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Halstead Independent from Halstead, Kansas • 2

Halstead, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ADDITIONAL, LOCAL. The Russian Relief Fund Meet-i The Round Oak Li CD OrFIClALCITY PAPEE. CK, J. Bookwalter, Editor and Pnbluther. C'rtisuKiTt Cured.

An pfivsjrinii r-med ivom ui Ijiivui! had 'in haiti by liWi Jurmubi a siiiitt vi-p-ui-k rmivdy rr the hjvhov hi.t;Kut i CoHusti-pij-Hi, I mar in, AU'itiu, and t'uoit and iun ho a poiUive and radical cure fir Immlhv uu 1 ail vouh after imvinz t'fded it- n-drrful curative powors in Oioubund of ft'it it Lis duty to wtakt1 it known to Ids sulWiii fellow. Actuated by this and a Jatrr to reliovtt liumau sutlersn, 1 wii" tnd Irvn of eijarge, to all who dr di it, tbis iVcipe in tT-luan French, or KuJtsh. wuh fuli particular, tor auU using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A.

iOYJfcs tiJO owers lilok, Kochetrr 2i, ffl ri Eeww of imStatioDi: The t- ca! tfirt tt raui-cf I. li. Ifk a Eh 75 5 Entered at the postofflce'at Halstead, Kansas i eeond classlmatter. J2 ca a 05 3 UJ if 5 1 4 tfi "rt Q. A Protection tariff mates cheap goods.

A revenue tariff makes cheap men. ifcEialey at Boston. STOVES AND RANGES' Albert Evans is here this week-Verne Munch visited his parents in Newton Sunday. Joe "Gibson rode the Odd Fellows goat Wednesday night. The revival, meetings at the M.

E. Church closed Sunday night. T. Jj. Vanhorn returned from his trip to Winfield, Tuesday.

George and Will Dalton transacted businessin Newton Tuesday. The Gymnqsium boys fitted up their room for the winter Wednesday night. The reliable blacksmith firm of Jewett Hess is repairing our press this week. iT'- 1 EZJj It would be a good idea to have the janitor at the school house get the correct time and ring the bell 100' Pound China Pigs! 1Q0 Do you want to save from 25 to 50 cents on every Dollar you spend? If so, writ for our illustrated catalogue, containing illustrations and prices of everything manufactured in the United States, at manufacturers' prices. 10,000 illustrations, all lines represent-do.

CATALOGUE mailed free on application. Aadres3, Chicago Cener 1 Supply 178 West VanBuren St, Chicago, IH.J A Welch tin plate factory has failed. This is ansther awful calamity produced by the McKinley bill, but it is not in the United States. 1 1 KISAWA HElD. Mm.

SMELLERS. Farmers who never contributed a cent for campaign expenses while they were republicans, are known to be very liberal in that line since they joined the third party. KIRKWOOD AND BUCKEYE YIND MILLS, IBucklen's Arnica Salve The best salve in the world for cut, bruises, Bores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands chilblains, sorns, and all skin Eruptions, and posi -tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect aatisfac-ion, or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box.

For sale by II. D. Q. S. Osi of Chicago's public-school teacheis is accused ef forbidding pupils to come to echool with onion-laden breaths, and her critics pronounce it rank discrimination.

lng at the Baptist Church, No condition in the civilized world at the present appeals so strongly to the spirit of Christianity and humanity as thirty million people standing in the presence of starvation, milions have now yielded their lives to the frightful monsters. Such appears to be the condition in Russia and it is awakening inquiry and prompting effort in almost all parts of America; the people of Newton are not behind The meeting was called fo order by Kev. A. J. Sawin; Dr.

S. M. Davis was elected chairman; prayer by Rev. Martindule. Practical and earnest speeches were made by Revs.

Toevs, Sawin, Kliewer and Pinch. The committee on ways and means reported through its chairman, B. Warkentin, that it was feasible to ap point responsible residents of the famine country as Agents to receive and distribute our relief funds and supplies, and named as one available man Mr. J. Bergmun, president of the Mennonite colony of Saratoff.

The committee on organization reported a constitution, which was a-dopted; the constitution provides for a Belief Board of fifty-two members, five from Newton and three from each township in the county. The following officers and Belief Board were President 1st Vice Pres. Eev. M. 2nd Vice Pres.

Kev Pearse Pinch Secretary Eev. C. Kliewer. Treasurer B. Warkentin.

Eelief Board Eev. Marlindale, Harlow Mills, Jas. Dexter, A. Quin-ing, J. Toevs, A.

G. Sawin. Kepub-lican, Monday. FnglishSpavin liniment removes a calloused or soft lumps and blemishes, from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ring bone, sweeny, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, ete. Save 50 by use of one botla.

Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known Sold by M. S. Ingalls. A great many persons who have found no relief from other treatmeht, havo been cured or roumatism by Chamber-Iain's Palm Balm. DcTnot give up unti you have tried it.

It is only 20 cents per bottle. For E. Irish Co. Fine Playing Cards. Send ten cents in stamps or coin to John Sebastian, Gen'l Tkt.

and Pass. Ag't Chicago, Eock Island Pacific Chicago, for a pack Grant Stout who has-been visiting Chas Smith for a few days this week, returned to his home in Emporia, Wednesday morning. The dancing club met and organized Tuesday evening. Meetings will be held twice a week during the winter in the Ikdepenhknt building. lpr.

The city schools of Hutchinson will have a holiday vacation from December 23 to January 4. A similar vacation here would be highly appreciated Lehman H. El I. Co. J.

STEWAIST, I5rceder ami Shippers Is Iowa they are laughing at Congressman J. P. Dolliver for havieg said in a campaign speech at Cinci-nati in 1884 that "when Iowa goes Democratic look out for hell going (rams of JL'oInnd China nwiite. by the soholars, a S-1 Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment A certain cure for Chronio Sore Eyes, Tettar, Bheum, Hoald Head, Old Chronio Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch Prairie Scratches, Sore and piles. It is cooling and soothing.

Hundreds of cases have been cared by it after all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. Forsale by IriehiCo. Kanuas Kthg 2819 and CasteUar 176, tw of the finest hogs erer wn in tbU part of the country. My sows are principally of the Black Bes (train, smooth in form, nd poliSobreed ers.

1 hare about 100 pig for thia trade and they are good ones. Come or order soon and get tomethisg fine. I guarantee presented. BIG FOUR! Go to A. PETKIE ii Farm Six Miles Southwest of Halstead, 1.

jiEnsas gJL Blaise will run. Ha will not seek the nomination, but when the conven tion demands it he will accept. So says Congressman V. A. Taylor, of Ohio, who has just rc turned from a Tisit to Washington.

BEE ItllNE BOOK SWORB. For ariythiriff You 11. F. TOETS SUYH SELL JUargest stock of THE ODEIX TYPEWRITER QOn ODELL TYPE- tJZU 'WRITER -with 78 characters, and 15 for the SINGLE CASE ODELL warranted to-do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with durability and speed, ease of operation, wears longer.without cost of repairs than any other machine.

Has no ink ribbon ta HOLIDAY OOOlOSa PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET pnirr. im rtcu A Chicago company which makes a specialty of manufacturing sermons claims to have on their list the name 1,000 clergymen whom it regularly supplies with sermons, including a New York minister who gets $10, 000 a year." m-m m- POULTRY AND EGGS. Consisting of FINEST TOYS, PLUSH AND OXIDE bother the operator. It is neat, substan We Will Mil T0 on the kcl Lartn f- The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E.

Church will have a Vermont Maple Sugar supper Jan. 1st 1892. Waffles, griddle cakes, biscuits etc will be furnished, Christmas will be here two weeks from to-day. Lay in your presents early and purchase from our advertisers who have soma good bargains in their different lines. Henry Kreitmyer, fireman on the Hackney 4, went to Halstead last night and will take unto himself a wife.

He thought he could fool the boys, but they Bay they see into his game. Eansan, Tuesday. The Probate Judge issued 8 marriage license, to Dr. T. J.

Yeo-mans of Mound Eidge and Miss Susie Bowersox, formerly of this city. They were married Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, five miles east of town. There is some talk of a petition being circulated throughout the county for signatures, asking the Governor to remove County Attorney Bowman from office, for the part he took in the blowout in Newton a week ago last Saturday night. Mr. Smith, photographer at Hal- GOODS, BOOKS, STATIONERY ETC.

S.lid Stel 1 cer tial, nickel plated, and adapted to ail kinds of typewriting. Like a printing IN THE COUNTY press, it produces a sharp clean manu- Wliitoloy Ilarvester and Binde script.Two to ten copies at one writing. Any person can become an opepator in two days. We offer $10. to any person Jlain st ACAvloii Kan who can equal the work of the Double Aol MOWERS, th Vt acd ot itwsbl mctl-: nhi Agents lor tha Celetratci of the latest, smoothest, slickest play Armotor windmill wifh nil the Jacob Lisa, Pres M.

S. Inoalls, Vice-Pres. J. H. McNair Cah.

HALSTEADBANK- CAPITAL 50,000. Case Odell. Reliable ageets and salesmen wanted. Special Inducements to dealers. 'For pamphlet giving indorsements address ODELL TYPEWRITER GO.

358-264 Dearborn St. Chicago 111. Improvements of TILTING T0WE. ing cards you ever saw. Just the thing for High Five parties.

For a 50c postal note will send you five packs. Bees a enepal Banking Business The laws of health are taught in our Ieeil Estate Loans CITY HEAT MARKET A PATRIOTIC WOES. Every person wha Is opposed to Free Tnd Slavery and favors American Industrial Independence secured through the poller of Protection, should read the doc amenta published by the American Protective Tariff League. As a patriotic citizen it is your duty to place these documents in the hands of your friends. They are interesting and instructive, and embrace discussions of all phases of the Tariff question.

The League publishes over 50 different documents, comprising nearly 600 pages of plainly printed, carefully edited and reliable information. Among the authors of these documents are. Hon. James G. Blaine Wm.

McKinley. Governor ot Ohio; Senator S. M. of Illinois; Senator Joseph N.

Dolph. Oregon: Seuator A. s. Partdotfc. of Nebraska Senator rye, of Jlaine; Senator Casey, of North Dakota; Senator Justin 8.

MorrlL of Vermont; Senator Nelson W. Aldrich. of Rhode Hon. bomas U. Dud ley.

of New Jersey; Hon, Robert P. Porter, of Washington; Prof. J. 11. Uodge, or the Agricultural Department at Washington: Commodore W.

II. rP. Huches Hon. E. A.

Uartsnom, of New York Coiicressinon Dolliver. of Iowa; lion. B. F. Jones; lMvid Hall ce.of i-t-CoUKressman Perkins, of Kansas; V-IS-i.

Sillier, of New York; Hon.Geo.Draper. of Hon. C. L. Edwards, of Texas; JndVe Wm.

Lawrence, of Ohio; Hon. I). G. Ilarriman, of New York lion. (ieo.

S. Boutwell, of II. Amroidown, of Kew York; Enoch Knsley.oi Tennessee. This complete set of documents will be sent to any address, post paid, for Fifty (50) Cents Address, Wilbur F. Wakeman, Sec'y, No.

23 West Twenty-Third Street. New York. Negotiated otfSliort Notice and at the lowest Reasonable II schools; but not in a way to be of much practical benefit and a-e never Illustrated by living examples, which in many cases could easily cbe done, If some scholar, whehad just contracted a cold was brought before the school, so that all could hear the loud dry cough, and SOLICITED- stead blowed in to our city yesterday and came in to see us; he says they had a lively dos? fiefct in their citv sTHE ST. LOtJISszr: WEEKLY yesterday, but if anything else of in Jacob I Inn, luiptllM. Kiicumayi-'r H.

Ixuitnl Boston Mast. It McNutr. D1BECTOES know Its significance: see the thin white 171 fZT terest occurred ne is not aware of it. KAIISAS coating on the tongue and later, as tbe tJ I li 11 IJ 1 Ik I. "i a 4 a 1 4 cold developes, see the profuse watery expectoration and thin watery discharge from the nose, net one of them would IF YOU WAJIT Beef, Pork, Veal, Spring Lambs, I Spring Chickens, Corned Sliced llam, Breakfast Bacon, Pickled Pork1 Fine Lard, Etc.

CALL AT THE CITYffMEAT MABKETJ LEAVE YOUR OKDEKS Delivered to any part of the City FREE OF CHARGE. CEO. B. FEYjprop. HALSTEAD, KANSAS ever forget what the first symtons of a cold were.

The scholar should then be given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy THE BEST HEWSPAPEBIOF THE AGE! Consists of 10 Tbti more for cpr a- per in tho Unitd States, beieg rej lctwhli mntur of bj'vn i Kansan Wednesday. Doc. Pierce shipped another car of hogs to market this week. Doc. is one of our solid farmers who seems to be making a success of the stock business at all times and under adverse circumstances; He is one of the best rustlers in the county and if anybody can make a thing successful, he can.

THAT HACKING COUGH can be so tty of iael rW iiimca, w8as HiJjr, etc, tr oli kpoAa tU butiaeU icd ire Cfitabl tatitfrinft freely, that all might see that even a cold could be cured in one or twodays. or at least greatly mitigated, when properly treated as soon as the first spmtoms appear. For sale by N. E. Irish Co.

tocsuw tne pnucspKs cT the Ilcrtii.Jkaa Pirr a- 1 i qnickly cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee it. X. Irish Co. 1 OUSteOef.

AO iDther tow ptkrtlouhrf. Cash Paid for Hide3. Tf tubM Pf tha hlrhea mark pcio toef HLCBIOK SON, old itacd, HdtM4 Beautiful Oaklohoma. The exciting incidents of the two We tho undersigned druggists of Halatefid have agreed to close our place-i of business on and after Jan. great invasions of Oklohoma T.

by heme seeders, April 22, 18S9, and Sept. 25 1891, have" given that section promi-neace as a place in which to obtain one of Uncle Sam's farms. The lands recent ly opened are located in the old Iowa 1st 1892 at 6 o'clock P. M. except Saturdays.

A a corning rrwideUiaCatnpaT! test erer cottied, wry booid a 'rx', keep Limself lhoroahly ia forme of what oocaritlf ia ti cal worKL Price 81.00 Per Year- Rioit thron-h Postmaster anJ Neiaien, clrt GLOBE PRINTING CO. Saxni1c -ret. MIERAU '4 DBERGTHOLDT. Halstead Elevator.C AND CORN MILL Highest market price paid t. Sac and Fox, and Pottawatomie reservations, lying directly east of Guthrie and D.

V. Eiksik N. E. Irish M. S.

Ixgels Fob Sore Throae. Saturate a flan- Oklohoma City, on the A.T, S. K. TUE rHOTOGEAHIEIt. fjoen The Ceiebrnted ARIST0 FINISH.

What of the McKinley Bill? Democratic platforms passed by state conventions this year are prolif io of denunciation of the McKinley bill and vaciferoua for the "tariff reform" which is the democratic cloak for free trade, but no one of them has been explicit in declaring what the democratie party will do in respect the McKinley bill when it comes into power. Is it not about time that this big bluff game should come to an end Is it not a good time to ask the democratic leaders what their intentions are in regard to the McKinley bill? Col. Henry Watterson says it will be repealed. It can not be repealed while there is a republican President in the White House, but an obstacle of this size does not appall the average democrat, who is talking for the popular oar. If the bill is repealed, a3 the democrats threaten, what will be substituted for itf N.

Y.Press. K. Claims can be bought at reasonable nel bandage with Chamberlain's Pain FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. figures. For the raising of corn, cotton, wheat, and fruit, Oklahoma is unexcsll Balm and bind it on the throat.

It will Our Corn Mill is doing first-class work cure any ordinary case in one night's ed. AND PHELP'S ENAMELING PRCE3S. Guaranteed to be the 15EST work In Harvey Co. Call and se s.uuples of work. time.

For sale by Lrisah Co Write to G. Nicholson, P. Sb T. At the meeting of the Gymnasium as we are grinding by the Roller Process We make a superior quality 'of bolted corn meal, and we are prepared to grind all kinds of chop feed. We do a general custom and exchange business.

Far An Tapeka; for a specially prepared ol-giving full information relative to club last night the following officers fl 2 0 I 5 A 5 6 55 5 5 5i gr 0 to were elected. 'Beautiful Oklahoma." Notice of Final Settlement. H. Kliewer mers desiring their grain chopped or President Yic9 President Al. Hess their corn manufactured into first class STATE OF KANSAS lea J.

H. Hauschildt Secy. Thad Mitehnep pnopKiETiiB or BOH TOH RESTAURANT CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS ETC. Best place in the city to bny your meals, only 20 cents. Newton Kansas.

Chas Smith Treasurer meal will do well to give us a call. Halstead, Kansas. Harvey County In the Probate court In and for said County In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Birth (Surceiiora to D. Eellj Ca Dealers in H. Bousser Marshal deceased.

The Christian church people have T7 TTT i purchased the lots or D. Goerz PENSIONS. 11 HI 1 r- ui south of his residence and will erect ME THE DISABILITY BILL 18 A LAW. a tabernacle in a short time. It will Here's A Pretty How-Dy-Do.

The Emporia Gazette, the only Soldiers Disabled Since the War Entitled Creaitors ana all otner persons interested in said estate are hereby notiiied that on the 10th day of December 1891 at 2 o'clock p. and the nth. day of the December term of lhe Probate Court lu and for said County, I viU applv to said court for a final settlement said estate, and that said settlement be allowed and cwnfirmed, the estate declared fully settled and closed and mvself the bondsmeu exhooorated from acy further liability. JOWN A. KCTH Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Kuth deceased.

have large seating capacity and will alliance daily in Kansas, has been be so built that most of the material Dependent widows and parents now dependent whose sons died from effects of army servk-e are included. If you wish your cla'in speedily and successfully prosecuted miro ti vum address JAMtd lAflfltri, ateCftm'rol Fsnsion WaiUiujrtju, i. ean be used in building a church critisized by the bosses ef the organization for its outspoken sentiment a- when circumstances seem more fav SALARY, S25 PER WEEK. Waxtei: Good Agents to sell our General Hue ot merchandise. No peddling.

Above salary will be paid to "live," agents. For further Information address Chicago Genebat. West VanBuren St Chicago, III orable. Line, Hair, Cement, Piaster, Woven wire fencing-, CZ3 TrTcn ASDALt. OXDS OF ECILDIXO MATELIA.T3 .7 1 We are in position to mate as low prices as any Im Ia Central Kansas Call an Lccotinco J.

tm? If mm gainst the subtreasury plan and some of the other plans of the ieaders, and in an outspoken and defiant editor A trial convinces the most skeptical. ri Mnd taiMMnnt Carefully prepared, pleasant to the taste aIPre it in gl email, 'ashionable Merch nt Tailor Sclentiflo America! Aoenev far ial the editor mantains his right to Do Witt's Cough and Consumption Cure is a valuable remedy. M. S. Ingalls.

i Jj'ixc'ftlt personal tis independence. Among other I lertak to brfetty If you want an Auctioneer. ItMch mnj fairly otelhrent person A slick tongued swindler is abroad things, after stating that when he Perfect Fit and Satisfaction gof tuber aex, who read tad among the farmers selling them wen ty-ffve pound cans of coffee for a re- and wbo, fttr Inetrnettoa, Till work, iitdu- started the paper for the people's party, nothing more was demanded who understands the business either In farm or city sales, employ Guaranteed, Three doora North of Bank. diouleusly small sum. When the far yj noualf, how to 5 arn Three ThOB- OAVEAT8, J.

D. Anderson. mer gets his can he find instead of EXCHANGE LIST OF THE The Halstead Milling Elevator than conformity with the St. Louis platform, he says: nyr in thtir own y. OtSICM PATENT Kansas' Halstead, coffee he has some nicely browned Office and sioro 712 Main St.

Newton Ks. oca li lies, whwt-tbejr liv. I navy Deans witn a mue cotree ess There were at that time no "Ooala" i'vrui aiao luuin hm aituatiosi or 'mnlalniMil. aft ence poured over them. Better stick swbici you mm perm thttamotrat.

to.your home merchants. If they E' J0NES, "fkopbiktor op cheat yon, you can come in and club as nlfii sue- For hifnrmsHnn ana trm Hi1vx writ to ML'NN ft CJ SI Bhoadwat, Nktt Tohk. Oldest bona patuit In AnwrX. Erery pitcrit tkkeo out brull brought befor. th public by outio.

giTW free ot cLama Uu JFmntific tucricati lATTMt rtrcolntlrm of unr nemnUfle rtw tn lh. world. Splendidly iltustrMACL mtellunmt mn fhould ba hhoal It. Weekly. JMTI nix mrmtii.

Aaarvm MI N.f A iXk. ruumiita. Id JBnMniwmj. New 1'ork. CHARGES FOR GRINDING 1 CEMTS T1.

Prcducis Giycr. CCUfllL, ftbOTft. them. Kansan. Livery and Feed Stable i Usra, or tht DEALER IN demands, no sub-treasury, no mercan "tile monopoly, none of the hundred schemes and notions which have since been foldted upon the alliance and people's party movement.

We were not obliged to accept and advocate all or any of these new schemes Tea may cough and bough and cough rqairs autA First class Bigs furnished at reasonable and ceugh but oou will not, if you take tHeraua from district am De Witt's Cough and Consumption Cure. coonty. I kar Katea. Hortes boarded by the day or week. West 2nd.

st. HARNESS, unttii ana at H. Ingalls. tda witn Halstead. Kansas.

Wheat Eiherof grades below Testics ScaFcamCr of CsTSj iTS 401b D9 41 S3 Si ES 40 SS S3 15 57 SS SI 1 1 S3 34 29 15 certain to wreck any party or any re UXing orvr Turc ThoumuiI tmnn ft tutf, Mh. All to new, Full particruftn fre. Afler jom know all, if jam HUMPHREYS' SADDLES, BRIDLES ETC. riieas to ro no mncr, way, do nana is ooov.

u-iru. form movement that undertake1 to SHOE SHOP. carrv them into effect We did not turf-fully pr(Lrl u-l many Sepairing on Short promise to publish a paper that tily)rmul by t-'ir" ntrt. enre liyr tin would advocate every -demand that Cm. Yc or Patronapce Solicited Eichars "ritboat chrg.

ddac fi'iloar rroia kboit, i.t. triK or reducjn th ylu. nntl In I HdUMcrclicii rrmPdiea.f the lrr of nuiiivu. cruBt. Kotice.

HALSTEAD, KANSAS. was sent out from the alliance supreme council or people's party con 1 tl Holiday Excursion South. On December 20, 21, 22, and 23, tha Kansas City Fert Scott Memphis Railroad Co. will sell round trip excursion tickets from Kansas City, and stations on its line south, to prominent points in Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama. Louisiana and the Carolinas at rate of one fare; tickets good thirty days for return.

For detailed information, address, J. E. Lockwood, G. P. T.

A. Kansas City. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miserable by that terrible cough. cure is remedy for you. N.

E. Irish Co 3 7 lb Crom, or 6 lb TatDt, nJ A lb ShipftcJ, fionr if JirJ. 3 ot X1 OoldRQU Solid 2 trrn. v. nu -r.

inn it ryioa c.iir, or 1 Jiinn of It ri.i Repairing a pecialty. 'Js Oeraaa Sliver. Tbe ow Next door to Aliens Grocery. tf.X nuwitt of a tuato of rno ik goiA tho Id --at quality of tr.H miiklng a caweom-If of notfaini? but Be kaM i bolfra Morkm. vention.

We claimed the right to form and expross our opinion and to give truth as nearly as we had on all cuestions. When alliance demands BARBER SHOP. 7 oi Hr "-siJ ermlci, A Uill'U w-'tua n. I or P.lBf al I rll- T. MOUNTS Prop'r.

Vi1- iinjj brisrb(cf5, dust evnd '17 1 5 run vk. 1-imcoli Un Uilo 1 All work in our line done neatly and In the eem to be unreasonable and impoli tic, we declined to advocate them Mil kkrlDii AtAtent ievr, EiKa Myl tiiworl4 l3 1 cri'-l A--. and when they seemed seriously latest styles. Special attention siren to i ladies and children's hair cutting. IiTII KOOMS.

'ipwifcioo baiunce.itr&fvul lime Kilt iadX ji Hiarrh. hflnlia it a uiiwnifij i i.Bi, i. '---i i It is an estimated fact that De Wilt's wrong and calculated to injure Tr Cav 1 Jei an-i Oorr- i i r. 1 6 1 i Neatly, comfortable bath rooms 1-iittie iarly Kisers have an enormoms sale, and? Simply because they are pleas i ill I. third party movement, we eaia so without fear or favor or aay breach 1 GiTe Mi'a lift Oj a6 riflrhii promptly procrj-cd.

Seed i (i i Ul Ha if ii Li 1 I is- A Iv.ii of faith toward the alliance cause, or le.aizl for Jroe Uriatsa 1P rr, ri. O-t cni M- tiwln. i 0 U'i if.y vti i-th r-J cJwuv. lfsv, ji 1 ri. T.T.nt" jrcr-' ex- Ji Cofiins, Ceil And we shall keep right along just that way "ia the middle of the road" ant in taking and happy results.

A pill for the multitude. M. Ingalls Baffps' OfTjr Cough Syrup It tte oTr toefti fani eca oo The lames Eso4 t-4 It nlivnt ceogi e. i) a. a.

to i- J'r P-tf iif Tilw v. i tbt bt-l 5v.fc lH frni Mulxl X. IblCMO, IU. SI' IT whatever may be the consequence, 5 Ii. i II ft.

'UUmlU, at law. fiS Ht WAMIiS'i lON, il. Ui fu t.pir. City --1 L- j. m.

V. I.

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