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The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 16

Los Angeles, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

os Clngelcs Sunfcay (times. II SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 1004. 4 will have its tasks for every man- THE TIMES-MIRROR COMPANY. K. a.

tad Qnral Muager. KARAT ad A4tut General Ma if AEXA.N ALBERT MtfiBUND. FUBUEHXRS Or lie Xote itn CeM, Weeklr, Sender. Fcunded Oee. 1881.

Twenty-third Year. Vol. 41 No. 73. EVERY K.ORNtNQ IN THF.

YEAR. EW8 SFTtVTCB Frfl reports of the Aeaorlated Prase, toasting tba globe; CORN ON THE COB. samaaawaaaaa The secret you whisper to Stella Will travel a wldespreadlng ground; The confidence given to Smithers Will shortly be bruited around. So corn on the cob we are hailing, Give praise from the North to the South The only safe ear In existence. To which you can open your mouth.

McLandburgh Wilson, ln York Sun. i Mrs. Longfellow's Dinner. Speaking of "company coming reminds me of a story a Boston man tells of the poet Mr. Longfellow had a soul above sordid, material considerations, and on one occasion he brought a guest home to dine without advising Mrs.

Longfellow beforehand. The guest was a distinguished English-man, who had Just arrived with a let- ter of Introduction. The day was Friday, and the cook being a Catholic the family had fallen into the habit of eating no meat at the Friday dinner. Mrs. Longfellow thought despairingly of the fish, and then, realizing, I dare say.

that dry bread would be a feast with Longfellow at the table, led the guest to the dining-room with a faint heart The fish was brought in. The distinguished guest glanced at it and then he smiled at his hostess. "I know Mrs. Longfellow will pardon me," he said, "if I decline the fish cour.e." Washington Post. wordt transmitted eany mr more ihsa M.M of I rum aura.

tEftUS. Datly and Sunday, Including fmu samta. rear; Dally without Bundajr. S7.60 a jraer; Sunday, Uuuim only, Weekly. Sl.BO.

ITLEPHONES: Coastlnc-room. Cabeertptloa Department. tiltertal Roosaa, Cltr Editor a4 Local News Rom, Suna. Press Ii Boom, (or TUX TIMES. AGENTS: Eastern Agents.

WUtiams Lawrence. Noa. tl-tt Tribune Building. Kew TnrtJ tl Wathlnston street, Chlcaga; Washington Hurra a. Poat Building, where the lataat copies of The Ttnwa ur be auarelttd; Saa f-raacisse offlca, roam It, Chronicle Butldiag.

Telephone Red im. -WORN CIRCULATION iwt avenge tor UN I Mlt far lew. lft.SM: for ltt gM3t; for 1W. 115.731: lWtk for 1M1. 28.448; for Wt S0.U3O: for 101.

SH.840. for flrat three montha of ism. 87,48. Sunday circulation. B.IOOO eoples.

THB TIMES taring a tartar circulation, both la and out of tba city, than any eosi petite. ta CoaoeU baa eeUctad It (or doing tba publle adTartlaUf. Offlcaat Time Building. Catered a tta Lea Angeles Pcetofflce tar EDITORIAL SECTION PART II, MAIN SHEET Roosevelt axd Fairbanks! "Ko rerson shall bo refused employment or In any way discriminated against on account ol membership or non-membership In any labor organization and that there shall be no discrimination against or interference with any employee wuo is not member of any labor organization by members of such organization." THEODORE ROOSfcVELT. "And a Little Child Shall Lead Them." Isaiah XI, 6.

child born into this world, and only God will know what future hides upon the winding highways that stretch beyond. But it is better to be heir to the lesser things of life than to its great things. "What infinite heart's ease Must kings neglect, that private men enjoy And what have kings that privates have not too, Save ceremonv, save general ceremony?" AUSTRALIA ALARMED. Obviously Australia has acquired the time-honored Democratic "view with alarm habit Foreign manufacturers have been what Australia evidently regards perniciously active in Introducing their wares Into the country- Its import figures tell a story of energetic invasion of the Australian market by foreign manufacturers, and America enjoys a large share of this business. The Australian government has Just taken measures which it hopes will check the growing usurpation of Its market by foreigners.

For many years their salesmen have successfully invaded Australia, and a very large proportion of the total export trade to that country has been secured through elaborate and comprehensive catalogues. The American catalogues have been particularly effective, as they were expertly prepared with great attention to details and to the excellence and vividness of their illustrations; and they have been marveknu The first step in the movement to diminish the catalogue trade has been taken by the Australian government which has withdrawn the privilege of free entry for single copies of catalogues addressed to individual mercantile firms. On and after September 1 all price-lists end catalogues will be dutiable, irrespective of the purpose for which they are imported, or to whom they are addressed. But it is safe to say that the only effect of this action will be to increase the government revenues. The duty will not appreciably diminish the influx of catalogues or the growth of the Australian trade foreign manufacturers.

It Is already too well established. The government's action is interesting, however, and significant as showing Australia's alarm at the encroachment of foreigners upon the field which her own manufacturers ought to, but apparently cannot, successfully fill. They cannot compete with American manufacturers, either in quality of goods or prices; and those who have studied industrial conditions In that country attribute the fact In large measure to unionism's control of Australia and the attendant handicap to her manufacturers. It Is notorious that unionism has signally failed to make good its piomises to promote the country's pros perity, and, on the contrary, is rapidly ruining Australia commercially. THE RED, RED LEHR.

Several weeks ago Harry Lehr, ac cording to press reports, appeared at the theater in a Tuxedo Jacket and a bright red tie. In anyone but the Unspeakable that would have been considered little short of heroism. This Lehr is nothing if not pyrotech-nical. It seems he has a penchant (as he would probably wish to have it ex pressed) for red. If newspapers were not read Lehr would perhaps cultivate a reasonable degree of social sanity.

But, levity aside. Lehr is in line for a Carnegie hero-fund medal. He has blossomed out as a bona fide hero the real stuff; a courageous, dauntless, gal lant fire-fighter of rare presence of He recently took Miss Van Alen ori an auto ride, in her "red, devil." It generally saves trouble If the loidy fur nishes the chug-chug, but this time the machine caught fire from the gasoline tank. In a moment it was enveloped in flames. Red tongues swept devouringly over the expensive engine, licking up everything in their path, etc.

It was a supreme moment In Lehr's career and how nobly he met it! He Jumped out so did Miss Van Alen and the chauffeur. But 'Andsome 'Arry did not leave the beautiful machine to its fate not he! It must be saved, at all hazard and at any cost With the presence of mind which is iborn in the real hero and which moves him to do exactly the right thing at the "psychological moment" the same presence of mind which prompts men to hurl a Dresden vase from the 'steenth floor of a burning building and then grab a feather bed and carry it down the stairs Lehr sprang to the rescue of the burning chug-chug. Seising a dust robe in his strong right hand, he spread it neatly over the flames. Then he stepped back from the holocaust to watch the effect But real hot flames are such unap- preciative and inconsiderate things sometimes. Obstinate, too Just will not go out when they're supposed to be extinguished.

Like some men don't know when they're whipped. It's always pathetic! And the news dispatches tell us that the dust robe "availed little, as it soon caught fire and was consumed." Strange, passing strange! But the myrtle wreath must be placed on Lehr's brow, Just the same. His name will go thundering down the ages as that of a hero. Yea, verily, he must have a place in the Hall of Fame. He did the best he could, with the light that was In him and there is a popular belief that angels could no more.

Banzai, Lehr! Likewise, bravo, and huzza! And eke skoldl Carl Schurz, after breaking his own long-time political allegiance record by staying with the Republican party eight years, now declares for Parker, because he hopes his anti-imperialist and civil service reform policies may receive some recognition at Parker's hands, It the latter is elected. ADnar ently act Joes not Impair Mr. Schurt's agility in is line of political flopping. Ana it is entirely probable that-his political ututude will have its customary lack of effect upon the result of the election. Neighbor Skinner, who left Los An geles on a little buggy ride across the continent, nnd who Is now safe ln Michigan with his fourth set of new wheels, will please accept our fellclta iiuiib.

due uirvrmeni will serve very well to demonstrate to the effete Esst what the climate of California can ao ror a man 78 years young. The decision of the Los AngKes bar to agitate the question of additional courts of appeal Is a matter that will perhaps deserve attention. Lawyers and litlannts ate both freouentlv auf. trees Htm Flrat and Broadwa. trasemleaion aa mail matter of tba second elass.

tions which existed under the tariff law of 1894, and which that law helped to bring about are all that is necessary to convince any Intelligent person that it would be the height of folly to now disturb that law arbitrarily and without good and sufficient cause; and it is obvious, in the light of the country's matchless prosperity, that no such cause exists. A SUMMER SHOWER. We knew It would rain, for the poplari showed The white of their leaves, the amber train Shrunk In the wind and the lightning now tangled In tremulous ekelnc of rain." As though' our dear land of dreams, lying in peerless loveliness between the slumbering hills and the singing seas, had yet one lesson of happiness to learn, God sent down upon it yes terday a laughing summer shower. The genii of the dust came swirling up the valleys on somber wings of brown, to make straight the paths of the A flash of vivid fire in the dun skies, a cannonading salute from the thunder, a rattle from the musketry of the hall, and then, like the music of trembling harp strings, came the pat ter of the rain. Beautiful everywhere is the rain in summer, but here, where sometimes many summers may come and go without it, there was a Joyous wonder In its call that awoke the dullest heart to gladness.

It was just a little shower, to be sure, but "A little rain will fill The lily's cup which hardly moists the fields." It touched the flower to ft brighter hue and set the cricket chirping In the grass. It opened wide in ecstasy the eyes of childhood refreshed old age that slept upon the drowsy after noon. The dumb, burdened beasts of the city's streets lifted their heads in grateful whinnies and the birds stirred from dusty wings to sing a song of praise. And poor Indeed is the heart of the man that did not also sing to the mu sic of the summer shower. It was a gracious gift and blessed be the name of the Giver! THE ROMANOFF BOY.

By the blue waters-of the Baltic, away over on the other side of the world, a little boy King was born the other day. His birth brought peace and solace to the heart of his father, Nicholas, the Emperor and autocrat of all the Russlas, a man of many Borrows and weighty cares. It brought Joy to the nation and also, and most of all, to the heart of the mother, the beautiful, sweet-souled Alix of Hesse, who sits with her huaband upon the great throne of MuBcovy. The House of Romanoff, of which this new-born baby is the heir, is the present reigning 1 use of Russia, and is descended from Andrei Romanoff, who lived in the fourteenth century. It was not until the year 1613, however, that the family came to the throne in the person of one Mikhail, or Michael.

The Romanoffs came into power at an auspicious time, succeeding to the beneficences of Ivan III, one of Russia's greatest rulers, who founded the autocracy, issued the great Book of Laws, and lifted the empire from the degradation into which the Mongol supremacy had plunged it, and back to which the subsequent bloody reign of Ivan the Terrible did not succeed in relegating it It Is a long story from that time until the present day, but the House of Romanoff has not been with out glory, its most notable act being the emancipation of the serfs by Alexander II, in 1861. It is now stated with considerable color of truth that Nicholas II will celebrate the birth of his son by glv ing Russia a constitution. If this should prove true, it will mark the sec. ond great epoch In the trend of Russia toward human liberty and enlighten ment, the first being the elimination of serfdom as mentioned. If It should prove to be true that this baby boy shall by and by ascend the throne of his fathers, and shall be able to look down upon his country only as a constitutional monarch, it will be all the happier for him, for Russia and for the world.

If there he anything in the claims of heredity that a child Inherits the nature of either or both of Its par ents then this child should grow up to be a blessing to mankind. The Csar Is a man of gentle Instincts, and, not withstanding the present deplorable war into which the nation is plunged. It is well known that he Is a true lover of peace and desirous that wars should became things of the past The Csarlna Is a woman of most lovable character, and no mother in all the world is more worthy tnan she to bear the resnonsl V. 1 1 1 I mines mat uoa puis upon every motner, wnemer sne be Queen or peas ant. uut, neigh-ho! how much better 'It were If this poor little chap who is born to the purple were Instead ushered into that humbler estat in life wherein the shadow of no throne would rise to cloud his happiness.

Infinitely more blest than he is the boy bom last night In some lowly cottage, amid green fields where the brooks and carpets of the daisies and the clover await the coming of his bare, brown feet Life The Ston of Quality. Quality The successes in the Jewelry Trade that have been won on a foundation of cheapness are as scarce as torrid daysln Iceland and as unsatislao tory as soap bubbles. Real success only iollows worth, and worth commands its price. You know certain makes of watches and' Silverwares and Cut Glass and other things whose maker's name suffices to sell them. No need to tell folks that such and such an article is good.

Just name the name of the man who made it, and the sale is made, and all you've got to da i9 wrap up the goods. Queer thing, this reputation. It takes toiling and moiling to get it takes singleness of purpose and capacity to resist temptations to cheapen, but onee you've got it its value is transcnedent and can't be computed in dollars and cents. Our business has been built up on the foundation of Quality and Worth. Daily we are striving to buy jewelers' merchandise of the highest quality and honestly trying to sell it at the lowest possible margin of profit Everywhere over this Southern country our store is favorably known and stands out only for the Best With us it is always Quality first, then price afterwards.

The success and commanding prominence of our store is sufficient argument that this "Good every time with the educated buying Los Angeles people people who know values and appreciate the Best goods if priced at fair, honest figures. Montgomery Jewelers and Sil versmiths SPRING THIRD STS. I MARf SHOES FOR THB SMART SET. Early Fall Some of the advance styles are ready, already both in Boots and Oxfords. Toes a little narrower than usual; heels high, inclining to Cuban shapes.

Shoes so far are of patent leather; or vicl kid with patent tips button or lace. Wet Iierby- JCayser Shoe Co. Los Akgilis, 215 South Broadway. Gorham Sterllig Tea Spoons, Bet of 2.85 Dessert Spoons, Set of 7.25 Dessert Forks, Set of 7.25 Table Spoons, Set of Six. $10.60 Table Forks, Set of Six.

$10.60 Medium Knives, Set of Dessert Knives, Set of 9.00 The above prices are for heavy weight goods in new up-to-date patterns. Initials engraved free of charge. Ja Ga imtlM ARB sixTiasmms 245 SOUTH SPRING STREET The Uncommon Things tn the war of pictures, mono-BTi-n and plain stationery. Unique place and menu cards. Ford Smith and Little Co.

330 South Broadway DIFFERENCE IN SKILL Oar refractlonlflt Is not only -nuw an oculist with European ad-vsntafre. but had years' Poetical ewrt. nrw a acienUflc optician LOS ANUjELh.9 OPTICAL Removed 45S South Broadway. C. a LOO AN.

M. Refractlonlst. 1 Clearance Sale i This Week At 623 SOUTH BROADWAY BEST CLOTHING Alfred Benjamin's latest and baii productions. Prices only ordinary. JAMES SMITH CO.

137 South Spring Street. FEAffl B. LONG PIAHO 5x4 ITU! an. rvll oa Clark's name was put forward by a friend ln the department at who had Been some of those struggles over the chess boards, and had noted that trait In Clark of doing thoroughly whatever he set out to accomplish. "You should see that man play chess," said he, and he went on to describe his intense application and determination, adding: that's why I think he can bring the battleship around safely if anyone can." Three hours later Clark had received orders to take command of the.

Oregon and bring her at once to Cuban waters. Chicago Record-Herald. JULY; CIRCULATION OI1 THE TIMES. The following Is the sworn statement of circulation of The Times for July, 1S04: STATM OF CAUB'OKNIA, COUNTY OP 1X38 ANGELES, 88.: Harry Chandler, Assistant General Manager of th-i Los Angeles Times, does solemnly swear that the actual number of ccyles of that paper printed and aold for each day of July. 1904, as shown by the office records, was aa follows: JULT.

1904. 83-100 H.7U IT BO. BOO 18 84.000 19 84.170 20 84.200 n. 22 84.1WO 23 84,100 2. BO.BOO 25 84,800 28..

84,250 85,780 28.. 84.KOO 29...... 84.1 OO 84.200 BO.BOO 60.500 4.tMM 6 S4.200 7 84,180 B4.0OO 84.1BO 10 BO.5O0 11 84,800 II 34.2H0 IS 84.1BO 14 84. IPO 15 84,120 16 S4.OO0 Total 1.142.880 HARRY CHANDLER. StfBscrlbed ond sworn to before ma this Id day of August, 1904.

(Seal I. L. CHAPINT, Notary Public In and for the County of Los State of California, copies. The average circulation for every day of July. 1904, was 80.8UT The average circulation for every day of July, 1901, was i 38,212 Blowing an average dally gain, for July, 1904, of 1.U88, SPLENDID MIDSUMMER RECORD.

Three hundred and seventy-three columns was the phenomenal gain of The Times ln advertising during July, compared with the same month of the preceding year. A total of 2930 columns, exclusive of official city advertising, was printed during the month, against 2557 columns for July, 1903. The two other morning papers combined printed 2257 columns of advertising during the month, which It will be noticed is nearly seven hundred columns less than The Times record for July. The total volume of T.9 Times July advertising nearly equals the combined total of the Herald, Examiner and Express. Boycotters, recall campaigners, malicious and disappointed editors and publishers, professional machine politicians, horsethieves and lawbreakers, and "whoso loveth and maketh a He" will do well to keep these "Aggers" and things ln mind.

See? hundred has forty-seven licensed thirty-two houses of ill-repute and six gambling houses, will certainly be expected to explain why it is that the gambling houses should be bo frightfully outnumbered. A policeman recently arrested a girl for lifting her Bkirts too on a rainy day. Of course, dearie, it happened in Philadelphia. How did you ever guess it? One hundred and one guns for a boy. and only thirty-one for a girl well, that's "no fair." But then, girls don't like to hear the horrid guns shooting, anyhow.

Th nrincloal reason for the revolu tion in Paraguay is probably that the country thought those other South Americans were monopolizing the advertising. ThA scheme to make Camp Atasca- dero exactly like the real thing has been carried out to such a nicety that even the army mule can't kick. Fastidious Kansas is crying for an anti-toothpick law. This Is obviously another attempt on the part of Kansas to offset the Burton incident The Japs' blockade of Port Arthur must have holes hi it when a bunch of Russian boats can steal out and then steal In again. Bryan will have less respect for courts now than ever since the Connecticut Judge decided against him on that 150,000 legacy.

And It may be only that Paraguay concluded that it was cheaper to get up a revolution than to attempt to hold an election. The thunder and lightning and the rain of yesterday were Just for the purpose of showing unbelievers that we can do it. Los Angeles for us, in thunder, light, ning or ln rain. Where was Togo when the ships went out? How He Got the Oregon. Here is a little story about Rear-Admiral Charles E.

Clark, the man who took the Oregon around the Horn in time to take part in the battle of Santiago. Clark, then a captain, was at San Francisco in Command of the gunboat Bennington. His favorite rendezvous when ashore was the social room of the Mercantile Library Chess where he used to meet the best of the chess players San Francisco had to show, usually beating them badly. There never was a penny at stake; but the captain played as if he stood to win or lose a fortune. His whole mind and soul went into his play.

When the time came to name a man to guide the Oregon on that hurried and most Important homeward run, THE TIMES DELIVERED AT THE RESORTS. Patrons of The Times visiting beach resorts daring: the coming sea-Bon may leave orders for their paper with any of the agents named below, or The Times Business Office, Lo Angeles. A regular carrier service is maintained at the following points: Long Beach, I A. Tine avenue. Sunset Tel.

85. Santa Monica, Arthur E. Jackson, 38 Third street Sunset Tel. 95. Terminal, J.

J. McKlnnon, Wilson 'Building. Redondo Beach, Will J. Hess, tVhite Stand, foot of Wharf No. 1.

Ocean Park, H. E. 95ft Ocean Front Kean'a Book and Sta- tionery Store. Main 1111. San Pedro, Max Thomas.

Coronado Tent City, J. Daly. Catalina, Catalina Novelty opposite hotel Idyllwild, The Times may be had at the postofflce and at the Lodge. A 8 TO THE TARIFF. Judge Parker in his address to the Notification Committee dwelt at considerable length on the tariff question.

He took occasion to mildly attack the present tariff law as "unjust In Us operation, excessive in many rates, and so framed in particular instances as to exact inordinate profits from the people." He candidly recognises the slg-'aaificant fact that the Republican party bas been "collectively able to harmonise" upon a tariff plank a fact which seemingly proves the present tariff law to be adequate and satisfactory under existing conditions. He then drives at the heart of the matter by declaring that the Democratic party "Is In favor of a reasonable reduction of the tariff," ahd shows how, In his opinion, such eduction could be effected without seriously disturbing the industrial world. It will require a much stronger exposition of yhe case than the Democratic leader was able to give to con- vince the people'. of America that their prosperity Is Impaired or threatened by the existing tariff law. Moreover, it will require more convincing political argument than Judge Parker has thus far shown himself capable of delivering, to convince the people that the Democratic party can be safely entrusted with the regulation of the tariff, especially in view of Democracy's record of failure to bring prosperity to the country when given the opportunity to do so.

Theeynote of the addresses of both Judge Parker and the President is "tariff readjustment" The President frankly says that whenever the need arises there should be a readjustment of the tariff. Parker cries "Reduce the tariff." The President says, "Readjust the tariff to meet the requirements." The former is a partisan cry the only cry which the leader of the Democratic party could raise unless he wishes to be read out of the party forthwith and unceremoniously. The President's position Is that of a conservative, keen and sound-minded business man one who knows that It Is the part of wisdom to apply theories to business only in so far as conditions tnake their application expedient and practicable. And this is Just the difference between the positions of the Democratic and Republican parties on the tariff question Democracy shout ing for tariff reduction because it has become a Democratic habit so to do. end the Republican party demanding nat tne prosperity of the country re main undisturbed by a tinkering with tne tariff until such time as readjust merit will promote instead of curtail that prosperity.

It cannot be successfully denied that under the tariff law enacted by the Republican party the country has reached, during the last few years, a height of material well-being never before attained. As the President rightly says, whatever revision of the tariff there may be "can with safety be made only by those whose devotion to the principle of a protective tariff 1b be yona question; for otherwise the changes would amount not to readjustment, but to repeal" The country's prosperity, the marvelous growth of it industries under a protective tariff and the favor which Its manufactures find abroad prove the correctness and soundness of the protective principle and emphasize the vital need for the continuation of that principle in force. This is vital not only to employers, but to employes as well. It Is admitted thst tho standard of living of America's wage-workers Is higher than that of any other country; and, as the rrenident declares, "It cannot so remain unless we have e. protective tariff which shall always keep as a mini mum a rate of duty sufficient to cover the difference between the labor cost liifre and abroad." A thoughtful comparison of the pres nt tariff lw and Its workings, and i comiMdratlon or the conditions which exist udr that law, with the cobiJ- ferers from the law's delays and it seems that some means might be wisely devised to relieve our Supreme Court of its burden of overwork.

A freshman, aged IS, of Loyola Col lege, Baltimore, has committed to memory Homer's "Odyssey," 12.000 lines of matter. Notwithstanding tnis remarn- able feat the chances are that he will, later in life, carry his wife's letter in his pocket a week or two before re membering to mail it. The Hon. H. Gassaway Davis re cently declared that ke is 'In love with the Presidential candidate," meaning Parker, of course.

And It there is any truth in current reports, the H. Gassaway's love is not confined either to the male sex or to a certain Esopus member thereof. A southern admirer recently declared that -Judge Parker "stands before the world as God made him." And it is suspected that this man, in order to prove his assertion, instigated the strenuous efforts have been made tc pnotograpn tne juage in swimming. Tiit tn nhnw the that TJimaln felt pretty well over that new, boy in the Alexandra villa, the Muscovites took a little sail around the outside sea at Port Arthur, in the meantime stick ing their fingers to their noses and pointing them at the yellow men. Andrew Carnegie once wanted to be a newspaper reporter.

But its Just as well, perhaps, that he changed his mind. His subsequent association with steel suggests the thought that had he gone into the literary field he might have become a plagiarist The Inconsistency of the members of Newport's fair sex has again been made manifest. Notwithstanding that they have had Harry Lehr almost constantly with them, complaint is made that the masks worn by automobilists frighten the women. It is a curious and interesting fact that before a man is nominated for a high official position he is mighty proud to have it known that he is worth but after he's nominated he feels called upon to stoutly deny the fact Perhaps Henry Gassaway Davis has merely stipulated that he will pay over that if he is elected Vice-President of the United States. And if this be true, it is nothing more than a laudable determination not to foe gold-brlcked.

It isn't difficult or unwarranted to predict that these many prominent Democrats who are declaring that they will vote for Parker, although they do not like to do it will get hold of a Roosevelt ballot by mistake when the time comes. Another mammoth cave has been discovered In Kentucky. It Is understood this discovery was Imperatively needed, as the old original Kentucky mammoth cave has been so worn out by tourists that there's nothing left of it but a hole. "I feel like a lad of 60," declared the Democratic Vice-Presidential candi date. And although there are several campaign managers who are feeling for that same lad of 60, they have not yet been able to touch him.

The more the trouble la bronrht i.i light Concerning this Turkish hualneaa the more It appears that Abdul Hamld and his hired man Tewflk are the champion long-distance promise of the world. Mr. Bryan may have been Induced to devote his attention to Chautauqua lectures this summer by the fact that he does not have to pay for the hall out of his own Jeans. Can these stories be true that a Ken tuckv man nunched Aunt OarpU Vo tlon In the facet But then, Col. Henry Watterson was In New York at the time, we believe.

This town of Hurley, in Wisconsin, which, with a population of eighteen REAL ESTATE NUMBER. The Times will issue, on August 22nd, a special Real Estate Number. The subject matter and illustrations will be devoted entirely to city and suburban lands, country property, building industries and real estate enterprises, past progress and future prospects. A graphic history of the development of the Southwest during the last quarter century will be made one of the principal features of the publication, and no effort or expense will be spared to make the facts contained in this special edition authentic and informing. It will be essentially a publication for the prospective homeseeker and settler.

Advertisers desiring space in this number should consult the Business Department at once, as advertising cannot be received for it later than August 15. It Is the intention of the publishers to mail a xopy of this special number to a selected list of over 20,000 persons now living at a distance. 5 lie.

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