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The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 8

Los Angeles, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 OCTOBER 0, I.f 3 MONDAY MOHN1NT. Trusses Like These Are a Crime titnillcnnt. Cement Alliance of Tzvo Great Families. The Tie that lilmls. VSTKHV'S LINK -FROM THE PAST.

TALK OVKU OI.U T1.MF.S. Member of Mji.r or FiiM RrUude, N.U.O.. Keunlfe at Kanch at Sun it it 1 1 CaplMriiiH). A reunion tt tho member of the 0- "tl (OP 'I We'll glva you plenty of lima teat tt- If tt doesn't keep your rupture from coming out, when you are working and at all other times If It doesn't put an end to the trouble you've heretofore had with your rupture li you don get better right away then tha truss won't cost you a cent. How It Strengthens and Heats.

In addition to holding the rupture. tTia Cluthe Truss or Cluthe Automatlo Massager Is constantly giving a soothing, strengthening maasnge to the weak ruptured parts. All automatically the masente goes OH all day Ion, all without any attention whatever from vou. Thla massate which strengthens Just aa exorclae strengthens a week arm la ao remarkably beneficial so remarkably euratlva that In 109 cases out of every S00 rupture begins to get better from the day a Cluth Truss Is put on. The World' Greatest Bonk on Bnpture.

t'on't go cn lotting vour rupture get worse don't spend a cent on account of yoer rupture until you get our book of advicewhich two cents for a stamp- or a penny for a postal will bring, you.1 Till rmarl(nlilo hook 13 pores, 21 separata articles, and 19 photographic picture took us ovnr 40 years to write took uo that ions to find out all tha facts we've put In ft. It explalnn the dangers of operations and why they don't always cure to stay cured. Tello why for the protection of the publlo drug stores should not be allowed to sell trusses. Kxplafns why belt, spring and elaatlo trusses can do no good. Exposes tha humbug 'methods." "appliances." etc.

Ana tells absolutely without misrepresentationall about the Cluthe Trues lust how tt holds how It gives the curing massage how It Is waterproof how It ends all ei-penee tiow you can get It on trial and gives names and addresses of over 400O people who have tried It and want you to know about It. Write for It today don't put It oflf this book may be the means of adding many years to your llfo and of restoring you to full strength and usefulness. Just use the coupon, or atmply say In a letter or posial. "Send me your book." In writing us, please glva our vbox number as below Rid of Elaatie Bands, Springs and Leg Strap. 8uch Htrncss Hat Forced Thousand to Undergo Dangerous Operations.

Trusses like those shown above the belt and leg strap, clastic and spring contraptions sold by drug stores, surgical instrument houses and many elf-styled "Hernia Specialists" make life miserable for everybody who nears them. And evr: when drawn so tight ycu can scarcely stand to keep them on they do no good whatever. Instead, they often do Immense barm they squeeze the rupture, often sauslng strangulation dig Into the pelvic bone in frontpres3 against the sensitive spinal column at the back. The rialn Truth Thli! Rupture aa xplaln4 In our fieo book Tttn't be relieved or cireJ can't even be itept from crowing woroo unlrji constantly held In place. Juet a broken bone iiiin't "knit" uiilesa the parte are held securely torether.

And Jut ae a ben due or splint Is tbe snly way a brolten bone can be held the rlfht kind of truse la the only thing In world th can keep a rupture from coming out. What a dlferMire ft will make when you fet that kind of trusa. And you ran aet exactly that kind of truns -without risklrc a cent of your money. nn.At.a I'luih. IVnaH Cltirhf, nintomatlu Mpusacer.

Far more thun a truss rar more man merely a device for hairline the rupture 'D plae. Mo different from everything- elee for "iptuVe that It has received 13 aeparate patents. Thourand ay It ta aa comfortable as (heir clothtnfT. No belt, elastic belt or sprints around your waist, and no lec-straps nothing; to plnfh, squeeze or hind. Self-resulatinft, sHf-adjusting.

It Is held In position by suction can't shift or slip the only truss In xlstenre that Is hencsily guaranteed never to let the rupture come out. Try It Without Kinking Penny. We have so much faith In the Clothe Truss we have seen it work wonders for so manv othrs that we want to make one especially for your case ad let fa wear It at our rlak. r-T TTf ff? RrV Irving H. ITcllman and His Fiancee, Miss Violence 10.

Marx, niece of D. A. and M. A. Hamburger, whose en-gageinent to the wealthy club and business man was announced at a dinnor party 1 isl evening.

She Is the daughter of Mrs. Jennie H. Marx and he the son of Mrs. II. V.

Ilellnian, widow of the late Her-man V. Ileliman. The. wedding, which will occur in tho near future, promises to he tho social event of the year. Felicitous.

SFAM.V.VS I.t'fjiHTF.Il LLtUTKE OF AXOTIIKK'S WILL. Her Father a Ship's Captain Who Kan Away at Thirteen Capt. i'nrtridge, Also a Kunanay ut Thirteen, Makes Her Sole Rene-flclary Though Stranger to Other. Woven into the fabric of the. will of the UUe Capt.

F. W. Partridge, which nill probably be admitted to probate, this week on filing by attorneys Culver and Allen, ia. the mysterious Unking of two lives apparently the result of a peculiar coincidence in their history. This other person is a woman, Mary I).

Plank of No. 1512 Harvard boulevard, who Is the Hole beneficiary under the captain's will. Capt. Partridge, who for twenty-seven years had been a picturesque figure of this city, was born in Maine. At the age of 13 he ran away from home and went to sea.

He was a rover until the Civil War broke out, when he enlisted in the navy and rose to the rank of ensign. He served under Farragut and was captured and confined in a Confederate prison. After his release he re-enlisted and served until the close of the war. The sea still drawing him, he returned to the merchant service and finally became captain of a fine ship. In 1884 he tame 'to Los Angeles to, lose amid strange surroundings the memory of a domestic trouble.

At the age of 13 and practically at the same time, the father of Mrs. Plank ran away from his home in Tennessee and went to sea and in course of time became a captain. The two sea captains had never met, but when Mrs. Plank came to Los Angeles she and Partridge became acquainted. As his age Increased he grew more and more to depend on her.

There were two things the, loved most roses and Toby, Mrs. Plunk's maltese cat. He always sbrought Toby a bit of lobster or a piece of iisti. Tony grew lo Knew nis footsteps on the porch, hc firm, strong tread of a sea dog on the deck. Finally the captain began to break up.

He was taken to a hospital, where Mrs. Plank attended him faithfully. August 13 he died. His last wish to Mrs. Plank was that his body be cremated and that his ashes either bfe planted under a favorite rose hush or scattered over the ocean he loved.

After long pondering she chose the latter. She went to San Pedro, carrying the captain's ashes in a jar. took passage on a Catallna steamer and fulfilled her dead friend's last wish. STAIi PLAYS STKAXf.H THICKS. Wounded Mexican Cannot Move One Leg and Cannot Feel In the Other as Hesult of Wound.

Attracted by what is declared to be one of the most peculiar medical cases on record in the West, physicians from all over Southern California are visiting the County Hospital to study the developments of Prown's Saquard puralysis, with which Creseucio Ramirez, a Mexican, is afflicted. Ramirez's condition was brought about by a knife stab, received in a brawl with number of other Mexicans a week ago. He has been in the County Hospital since October 3. The kntfe blade which wounded the Mexican entered the spinal cord at the junction d' the dorsal and lumbar region. As a result Ramirez can move his right leg but cannot feel in it.

The left limb he is unable to move, but it Is subject to sensation. Above the cut there is no affection and the Mexican is able to use his arms at will. One of the facts demonstrated by Rameriz's misfortune is that the sensory fibres cross to the opposite side of the s'dnul ord immediately upon entering the cord and that the motor fibres ascend on the same side of the cord. For years great specialists have been experimenting in the famous laboratories of the world on animals in an effort to learn the effect of a wound similar to that of Ramirez. It is the belief of Dr.

Anders Peterson, assistant superintendent of the hospital, that the Mexican will recover, although he will never regain his strength. Guess. I'm the "Initiative," I'm the "Recall." No need to refer To the "People" nt all. I am the Leader, 1 am the State, 1 am the "Umpire" Selected by Fate! 1 am the Sophist Sublime in debate! I am the Psalmist Who sings his own star. I'm the Peripatetic Who journeys afar, I am the Censor To make or to mar.

I'm the grent Prophet, All knowing from birth, I am everything, I am the Karth: M. R. M. stuff nf the Find was held at the ranch -r Maj. J.

V. A. Off nt San Juan Capistrano, In honi of the sixteenth anntver: irv of the appointment of Prig-Gen. O. F.

A. Last, retired, yesterday. Those who went from Lou Angeles were Last, Lieut. -Col. J.

A. Hrittill, Lieut. -Col. W. U.

Welch, Maj. J. YV. F. Id's.

Maj. .1. T. Jones. Mij.

J. L. Last. Maj. J.

A. Uockweller, 'apt. SI. Ilaker and Maj. V.

F. Xordholt, r.ll members of th Amonjf the Invited gnei'ts from Los Angeles wen- c. H. Hammer, O.S.A., Col. J.

M. Huston, U.S.A.. retired; Wankow- ski, commanding, H. W. Neumann and Frank Smith.

Those who attended from San Juan Oapistr.ino were Judge Uiehard Lagan, Jerome O'Neal, Frank O'Neal and I Kin Juan Foster. It developed at the reunion Col, Hammer, who Is the only survivor on the northrn side of the battle of Fort Sumter, fought against Judge Kagan, who was on the southern side. Hoth saw lired the first shots of the Civil War. The members of the staff of the First hold a reunion annually. Sorry Duty.

FATHKll AUUESTS HIS OWN SOX. CHAKGFS WHOLl SALH J'ASSilNfJ OF UAI CHI CKS. Forty l'iectvi of Worthless Paper Asserted to Have Netted Voting Man Four Hundred Dollars UN Parent. Who IPts Him Locked I'p, Says He's Demented. Arrested by own father, L.

11. Saunders, 23 years old, was locked up in tho Central Police Station early yesterday morning on a charge of having passed about forty fictitious checks wid securing about 1 100. J. T. Saunders, a real estate man who has an office at No.

1 2 South Proad-way, is the father. That the hoy is suffering from a mental aberration which is the cause of his misdeeds is the only defense the father will make for him. The young man was arrested a year ago, the police records show, on a similar charge and was placed on live years' probation. If found guilty again, the police say. he will go to the penitentiary unless the father's intervening plea that the boy if; insane is substantiated.

About a month ago the young man di.sippeared. A few days later the police received Vomplaints of a flood of bogus checks. Detectives Jones uiyl Krven made an investigation and suspicion settled upon young Saunders. The police communicated with the father and learned he did not know L. B.

Saunders, Twenty-three years old. who was arrested yesterday by his own father, charged whit lhe wholesale passing of bad clieckc. About forty pieces of worthless paper, aggregating 400 are said to be involved in the young man's alleged operations. His father, a local realty man, says the boy is temporarily irresponsible. where his son was and was greatly worried.

The elder Saunders told the police he would search for the boy and upon finding him would place lvjni under arrest. The search ended early yesterday morning on South Broadway when the young man was seen looking at store windows. Ho was taken to the Central Police Station and there turned over to the police by his parent who with tears in his eyes told the police that his son was really guilty but was suffering from a temporary dementia. Mr" 1 I HYMEN TO ALLY GREAT CALIFORNIA FAMILIES. Present day corset designing is an art.

To produce models of extreme length, which shall be durable, comfortable and graceful, sails for designing of the highest character. In Eicn Jolie Corsets the art is reflected to its highest degree. Walohn boning Is used throughout all corsets lt'3 pliant and extremely durable. MARINE BUREAU ASSURED HERE American Lloyd's Probably io Be at Long Beach. Branch of Shipping Jiecortl Practical Certainty.

Xotablc Tribute to Future of Our Harbors. Tho ns pernuinnt adjunct of Southern i 'ulii'oriiln murine interests ln-nncli c.f the ItecoTil of riean iinil I'orelKD thippiug, r0lUKiel announced in Tho Times ten thiys ino. lieen mado iiixctii'nlly a ci rt.ilnty through conferi'iicr between John I'. OatR of the Cra iir Shipbuilding Company, Lone Utuiii, mxl ft. I'lntt Htratton, survcyor-tft'iieral of the bureau.

Where the will lie bunted is us yet admittedly uncertain. IhoiiKh there is every likelihood that It will be at Pedro or l.ons itearh, with the rhatnes In favor of the hitter. Tho building of tin bin t'rtii'; dry-fiock. Hie ways smi of San iici.ii atul the only one of Its sort on tho t'oant, ives to the port advantages for the purpose of the bureau which will heavily in the decision of the backers of tho project. For a number of wfelis Strut-ton hiiJ Craltf have hepn In eoire-spondeneo on the puhjei neotia-tlona which eulnilnated In a personal visit ly the Mirveyor-Keneral, just brought to an end.

lie speiii i.everal days at till the local ports in a careful examination of their sliippint! possibilities. At the conclusion of his in- portion lie tlt lared hlniscll as enthusiastic over the future of Southern California shipping and It Is understood that he will immediately forward to the olli ei of the corporation he represents strotm recommendations as to the establishment, of a local branch. The Kecord of Ainerienn and Forcing Shipping Inter known as lhe American of Shipping bears the (-'aiTie relation to America that Lloyd's does to Kurope. They make specialty of ratlin; ail bouts giving them a classilical ion whereby they may be judged for risks of any sort. The eertiticntes they issue are all over the world and every ship or vessel rated by them Is watched thereafter and a sort of abstract kept of her life.

livery time a vessel rated by them goes on a dock for repairs or overhaulinir a representative of the bureau Is on hand to inspect the repairs and see that they are first class and improve the risk. The representative who will he pent here will be also a i. rival architect and will serve prospective ship owners and builders in an advisory capacity if he Is needed, thus saving more expc.nue to chip owners who heretofore have had to send north for plans and advice. Speaking of the proposition yesterday Oral said: "Mr. Stratum was wonderfully impressed with the harbors In this vicinity and foretold vast volume of shipping to make three ports, within the neU few years, lie goes bark to New York and will there report to the directors of th bureau his views, and I expect to hear In a short while of Its establishment here or at San Pedro.

The prestlfte It will give this port by having ships rated from heie will be enormous." A special representative of the bureau will come hire on the when the big steamer llanalel goes on the Oraiir dock for an overhauling, at which time It will also be by the government officials. Flue Schemes. mo 1 F1HK FIGHTING. IV ToWVfi Alarm to 15c Sounded by Fire Hells and Pintles Are to lie Ite-cruiltd With All Possible Speed When Ulan? HrcaUs Out To Cooperate With Water Companies. It Is believed that a programme of co-operation between the water companies and fruit raisers and the fo-cstry service of the government has been arranged which will, hereafter.

do away ith the reiurrence ot ot -vsstntinc forest lire in the mountains of Southern California. li. II. Charlton, supervisor of the Lob Angeles forest reserve, has just returned from a tour of inspection of the territory contiguous to this city, nnd reports splendid progress. He was accompanied on his trip by Ooert 1U-1-sols, l'istrict Forcer.

over California and Nevada. At a meeting of the Tri-Oounty Association ill Uediand-. made up of representative ranchmen from Orange. San P.ornardino ami Riverside counties, at which Charlton and Dubois were uef'ts. a committee was named to comer with the interested ranchers in the territory with a view to enlisting their co-operation in the tuoveniei.t.

During the trip of the government officials agents were appointed, at Ontario. Glendota. Azusa. P.anntng, lieaumont. San Bernardino and Monrovia, whose duty it will be to a immediately as soon as thev are informed by the rangers that a tire has broken out in' their vicinity.

These men have beer clothed with authority to incur liabilities for food, clothing and other necessary expenses In connection with operations, and will be authorized retruit the necessarv number of assistants at these places for use in cases here fi--es are reported. At Monrovia atul other points, ar-rargMnents have been made to have the fiir fir- bell tin In cave of lire In the rsvation teat will summon th organized lire-ilahters fur instant action. In addition to these improved mttlioils 'f' tlreo. the vctt-i oir.pan.cs cmpi'-vlng lars-- number of men win thellt Into ptir-t'ca of hre-fljh'ci-- reaily to move at moment's ro'iec. 7l leliev, if the no-- rat e'l-rt' te 1 let 1 been if- o'i lb" V- i i -t ih i ts T1IK alliance by of two, of the wealthiest and most prom- Inent families of Oalifornia was! foreshadowed last evening with the i announcement of the engagement of Miss Florence H.

Marx, niece of P. A. and M. A. Hamburger, to Irving 11.

Ileliman, Hon of Mrs. II. W. Hell-man, widow of the late Herman YV. Ileliman.

The announcement was made at dinner party held at tho Wilshlro boulevard residence of Mrs. Louise M. Cole, Hellman's sister, nt which were present about twenty-five member." of the Ileliman, Hamburger and Marx families. Miss Marx is the charming daughter of Mrs. Jennie 11.

Marx of No. South Flgueroa Mreet. In addition to a personality which has made her the center of a social circle numbering hosts of friends, she la nn accomplished musician and finished student of the arts. She Is a graduate of the Hamlin School, of Sim Francisco, and has spent much of her life abroad. Her musical and artistic education was completed in Paris, where she studied under a number of recognized masters.

The Last PRETTY GIRL -Jtf) Ileliman. who is a nephew of Isaias V. Ileliman and a brother of Marco Ileliman, is 28 years old and is the present manager of the great Ileliman estate. lie hi a thirty-second degree Mason, a Shririer, an Flk, member of the Onion League, the Oalifornia. and Jonathan clubs and of other social and business organizations.

P.v profession he is an engineer, a graduate of the Los Angeles llign School and of Armour Polytechnic Institute, Chicago. Ho was the city's first reinforced concrete inspector, a position which he resigned to relieve his brother, Marco, in the care of the family estate. The date of the wedding has not as yet been set. but It Is understood that it will occur In November. From the social point of view it promises to be the event of the year and, in point of interest and elaborateness, will number among the mort brilliant functions the city has seen.

It is the expectation of the youns? couple lo reside after their marriage in the Ileliman mansion on Windsor square. A reception in their honor will be held at the Marx home on South Flgueroa street next Sunday from 2 to 5 o'clock. Day. PATROL OF appeals will be put in the hands of the voters today and the work of the anti-faction ill be brought to a close. Mrs.

George A. Caswell, president of (lie anti-suffrage organization, drew attention to the fact that women suffrage was made an experiment in New Jersey many years ago. In regard to its effects upon the purification mid uplifting of politics, she last night said: "The lirst woman's suffrage experiment in the Fulled States was In New Jer.e.vv Its provincial assembly KiWi-'hfflkc' to women, July 2, 177f. In ISsSO many women voted for President, in 1 SOT there was a special election relative to the' building or placing of the Fssex County The corresponding secretary of the New Jersey Historical Society. Hon.

William A. Whitehead says that though only women of "full age and with fifty pounds proclamation money clrnr" were entitled to Vote, it was found that every woman In Fssex county was "of full age" and had had lift pounds, and was therefore entitled to vote as often as she could manage It by disguise or by complicity of the inspectors. One woman voted oneo under her own name, Mary Johnson: again as a stouter woman, Mary Still: and later as a very stout woman. Mary Yet. Acquaekanonk township with about 300' voters cast over 1S0O votes.

The Legislature set aside the election as fraudulent and the whole. State was so disgusted that an net was passed, restricting the suffrage to while, male citizens. 21 years of age." Kohert I). Maynard, Mra. Idaynnrd atul Mr.

Mtlson. In Pusndena, nt 4 k. Mrs. Julia rhelpn held a meetiiiK in I.ihrary Turk while in -the city, at the Lyceum Theater on avenue. Kdson and Mrs.

C.riflith spoke. Meetinsrr. will he held tonight at tho Pasadena christian Church, Santa Paula, Los Al.imitoji, Hlvershle. Lortcr Leach and Llanchard Hall. At these places the last word en nuffXHKe will he uttered iv pt for the stiff rage literature which will full' like snow ahoiit tin- diction polls Tuesday.

The I'Msadciia ineelintr toniuht will he aiiilrcsMcil rr. lJurihTte, Mr. t'atteih mid' Mr. Simons. Mil's Aniv will Ninr.

The is one of ipuitlty. The Ll iin hard Hall meetinir is to a .1 iliilee. I'oltJt llllil Mi's l-'oy hav. arranged with I r. Howard, lullon and a Milieus for speech, i of from two It, nu.H.tes.

Uootl music ha In en the occasion. are designed for the woman who knows and appreciates good corseting. Bien Jolie Corsets are made of imported materials fitting companions to dainty Five to twenty-five dollars revery pair correctly fitted, without charge. COX 40 CI.CTHE rOMPAX East S3rd Street, New Tork City Send me your Free Book on The Cure cf Rupture. Name Street Town SHOP iS) German rumpernicHel.

A loaf i UC Naumann Schill 306 S. SPRING ST. Branch, 224 W. 5th St. Imported and Domestic Delicatessen.

WE CCRB CATARRH skin and blood dlseasea and all curable nervoua and chronic disease ot both aeiee. IKtt. SHORES SHORES. Henee 3rd 3t Sprlpit. Entrance liJ W.

ttrd Ixie Ansle. Tcke elevator or easy stairs to rvm Coneulta-tion free Hours 9 to 5. H-entrgs, 7 to e. Saiidaya. 10 to HOLMES EISELE.

LADIES' TAILORS. Try one ot our $40 suits. They are ot superior Quality. 617-13-19 Exchange Building, Cor. Third and Hill.

Men's $15 Suits On Sale $4.85 CONTINENTAL SALES CO. 113 West Third St. Cpcit fS. 'coRSET CITY AGAINST SUFFRAGE. GEO.

J. BIRKEL CO. 446-448 South Broadway Strinway Pianos 1 nlTarciie I'hmoe Sohmer-Cerillun Players Kcimeli tt lineli I'ianos i'iacnlj rhinos tarrnnil-tecllin'1 flayers Solimer i'in'n" tVclte-MigniiH l'hiyc-rs l.ranlili Hneii l'lrtvers Kiirtzmniui i'ianos Ictor TalUiivf sv rsuiNMi. van fifth stref.t PASAUKXA BKANt'lf, 1S5 EAST STKEKT Men's Clothing S3 SS2 DESMOND'S Corner Third and Spring Streets 'Absolutely -Pur WHEN the busy merchant or of-t lice man is confronted today by a pretty girl who approaches him wearing a small American llag as her passport he is to recognize the II. ig i as a truce and not as a declaration of war.

The young woman will come as the last messenger of the women in California, who do not want to Pesliles the Fnlted Stales flag, she will carry sundry circulars not printed on jyeilow paper and which contain i arguments of might against political equality. Scores of pretty girls haw volunteered their serv ices today to distribute the anti-suffrage propagan la and they hope to place some of their arugments I In the hands of every voter in Los I Angeles, who comes down town to business. The anti-suffraglsts are of the opin- i ion that man hose mind could bo changed on his way to the polls to- morrow Is'too much of a j. lly-lish to be worth hooking. For this reason, none of them will appear at the polls on election dav.

but will remain at home, or attend to their duties In tho business world, in keeping with their convictions that woman has no place In or near the polling booth. Neither will they gather in any public assembly to hear the election returns. They maintain that their campaign work Is finished and that they have too much faith in the voters of the State to doubt the r. suit of the election. Their final Si I'l lt IN SPAMMI.

Mexicans nt Are Itouthiirdeil With onirn Ammunition Dow Into Toiiune. An autoinohilo in yellow hunting ami a score of Votes for Women si Mopped it the afternoon Maria Lopez stoml tipon the of the jnmhine tiilleil the Vcople in the to nnler, to open oie of the I.i.t nierlinuK oi a illlii fitriiun In li in hine vith vvi, Henry Ihl- lo'i. II V. i'Ikioh. V.i-;s I.I.

Cllpin. i-tliel's The s.p aUitii una l.utli In r'p i'i 111 Kr Jif-li tin ,1 f-ir i-i ire ill, mi i 'i i. 'V lii' li I i oriii I nt" i a j. iihoi l.e vi'k i i t': i I .1 hour I to. i ut r.

t. Ttw utile h. anl froft I'l 1 1 i if. f52? Every woman's heart responds tc the cliarm and sweetness of ababjr' voice, because nature intended her foi motherhood. But even the loving nature of a mother shrinks from tlu ordeal because such a time is regard- ed as a period of suffering and danger.

Women who use Mother's Friend art 5avcdmuch discomfort and suffering, and their systems, being thoroughly prepared by this great remedy, an In a healtity condition to meet th-: time with the least possible suCerinp and danger. Mother's Friend is recommended only, for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers it is in no sense a remedy -for various flls, but' its many years of success, and the thousands of. endorsements received from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to bt 2erived from its use. This remedj does not accomplish wonders but simply assists nature to perfect its work Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre- rents caking ot TrrHf the breasts, and in every way xmtributes to trrtnir. litMlihv motlu thciwl.

Mother's Friend is sold it More. Write cur frc: aonk f- rrectant ni.herH. a-. 11 I To have pure and wholesome food, be sure that jrpur baking powder is made from cream of tartar and not from alum. Tito Label will guide you Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum Ho Llmo Phosphates ft -3MliElaa.

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