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The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 3

Los Angeles, California
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ter completely, it seemed, for he said: "Why, yes. little man. I believe I will buy a paper." The fatherly old man fumbled in his pocket, found no change. Public Centennial Jubilee for Spiritual leader and Reformer Next Thursday. apologized to Morris, and present DAVENPORT (Iowa) March 16.

Morris newsboy, was defrauded of 5 yesterday by another candidate for the "meanest man" rogue's rallery. The candidate was a benign, good natured, fatherly sort of a man a kindly old gentleman who seemed about to extend a bleeding to the newsboy. Toiper," shrilled Morris with a. beseeching glance to the fatherly old man. It disarmed the lat 'Profits-Power One Thought of.

Operators." ed mm with a 15 bill nicely folded so the figure five would show. Morris gave him back 14 5 In change. And Ut evening when Morris was counting his day pro ms ne round the i bill had been torn in half. Possible Coal Strike Only Business Cloud. government affecting the probable break in he Industry, and officials conversant with the situation appeared convinced that nothing more could be done to adjust the disagreement In ad ST A P.

SIGHT WIREL1 HALIFAX (X. Mych 18. Canada's two ghost today P-pareptly hare "been lald" Not a peep wss reported from Antigonlsh county after Dr. Valter Franklin Prince, New York stalker of the ephermal, Jast night Issued his 7000-word report, expressing belief that mysterious fires in the house of Alex MacDonald could be attributed to iUry Ellen MacDonald, the farmer's foster daughter, subject to states of consciousness." Uis ghost huntover, Drv Prince was preparing to return home tomorrow. Dispatches from Windsor Ont.

which yesterday reported the spirit of Leo Leonard of Jackson, walking abroad, 'stated that no further uncanny Incidents have occurred overnight at the home of his son-in-law, Franklin Crandall, who charged the ghost having hurled him across the room. Indeed, a ghost would have had a bard time squeezing into the small house, which was thronged all day with the curious. Two clergymen were invited by the family to visit the house to lay the spirit by the power of prayer. The Rev. H.

M. Paulin said after his visit that there was no doubt that the family was In a state bordering on panic. "My opinion of the whole matter is that these visits spiritualistic mediun have so excited the minds of all of them that their imagination is rupning riot," he added. vance of Its final development. SAYS LKW1S IS WROXO.

J. D. A. Morrow, vice-president of the National Association. made public 'tonight copies of a inner, ne had addressed to John L.

Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, complaining that the uiirm had sent broadcast er- that the pledge of mine owners is valueless. They are willing to break their own word If by so do ing they can reduce wages or weaken the union." "PKorrrs power. "Profits and power with the mine owners come first. The United Mine Workers of America have an honorable record of agreements honorably kept. The industry for twenty years has been conducted upon the basis of negotiation and Joint agreement.

The mine workers have met every demand made in those agreements. What they ask now is negotiation and agreement. "The thing they want least of all is to be compelled to cease work as a final protest against the dishonor of employers. The cause of the miners is Just, and Jn that Just cause they will have the united and unswerving support of th great union labor movement of our country." No action was taken today by the 1ST A. K10HT WIBB.I March Bl-t-mlnou coal miner, who Mvt to cease work April 1.

"come what may. will have the support of the American union labor movement in their etrugsrle," I'rostdent Oompers of the American Federation of Labor said in a statement tonight. Coal mine owners, "bound by a. solemn agreement to confer with the. worker upon the terma of a new wage agreement," after that date, "have retimed to abide by he terma of their own pledge," he declared, adding that "no group of employers in any industrial controversy in this country has ever plseed dtself in a more indefensible position." "The citizenship of America can draw from this conduct but one conclusion," Mr.

Gompers continued, "and that Is that the mine owners wish it to be understood roneouf versions of testimony riv. Announcing The Arrival of the New VICTROLAS These beautiful new models, which are "being" shown in Los Angeles for the first time, are the latest products of the great Victor and represent the last word in modern phonograph design. Their advent will undoubtedly prove a decided sensation -we invite you to come in and see them. 4 Tha model shown above is priced at en by coal witnesses seeking railroad rate reductions before the Interstate Commerce Commission. Mr.

Morrow declared had never testified that average selling prices of bituminous coal were 110.50 during 1921. out of which miners received 11.97 si labor cost He fcald he fixed the- total cost of mining bituminous coal during October as Averaging S3. SO per ton, against an average selling price received by the mine oper ators Of SZ.7S. BCT ONE CLOCD. The threatened strike vu re 200 garded today at the treasury as tne only cioua on tne business nor Izon.

Stcn'Bloch SMAKrOxmras Steady Improvement has been reported lri general business con 437-443 5prin North or 5TJ Adding 125 worth of records of your own choosing, if you wish, it may be purchased on these liberal terms A Payment of $25 $15 Per Month! ditions, high treasury officials de clared, which probably will con Par the benefit of the many Spanish-speaking friends of The Times and the many students that tongue In Los Angeles, The Tune presents herewith a digest of the most important news of the- day in Spanish. A working knowledge of correct everyday Spanish Is an asset or tnunense value, especially in the Southwest, as Is Indicated by the fact that public and private-Spanish Instructors have more than 15,000 pupils In Los Angeles alone. "Para beneflclo de Ids rmirho amtgos de habla castellans iue tlene el Times, asl como tamblfn para, ayudar a los eetudlantes de este Idioms en Los Angeles, el Times tlene el gusto de ofrecerles una aerie de notlcias Imports ntes de ultima bora, en espafiol. El conoclmlento de eto Idioma, expuesto en forma sencllla, usando rases de uso dlarlo, es de gran valor, especlalmenta para los resldentes del suroeete del Estado. En esta rfudad actual en te hay mas de 15,000 personaa que se dedican al estudlo de la lengua espanola.

tinue uninterruptedly, although the prospect of a coal strike may have some depressing effect on business expansion. The strike should not seriously affect business generally unless it should be drawn 59t-to Geo.J.Birkel Co. unprecedented length. It was said. High officials expressed the opinion that the.

government would Horn ef. th Eteinvmv Piano ond tne A public gathering that promises to le. unique in the annals of the city will take place Thursday evening, the 23rd In Berean Hall. Philharmonic Auditorium. It is to be known as the Peebles Centennial Jubilee and celebrates the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Vr.

James Martin Peebles, who died last month, nearlng the century goal. The celebration Is In response to the wish of the founder of the Centenarian and Octogenarian clubs who, anticipating his physical absence, assured his close associates that he "most surely will be present In spirit." Another message from Dr. Ueebles. late spiritualist leader, has penetrated the fog which separates heaven from -earth. Guy Bo-gart, secretary of the Longer Life League, declared yesterday.

This time the communication from Dr. Ueebles was received by Mr. and Mrs. Hiram A. Graves, spiritualists of Glendale, "through one of their teachers on the" inner plane." according to the announcement.

Further assurance that Dr. Ceebles Vould be able to attend his one hundredth birthday celebration. 'The message which Mr. and Mrs. Graves report seems thoroughly genuine," Dr.

Bogart said yesterday. "As Dr. Peebles was an Intimate friend of theirs. It' seems perfectly natural that the late pioneer of modern spiritualists should be able to reach them with a message." His many friends plan to form a permanent Peebles anniversary celebration. On the same day at an hour and in a place that will be.

kept secret by the twelve friends chosen for the lite, the ashes of the great spiritual leader and reformer will be scattered in a rose garden, according to his wishes. A memorial tribute will be at one of the spiritual temples during the afternoon and a din ner In honor of the one hundredth milepost at a downtown restaurant at 7 p.m., and at 8 o'clock a musical program under Jhe direction of Carl Eronson anT an address by Dr. Gen MacWilliams. Maybe Climate Attracted Nova Scotia's Ghost. Deputy' Sheriffs Modie and Gtensland yesterday completed investigation of a psychic phenomenon.

The case Is entered at the Sheriff's office as "moonshinlng" because the blotter clerk thought it meant a new kind of home brew. VThree children were playing Wednesday night back of the house at 809 Lee street, vacant for a year. In the gloaming they saw a white-robed man step from the door end float rather than walk toward them. In his hand he held a white revolver, which probably shot-white bullets. They retreated over the back fence.

The deputy sheriffs found the house fully furnished but much dilapidated. Windows had been broken and doors sagged on hinges. Dust was over everything. Now, not a footprint or finger--print or elbow print or any kind of a print detectives look for could be found in the whole place. "8 funny." said Dep.

Sheriff Modie. 'S strange," eaid Dep. Stensland. 'S most said Sheriff Traeger. the bunk," said the blotter clerk.

take no action in the event of a coal strike unless a hardship was 446-448 South Broadway worked upon the public. CASH AND CAR GAIN FREEDOM. Everett C. Lewis Puts Up "Men Wear de que se adoptase un nlan que pudiera llevar a la formaci6n de un pacto aatisfactorlo. In Petrolcro Recomienda Una Nueva Politica.

Protestando contra qua los capl-talistas extranjeros tengan mejores oportunidades que nuestros cluda-danos para la. explotaci6n de pro-piedades petroleras en America, pues el goblerno ha concedido mayores prlvilegios a los Intereses de fuera, J. C. Donnell, presidente de la Compafita de Petr61eo de Ohio, en Flndlay, declar6 ayer que era preclso cambiar de polltica. "La situacldn aqul," dijo, "parece abierto contraste con la del goblerno britanico, que no s61o ha apoya'o a sus ciudadanos en el fomento del petr61eo en campos extranjeros, sino que se ha coa-vertido en accionlsta," Both and Obtains Bond for Appearance in Ohio.

NOTAS TELEGRAFICAS. Entran Mas Menonnltas a Mexico. EL PASO (Tex.) marzo, 1. Dos trenes especiales salieron hoy de Juarez, llevando 8B0 menonnltas canadlenses a sub nuevos hd-gares del sur de Chihuahua. Con estos son ya clnco los trenes que han trasladado a dlchos peregrtnos desde sus casas del norte.

Ya va en camino un sexto de Wy-mark, Sasketchawan, a El Paso, Ueva como 150 emigrantes. Este sera el ultimo tren de la migraci6n menonnita, el menos en varias semanas, segtln se dice. Cuando los peregrinos que este convoy conduce lleguen a sus nevas tlerras, habra en estas como 1000 colonos. Cincuenta oarros de semovletite, muebles do- casa provisiones salieron hoy de Jufirez, a la zaga de los dos trenes con menonnltas. Esta Integrado el Jurado def Ar-buckle.

SAN FRANCISCO, marzo 16. Temporalmente se Im6 hoy otra vez el I palco del Jurado, para la The local end of the prosecution ef Everett C. Lewis and his wife, Lillian Lewis, who originally were charged with beliyj In the conspir- aoy which resulted In the robbery Specials Madia Coif Shirts, sizes 14 to 1 7t regular $2.50 and $3 Shirts. Friday and Saturday A4 Qs Special n.mmm Flume Outing Shirts; broken line of sizes in shirts that hare been $4 and $4.50. Friday and Saturday A ry Special JZ0S of a mall truck In Toledo, on the nfght of Feb.

17, 1911, and the loss of about $1,000,000 In money and negotiable securities. was closed before U. S. Commis sioner Long Wednesday. tercera vista de la causa kos- coe C.

Ar buckle (El Gordito,) The conspiracy charge against the two Was changed to that of accessory after the fact, and a desoues de lo cual, huho un re stipulation was entered Into by the ceso. en tanto que el Mlnisterio publico meditaba- sobre ejercitar terms of which Lewis turned over to Stuart ILeBolln, of Columbus, oposlciones perentorias. Tres de los jurados- provlslonales eran O- special assistant to the Attor A mulerea ney-General, $2500 in cash, and a -T31 interrogatdrlo de los Jurados sunlentes fue mucho mas breve fine Btutz automobile. Lewis gave bond with a local DEPORTES. Basketball.

IjO. Alhambra venclfl a la Escuela Superior de Artes Manuales en los semiflnalea que se jugaron ayer para el campeonato de basketball de Sudcalifornia. Los tantos fue-ron 33 por 28. Carwras de Autom6vllcs. Cuatro carreras 'de tramo corto se cfectuaran en la pista de Los Angeles el 2 de abril, segdn notlcia dada anoche.

Luchador jDontra Boxcador. Stranger Lewis, campe6n mun-dial de kichadores pesados. apostd ayer $5000 a que puede veneer a Jack Dernusej, rey mundial pesado del anillt). en un match mixto hasta rendir. Jack Kearns, gereute del campeon de boxeo, eclaro anoche que Dempsey se hallaba dispuesto a verse'las con el luchador en cualquier tiempo.

-Baseball. A menos que- slga la lluvia. la novena ds baseball nacional de Chicago se encontrara Con el, club Ijob Angeles, hoy en el pvqi4 Washington. 1 que en" las dos vistas anteriores, company as surety. In the sum of los abogados esperaban qua el 116,000.

His wife was held in a iurado ouedase lntegraao noy. similar sum, but she was allowed to sign the bond individually, which Probablemente -se elegiran tres iurados suplentes. means that the woman has gone Wlnsted Shirts and Drawers, wool mixed materials. Friday and Saturday Special, A Qtf a garment ip JL Jt) Outing Flannel Pajamas, good weight, in dependable quality outing. Friday and Saturday, a pair.

JL Woolen Sox, sizes 9Vs' 10 and 10Vi; regular 50c value. Friday and Saturday, a ff pair, pairs. JL JJ El jurado quedd completo con free on -her own recognizance. Un euatro mujeres. Hardlnz Reeresara Manana.

der the -terms of the bond. Lewis obligates himself to appear at To QacJc ledo to answer the charge when "By George, this is going to be some party glad I came, aren't- you "Rightro4 i and I'm glad I'm wearing my new Jack Bean Dress Suit ever he Is wanted. As his bond SAN AGCSTTN, marzo 16. fel President Harding ha decldldo per-manecer aaul un dla mas, salir was furnished by a local bonding para Washington el sabado en la FuHJDpDS8( 5 loShop corporation, this was, taken to mean that the was furnished by Eddie O'Brien, better known as "Frisco Eddie," who will start back this morning to answer tarde, en lugar del vlernes. Tai anuncid hoy el Secretario Los excutslonistas esperan Famous Nez Perce Indian; iChief I5O8-3O9T0 EW8 STATE i llega? el domlngo a Washington, an indictment pending against him LOSNCELES Tennis.

En tal virtud, el Presidents de la Gillett, llene'pensado salir In Toledo, charging him with being Felt Hats in spring shapes and shades; all sizes; a wide variety of new colors; only a member or tne noid-up gang. O'Brien made his home with. the EI compaflero de William. Tllden en er torneo de dobles que tendra lugar el 25 de marzo, serft un ra-quetero de Filadelfla de Catorce esta noche para Washington. NOTAS LOCALES.

rttTi P. NIGHT WIRE.l (Idaho) March Lewis family at 1040 East Thirty second street. and, it is asserted, John Bog, 84-year-old Indian, feaid RENTAL SECTION. IN CONNECTION conducted an oil station at Kiev Se Acusa a Madaljnne do False- to be one of the last sunvlving lead anos de edad. WOMEN'S FIGHT FOR dad.

enth street and Western avenue. This establishment Is so plastered ers of the Nez Perce Indian War, $3.50 El Agents del Ministerlo Publico suplente, Keyes, hlzo ayer ya tarde with mortgages and pending claims died here yesterday. that Bolin did not-think it worth HUSBAND NOW ENDED. Bog was a chief lieutenant to el cargo- a la Bra. Maaaiynne tj, while to sells, he stated.

The ob "Old Joseph and to Chief Joseph, ligations areVbout in battles witu united States troops, NEW SPRING SUITS $35, $40 AND $45- Obenchain, de que habla mentldo dellberadamente en el banco de los testlgos, cuando declard bajo juramento en lo relatlvoal He was with Chief Joseph during the memorable 1300 mile retreat of ARB YOU WORRIED? Tf w. Ntcfc Baffin DetietWas. Pl asesinato de J. Belton Kennedy, Sno Pntr Ttmaw Ridg nrt Fill corredor. Este cargo fue lanzado al final de un dla de incesar the Nez Perce Indians through Montana and Yellowstone Park, ending with the battle which resulted In the capture of Chief Joseph by Colonel Nelson A.

Miles at CLEVELAND, March 16. The fight here of two women for their "mutual" hushand endedV when Common Pleas Judge Lelne ruled that RuaB McFarland, writer, is legally married to Bessie Leuseh McFarland, his sec Bear raw Mountain, October 4, dlscursos, primero, de la defensa, luego, de la aeusaclon. El Br. Keyes po pudo presentar sus con-clusiones ayer, pero se.espera que termine hoy en la maftana, para From the Least to the Greatest "ITS THE CLIMATE" That has" been Instrumental In bringing to the Rogue River Valley such sn excellent class of thrifty, alert, welt educated, cultured people, This tells the story, for such people bring with them the proper community Ideas, which means that we have churches' of nearly, every denomination, as fine grade -schools as can be with teachers of known ability, and a high school that Is second to none in the State, In point of Fraternal organisations are quite all represented here, and It's Indeed difficult te find a citizen who does not belong to some of them. The ideal outing-grounds, parks and near-by places of amusement lend temptation 'to our numerous social actlvt- tlesHtnd picnickers hie themselves to the shady dells, with forest and mountain stream, for recreation dally, during at least eight months of the year.

Cultured ladles' organizations are equal to those found anywhere. COME, you cannot help but like us. Writ of Commerce, Grants Pass, Oregon. 1877. "I will fight no.

more ond wife, and legally divorced from Chief Joseph promised Col. Miles. que la causa pase al Jurado. Quiere Impcdlr Actos de Su An-ciana Esposa. En una demanda que presents Rose Tura McFarland, his first.

TOBACCO, PROFITS REACH NEW RECORD. IBT a. P. NTOHT Vimi TORK, March 16. -Profits aver en Oakland, el Dr.

Eduardo S. Bog upheld his chief's promise. DISCHARGED, MAID SMASHES WINDOWS. fST A. P.

mOHI Wiss.1 PORTLAND (Or.) March O'Brien, tnedlco de Los Angeles, dlo pruebas ds que a euanquler edad pueden tenerse dlsgustos matrimoniales. Fide qe no se per-mita a su de 80 afioa de edad. que haga otro testamento. of the 'American Tobacco Company 7Iig7t pressure lubmating system When S. F.

Durkheimer notified M1ss Elizabeth Stlnson, a maid. In 1921 were the largest In its his that her services no longer were required in his household, sho en el que el marido pudiera ya no ser el bsnefjeiario. Relatd que 1 su mujer, que era viuda de William H. Hartley, vlejo terrfctenlente capitallsta del Conpado de Merced, celebraron un cbntrato antes de casarse. El se comprometla tory, the year's turnover yielding 11 per pent, said the annual report yesterday.

Earnings were" equivalent to $16.84 a share on the common and common compared with $13.38 the year before. Your Car Deserves Alemite CHYBLISTERS dejar de ejercer como medloo, trabajo que le producfa $12,000 anuales, a converttrse en com- i OH Bl seized a stove poker and broke out two expensive plate glass windows, according to a complaint signed by Durkheimer' yesterday which resulted in the arrest Miss Stlnson on a charge of malicious destruction of property. The maid was released under. bonds. ANOTHER FLOrn DROP.

IBT A. P. WHU3.J SEATTLE. March 18. A -drop of40 cents a barrel In fh nrix.

nf May Quickly Follow na.fiero de ella, a camblo de la cual, ella proveerta a las neceslda- 'des de el con su fortuna. Esfa USE SULPHUR TO, HEAL YOR SKIN "I cauf ht a littUeotd mnd hoar end Jiort of brmth in my chut and throat that I was almaat. unabla to talk. Folay'a Honey and Tar savo ma rllf Mayaradalot Fa. deberla quadarte a el cuando ella murlese.

Agrega que, despues de hacer un vlaje por Europa, su niujer le abandon 6, que desde en-tonces han tenido muchos tras-tornos. And Back, Burned So Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Heals. "When my baby was two weeks old he began breaking out with blis Thorough chassis lubrication every 500 miles is part of the care your car deserves. Put on the Aleirdte-System and the job can be done quickly, cjeanly and efficiently.

You will soon see the difference In better ronnicg and lower upkeep. Stop in and get an Alemite System from your dealer or garage today. It costs lees you think. bakers hard wheat flour and soft wneat ana pastry flour, was announced by millers here today. Dlferenclaa en el Mltra del Colo Always rollabrsfor inSuanaa and brn rado.

Se vlo la falta de armonla entrn chlal couihi, colda ters. Later tne blisters scaled over and itched and burned 'so that he coold not sleep day or night, and cried almost continually. snrnp, Mcsiinr uiroaif hoartonoaa, ot. Boat-forehlldrauand srewnj naraona, nuiiei J5 His arms and back were affected. His clothing aeerned to acrravats the Broken Out Skin and Itching Ecxema Helped Over Night.

For unstghtly skin eruptions, rash or blotcjties-on face, neck, arms or body, you do not have to wait for relief from torture or embarrass-ntont, declares a noted skin specialist. Apply a little Mentho-Sulphur and Improvement shows next day. of its germ destroying properties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of chis' sulphur preparalion. The moment you apply it, hdaling begins. Only those who have had unsightly skin troubles can know the dellglt this Mentho-Sulphur brings Even fiery, itching eczema Is dried right up.

Get a small Jar from any good druggist and use it Ilka cold cream. Advertisement Ins estados interesadosr en "1 proyecto de presa del cafi6n de Boulder, durante el mitln de la Comleion del Rio Colorado, cele-brado ayer en Phoenix, Tanto California como Arijona dleron fuertes sacudtdas a la conferencla. William Mulholland, ingenlero en jefe del acueducto de Los Angales, sa burld de la idea de tratar de celebrar un pacto, energlcamente recomendd que se construyera la presa que se solucioharan Jns disputas despues. Addison If. Smith; de Mohave, Arizona, sugjrio que se hlclera a Un lado la cues-tion de derechos de estados que se nroc.ediera a trabaJar.

La s- dians -tstossatidaUy as it fills eruptions. The trouble lasted two months. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after using one cake of Soap and one bos of Ointment he was healed." (Signed) Mr a. M. W.

Queries, Lalngsburg, Mich. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal DUNN-PEN cums re Ideal lor every -day toilet At AHDealer, ALEMITE LUBRICATOR CO. OF CAL. 1138 South Phona 1428 1 Windsor Square SrUahtra naw-loimt Prlead aVMJOaaoa jrraportr. i.

H. IVUWVH CO SOS X1U Imnar aUda tablirtwTMll.aiMiK -PaMunbaV E'JHH siOn se ctinvirtld en una acalorada dleputa, con numerosas sapliqaa "ft:.

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