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The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 15

Los Angeles, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ios Clngclcs Dai hi (times. JANUARY u. PR0UTY GIVES A SUGGESTION. PHYSICIANS The fined tract of home sites in Southern California is 710x0 placed on the market If you have been waiting for something extraordinary good in a section where there is no mud, no inconveniences, the place you want Indicates the Way 'Denver May Get Relief, LENBAEIA PARK, GLENDALE. Monroe Discusses Car Sizes and Competition.

Seattle Car Shortage Case Is Up for Hearing. THE PRETTY SUBURB JUST OUTSIDE LOS ANGELES Glendalia Park is situated in a beautiful grove of Valencia orange trees, (the best oranges in the world, ahvays bringing more than double the price of Navel oranges-.) It xvas only after a long campaign of argument and t't-duccment that the late owner consented to give tip the property. Yon won't wonder xvhy when you see it. ALL BENEFITS OF A SUBURBAN HOME WITH ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF THE CITY. FRUITS, FLOWERS, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBBERY, UNIQUE GATE POSTS, TELEPHONES, STREET CAR TRANSPORTATION, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES.


ALL VACANT LOTS TAKEN CARE OF FREE FOR 2 YEARS. WUU Ofilcc. and Unn, OK. CARTER'S MONTHLY REGULATOR i Uut only remedy ttuit ntvr lain to jie tua most oUtinuto' ixrosTiilarltua in a few hours, wm cot Inlur. tin licit womnn, and la at: In it ost.

l.c, t.rt o.irllall Invlle.l tu fail and consult 1ri of, rhnr.e, reaulai raduai. hjslclRii 11 yen's' xptrl'ncs 1,1 of munll)Jr chunirn of lte, cancer and ali Jisrases p-'Ullr to women, by improved ninihoUs, without r-S'lrtlng to painful ami clangorous operations. l'AINLESS CHll.DHInTH assured. LuJlc. wlshinK to remain undnr the doctor's prrsonat rare ni receive! in their rrlvat.

iupplltd with train nunoa ar.l 'ver con VMilmco for tha nfty and comfort of p-ticiita. Ail who liav-f been unsucceiwfull) trmid by other physicians Bre specially In-vttod to call or write. Consultation Ire. aim atrlctly confidential. Houri i a.m.

to p.m., Sunday 10 to a.m. UR. AND MRS. CARTER. let Mercantile 1'laoe, over Mi H.

Sprjng it Hnn 'I'nnno Main 1370, Bit. Willis; n-KcTKUif. kou womk.v KvglKterod undur California laws, -1 ycurs In JL" Angrles; female assistant-, sal-iKfacUnn Kunniiito. i In. ull women's diseases nd complications from whattver ciiuto.

Strictly sanitarium Mill trame.i gradualea nurses. Fee and up. paabla when patient ft satisfied that my treatment mill Im successful. Consultation free of charge. Hours tu Call Home 'Phone A6109 for appolnimeni of oftlre hours, day or ulaht.

Room 2U2 8. BR0ADWAY. IR. liKCIAUST IN female troubles. Irregularities, and all 5i-aaea peculiar to women, uy Improved pain-leas methods; cure guaranteed or no charge, tin consultation free; 31 years' successful experience.

Lavlles who have a at been cured by treatment elsewhere, please cull, ana success assured. No drugs nor psinful opera-tlun. Hours lu-g. in JPIOUEHOA. nr.

tn. THK MOST effectlv. science of healing known. Working through the nervous svetem, It restores tho fuilures of all other systems to health, fcavca useless operation, Taught and practiced by tl)0 originators and developer. DHS.

AMM.S W1LLHUN, K2 V. lOih, cornel Jill I city. Urlcg your foublo to tnni. nervous, skin, blood, rsctul, private and elironle disease of loth sexes, stricture, tioubles and cntanh cured. free, Rupture cured without the knlfo.

VJ. THIRD ST. Take Anaala Flight car. uit." eoaiiSsT speca Irrecularities of women, nervous and chronic dlscaxe of eithsr sex, 'X yean' practice, CURRIER 212 V. Third between Spring urd Urnodway.

Homo 6160. competent cake. expert attenlloh, 1h-e cciuipment, home tea, lilseapisi of wtmien, ilruR lubita. Call TRAINKD 29 srrCKSSFUL rhACTlCB. competent ladles' specialist, strictly I-' Imiilo.

casts xnarantt-wl. MRS. WOODS, Hotel Hnlishury, Sil IS. spring, rooms 4 and i. dr.

6. e. Aij," spEcTAlTiTTw Ye1ia17iI diseases and irivKiiiarillis, specific blnoa poison In -very form pcrncinentlv cured. 2j P. HROADWAY.

'J'hnne ITome 41S0. Choice Generous Sized Lots 50xl8r Only $800 Up ON EASY TERMS was not fleuri'd'Wi'tlHs. basis, as' It would reduce tWictieriuta of tha rail-' road too much. Attorney Vaile In his examination of Wild again brought up the question rate' of per ton per mile and allowed that the earnings of the Denver aed Klo Grande on through business on a per ton per mile was. much less than the Union Paellio Railroad earned on its through business from Omaha lo Ogdf n.

A table was also filed showing ihnt the cost of operating had Increased during tho past year from 5 to 14 per cent. It was brought out that the rite from Denver to Ogden was 80 per cent, of the through rate on ail clauses and commodities and the rate on tho srurvs goods from Omaha (o Denver was (ill per cent, of the through rate. There' fore, where goods were broken In built at Denver and trans-shipped to Offden, the total cost was 110 per cent, of the through rate, Prouty asked If It would not be possible to cut down this per cent, to about 120 per cent, of the through rate. Wild said he would be willing to meet with the traffic manager of the Union Pacific Railroad to discuss such a matter. A.

J. president of the Chamber of Commerce, was called to the) stand by Attorney Costigan and explained the case in which a member of Congress had intervened for the purpose of securing for Denver the same rights, terminal and otherwise, as Missouri River points. Commissioner Prouty announced that there would bo a vigorous protest on the part of Salt Lake It a basic line should be established at Denver, as It would allow Denver almost to reacii the gates of Rtlt Eake, as competition from tho Pacific Const now reaches It from on the west. He asked Spensel whether It would relieve the situation If rates were reduced as he had suggested to Wild. Hpengel answered that lie thought It would.

SEATTLE CASE OPENS. PALMER DENIES CHARGE. BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS P.M SEATTLE, 23. The case for tha railroads In defense of the. charge of discrimination and car shortage before Interstate Commerce Commissioner Lane opened this morning.

The main witness for tha railroads, B. EX Palmer, assistant general superintendent of the Northern Pacific, testified that the charge made yesterday by Charles Patton of the Reliance Lumber Company that the lumbermen were forced to pay from $1 to $10 to trainmen on the Northern Pacific for empty cars, was untrue to the best of bia knowledge. 5 Commissioner Lane said, after hearing questions by Attorney Cannon of the Northern Pacific: "You cannot prove that money has not been paid for cars?" "We can prove," said Attorney Cannon, "that any lumberman with the sagacity which they have shown here would not find it necessary to pay money to our trainmen." Palmer filed as evldenco a statement showing that In 1907, when deliveries of engines are made, there will be an Increase of 79 per cent. In engines over conditions existing this year. Another exhibit filed by the railroads shows the following Increase In commodity car loading capacity In loos as compared with 1902: Live stock, 07 per lumber, ir9 per 178 per coal, 10 per shingles, 19 per cent.

Cross-examined, Palmer was forced to admit that the Tidewater Lumber Company of Tacoma had received more cats during 1900 than ithe Reliance of Tacoma, having double capacity and owned by Charles 1 -n and associates. Call at our office any day and We tfM fur" nish you car tickets free. See the finest scenery in California, No nicer tract anywhere. BY THE ASSOCIATED DEW EH, Jan. 23.

The hearing before Interstate Commerce Commissioner Charles A. Prouty on the complaints of tho Merchants' Traffic Association and George J. Klndel, manufacturer, alleging Illegal discrimination against Denver by the trunk-line railroads In freight tariffs, was concluded this afternoon. The most Important development today was the suggestion by Prouty that the local rates between Missouri River points and Denver and Utah points be reduced instead of establishing a new basic division point at Denver as asked for by the petitioners. If this were done, without a corresponding reduction of the through rate, he thought it would give a measure of relief to Denver without great harm to other points.

Questioned In regard to the size of cars in which the minimum weight was alleged to be too high, J. A. Monroe of tho Union Paclilc took Issue with tho statements of previous witnesses. He thought that In the thlrtyslx-foot car tho minimum of 12,000 founds was not too high for most commodities. A standard of forty feet had been adopted by the Union Pacific for Its freight cars, and in tho future It would build cars of that siso.

The matter of water competition to tho Pacific Coast was brought up and the commission endeavored to explain that water competition was real and existed by way of Cape Horn and by tho Isthmus of Tchuantepec. Prouty instructed Monroe to file with the commission an approximate statement of what loss would occur to the Union Pacific. together with the changes in rates, and what places would be affected by these changes, if a reduction in freight rates on fourth-class matter from tho Missouri River to Denver, la made to 1. Fred Wild, general freight agent of the Denver and Klo Granda Railroad, was the first witness at the afternoon session. He filed tables to show there had been a general reduction of freight rates on the Rio Grande Railroad within the last year between Colorado common points and Utah common points.

Wild stated that the Denver and Rio Grande made its rates on commodities shipped from Denver, 62Vj per cent, of the rates charged for goods from Missouri River common points to Utah common points. This Is the same percentage allowed the Rio Grande on goods shipped through Denver over Its lines from Missouri River points to Utah common points. Questioned by the commissioner, Wild paid that the rate on class goods HOLMAN CAMPBELL, Managing Agents Home Phone 293 Cor. Main Casa Verdugo, North Glcndale. City Office, 309 Severance Kldg and Sixth Sts.

Homo 3685. XIACKAIi. KLIX'TKICIAN. MK.N-tal and nervous lvJO S. HOrE ST.

Home jOL R. TAYL6r7LAVi ESr irECI A LIST AND ohwletrics, over Helasco Theater, Main st. HATES SPEAKS 4 "1 A TUTCim inn liR. PR1TCHARO. RECTAL, KB MALE A.L chronic 'diseases.

SPRlNtl. Wt )M A ALI ST Koli "wOMEXtC KATE iiliJTZ. -IS a. Liroudway. Alfred Benjamin $20 and $22 SUITS, Choice I YFEWRITERS Of Tarlooa Make.

fP.Y TUB ASSOCIATED WASHINGTON, Jan. San FranclBco and California in this Japanese school matter have only folHowed established and long-approved precedents, what crime has California committed to deaorve tho threat of the power of the United States to send against her people tho armed force of tho United States?" was tho question asked by Representative Hayes of Cal $20 ifornia In tho House today. "Her sole offense," ho said, "Is thnt Alfred Benjamin Cos $25, $27, $28 and $30 SUITS, STANDAlcH TYPEWRITERS OP ALL makes, HEUUll.T and WullK LIKE NEW, for sale- and rent. Aucnta for the "LIGHT "RUNNING YOST." HuiKains In everv make. THE LOS ANOELEri Vr'EWRI'l'ER s.

Bnadway. 'Phones Home Sunset Main 353. Ff)X" TYPEWRITER Ti'l-KWutTEUS. REPAIRS, RENTALS. tcPPLlES.

JiH-jTCALK't WILSON (Ir.c.,) Ii2 N. R'way. V6K feAiTfc-T'li i'E it ALLK1ND3 bought. eoj-i, lellteii; fXiJetl rtpairieg. T-IPUVRJTEIt EXCHA.Nt-.K.

-SjI-KU Wilcox UlilK. Home C'A M.iin fu i nl'Ek Tv i i anT a iTf I sliTf. typtrrlter. FUWLEIl BROTH EKS, ageiita. 221 W.

Second, at, she Is stronir In the determination to maintain within her borders tho civi lization of the Caucasian race; her only crimp Is that she Is trying to ro' forward with the working out of the na tional and social and moral ideals of our fathers, and Is sending out a strong cry against the orientalizing of tho Pacific Coast by Jhe sons of Nippon, or any other Asiatic Immigrants." USICAL INSTRUMENTS- Kor Sale. Ksvlto tity or Uuiitt-d, JACK UP AGAINST II1 Vmi SALE PINE PtJUA'tlB at your own price: Mac self pluycr. neatly new; f'n pfauo. Call or write us. K.

2 For sal-new make" 6e piano, taken by fc(x-loaure of loan; will sell st biK PaiKain for iOo oa the dollar. ROOAl 1. S. HIIJ. Plllt SALE Fl.VNO." only" USED sTnce April.

Come at once, a. I am leaving city. Ctfi 4KTH ST. South .318. FOR STEALING FATHER.

He contended that Francisco and California had a perfectly legal and proper right to do waht they had done in segregating tho native-born children of Oriental descent. "The people of California foci no hatred of Japan as a nation, or of tha Japanese coolies who havo been' lately coming to their Stato In large numbers," he said. Ho pointed to Hawaii as an example of what might come to the Pacific Coast should the Japanese bo permitted to enter tho schools of the country Our semi-annual suit clearance is in highly sua-cessful progress. Hundreda of business and professional men are taking advantage of its splendid possibilitiea. You select, from broken lines but what of It every suit is this season's production and second to none in fit, material and style.

Looking at it from a monetary standpoint alone, your actual saving is from $5 to $10. Considering that you are buying the world's finest clothing, made by the ALFRED BENJAMIX CO. of New York, this sale assumes double the importance of any clothing sale ever held in the city. Clever Novelty Mixtures, Most of Them No Blues nor Blacks in the lot BY DIRECT WIRE TO THE DUCATIONAI- ScPools. Cull8f.

Private Tnttln Jan. 23. Exclusive Dls- idnaplng a millionaire, CHICAGO, patch. Kl and that millionaire his father, Is the charge made aalnst WlUlam S. alongside white children.

PRIVATE. UNIVERSITY OE MK'H-igan Norntal Scltool t'aachcr, takes advanced or lower grade pupils; Eucccsafu) experience, Lest reference. MRS. M. U.VER.

414 S. (irand. Phnnc i'mm. SPANISH FRE 8IikEx'lN''1irREB mouths, new method, guaia-iHood. P.O.

R(iN 4tn. "All that seems to remain fo be done," ho declared, "to make these Isl ands a Japanese colony Is to pull down McBwen, without delay, granted a. temporary writ of Injunction, restraining three Peoria banks from delivering any funds held by them for the elder Jack to anybody but a duly appointed receiver. William S. Jack Is asserted in the ibill to have threatened his aged father with death unless ho acceded to his demands for inrmey.

It is a)so asserted to 'fio tho belief of tho complainants tlhat It Is the Intention to execute a secret marriage between their father and some person not known to them, with a view to getting possession of bis wealth. the Stars and Stripes and hoist the flag of Japan," an utterance which Jack In a bill filed in tho Superior Court yesterday Edward Jack, 81 years old, has, according to the bill, been spirited to California, where ho Is being kept in biding on a randh near San Joaquin for tho purpose of getting his $1,000,000 esta.te. The accusers of Jack are his own brothers and sisters. A plot that rivals any story of fiction Is unfolded In the bill. So startling wore tho allegations made that Judge called out a round of applause.

OVERNMENT LANDS And Land Scrip. "We ask," he concluded, "that the Chinese Exclusion Act shall be extended to embrace Japaneso and all other Asiatic laborers. The Asiatic coolie Is tho key of the situation. On tho IV CAN LOCATE YOU ON 1W ACRES OF tine agricultural land for lt0; colony ol hlsrh-clas American people now forming-. MOJAVE JvIVER LAND AND WATER 6-3 Chamber of Commerce Hldg.

laborer rests tho Oriental Industrial structure. Just at la does everywhere, POT.TTICAL. SSAYING Exclude the laborer ami other conditions to which we object will cor James Smith Co. Exclusively High-Grade Clothing 137-139 South Spring HEARST A CALLS MOl rect themselves." NOKTH IS QUESTION ED. BY TUB ASSOCIATED WASHINGTON, Jan.


Phone 2051. RAVEUSTOCK STAPLE 11 W. iltVINli GOLD REFINERS AND As- rayer. cash for million. 128 N.

MAIN WT. TADEiTlVAiiK 818 E. FIRriT" AiP iylns, analysis, cenient tests, etc. sinner of Immltrratlon Sargent has In Judge Welch's courtroom, where the count Is taking placo, and sensational charges are being made by adherents Of both candidates. Tho Langford contingent alleges that during the Free-Campbell recount there was opportunity for parties other than should have been allowed there, to break Into the room where the ballots were kept, and that the Tallot8 were tampered with by agencies favoring Ross.

Hoss'a friends allege there was a scheme among certain politicians to count Ross out In the original tabulation of votes, and that the ballots were wilfully misread. asked Commissioner North at Pan "ft Francisco to telegraph a report on tho SENATOR BAILEY SHOUTS HORRID ROAST OF "WILLIE." detention of the ship Alameda, with an explanation as to whether Japa NURSES With Experience, MASSEUR AND NCRSE, 6 YEARS' irlven at homes; reference. HOME PHONE nese passengers on board are comln rr Into tho United States in violation of the labor contract law. After His Re-election the Texan Addresses Five Thousand Admirers in the State Capital and Excoriate tha Editor Whom Ha Accuses of Efforts to Defame Him. USICAH INSTRUCTION- rra CALIFORNIA IN IIAHBOR RILL.


Exclusive Dispatch. After his complete vindication and triumph, today, In the Joint IL PROPERTY POLITICAL BRIEFS. Texas' Vindicate Bailey. AUSTIN (Tex.) Jan. 23.

The Legislature, In Joint session today, formally reelected Joseph W. Bailey as United States Senator. The election took place in the presence of a large assembly, many of whom came from remote parts of Texas. Mr. Bailey received 108 votes out of 147 cast.

Party Vote for Curtis. TOPE1CA, Jan. 23. The Kansas Legislature, in Joint session, today, named Oongressman Charles Curtis KOR SALE FOR WANT OF MEANS TO Assembly, which elccted him to his present office, Senator Halley arose to further develop, will soli 960 acres of proven oil lands in Ventura county, 1 well rie; and casltiK, oil anywhere at 600 foet, wells pump 75 barrels, will sell for 1-S what it cost vs. 2' J3 FROST JiLDO.


23. Exclusive Dispatch. The Rivers and Harbors Hill, which will be reported to tho House tomorrow, will contain tho following California Items: San Diego, Wilmington, $113,000, In addition to $0,000 contained In Sundry Civil Hill; San Pedro, $250,000, In tho Sun speak, and act the fioOO admirers of his who were crammed Into the galleries wild by an excoriation of Randolph Hearst. IJailey charged that the present as United states senator for the long furore about him was started on an unfounded magazine article. He said term, also for the unexpired term of BOILERS And Boiler Work.

l. A. BOILER WORKS, MFG3. OF BOIL-ers and tanks; special attention to repair work. 119 KEDONDO ST.

Tel. M. 23o7. IL CAU BOILER WORKS. MAl.4XfFREhS of boiler and tank.

Repair work a specialty. 2iS QU1ERLOA ST. Homa 1497, M. Sil. ex-Senator J.

R. Burton, which closes tnat Hearst was without sincerity or Judgment, and closed his references to his opponent by charging that Hearst ww making an effort to capture the Texas delegation to the national convention and fight Hryan in 1908. March 4. The strict party vote of the Republicans was given to 'Curtis, while the Liemocrata cast their votes for ex -Sena tor W. M.

arris. Warren's Election Ratified. CHEYENNE (Wyo.) Jan. 23. Tn session, today, the Legielaturo ratified the reelection of Francis Warren as United States Senator.

TVTASSAGE. dry Civil Bill; San Luis OMsr.o, $263,000, to complete project; 4 survey of Newport harbor; sur- vey of Wilmington harbor, view to obtaining greater depth; a survey of breakwater at San 1 Pedro, with view to extending it to mainland; survey of entrance 'He is a man without character, a Ana Hatn. BIAPSAGH TREATMENT AT TOUR RF.KI-denee by colored maasuse; reasonable, URd. ROBOUM. Sunset Rroadway 140L man without Intellect, a man whose candidacy would debauch any electorate, whose Incumbency would disgrace any office, a man whose leadership would destroy any party, a moral pervert, a political degenerate and a physical coward," shouted Bailey, The Bailey Investigating Committee of the Legislature today considered new charges against Senator Ealley preferred by Representative Cook.

Ever 7ohsan Is kicking off its swaddling clothes and bedecking herself in a fashion more becoming to nodern demands, and while in nowise desirous of undue prominence, still its beautiful and commanding looation justifies her in espousing her cause and telling the publio what she has to offer. Her charms rest largely in altitude, absence of fog, beautiful outlook, soil of disintegrated granite, and general hcalthfulneas. Then there is to be incorporation, a national bank, a number of beautiful homes, and lastly, there is a subdivision called Park Manor Subdivision of 25 acres, divided into lots of a uniform size of 100x190. Some covered with lemon, others with orange, and still others with apricot trees, all under a high state of cultivation, Ihey are near to trolley service, are to be sold at reasonable prices, and on easy terms, with the usual complement of cement walks, graded streets, water piped to every lot, etc. Take a Sierra Madre car on Main street, get off at Sunnyside Avenue, walk south one block, east half a block, and you will find a representative on the tract to show you around.

You will find a subdivision that justifies the name in every respect. For further particulars inquire of L. Cf. TCREAECE, Owner, 512 Mason Building, Fourth and Broadway. Phones F5797, Main 3955.

to San Diego, with view to Improving entrance; Oakland harbor, $350,000, for continuing Improvements; Sacramento and Feather rivers Improvements, San Joaquin River, GERMANY MUCH INTERESTED, Despite Kaiser' Order, Even Women Engage Actively in Electoral Campaign. BY DIRECT WIRE TO THE TIMES. BERLIN, Jan. 23. Exclusive Dis is lUMrestta ana (noma Know b'jnt 1U wcuderful MARVIL Ahlrlina Sorev To new Tasfcul tjriawa.

In in. noaand oucfxm. iiest Sat. eat oat onTenlect. ll.Utaaaaa trMT'jt writ If haea If AlKft'EiM acceDt DO rth.r hnt aaml atamo for book-l4.

Tt lTsi nrMenian and 'Hreet'nna ta- TaJuaOia toll as, tRVri, fO, fiimaii a. lusn. orr co s. eprtm. A.

Cil These declare that Bailey, while holding his office as Senator, secured the settlement of claims for persons interested In tho live stock market, and has secured government concessions for private Interests for lands In the Indian Territory. These new charges will bo filed with the others. SANTA CLARA SENSATION. IN RECOUNT FOR SHERIFF. BY DIRECT WIRE TO THE TIMES.J SAN JOSE, Jan.

23. Exclusive Dispatch. In tha recount of ballots cast for Sheriff of Santa Clara county In the November election, Frank H. Ro.ts today passed Arthur Langford nineteen votes. Two Palo Altu precincts gave Ross sixty-four votes, and twenty-one were gslned in small districts.

Intense excitement prevailed all day 000, in addition to $56,000 for straightening Mormon Channel at Stockton; survey for remov- Ing rocks from San Francisco harbor; survey of Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, with view of obtaining fifteen -foot channel to Junction of Feather River and Stockton; survey of Sulsun Channel, with view to Improvement; Pe'aluma and Napa rivers Improvement, I 000; Honolulu harbor Improve- ment. breakwater at Hilo harbor. II. $400,000. patch.

Rarely if ever has an electoral campaign in Germany attracted pueh keen and widespread Interest as Friday's. Even the women are actively engaged In It, notwithstanding the Kaiser's Injunction to them, uttered some time ago, to confine their energies to domestic matters and to leava politics to the men. Placards everywhere urge the women to use their influence in behalf of candidates favorable to the femlnlnlst movement, and women are openly cooperating In the campaign. Two four-story buildings at Nos. S3-41 Franklin street Chicago, occupied by a number of manufacturing snd niercuntilf firm were destroyed by Cre last nlcht; loss 7.

ff lm 1 to i Tv I I fi.naatiMMtw. I WM ftajm c. t'w hrSViiiitiinl Kttvstiaaa ar omraiiso af at a a i a ubraiaaL PalalaM. aa4 aatrtit- eat sosatu. aVaM af IV--3ari4.

aavt fa laM. fu 4 arl k-fata 7k nst tal wisssq.

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