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The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 26

Los Angeles, California
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fin a i jr. 79o AND 19c. 50 AND ft INCH BLACK It Hlhftl If. I-: tl PEAU DI 8011 AND TAFfETA, TAHD ttG Hmi much In demand fur lti, (Irfftf oinl Hnlnits; Ihe I'rsii fMe satln-finishr-d fscfj; pure silk heck; 2(t tnrhr wld. The Taffeta brilliant finished, with plcnslng niMtn, unci Inches wld1.

65o 1MNCH FANCY SILKS Qrt. IN TAFFETA WEAVE, AT, A YARD tG 800 ysrdtf at lsss than rms-half price; are In good coloring of green, brown, navy and black ground; the patterns slrlpes, woven tires, broken check and corded check; firm, durable weave; lu trcms finish. Wt MY FMI0MT TO ANY CALlPOrtNIA POINT ON PURCHASES 15.00 AND OVER look ren Ms." V6U WILL FIND A BARGAIN UNOEftrniCEO BUT NOT ADVERTISED FANCY WOOL tJflfH fAH Firm, rttiffilil fnsMiM ehtl'Iron'H i-hf flrf'M and mmit-ti's hriiinn ff; all lh wanfM mints; imtifttn rlie, Tarisn hm-M aC'l l.mketi ptshls. fin ppertnl frMsy mr. 7e FANCV SILK ANO WOOL 7fU DRESS GOODS, NEW WEAVES, YARD 40 fferea of fancy wool material In f'eralan and brorh" Mian! covered design and small woven Usurps overshot with sillt In different colon; ara aullahld for druses and children's wear.

On special aala Friday. FRIDA TS SURPRISES I 1 II $30.00 AAminster Rugs tor $19.95 Phenomenal Ottering in Men's Hats An Extraordinary Special In Trimmed Millinery $7.50 Suit flats at $1M For Friday only a large assort i ment of suit hats; none worth The greatest offering In floor coverings made In Los Angeles this season; sizes range 8 feet inches by 10 feet 6 Inches, up to 9x12 feet. They are fine Axmlnstera of heavy grade; some in handsome Oriental others floral designs. Some have two seams, others woven in solid pieces. The styles and colorings are suitable for any room, and every one of them is' a $30.00 value.

Priced for Friday only, choice fey Comparison Is Requested. Tliese are not 13.00 hata nor are they worth $2.50. but they are actual $2.00 values, and are better than those Bold elsewhere at $1.00 for a special sale Jeader. They include blacks, pearla and neutral shades, and are of pure fur felt In new "Johnny Jones" and other popular styles for young men. Just, to emphasize -our motto, "What others for less," fhey will go on sale last at, choice less than $5.00 and many up to are all of the season's best styles; some hand-made of braid and velvet, and the material in any hat Is worth more than double the sale price; a number of them are plain felt THIRD TVOOR.

haib made up with velvet, trimmed with ribbon, "iAer3 and wings; nearly all colcrs. Specially tu-iced foe Friday only, no alterations, at, choice advertise we sell Friday while they $3.00 Silk Ruffs at 75c Of liberty silk and chiffon; white and cream; slightly mussed from handling and window display, but can be easily cleaned; aa they are regular values up to $3 50c Ribbon Remnants, yard 5c Thousands of short lengths of satin taffeta, messaline, gauze and velvet ribbons; black, white and colors; suitable for trimmings, hair ribbons, girdles and belts; 35c Valenciennes laces 10c 000 dozen Valenciennes laces and Insertions; some in sets to match; others separate edges; thread and conventional designs; for trimming dresses and lingerie; values to 35c; Friday only, a dozen 65c Handkerchiefs at 15c 1000 Swiss, cambric and linen handkerchiefs; slightly soiled and mussed from window display; lace trimmed, hand embroidered, plain hemstitched and scalloped edges; dainty floral designs; values to 65c; To choice Friday fJG 1 .98 J5c they are a decided bargain; Friday, 5c values to 50c a yard; choice Friday, a yard. IO yarns. For Women's $1.25 Kid Gloves Cleanup Sale Suits Goats Waists 89c Friday only, a special offering in 2-claep kid gloves; black, Cleanup Sale Mens Clothing Also featuring two good lines of boys winter wearables. But look where you will, compare with any you see and you can not match them within one-half additional our present sale prices.

No price quite so low and no qualities positively as good elsewhere In the city aa the garments which we have marked for the Clean-up 8ale, and will specially feature Friday. $15.00 TAILOR MADE SUITS white and all the new spring shades; Cable are in all finger lengths and finished with three rows Cordell embroidery on back; every pair warranted and fitted; regular $1.25 values, at, choice 89c Hen's $18.00 All Wool Suits I Have three-quarter length coats trimmed with self strapping and satin lined to waist; the skirts plaited and correctly man-tailored; $9.85 50c CHILDREN'S $1 WOOL UNDERWEAR AT 19c WOMEN'S 25c PLAIN BLACK HOSE AT $9.45 Are 3-piece all wool suits of Cassinieres, Cheviots and Tweeds; plain or fancy mixtures; coats have the long cut with depi) vpnts and broad lanels: either the colorings blue or black. in popular woolen tex tiles. Reduced from $15.00 for Friday to, choice, $9.85. single or double breasted sty 1m; sizes 33 to 42.

Reduced from $15.00 to, choice, $0.45. Fine French ribbed wool vests; gray only; also flat vests, white or gray; all of them high neck, long sleeve. In the same lot are pants and drawers in ankle length to match. Reduced from $1.00. Of real Maco yarn, with the very best elastic top; have double soles, heels and toes; are full fashioned are regular made and warranted to be equal to any 25c hose sold anywhere.

$2.50 EIDERDOWN DRESSING 98c $2.98 BOYS' $3.50 AND $4.00 SCHOOL SUITS MEN'S DRESS PANTS $29J 1' WOMEN'8 75c FLEECED UNION SUITS AT $8.50 COVERT cloth nr COATS pJifJ 22 inch fitted box front styles of a good quality Covert cloth; nicely lined; trimmed with silk around collars and cuffs; very Jaunty Jackets for general street wear. 50c 25c A choice assortment of eiderdown sacques; most of them slightly soiled from display. They are in nearly ad colors and sizes, but are positively values up to $2.50. On special sale Friday. WOMEN'S 50c PURE LINEN FOOT I Of fine all wool imported Worsteds, fancy Cashmeres and Cheviots with hairline stripes or pin checks; not all sizes of a kind but all sizes in the lot from 30 to 42 and are the broken lines of our regular (stocks of $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and $6.50 values.

Double breasted and Norfolk styles for boys 9 to 10 years; not all sizes of a kind but all sizes in the lot; the materials wool Cheviots and Tweeds in serviceable patterns and colorings; every garment well tailored and the coats are finished with Italian cloth lining and bone buttons; regular $3.50 and $4.00 values. Second Floor. Heavy fleeced cotton union suits; white or gray; high neck, long sleeve; ankle length; button dowa front or Oneita styles; neatly finished around neck, and are perfect form fitting garments that usually sell at 75c. A serviceable full fashioned, regular made stocking of plain black cotton, with pure Irish linen feet, which are the most comfortable and serviceable; Jiave double soles, heels and toes, and are good values anywhere at 50c. $7.50 KERSEY CLOTH COATS WOMEN'S $15.00 FULL LENGTH.

ULSTERS $9.95 Stylish garments of fancy mixed all wool tex tiles; and made full length; are serviceable for traveling or for chilly mornings and evenings; the coloring is a pretty Bhade of dark MEN'S A Yard for Embroideries Worth to $1.50 5000 yards of demi-flounclng, insertion, allover embroideries and edges; for costumes, waists, children's dresses $1500 to nr OVERCOATS (pl.UO $5.00 REEFERS AND OVERCOATS, CHOICE $25.00 The sizes are suitable mostly for small women or missee. They are odd lots amd broken lines of $5.00 and $7.50 values, and are of a. good quality Kersey. $6.50 TO $8.50 SILK tf0 fn WAISTS. CHOICE.

They conlst of Taffeta. Peau da Sole! and China tlka In all colon and black. Nona nava aold at lens than soma of tham up to (8.64. A few have not the latest atyla ateeves. For a quick clearance Friday priced at.

choice. J3.88. SECOND FliOQn. gray. Reaucea rrom jio.uu.

$35.00 THREE-QUARTER LENGTH COATS AT $25 All wool overcoats of Vicunas, Kerseys, Oxfords and Meltons in black and gray mixtures; single breasted fly front style; 40 to 52 inches long; self or velvet collars; silk and wool Serge linings or all silk lined. Taken from our regular stocks of $15,00, $17.50, $20.00 and $25.00 values; sizes 38 to 46 for regulars For boys age 3 to 6 years only and are in plain blue and fancy mixed colorings in military style with brass buttons and embroidered monogram on sleeve; either reefers or overcoats and values up to $5.00. Second Floor. Hi and Lingerie; many finished with single or double row of beading for the new corset covers; others copies of French hand embroidery; also eye-let effects; in floral, scroll and drawn work designs; values to Choice Friday, a yard Are of an imported Covert cloth; light tan shade; have Panne velvet collars, and are trimmed with self strappings; are In the popular three-quiarter length, and reduced from $35.00. 35c ana stouts.

ana sunns. jjt 1 LABOR. classification of business in the follow Other landslides are feared before the QUICK WORK AT FIRE. ing order: Art goods 2. bakeries 4, bi cycles and automobiles 7, blacksmiths erywhere long galleries bristle with cannon, the cannon which Spain calls "The Old Lady's teeth." Gibraltar also resembles a vaat ant hill, whose ants are soldiers.

And those interminable IN DREAMY ALGECIRAS. ORE OUT FOR "OPEN SHOP." Dangerous Blaze in Hellman Building on Main Street Squelched in Record Time. 1, books and stationery 2, cigars 17, clothlne 9. coffee, teas and spices 2, confectionery 6, contractors 18, dairies Chief Lips and his men put a speedy sweethearts or novias In the yellow, sun-scorched countryside about Algeciras, through fields of golden maize and among white cluterna surrounded by cactuses, whore one meets superbly draped women, bearing water-Jars on their heads and reminding one of soma biblical apparition 1n a Judean Gayly go the soldiers and the girls, gathering berries from the hedges and red blossom from betwixt the spines of the cactuses, while down yonder in the gloomy church, women in mourning murmur prayers for those who will never return. stop to what looked like a disastrous 2, drugs 2, dry goods 4, fruits .4, furniture 9, gas and electric fixtures 3, general merchandise 6, groceries 9, hardware 1, harness 6, hotels Jewelry 4, laundry 1, livery 2, lumber 3, meats 5, Are In the building, No.

120 North Main STRIKING PRINTERS IN NEW YORK GETTING DESPERATE. etreet, owned by H. W. Hellman, short The Scene of the Conference on Moroccan Affairs. galleries are filled with gunpowder and coal.

At the foot of the rock beneath all this hidden life, monkeys are playing about the cactuses. One of them is chained at the door of a powder-house and makes faces at passers-by. Beside him stands a British soldier in khaki uniform, wearing the colonial helmet In use in the Indian army. What an immeasurable distance acenis to separate one from Europe in this military city, which seeme to have been captured only yesterday. present storm is ended.

The main line is not affected by the avalanche. FINDS FLOATING BODY. John Swanson, a market fisherman, commonly known as "Oysters," reported that he had, while fishing a few miles off from this port yesterday afternoon, discovered the dead body of a man floating in the channel. He was accompanied by another fisherman, and they approached the remains near enough to discover that they were in an advanced state of putrefaction. They did not touch the body, but left it to float on the surface of the water undisturbed.

Their report states that it was clothed in long rubber boots and a rubber coat. Speculation is rife as to the Identity ly before 1 o'clock this morning. Damage to the building and contents prob millinery 2, oil 2, pool and billiards 2, produce 2, plumbing 2, restaurants 20, saloons 3, shoes 1, storage 1, tailors 5, ably will not exceed $700. wall paper 1, miscellaneous 10. Following Is a statement of percent Now Eighteen Places Where Member of Typoihetae May Work on "Open Shop" Basis Printers Enough to Fill All ths Composing Rooms, Says Mr.

Marcosson. The structure is a two-story brick, with storerooms on the ground floor and suites on the second floor. At 12:40 o'clock Bert T. Demmitt, a broker and ages showing the assigned causes of failure: Twenty-seven per cent be 'Close to Gibraltar, and Its People Work There. wnen night falls, a cannon-shot an cause of Incompetence, which includes jobber occupying a front suite, was rounces that the citadel is closed, and SANTA BARBARA MAYOR RESIGNS.

lack of Judgment, tact or general abll lty; 24 per cent, because of lnexpe tnat no one may now enter the city. awakened by the sound of breaking glass. At the same moment Mrs. J. the Darrow Employment Agency, and Mrs.

M. King, who were rlence where the general qualifications were good, but not sufficient experience And khaki soldiers with a band of music at their head march through In the particular business engaged in; of the drowned man, pr from what lo calltv the has floated. The de Victuresqueness of Quaint Old Spanish City. sleeping in a rear room, were aroused 17 per cent, because of undertaking to do too much business for capital em scription of the clothing tallies rwlth DOES NOT CARE TO ATTEND THE EVENING MEETINGS. tne etrtets with their fan-fare and drive before them a swarthy, mottled, plctureriue and many-colored throng, who'i they herd like a flock of sheep.

"Move on," they cry, Just as Dickens' that of Boatswain Maguire oi ban ployed: 14 per cent, were due to near- Francisco, who was washed from the lect of business and doubtful habits; deck of the steamer State of Caliror 4 per cent, for each of the following policeman cried to little Joe. For these nla, but it is very improbable that the reasons: reckless crediting; unfavor able external circumstances; fraudu- body of the unfortunate boatswam are the people of Algeciras who have come here to work, and who must now be sent home across the bay to Spain could have floated so far down the lent disposition; 3 ppr cent, because of City Council Declines to Change the Time of Sessions so as to Hold Them Afternoons, Whereupon He Tenders Document by Which to Sever His Official Relations. undue competition; 2 per cent, because coast within the last ten days. Capt. Merry of the sloop Vlssnu of speculation outside of legitimate (BY DIRECT WIRE TO THE TIMES.l NEW YORK, Jan 18.

Exclusivt Dispatch. Four more electrotypinf and stereotyping concerns Joined the fourteen "open-shop" establishments today, making in all eighteen places where members of the Typothetae may have their work done on the open-shop basis. These firms were Robert Gatr and the United States Printing Company In Brooklyn, and Seebeck Bros, and the Burr Printing Company in Manhattan. In the Typothetae headquarters it was said that eighty-eight electro-typers had quit work, but that their places would quickly be filled and the employers would suffer no Inconvenience. Isaac F.

Marcosson, speaking for the Typothetae, said: "This strike of electrotypers and stereotypers. Instead of complicating matters, has cleared the atmosphere. It has placed the employing stereotypers and electrotypers on their slds business; 1 per cent, because of per sonal extravagance. INTERRUPTED ROBBERY. who has just returned from a trip to Santa Cruz Island, reports that he also discovered the body of a man floating in the channel.

He was bound for ths islands on a business trip and did not stop to pick up the corpse. The plans of two crooks to burglarize the store of Barker No. 420 South Spring street, were frustrated He says it was clothed in a long oil at midnight last night by a watch man in the building. Hearing the ap proach of the special officers within the cloth coat and rubber boots. He believes it Is body.

OCEAN PARK. SAND TOWN ITEMS. CSFDCIAZ, CORRESPONDENCE OF TUB TIMES. by the crackling of the names, and were almost overpowered by smoke before making their way to a back porch. Demmttt immediately turned ln an alarm from First and Main streets.

The department responded so promptly that within five minutes lines of hose were in the building. The fire started, no one knows how, in Inside rooms on the second floor used by S. W. Buell as a candy-packing establishment. These rooms, with their contents, were burned out.

The fire broke through hall windows Into an areaway, which formed a shaft to suck the flames up through the roof, which at that point is glass-covered. A very dangerous fire was biasing when the department arrived. It was quickly subdued. SHAKESPEARE, CHRISTIAN. The Bard's References to ths Deity Deep and Sinoere, Says Frederick Wsrde.

Last night at Doblnson Hall Frederick Warde delivered the fifth of his leotures on Shakespeare. The rain kept many people away, but those that went enjoyed a (talk that was unique In many ways. Mr. Warde took for his title "Shakespeare, Apostle of Christianity." The general feeling about Shakespeare's Christianity, Mr. Warde said, Is that It Is the Cromwellian kind his God Is the God of Battles and his humility that of a soldier stooping to building, the men made a hasty getaway, and the police had little upon which to build a foundation for their Investigation, owing to the time whlctt OCEtAN PARK, Jan.

18. Plez James, scenting the pleasure ahead in a muni- tBT DIRECT WinE TO THE TME3.1 SANTA BARBARA Jan, 18. Exclusive Dispatch. Because Mayor Thomas D. Wood did not want to attend meetings of ths City Council held at night he passed in his resignation this evening to the great surprise of the entire community.

He was elected last month by a large majority over the Socialist nominee, and his election was heralded as a great boon tha city. Now because the majority of toe Counollmen do not want to hold the Council meetings in the afternoons Instead of evenings, he has tendered his resignation, to take effect February 2. Mayor Wood Is a wealthy and independent man. He has only been In office sixteen days and this was the third Council meeting in that period. pal campaign, is grooming- for nomlna tion for the office of City Clerk.

and made victory for the 'open shop' assured. Besides this, it has demon Mrs. Carrie Ev Jacques, whose death occurred last night at the family home strated the desperation of the union In resorting to a sympathetic strike. "The fact that many union printers elapsed before they were called In. The footprints of the two men were plainly discernible, showing that they had entered from the Main-street side of the building.

Apparently It was the 'intention of the marauders to crack the safe, but the interruption met with from the watchmen put a sudden end to their plans. SLAVE TRADE GROWING, -j. on Marine street, was the wife cf are working under the 'closed-shop ar- rapgement in small shops, signifies little. It Is. a result of the fight between the union and the thirty-eight large concerns of the Typothetae that is to tell the story.

George iH. Jaques, She was 67 -years of age. VENICE. SEA YIELDS LAND. (SPECIAL CORRE6PONDKNCK OF THE TIMES.

VENICE, Jan. 18. In the vicinity of the Windward avenue pier the land Is forming so rapidly that It has the sea "We were never so certain of vic tory as at the present moment. With Deplorable Condition In British Columbia, Where Girls of Indian Descent are Sold Into Bondage. (SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE OF THE TIMES.) WINNIPEG (Manitoba) Jan.

15 Ac His first official request was made tonight and the Council voted to place it on file. Then came the resignation today's arrivals we have printer enough to All all the composing rooms. and much confusion In the Council but we shall continue advertising for men to nil natural vacancies. (Oeorfe Claretie, In Boston Transcript Algaciras! I little fancied when lonB ago I visited that liny Spanish city that it would ever become historic. And the shaven Innkeepers I saw solemnly putting their papelitos on their doorateps as little imagined that all Europe would one day come hither to debate the charms of their chambers end ihe merits of their table d'hote.

The year Just passed was a veritable year of glories for the Spanish innkeepers. Those of Burgos had the eclipse eid the convention of astronomers. They littered Europe with thetr illustrated prospectuses representing the historic monuments of the Burgos the tomb of Cld, the cathedral and the monastery of Mlraflores while the man boasted of the derlghtful drives and excursions that might make up for a disappointing eclipse If the aun was too covered with clouds to permit of astronomic observations. And now it has come the turn of the Algttcirtas Innkeeper to put forth their own prospectuses. Thoug-h they haven't any eclipse to offer, they can nevertheless Invite all Europe to come to them.

For this time Europe has no Intention of peeping through the telescope, but plans Instead to discuss the little white patch that can be eeen on clear days from the head of the Bay of Algeclraa to talk of the minute corner of Africa, which has long made a tremendous noise In the world and bears the name of Tangier. "Tanger-danger" I called It a few months ago; 'the other Tanger" the Kaiser called It only yesterday. Burgos had Its savants, but for a while seemed that Algeciras was to rnlsa getting its diplomats. Accordingly the innkeepers got together and held a congress of their own. They protested loud and long.

People were afraid of their hotels, but they Insisted that their delightful Jnns were quite worthy of aheltering the great ones of Europe. Purely IX Europe dreaded those fondas Europe was hard to please. For this is in truth a moat entrancing sook of paJn, this little Andalustan city. It is no longer a European village; It has already become quite characteristically African. Blistered by the sunshine, it lias scarcely a glimpse of the sea a it looks nut from the Inner recesseis of Its bay.

A huge rock hangs over It and almost hides It the Jtock of Gibraltar, which thrusts out lis promontory Into the blue Mediterranean. Gibraltar lives in my memory like a 1ram. I arrived by sea and at night in front of that huge granite block. All at once the ship stopped. A fantastic illumination arose against the Mack- It seemed to me that countless lights were twinkling upon the eteps of hi immense ladder that stretched up toward heaven.

Cheers rang out from cck of a battlfship: they were i'-r chrs of English nalming li'fir city their citadel city tttbraltar. It Is hollow, this Rock of Gibraltar. like an Immense wine cellar, here the bottles are projectiles, Ev cording to a report presented, to the meeting. His successor will be chosen by the Council. When seen by a Times reporter after VOTING ON STRIKE PROPOSAL.

Then another charming vision floats before my mind. Algeciras is an exquisite city a little coiner of Spain rarely visited by tourists and never frequented by Cook's caravans the Spain of the olden times, the Spain of the ballads and legends of Victor Hugo and Theophlle Gautier a city all white and blue, with Its quaint, low-built bouses. Its wrought-Iron balconies, and Its laurels and rosebushes a-bloesom before its green-shaded window. The streets are still and mournful, and the grass peeps up from between the cobblestones of the pavement. Ail Is as silent as in a sun-baked city of the Orient.

I come and go in this strange solitude. Through the half-closed doors I get a glimpse of delicious patios, Inner courts adorned with fountains and azulejos, and wtth broad-leaved banana trees, laurel, rosea and orange trees. A fragrance of flowers and ripe fruit hangs over all this drowsy town. Now and then a white hand lifts a green wlndowshade. and through the grating I nee the face of a beautiful woman.

The young girls of Algeciras are the handsomest in Spain. Often of mixed Spanish and English blood, their mothers being dark-skinned AndalU-sians and their fathers blond officers of Gibraltar, they add Andaluslan grace to British charm Carmen plus Ophelia. Pensive faces, black locks and blue eyes appear among the flow-, ers in the windows and look out into the silent street. It is a perfect vision de theatre, and I look sharp to see If It Isn't merely a lovely stage-set for some comedy of Lope's or Calderon's. A bell rings out, and thus called ab-! ruptly back to realities, I see the church in its little open square -surrounded by trees and adorned with stone benches, where aged men sit smoking In silence.

What is going on? The women are at prayer. They wear mourning. They groan as they play, and their tears rain down upon ttvlr rosaries. Why are they weeping? Because they are widows and bereaved mothers, whose husbands and sons tome no more beck to them dead In Cuba, that. Island so far, so very far, away! Others, more fottunate, returned yesterday repatriated soldiers of Spain.

And soupon this charming stage with Its picturesque setting-there is war! In the highest of high spirits, those soldier boys Invsde the wine rooms of Algeciras and drink dep of the pale golden Amontillado. Their caps and guns are the sole remnants of their equipment: many have thrust their bare fet into ther alpargates. They I his resignation Mr. Wood said: "Noth L. W.

FIREMEN ON RECORD. ing more to say than I nave resigned because I thought it was the proper thing to do. under the circumstances. buckle on his armor. While this Is In a large measure true, iMr.

Warde showeu that there was a dfepness and sincerity even a sweetness In all the references to the Deity. Henry and even blood-stained Richard pray with fafth and sincerity before the battle, but the insincere Claudius cannot falter out his petition. Mr. Warde Illustrated his point of view by recitals from "Henry VIII." "Hamlet," "Henry "Richard III" (BY THE ASSOCIATED SCRANTON (Pa.) Jan. 18.

The Gen I resigned because I felt when I attend to the duties of the city during the eral Grievance Committee of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western firemen Is tonight canvassing the vote of day I should not be required to attend Council meetings at night. If a few the men of the different lodges on the members of the Council feel that they question as to whether or not to call a and the 'Merchant of Venice." By re strike. It Is said that the vote is in want to control the situation, .1 am willing that they should, and have withdrawn so that I will not interfere quest he also gave Portia's speech beginning, "The quality of mercy is not strained," and the "Seven Ages of Man," to Illustrate some of Shake favor or striking, but this does not mean that a strike will be declared at once or at all. The matter must first be Indorsed by the Executive Board. speare's philosophy.

on the run. This accretion has made it necessary to again make extensions to the conduits that were built for the purpose of supplying the system of canals with fresh sea water with each recurring tide. Only a few weeks ago a 150-foot piece of Intake pipe was added and now piles must be driven for a second annex. At the present rate of beaoh building 4t will be but a short time until the auditorium will be standing over plain flats. CANAL TOWN DRIFT.

The growth of Venice Is so raid that the postofflce finds It a difficult matter to keep up with the procession. There are demands for more mall Iboxer than it is possible to supply, although there have already been several additions to the equipment of the office since It was established less than a year ago. The date for the opening of the foreign exhibits building has been fixed for Mondav next. Gov. Chamberlain of Oregon will be among those la attendance at the formal dedicatory exercises and a lively programme Is being arranged tJr the afternoon.

A nervous freshman -was dining 1th. Thomas Herbert Warren, president of Magdaien College, Oxford. By way of starting conversation the latter glanced out of the window and remarked. "We have a little sun today," with them. I went in with the idea of giving my best effort to the position, but the Council has thoroughly Ignored my first request in a way that does not please me.

I am perfectly willing that they should have what Tonight the lecture will be on the "Merchant of Venice." The subject will be divided Into four headings: Venice, the elopement of Jessica, the Building Trades Unions Peaceful. CHICAGO, Jan. 18. The first move Dominion government, the slave trade of Northern British Columbia is flourishing. Girls with white skins, thick brown hair braided down their backs, big, innocent, childish eyes are being sold today and have been sold for years to the highest bidder.

The slave masters are the Cape Mudige Indians; the slaves are white because their grandmothers before them were sold to white men and when these abandoned and deserted creatures wandered back to their tribe they brought with them baby girls. Sometimes they have been sold for four and five consecutive generations and in the generation now growing ap practically no trace of Indian blood can be seen. They have pink and white cheeks, blue eyes and fair hair. There have grown up slave dealers in Cape Mudge who have became wealthy in this traffic. They have created a market which is constantly increasing and the demand has become so great that other markets have been sought.

It Is reported that the Rock Bay Indians are also engaging in the slave trade. It has reached that point at Cape Mudge where young girls will be sold unless ths governments step in and put a stop to the trRffl-J. There are undelivered telegrams at the Western Union office for Edith M. Myers, George Foss, Mrs. Katherir.e B.

Frank F. Clapp. F. 8. jo Powers.

Jack Hurt, It. E. Hansen, Dr. Ralph Arnold. choice of the caskets, and the.

trial they want." DIItT TUMBLES OVER TRACK. Three hundred feet of track on the scene. ONE YEAR'S FAILURES. of the building-trades unions in 190 wn for peace. The steam fitters yea-terday Joined their employers in arranging a friendly basis of wages and conditions for three years.

The carpenters are asking for an increase in wages and -the Iron workers are seeking new conditions. Conciliation was exercised Statistics of Southern California Show Southern Taclflc Benham cut-off were burled under thirty feet of dirt by the caving In of Rlneon Hill this afternoon at a distance of eighteen miles south of this city. Ing Kinds of Business snd Reasons. on both sides in the new agreement The Benham cut-off wss made to RtHMra of fatlurss In Bnn'Virn avoid the dangerous piece of track over which a train rolled down a fifty- signed by the union snd the Master Stesm Fitters' Association. The men will recelvetllghtly higher wages, but will submit to their employers rules without change.

California, as compiled by the Los An foot bank two years ago. It was re-, geles office cf the Bradstreet Company, cently completed. Thousands of tons of dirt rolled over show that for 190S there were 20S of them, cf which 138 were fn Los Angeles. The liabilities aggregated "You're nvlns In a fiat now. I hear.

the track as a result of ths rains now -but he was astoniahed to receive the freshman's congratulations coupled, How do you like it?" falling here, and if the old line was not open tc trevei. nil traffic would 14 and -the assets "well, there's no room to kick. with the hope that air, warren wasi qing well. rPhUfdiphlarress. with wKiuisits ycuni girl their I Thess failures were distributed by have been hlockel for severAl days..

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