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The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California • 2

Los Angeles, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


LAST NIGHT'S DISPATCHES LOS ANGELES DAILY TIMES. V. B. I DONT FORGET to drop me a line you igreeu to. The Mussel Slough Settlers Have UKAl.KB IX- YARNELL, CAYSTILE MATHES, Prop'rs, OFFICE HO.

9 TEMPLE BTBEET. Am wsitiiig patiently. J. apr l-3t an Adverse Decision. SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SM.

Am Roing oufof town for several dsrs. Will notify you of niy rrturn, and we will then attend to Mist matter. P. Jesse James Killed AgalB-AUorper-Gciiera The rain yesterdsy prevented me from Spectacles Fancy Goods. Will be on hand X'm seeping my agreement.

Brewster 8ajs the Chinese Bill Will be Vetoed. first line day. P. A dog recently went over Niagara Falls and through the rapids to the whirlpool, where he perished. There is a bill before the New York Legislature for the purchase of a copy of Webster's quarto dictionary for each school district in the State.

The Chinese authorities, to induce the people to use the telegraph and familiarize them with it, have made the use of new lines free for one month. In France parcels not exceeding six and a half pounds in weight, are conveyed throughout the kingdom for 6d, A practical watchmaker. Engraving a specialty. Coods sold engraved free of charge. Wo.

I Spring tos Angeles. sprt-im A If yim we this in the next three days call st once. al-Jt H. tssocltted Press Dispstches. NOTICE.

The Loa Ahoelxs Daily Time will be aold OB til the trsins of the Southern and Central Pacific Railroads; a loo on the Atchison, Topeka Baiita t'e and Texas Pacific road. TBI Times office ta connected with the tele hone system of this city, and those desiring advertise in or subscribe for this paper can do so by this means. The Tmtes can alao be fonnd at the newsstands of the Pslace and Occidental Hotels and bliss Boose, Ban Francisco. Notices of msrrlages, births and deaths are published gratuitously in the Times, and friends will confer a lavor by handing in or ending to this office such notices. 1 It would be sad times with the average Democratic editor if in conducting his" paper be was obliged to stick to the homely truth, instead of distorting liistory and uttering1 'falsehoods and forgeries.

We are reminded to say this by reading in a Tulare County Democratic sheet the following: '-Its the Republican party's strongest footholds and largest majorities are found in great money and manufacturing centers where the wealth of the country is aggregated in the hands of a few individuals." We wonder if the astute writer of the above ever heard of Tammany Hall and New York? He must be sadly short in historical and statistical information if he does not know MISCELLANEOUS. NEW TO-DAT. Against tbe llauford Settlers. Sav Fkancisco. April 3.

Judge A Decision 'Interest to Odd Fellows A decision has been rendered by a New York judge that will interest members of secret benevolent societies. Action was broughtj against a lodge of Odd Fellows by one of its members to recover "sick benefits'" to which he claimed to be entitled. The plaintifl had joined the lodge years ago when its by-laws provided that in case of sickness every incmler should receive a specified sum weekly "during his sickness or disability." Another section empowered the lodge to alter or amend the by-laws whenever deemed expedient. After the plaintiff had taken sick and while he was in receipt of the weekly sum allowed him, a by-law was passed reducing the amount of the payments from four dollars to one a week. The Judge decided that the lodge is bound to continue paying the plaintiff the full amount to.

which he was entitled when he became sick. The right of the lodge to change its by-laws is not denied. But the court decides that whatever sum any member is entitled to when he is taken sick must be treated as a fixed amount, which cannot subsequently be reduced during the continuance of the sickness. Sawyer, of the U. S.

Circuit Court, this morning rendered a judgment in favor of the Southern Pacific Railroad in the action brought by that Company against Doyle and others, the Mussel DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore existing between Barker snd Mueller bss this day been dissolved by mutual consent. O. T. Habkeb.

Otto Miklleb. Los Angeles, April 3, 1882. apt-lni J. H. STEWART WHOLESALE DEALERS IN if called for at the station, and 8d, if Slough settlers, in ejectment.

delivered. Jesse James Killed Again. San Fraxcisco, April 3. A Kansas AGENTS. B.

N. Rowe is the authorized agent for the Times st Santa Ana. Fbane Et is the authorized agent for the Timkb at Anaheim. MME. PRAESENT'S MILLINERY PARLORS 76 Spring I.os Angeles, White House Block, IDS ANGELES, CAL.

Charles J. Means of New York has designed and patented a new danger railway signal worked by electricity mrl2-lyr N. Coods sold at Retail that lork City is the money center of the country, and that there City dispatch says: "Jesse James has been killed. No particulars received as yet." and the moving train. It is asserted it In the best place to secure the latest styles of llounets.

Hats and other novi ltiea of the season. Present stock will be sold at greatly reduced prices to make room fo Spring PRICE REDUCED. is infallible. Afternoon Stocks. Sax Francisco, April 3.

DILLON KEHEALY'S the slums and stews breed the villains and repeaters who dominate at the ballot-box, and threaten destruction to the country at every general election. The Kezanlik valley, in Roumanio, importations. ap-iir California. 10c; Curry, 2 Union, On and after April lt the price of the LOS AXGELES is entirely given up to the cultivation of roses. The essence is sold in Paris Nevada, Eureka, 22; Jacket, 95c; Best, 4J; Overman, 20c; Belcher, 45c; MISCELLANEOUS.

It must be a very verdant young man Utah, 34; Diablo, Belle, Mex from $150 to $200 per pound, while it ho does not remember the New York ican, Oj; upnir, xt; savage, vc; LARGEST AND BEST STOCK is retailed at $500 or more per pound. riots gotten up in aid of the rebellion, Spring Importations of DAILY TIMES will be as follows: Per Week (delivered by Carrier) $0 20 For Six Months (by Mail) 4 00 For one Year (by Mail) 7 50 Bodie, 5i; Mono, 1J; Tiptop, 3J;, 16J. Recently a Russian locomotive on the mil the patriotic and virtuous Sammy Stereoscopic Views, A little girl sent to hunt eggs came back unsuccessful, aud complained that "there were lots of hens standing around doing nothing." When one of the Sultan's body guards comes late in morning parade, Ins head is always struck off with a ciinetar to teach him a lesson. Polish frontier was found to be a recep Tildcn, with his '-bail" of money, and BrcwMter Says it Hill be Vetoed. AVasiiixgtox, April 3.

Attorney- Artists' Materials tacle for smuggled goods. Suspicion hose chief recommendation for a can-idate is that he is unscrupulous in General Brewster, since the Cabinet NEWS OF THE MOKNING. And materials for Cameo Painting in Southern California can be found at J. A. Valder'S Dry Goods Fancy Goods.

being aroused, the engine was taken to pieces and there was found secreted meeting adjourned this evenintr, has sing that money as a corruption fund Picture Store, 42 Spring Loa Angeles, az-im said he thinks the President will veto the Chinese Bill. He declines to henever an election cannot be carried ithin it 123 pounds of cigars and several parcels of valuable silk. without the use of it. Why, the fact WANTS, FOR SALE, Etc. if the great money center should be answer direct questions, but is understood to mean that a veto has been positively determined on.

Wolves are still quite abundant in Advertisements nnder this head will be isfrancbiseel, and the bullies and re France. The killingof them is deputed 33 and 35 Los Angeles Street, charged Five Cents per line for each to certain officers known as lieuten Aud Xow it lMMt So. Denver, April 3. Advices from peaters therein be kept at home, the intelligent yeomanry and mechanics of Los Angeles, Cal. HEADQUARTERS FOR ints de loubetarie," and the rewards KYSON Sl'ITLLY bsve some seat cottage residences on sale at a bargain.

aprl for killing range from one to three Pueblo deny the report that the mob Friday night lynched three men ten miles from town, and say there is no foundation for the report. TO LOAS- dollars per wolf. It is charged that the the land weuld have a walk-over in politics, and the Republican banners would wave forever over the laud of the free. We take pleasure in informing the Ladies of Los Angeles ity and County that we are now receiving a large and well MONl Kpl ONEY -Enquire of liryson aprl itley. wolf-killers fight slow, not desiring to A FEW beautiful vacant resident lots for lose their offices, as they would were Another Nihilist shot.

Minister Ilurlbut is dead. Rain reported from vurious quarters. A report says Jesse James is killed again. Hanlon beats Boyd in a boat race at London. Diok Fellows strikes for liberty, but is recaptured.

Attorney-General Brewster says the Chinese Bill will be vetoed. More lynching reported from Pueblo, and the report denied. Two vessels collide off the Spanish coast. A large number drowned. Three vessels unloading railroad ties at Guayiuas and three more expected.

The Dakota insane asylum destroyed by tire. Four inmates burned to death. General Sherman's party is visiting the Indian Agencies and forts of Arizona. 1. sale.

UllYHOM S1T1LEV. Ilaiilim Heats Itoyd. London, April 3. Hanlau beat Boyd apl Buggies, Farm Spring Wagons, Header Trucks, Mowing the varmints exterminated. ssoited STOCK OF DRY GOODS in the various Departments.

Randolph Headers, Wagons Repaired, Trimmed and Painted at Short Notice. Horse Rakes. -U'KSISHEl) ROOMS and board: also board the boat race by four lengths, this CIRCUMSTANCES ALTEB CASES. I1 by the day or week at No. 3, First street, be- The telephone aud the electric light ninrning.

every instance we have purchased this large shipment for are fast working themselves into gen This is what the Herald says regard 1 1 fASTKD A sullk-ient number of individ. uala wishing to go east by southern ioute eral use in Austria. In Vicuna a tele ing the enforcement of the Sunday law Machines, Comntou. A liquor saloou was opened at Comp- to ioriu an excursion party, leaving about April Cash from the best markets in the World. We are in a phone exchange has 300 subscribers and in Los Angeles 10th, for which apecial arrangements will be provided.

Address, W. E. W'illmore, Los 00 more in prospect. The charge for "In the first place we deprecate all Mowing Machine Extras Always on Angeles, or call at no. unaer uiock.

ap-31 ton yesterday. The people of that berg were not thirsting for strong drink, ittempts to control people by any other Hand. instruments is about 40 per year, osition to give our customers the advantage of buying first-lass Dry Goods at the very lowest prices. SALE 2 mowing machines; 1 horse rake; '25 wheetbtirrows, and I'm) bird cages. agency than moral suasion." The famous Rmgstrasse, Vienna, the Moody Mtring street, near i irst, Los to any great extent, and a remonstrance against licensing the saloou received between four and five hundred sigua- 8.

Spkkuv, M. Uodswoktii, This is what it says in the same issue Angeles. aprn-lw finest avenue in the city, if not in Europe, is to be lighted by electricity, rcL'ardinir the enforcement of the law Three persons killed and several in sisson, Wallace d. 10S ANGELES PACKING ures, nearly every voter in the pre in Arizona: 130 Brush lights being required. TASTED To rent about live acres of iin" proved or unimproved laud within city limits, which can be irrigated.

Address P. O. Uox lU-iO, Los Angeles. a cinct having sigued it. the saloon keeper has declared it to be his inten "The majesty of the law should be jured at Beading, by the falling of a wall.

Spring flouring mill at Stock DILLON KENEALY The Lehigh Valley Railroad has a asserted at once niiu cuectively. at is lOH SALE BY THAVEIt UKAHAM-Keal relief fund from which employes draw too much to expect that such rank and 1 Estnte Brokers, 211 Spring street tion to close up Bununys, ana nor to sell to minors. The people of Compton think they can drive out the unwelcome intruder by letting it alone. ton burned. Loss insured for when disabled.

Each employe who I O.OOO-" ai res in city; highly improved, radical departures from law ami order ilumld be tolerated for any great lengtn sires contributes one day's work, if $80,000. A SUBMERGED CONTINENT. Two lull city blocks near Minn;house 7 rooms, o'ju bearing fruit trees, estimated croc $1,500 this yttar. of tune." not getting more than $2 a day, aud Corner Main and Requena Streets, $1,1 OO 'J acres, improved, just south of Pnssover. This ancient Hebrew festival began the company doubles the amount so The dispatches this morning arc raised.

When the amount is exhaust last evening with the going down of Ignatius Donnelly has recently published a work in defence of the story city; house, well, windmill, trees, etc. I f550 House, 4 rooms, Court, nr Temple, I ,200 House, rooms; Bunker Hill near 2d. very meagre. 1 here is no news irom the sun. It is the commemoration of ed a call is issued, and thus the fund 3QQ to 310 Hoif East Los Angeles MANUFACTURERS PEALKHS IS LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA.

Washington except the hint Attorney the Israelites of their deliverance from is kept up. During the year ended that a continent known among the ancients as Atlantis was sunk in the $525 House 4 rooms, Washington Garden tract; well, etc. General Brewster gives that the Cln- Egyptian bondage. To-day all good November 10, 1881, $24,994 was rais SALTED AND SMOKED MEATS, $2.400 House rooms; Bath, cor. Gth and Jews eat uuleavenea Menu anu miter a bill is to be vetoed.

The hope ed, aud $22,536 65 expended, leaving Atlantic Ocean by an earthipuikc. He is himself a firm believer in the story, herbs, and services will be held in all Synagogues throughout tho laud. SHn Pedro; large lot, tret -3, etc. $529 House 4 rooms, on street car route, near 1'niveriity. I I OO-House 4 rooms.

Charity near nth. a balance on hand of $2,403 93. that Arthur would sign the bill has come to be forlorn. The ground on BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF BACON HAMS. Lard In Tierces, Cnns and Cnddles.

Hmoked and l'lckled Tongues. SI. DOUSWOKTH, llusineas Manager. nirl3-lm Excepting the day of atonement, it is and supports his belief in a scries of In a prosecution for adulterating the most sacred least. which he has based his objection the twenty year clause is no ground at rASTEP 1,000 men at the Palace Coffee milk the prisoner explained the pres AT THE HOTELS.

House, commercial street, to eat pal ingenious and skillfully contrived arguments. He attempts to demonstrate the proposition that Atlantis was the home of a populous and mighty uiUllw ence of water in his can by saying the akes or eggs with eonee for l. eta. all. Our laws are not like those of the WOOD.

HAY AND COAL cover was accidentally left off, and Medes and Persians, but may be alter COSMOPOLITAN. MANGE GROVE Foil SALE Eighteen acres of bearing orange orchard, beauti- T. Davis "there was a right smart shower'1 all It Ilanley, El Paso; Cable, A ed as occasion demands. 1 he twenty ullv situated at San Gabriel, Los Angeles Baskets, Tubs, Pails. Bowls, Trays, Brooms, Brushes, nation, from whose overflowings both Bieo.

a Eimluuer, A Murphy, A county, with individual water right and new Lanterns. Clothes Wringers Sad Irons, Graniteware, Bath Tubs, Coffee Mills, Curry Combs Wash Boards, Stoves, Ranges, Gas Water Pipe, Pumps, Valves, Rubber Hose, Tinware, Sheet Ironware, Pressed Ware, the morning. The prosecution showed years may bo reduced at any time if it lias nnrrhsseit Hie Wnnrl nnil Hny Ynrd of R. McCull, II Prinke, Mansion, by inflexible calculation that no rain tmildmgB. Price, yio.lHH).

inquire ol Charles E. Yager, on the premises, or of his attoruey, Will D. Gould. Temple Block. Los Angelea, Rogers ou Sl'UlNCi KTKEET, between First sml Second, Hid will continue the business with America and Europe were inhabited and civilized.

Egypt he supposes to be the first colony founded, and is demonstrated that the interests of the country demand it. A great wrong Hamilton, nan Diego; Bbunth, hue; Sweet, Mich Uridger, St Louis; ever heard of since the deluge could Cal. mll-liu Karnes, II Hancock, Col ton; lorbett, a full stock of Hay, Wood and Coal. have got more than a pint of water will be done the people of the Pacific For Sale Cheap. Garden Tools, coast if the presidential signature is that the Phoenician alphabet, parent of all tho European alphabets, must have been derived from the Atlantcans.

into the can in half a day, while the test showed that six quarts had been Monte; Sims, Tombstone; Titus, Sun Gorgonio; Alvorde, Dewing; 11 Kirkmun, Pease, Nevj Crews, Sae; Selleek; A Boswell, KIrt BfDPED Orange trees, six years old withheld. The Feed Stnble has been discontinued, but OyJyJ will be sold cheap if applied for at AT MERRILL BABCOCK'S, parties wishing to rent stall room can be ac added. nce. Apply to HOltATIO MAltTEEN, commodated at reasonauie raies. iunt-u martini No.

Aliso street, It II Preston, Scotland Braj ton aud Astiionomy says it requires thirty 27 Spring opposite Court House, Los Angeles. An old anecdote comes to the front wife. A Lamanter, (J Broailbeek. years for the light of some stars to reach Manufacturers of Well Pipe. Practical Plumbers and Casfltters wife and child, Miss (rates, Felsen- a 'aim NEW TO-DAY.

When Atlantis perished a few persons escaped in ships and on rafts, carryiug to the natives cast and west the tidings which have survived in the flood aud deluge legends of the different peoples Coal Oil Stoves a Specialty the earth, moving at tho rate of 192,000 ld. San DicL-o; Keys, A Swa- "John," said a deacon, "have you ncv, Vail aud wife, Shelby, SP; miles per second. There is one at Sau sanded the sugar?" A McDonald, Toronto; A Poster STUDEBAKER WAGONS Luis Rey that does not take quite so Las Plures: It Euan. Sau Juan; A "Yes, sir." FOR THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF of both continents. long as vide its issue of April 1st: Chiumiau.

Sau Gabriel; Mitchell, "Have you put the chalk in the riato gives tin account of Atlantis Las Vegas; Sun; Bloa, Sau "California will be called upon this S. W. LUITWEIEEE, Agent, Corner Los Angeles and Requena Los Angeles. milk 2" in his dialogues, in which is shown year to elect one or two congressmen at Bernardino; ltzgerald, MJ i A ltiverside: liice and wife, artre. Ion.

Geo. Jiakcr, ot Ban reasonable history of a people who built temples, ships and canals; who Carter, St Paul; Curtis, El Paso, Farm Wagons, fl, 4-Spring Wagons Jose, is in the field for one of these po "Yes, sir." "Have you watered the rum?" "Yes, i-1 'Jf rtions, at the hands of the Republican Freight Wagons. GOLDMAN CO. GOLDMAN CO. GOLDMAN CO.

GOLDMAN CO. GOLDMAN CO. GOLDMAN CO. lived by agriculture and commerce PICO HOUSE. Woodruff.

Kanuer, Srins Watches, go to Clocks, go to Jewelry, go to Plated Ware, go to Spectacles, go to Watch Repairing, go to 3-Spring Wagons do Platform party." "Well, then, come in, its time for feu who in pursuit of trade reached out to felder, II Ghent, 11 Maedonuld, Baker was a pretty good man and it Header Wagons, prayers. all the countries around them. Steiuer. A eruro, A Murphy, is more than probable that the Repub Macaulev. Miicdonald, 11 Ghert, Vt Platform Trucks Buggies, A colored janitor of Philadelphia, In the presence of geology, it is not lican party is in full blast up there, but Hunch, Mrs Simpson, San Francisco; at all dillicult to believe in the total named Joseph H.

W. Cathcart has A Perreire. Guavmas; Liidard, then being such a new comer he would Dump Carts, submersion of a continent. It is evi curious library, which may eventually EVERYTHING Do not buv a farm wason until von have seen the iron truss hardly be a candidate this year. Santa Barbara; Kampling, Dem-niore.

Daniels, San Diego; Frank WARRANTED. Los Angeles, be useful to historians. For twenty-five dent that at one time the entire area of axle and slope shoulder sioke used on the STUDE.BAK.tR. OtU. Spvinsr Street, work carrf i ri aryesi Kit) in suuLiiuifi wai vi iiih.

Wmfield and wife, Orange, Cal; The country is saved again. If auri-iui Warranted. Cm-lev. Curley, St. Louis, Mo; years he has assiduously collected in scrapbooks whatever especially struck Great Britain was submerged to the depth of seventeen hundred feet.

What Bittmaun. Leavenworth, Kas; Wilson. San Gabriel; Theo Lynill, his fancy in the newspaper press, until there have been any doubts as to the season since the last great ruin they are now dispelled, and the most bountiful is now Sicily once lay deep bencat! Geo McAllister, Wm Kockford, Jos THE now he has one hundred large volumes, the sea, but subsequently rose 3,000 Harrison Anaheim; Irvine, San which he regards with affectionate feet above its level. The Desert of JoiKiuiu: Whiting, Chicago; ARCADE! SIEG-EL, crops California has ever known must inevitably result. The fall up to 8:15 NO MONOPOLY Carpets, Furniture, pride.

Three of these are devoted to Dasheil, Uollister, Texas; Jianey, Culliu, New York; Dominguez, Sahara was once under water, and its now burning sands are a deposit of the "China and Japan." "Incidents in the Mouterev: Copt Lobrano, Gnohno, last evening was 1.1-1 inches, and enough has since fallen up to this Life of Jefferson Davis" fill two vol sea We have history for an occur Squittaee, Buour, Patin, of the writing, 3 :30 a. m. to bring the record umes; "the reeainen's Bureau" ana rence that easily satisfies the mind as to the possibilities of an earthquake Italian man-ot-war Vuhtmo. ST. CHARLES HOTKL.

'Slavery" claim each five volumes up to 1.50. Every want has been sup AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS To arrive in a few days. Body Brussels, Tapestry and 3-ply Carpets One of the most interesting collections plied so far as water is concerned, and sufficiently extensive to swallow a con Cant Falk, Louis Moleno, Wilming Gents' Furnisher and Hatter, Cor. Main and Commercial ton; Grosofor, Uakersheld; i Colton "Poetry of the Rebellion," which the end is not yet. Tucson; Marshall, Centinela; Mrs contains about a thousand war songs.

tinent. At Lisbon, the point on the European coast nearest the supposed site of Atlantis, in 1875 an earthqunke Ingrains, Kidderminsters and Extra Superflnes, consisting of Brown. Sheet, San Bernardino; General Fkemost's claim to Alca Teinkev. Clare, Alic, Wil The Isthmus Ship Railway bill, re the latest designs in East Lake, Queen Ann and scroll patterns in beautiful shades of Old Cold and Ecru, and In fact all the latest traz island has been supplemented by LOS ANGELES, occurred which in six minutes swal CALIFORNIA. nirl'Mm cently favorably reported upon by the mingtou; lh08 Gannon, collon, aiiss Collon, Newhull; Earnst, Mo; a petition from Mrs.

Jessie Benton colorins will be ODened for linsoection in a few days. No trouble lowed up sixty thousand persons, Senate Committee on Commerce, pro Warren, Orange; Geo Kowan, city Fremont to the Senate for twelve acre to show goods. Don't foreet the New Store. 134 MAIN Los Angeles, Cal great concourse of people had assem vides for a guarantee by the United Shenck, San Jose; Chambers and in the north of San Francisco, which wife. Savanna, 111; Eice, wife and bled on a new wharf built of marbl States, of a dividend of six per cent she claims was illegally seized SHARP, BLOESER ULLMAN, Proprietors sou.

Tustiu City; Anthony, River ESPERAtlZA STORE. LA which suddenly sunk with all upon it per annum, for fifteen years on $50. side; Hume, league, during her absence in 1863. If the and not one of the dead bodies ever 000,000, in return for which the Rail Fremont family have any more claims Teugue, Pomona; John Pureell Arizona Jarvis, Plymouth, 111; Richardson, way Company shall transport gratis WHOLESALE AND RETAIL came to the surface. The water at the same spot is now six hundred feet let them trot them out.

New York. EXITED STATES HOTEL. for ninety-nine years the mails, war 1882 spring. 1882 deep. vessels, and all other property of the It was reported yesterday that Min Isaac Johnson, Santa Monica; But we have no need to go abroad United States, and shall transport ister Sargent would pass through the Richardson, Santa Rosa; Rowan for evidence to reasonably substantiate American merchant vessels for one- city en route to the East this morning Kirklund, Ills; A Beebe, city; Wm Crow her, Anaheim; Putnam, Or the supposition of the loss of a conti half the rates charged by the com GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS.


on the way to the scene of his labors in the German Empire. The telegraph ncnt. We have on the Pacific Coast ange; Wadhani, Wadham, Mrs A Hovey, San Diego; Geo Pray, many witnesses to speak of the changes brings no information as to the cor Arkells, Moesscr, Santa Ana Gardener, Bakersfield; Chas Fergu pany on all other commerce except that of Mexico. It is further provided that for any advances made by our government under its guarantee the going on between the ocean bottom of rectness of the report. son, A Patton, San Fernando; Williams, 8 A Gray Lewis- Tue San Diego Sun thinks it would ton, 111; Farnsworth Muscatine, company is to give its bonds, payabl hundreds of thousands of years ago and the mountains of to-day.

The Indians now living at Calicnte Springs on the Colorado desert have a tradition be no more than justice to put the in fifteen years, without interest, which Iowa; Rapptey, Kalamazoo; Charles Pitcher, Hneneme; Bell, Bishop Earp party at the head of the law and bonds, in the event of their non-pay Creek; Wood, Belfast; Chas Howard ment at maturity, are to be receivable Riverside; Bnbcock, Aznsa; order clement, and commence a war of extermination upon the thieves and Shields, Diego; Davis, Berkeley for tolls on any American vessel, with Jarvin, Plymouth, 111; Welch cut-throats. Correct. of the time when their forefathers sailed in canoes across the present valley to the mountains on its northerly side. In San Diego county, far inland from the present sea-beach are seen the ten per cent, added to their face value, Mojave; Jos Elton, Tulare; Miller, We Are Kow Prepared to Show New Styles in Half-Hose, New Styles in Underwear, New Styles in Gloves, New Styles in Suspenders, New Styles in Handkerchiefs, New Styles in Scarfs, New Styles in Windsors. Purdy, Marshall, Uriswold, Azusa.

SOT SATISFACTOKT. FISHER, RICHARDSON DISSOLUTION SALE We have a fine lot of budded nud seedling orange trees tbat will be sold at prices which defy competition. Xow is the time to come and select your trees aud haTe them marked. Trees bonght ot us can be left in the nursery till the last of May if desired. All stock not sold before the 18th of April will be closed out at pubiic auction on that day.

Also the horses, wagons, harness, farming utensils, two houses, stable, sheds, corral and outbuildings belonging to the company. tTrees at Private Sale till day of Auction. FISHER. RICHARDSON Near Washington Gardens, Los Angeles, mCal. The telegrams this morning say that Jesse James has been killed.

Jesse is like a cat; he has been killed a great bones of marine monsters, undoubt An Ina-eulons Answer. The Salt Lake Tribune declares that the The foreman of the jury which tried selection of Senator Teller for the In ed! stranded there when the waters subsided. Hundreds have seen the remarkable beds of oyster shells in San a shop-keeper for violating the Sunday many times, only to as often enjoy resurrection. terior Department will not be satisfac law, having reported a disagreement of tory to the non-Mormon residents of Luis Obispo county, twenty miles in the panel, was askea by Judge lux, "Do you disaijree on questions of law Utah. In the Campbell-Cannon con General Grakt is at Washington lobbying for the restoration of Fitz land and several hundred feet above or questions ol fact?" replied, "It test, Teller has said that in his jud tho sea-level.

We have in our posses John Porter to the army. ment there was nothing here to call for pretty hard question to answer. Some of the jurors are all right as to the law tind facts, but it seems to be question sioii'a shell taken from sand-stone the interference of the Government the mountains near Fort Tcjon, at in A new process of preserving meat has been introduced in England, jn of interest and principle with them." that Governor Murray's refusal to give Cannon a certificate of his election was elevation of some three thousand an Subsequently, after tno jury naa ocen discbarcred. a iuror being questioned an outrage, and that if he were Presi feet. These evidences are conclusive fcThe Public is most cordially invited to inspect.1 dent he would cut off bis official head as to the meaning of the riddle gave that our hills and valleysjwere once without a day's delay.

far below tho ocean1 surface, and answer: "I guess it to their interest not to apply the principle of the law." which instead of steeping the carcass in an antiseptic, the preservative chemical, boracic acid, is introduced into the live animal, and by the action of the heart is sent through the blood vessels and capillaries into every part of the body. The animal is first stunned, whereupon its left iuirular vein is prepare the mind to give credence to CLEARANCE SALE! OS BARGAINS K5 BARGAINS! TROCONIZi hiving hni nofi flrd to remove from bis pnaent locsUnti, to mike room for new building, ht is therefore compelled to sell out sil his stock within thirty days. Special Bargains offered in Hats and Lace Goods, such as Ties, Collars, Fichus, etc. Remember the Place. J.

TROCONIZ'S CHEAP STORE, Corner of Soring and First Streets. Los Angeles, Cal. In a competitive trial between two butchers at Fresno, the other day, one theory that when they arose from the This brings to mind the speech of Toodlcs in the farce It's against mr interest to PV principal, and of them killed and dressed a sheep in JAOOBY depths, other hills and valleys went down int the vacuum thus created. five minutes and twenty seconds, and against my principle to pay interest." San i rancisco i ou. laid bare and the liquid injected, after which it takes about two minutes for it to go through the whole vescular a beef in ten minutes and twenty seconds.

Another butcher who was prea And these thoughts and facta will give Temple Block The Popular Clothiers, A little daughter of Chris Dangberg, a plausibility to the arguments of Mr, ent, but not one of the competitors, killed and dressed a sheen in three system. Meat res tea in this way can be preserved at ordinary summer tem of Carson Valley, was choked to death Donnelly, and help to make interesting sub 31-1 a apr2-lm minutes and twelve seconds. last Friday while eating nuts. perature lor nve or six weeu. a perusal of his work.


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