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The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 19

Los Angeles, California
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JUNE 18, 1902. Los Angeles Daily Times, 11 7 Los Angeles County: Its Cities, Towns, Hamlets and Suburban Places. REPORTS FROM TIMES CORRESPONDENTS,) NEW PASADENA HOTEL DELAYED BY UNIONS. HIGH PRICES PUT OFF THE GREEN ADDITION. Wages are Out.

of Sight and So is Material -Automobile Jumps Precipice. Shakespeare Club Works 1 for Juvenile Courts- Roberts Reception. PASADENA, Office of The Times, No. 26 South Raymond avenue, June The fact that. Col.

G. G. Green has postponed one year the building of his handsome annex to Hotel Green on account of elevated prices of labor and material, the, serve as an object lesson to the unions and other combinations which are partially responsible the prices. Col. Green planned to have the work started several months ago, but a letter received yesterday by Manager J.

H. Holmes contains the information that work on the lean-to of three hundred rooms will not begin till this fall, when it will be slowly, the colonel figuring that gradually prices will drop. It is proposed to have the new house finished in time for the season of 1903-4. Col. Green made a careful examination of the steel and other material situations throughout the East, and taking into account the big wages demanded by all kinds of artisans here, decided to delay the work.

Now, here is where, in the minds of the men who build hotels and things, the unions make the mistake: Prices have been placed so high that when they drop they will fall a long way, and somebody's head will be cracked. Hotel builders talk of importing labor, and even if they don't do this, the reputation of this section as paying great wages will induce cheap labor to come In. contractors declare that they are willing to pay reasonable wages and say nothing about it, but the extreme existing is bound to cause trouble for the extremists. "I have been talking with Contractor Slavin and with several architects," said Manager Holmes of the Green yesterday. "Slavin tells me that he is paying his mortar-mixers on the Potter Hotel at Santa Barbara $3 per day.

I understand that bricklayers demand $6 a day, and that the workmen on Slavin's contract are about to hold a meeting for the raising of wages still higher. A man who is about to erect a hotel in Pasadena, containing 120 rooms, figured that it would cost him about $50,000. When he asked me what it would cost him, 1 without knowing the figure he had in mind, said $125,000. He said he wouldn't stand that. He asked an architect the same question, and was told that the house would cost him between $125,000 and $150,000.

Material is up the same way, steel and bricks, etc. Steel is the worst. Steel is quoted now at about $120 per ton. We paid less than $30 per ton for the steel in the old buildings. We simply figured that the profits from the annex for this year would not balance the extra cost of bullding, and decided to delay the building until the season following.

So it may be easily figured, even by a union man with one-third of an eye, that the inflated wage standard is a losing game in the long run. In the mean time, work in rearranging the interior of the present house is going ahead, looking to better accommodations for greater Hotel Green. The elevator in the east building is being removed, and soon partitions will be taken out to provide a bigger corridor. Col. Green has just Anished a new hotel in Woodbury, N.

J. FRACTIOUS AUTO. Brainard Dewey of Congress street had an exciting experience with his Oldsmobile a night or two ago, and he 1s still wondering why he wasn't killed and "his vehicle smashed into old iron. Everybody knows how steep the Eagle Rock road 18 where It winds over Scoville HIll on the west bank of the arroyo, a mile west of town. A fly would need grappling irons to stick on it in some places.

Dewey was coming down the hill at a rattling pace, when his controller got the better, or worse, of him, and before he knew what was doIng, away they flew, first Into space, and then bumping down the sides of a precipice half a hundred feet in height. But young Dewey hung onto the rudder, or whatever they call it, and dodged trees and stones successfully. The rubber tires clung to the side of the precipice, and the vehicle kept right side up. chaffeur was not hurt, and the mobile was only slightly bruised. Dewey gathered himself together and went home.

In the morning he got up early and reported the damage to Hodge who got out a big auto, some tackle and pulleys, and hauled the fractious Oldsmobile to the street. "FOR JUVENILE COURT. At the regular meeting of the City Council yesterday a communication was received from the ladies of the Shakespeare Club, urging the establishment in this city of a juvenile court. The communication was as follows, and was referred to the committee of the a regular business meeting of the Shakespeare Club held on Saturday, June 7, it was voted that the secretary write to the Mayor and City Council, calling attention to the action taken by several eastern municipalities in establishing the so-called juvenile courts, in which young offenders may be tried without bringing them In contact with hardened criminals; where, so far as possible, they may be kept under the care of special officers; their offenses tried behind closed doors; where, when practicable, they may be given Indeterminate sentences. dependent upon future good behavior, and kept under the personal supervision of an official, to whom they report at stated Intervals.

"The Shakespeare Club respectfully asks the Mayor and Council to Investigate the workings of these satisfac- juvenile courts, which have proved so tory in Chicago and other eastern citles in reducing the ratio of Juvenile crime, and they also respectfully request them to take any steps which in their judgment may seem advisable toward modifying the present arrangements under which juvenile offenders are tried in our courts. "The combined Child Study Circles of Pasadena, representing several hundred parents have assured us of hearty Indorsement of this action of the Shekespeare club, In bringing to the consideration of your honorable body, and we have the approval of the lead- ing educators of the city." The council attended to routine work. The last important reception of the season was given yesterday afternoon and evening at the Casa Grande by Mrs. L. S.

Roberts, Mrs. W. Humes Roberta and Miss Roberts. From to 6 o'clock the handsome reception rooms were thronged by women in elegant attire, more than 200 cards having been issued to friends of the hostesses. The unbonneted women assisting In a general way were Mrs.

N. Lelthhead, Mrs. Malcolm 2 J. McLeod, Mrs. Emil Kayser and Mrs.

D. A. Conrad. The first hour the punch table was presided over by Misses Norwin and McDougall, the second by Misses Gardner and Wisewell. In the refreshment room Mrs.

Charles Gardner and Mrs. C. 8. Cristy served ices the first hour. and Mrs.

George Stimson and Mrs. A. M. Merwin the second. The cards were received by who Miss Helen sister Boal Mrs.

of Los W. Angeles, is a of Humes Roberts. An orchestra played throughtout the afternoon. In the receiving-room the decorations were pure white Bermuda lilies; in the rotunda where refreshmenta were served, the flowers were yellow coreopsis. Japanese cake and bon-bon dishes lent a pretty effect to the tables, At 6:30 in the evening the ladies who assisted during the afternoon, together with a number of gentlemen Invited, were entertained at dinner for twenty-six covers were laid.

The dinner guests were: Rev. and Mrs. A. Moss Merwin, Rev. and Mrs.

M. J. McLeod, Dr. and Mrs. D.

A. Conrad, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Stimson, Mr.

and Mrs. C. S. Cristy, Mr. and Mrs.

Emil Kayser, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Roberts, Dr.

and Mrs. W. H. Roberts, Mrs. N.

S. Leithead, Mrs. A. Gardner. Dr.

Nixon, Misses Wisewell, Merwin, McDougall, Gardner and Roberts, Mr. McMasters and R. S. Roberts. PASADENA BREVITIES.

Mrs. Dora Holsinger of Boston has purchased of F. Q. Story, through W. I.

Hollingsworth a ten-acre orange grove on the Alhambra road, just opposite the residence of Mr. Bean, and adjoining Mr. Story's home place at Alhambra, for $10,000, and will build a handsome dwelling on the property for a. Southern California home. Long-delayed claims of forest firefighters will soon be paid.

Dispatches from Washington state that the bill appropriating the money will be reported on Wednesday and there is no doubt as to its passage. This will relieve Charles Grimes, the Board of Trade and other parties who advanced money to fire-fighters. There was a young people's rally of Christian Endeavor societies last evening at the Lincoln Avenue Methodist-Episcopal Church An interesting programme was rendered. R. H.

Pinney, secretary of the Revenue Oil Company, and Isaac Bailey, president, have gone to Bakersfield to look after their Interests See J. H. Woodworth, No. 11, S. Raymond avenue, Pasadena, for bargain in an improved stock ranch; 2250 acres, 2400 inches of water.

Times' prize cook books may now be Times branch office, 26 South Raymond, materials at Wadsworth's. Printed wash goods. Bon Accord. CLAREMONT. COMMENCEMENT CLAREMONT, June is the programme for commencement week at Pomona College: Saturday evening- -Choral union concert with Miss Eleanor Goodman, soprano; Miss Julia Phelps, harpist; F.

P. Brackett, baritone; F. A. Bissell, tenor. Sunday at 11 o'clock, baccalaureate sermon by Dr.

Gates; 7:30, a address before the Christian association. Monday, 10 a.m., contests for the Condit prizes in extemporaneous speaking and sight singing; 3 p.m., Dole prize debate; 8 p.m., closing exercises of the senior class in the preparatory school. Tuesday, 9 a. m. and 2 p.m., class day exercises; 8 p.m., graduating exercises of the School of Music.

Tuesday and Wednesday, exhibit of School of Art and Design. Wednesday, 10 a.m., Inauguration of Dr. Gates as president; 11 a.m., commencement address by President Wheeler of the State University; 12 award of prizes and presentation of diplomas; 2 p.m., after-dinner speeches; 3:30 p.m., reunion and bustness meeting of alumni association; 6 p.m., alumni banquet; 8 p.m., president's reception. The railroad companies make a rate of one and onethird fare to Claremont during the week and there will be ample accom- modations. CLAREMONT BREVITIES.

McConnell, Son Co. of Elsinore have purchased of Wharton Son the Claremont meat market and of Mrs. Clark the hotel. They will take possession about July 1. The annual "Metate" edited by the junior class will appear Thursday.

Thursday evening will occur the declamatory contest for the Kinney prize. Messrs. Culbertson and Millekin, two students, have leased the second floor of the new business block and will equip the rooms for the accommodation of transients. N. R.

Richardson is building a colttage on Harvard avenue. ALHAMBRA. FUNERAL OF COL. MAYBERRY. ALHAMBRA June -The funeral of Col.

Edward i L. Mayberry, who died Saturday evening, was held at his late residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. H. W.

White of Alhambra officlated. The attendance was quite large, being present from a distance manX, their last respects to the progressive California pioneer. Interment was in San Gabriel Cemetery. MARRIAGE OF MISS GREEN. Miss Grace Green, eldest daughter of J.

A. Green, cashier of the Alhambra Bank, was married at Salt Lake City Monday, evening to F. D. Olmsted an expert electrician in the employ of the Telluride Power Company of Colorado. Their home for a time will be at Provo.

Utah. ALHAMBRA BREVITIES. The following-named teachers in the public schools have been retained for another year: Principal A. C. Wheat.

Misses Edith Hill, Mary Woodward, Mary Foley, Mary Mitchell, Stella Knight and Mrs. Juliet P. Rice, musle; Miss Hoose, assistant principal, and Miss Ethel Bishop. teacher of third and Fourth grades, declined reappointment. The primary department is also vacant.

A large gang of railroad workmen is engaged In grading. track-laying and bridge-building on the San Gabriel end of the electric railway. There appears to be no doubt now that the cars will run to the Mission on contract time the 25th. A. Gregory will ship about thirty carloads of late oranges from Alhambra.

The first shipment was made yesterday from the. Spruance packing-house near the main depot of the Southern Pacific. The funeral of Edward McCollom, who died of consumption, was held at the San Gabriel Episcopal Church Monday afternoon, Rev. V. Bazata of Alhambra officiating.

The annual address to the graduating class of the Alhambra High School will be given by Rev. T. N. Lord at the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening. President John Swain of.

Indiana University has signified his acceptance of the presidency of Swartmore ColI lege, to take effect next. September, TIGH WIRED MAST FOR THE WIRELESS, TUNING MACHINERY AT AVALON TO FLASH MESSAGES. Glass-bottom Boat Nearly Forty Feet Long, and Capable of Carrying Many Passengers, Launched Yesterday--Large Catch of White Sea Bass. AVALON, June 17. The big mast for the wireless telegraph plant is in place and secured.

It stands 155 feet out of the ground, and as the location of the plant is 370 feet above the sea, the top of the mast stands 575 feet above sea level. There are no Instruments of any description on the mastnothing but an ordinary Insulated wire extending from the top down and into the station, where it connects with the receiving apparatus. The height of the mast above the sea level cuts littie figure, further than it seems to be necessary to have a. wire extending at least 150 feet in the air to be able to properly receive messages, and the mast is for the purpose of holding this wire. The engine and dynamos were set In motion yesterday and ran like a top.

It now only remains to get the delicate machinery properly adjusted and "tuned" to vibrate with that of the shore station at White's Point, which may require several days of experimenting before it will be possible to flash messages across the channel. BIG GLASS BOTTOM. The inventor of the water-glass scarcely foresaw that his simple glass in the bottom of a box would, in the process of evolution, be made to do duty as the bottom of a boat. That was accomplished some years ago, but today marked another era of progress when William Gurins and M. Tobin launched a glass-bottom boat thirtyeight.

feet long and seven feet four Inches beam and capable of seating nearly sixty persons. The boat was built at Mathewson's yards here, is a side-wheeler, the paddle wheels being five and a half feet in diameter. There are two "wells," each ten feet long. in the center of the boat, through which one looks down into the depths of the sea and has a six-horse-power engine. Then launching drew great crowds beach this afternoon, and it was done in first-class style, Miss Aurelia Gurins, after a little speech, breaking a bottle of champagne over its bow and floating out a pennant bearing the name, "Mo- TUNA ALL LUCKY.

The tuna are having all the best of it this year. They have succeeded In keeping out of the way of the angler for the most part, and when they have taken a bait, so far, they have come off masters of the situation. After Judge Beaman's four-hour experience yesterday a number of anglers scoured the ocean in the vicinity of his fight, but one, H. W. Lance, getting a strike.

Mr. Lance's fish was insecurely hooked and the hook tore out after five minutes of fighting. This morning Col. Stearns, who caught the big 197- pounder in March, had a strike and was getting on beautifully with his fight when a shark cut the line and caused the colonel to lose the tuna. When the fish struck the bait, a flying-fish, was forced up the line some fifty or sixty feet, and when in reeling in, it came to the surface, a big shark made a rush for it.

George Johnson, the colonel's skipper, saw the movement, and seizing a gaff hook impaled the shark, but not before It had snapped the line and released the tuna. RECORD FISH CATCH. The record fish catch of the season was brought in this morning by Marsden Landers and William Morgan with the Nestella. They went to the Isthmus yesterday afternoon intending to go around the island today, but getting Into a school of white sea. bass this morning, they gave up the trip and turned their attention to the Ash.

They had twenty-two white sea bass, many of which weighed forty pounds, and the average was above thirty-five pounds. Miss Eva Durkee of Denver this morning caught six white sea bass and two rock bass. Mrs. L. Patterson of Mankato, caught two white sea bass.

Miss Catherine Millers, the guest of Gen. and Mrs. A. W. Barrett, caught five albicore and a shark, handling her rod and reel like an expert.

Miss Josephine Jedofsky of Los Angeles and A. W. Ayton were out with a rowboat. Miss Jedofsky landed three yellowtall and a shark, and then going out to the cod banks they landed twelve rock cod. Messrs.

Pocock and Russell, In the two days past, with the Rival, have brought in two white sea bass, five yellowtail, eighteen barracuda and five rock bass. E. B. Smith and F. Leonard went for jewfish with the Adelaide.

They got no jewfish, but in coming home picked up two yellowtail and five barracuda. G. A. Nichols, from a rowboat, got three sea bass and two yellowtall. E.

F. Steele and his little son, out with the Miro, got two white sea bass, thirty-five and eighteen pounds, respectively, the young man doing the fishing. ISLAND BREVITIES. The yacht Avalon carried the following-named pleasure-seekers to Moonstone Beach this morning: Mrs. H.

A. Moore, Boston: Miss G. A. Foye, Alameda: R. C.

Macdonald, New York; N. E. Whitehead, M.D., Grumwood, Mr. and Mrs. P.

A. Broach, Meridian, Sam L. Gwin, Mrs. May Greene, Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs.

Will R. Hill, Kansas City. A party, consisting of Miss Myrtle Stotts, Miss Daisy Metealf, Miss Elizabeth Wiley, Messrs. Loeb, Wineburg, Baker and Chubb. chaperoned by Mrs.

Julia Jones, went up to Camp Whittier on the yacht Ethel yesterday and spent the day picnicking. George T. Webb and wife and Miss I. Belle Allman of Kansas City are at the Island Villa. Reginald McKenzie of Santa F6, N.

Frank Saunders and J. D. Lamphin of Los Angeles are at the Glenmore. Mrs. Bartels of Denver.

I. R. McCandless of Davenport and A. H. McCandless of Rock Island are at the Grand View.

A. Hans, with his wife and family, and Stanley Imsheimer and. Laura Strawbarge of San Francisco, are at the Metropole for a month. Mrs. C.

R. Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephens of Moline, will make an extended stay at Hotel Metropole.

Mrs. Joseph Ehrman and two sons and S. M. Hiller of San Francisco will spend a month at Hotel Metropole. Camp Swanfeldt, Catalina Island, is new open for business.

750 MEANS a French dinner at Del Monte, POMONA. CADETS GO TO CAMP. POMONA, June -The High School Cadet Corps, forty strong, neatly uniformed in khaki, with campaign hats and equipped with new Springfield rifles, left last evening for their annual outing at Long Beach for ten days. Prior to their departure they gave spiendid exhibition drill on Second street, showing proficiency in tactics. The boys started from the central school building about 9:30 in large wagons, expecting to reach Long Beach this forenoon.

The cadets are in charge of their drill master, Maj. E. A. Reynolds, and those who went are J. R.

Casey, captain; George Gallup, first lieutenant; A. O. Evans, secona lieutenant; E. C. Simpson, first sergeant; Claude Reed, second sergeant; W.

T. Casey, third sergeant; A. E. Tangeman, quartermaster sergeant; Walter Tuller, Carl Lane, Hugh Ludden, corporals; Anson Thomas, Harry Hinman, Carl Clogston, buglers, and Privates Elder, Mishler, Carnes, Clark, Reynolds, Stewart, Miller. Weber.

Rogers, Harris, George, Barber, Hills, Afferbaugh, Burke, Clay, Kelsey, Dorsey, Caldwell, Varcoe, Lorbeer, Arbuthnot, Horace and Roy Putnam. corps will go to Redlands on the 4th of July, and with the Reulands Y.M.C.A. cadets will have charge of the guard mount at that city's independence celebra- tion. POMONA BREVITIES. The funeral of Ernest Ahlstrom, the nine-year-old son of Mr.

and Mrs. A. Ahlstrom, who died from diphtheria yesterday, was held this forenoon, Rev. Dr. G.

W. White officiating. Dr. Alfred Downs of Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, who has gained professional prominence lately by successfully performing a delicate operaation upon a patient whose back bone was broken, is a brother of J. R.

Downs, commercial agent of the Southern Pacific here. J. H. Cowdery has been chosen manager of the Pomona Deciduous Fruit Association's drying plant for this season. Rev.

Thomas H. Cornish recently of Chatham, has been engaged as temporary pastor of the Baptist Church. J. A. Kennedy is about to have residence built for him on North Garey avenue.

REDONDO. TENT CITY. REDONDO, June Last night the Board of Trade again took up the project of a tent city, and it will be pushed as rapidly as circumstances will permit. The first attempt made was not successful, but the indications this time are very favorable, and it is believed the tent city is assured. FREIGHT TROUBLE.

The board passed a resolution in reference to the freight conditions here. No provision has been made for freight which arrives for local shippers, over either of the railroads. It Is left in the cars and the merchants are greatly inconvenienced procuring it, as the cars are constantly moved. Charges are also made for the storage of freight in the cars, even when it is impossible for the merchants to procure It. For this reason, the board has taken up the subject, and wll forward the resolution, asking the railways to build the necessary sheds for the accommodation of freight.

It is understood that the Los Angeles and Redondo people already have the project in hand, and it now remains for the Santa to follow suit. REDONDO BREVITIES. J. H. Easterday, a pioneer of Redondo, passed away this morning at the age of 60 years.

The funeral services will be held at the family residence, Thursday morning, Rev. J. R. Ross. pastor of the Redondo M.

E. Church, officiating. body will be interred In the new Redondo Cemetery, under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge, of which he was a member. The steamer Santa Rosa arrived last night with 156 tons of merchandise and ten passengers. Owing to injurles, Capt.

Caistensen of the power launch Challenge, has been compelled to lay the boat up at San Pedro until his condition is improved. WHITTIER. KANSAS BRIDE. WHITTIER, June A charming wedding, of Interest to a large circle of Whittler people, took place this evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

L. J. Stanley, on Comstock avenue. The bride was Miss Frances D. Laptad of Lawrence, and the groom Ell J.

Vestal, a prominent young bustness man, and a brother of Mrs. Stanley. Nearly two hundred friends witnessed the ceremony, and attended the reception, being received by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and Miss Sadie Vestal.

The commodious home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley was gay with flowers, vines and lights, the decorative scheme in the reception-room, where the ceremony took, place, being entirely in green and white, with the mantel banked in lilies and sena-sena, and an elaborate canopy of crepe ribbons and asparagus plumosus, arranged. The large parlors were in crimson and green, the deep tones of fuchsias lending themselves beautifully to the decorations. Pink and green were used in the dining-room with dainty effect.

At 8 o'clock the little ribbon-bearers, Calla Stanley and Eldon Bruce, placed long ribbons to form an aisle for the bridal party, and were followed by two other little tots, Vestal Stanley and Vada Vestal, with baskets of flowers. The wedding march, Mendelssohn's, was played by Miss Anna Denby, and the ceremony was Impressively performed by Rev. David Hadley and Mrs. Hadley, both of whom are ordained ministers. The bride, a comparative stranger here, was charmIngly gowned in cream silk sublime, en traine, with elaborate garnitures of pearl passmenterle, and liberty silk, and her long vell was of embroidered tulle.

She carried a large bouquet of carnations and ferns. A pleasant reception followed. Refreshments were served on the lawn, under the dancing light of many Japanese. lanterns. Mr.

Vestal has a cosy house on Pickering avenue, and the young couple will mack it their home. They were the recipients of many gifts, Including much handsome silver and china. FRIENDS GATHER. The members of the Friends' Church of California are gathering here in large numbers, and the hospitable homes of the Whittler members are open. Arrangements have been made to have the noon meal given at college.

Much interest is taken in the services, in which brilliant speakers are taking part. This afternoon the first business session was held. This evening a preaching service was held. Wednesday forenoon will be given up to routine business, and in the afternoon evangelistic work reports will be given by Thomas Armstrong and Tilman Hobson. In the evening a memorial service will be held for those members whose deaths occurred during the past year.

ANTA MONICA GOAT'S TROUBLESOME ROAST. LAW'S STERN HAND FOLLOWS ALLEGED CANYON FEAST. Proceedings Commenced for Important Improvements on Nevada Avenue. Steps Taken for Betterment of Sewerflushing Facilities--Polo Preparations. SANTA MONICA, June Olivera is -in trouble and barbecued goat's flesh is the cause of It.

Olivera is the defendant in a case in Justice Guidinger's court in which he is charged with petty larceny. Ethel Willey accuses him of having stolen a goat on or about May 17. The defendant is alleged to have taken the animal to the At that point the account grows hazy and the goat is next viewed emerging In cooked form, from a. savory mass of steam and smoke. Olivera, is said to have entertained a number of acquaintances at the barbecue.

The hide and tall were found in the CITY TRUSTEES. Extensive Improvements on Nevada avenue, one of the city's principal thoroughfares, are in prospect. At the City Trustees' meeting Monday evenIng, a petition of J. H. Clark and others was presented, asking that that street be regraded, cement curbed, cement guttered and cement sidewalked, between Ocean avenue and Seventh street.

The City Attorney was instructed to present an ordinance initiating the desired proceedings. City Marshal Barretto presented a communication recommending that two additional police officers be employed, one for day service, and the other for service in Ocean Park, nights. The Police Committee was authoized to appoint one officer for service in Ocean Park, on Sundays and at such other times as the committee deems necessary. City Trustee Steele said he had Interviewed C. Leonardt, the contractor for the Ocean bridge, and had been assured that the construction of the bridge would commence within ten days.

The ordinance prohibiting riding bicycles on any sidewarlk within the city, was The City Engineer, was Instructed to ascertain the moving the saltwater tanks from their present location, on the bluff, to some point from which the water from them may be used by gravity flush the lateral sewers. The City Engineer was also Instructed to ascertain the probable cost of pumping sea water into the tanks at the proposed new location. At present the water from the tanks may be used by gravity for the flushing of the main sewer only. Water is hauled from the tanks to flush the other sewers. A petition was presented asking the city to improve the land lying between Bay street, Bicknell avenue and the beach.

The land was deeded to the city for park purposes several years ago. Instructions were issued to the City Engineer to ascertain if the well near the drainage tank and pumping plant on the beach south of Front street could be utilized. When the tank was built last year, there was a considerable flow of fresh water, which Interfered with the excavation and cement work. SANTA. MONICA BREVITIES.

Street Superintendent Carpenter is sending out notices to property owners requesting that they clear the rubbish and weeds from the streets in front of their respective, holdings. Dr. M. surgeon, U.S.A., retired, has purchased the Roger property, 100x150 Second street and Arizona avenue and expects to make improvements there. The Santa Monica and Ocean Park bowling teams had a contest at the Ocean Park alleys Monday night.

The Santa Monica team won by a score of 2416 to 2372. Earl C. De Van has sold his property on Ocean avenue opposite the Arcadia to A. L. Drew of Los Angeles for $3050.

The lot is 50x150 feet. The Ocean Park Country Club is arranging for an open amateur golf tournament, thirty-six holes, for men and women on the 28th Inst. Mrs. M. J.

Frick of Los Angeles entertained a party of ten at dinner at Hotel Holborow, Ocean Park, Friday. The Los Angeles-Pacific Railroad Company is double-tracking its beach trolley line through Ocean Park. Mr. and Mrs. E.

D. Dinkelspiel, Miss Dinkelspiel and Mrs. Smith of Bakersgeld are staying at the Arcadia. The polo grounds at the Ocean Park Country Club are being prepared for the season's games. LONG BEACH.

FIRE CHIEF ELECTED. LONG BEACH, June an enthusiastic meeting of the new fire department last night a hook and ladder company was organized with 0. E. Dorsett for foreman, and H. B.

Root, secretary. This company then joined with the two hose companies in the election of J. F. Corbett chief, with H. D.

Wilson as assistant. It was thought best to limit the first terms of all officers to September 1, by which time it is expected to have the department fully organized and in working order. The new chief is a prominent business man and an experienced fire- man. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. When the subject of the purchase of water -bearing land came before the City Trustees last night, two propositions were awaiting their consideration.

W. W. Lowe offered lot 7 of the American Colony tract for $1800, and the Palos Verdes Company offered lot 44 in the same tract for $1500. Each lot contains twenty acres, and both are supposed to be in the water-bearing belt, and It seemed that the question of price was about the only one to be considered. The Trustees drove out to the lots this morning, and are a special this Inspect, evening to decide which shall be chosen.

The new pavilion having about twice as much floor space as the old the seats on hand are proving inadequate for accommodation of the crowds, and the Trustees are contracting for 2500 new seats. The crowds now attending the entertainments at the pavilion are larger than In the middle of last season. At the request of the Trustees the Pacific Electric Company will place its tracks and poles as near the south curb on Ocean Park avenue as possible. This will leave the main portion of this beautiful street open for drives, and at the same time will Interfere THE SAN DIMAS NEW M.E. CHURCH.

with no one, as there are no dwellings on that side. LONG BEACH BREVITIES. The Pomona High School Cadets arown took possession of rived this morning, and, through their old quarters on the Tabernacle grounds. The women of the Eastern Star gave to their friends last evening Hall. There were receptions games, music, dancing and refreshments.

hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Thornburg was thrown open to youthful friends Saturday drive night. to All enjoyed the beautitul Signal Hill and return no less than the hospitalities received while there. Those making up the party were Misses Smith, Adams, Berry, Rolfe, Pierce, Campbell, Watson, Cannon, Mitchell and Wall: Messrs.

Bacon, Malone, Townsend, Primo, Marmion and Wall. J. F. McSwain and Miss Lutie T. Willholt of this city were married in Los Angeles Saturday, and started on a short wedding trip.

They are expected home in two weeks. M. T. Berry and daughter, Miss Vida, will leave tomorrow for the North and East. Mr.

Berry will stop with his brother in Alameda, while Miss Vida visits relatives and attends the sessions of the National Educational Association in Minneapolis. Children's Day was celebrated by the little people of the Congregational Church Sunday evening. The Long Beach High School has been accredited in the State University in a manner which places it on a par with the best schools in the State. Mr. and Mrs.

A. C. Grube have returned from Pasadena, and will spend the summer at the beach. Mrs. Oliver Ainsbury and son have gone to Illinois to visit during the summer.

TROPICO. W.R.C. ENTERTAINS. TROPICO, June P. Banks Relief Corps gave an afternoon entertainment complimentary to Mrs.

Ida L. Jarvis of Pasadena, Department President of California, and Nevada, to Mrs. Lina of Whittier, presldent of the Southern California Veterans' Association, and to Mrs. Mary Hartwell of Los Angeles, Past DepartPresident. Other distinguished visitors present included Mrs.

A. S. Pierce and Mrs. S. A.

Kellogg of Pasadena, Mrs. G. B. Stebbins of Los Angeles and Mrs. A.

C. Gibson of Colorado Springs, Colo. G.A.R. Hall had been most tastefully and appropriately decorated for the occasion by Mrs. D.

H. Imler in the national colors, palms and masses of sweet peas. Mrs. Hartwell installed Mrs. Leona Engelhardt Assistant Conductor, and Mrs.

Jarvis installed Miss Cora Hickman as a member of the executive board and of the department council for California and Nevada, to which office she was elected at the recent convention in Hanford. After the ceremonies the women were seated at the banquet table, where a fine collation was served. The favors were the favorite McKinley carnation. TROPICO BREVITIES. The Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church has elected as president Aulus Smith; first vice-prestdent, Mrs.

W. B. Pratt; second vicepresident, Mrs. John Hodgson; third vice-president, Mrs. A.

Engelhardt; fourth vice-president, W. Russell Wheaton; secretary, Robert Taylor; treasurer, Miss Sadie Gould; superintendent Junior League Mrs. E. S. Chase; assistant superintendent, Miss Myrtle Harrison.

Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Webster that their son, Samuel Webster, who is railroad agent at Naco, is Ill of typhoid fever in the hospital in Bisbee. MONROVIA. PASTOR LEAVING.

MONROVIA, June -The connection of Rev. J. S. Van Meter with the Presbyterian Church of this place has ceased, and the family will start tomorrow for to spend the summer, In September Dr. Van Meter will return to Kentucky and accept the pastorate of a church.

Sunday evening there was no service in the Methodist and Baptist churches, and congregations assembled at the Presbyterian Church to hear Dr. Van Meter preach his farewell sermon and bid him good-by. Mrs. Addie M. Shrode and Will Bacon sang solos, and a set of resolutions was adopted, expressing regret at the departure of Dr.

Van Meter and family. The Presbyterian Church is now without a pastor. MONROVIA BREVITIES. William W. Bovee, aged 74 years, died at 6 o'clock last evening at his home on Primrose street.

'He WAS taken ill Sunday with pneumonia, and on Monday evening passed away. The funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10 o'clock. The public schools will close for the summer vacation Friday. Although the teachers have not yet been elected for the coming year, it is pretty well understood that no changes will be made, should the teachers wish to remain. L.

M. Kohlmeter has commenced building a large hay warehouse on Orange avenue. NEW DEGREE FOR CLEVELAND. PHILADELPHIA, June For the first time in the United States, honorary degree of doctor of jurisprudence was conferred today at the August Indian College of St. Thomas of Villanova.

The recipient was former President Cleveland. The ceremony of conferring the degree upon Cleveland was a part of the commencement exercises of the college and followed the dedication of a new monastery college and chapel. A number of other honorary degrees were also conferred. The exericses were held in the college, Archbishop Ryan presiding. STATUE TO BLAND.

LEBANON (Mo.) June bronze statue erected to the memory of Richard Park Bland, who served In Congress almost continuously from 1872 until 1899, was unveiled here today with impressive ceremonies. An immense crowd gathered to hear addresses by William J. Bryan, William J. Stone and others. LOCAL SPORTING RECORD, COLISEUMS BEAT OAKS AND TIE LEADERS.

WILL PLAY SANTA MONICA FOR CHAMPIONSHIP, Ping-Pong Experts, Amateurs and Novices to Meet Tonight in Tournament Arranged to Bring Out Everyone's Skill- Chance to Classify. A crowd of bowling enthusiasts watched the Coliseums defeat the Oaks in a game of ten pins on the HIH-street Alleys last night, in a very one-sided game, and one which gives them tie for first place with the Santa Monica team. Everything is now clear for the last match of the spring tournament Inaugurated the first of last month. When the tournament closed on the 13th the Santa Monica team was in the lead and the Coliseums and the Oaks were tied for second place. A match of three games was arranged between these teams and last night's was the third successive victory for the Coliseums.

Arrangements for the match between the two teams that must play for the championship, will be made later by the captains, but whenever the contest takes place it will be for blood, as there is a great deal of rivalry betwen the local experts and the crack bowlers of the beach town. The Coliseums were 183 pins to the good last night, the total score standIng 2595 to 2412. Without exception, the members of the winning team bowled in good form and steadily from the first ball to the last. Their opponents were more erratic, of the scores being excellent and others not much higher than a beginner might be expected to make. The complete, score follows: ColiseumsBurke Koller Simpson 163 185 156 193 162.

Dee 164 161 Mecully Totals 31 Total pins 2596. Team averse High roll McCully, 191. High average -McCully. 185 1-8. Oaks Brown Clark 159 Holding 150 Deming Totals 616 Dysinger, Total pins -2412.

Team average-160 13-15. High roll- Brown, 201. High average -Brown. 174 5-8 Ping-Pong Tourney. Ping-pong experts, amateurs and novices of the Country Club will meet in contest at the clubhouse tonight in a tournament that has been arranged so that every one may try his There will be men's singles, ladies' singles and a mixed double, and the winners will be given handsome prizes.

There comparative newness of the game has prevented anyone from calling himself champion so far, but tonight's match is expected a to differentiate the players and put them in their right classes. Ira A. Shaler, a contractor, who has been bullding the rapid-transit tunnel in Park avenue, New York, was probably fatally injured by a stone falling on him. MISS LAURA HOWARD, President South End Golf Club, Chicago, Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound After the Best Dootors 3 Had Failed To Help Her.

DEAR MRS. PINKHAM: -I can thanks you for perfect health to-day. Life looked so dark to me a year or two ago. I had constant pains, my limbs swelled, I had dizzy spells, and never know of your remedy; there would be less suffering I know." How ARD, 113 New berry Chicago, Ill. forfelt if above testimonial is not genuine.

Mrs. Pinkham invites all wow men who are ill to write her for advice, Address Lynn, giving full particulars MISS LAURA HOWARD, CHICAGO. knew one day how I would feel the next. I was nervous and had no petite, neither could I sleep soundly nights. Lydia E.

Pinkham's etable Compound, used in conjunction with your Sanative Wash, did more for me than all the medicines and the sicill of the dootors. For eight months I have enjoyed perfect health. I verily believe that most of the dootors are guessing and experimenting when they try to cure a woman with an assortment of complications, such as mine; but you do not guess. How wish all suffering women could only.

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