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The Zanesville Courier from Zanesville, Ohio • Page 2

Zanesville, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


V. tilt Amtvaa (HkMlwd COURIER in tl UW laUl M. piy P. Hli will Iw pajttMiiU. ty All BdmtlMnMau, UMrtlm, mil bo tiMii4 to Cwnimf (h.

pan Uw Adrwtiimi will tlili In mind. tinmrir-- i-- --i WHIG STATE TICKET, ran oo WBlJBON FOB OnVIRKOII, ISAAC 1. ALLEN, or Richland. roc iTira HBNRT of Hamilton. ncmTaRT or H.


JUNK 19. TO-DAT we publish the conclusion of tin communication of as published in th Gazette of Wednesday. We feel no dispo to take part In any controversy tha may have arisen, or that may arise, be tween those interested in the Railroad, and ahould not have noticed this communication, if we bad not been requested to insert it. But, regarding it grossly unjust to cine of the late officers of the road, who in now, we suppose, under the necessity seeking.another place, we are unwilling give it to our readers, and contribute to cpread what we view as well calculate! (though we suppose not designed) to depre- ciate'Mr. CHISE in the eyes of other companies, and to prevent hia obtaining another situation superintendent.

While makes no direct charges of ineompetency against Mr. CHASE, as a superintendent, he speaks of him, as such, in no very flattering terms, and uses dubious language, which would probably generally be construed against him. For instance, he With Mr. CHASE'S office services the executive committee were well satisfied," italics are Mr. CHASE "bad come from New England well recommended as an office derk, but who had had no experience as a superintendent," c.

We have no doubt it is true that Mr. CHASE bad never filled theoffie of superintendent before he was appointed by the Directors of this Company; but, while he had not held that office, we have good authority for saying that be was by no means inexperienced in- the duties of the office, he having performed many, if not all, of them, before he came to Ohio. We feel safe, also, in saying that Mr. CHASE has kept the bnsiness of the road in good order, having accurate statements of the business prepared weekly for the Directors. That part of the road which he has been putting in order, is represented by good judges as being in as good running condition as any road in the State.

And it is a fact worthy of note, that during Mr. CHASE'S accident occurred upon Out line. Indeed, whether Mr. CHASE had experience as a superintendent or not, he has so conducted the business of his office as to leave nothing connected with it that is censurable, or which exhibits a want of capacity and strict attention. Not sn act of bis is pointed to as improper, unless it be his claim to certain appointing THH Alexandria axe tie the fly worm doing great damage to wheat crop in counties of Orange, Culpenpvr, Rappahannock and Madbon.

A gentleman lias left Rochester for Chi- oa for the purpose of obtaining Tea plants to be cultivated in the Southern States so it appears that the cultivation of the Tea plant in the Uuitcd'gtates did not die with Juni'js Smith. A LABOE number of slaves was lauded on the Island of Cuba, a shortt imo Mpain enters into treaties for the suppression of the trade, she appears to be very willing to nee it carried on for her beurlit. A MAN named Moore, who was at work on the Cincinnati and Marietta Kail Road, in attempting to jump from one car to another us they were moving, fell between them, and a car passing over him, severed liis head from Ilia body. THE Toledo Blade says: Our farmers speak well of the wheat crop. It bids fair fur an abundant yield.

A MAX named Patrick Connell was beaten to death by. a gang of rowdies, a few days ago, in Cincinnati. Connell is said to have been a sober, industrious citizen. The assault waa wholly unprovoked. Gus.

District Attorney for the Western District of New York is said to be a Frecsoiler, aud a decided opponent to the Fugitive Slave Law. IT is estimated that the avernge emigration from Germany, from 1846 to 1851, is 96,676 per annum, and the amount of capital withdrawn annually from Germany within that time has been about fifteen millions of dollars. To Editori of tit Conner; The contents of the note your paper of Thursday neem to hnve made some gentlemen uneasy. As its only object was to elicit correct information, every authoritative statement must be thankfully received in proportion to its importance. That I did receive the informa- ion from what I conceived to be a reliable source, is certainly true.

If it is unfounded no citizen can rejoice more than I do. am for Zaneaville first, last, and always and alter that the balance of the world and the rest of mankind. Mr. Blandy probably confounds the Mill Ironton with the Rail Mill, which was announced as being certain to go into opera- ion in Zunesville; and how he could con- true any thing in the note, as personally erogatory to his character, is past my omprehension, as the notice, so far as he concerned, was simply to the effect, tat he had had such inducements clse- as to induce hia removal from our raidbt. Regarding Mr.

Blandy, in common with my fellow citizens, as amongst our very best nd most enterprising men, his determination to remove bis residence from Zanesville, will strike all as an almost irreparable loss. The more so, at a time when gentlemen of his enlarged views, energy, and enterprise are more needed, than at any former period in the history of the progress of Zunesriile. Tlieplun of this office coutcmplnted a iiervlco too laborious for the age and health of then incnmbtnt of the Secretary- ship; and yet it would require a measure of capacity and business experience xuch as few young men could furnish. The By- Laws embracing this Important feature adopted unanimously by the liourd; and a Committee constating of Jewott.Gul- igher and James were appointed to make selection of HOIMO man for the post, such selection, as required by the By-Lawn, to bo at the firet regular meeting of tho lioard for They were unfortunate enough to make selection of one who wait not Hatiifuctory to a majority of tho Board--especially to those members who were from the name county the nominee, and who were bup- poncd to be the best judges of his fitness for BO responsible solution. Mr.

Eaton had ample time, after hearing tlmt tlie confirmation of liiti appointment was at least doubtful, to withdraw from his unpleasant position iu a dignified way; but he preferred placing the Directors to the test; and they, reluctant as they were to give any one pain, felt that duty had stronger clainiH upon them than potUfnesx or evhn friendship--they declined to confirm the nomination. Tins proceeding of the Board certainly legitimate, was not such as to justify the resignation of Messrs. Galigher and Jewett. But as these gentlemen have been talking, for some time past, of resigning in consequence of the interference with tlieir private affairs, which their attention to Railroad matters caused, it is much more reasonable to suppose that they were governed more by the latter consideration than the former. It wold be' more consonant with tlieir well established reputation for Kr.w VoitK RAILKOAU The Bufl'ulo Commercial states that the faro 011 thu I'oimcugvr Lines in that State ia to be, from Yofk Dunkirk N.w 7,00 On tho Central Line, PaHoengers can go either by thu Hudson River Railroad, or by the People's Lino of Boat from Albany to New York.

Railroad and Steamboat Lines West ticket no further than Buffalo, leaving it optional with Passengers on arriving there, to take the Central or the Buffalo New York City route. A I On Tlinndir mom in-, ilie Ifttli br Rrr. M. A. llojf, Tot.

WM. UKAL'MOiCr ind MATILDA ll.ili-tt. soundness of judgment. B. Mr.

National Intelligen- cer (ays: "We understand that Mr. John A. Washington, the proprietor of 3It. Vernon, has disposed of that venerated mansion, with two hundred acres of the landed estate, to a company comprising Northern and Southern men, for the large sum of two hundred SPECIAL NOTICES. LARGE SALE OK MUSICAL IJISTUOJIESTS AXU KAXCT Uouus 11.

Killfj- will fell Ini tnlue of Muncal lnlrmnenli nnd Fancy Cvodi, nt auction, on Tue.J.iy in outer to room lot a Hock Uoott and Hlioei. lilt luwrlinent 11 ind brought to ninikel. I'crioni within; anjrtlunr tliiiline ill find it to their advantage to attnd tin. inlr. to tVouMe an ojirxmumlj' to obtain a good article clicnp not often prxented.

KEEP Coot. Strawberries and Cream at HOWARD PAKXK'J Sjlovn. tin, urninj. Faiuihe and topplied at the ihorteit nonce. A GREAT CURE or ASTHMA OK bjr n.lnetho Oijrginaud OxrORDViuA, December MUSSES.

RUED, lUrnf AvtTlt--Vtnilmn: It a plraxire to me tc announce publicly. the which my ion, Henry II. Deibi, hai the of your Bitten. The iimp'e fncti are at followi: Henry it tuentytno old, and from Athmior I'hthuic, of an hereditarycbaracter more or every yenr, tince hn remembrance, the attack! occurring in the warmest waather, and continuing at with greater or leu le-tertty, dnnc- the Fill turnt uu.i]!y lasted from three to nine NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KKH o.

1B8 K. U. IIAHKI.TI.NK tb, nvunclng Iw the ladles of and vkiuity tliat discontinuance of her partnership with Mrs J. II. she has opened, at above a verr laijje iad of MILLINKKV GJ consisting, in put, the following fashionable st BUmndPatln, Florence, I'liil.

god Ktraw. Flench Lore. UU.NNBT*. Diamond Kalln, J'edal, Manilla, nn' Bonnets. Finis, kc.

Alio, an elerant assortment of new and RIIWUXH, PA.NCY CAFB and ni and Dress Findings. onneU nude to order anil old Bonnets repaired and irlimned on fair terms, THOMK UST received, larje of Chest nod Cupboard pattern'. All sues, suitable for Uoardinj; Houses, Boat! OO MV Mr families. IlKrfT. BOVD CO.

JAPAftNKD IV ARE. keep enmtantlr on band a lurrt assortment if JAPAX.NEU TIX WARE, ol the best quality, iucl) Of Cake Boxei, Cadi VVaih llailni on Staudl ISlrd Foot Tubs, Knife llotes, Tea Caddies, Tea Cannuters, Pepper Holes, Cups, Tumbler Drainers. At and retail, at I1EST. BOY1) CO'g. MATS: on hand a good Mock of fMii-ep MATS of hngluli and American manufacture.

line Heinu and M.I IIL'TTER l-ood of BUTTER PATS, in Duller Pats. AI'O, i If i i 1 rurnisnn of Timei copy BEST, 110YD CO. DRAB BEARER hie rnnulili and Hind Duller Pan. AI.o. For pusag vr falfhi on 4 01 ALTjB f- WAJ.TKD7 HK partnership heretofore PHITO and Miss K.

)). tr Miss alone iVinilioriMd'to'ir of the late (Inn. Persons ow in: LATH! BUXDLHS LATH lor lal. -IOIIX T. BROWN PKRRY IIOTKL.

coitirp or IUXCOCK ITKHKT AXO WAT Pittitnrth. A BE riKUI, article, luminer juit received by Iwd j. ALLEN. A.M) SfHAW HATS. A FULL, new itoi.kjii.trn.rncj by J.

B. ALLEN. AND PAINTING. davs, de.lroying his appetite sleep, and entirely VTIOX WORK AT HOUSE. for anv labor.

T)KOPO8ALS will be receded bv either of the sab About a yea, be Terms, cash. I I A FOX, night, In. bealtli, but after a few hours auoke, ird finding impossible lo remain lon-er in bed, got up an thousand dollars. To what purpose the resorted to 1m usual medicine. mean to apply the property, we and after waiting till mommy, I gaie him a leaspoonful of not heard; but we are very glad to Oljgenated Hitters.

The efliu as immediate and learn tliat the terms of eale reserve to Con- powerful, that he uaiabluto take breakfast and pcrfonn rTMlE discomfort gress the privilege of ttiking it. Another hitherto JOXA THAN SWANK, Aurora copy. Market Committee. junlG dtd COMFORT TO KAIL HOAU TRAVELERS? IICAD KKST. which trarelers br Rail Road hae i Frtm ZanasTilIe Gazette.

ConctCDto, "Superintendents' office C. 0. R. R. Zanesville, June 9th, 1853.

To the Board of Directors C. O. R. R. Gentlemen, It is understood that if I again take charge pi the working operations of the road, it is with this understanding.

That I am to have the entire control of the working 1 operations of the road. That I am to consult with the President but am to have the power of appointing all the subordinate officers. And also, as the Paymaster is to be my assistant, that I have the selection of the man for that position, and that he be under my control. On these conditions I will removed from their present resting place. (Kntl We are informed that the purchasers offer- hw efr af a ed a largely increased price to have the sale I Respectfully I)ERBY made absolute; but Mr.

Washington replied that he would not for any sum thatcould be named place it out of the power of Congress to make Mt. Vernon the property of the nation." Reed, Austin Co Wholesale Druggists, SG McicbanU' Row. IConrm.lienenl Agenti. Price bottle; bottlei Zane.iillc bj IV. junld A NEW is said that many converts to a new faith have been made in Persia by an apostate Mahomedan, Shirk Babee, who denies the authority of the Koran, and will not recognize any superior but God, Moses, Darid and himself.

Babee has promised his followers that he will bring back to life all who are killed in defending the faith. it niuth to hu cotnfoi rablp companion of traveler. Vnec gl 25-for sale at of order. It il in tlie pocket, and ai should be tlie insepa- GL1SS FACTORY FOR rTlinS property re-trded as adminblr situated in everr respett. Tlie facilities lor obtuning the for the of CLASS, and for off the mtnufactu ed article, are unturpitsed in the 1.1 1 IIAIUU.X, lor preer ing, restoring nd ue I be establi.hment is nearly new, ha all the modern mi.

beantifyin; tbe Hair, is the mo.t delightful and wonderful provements fur tbe manufacture ot Vial and Bottle Glass, article the world ever produced. Iu astonishing success an established reputation and market secured, and in is witbont a precedent in the history of the. Mtlrria Mrdica. I Dark and soft and glossy with Ji? of admirers, (mark this, ladiei) i the universal effect of Terms ea.v. the Katli-itron.

Bald and crar head, stood nerfectlr as. Th T. 1 be hown power, and that, we opine, was no greater than the power, in that respect, which is generally, if not universally, conceded to by Boards of Directors. -The running expenses the road, too, du- Mr. CHASE'S Buperintendcncy, were lighter than those of roads generally.

The intimation made by that Mr. CHASE might have appointed irresponsible men, though hypothetical ly made, is by no means respectful nor fair toward him, and is vary unfavorable notice of him to give to tha public. If Mr. CHASE had proved himself to be, in any respect, incompetent, we do not believe the Board would have re- him, about fire weeks ago: and if lie had proved competent, some of "B.V naarks are very unfair and unjust. i i Txt Editors of the Home Journal were aaoaf those invited to Niagara en late exomion of the Legislature of York, and amoag other iocideaU noted ii the following: We had the luck to a horse co over the on Sunday afternoon.

We Ink, because, though we were sorry the not customary horse should end useful life in sum- and inary a maaner. yet aince be WM so destined, we considered it piece of luck to see him doit. How he got into the river, or where, no one knew. We caught sight of him when' he in the midst of the njrids, above the Araerican of the Horseshoe Fall; and those rapids tossed hia and whirled him on, as they would ft chip they would an rlephaat. Whether be was alive or dead before be reached the fall, we know not; bat if he been eadowtd with life of tbonsand horw-pow- he been tossed and whirled.

and rolled suid 'harried jtm the Mta Orer be plaaged into the roaring abyss. Ii lew tian a ninnte he re-appeared in compmratirely still water near spiral accept the situation of Superintendent of EARTHQUAKE THE impers.ion which the first earthquake makes upon us, even if it is unaccompanied by subterranean noise, is an inexpressibly powerful and quite peculiar one. What moves us so powerfully is, the disappointment of our inherent feitli in tlw unO," immutability of the firm solid earth. A. moment destroys the illusions of a are undeceived as to the repose the earth, and feel transported within the sphere of destroying unknow pon ers.

We scarcely turst the grouud on which which, we stand; the strangeness of the occurrence produces the same anxious uneasiness in animals. Pigs and dogs especially are overpowered by it; the corcodiles of the Orinoco, generally as dumb as our lit- tie lizards, leave the agitated bed of the river, and rush howling into the man, an earthquake appears as something omnipresent, unbounded. We can escape from an active eruption, or from a. tonished. "Tbe Katliairon has folly restored my hair after a baldness of Ii years.

A. JAT COURTRIOHT. 7rt Bond street, X. Tlie Kathairon is a certain cure for Nervous lleidache and all Cutaneous Diseases. Sold by all dealer, everywhere.

Try it. Price onlv 25 cents, larje bottles. D. S. fames.

Proprietor, 161 York. Sold in Zanetnlle by MFRltlCK, Co G. W. BLOCKSOX, A. GnntiM and Ciucturs JOHVSTOX.

illwCni THE Mechanics' Institute of Ohio, at Cincinnati, hate awarded their Diploma lo Cherry me nmeiy remedy for CoMs, Coughs and Consump'ion. This honor riehlv merited bv the Inventor of that valuable medicine which has secured not only tl.e above commendation, but thit of the mott eminent Phynciins in this, ai uell as tlie highest medical authority in oilier countries. And whit is a far greater en- tomtom on its is, that it has won iu way lo al most etery iire.nle of Uie American people. answered. A.

A. GUTHRIE. Tmslee ty Recorder, Aunm, Garotte, Times, Pittsbur-b Ga. zelte and heeling Times copv 3 eeLs. STOCK.

HliSbELL, Trustee. TKWl'LK OF AT MRrt. X.AXEVII.LE, O. The inbtcriber is prepiredto furnish the Ladies vicinhv with eerr style am iriety of BOJOETS, uimmed to order at the prices. MRS.

PKIST71 STR MVS. UST recei.eJ a large and elegant assortment. MRS. PRINTZ. TO MILLKRH ASD MAMFACTKRKH8.

1HK nndenigned, having recently purchased one of Ih. lirgesi and bes- located Waiehousei in le I of Klour. Pmliie. and American Mannlactored JcT erally, would solicit Conslrnment. Tuopt our Inn, residing in Lonmillr.

eoaitut per.on»l ittention lo th. of the firm COB May firm is efitniwieil of gentlemen of larre einitil sreit ent.rpri.e,thorou.h knowledgeof MB. rience, wind, ha.e been Ion- and well tested --L Conner. VRKSU Wli'ileVitn'; Und frra Cle'veUad- 1,2 and 3 MACKEREL, bbls. Uoiton! fcalmott.

Cod, Boi Herrin; ttasl Eastport Hemnj, fnm 3IKI bags'Ria COFFEE; TEA; 400 hbU. O. MOLASoES; IWbhds.SlfCAR; DVE STUFFS, of all kinds; Boset's nnd Robinson Grant'. 5 and 7 plur ToiaCCO want Goods cheap for Cash, wholesale'er call and see me. A.

DlXSOlf. THE S. FRACKER the anthonred Age.t to ulicriplions for all leading journals. Subscriptions and adserti.emenU received at lowest rales, for NeHspajierof Periodical publication published in any city or principal town in the Union. Cg" Paper, re-ulatly recened and on file.

ndns. FACY GIMPS. ERY beautiful styles and cclors. MRS. PRI.N-TZ.

DR. O. HALSTEDS PILLS will cureDys- BRITISH FRE.NCH A LA RG and beit in the city jnnH J'RINTZ. and eiery dkeue of the LOST: A RED MOROCCO POCKET BOOK, last the very latest styles, at MRS FOR REST. ThurulaT, on the street, in I iHE SCHOOL ROOM recentlrvcenpied by the Misses flowing towards our Dollar, in bank anil C2; cents ia chan-e.

i SMILLWOOD. on Mam street. The Sell, 1 1 1 iuibl mnd love particulars enqnire of your Road. And if the propositions are not accepted I must respectfully tender you my resignation, to take effect this day. Very respectfully yours G.

L. Chase." It worth while to pause a moment, over this rather singular document. The present Receipts of the Western Division of the Road, are at the rate of about one hundred and twenty thousand dollars work on the 'whole line from here to per annum; and the disbursements upon thatDirison for repairs and complete Construction are at the rate of about seventy- five thousand dollars per annum. The Freight and Ticket Agents and the Con- but during an earthquake wherever one flies seems the hearth. I Lives of Ike Brothers HumboMt.

We are informed that the gauge of the Junction Railroad has been changed to the four fret ten ipch gauge; and the nineteen miles of rails already leid will, consequently have to be relaid. 3Ir. HEXKT, engaged upon the line, last week laid seven miles Courier Oriicc. rjonlS RKCEIVED. S.

S. superior Cre-im Laid Commercial Note Paper; P. i.B. Letter; P. S.

Union Mills Cream jonU For farther pirticulars ennnire A. JONES. track in six days, with an average force of rn Di- about fory-five hands. This is work rarely about excelled for dispatch. learn that the I French Woe Ua'Ji Post.

Hud.o-i'. White letter, per ream; P. t. Fine Uid bite CAP; do do do do io do do liill I-nHin'. fir.t White Laid lo P.

It P. Liwrer's do o. II. Folio POST; P. -V Laid do Fancy ote Paper; ducton handles all the receiptynd thc'Pay- aster handle all the disbursements.

Mr. Chase's stipulations were that the Cleveland will be prosecuted with the ut- I most vigor, THE fifty thousand shoemakers of Massachusetts, rr.ak", annually four million pair of boots, and eighteen million pair of: shoes: the total value of the same beinr Conductors and Paymaster handling funds fifteen millions of AT GRSESWOM) eighteen in- Ci-am C.rl.ired Enameled PAPER; hile do do i'o Illack do Av do Morocco do rto do PAPKR; Gilt 0 Card Hond, inches; Music and Tissue Paper; t.efuian Drawing do Drawing Elephant Paper; Perforated Card tUvds, sizes; An a.sonment of BLANK COOKS; A new lot of HetMnumi; from the Board, Pmt Office. iftincc its organization to the present rh nI I1Ily time, thousand four hundred As 3Ir.Chwe is bimsclf a stranger, with-i a The firgt ntcrmcnt look oct furnishing to the Company a acc ScplCBlbcrj 1M0 LEWIS dollar of security, or even the guarantee of a long established reputation; and as it is of the prisoners con-. TJ to require security from the session, while bcinj: Condnctort, he a 0 Sinj declared that his cation of power incompatible with the Alderman and convcvcd I and as Board would not, The man not ashamed to be relst- even if they had the right, confer any to an Aldermsn too far gone for re- SCPERKJK trtKfe ofCVrM Hair MATTRESS. Yoa can Uwn UK of LEWIS SLVllEk.

of CLUSTER AAD CE.ME.1T. fine, for DeatisU.aad Calcined, fur Hydraulic CEMENT and Columbus I.IMKfor sale br CEO. L. Main street. TAR, PITCH.

U5T received and for sale br jnnll CEO. L. A.1DUKAPPI.\VT\%T\E sale J. onl4 I I I I I hand aad for sale low by L. OILS.

QPERV. Lard and Lubricating, for br JTM LL L. MIIXXICK. HAIR. 4 from 1 to 40 pound.

3 I I For br CEO. L. SIIINMCK. DREW The hartnf associated themielre. to in the IIRVG bmmess.

re.i^tftillT ib. of tlwir and tHe OT reanwabte terms, at on Mam street, Patnam. Ohio 4 MERVIX AEW BOOK. ERN LEAVES FROM FANNY'S PORT FOLIO is eipectcd in a few days, and nay be had at D. S.

TRACKER'S. THE, POPULAR EDKC I the title of one of tbe most comprehensive tionil iienoilinh issued. Published New i ink. in monlhlr parts, at JI.10 per annom. The work erabrires the following subjects Lanni Hi.tor\, Mathemitics.

Phtstc-l Sciences, In trial Sc.encej, Arthiopolojpr, Ilisterv, Philosophy, Kc I arenu and Teachers are reijuested to examine tho snrlc. Subscriptions received or single numbers for salii D. S. THE ILLUSTRATED MAGAZIKK OF ART. HE most magmScent work oftbe clan which baacrer appeared.

I.sued monthly at S3.00 pw annum, and Dictnresqne representations of the remarka- bleetents, with details troro the most eminent writers of the dar. Ileuititully executed Portrait. tee leadnur characters of the age. Choic. engraving! tnttf.

Ulrds, lowers, Geological and Fossil fpecimens, with aecoinpjnrinj Splendid representa. lions of CithedraU, Churches, Palaces and other sstedeb of Architectural art. The of Great Masters, selected from the principal Galleries of Art in the Also. Scientific Sketches, Manufactures, Machinery. Inventions, Sic.

Subscriptions received or tingle numbers forsalejU U.S. FRACKERS. THE TEXT OP 8IUK9PEARE RESTORED. HE Worts of bhaktpeare, reprinted from the aewlr eied copr of the folio of 1631, in posses. ilfllJ; Collier, F.

8. and embodying marly .11.000 mnnmcnpt corrections, contained in that loltme, together a life of the Poet, by Mr. Collier, portrait on after that Martin Draeshout, and an engraved ntle and a fac smnle of the folio, tvjth the roannscript cor- reclions. To completed in 16 poru--Imperial 8 ZS cents each. Ordcrt received at a 10 D.

S. FRACKER'S. BOOK9. ERX LEAVES FROM FAXXVS PORTFOLIO; Frank Forrester's Field Sfotu- Frank Forrester'. Old Forest Ranger; Light and by llrnrr; and Ili-bwavs iforen; Rolind Trevor, or Pilot of Human Life; Annuil of t-cienlilic Discovery, 1833: to Ejvpt Smith; Wick Wil.on, or Romellcr's Victim-- Corwvn; Mrar Yanlee in Pailon; Marie llermerr, a Tale of the Crescent City; bhady tide, or I.ifr in a Country Parsonage; A-tnlar's Fre.h Merchant; lleatrice; The Matron: Ann! Philit'Cahin--MiM Knick.Kniek.

Xc tf. Carlnrd Clark; Queen, of Henry Vllt--i-lrickland: Au.ualian Capiivt. and the Cold Krtin; Nick of the Lion', s'km and lxver' llnntJ-De Benurd; Rrn- nrcl. Mndern Life in Esvpt and Paletline-- Thomas; Our Mi" Mitford: Albsn-- li lo Conntry Girls-- Mrs. Swisiheltn: KS-OCE OF COFFEE.

A St'PnitlOR artii-'e, minnfactsied br llrxxitt. and G. F. fc MEKX BIRD 9BKD9. EMP AXI) CANARY bEED for bv G.

F. S. eTIIERIAI. OIL. 4 J-fprRIOR ar-H-1.

sn Inn rrra or tin, F. man, no matter ho well known. responsible "or how formation, life! Mr. Chase's resignation was accordingly accepted, without farther hesitancy, after lie should be locked up for Some Urge castingn fora double forcing jet, for raising wster from the Nile for the with a gash across hU body that half it; and there, in the corioai eddies ihmt part of ibe river. coatin- this decisive confirosstion of the correct- purpose of irrigating, arc cast at the Committee's spprc- foundry of Mr.

Whitclow. Perth, in beasicns. One of the pieces held within twca- lorejrardto the AndiUrmbip which of- ty-sut men and boys. 'reasnrer shallbe Director. Tie TOBftJl ng in men for in commuuitiM fitnilirj in buiincsn, Or MT The Cincinnati, lo are actively and cannot tparc the time rrqui- train, on the New York and Brie reilroad.

alicatod dn- Mn from to on for the respontible and cooplicatod du Heir or llw 9f aad Ii LEWI." i.VNTRCMKrrex TWT well B.rlLLbf ifllmdtng zo tiratsch of InMssieM. will laszs) I.V-n-RU.ME.VTf usl FAXCY AXCV AM TOILET SOAPd for F. It S. a cwnls the rtertMm nt ftrt, e.f«l C.rtar.. tue.

Favsass. Mratrl V.w^ IT.1*s Cento, Cir.l LITHOGRAPH', -slkw Fnwt. MKRVIX. OIUi. lvt F.

S. 4ii A i Hair G. F. Nalhnlie-- lln.v TV and Heir of Felicm--Enclish Ilemt--Ward; Cyrelu. great variety vqsnlly sale the Book Store e.f jnnlKtdw A.

W. PERLEV CO. -iirrrK TLATOV COMPLETE MW tad J. Ijf, of JoSn.on. 4 Il.tVtf.

of Honiparie. 4 Knignt 1 Life and letters of Cletro. 1 vol fre: of rnr Fatfcm, SItstory of Ue 2 Cir.aJ.;r«1.;« and Pennies. I rol; Pietwil Half Ilmrs. 4 vith Oliver Goldsmith, Gallery Xatnir.

I sol: FViclsrt, of tls.lo of Ike Dsnrh. 3 1 AHnm. 1 II ponrsiti. of 145 ia bsmpton Repnblicsn i the Jlpetxl Ullt" a distance is heaaed ia on one woe by precipice of 'neat to or deputies, u-iUxwt cvn- has ever been attained jjrcat rock, and on ibe oUwr by precipice of) seemed improvident and on any road ia the United UicRoad, and which, in B( veriwkH by the people the shore, wU bc c3ieckc by iu obi; to keep M8CM of "THE ia tie Krie Canal the Rrgi IT. i with the Kxc- TBEOBORE PARCCE Xcw Hamp the Auditory CoromJlloc, tho "the land of poor relations and cheap- i Board.

tombs-tones." I PI.A«.TKHI.\« ai ttif Mill. PoUiam 'JfTHKIKS JL ruT trie. it ss, S3" IT TO THR TfHT 4 MaMiy IV Pvuiktn Mill. WICtTHKK BOARTHl. COTCH.

..4 95CFF8. let TOBACCO CIGA R5. F. MKRVIX. FIVE Ixnn.

rill TAPER. KAVRMir.4. F. JVTIIO A. W.

PERLET CO. BLATIJfG Csvil of su4 CwnaUn. A. W. FEltLET Si SKW ToftK COPE TUF.

OX SKW TOKK. nmxM ArrlT wrtj, remlatsitft; the reeeirt 4H VcmtriM MVMS4 1 CO. A. iwri A. FEtLET 00.

RLKMRATAttV KLEVENTAST 1TF.LLER*. A. rnnuiV at Mail. OF A. W- I'fT Mart I DA OTHE complct coli 'UtUally to Mr.

I of 'called repreiei ntarUt, tion wit the lubj Printing four paration ty nece be prepi from thi done. WK SfillLDI an northern mington across th etone are no doubt ready for time the Judging the contr a the "Que roads in I men of 01 to good a raged anc attention Woodlaw 3Ir. am h'averece tiful mom child. iously pro We tha US lanolin ings with to its per infamy. would be from the i itance.

We feel other prof regard to demand, I nameless i tition of a thwe doubt, be which" will this matte SOCIETI as in Calif lowing es bourne: "There eight shill sure one-t arc gentle not nshami would be i get well p. tcrs what 1 there was selling col streets ford etc. cl public-hou THE Ju Art is full number of been issue engravings first voluui The put success of al talent ai This Ma Alexander New York WE hav, the Popvla devoted to probably published, It is pub month, at Montgomci THE fa! young clei preaching mon rather gust of wii the church, whirlc deacons pursnit, rcti the wander laving had torn of his WM lost which tor which i "JoHJt. "Dont ki Yw you -tVall. 1 he wa to trout hira Ihr of not mean disorder.

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