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The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 22

Los Angeles, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OCTOBER 1913. XTXTCT tr.j SATURDAY MORXIXG. Public Service: Gity Hall, Courts. Cream 20c Kisses the, sround of extreme cruelty, setting forth that her hushand had not Children. Can See The "Movies" Free Saturday, children under 14 year of age and accompanied by parents will be admitted free to the Arrow, Theater.

A clean, moral show, that you can bring the children to see with perfect assurance. (Hamburger's Birth Floor) A combination of assorted nuts Snd fruits tasty morsels that the lover of fine confection will heartily enjoy-only 20c a pound today. (Hamburger' Main Floor) Broadway, Eighth and Hill Streets, obstructed traffic and caused more or less disorder on the sidewalks, and thut no efforts on their port could apparently remedy the condition. It Is due to the proprietors of the stores and theaters, and not to those who congregate on the sidewalks through ordinary human curiosity." Nlmmo tsiys the ordinance wna modeled on the draft of one now in force in Chicago, with the more drastic features eliminated, and that similar ordinances are In use In New York, Philadelphia and other large cities. The draft was referred to the Public Welfare Committee and.

will be considered next Monday at 10 o'clock. It Is understood that repre No School Today Shop for the You can accomplish their outfitting rath greater economy of time and money at the Great White Store than anywhere in Los Angeles. More than ever do our autumn stocks demonstrate Hamburger supremacy in supplying the apparel needs of the" juniors. Girls' Wool Dresses Girls' Rail Coats at $10 Boys' School Suits at $5.00 Encourage the young men in their pursuit of learning the arduous task of going to school may be made more attractive tiith the help of neat, comfortable clothes. All fi tfliiav TH7Q ora fn ylrtr rom fi i Judge of their smartness from the illustration.

The DRRSSKS are'' long-walsted French style and Russian blouse of- sT fects, of chaUis. serges and checks. Cr-1 Fffeetive trimming nnd graceful, vK5 girlish lines are notable feature of Kf ders from our regular $6.50 and $7.50 lines at $5.00. Parents will be here, by tho score to take advantage of this timely economy, all-wool double-breasted suits, with knlckerbocker trousers, In sizes for boya from 8 to 16 years. Norfolk SUITS at $10.00 In the popular brown and gray mixtures; full peg trousers lined throughout, with, eide and watch pockets, buckles and belt straps.

In all sizes for boys of all ages. Fall OVERCOATS $7.50 Long heavy coats, with convertible collar, In auto coat style, with belt all around or In back only, as you prefer. A popular" coat for school or auto wear; sizes 2Ya to 17 years. these clever frocks and all the desirable shades are included In the assortment. The COATS are in long-watsted, belted and blouse styles.

Materials are such popular novelty cloths as bouclcs, astraehan, chinchillas, double-faced coatings and the melton cloth. In a wide variety of colors. Imitation furs are much used aB trimmings. Girls' COATS $7.50 Imitation furs, melton cloth, chinchilla and diagonal weaves, in tan, navy, brown, gray and black. Sizes 6 to 14 years.

One jaiity model sketched. Chic Dresses, $6.50 Children's dresses of French serges, Panamas and fancy striped fabrics, in navy, brown and black." One style sketched 6 to 14 years. (Hamburger's Second Floor) Baseball Supplies for the Boy Every live American School Boy wants to play ball and what's more invigorating and healthful than a game after school or on Saturdays? Baseballs at $1.25 Regu- lation size and weight; adopted by me racmo uoast League iiaso-ball Club. Baseball Bats, $1.00 Made of sturdy second growth wblre ash, In a variety of lenijibs nnd weiehts, and all perfectly bul- anced. Middy Blouses, $1.50 Wool Dresses, $3.75 Both Balkan and regulation Stylish, well made frocks of styles; white and lthakl color, mohair nnd serge, in red, brown, with collars In various styles and navy and black.

Pleasingly trim-Colors; all sizes for girls. med, sizes 6 to 14 years. (Hamburger's Junior Salon Second Floor) Children's Corduroy Coats, $5 Smart, sturdy garments for tots 2 to 6 years old. In Copenhagen, brown or navy; double-breasted, with high turnover collar. The belt in back gives an air of distinction that will appeal to the mother in quest of a coat that combines style and Hervice.

Boys' Elkskin School Shoes Sizes 9 to 1312, at sizes 1 to 5 at $2.50. Elkskin shoes are the best wearing shoes for boys, and especially adapted for the hard wear they are sure to receive on every wideawake school boy's feet. Girls' School Shoes at $2.00 One of the best sellers in our Children's Shoe Section, shoes of solid leather through and through, especially neat in appearance and unequaled for service giving. Calfskin or.vici kid. Sizes 11 to 2.

(Hamburger's Main Floor) Children Fielders' Gloves, $1.00 Of fine black cordovnn leather, lined nnd padded with soft, flexible felt. Catchers' Milts, $1.00 Regulation size milts, full laced, with inside palm pad and patent laced thumb. (Hamburger's Fourth Floor) Maryland School VVilshire 369 and Broadway and Eighth, Loa Angelea. ISAACS, Prosldrrit. Scbools Colleges.

SUMMARY OP THK PAY. The Tublic Utilities Board ntlll maintains, lta position that 'It Is unwise to fix the rate for natural until the State Kailroad Commission xea the rate for pua delivery to' the city limits, and yesterday drafted a to be sent to the City Council today. The Bureau of Street Assessments ha completed the aastwment for the Hill-street tunnel and no appeals from the acceptance of the tunnel by the Board, of Public Works have been filed. The limit for such filing will expire on October 21. The City Prosecutor yesterday presented to the Council a proposed ordinance to prevent merchants and theaters making exhibits that will attract crowds la the streets that cannot be handled successfully by the police.

The V. D. Tteductlon Company yesterday akcd that the city -enter Into an agreement to Rive eiplit-monUis' notice before It is estopped from taking the city Karlurge to the hog farms neex Vlneland. A former Southern Pacific goners! uperlntendcnt has brought suit against an associate demanding certain profits in realty deals Involving valuable Alameda-street holdings. At the City Hall.

OARDS OPINION'. YET UNCHANGED. BEETKVKS IT VXWISK TO 11X NATUK Vli (i AS KATK NOW. Will Send Statement to City Council Today Holds that State Kail-road Commission Must first Set Bate for Delivery of Uan to Boundaries of Tos Angeles. There Is no change of attitude on the part of the Hoard of Public Utilities on the natural gas rate situation.

The board still maintains that It would be unwise to fix the rate for natural gas In the city until the State Rail-rood Commission has fixed the rate for delivery of the gas to the city boundaries. At yesterday's meeting of the commission the request of the Council for submission of data available for use In fixing the rate, was discussed end a repiy was framed, which will be sent to the Council this morning. The Council will as to the attitude of the board. Certain members of the Council would be glad to have an ordinance adopted Instructing the board to proceed Immediately to fix the rates, thus bringing Into use the recently-adopted provisions of the rharter whereby the Council may, by ordinance. Instruct any department as to the course of procedure It must take.

It Is entirely unlikely, however, that such a movement could get sufficient support to be carried through, as Councilman Reed 1 ill nnd away on a sixty days' leave of ftb-enee and Councilman McKenzle, who was strong for this action, is on a Six weeks' trip In the Kast. The Public Utilities Commission had set yesterday afternoon fis the time for hearing the representatives of the People's Welfare Commission, who had been Invited to present a substantiation of Its claims to what the natural gas rate should he. Not a member of the People's Welfare Commission appeared. Councilman Wiffen was present, however, and he discussed the situation with President McReynolds, nnd Insisted that as certain cities of the Eaflt have a 30-eent gas rate, this is a fair basis for discussion here. McReynolds declared that the Issue hinges largely on the matter of con-mimptlon of gas.

nnd that In the cities that have the low rate, there Is from three to eight times ns much of this fuel conxumrd. as would be the case In Los Angeles; that if the consumption of gas Is low, the rate necessarily must he higher than the cities cited. Ite stated that the rate for distribution of the manufactured gas Is 40. cents. On top of this must be placed the cost of the product.

Mayor Rose has stated that If the Council Is a unit In demanding tlv removal of President Mcltevnolds from the public Utilities Commission, ha will accede to such a request, as he believes the Mayor and Council should work In harmony and that little of advantage to the city could be accomplished were other conditions to develop. The demand of certain organl-tatlons for the removal of McReynolds nas been plnced In the hands of the Public Utilities Committee of the Council. NO PROTESTS TTI.fTV ON miX-STUKET The Rurcnu of Ptreet Assessments has completed the assessments fnr thn Hill-street tunnel, which was accepted hy the. Board of Public Works almost, a montn ago, and which Is used dailv hundreds of people. The total cost of this Improvement Is 13 1,404.1 1, pnd this Is to be borne bv 615 parcels Of land.

The time for appeal from the ac. ceptance of the work by the Bnnrd of Public Works will expire on October 22. So far, no protests have been filed. WANT TO KNOW. ABOUT TAX COTJ.RCTTXrt.

The manner In which the Tax Collector's office Is being run at the present time" Is the subject for dlscnsr rn at the next meeting of the Independent Civic League, according to a statement sent to Mayor Rose nnd the City Council yesterday, and In which Information regarding this office is for. This communication says: "Wishing tf be fully Informed In regard to the matter, will you furnish us the following Information: Has the Tax Collector's otllee recently been Investigated by the Brand Jury? If so, what were its findings? If such findings are f'jrn'she we nsU for the facts Upon wMrh Riieh are based. We fchotild also like a copy of the City Auditor's report In relation to the -ondftfon of the ritv Tax Collector department. It is reported thst the Mayor has said" that the resignation of the City' Tax Collector would be acceptable, is that true?" CROWDS NOT PROPOSED NEW OKDIXANCH. City Prosecutor Klmmo sent to the City Council yesterday the draft of a proposed ordinance restrainine stores and theaters from giving exhibitions which attract crowds in the streets that cannot be handled successfully by the police.

In Justification of the proposed ordinance, Nlmmn says: "The police hare complained bitterly of conditions shove North Main street and some places on South Main and Spring streets, saying that crowds have collected in front of placea and given her money to buy household necessities. On motion of Attorney Bryant the court erantcd a non-suit and allowed Mrs. Bryant 50 a month alimony pending further litigation. Odeli wanted her to go to offices of business men and eell razors, she testified. He told her that "my fas- olni.tlno- snitln would certainly sell she said.

She declined to do this. She also alleged that he did not want her to be' visited by friends or to have friends and acquaintances. 8he said he would retire at 9 o'clock at night, turning off the light when she dusired to rend and rest. Tho Odells were married in this city December 20, 1910, and resided at No. 1029 Kouth Hope street and at Ncr.

912 South Figueroa street Khe is twenty years the Junior of her husband. WATTS AAIV. WATER RATE ATTACKED. The Conservative Realty Company, which furnishes water to Watts, la attacking tho little city's water rato ordinance on the ground that it is confiscatory. The suit is on trial before Judge Shenk, with City At torney Hart defending the ordinance.

Attorneys Jom-a Hcnnett represent the company. The city claims that the rate of 15 cents per .1000 gallons, minimum rate of-Jl. ih iiirmle on tho cost or the water plant. The company had 'for 3 years charged a minimum rate of REMOVES STIOMA. COURT DENIES DECREE.

After two attempts at divorce, both being unsuccessful, Mrs. (Sarah John son brought suit for separata main tenance against her husband, JNeld Johnson, the son of a wealthy live stock man, and evldenco which coupled the name of Annie Frost, buxom widow, with Johjison, was heard by Judge Jackson yesterday. lie would not hold that Johnson hud misconducted himself, and heard evidence on the charge of cruelty, which he held was sufficiently proven by the wife. He will hear this morn ing law points involving $7000 worth of property on North Broadway. The Johnsons were married Oc tober 8, 190(1, and have a (laughter, Frances, aged years.

In the first divorce suit tried two years ago Mrs. Johnson charged cruelty. Johnson al leged cruelty in a cross-complaint. Roth were denied by Judge Monroe. In tho second suit Mrs.

Johnson allegeu "misconduct. The cross-complaint charged cruelty and desertion. The court denied both. Rl X.MXtr GEARS. AUTO BRINGS QUICK ACTION.

When Arthur E. Brown came he-fore Judge Monroe yesterday on charge of falling to provide for his three children, the court dismissed the ease on learning that Mrs. Brown was using an automobile. Brown, a realty broker, had been ordered to pay his wile $t0 a month when the interlocutory decree of divorce was granted, and is alleged to have failed to do so. The mutter will be taken up on contempt proceedings.

Mrs. Brown is said to have had property turned over to her by Brown at the time the decree was granted, but tills property is declared non-income producing. As to the automobile, she stated, Brown had turned over a trust deed to her father, who bought tho auto with her consent. COl BTMOl SE NOTES. BR 13 VIT I ES I SCELEA NE OUS.

WINS JUDGMENT. George Singleton was awarded damages against Hardiman building contractors, in his suit for $5000 in Judge Crow's court yesterday, for injuries received when he alleged tin elevator fell upon which he was carrying material. Negligence on the part of the contractors was alleged. The accident occurred at the King George Hotel December 10, 10, 1912. SWOONS IX in When Judge Ta ft granted her husband a decree of divorce mid gave him the custody of their fj-year-old daughter, Irene, yesterday, Mrs.

Gladys Lloyd screamed, seized the child and swooned. Irene was forcibly taken away. James Lloyd, the husband, alleged misconduct on the part of his wife. FIXED MATTERS UP. Attorney Edward L.

Payne assigned a clali-i of $LM00 to E. G. Stuart, and the latter brought, suit against E. C. Redman, who Payne said owed the money for fees.

Payne had represented Redman in the Federal Court. In his answer Ifedman jillened ihnt Tuvni owed him for the use of his au tomobile and personal services during his campaign last fall for Superior Court Judge. Judge Morrison vester. day held a conference with the par ties In chambers, the result of whit was that Stuart ot judgment for pj hsKcrn it i i hits. Return lYom a Count.

v-Wide Trip Alter '-Blind Tigers." -Heavy Ilnm Imposed. Deputy District Attorney Richardson returned yesterday from a trip through the county and reported on the results of tho prosecuting of a number of so-called "clubs" which have attempted to sell liquor. Tho Lancaster Club was lined $400 by Justice Nortbrnp of Alhambra. N. H.

Rivera and J. D. Gordon, who operated an alleged illicit liquor resort at Sattgus, were lined $300 each by the same magistrate. The owners of the Ay reus Club at Saugus will be tried before Justice Cassldy at Huntington Park, the 1 lith inst. (n Tuesday, case against J.

O'Brien, proprietor of a Belviderr poolroom, conies upv for trial. Yesterday, Deputy Richardson was informed- that Paul Schonck, uttorney for the defendant, Intends to test the county ordinance against the maintenance- of poolrooms outside Incorporated cities, -w Xot Hor'H, Is Charge, A complaint was issued yesterday by Dtimiy District Richardson charging Mrs. June Abbey Loelvett of ocean Park with grand larceny. It Is alleged that the sold a roominir-house at the beach Mo Mrs. E.

Stokes, when she did not have title to the place. It Is also alleged that ihe woman confiscated several valuable rings belonging to J. W. Jeffries, the complaining witness. Iiniiiidr.i man Hold.

Samuel Brlckman, a Pasadena, hrundryman, was held yesterday to answer to the Superior Court, by Justice Forbes, on charge of having obtained money under false pretences. The compl-ahiing witness Is Mrs. Vera Angle, who said she loaned the defendant several hundred dollars on the understanding that certain prop, erty waa clear. CUMNOCK ACADEMY FOR GIRLS Boarding and Hay School. Fall Term Opens September 29.

CollPRe Preparatory and General Courses. Special Pupils accepted. Music, Art. Domestics Science, Physical Training. Out-of-door life a special feature.

Pupils greatly benefited by thorough training in expression ReilnInK influences. Individual attention. Miss Weaver, principal, may be seen from 10 to 4 dally. CUMNOCK SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION Twentieth Year Opens October rtoardins and Day Pupila. General Culture and Professional courses.

Oral and Written English. Literary Interpretation. Shakespeare, Dramatics, Training of the Speaking Voice. Physical Training Courses In Story-Tellins; and Recent Drama, Graduates in demand as teachers and readers. Mrs.

Grigs, director, is at the school from 10 to 2 dally. Eend for catalog anil views of school, mention course desired. 1500 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles. sentatives of the Retail Merchants' Association will appear to object to Its provisions. finish by January.

The Pulldlng Ordinance Revision Commission notified the City Council yesterday that It expects to be able, to complete Its work of revising the bulidlng ordinances by January, and asked for an approprbrtlon to rover Its expenses and the salary of Its secretary until that time. Ask for lno Xotlco. The V. IX Reduction Company yes terday asked the Board of Public Works! to recommend to the City Council the adoption of a resolution providing mat this1 concern snail no given an hgreement that the city will continue to furnish It all city garbage on the terms ns those of the existing contract, which will expire soon, for at least eight months after tfie city shall have given the company formal written notice that It Intends to dispose of the garbage In soma other manner. This Is desired so that the' company may gradually reduce Its number of hogs without financial loss.

On Its part, the company agrees to keep Its hog ranches and those of Its tenants lip to the full standard, but to cease breeding hogs Immediately upon being served with the notice. The hoard has taken tho subject under advisement, and will confer soon with C. 1). Crouch, who proposes to erect a reduction plant and pay the city 51 cents; per ton for city garbage, to determine how soon approximately the new plant may be expected to bo ready for use. May Straighten Rank.

The Park Commission yesterday notified the City Council that it will be necessary to drain the water out of Echo Park Lake for the purpose of constructing the storm drain, and suggest that this would be the best I available opportunity for down a porlon of the bahlts-nn shore boulevard and straightening the banks of be lake. Provision for this Improvement has been made in the budget this year, nnd the proposal was sent to tho Supply Committee for its dcterm.lna.tlon. Sixty Pays Suspension, The Police Commission yesterday suspended for sixtv days the wholesale liquor permit of Pirnna. Panna, No. 234 North Ijos Angeles street.

The firm hrrd a hearing on the charge of delivering liquors without orders. At the Courthouse. TXCH EASED VALUE 1 LEADS TO SUIT. AliAMHOA-STREET At UK-HiT, NOW ROM Ol' COXTENTIOX. Jcal In Real VMMC Causes Former Southern Pacllio Man to Seek Redress In Court Oratorical Attorneys 1'acli Other Argument Other Matters.

A suit on trial In Judge York's court to declare a partnership and for an accounting has brought to light the great Increase In the value of property on Alameda street since 1909. The suit was brought, by Robert If. Ingram, formerly general superintendent of the Southern Paeltle here, against David Johnston and Howard R. Smith, the latter a banker of Colton. Ingram, it appears, advised the purchase of forty-four acres on Alameda street, which at that time could have been purchased for $1000 an acre.

It was agreed, according to his complaint, to put the title of the property In the name of Johnston, who was to manage It. Ingram went to Mexico and was absent for four years. ITe alleges that he Inquired from time to time whether any of (he land had been disposed of and was told that no sales had been made. He learned recently that sales had been made. The defendants deny that Ingram hud any Interest.

The property, It appears, was bought for $1500 an acre. Portions wi re sold at a good advance, $35flO an acre being received In 1911. The remaining portion of eighteen acres is now-worth, It Is claimed, $5000 an acre. IVntt represent Ingram. Wesley Reach are counsel for the defendants.

MU'H TX HEMCRR1R. HEAVY-HUN A ROOM HINTS. Former Judge Moss delivered a strong argument yesterday in the Arcadia R. (le Raker litigation heard on demurrer by Judge Rives. Moss, arguing In the Interests of the loirs of Mrs.

Pe Raker, commented on the method of the Stearns attorneys in construing the statute of 1907. one of the vital Issues in the case. He surmised that Attorney MtlTlkon in construing the analogous sentence, "The cat caught the rat." would show to bis own satisfaction that the rat caught the at; that former tloy. Gage, associated with Millikln, would probably show that the rat not only caught the cat, but that It caught It In a trap; while Wiseman McDonald, another associate, would show that not only were both cat and rat caught In the trap, but that a very small dog belonging to a certain a bull dog owned by a neighbor ate both the cat' and the rat. hiring the afternoon session Moss became tired of holding up heavv law book, so ho built a pyramid of honks, placing the big volume on top.

remarking: "I sm not tired in the face, inn my arms." "Are you sure it's not your queried Cage, amid a general bunch, These pleasantries lightened un the dav tilled by the thunder of Moss's verbal artillery. He will conclude bis argument Monday. TO SHOW. CAN'T PROVE IT IN COURT. Mrs.

Lula Odell, In Judge Taffs court, yesterday, failed to show that her husband, Levi J. Odell. of the Manufacturing Company and stockholder of. the Gleridoni Hunk, whs cruel, penurious and miserly, us nlleged lit her complaint, and that she had suffered for want of food. Sho had brought suit for divorce on MARLBOROUGH SCHOOL for GIRLS OVER FOURTEEN 8(16 West 2Srd Street.

JSth year opens September 10th. OUT-OF-DOORS STUDY Gymnasium, Tennis, etc. CERTIFICATE admits WITHOUl EXAMINATION to Welleslov, Vassar, Mt. "Pdyok. Smith, Berkeley and Stanford.


Sewing, millinery, etc. MUSIC DEPARTMENT In charge of MR. WALDO F. CHASE. MISS WILTSHIRE wilt be at ths school until July 26th and after September lltM ery day from 9 until J.


B.L.. Principal For catalogue and Information address Secretary Msrlboroueh School. GIRLS' CpLLEGIATK SCIIOOI. Adams and Hoover Sis. (Casa de Rosas.) Twenty-second Year liefrlns September 25th.

First year. Sub-Freshman or Public School Eighth Grade ire-introduced.) Four years of Academic or High School work. Accredited at leading colletrea, POST GRADUATE YEAR. ADVANCED WORK IN CHOSEN SUBJECTS. FRESHMAN COLLEGE WORK PREPARING FOR COLLEGE SOPHOMORE CLASS.


ST. CATHERINE'S SCHOOL FOR GlRLS I'nder 15 vears of nee. Von-secf arinn. OPF.NS OCT. 1st.

Hoarding: and day school. MVSIC. ART, KRF.NCH. GF.KMA.N, (iYMNASI! M. MONTKSSORI DEPARTMENT under the direction of Dorothy Peek, a Kraduate of Mme.

Montessnrl'a richool. Rome, Italy. Miss Peck may be Interviewed at the school Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. MISS THOMAS and MISS MOSOKOVB, Principals. Telephones: 2.1SIW West 453'.

WFT ADAMS ST It EFT (OPPOSITE CHESTER PLACE) -Children's Sweater Coats, $2.00 Jaunty little single-breasted sweater coats in shell stitch. High turnover collar and close-fitting cuffs. In Copenhagen and red, sizes 2 to 6 years. Shop Second Floor) SAN DIEGO ARMY NAVY ACADEMY tea1 "Tho West Point ot the Pacific" T.ocntcd on Bay and Oeoan at Pacllic Beach, a delightful suburb ot Kan Diego. Ol'T-OF-DOilR Ci.ASSKS and SPORTS ENTIRE YEAR; Individual attention; thoroughness of in- li.vr.

f-trth'tion: and, above all, CHARACTER TKAIMM1 under positive. Christian influences. Affiliated with lwtdini; colleges. Write tor Illustrated Year Boole. CAI'T.

TJIOS. A. DAVIS, (Late Sixth U.S.V. Infantry) rarlile Uracil. Cnl.


Pnylns special attention to the boy'a moral, mental and phyalcal development, Fln rymnaMum and athletic Instructor. Bual-Itranehe-H taught. Manual Training. Illustrated Catalogue. Phone Wllshlre 2436.

Egan School MUSIC and DRAMA Majestic I heater Bldg. Send for Beautifully Illustrated 1913-14 Catalog, Free. 60371 Phones Main 3357 can utiijT amu bWAomv FRFE Hooks and Supplies. Position for Graduates. Uao of Typewriter at homo free.

W. H. II. OAKVI.K. Pre, and Mgr.

HOLLMA tn iCIKNCY IS Ollt KEYNOTE. Call nnd t-H'e our Sel.oul. 1M7 Flfru'Tim CALIFORNIA MILITARY ACADEMY. For Imys frmu to 1, years. Itniiri Hjf- and Tiny.

M'lifhinslon cur. 1948 I-ovelnre Ave. Home 25673 KENNARD'S POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. A Tin l. I RLE.

So. t.rnml AP. (10.00 a Month. PumiIoiin for Graduate. HARVARD SCHOOL, Military Wexiern Ave.

Ten-acre Campus. In sea-lon the year around. HomiilnK and Da Pupils. Sand for Illustrated vatalonua. i t.

a ant llrzeut business relieve corpora-llon In the foulhwcst. Connected with ll.iilda In 12 i ll les. Pighlh at Hill. SVCCI sS SIIOHTH AND SCHOOL. Day and Kvenlnir I.

earn the System used by experts. Kntes and full ivirtiou-lars, 3us H. w. llellnian Bldg. Phones: 10sl; Alain OwenMinouth is made plain by this fuel.

Tliia "week li.i.s lieen typical for heavy hiy tslilpnienis, the ranchers having mU under Kel prices, and the Rt'iieral opinion in that the price ot kuikI oat nnd barley hay xill rlso soon. OweiiKinniith hits nnly one empty holiw, which is evidence of ail ilillux ef families. There In need of nmre houses, as Inquiries are heard now most every cUy. Ji- ii 1 Corduroy Hats, $1.75 In colors to match the coat described above. Facing of blue or pink and fancy feather trimming on the side.

Knitted Toques, 69c To match the sweaters. (Hamburger's Baby tiKNFJtAL IJ11L1IN BOOM. Owensmoutli Seems to Have Keen Treated With an Klixir Which Spells Continual Growth. OWENSMOUTH, Oct. 3.

A general building boom is on here and the outcome means some very costly Ktructurcs will be added to the list of improvements. The grammar building has its foundation well under way, and the superstructure will not bo delayed many days. The bank building has progressed so far that the artificers are putting on the final finishes in the interior. The bank building is one of the linest in the county for a town of its size. The third building Is an immense garage just started on Broadway.

It will be of solid brick and cement, with enamel brick trlmmitiRS nnd front wall. Tho structure will be (10x90 feet, and will bo one of the most modern, up-to-date garages in the county. With all these commercial blocks, the town is in the midst of a' healthy Industrial growth that will count toward the many Improvements already a reality. The estimated cost of these buildings will total close to $50,000. Tho temporary school quarters are already in a congested condition, and tho corns of teachers must neces sarily feel a serious handicap In Un important work devolving upon mem.

Principal Joseph Gerard is mastering ilia ultimtlnn with commendable and every pupil has caught. the spirit of tho master ot euucaiiou and with the general Interest of all the pupils, the inconveniences are passed over with very little diiilculty. The Homes Company has expended thousands of dollars within the past few months building roads and streets in and out of Owensmoutli. North and South Catiog.i avenue is Just about linished, some, lour miles of the best macadami.od road In the county. H.

J. Whitley, general manager lor the company, lias kept a large working force oc men, teams and road machinery on tho lob linAer the competent care of Superintendent Neeley. Canoga ave nue connects the State llignwaj on iiii ili eountv boulevard on the north at Chatsworth, and pass ing through Owensnioutn. ine supervisors aro planning to finish I be uncompleted stretch north of the townsiie, and then tho road will bi thrown open to tho public. KTUEET WORK.

Street work in the townsitc is goinj on with Broadway, Einmett and Alabama avenues. This work will all be completed at about the same time, and with its completion will follow the lighting of the town with electricity. The equipment is now installed on nil tho business streets, and the electroliers aro three and live cluster arc lights of wrong rctleetors. This will bo but a small item compared with tho lighting of Sherman way. which is being' equipped with electroliers all along the great boulevard for sixteen miles.

Upon making the survey of the lighting system along Sherman way waa found necessary to add two more lights at Marlon and two at Owensmoutli. The lighting of the State highway from South Sherman way to Workman avenue has been settled and the work will be carried out Installing tho equipment at once. This expense, i claimed, will be borne by the surplus moneys left over from the original survey on Sherman way. NEWS BRIEFS. Fred l.elser, the pioneer grocerv merchant of Owensmouth, Is doing some elaborate work enlarging his store, prior to adding, a supply of general merchandise.

Owensmouth mui ports two live general stores, ami both establishments' draw trade from many miles around. The evidence of 'great, commercial erowtb Ux Home 51665 LA ngeies os academy A hlKh-prade, medium-priced school for boys and girls, plvlngr thorough Instruction In all trades from KlnderK.irton (Montessori system) throuKh IliKh School, preparing for collcRttSsnr business. Careful moral training; with daily uso of tho Bible, Christian but non-sectarian Fifth year begins September 19 Ninth and Beacon streets, near West-lake Park. F. G.

CRESSET, Ph.D., Principal. FRANCES B. CRESSEY. A.B., 30th Year. Begin Now.

Fifth Floor Hamburger Building, KDWARD KING HOLLYWOOD SCHOOL FOR GIRLS An out-of-door erhool. Sunset Boulevard and Hay evenue. Boarding and Day School. College, Preparatory and General Courses." Music, Art, Domestic Bclenca and Art, PhyaieaJ Training. Catalogue on application.

Phone 6Ti04. Laurel Canyon car. PAGE MILITARY ACADEMY Hoarding and Day School for boys 6 to 14 years of ae. Younc boys will be brought to school nnd returned home by automobile. Bend for Illustrated catBlos-ue.

1M WEST ADAMS ST. Phones 21203 or South 2734. THE FOOTHILL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS La Canada Valley. Thorough college preparatory and special courses. AIM sleeping accommodation, elnsies and recreation.

Horseback riding; mountain exourilons. MISS DEWEY. MISS GRIFFIN. R.F.D. 13.

Los Angeles. CaL Angeles Vista School. 1844 St. Andrews Place. Day and homa school for sdrls of ali ases.

Boys admitted to Montessori-Froebal class and primary grades. CoIIcko preparatory' courses, domestic science, music. Individual attention. outdoor study; athletics. Fall term begins September Homa 7S544.

THE ORTON SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Established ldtO. Outdoor study all winter. Ppeclal, Oenerat and College Preparatory Courssa, Art and Ilaala, II 0. IDOJJD ATL PAIAXBN A. TBI FAIR OAKS SSI.

VVESTLAKE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Residence and day school. Accredited to t'nlyersity. Advanced classes In Art. Literature and Modern Languages, tit S. Alvarado Sc.

Los Angeles, CaL URBAN MILITARY ACADEMY EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOUNG BOYS. 800 South Alvarado. Telephone 52647.

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