The Argus from Fremont, California • Page 8
- Publication:
- The Argusi
- Location:
- Fremont, California
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Mormon Church president David McKay dead at 96 SALT LAKE CITY (UPHPresident David O. McKay of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints died early Sunday following illness of several months He was 96. The spiritual lender of the world's 2. million Mormons lapsed into a coma al'ter midnight al his Intel Uath apartment and died at 6 a.m. His physician.
Dr. Allen T. McFarlane. raid McKay died of an "acute congestion of the which began so 11 after midnight. McKay had heen in failing health log SPY.
eral months and had become worse in the last few days from heart and kicney failure complications. MacFarlane said. His wife of G9 years. Emma Ray. 95, was his bedside when he died, as were six of their seven children.
His. son Robert said Me Kay a "esparently without pain" during his final few hours and died "peacefully." SERVICES Funeral services; were lenlatively scheduled for Thursday in the Salt Lake Tabu. details will be decided Monday at a meeting of the church's Council of the Twelve. McKay was sustained as the ninth prophet, seer and of the Mormon Nixon, LB.J mourn Mormon leader President Nixon and former President Johnson expressed griel Sunday al the death of David O. McKay, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Laiter-Day Sainis.
the Mormon Church has been deprived of a distinguished and great leader." Nixon said. "And America bias lost a foremost cilizen and human being." "We grieve the dealh of David O. McKay in the com-. ng knowledge that his life will continue to hring strength and inspiration to his three million followers and to the nation he loved and served so well." Johnson, 111 his statement, said, "Mrs. Johnson and were saddened to learn of the death of that great religious leader and our friend.
To the Mormon Church and to the people his life's work will he force for long years beyond this day. His profound commiiment to his fellow man and his faith inspired U.S Ln upt'1 our hopes and our sights toward a better world." Nixon And Johnson joined Mormon church leaders in mourning McKay's death. "Nis dealh is a shuck to the members of the church," said Winfield Cannon, president of the western German mission in Frankfurt. "Ho's been a president and prophet. Under his leadcrship the Mormon Church went through its greatest perioil of growth and expansion in The world.
The church developed to the point that the world has A better understanding -of our beliefs than ever before. "Due to his long infirmity, his death has Not been unexpected." Slides continue in Oakland hills OAKLAND AUPI) You can just sit end watch pieces, big pieces, falling right out of the hillside," said Philip Weichert, whose home is among 14 threatened by a slow-moving slide in The Oakland Hilis. A section of a strect slipped another thee inches Sunday on the hillside, which had to be cordoned off by police to keep away a deluge of sightseers. ot the homes. valued at between $30,000 and $40,000, have cracks in the walls and veilings.
One home, which sal on the edge of a 100-foot cliff, was abandoned. The hillside moved two feel after battering rain drenched 'Norlhern California for a week. The slow moving slide. measuring 500 by 800 feet. cracked streets and sidewalks, burst a water main, and forced crews to relocate utility poles.
Weichert said city engineers were making a crash study The area and would do Lestboring Monday, but it may be "too little, too late." "It's up to the m1an stairs, believe ine." Weicherl said. The landslide also forced Shell Oil Co. to close a 10-inch jet fuel pipeline, cutting three metropolitan airports off from a major source. A Shell spokesman said fuel is now being trucked from a Martinez refinery to Oakland Internalional, San Francisco International and San Jose Airports. The slide resulted from a fractured rock formation, 25 to 45 feet below the surface, which was lubricated by heavy rains.
Geologists said the earth has bren moving for months bul was accelerated by the recent rainstorms. Many of the residents have been living on the hillside for 20 or 30 years but il was only last year any major damage occurred because of movement, and that was limited to one badly cracked home. Now. the residents have formed an association and hope something can be done before the damage increases. Insurance will nol cover: the cost of a home damaged by slides.
The Oakland City Council has already authorized $20,000 Tor a study. Weichert said the residents are also looking for other wags of getting help, and hope lo have Shell Oil Company as an ally. "We're not trying to antagonize anyone," he said. "'We're just saying please." Explosion rocks Karl Marx tomb LONDON (UPI)-A bomb bias: Sunday damaged Karl Marx's tomb anti vandals mutilated a 1-iont-high memorial to the 19th century economissi whose communisn. theories Ted to "We have no reason to consider it an org; vized antiComnunist act, bul we are invesligating," said a man for Scolland Yard.
The sandals apparently climbed up the memorial, in Cemetery in North London, and partly sawed Through the nose of a bust nt Marx three linies larger -IhanLite. The spokesman said the nose was still intact, "but noi very. The explosion shattered two large store slobs bearing an inscription 118 el the tomb. he said. Swastikas were plastered.
on the back and. sides the monument's base. The tomb has been defaced several tinier in recent years. although never seriously. MM: 1965 police closed down Church on April 9, 1951, five days after the death of President George Albert Smith.
He guided the church through its greatest period of growth. Membership more dou bled under his leadership, from one million to 2.8 millien, and the number of temples built or under construcLion also doubled, from eight to 16. SAW ATTACKS But in the waning days of his life, he saw the chucch come under increasing altack for its doctrins barring Negroes from the -a rank incst Mormon youths attain at the age of 12 and a necessary slep for future leadership in the church. Last Fell, Stanford Univer- sity broke off athletic competition with Mormon-owned Brigham Young University cause of that doctrine and .14 black athletee were kicked off the University of Wyoming footba'l squad when they protested a gaine with BYU. But in a letter to various church officers a month ago the LDS First Presidency reaffirmed is dostrine on Negroes, helding matter of religion, MacKay and his counselors at the same time reaffirmed their belief in the constitutionally guaranteed civil rights of all races.
NEXT PRESIDENT The next president of the church, the tenth, will be selected by the Council of the Twelve at a meeting tenta- lively scheduled for Jan. 29. If the council follows precedent. '1: will pick its senior member, Joseph Fielding Smith, 93, but it could choose someone else. While McKay had shown his age in recent years--he Was confined to a wheelchair and had difficulty with his speech he reinained active as leader of the church, meeting frequently with members of the First Presidency and the Councll of the Twelve.
His last public appearance was in the annual July 24th parade last year commemorating the arrival of the Mormon pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. LOVED LIFE On his 95th birthday, 'he observed: "I love life. I'think it's a joy to live in this age." While keepir. A paze with the changing w.rld since his birth: in Hun.s sville, U.ah, un 8, 1873, McKay recanlly lold an interviewer that not all the changes have been for the good. "It is a glorious age in which we live, but no thinking man will doubt that this age is fraught with limitless ils, as well as: untold pissibililies," he said.
He warned there are causes for real apprehension over world conditions" and denounced the rule of force, immorality, mounting juvenile delinquency and any form of government which curlails the free exercise -of man's free agency." YOU THINK IT'S FUN HAVING COMPETITORS? We do! Oh, it's not easy. No sir! Our temporary office in the Fremont Fashion Center, 39162 Paseo Padre Parkway (near Capwell's) isn't nearly as impressive as our competitors! And our name's a lot harder to remember. You'd never believe we're 77 years old, or that we thirteen offices and assets over $380,000,000. But honest, we do. Come on in.
Meet have Dave Coryell and his friendly staff. Open your account. Join our 100,000 savers on the move. P.S.: You should see the beautiful new office we're going to build this year. Don't tell anyone, though.
We de have competitors, you know. CAPWELL'S ROOS ATKINS As leader of the church, constantly fought against these forces. He Ini troduced a program of home eaching and. family hame evenings drew wide attention from sociological groups and other churches. McKay was one of four sons daughters of David and Jennelle Evelyn McKay.
When young David was seven, he found himself the man of the house when his father went on a church mission to Great Britain for two years. Al 23, McKay fotlowed in his father's footsteps on a mission to the British Isles afler his graduation from the University of Ulah, where he MOWRY PASEO GRODIN'S PARKING PADRE PKWY. Temporary Office PALO ALTO-SALINAS SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION HOME OFFICE PALO ALTO 39162 PASEO PADRE PARKWAY FREMONT FASHION CENTER OTHER LOCATIONS; LOS ALTOS, MENLO PARK, CUPERTINO, DUBLIN, SAN JOSE, WATSONVILLE SANTA CRUZ, GILROY, SALINAS, GONZALES, SOLEDAD, GREENFIELD AND KING CITY he A was class valedictorian, dent and a footbail player. Ile and Emma Ray Riggs married in the Salt Lake were Temple in 1901 and had seven children. McKay was sustained us 1 member of the Councit of the April 8.
1906. and Twelve on in 1918 became general superintenden! of Sunday schools following year WAS and the appointed church commissioner of education. On Sept. 8. 1934, McKay was as second counselor to Presidenl Heber J.
Grant. Eleven years later, he was chosen for the same again Apbert Smith. He rose to the post under President George presidency by virtue of Council his se- of nier position on the the Twelve. the cemetery for several hours when they discovered slicks of dynamite attacked to a detonator near the grave. A member of an anti-Communist Cuban nationalist association later claimed his organization was responible.
The monument was built at a cost of $20,000 when the bodies of Marx, his wife and members of the family were moved from a smaller grave in the cemetery in 1956. A cemetery spokesman recently said Highgale earns over $960 a year in fees from film companies and modeling firms who use the grave for location shots. Marx, who died in poverty in sMarx, who died in poverty in London while his theories in "Das Kapital" were changing the world, was expelled from Prussia in 1849. He went to France, then moved to England. Marx lived for several years in small rooms in the Soho District of London before his death in 1883..
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