephone construction pro-pram in the history of the Pacific Coast, the telephone company is preparing to introduce metropolitan methods of operation on March 30. The new method will eliminate the necessity of remembering the difference between manual and machine switching telephone numbers, as it will be possible for dial telephone users to dial both manual and automatic numbers direct. It was eaid thht there will be no change from the present method of usinjr the manual telephones.
EYE HATH NOT SEEN, nor ear beard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the which God bath prepared f-f them, that love him. 1 Corinthians "What!" chorused Messrs. Hull and Skctchly, who answered the call. "That's what they said," insisted the clerk, "but I was busy at the time." "Busy pouniling your ear," said one of the poficcmen. but they took the call.
The white elephant matter, however, got on the policemen's nerves, and to Sketchly decided ho would take his .4 instead of his .38. "Mavhe Its a circus," opined Hull. "What number did ho suy?" It was the home of E. L. Meuns, a i akA irnt Jl 1 7 ail was placid.
"ve are from tne viisnire Ma- tion. did someoooy mrrti iwiue- 1 htng?" they aked at the door. 1 Then Mr. Hull looked at Mr, Sketchly. Then Mr.
Sketchly looked at Mr. Hull. "They were standing right there," said tho maid, pointing to the steps. Mr. Sketchly Jumped slightly.
Mr. Hull looked over his.shoul- der and winked broadly at his partner. "They were white," she said, "with blue harnetd." "Psychopathic." Mr. Sketchly whispered to Mr. Hull, it being all the Greek he knows.
"They were real cut stone." nhe continued, and Messrs. Hull and Sketchly looked sillier than I hoy eer had looked before as they look out their note books and made this entry: "Two cut atone elephants, about two feet high, white with t'; rr. has chin i I chip off 1 i i r.tx. Notice, Los Angeles Horse Show. Donning snowshoes, she set off resolutely over the white and frigid expanse in the direction of Los Angeles, hoping she wouldn't get snow blind or be eaten by wolves before Fhe could rearh civilized means of transportation.
f. r. "Mln cj ho v. uverj i KEYES QUIZZED AT POMONA Reports That His Office is Being Used to Discredit City Officials Believed Cause of Parley EXCLUSIVE DISPATCH POMONA, Feb. 27.
Reports that political agitators were using his office to discredit Pomona city officials today brought Keyes here for a conference with Mayor Ovington and a score of Pomona business men. No Information as to what transpired at the meeting held in the Mayor's oflice was made public either by Mr. Keyes or those who had been tailed into the conference. Dep. Joos, who has.tlon meetings ald to have been been pushing the Investigation of the ao-ealled "scandal" here, was not included in the conference and it is understood that he i irrl'ja.
i among th- i Ji tators." The me is been lh cf ia..
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