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The Fairmont West Virginian from Fairmont, West Virginia • 6

Fairmont, West Virginia
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR. 39c VALUES? DRESS SHOES I MO SPRING Personal fjj I. C. Dent and (laugh tog a few'days In Ihla city Witli Skinner was called Dulidls, yesterday by the deatli Mr. Maurice O'Heurn.

diss Ethel Kunuiu has returned lit Manningtun whore she wait the st for a few days of Miss Daisy EIOUQHT A Of UG STORE. rid Sturgls Has Removed Frorr to Amos. Jrtv'lvd has been In nnlugton for the past three years i. purchased a drug store at Amos acoU charge of the new establish jnjcceHSful In his profession. Jh iccts to attend the meeting of the fd druggists next month.

His many nils biro wish hint ull possible sue 1 Uccd Language. 1 was Irlril by Justice W. hoyilBlon thltf morning on licucu warrant. ho fonml riiIIij uf uslns threatening language. He win Watch clock and Jewelery repair; ing wanted at W.

A. Fisher Jeweler Optician i MAIN STREET. I Horse Clmoine Done at the First Wfird tne best equipped ma chinery in i State, A smooth job guaranteed. Botn Phones. I best oil for either air or water "Perfect 6 FAIRMONT, W- VA.

GGRAM THAT IS rOBEAT THE CELEBRATED GLOBE $1.00 CORSET. BARGAIN? 48c LADIES- LAWN WAISTS, WORTH $1.00. HURRY? 59c LADIES' SPRING SUITS. A 16.50 VALUE FOR98 $3.00 SHOES AND OXFORDS, FOR LADIES AND MENSI.98 RING OFF. i com mil tod to jail because lu? wns unI alio to give bail In the sum of $300 for his good behavior.

Hon. Sep. Hall In Wheeling. Hon. Sep.

Hall, of New Martins.llle, was In Hie city on Monday bong hero on business. Mr. Hall is a nember of the house of delegates of tVest Virginia. Utiring his stay here visited Franklin Lodge. I.

O. O. F. md made a very interesting address the lodge on the good of the order ml more particularly on the new Odd I Fellows Home now building and neary com plot ed at Hlklns. Mr.

Hall is nember of the building committee and gave some very interesting informaion on the Intelligencer. BARRACKVILLE ITEMS. Although Barrackville Is a small own. there Is always something doing. So don't think that it was because here has been nothing.doing here, is 1 why there have been no items for long time.

There.lias ben enough to write about but no one to write it. i There llavc been quite a few rases of sickness In the past few months. iiut the majority 0f them have long since recovered. 1 i i-uuio itun to wurai! ill mis writing. She had recovered sufficienti ly to walk about some, but from some cause site was taken worse about a week ago and has since been confined to her bed.

Rheumatism is the cause. Mrs. Will Straight has ben having some sickness in his family. Four of his children have had the scarlet fever, but ore convalescent at thif writing. 1 Dent Dratul was taken suddenly lit Sunday evening.

Ills temperature was 1 hundred and three on Monday. It is feared he is going to have an attack of fever. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew lee.

after being 111 all last foil and winter, were out visiting their daughter. Mrs. Edgar Wilson, and their son, F. Ice. i Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. Ice was 1 greatly benefited by the operation that was performed on her eye during the winter. She can now see to tell what i a great many things are. that it had been impossible for her to even see before. E.

C. Wilson is able to be about his work again after having had the novo' experience of being housed up for sevI oral woks. While working at Under wood, he slipped and sprained his weak leg. from which cause ho was unable to walk for several weeks, hill aftor having endured the pain ami agony, which ii caused him. also punishment of having to stay indoorsi for so long a time.

lie is again at hard I work. J. F. ice is afraid his leg Is going Iq con line him to his room again, as it has been hurting him for over two weeks. It is needless for me to say that lie has hail while swelling since he was young boy and It has caused Make A One Dollar Deposit and keep elding to it mouth by month as you draw your pay.

always saving something, and will find your snow ball will grow I nslze even during the; warm weather to come; the cold blasts of winter arrive there will he something Is Id aside when needed. Saving is easy at this hank. Your account is welcomed, he it large or small. xne uanE 01 airmont Corner Main and Jefferson Sts. WfPa ail fictitious body, rs at high temperatures.

The -cooled cars. Without Carbon Deposit." a trial will conelnca. IS PITTSBURG, PA. it Oil XUflnpri. If It 1 were In their power Lo do bo.

would relieve him of his pain, It seems to be beyond even the doctor's power to him, only for a time aB he had 1 bis leg operated upon and yet it continues to fester up and paiii him intensely. Flem WJanian hus vacated the room over Frank Ice's store and moved into the Floyd J. Smith property, recently occupied by Rev. Carrico, deceased. If the farmers have to buy much grain and feed next winter it will be because of tbe cold weather we are having this spring, for there is being onougli seed put into the ground that I if allowed to mature, it will produce feed sufficient for the farmers around here.

Most all of the gardens and corn patches have ben plowed and a great many of them planted. Of all tbe late Improvements to this place the latest is the two story brick house that Dent Brand is having erected on his lot In the Conaway and fl'Unn nlnt a.I ll auuiiiuu. )i iiv.ii 11 will make the third brick house to be i erected In this place Jn the last two years. While the street car was the moans of several visitors coming into town Sunday, it was also the means of several of our people visiting other towns. Fred Bverhart, Vada Shriver, Nell and May Kinney and Bessie Bun! iter were among those who were calling on frleusd of tills place Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Conaway and son, Oscar, Miss Thoa Ice and Mr.

and Howard Hurnettc went over and took dinner with G. W. lee, of Fairmont, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Iloy C'ooglc and, of Pharaoh's Run. spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Z. I). Miss lee and Mr.

C. S. Ice calling on friends In the city or I Mniiuiugton Sunday afternoon. The cold wave of Monday and Tuesday was not given as warn recep ion as was the worm spell of Satur- 1 day mid because the fruit is I so near matured that a frost would completely destroy It. i OTHELLO.

i CATAWBA. 2 Miss Cora Haun loft Sunday for I Fairmont, wheres he expects to re- li main for some time. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, Sunday, May 9tli, an 11 pound, daughter.

Miss Rose Brown was calling on Miss Ada Harden Sunday evening. (I Mesrs. Archie and Henry Kisncr are here from Indiana on visit to rcla- I Mrs. Mary Holmes was shopping in airmont Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Messrs.

Bob lOlliffe and tlrover RudclifTe. were 1 ilcuHiint visitors ai tlie hotue of .1. 0. 11 (udclifTe Sunday. Miss Isa Anvil has returned homo 1 roni Fairmont a Her a sliort visit relatives.

Miss Harden was railing oil Misses francos and Dellu HaclclifTe Saturday veiling. Mrs. Kate Stain was calling on Mrs. 8 Charles Frederick, Friday. Mr.

and Mrs. James Powers and hildren were visiting relatives in Uvesville Sunday. () Mrs. Clark Stele. Mrs.

Bertie Stev- ns and daughter, of Fairmont, were -ulliug on relatives here recently. Misses Isa Anvil. Ilntlle I-nwson and )ena Clevenger. Messrs. Baxter, and rinval Anvil and Ruy Clevenger were Miss Rose Brown Sunday." Mrs.

J. Drown and Mrs. Jesse )ent were calling on Mrs. Charles! "redcricK Monday. Mr.

and Mrs. Guy Starn and cliil iren spent Sunday with Mr. and 13. M. A large congregation attended the iernicn by the Campbellte preacher at the M.

P. Church, Sunday p. m. Mrs. J.

O. Radcllffe and aughtcr, Miss June, were calling on Mrs. Chas. Frederick Saturday evening. Clint Priekett.

of Pittsburg, who has been the guest of relatives In Rivestillo. was calling on relatives here last week. Miss Cora Hood, of Lowesvillc, was recent visitor here. Messrs. Cliff and Smith Kadcliffo.

of Pairmont. und George Radcllffe. of Rives, spent Sunday with their pa- rents here. SHIRLEY. SAMARIA PICKUPS.

Planting corn is the order of the (lay. Mrs. John Fetty.of Farmlngton. was visiting her father, Mr. Edward Shaw, of this nlacc.

Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Willie Hall and family and Mr. Elbert Moran were calling on J. U.

Morgan. Sunday. Emory Heck and wife were visiting the latter's pnrcnls of McKonkey Sunday. Jim Start caught a "lantmlng" big ground hog last week. There was quite an Interesting game of ball on the local diamond Saturday I between Santarla Arst and second nines.

Score In favor of the And nine. The first nine batted Lambert off the rubbed. Prof. C. C.

Vincent wo? calling on 3all Stanley Sunday. Mr. E. U. Vincent and Caleb Stan-, eg were calling on Obedlnb Vincent, Goose Hollow, Sunday.

I Mr. Tom Lambert calling at I'okabees Sunday. I Ray Morgan baa gone to Farmlngton .0 work on tbe coal company farm, Miss Lily Heigkill, Fairmont, Is risking relatives of this place. Monroe McVicker. purchased a line 1 A laal wee? I we" JACK.

IA I Bro HRS. PEPE LEFT HER HAPPY HOME i Hell 3REW TIRED OF THE CARE OF HER FAITHFUL AND DE8ERV- ING HUSBAND. I'lilllinono Pepe lived happily with ter husband for several years. They lad shared the joys and sorrows com- ajjj noil to their lives. Phllluiono seemed enjoy the things of lighter vein and gQn( lie more stern thlngB were not upireclated in the sense that they should lave been.

Her husband toiled with1 Tl lie one end in view, that of making Fi rs 'hillmono happy. He assisted her In way In order that he might Ighten her duties ami give more 81 tile line to enjoy life. Philimono aeeejitid all these attentions und led her lusband to believe that she sincerely 811 'allied him but hers was a pretense vhlch he found out later when Phlll-1 nono left her quiet happy home to ove to parts unknown with Frank Mar lino. Tired or the friend'that wooed her mil the man that provided for her anij wants and protected her she left on Monday night with Martino and the jjur, whereabouts of the couple arc untuowu. Called Meetina.

A called meeting of the Literature iepartiiient of the Woman's Club will to held on Friday. Slay the 21st, at our o'clock p. lit the Norma! Irltool art. room, the object being Vo loclde upon a course of study for the issuing year. All members are urged mil requested to be presnt.

also any- tody who desires to become a uiemer of this department. SIRS. C. H. SMOOT, Chuirmau.

11 id. B. and O. Paypay. The employes of tha Baltimore and ho)i lltio Railroad Company were gladencd to-day.

It was payday. The ay litis month was better than the iay was last month. Business is get- lag better. arei it Opens Office at Clarksburg. Hugh W.

Scott, of this city, supcrln-. indent of the Prudential Life Itisur- will nice Company, has opened an office the Empire building at Clarksburg. The branch office Is In room 420. 8 Aid Society. The Ladies' Aid Society of Grace ntlieran Church will meet at the Mrs onie of Mrs.

John Wagner. 215 High treet. Thursday evening. All mem- icrs are urged to he present. Fro Mr.

and Mrs. R. E. Timbers, or ''iu 'liarleston. nre in tlie city the guests Mr.

and Mrs. K. E. Dent, on Fair- aont avenue. Exchange.

Tin- Bethany Class of the Central Hiriatain Sunday scltool will hold an xchnnge in the window of S. M. Vise's store, Saturday morning. Mrs. C.

Berlin, of Denver, Colirado. is the guest 01 her cousin, Miss Cva Odell Fletcher. 4 PER CENT Our airings accounts offer afe and ready Investment tor til' uniis of any amount. Let us explain. Or Ml EatarSa) venings.

Home Savings Bank JAS. L. ALLEN SON i 1 i Painting Decorating i Wall I'aper Sale, 4, 1 I Off Regular Prices. Ill new 1901 old stock. Samples on display at I store of H.

C. Voelker, TJpbol- ster, 107 Fairmont Yoit building. FIRST WARD Went to Parkersburg. luong those from this city who ll tn PnrkaruliiiPD In oltnn.l Encampment were Mr. W.

K. wu and Mr. Harry Robinson. Aid Society to Meet. he Ladles' Aid Society of the First P.

Church will meet on Thursday rnoon at the home of Mrs. A. S. wick on Haymond stret. Will Leave 8oon.

r. and Mrs. E. T. Bishop and shter, Lulu, of Columbia street, leave in a few days for New York Boston, returning by Niagara and Buffalo.

They expect to be about two weeks. Had Picnic. he members of the classes at the M. P. Sunady school which are by Rev.

J. P. Turkelson and i Madge Helmlck. enjoyed a plenumthis city yesterday. Rev.

U. loggs was member of the crowd a very enjoyable day was spent. Married by Rev. Wiley. iss Boice, of this city, and Mr.

Sateld. or Clarksburg, were married i erday at twelve o'clock by py at his home on Stale street, i arc Very popular young people have the best wishes of a host or ids. Tliey will reside at ClurksPersonals. r. and Mrs.

T. tf. Henderson, of 'ey street, are the guests of the ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert idersou.

of Taylor county, r. Charles Meredith will return torow from Red Rock where he bus i employed for sevral clays. Mrs. cditli will also return from a short with relatives near this city, r. Andy Berry and family are movinto rooms in the residence on sburg avenue owned by Mrs.

Leonr. James Hawkins, of Diamond et, is ill of apponidcitis at his ic. Jss Mildred Travis, of Anita, is iding a week with relatives in this d. iss Phylis Walker, of East Park 1UO. has l'cturnpd from uhnrt vlu.

ith her aunt at Boardtrce. iss Sara Bennett, of Morgantown, vcd to day to spend a few days 1 her sister, Mrs. S. L. Jacobs, of, rcy street.

r. Henry Stoncking, of State el. is quite sick. MOTHER HERE Jenkins of Frostburg Called Here On Account of Illness of Son. lines Jenkins and mother, of i stburg are registered at the TavThev are brother and mother of her Jenkins of the Fairmont Baseteam who is ill with -fever at ks Hospital.

Voui Pholomoh 1 I ilways a highly appreciited gift GET THE BEST OE E. Schwaner to 8HAFER STUDIO. WASHINGTON STREET LIVERY Now Open to tha Public. With complete Hoe ol llrery stock. Fresh horses and good commercial and pleasure rlgi.

I Cab orders tilled day or night I WILLIAM ALBRIGHT, Prog. 8 MELV1N GIDLEY, Mgr. IRE Rooms 20 li and 203 Masonic Temple i Positive Savings The Ecot Ladles' S'alrt Waist Suits, (I.oU value. Cut to 1 1.29 Ladles' Shoes and Oxfords. In Tan, and Gun Metal 1 98c (10.5D Men's Pure Worsted Suits.

latest Spring Styles Boy8' Wash Suits. $1.00 kind. In Tan, Blue, Gray and White 1 5Qc Rosen NEXT TO HOTEL MARIETT, I California erery lady mar obtain at thli wore a pack- aie of California Sweet Pea Scrdt IS RIEGERJ THE CALIFORNIA PEHFUBSB haiaent oa 1C.OOO teeditadiaribute free to alL Come at ouce before tbey arc cooc? you do not hare to bay teedi are free, to come today. Three handtumr ve offered for tbe product of the ired. Plant the teed our for and date of conttit.

Kvyd (km? Bsffs it tbe perfume. Come in and trmple it. SOUTH SIDE PHARMACY The Prescript on Store NEW STORE CORNER JEFFERSON AND JACK SON STREETS. Complete Home ot Credit. REMEMBER II Dcnham pays no rent and saves yokjB the difference.

Dr. Fahrney 1 Relieves the pains and curea am! grow sick am! weak; clu Sour Stomach. Colic, babies. Safest, purest and Korea. Trial bottle I'RKK 1 town.

if you mention KEEPS BA I I KENTUCKY THOROUC He It beautiful brown tfrlth itar by Imported Candelmat. dam Mag 2d dam Imported Allle Blade by Typl tense by The Libel, etc. Extinguisher it half brother to many races; la a magnificent horte Inert a thoroughbred. He will mak FAIR GROUNDS where he can be I Scott Wlllit. Call and see him.

-IttgraCABI HOUSE RENOVATING At High class Interior Decorating. Rf Complete line of Faints. Have ex Floor Finish. A. M.

Kf Both Phones. lomfcal buyei $1.00 1-ace in beautiful designs 50c Men's Flue RtbbeU ladles' Black Palllcoa'tt. 50c Men's Dress 3hIrtB, with or 6 without t-iifTs. elegant 4 BERG' HEALTH AND VITALITY. Mott's Nfrverlne Pills.

The great nerve Drain tvutoralKe: men nn.l women, produces id vitality, bullili the system news the normal visor. For aaltfiijr iigglsts or by mail, $1.00 per Ullama Mfj For by M. D. Clirtstle'. BETTER THAN 3PANKIN0.

The "want ad. cost" Is so when tlto ad. sons sorntB; Ing big for you. Perfect Fitting i Suits Mode to Measure, lateat 8prlng styles, any shade you wait, $13 50 and up. V8E.

Call an dhave a look. Cleaning and Preuing. i Call at Barber Shop. 3 505 Locust avenue. LOYAL BENNETT, HON'I DO IT nj If you thought of buying --T; WALL PAPER jj before you have seen our line we have everything shy) WALL PAPER wood stains, painta, oils ana i coami' a iinvrtl I ImlHV tf.

LLyiU'fl Painter, Piperhangir I and Decorator, 's Teething Syrup 9 the ailments that make habies cry and fret Diarrhoea; prevents 5 and all Stomach and Bowel Allntents oC-'. medicine for babies. at mail nf Drs. D. Fahrnejr Son, this jiajier.

8Y FROM CRYING. Ml I SHE I SHBREO STALLION I and snip and weighs Is I gle Mitchell by Tom Ochiltree; I loeus; 3d dam Stuff and Non- I noted Irish Lad ani a winner In 1 of fine dliposition and evtry I the season 1909 at FAIRMONT I ound at any time, in of I $12.50. I rtl LIV I Phte Rails, elusive sale of Rogers' Sula I.

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