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The Zanesville Courier from Zanesville, Ohio • Page 2

Zanesville, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


H. MIU.C rVBLUHCKel AND FKUNUETOtU), or 1 1' ELL ft CO. rot BATJM or ADVEBTUIHU, sic HJWT FUTNAH, 1 Agreeable to notice, of Muiklngum county met at Temperance Hall. Tor the purjxme of organliiog County Alliance. The rocctliii; called to order by Mr.

pottn, Cliuirrnan; whereupon a committee T. tht AuMricin win appointed to recommend a list of Mlkoilwd for COORIKU In lh. cltlei f()r ff wlt er ciluuillg yettf. Tlie fol- uul Vork, duly to ow (,,,, r80 beluir rocomtnended, and a tt by yi. HUrtcelpU will teruded piynenti.

8. R. In Mil. AH Iu 4(d In at In earl ttf. will pleaw be.r in WHIG STATE TICKET.



cf Co.liocton. SEASOIM return upon us recularly; locusts crawl forth every seven years; comets have their appointed to visit us; who knows but that the same character is found amongst men, at different periods! For instance, in the days of Henry according to Shskspeare, there lived one Jack Cade, who did not exactly occupy the Throne of England, but thought he ought to, as having more influence than any other in the Kingdom. Jack thought it was only necessary for him to speak, that he should be obeyed. Said he: "Away, bam recwdt of the realm; my mouth tbt parliament of England." Lord Say being then brought before the new-fledged ruler, Cade delivered himself after this wise: "Wall, iliBil be Inheaded for it ten tarn ray, then nay, thon buckram lord! tlioc withmpiint-blinkeronr jurisdiction r.jal. then lotd coart of men filtli aa thoo art.

Thou ino.t teromly corrupted the youth of lh realm, in be. Our neighbor of the after telling his readers, on Wednesday, that the Board if was "gradually coming up to what is demonstrated to them to be the standard of public opinion in regard to our Public School buildings," and that, instead of the four ward school houses being built for V'iactoding lots, that they "talk and think of the four costing from $30,000 to 840,000, or from 88,000 to $10,000 each; including lots, says: cannot be nittaken in thi, matter. Tin cntici.mi thc hare met with general approbation on the subject, anil may have had tomethin-to do and roaklij thu liberal pervadinf community. had to alone IB this matter, if have aecnad, no can qantion to whom they are due." Of course not! What is the use of hav- neigbbor could do all their work, and more too, and better, and that for the public What is the use of having him attend to these duties through the Board, instead of elected: Prctident-- Cornoliuit'Sprinucr. Vice R.

Ffltoti, A. G. Elliott, T. B. Howell, R.

C. Mtndcnhull. Secretary--M. C. Blitchell.

Treasurer--L. P. Wiles. Kseculive C'-immittrt--S. H.

Gutlirie, W. C. Stlckiicy, II. Blandy, G. W.

Runkin, S. C. Huver. The delegates from the several townships reported thenmulves, and were enrolled. A committee, consisting of L.

P. Wiles, M. C. Mitchell, and Rev. G.

Sedwick, was appointed to draft constitution for adoption by this meeting. John Jobling offered the following pream- ible and resolution: Whereas, In order to reach the great muss of the prople of this county, the agency of the Press mubt be lluoletil, Thot a special committee be appointed to prepare a brief und comprehensive Address to the people of Muskin- gurn county, upon the importance of pro- by law, the demurulizirig traffic in intoxicating drinks. On motion, Itaolml, That Rev. Felton, Rev. Sedwick, and Chandler bc appointed committed to draft resolutions) expressive of the sense of this meeting.

On motion, adjourned to meet at the Presbyterian Church. AFTBRNOON SESSION. The Alliance met according to adjournment, and was opened with prayer by Rev George Sedwick. Rev. D.

E. Thomas then addressed the meeting in style peculiar to the man, showing the importance of "running Temperance into the Legislature." After the address, the committee on Con etitution reported that of the Springfield Townbhip Alliance, with the following amendments: "Not only pledged, but whose lives furnish a guarantee that they "Members of Auxiliary Township Alliances will be considered members of this Association." The committee appointed to report tht sentiments of the meeting reported, and their report was adopted. A motion was made and adopted, that each of the Township Alliances be requested to raise contributions to be forwarded to the Treasurer of the County Alliance, to be expended for the good of the cause. It was Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Western Recorder, Temperance Organ, and all papers in this county willing to publish them. A vote of thanks was given to the choir for their excellent music.

On motion of Rev. Bowman, the Alliance adjourned to meet at Chandlersville, at 10 o'clock A. July 4,1853. Freej "CANT fet AFFORD IT." "Your friend did not get her usual supply of reading," said Mr. to daughter shortly after Alary liad left the house: "No, and I was for her," replied Jane.

"She seemed hurt and mortified when I told her tbatl could not lend them. I I'm sure, papa, it wouldn't huvc hurl uu ut all, and would huvo been such a gratification to her." "Let her father subscribe for them, as I do. He is just us able." "But he thinks he can't afford it, and now--" Thinks he can't afford it, indeed!" siiid Mr. Tompkins. "A man who spends two or three hundred dollars year in self-indulgences of one kind and another, talking about not being able to afford majray.incn and newspapers fur his family.

Why, it costs him more for tobacco and cigars than it docs me for periodical))!" "Still, papa, it is hard for Mary to be deprived of them. It isn't her fault. She says she often begs her father to take them fur her, but that his only reply is he can't afford it. MEIGS TOWHSHZF-HK. XBTHTDALE.

ASHLA.VU, May ZS, 1833. To tkr EdtUrt of fit Ceurur: While traveling in the south part of the Society. We are op- noliccl Let us dis- giving them to him directlyl posed to unnecessary offices, miss the Board, and confer their authority upon one whose "month shall be the parliament of" Zanesville. Hurrah for the new King! We march under his banner. April 15th, containing an article from "A Citizen of Jleigs," commenting somewhat severely on my Report to the Executive Committee of the Muskinguni County Bible Three points seem worthy of I.

The insinuation that I was not in township at all. II. The charge of misrepresentation respecting the amount of territory occupied by the colored population. III. The charge of mis-stating the amount of Bible destitution.

I will answer the firtt and third points -t t. TM I under one head, as briefly as consistent, funds to bu.ld an Orphan Asylum in that Bib distributiorii we aim to have lhe city- Rev. Mr. Shotwell has deeded an wor ij. accomplished in the way that shall be acre of land for a site, and Mr.

Scovell and the most thorough, and attended with thc Mr. Clark have each contributed one thou-' expense. 'Hence we arc in the habit ji 'of getting a few individuals in a township their respective THE people of Cleveland are raising Thirteen thousaud dollar. btve been raised. getting visit the bounds, and supply those that may bc dcs- titute.

THE Pope, it is said, has interdicted the Sometimes one actire individual engages use of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in the Papal! to supply an entire township, as was the case in Jackson. Each individual who is thus engaged is supplied with a blank "Visiiters' THE Cincinnati Enquirer is circulating a report that Nelson Barrcre, Whig candi- specimen of which I send you--iii whii date for Governor, has declined. The is koc rcco r1 thc re ult3 of inquiries anil investigations. ciurer wiil know better alter the second, maf ten trips through Meigs town.hip. Tuesday of October.

and secured thc services of two or three in- jdividuals, in remote parts of thc township. I in vUitin" their school An ar- which following we extract from a descrip-1 in vi ili school district--. An ar i rn was madc with the Township tire notice, in the New ork Dr. erk to gct hc lricu vWtcd conllC uous EASE'S Arctic Expedition, which sailed, a a and he was furnished with Bibles few days ago, in quest of Sir John Frank- and for that purpose. Each person jj who was engaged in vUiting was supplied with a "Visitcr's Paper," upon which was "Dr.

Kane has taken has own extensive fc rtmtirti formed the hbrary, bcs.dee. a large number of scientific wh fc fina WM ma(Jc which are packed away so a. to, The ww lcd with hosc occupy all the available places in the cabia.j from lhc 60 ther townships of the countv. Considerable swentific apparatus is also ta- eft lhc DcposUa --n. The object of the expedition, next to, whcrc it is prwom they for Sir John Franklin, is scientific areand bc inspccwd i discovery thu region.

The ship is fur- made erfor jn com (h nfehed with nppbn for three years, which rcfcrcncc lo till, I doubt not, cut made to last five or sue years, by al actorT fishing. The hag rf sinM Md ed to eonuope from 18 months to two towngh wa i vil havc bccn The felt and. Iant 1 ito ar abors in robes arc on other counties, it will not bc surprising that -I am not able'to give the names of those Dividual, whom I caUccupon There are 22 tote and other including rifles. called for, it can be name of the If positive given. So attached to his paper; lhat may be thc til better obtained of the ot- r8Strdto BUZ.

Goods are taken out territ with to the who man be uponfor cd br i An ied by thcolored r- at different Dmciso. The General Assembly at Buffalo pined thu following resolution upon tho subject of dancing: "Rrwlvtd, That the fonliionable ntnune- of promifcwtug dancinjj is no entirely unscripturnl, and eminently und exclusively that of tho 'xvorld which livcth in wicked- and no wholly incoimistent with the spirit of Christ, and with tliet propriety of Christian deportment, and that purity of heart which his follower are bound to maintain, UH to render it not only improper und profctming Christians either to partake in it, or qualify their children for it by teaching thi-m the irt, but also to call fur the faithful and judicious excrcibC of discipline un the purl of Church Sessions, when tiny of the. members of their churches guilty." The question very naturiiliy occurs, what anil we can only answer it by "jiving the definition of an "old fogy" friend, who knows about every thing worth knowing, lie says, proinincuous dancing is a "room full of people of both sexes, each on tlieir own hook, taking a partner when, where, and for buch a length of time as they fit." Herald. TJIEUC a report that the Austrian Government refuses to permit the remains of "If she were the. only one concerned, Napoleon's son to be removed to France.

Jane, she might have them with pleasure," replied Mr. Tumpkiiis. "But you tee she I isn't. It is plain, from thu condition i which the magazines come home, that they have gone through the hands of the whole family. That Mr.

Rivers indu.ges himself A in reading at my expense I am very satisfied, tor 1 have seen my -Godey' at his HE Boston Shoe On lhe 31t I'v W. M. pVr-niti, Mr. RO'ill and MU. JANE IIA RT, of Kui.uau, county.

I A NOTICES. store more than once. that the worst of it." "Besides, Jane, I am not perfectly clear ea 10 -THE cspociul Store" ami is still the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TO CAI'ITAUftTM. It A11' HO All at profitable lixitment In my pruuvrty on Mala aud itreeli, jlilning an area of aboul J37 frel Uy riecling a Jtooiu anil Jlfn ei under it. on tlie tide faUur the Kail Jload and adding unollier ilory on ol thv vveileln front, lor a total Inveitiiivnt of about Korly 'j houiand a grand Motel inky be at the right dUIBiire rroiu tlie OejHit.

The rtoiet lhe tit1cei would command miiounlinx lo mole than the inteieit on the invtutmeflt, und Ilie rent of the Hotel would all be If not by tlie 13lh of I ibiill -ell the toiei on atieetal au.tion, for what they will bring, and llie olMKirtunity will be mj3l.di.vvlf JOIIX K. IT.AT._ Flllll A I I I A I OP IIUUKM. I thi" day.a of f. SCHOOL in J.ibrane* and Al.o, few A I fioin Hie Trail Hocielyj General aoortmenl of III of all and jincei; F'eb of Cap und loiter I'AI'IMt; Iliitury of the Iteronnatlnu--Illmtrateil, 5 at mv3l KKKIJ.v 1JOOK tvoum, IIIK MKMIICR.S OK 1VOODI.A CEMETEHY ASSOCIATION are hereby notified dial tlin Annual of of uid i beld at tlie ollice of C. C.

on the Jtfjtt Mottftntl nf Jutu nut, nt A. M. mv'jl-illil CM AS. C. run WALK A COOI OXB IIORM-: A I A I A for very low.

Etmuire of nlJ 31 E. E. FILLMOUE. I'lAK 10. VS.


riiOx 'I KAI.N dull, daily at 3-13, 1'. M. at 8 1 i. TAII.OIC, AM i "KSTtLMKS'i I I I A 139 tlrtrt, one tltwr ahtre 4 llvtrl, I icceinn- bv MEHS and VrsTlinS Silrniiier a a i will fnrniUi all kitnU ot Oenllnieii'. OI.UI'IIIM;, to order, in tlie be-t nioit f.i*lnonable AI.I.


M. ACCO A'l IU.N '1IM run dully, Coltmbui at IU-U, Jj leave /ane.v ille at AI A. TIKIII loin at with Mall vvlnth run in lomieiUon uilli llaluimiie and Mluu lload, anil at it lib On Tram fur Ycrnun. lby tonneitinf vvitli tlie Trdln fur Cleveland) Monioevitlt i ul viltli 'Iralni ou Oliiuan-1 Km) lioail, for Columbiu vvilli Uie 'Iraiu lor C'lraiunaU, uhich A The ronnectt vviih lhe from wn)i Ircia ruerille. flu Iby, MuC ml emon, and tt 2 ville witb Mail Coiehet for W.ieehn;;.

'J be A. 'I mil Ituiu Lolumbni conneeta at a i lhe i a i i on Ilie M. ind It. K. 'J he 3-311, 1' .11., Train lonneili nt a i the Trjm Ifoiu the eitli, arriving in luinlii.iM 7, I'.

AI. iV 'I biouzh ticket" an be had of the Agent in Zanci. villt. for Oelroil nnd Clu'i ajro eia aud for 1'nu- hurjli Suniluilr. Man.lTelil and Xewaik and Ollio and Komh leavinjf nt A.

arrive in Pitubiir-h lite eteninx. fjT Tbiousb ncleu ran be had of bTKAOER, of Cinunnati. bv lotite lo 7U' ilte, heellnr, Ball Iitnuie, rlnlnilvliilua nnd Citr. 7.ine.^l[lejulll,le3J L. CllASE.

Son'l, OHIO 1JBI. to i i I'rmtire. 1'ioliate Coum, I LV of the PlMPe. iia.ied vvitli the (ViiKlitutton of t'ie Mile ol Ohio. Kor by A H'.

I'KCLBY CO. I C'OWH OK ritOCKDURE' TII ST or i (he relent of llie ConilofAp- I'oiilt. Voorhieti Fee Mlvjiy I A. te CO. i ,,) l.y PEjtLEY tc A FIXE lot all of the be't qnilitr, alwvv 01 hand at I'.

8AI.OO.. attention of advertisers ill my OWn mind that it is hotieSt ami i called t.the the publishers to CnCOUrage anything Of this and a. they now Hand on the lir.t pn-e of kind. They ira to great expense and labor w- mi.uiidw.uniiiiig with in gettin-j up their works, and certainly un.n mitter. of give the money's worth to all who sub- EPPEB SAUCE, of the very best quality, cnbe.

But if every subscriber lends to i' ORr 'to ciii tbe -ill be his neighbors who are perfectly to T)llril ptJ Subscribe themselves, and Who Would do the!iinitl.eietliatisu.ujlly so if they could not borrow, the publishers kej.t a Xo i Croocry. Citnnot be sustained, or will rect-ive, at but an inadequate return. For my EVEKV person pacing LILUBKIDCES part, there is scarcely anything I would Tailonn; he wnhtl.e u.tcand not rather do than borrow a newspaper or up and periodical. I never have been guilty of llihnienlK a i i tuliiui'-ll mill an ornament lo the citv. He a liberal hnie of patronise.

Pu. O. HALSTED'S PII.LS will cureDys- p.ia,^i fa nd ditcaie of the that meanness yet, and, if I keep my present mind, never will." Rivers, as has been seen, went home, feeling very badly. The morft she Sl tliouglit about what had occurred, the more "VTT7 she felt mortified and really ashamed DK. D.S.

HOWE'S Shaker's Sarsapanlla herself for having trespassed upon Jane i vrillpjnfv tlie niood Tompkins for her periodicals anil newspa. Fie.h Poie OYSTERS, CHICK EXS, Fl-ll. of any Liml. A und EOCS. Meil up any nine on hhort t'iT K'e Cream, and Cieam, Soi'a Water anil l.e!T'Ottli'e.

pTllilliev CTn 'ie with Jce Cream on fbort notice, bv callm? utun A 3 MeCCRRY. AI ti A A I I oit, ANO I'hvLEi: iv f.trt.i'Mts'j ruKMaiiisn ooous, 12H Strut, inst oiene(l -i "fneril aoortment of KISS I'l ol tne hte-t Frrtieh i ami to an) thin- of tlie kind ever pers, to such an extent as to her father to interfere and forbid her lending them any more. For this fact in the case she was not slow to infer. "3Iary, said Mr. Rivera, as he sat that evening, listless for want of something to read or do, none of the magazines out for this month! Havn't you got a 'Post' or a 'Courier' from your friend Miss Tompkinsl" "No, papa," replied Mary.

thought you went there to-day." "So I did, but Jane says her father has' tonl rhc Xithairon forbidden her to lend the papers and magazines any more." I "He has!" ejaculated Mr. Rivers, i suprise and something of was that!" I "I don't know; but Jane said she couldn't let me have them any more." "It's very Mr. Rivera thp magazines do him, I wonder But that's just like some people! They cannot bear to see others enjoy themselves, and will Sabtatji in th, prevent it if in their power." Mr. Rivers felt rather uncomfortable about this refusal on the part of Mr. Tompkins.

It seemed to him to bc aimed ut'his family. He also felt uncomfortable at the thought of losing his regular weekly and monthly enjoyment of reading the newspapers and magazines -'free gratis, for In fact, this standing of Mr. Tompkins upon his reserved rights, had an unhappy effect upon the whole Rivers' family, from the father doxvn to little Tommy, who read the anecdotes, and a story n-w and then, with as high a relish as any of the rest. Things remained in this posture for two or three weeks, when Mr. Rivers, became so hungry for the mental aliment withheld by Mr.

Tompkins, that he strained a point, even though he felt that he couldn't aiFord "Jj'j uitll CLO i of dewriplinn jot in lhe he.l Ie, lo the mnde in nnv of the biilirrn cities. re( ulullt intit-. the jmMic lo him a ca dtf 1 I OtJ idlM FKVTIIEIIS. I LI VK CEBSn FE VTKKKS for l-i II D.VVIri CO. LI 1 KKIK SEKIK! weather being very vuirm to it being for hc-ilthto iffp cvol, our friemU are remuulci! tint onr Ice Cream i be anjiplied to-nl-ht with and Cream abundance.

A 1'ASKE. Families an psrtici scjinlieil on notice. LYOX'S A I I A I for pre'emn-. reitonnj; and tl Hair. the mo.t iMiglitfnl anil wonderful article "tbe eve, proihce.l.

OT of hoi.e Timoth, Seeder by without precedent in tbe history of the -Vjrrria -Vr dtca. Dark and luvjmlnt and hair, vv ith icorev of (mark laJies) the univcual ellrct of the Kath-viron liihl and -ray tood perfecily I fultv revioied my hair after a of 12 VT CofRTniciiT, Tii Ilond X. Tlie Kittnnon a certain enre for Xervoim Headache anil all Cutaneous Sold by all everywhere. Try it. 1'riro only -enti, in 1-vr-e bottles.

1). S. Proplictor, 101 iirosdvvay, SoM in by Alruaicx, i W. Iti.oCKSDM, W. A.

GEAIIJVM-ind CRtCiBYsi ro Kit FIRbT.P.ATE FKAMERS wanted I'M, STURBES fc CO. FOIl I 3 of the AION I for June have been received at ,2 3 UOOK STORE. nl MITICK. REV. A M.

I'LATTK, of Princeton, I uill next t'hutcli, at tho th'at he tl! Otcujij UIP I. O. O. P. PICTORIII.

AHK1IK 1 rompn-ins Volumes 1,2 3 ot bt-Aiiiilul nnii attr ttojnd in i antl bict illnmimteil i a title inlex FRACK EU'3 BOOK STORK. TO of I 1 Route I.ooV i Mi-iilr? through the and a i Poi ai niiSP FRACKCRV BOOK STORE. lh' 01 eirninr, at 8 for trintaclioti ot T. .1. McLAIN.

will If tticre. jr P. NOKTHOVER. C. P.

low I'KmoiHCAK AUb.NCY. the Accnttoreccnr am! rcccivrd it i I PACKKT TO Ii-ht i'ringlit op'. KA1R i rnn i ntv. tpf jTilt in city or ptmciit the Ltno rrjiiI-irH snil on t'Ir. I at oV! For es 'ei, leiv in; every incroirj lav.

etceplrtl. frel-ht oa board or To i I I ALTER. Herald 1m. XY one or more ol tbe hick numbers of any of tbe FRICKES'S HOOK STORE. TAX.VKR'S received .1 of tbe and Findirj of C.

I I A I i jan4 Xo. 1C3. comer uf Sixth FOOT OIL. it. and bubacribcd for the Lady's coo article for by Book.

He brought home a couple of niim- licrs with him. and lushing the into Mary lap, the Lilly's Book lor you, Mary, and no thanks to Mr. Mary's eyes and face brightened as she causht up the "Havc you subscribed for it, papa!" she eagerly. dear. You can read your own magazine W.

C. I I THI: ni-sr COAIAIO.V AVCIIR in n.e the OHIO A 'I hev are mule i with the rvTKsr RRtntTvTka TWIST, which nni'o-ibtedh plinfor an bonn; Au-er ever tel invented. from 2 lo i 1 quarter, lo be at tlie corner of Main vlreet and Reiver 01 letnl. Kelatl jirice jierunarier. JL r.

uUe. tin. netholto orm v-oo all thai he feeU verr thankful for vonr patroi-vje he'eTo- e. MI I that tHe i no: hil tlie feelin- f. the of rxior for i linil him nioie QT the we.t of Fifth socth of Mill.

Po.t 'I'lVe. Wllb nlid Inn t. 1 can tnin b-vrd froti any cli.n. Xo done bv tue un the aborted medium and large atv.hole«aleonlv. 4 E.

E. FI1.1.MOKH. IE jtib.rriWr oprn-il a and complete MocX of bS -it tl.e Utelr by J. corner of Tid Market contmcnity ate lo civ-e onr a Uial. IHJI4 F.

nOYI. "Oh, I am so exclaimed 3Iarv, the ACF.MJY KOK TIIK ars starting into her i s-c II.K-. TI: AMI TOU irco, i i a a i a K1V21 tears starting into lier eyes, Even though he couldn't afford it, Mr. Rivers fell happy to think that he had made 3Iary so happy. On the next day he thought frequently of thc delighted face of his daughter when he told her that he had sub- A.

F. sinn- AAD r.ii(ji i.i»:-;itr. 900 ltm "heel-. -Ml and witHout. i A.

F. IIOYII'S. The-eSeale.,llrtl»k-tandruo.t,eliab:e 1'" tl itat A.M) K. E.

Flt.i.MORE._ frVYTIIKS. TO MII.I.KKS MA.M-.\cri'KHn5. nndel.l^ned. rerenllv one of the scribed for the magazine. t.

nigni he determined to give her another agreeable surprise ere the week was out It was Thursday. On thc next evening, when he came in. Mary sprang towards him, and holding up a newspaper, said, while her whole countenance beamed with pleasure 'A man lelt'XealV Gazette there to-day. Did you subscribe for it, papa! Yes, I know you did; your face tvlls me so!" "You highly delighted about it.TM Mr. Hirers said, with an irrepressible smile.

"And so I am. I've wanted to sec thc dreadful bad." Nor was Mary alone in her of plruurc. Thc younjrcr and broth- iv, ers were in raptures at the idea of having JCYTHE SNATHS. FORKS. KIFLES.

"jdhav e.foreirect.B-;Mten.,ie,ale retail, at lil of Jo la K. E. FII.I.MORE. at ami f.3 Main -feet. mv31 and Aurora eojtvr A YO17IC nrRMrr-.

rATK.vr~w.vrEU -OOLKR. aie prepared 10 JTer onr and er. a amcle of IVATER of pen- Two of firm, re.idinTM in coottact per.onal attention 10 of firm. Literal advance, made Floor and all ftaleahl? Cot'on. to order, on tJ-e the market il OII.U SMITH co.

Jr53. KI.KMKATAKY 1 nfl ELEMENTARY SPELLERS, J.UU iny2l A. W. PF.RI.KY CO-S'. OF XCHOO1, BOOK0, A wholesale or retail, by nni! MX If A.

W- PERLUY li CO. Aurora, and Oucrn.ey top) I1OTKL, COItNKK Or IlAtCOCK STltKLT WAT, filHliursb, X. I). RR Proprietors DAN. D.

Cam. lile of St. Clnrlri Motel. l'itknr-h-- M. H.

A Itle ot' the tNfttional Olhce, vil'e Jons Affent. yl7 FUIII MOCK OF Flbll. die. TL'ST na f.cni t) i Fi-li, Pi" kerel ind Cod 1'i-h, from C'leieLind; Noi. 1, and 3 ACKEKEL, and half.bbl,.

from Uo.tiin; Siltnon, Cod, lleriirg and Eaitport frAat eu ork; Kio COFFEE; 1011 pt fre.h I O. 4110 SALT; i PTIH'KS. of Kotnn.on Cr.itil'. 5 and 7 TOBACCO. Z3F li von l.oo.l* cheap lor call and ce me.

i A. nixsos. THOMAS I I A leaie to inform hit ind llie public in general, that he ha, re. ii'ov eii to ft 1 ll'iknwV A'oir, uearlv opjioilte Odtl Hall. He has received a of CLOTHS French, En-liih ind American, of all ihadct mil and YESTINCS a good asiortment; SlilKrsnnd COLLVKS; and I'oiket IlAMiKi.RCiiiFrs; Ill-vck, F.ircy.ind U'lnlr Kul CLOVKS; and Hosiery; In i of for wear, winch he i mike up uell can be done in the cur, mil a low in price.

He a chon tot of RE.4 DV A CLOTIIINC.and determined lhat noone nnder.ell Cal! and him, and he will rnal.eitt* vour inteiCMt to liuv TIIK GTIttK OF CMFTOX. of nm! Redtmpnon, br Sc.eral of uork at A PQQK STORE. A TALK OF I MatD. -in, fc-thwr of f'noe T5 m17 i HOOK STORE. SKW COOK BOOK.

tionv to' for Parties, "omv-te'e in one I-uze volume of nearly 5WI and myl7 S. HOOK STORF. FEIX' Inn.Uonie ropiev of thi. ce'ehlited work by John ntinvrn. by a Tortrait ot" nutnor.

I A 3 COOK STOKE. TXFAVTRV TACTICS im-luilinz anil Ma- JL of Li-In Inf-ium ami lit the Depirtnicnt of War, the nntlioritr of an Act ol" A fVw A at J. S. A BOOK STORK. TIIK nn.l Tnle.

10317 I. FRACKKR'S I.OQK STORE. DOCTOR. an Doctor, TIIK CO.VCUACT OF ol which intdeat mea e.cnpe Tbev transfer to olliert the mkt winch inevitably cacve them. For a ri.k,.

wliirh mt-lil. in an linliiikv event, ruin an I lunniced. an iti.titution I. tbe PROTEC no I A U.M 01 Hartford, Conn. taiorjiornicii in I 1 '1 now ntort than a Qujrtfr of a ffttturp.

p.OP* ritj lir ami lo mott than i lir.NIM:i;i OF tdc liktc ineurrc.l Mj.on i i riAi, Cinri-imti, anil (wiil i ntiro-t j.roii.ptitodf. i tip la nf tlir maj 1 ttttt Ity tbe of tlir nn filr. plan of tifmiuim. in iim- that tic- all con- arr --cieJ. Th- ftam ir.nnnirial Ir nml niill OM; Kio'm atr paid.

forihepnWK attlitv IP (IrmAiil. all nt Mf, of i IB onlr plan of CM 1 public contulriter, lltr br I TUE OF conlrsrt turn nr tiificlianii. for tWr nnd tSrtn lo ol n1 and even Mrs. Kivcr.o, who ol at .11 lime'. ntv.1 br ard TO Tit literary torn, remarked, on thc occapiun, thai a newspaper "an excellent amon and that, for her part 3 1 1 i tw to road a little in them now and then, especially in thai part oonuining receipts and other domestic Sot nt Yvrre i tVtnm-! A thf a kM keen instructing the Daguerreotype tv.tb ukc tod and pictorct of not reliable.

Fioallr: Ptrcnit me to that I not if I nd wiilinff to Oitkc tb' of tJeptrtncot. Dr. Kane nan in on ctkia Htlwgraph of Sir Jobnj Franklin. Mat to hia br Htboffrtpb Hon. Mr.

As editor in New York, wbo, thc al home. Erca though be cooWo't afford tke it, he was vert far from repenting of this 4 rlm! Tt a 1 v1lT fMlrf of extra Many did not before another magazine an) another newxpapir came the house, and before nix Mr. Riv- i en wtf patron of periodical literature as Mr. and although bc couldn't afford it. A year or tco have but notwith- noted for thc reiMness of, thc heavy additional of If I retch Thence tie opportunity will be im- hope never wiil--at 3ea4 not long as hs to proceed upon her arand of noble 1 THEXC are twcnty-two circoi compsnica the magazines and and newspapers ihilantbropT.

and i in the United States. wd payt for them punctually. i r.o-i Fifly IfiT RUTH-- I.T the a I CvrtrLOiTMt or IT ef inm wl Ji may S-e liaJ ciieajv KIXIIS- t) Onto fine Jw.k ll fi-rr Vl. 1 ri- i' rf It. 5.

fell. fcr aeeiletili tn Rait Tllf.lR. HeaWr rwi ISAAC W. I.JCK.V!«im A I I.I. e.f Re.1 IC 1V liter WI.4II --II SPAPFRf NFWSPAPFR!.

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