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The Weekly Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Connellsville, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VOL. 2, NO. 63. 1 A I A A 25, I 9O4. CENT.

Extremely Bitter Weather Causing Much Distress In Flooded Districts. SEARCHING FOR BODY. Friends of James Freed Dragging the Yough River This Morning. Friends of litilc James Freed, -whose tragic death by drowning was report- POOR SCRAMBLE AFTER COAL Pipes i i Water of Inundation Increased by Lack of and )f thesi! columns Saturday, are dragging tho Yoagh river with 1)00(1 'hoolvs tod-ay in an effort to locale his reir.ruins. Tlio river has fallen scv-' oral i'eet, and is s-till jyolne; down, antl frionds of the dead boy hoic that body jsiay be found lodged -along shore somewheru near town.

OKI ri verm en, however, say that is a in-slbilRy of this, -ice account of the liltrh watci I flow of Ice I'Sot on when Frozen in Flooded Cellars--Troubles i lc a i hippeno'l. They i i ho bcxJy wrnU l.e cr.Tk-tl down bo Light and Heat. by the ice. A watnli i i kept al Uie n'-nur the 1 river, ns Pittsburj. Jan.

frost lol- cry lowing the flood has Incieased the disco vcr th remains-. Uess caused by the high water. Th2 flooded districts are covered with I 1904 A calces of ice washed ashore and cc- together by new ice. This a i of Comes i the made reccnery from Che effects of Crescent's a i a i flood, although llie water bad fallen surest ion of and six feet in loss than 24 hours, slow anil flaw era and gr-ccn field" conies as. 11.o tedious.

a of Lho rhe gas supply is erratic, and In Hie Champion Crescent scores houses the pipes arc full of baee ball team. A notifnntitin i'rrun The lack of fires caused keen those Interest sas lha.L tiie Crescent sutfurins and to add to their will be found on field early. hundreds of residents discovered that 'hey were the champions of ic had formed on. the surface oC tho cota tin prr 1 ami in that Hooded their cellars an-1 iiheir i ago being 1G and 17 first, floors, making it next to imposs'- T-hU -SOIISDR Uu-y i bo ready lile to iump it out ivc-et all comers, a.n.1 to Tiio distribution ol coal in A i i iheir ghcny by tho charities department a Following the (r-im iiu-ii- most resulted in riots. Coal wagons burehlp: Pl.chcrs.

a hauled fuel all day through the street? Cropp and S. U. Orn.lor.T; that were passable, and when it was catcher. i dumped out men, women and children James IlnnConl, Sonit ibig Neither of engi- ers saw 'the -men on the track Tintll it was too to make a stop. Train Xo.

-17 mokes a stop at OhJopy-Ie, but the bridge is so-mc distance above station. The train was corming into the stalioi) control. The bodies of Boyi ami Smalloy wore talWMi to the Availing ircom of 'and later' reuiove-d to their Neither AFTER SEVEN YEARS. to Are Not Equaled By Any Other in the United States. WASHINGTON COMPANY'S MIHES Man to Hospita Have His Foot Amputated.

C. Lounina; of Humbert, Some sc: -iiFity, wns hr.iusht to the Cot'ag 1 I i i Sunday evening to have I'is a input nro.l. lie is a lumber- a a seven rars ago had the ooiii-T nf his right ley badly He was to Cottage State Hos- iii; a) here, wh ul- Lho ion of. the so hiixi. -'urvever.

that taey deeidc-d to an effort lo save H. The bones verp wired together, and er a er weeks at "h.e hospital, a i went -honif. Tho first injury was too serious, however, airl in seven years the leg bos not i healed up. Lanning nrvv tho foot militated, and i tliis wi'I probably- he done. He is 39 In the Vicinity of Perryopolis Are Fin- est of the Kind South of the Yough- iogheny River--They Own Big Tract cf Coal and Surface.

Washington, had been said and written ahO'Ut the wonderful coal fields of Western Pennsylvania. That they are inexhaustive as regards the present generation there, seem; to be no doubt. While certain beds are limited the whole Held will be operated yet for many years with profit to the operators. Coal is a commodity which is most essential to the progress of the industries of too TEE BEAR AND THE BEES. -See Afisop.

MRS. KATE SOFFEL DIBHT AFPEA fought for it. Scores of people fol lowed the wagons. Baskets, buckets aad sacks were filled by the sufferers, who battled for the fuel. Wheeling, Jan.

crest of the flood swell was reached last night when the stage was 44 feet 2 Inches. The forecast was the most accurate in years and there was never more and SoNson; cnlf.elfi, Stewart Ormlorff. Charles CV.ushe:io and Jack Kinder. old REPUBICAN PRIMARIES counlxy. fcun! nowhere to ex- Were Held Saturday Afternoon in Conn i i Township.

Tho i i of Conn.cllsvilte i.o*vn--ii:p held t.he!r primaries on Sat- rn an. Pollomns is the and 'Jiu vote: ptj of IC SiJonr. 13; Jacob Wcimer. 7S; John SutOo! tJirectora, Bbckbtono. 91; A.

O. H. A I A Big Time Is Premised on St. rick's The iravtnionl un A a i Woman Given Saturday i i Heroine Suits i Be Entered. i aii'l play foL (lur-iagu suius, Is 1 on ti.e ot A I i i i 1 will from Goorcf Joici, aiul Counlj- DL cctlvu i i i n', and LJI-J forecali'o Jo- Autiiior, McUeiii Lhe i of Mr.J.

Kate Sjffc! at tV.O Colonial ticie for preparation. As a result tho brat.on of Patrick's (hy In I'a-lThittiro Satnr.iay evening. Without The county ceo'J in quality and quanity that found the counties of Pa.vette. Westmoreland Washington, Uie premier coal field of 'he country. The development of coal in Tjoth Fayettc and Westmoreland counties has been more rapid than that in Washington county.

For years the former mentioned counties have given to the wc.rld countless tons of the I Levi U-ichlitcr. OS; Inspector, 1 1 qual! ty ot ooke now in the coke market of the world. Noivhera Connellsville coking coal a miperior. Situated as it is in the heart of t.bc bituminous coal field, Con.aclls- coal produces 76.34 per cent, jooli? while i th fi pittsburg vein so prominent in WashingtSP county 1 will produce but 08.25 per cent. a vastly inferior product.

Thej' are Oarr Cha-les botl1 ljiLuminoll products but all bi- Pie may dod't mlam in r. brousht by S. Challis, iho hojse niiln- On ltt'''air of Louis Lesser, damage here was kept down to tha lo.itown under auspices fif the A.Lvarraiits ami i an minimum. Xevertnelcss fully ono-' O. JI.

of P3elle rjunly IM Soffel. Loairi Jjcsscr am! is a of ti.o Stale ot' York, third ot the homes in the city were Ihnsiastlcally hmrtlly Manager S. CiiallL, were kept a bclX-ii; Cnited States Cir- wholly or partially Inundated, and thts not only by people in confined in the private onice ot i i will he broiisjlit, -says At- sharp fall in temperature, with i in Con-nollsviIU' and nirLd Uieatre for cral hours. "A lornoy Highee. It is n-Iso sajil tnat Robert Wilson.

41; Lewis Trump. Shank. C3: Assessor, John Davis, S. S. Ivema.

SS; i Clerk. Leslie A. P.rown. i Tre.Ti- urcr, James Trimbath, J13. RIS N.

saltant formation of ice, accompanied by shutting off ot natural gas in th? flooded dis tricts, has caused a great flcal of suffering. i movement, has reeeivcl a lut'or from On the sland very few streets are of tiie county n.s M. D. Clin'orJ. one of the i town men Who is at the head of the ol water and many second of A.

O. who I In stories are invaded, but the residents part: "I see no reason why we can- are accustomed to floods and have not m'ike tihft 37th of March a g'oriotu made arrangements accordingly. anl a day to ho remem- ly all the mills and factories are in the county. I only hope ev- the river front und the damage Lo'cry-ono i do their best to a the them will be the most severe. Tn a notab-le or.e and leave noth- many instances resumption of work will be delayed for days or weeks and hundreds of men will be temporarily out of employment.

The weather remains cold and many halls and churches have been thrown open for the accommodation of those who are suffering. Word lias reached here that Joo Cutler and Charles Reynolds, who cut loose, in a light barge from the steamer Lizzie Townsend when that boat burneil Saturday night, "were ing updone that i credit to onr order."" was nevertheless, separate su.r.s for damages i be; ug; against every signer of tii to a big house. Van Dyke Brook. Mrs. dr.ini?.tic teacher, on i an explanation and read Mrs.

Soffel's lines. The big en wires cht-era shook these the 'nouso. the humorous efforts to gut their names erased. from Brook taking the wo-1 A E. C.

Higbee said 'this Primaries There Developed Some interesting Situations. 'Some sn-prises were sprung at the petitions, charge i 1 ln primaries in Uraionto-vra conspiracy. Considerable uervous-ess i Saturday. In the Third Ward, Theo. was Kood-natur- It said, is sJiown air.ouq some ot I who has been a member of s.

a sin-oral Jiavc CoU7lcil a of years, was part -made a decided hit. When doors of theatre opened in the- evening. County i "We will push all connected the mean irickory practised Sat- MclK-th and two -constniikss lau 1 1 there C. IHghee Aleopo Conl Co. Election.

Tile of the A f'cal Gompiny met i al tho office of AttorPfy B. A a in the Bh-olustonc 1 i i for bhe election of Directors the tTar.stiction of business. The i Director.s for ensuing ycir were (-Itctwl: David 1). A. I.

Elis, J. B. A.J-ims. W. II reprosonted the Ihe- a ni Comnromiso who the attornr-ys tliaL tit a c-'r- tunf in the action of arrest SoftVl for a i I v.ere an-! juiyt as tho i a urday nlsjlit, to the lull extent of the The of Individuals were Irampli.J unilerloot, aivi those 1 hiv? to pay t.he penalty.

suib will not be dropped i i they Iir.f been dec.Jed before lu.i;:ir-i i i i We have the a tumlnous coal cannot be successfully coked. Much experiment and research on the part of chemists have tisen devoted to ascertaining the necessary constituents of a jjoocl coking coal. Authorities have concluded from these investigations nlat the coking property of coal is not wholly independent upon its chemical constituents, such as moisture, fixed carbon, ash and sulphur which it contains, but depends largely upon the relation's and volumes of -the elements corns' the volatile combustible rnat- but quiet canvass. In t'he First Ward, Dr. A ho was nominated and elected last jp-ar by the Democrats, vras Hi) i year by the TCepub- licans.

Dr. Eastman Is a Republican. ridges and the barg escaped destruction at that point. They made frantic efforts to work the barge to the shore and suffered -a- tonseiy from the cold and sharp winds. The towboat Sam Erown sighted the cratt at Sistersville and heard tan cries of the men Cor help.

The stoamor gave chase for five miles and finally overhauled the barge and took the two men more dead than alive. Cincinnati, Jan. the arrival hero jf the steamer Courier nav- wen: tip On the act, in i shn net-, uring xf the To i Mrs. Soffel she was wHh the Thrmving a coat over driven atre a Inn the priva'o ollice J. Moyer, Secretary, -ami J.

3. Treasurer. Several 'parties dasire to secure optic-ns on the 2.rioo|. owned 'hy in Greene' county, but action on this matter was a meeting a Courier on stage by Attorney W. L.

Gans. tors of the coal Bowie was sure of nomination, a i i ol3 rMpec the ConaellsvHle was inactive, while Gans rnale a strong coa one rlvaU al tha( the Poea.hoa.tjis coal ot Virginia which In itself lacks many of the coking qualities of the Payette county pro- Juet. Experiments have, been wade in coking the PiUstmrg vein of coal by James W. EDsworth of the town, Lymar, W. vae rs ai ono of the and fees l.ic Pre.ider.t ot Council, i oquipped coal fields in the State.

They lli3 Ha -TM-----TMTM in a msnsure and the7r have been very satisfactory, but Car t'u Track. a ror.narijOll with the ConnelUville A car fin the i in the mf.y^i'ke i-s sadly lacking. The Ells- niMiiin-'. the t-ack i i Comp.iny i i a field of 16.000 In Wai-d. the negro brfuiv i in3xlo, she a i the Arch ail near Green 'acres of cop', and four modern shafts a M.V w.i- nut at a'l nervous, a she i more of her first Xo periVrmarce s-lio did at the rtrBss'on I ti-o way I have diy.

The fror en m-ikfl my llvin.g," she said, tl: I'm to make a of i a shorl. i. A she deplored p. it -lid it woulifTiavp ganV'so foot rant Uiat she hat, tiot been qlvon the Baltimore Ohio tracks. of Manifrer Hero the rhrec wore by Mrnolh.

lie said he had warrants, hut refuse show thorn, lie further refused i i to take oft? her "makeup," which hv.rt. 1'iie. tied up trucks were pushed lie car. Hiad the car a shorl. dislance beyond the the! in Wayhingto-n county ou Pig- rreek.

a tributary of the Monon- e' a a CX pij, llal i 011 le arrests, i looks frightful off the stage. Hor ThL re only three passengers on To Settle Claim. J. W. U'annan, au -a'ltorney of La Grange, 111., is in af- teiT.oon to meet Claim Agent Perry of the Baltimore Ohio Itaairoad Company.

Attorney Hannan is a brother igation was opened in part of the Ohio of Mrs Rjbe ar nver after a complete suspension of whose son i Pa uoison almost two months Two small packets were wrecked by the breaking. of dllBd in jf Ulo Dl esna evcnin.g at the Yough House in an effort 'to settle the ckum -which Mrs. Patterson 'has 51 gainst the B. O. company for her son's death.

Limited on December 23. Claim Agent ico gorges and the number of barges aad moc lhls will never be known. The total direct loss ia placed at $200,000. The river open for navigation now only Louisville and Mysrlllo, Ky so that none of the through packets up the river for Pittsburg or down tha river for Mississippi points are'yet able to run on account of the Ice. Meadville, Jan.

water has fallen eight inches in the Val- ionia ward and over two feel below the gorge, clearing the Brie freight yards and shops and other shops which wera inundated. The gorge, still unbroken, dams the water back on Vailonla, where there Is much suf- i because of the fuel, gas llgbt and a famine. Pastor-, of all local churches In their sermons last night called atten- of the Poneo Fraulc Miller cliagrla seemed be from tlie -tha: Mer late InubaucVs "people" cti 1 cl tr.ia her a ppe ranee had boon stopped trie firnt night. "They have tie-cn. angry," yaid, "ever ftinco tticy heard I was trying 10 niake an fcr-nojiL living.

I wi'J show 'horn that I cr.Ji live as respectable a i anybotly. AH I is a chance." Messrs. Ruth aoKl MaricUa a-ppea-r on the band of Mrs. Soflel 'because Lh-e information's were miade jointly Mrs. and Managers Les- the i prasont and bail uas offered, but ref by McBetih, who said he would take bail only in the office of t'he Justice ot the Peace.

The attorneys pcr- asked Dislrict Attorney Jones by long distance at Union town to accept 'hail or release rt'he prisoners, tor several houms the contending sides parleyed. The -county -authorities were playing for time awl a good play. After 10 Mrs. Soffel, ChaHls and Lesser were driven to ofllca of Justice of -tih-o Peaice Miller Uip Lime ot t-he A i i soratndChsiULs. Ruth and Mar- In cab, where ball was accepted, present to protioot Rockwell aMirietta.

Liln F. Ruth 'tests of tho hmiso maniigomen'. and when Manager Chalils was prose- Gets a Substantial Raise in Pension. In the House of Represeinfca.tlv'es at -last Friday, a special was passed giving Jo'hn J. Fleming, late of Company 14S-tCi.

Pennsylvania Infantry, in Uhe Civil War, a pension of $30 per month. Mr. Fleming Ls resident of this plc.ce. He Is now CS years of atu! Ls practically Incapacitated from, manual labor. Ho was wound-ed at Chan- ceHlorsrille an.i 'has beeri receiving a pension of $8 pr month.

His old comrades and friemls 'hers will rejoice In. 'his beUe-r fortune. MINE EXPLOSION. tier, to thn need of relief and collo tiocs for that purpose were taken anl committees, appointed for united ac- 1 Hon. Thoro is prreit indignation be- 1 causo Hit b-ills in the fattening sta- One and Fifty i bles of the Meadville company have been allowed to stand since.

Harry Beckon solng on the bonds. Tlion Jons JnsLs'ed on. dlctajUug; lor.g infoi-tnaLions over the This toolt more tnaai an -hour. The sfto-w iismiMed before the relaiaed prisoners tho Sciula'e's office. ecu.ticl iliey on haml ito become 'hi? surety.

Bewon c-C the Unlontown. theatre, rcipresonls Harrj- Williams ol Plltsburg tor Manager Lesser and Mrs. Soffel. Ueini'lilieans of Dunbar phip will i afternnr.n at i Il.c-tel in and a ticket fir crniin-; Fob- election. The meeting of the Denucra.t.c on Saturday af- torr.c-on iwas a lively affair.

BMdle Hcirnbeck. 'ihe P. L. B. 3t Dirkero-on Run, nominated for School Director ap'H Geotge Strickler one of the nominees for Road Supervisor.

Spring House Burned. The spring house at the home- of Jacob Ritcnoiir, just off the Springflek! pike and near the old St. John school house, was burned to the urday night llc-at and Jard in tho Tax Collector Boyd and Frank Smailey Were the Victims at Bridge Crossing This Afternoon. in the Southeastern part ot Uie cr.imty, on the strength ct tbese tos's hnve erected 100 modern beehive over.s and in the spring will commence the making coke for the commercial world. It wil! be seen that no comparison la needed.

Tiie conspicuous superljr- of the Connellsville coke is ltd slretigth of cellular structure whica is not found in Washington county or otiher coke. This quality enables it to sustain the weight of furnace readily combustible. The walls of Its cellular structure are hard and vitre- oiw and the tiny rpassases between afford free course for the oxidizing sases of Uie blast furnace. In ingttm county, with the present methods of making coke, her native fields of coal are not ready for the co-Ue oven, Not until the chemist is able to eliminate the sulphur jh-om the base and bring that base to a quality equal or superior to the Connellsville coal will Washington couKty come to the front as a coking center. The Ellsworth, coal.

like all coal of the Pitjburg house was valued at S150 and was'vein, when coked does not the totally-destroyed. Neighbors arrived on the scone in time to save Lhc house, strength of its own to bear xip heavy charges in 'blast furnaces. For this which was only 15 leet away from a other reasons the product has tho lire. never been utilized to any great ex- Tonight's Suggestion Meetings. The Ellsworth company will no The Domocr.atic sustention, meet-1 doubt use their newly erected ovens ings i 'be held this evening in the fur.

coking the slack -which Is secured Friday morning inches of water. In from 15 to Woman Found in River. 'jCh-? body of umtnmm woman was found in the Monongahela riror Monongahcla on Saturday. tombed a Pittsburg. rg.

Jan. (Special To The Courier.) 'most h.ghiy respected citizens, lie Ohiopylc, Jan. men were a veteran of tho Civil A wife, natur killed at 2.15 o'clock here this sons an.l a daughter i Him. Both jr.on were instantly i They did not speak alter they were warJ-s of'itsvinc. There i not be very large The tickat lias been arranged and the notico of the suggestion in the mining of its lump coal.

Ex-; perlments have proven that more can be realized in profits by colons slack coal a by selling it It I neon, Archibald Eoyd. 07 of and Frank Smailey wjs i explosion in the Cheswick i in this div.rict this afternoon an.l 150 miners are The Ih.t has net bejh kn.T.wn. bnt i-- is though: to ibe large. ct' M'ill Run, aged about 25 years. The two men crossing tihu Ballimore Oh'o tracks at the bridge crossi-ig.

They were walcKng Ereighx a i coming and did not the r.pijrcach train No. 47 coming west Tho passenger train was a i pret- goc.1 time-, being over an hour Bojxl Is the Tax Collector and Assessor of Ohiopylo borough aud one of its picked of a- bluff. School Beard i There a Fhort i of the n.inl.-'r Schccl Beard at the Both were thrown distance to the of the by the engine, a i' struck the-m. Tnain 47 was a d-mHe-hc-ader. The lead "nsino in charge of Engineer George Dull, formerly of Ccn- Ersflr-eor Michael Darr was tlio regular engineer ot Lho train Midi ico.

where he Tvon.t on business ma-j- on the sc-conl e-iis'u-e, one oC th-ejters. i are largely in thought iby raany that this is the. reason why the Ellsworth company a launched Into tie business, to make Ihedr slack jniore marketable. The i i of coal dates hack generations. and frcin tiho beginning of.

that time to the present the mining of coal has increased 3,500 per cent The world's production in 1900 -was SoO.000,000, short tons while in this country 270,000,000 short tons were produced, greater than In any other a of Loaclisrs for their a inoniii's work. Back From Mexico. N'. IluUi arrived home on Sunday exten-deti on Fifth.

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