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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 22

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i. PERSONAL EVENTS IN Mi'? dna Owen, of Martins UJe. is the. iicajt ot Miss ioy lirown. Ml'nrI Mjw Cortngtcn, Ky, vlsttlns; Mlw Nell Orahm.

Jfr M. S. "WaUare ia In Lapprt to fnrtwo wk 1tb reUUres. I Hr 'WtlUn LaHT entrtHMl the Lat Pook Club TaUr aftmcjon. yin.

Ami nana Mtsr her lUtrr, Mrt. A. VJMman. ar for liuntlnrtcm. W.

Va. to pend a "ttl toward A. DU1 aad Qn, rf ktch PanrtUe, and lU'w1 Dorothy Sortoor. btr wtlnr of th rTn Club calKl far artemoon with Iren HoruJt. I nSSt Mra, F.

a.AVynu. North Alabama street, I Monrti returned to her borne. In. Ft. ime, day.

I iai 1 asre E. Rime lor two weeka. returned home lat UhU WL PI OK are. af lanaaa are vtattln Mr. and Mra.

jL. D. lioblnaon. ox wni i Tbe Rv. ai4 Mrt.

P. HeaTetirwe. T. J. jennlncs.

nave reiyrn Mr JfoMphlw SlURenkey entef laineu 1V Latonia tinon viuu i Miss Klrfb will be the nt If. vjr nd Mra. Alexander Monrine. of MrlVtn ilaee, a a valentine party laet renlnr for their lauhter. MW Irene Monroe.

The Iru Club wll entArtaiaM by fiuit WaaWnstoa atret't, next Friday 'f 1 Mri. John W. 60Qke save a party Ur Jl tnrv.llTt ehUdren cele hrate (he Mrihday anniversary her mo Walter. I Mt. ICharlei A.

Wilder, who rWtel her Mra. ftellU Runnela. TnonthTnreturhcd to her home In bind, to day. n. if.Min nnh will observe for CleTe a eo Hal dny next Saturday, at the Central avenue and Thlrty lovrth tre.

Pri and MrCarleton 'B "McCall4 en trrtetnod a few fttenda Irformally U4 eotpr for their meet. Mist Illcier Tt na. Mrs. WVQ. DePanw whlve a hiacheor next week.

In honor Mri tHPiu Mrt. lfubbert, who.wlU vlail Mrs. i Addison C. Harris. and Mrs.

James Calderhead an Vrtirh tha ens aawnent thrtr da irbter sr RJd John M. WalL The 'ddlnj? viil take pJace In March. Th Dat.rhters ot the Revolntloi v.11 r3otorate 'Wahlng Con'a birthday aj a from to day. with a reception at tha hon of tl resent. Miss Voss.

Miss Alma Winston Wilson, whp ha en.iH at te Deaconet Hospital To left tc dsy for Chicago, to iiet. several weeks' with relatives. Miss Cora Kaufman and Aaron Ksuf finn have rone to Rock Island. BL. to visit thctr alster.

Mrs. Mayer Rosenfeld, nd later they will go to IMr. and Mrs. Itedfteld. of Chicstrp.

are ialtinr Mrs. Jtwrin ld a motner. Mts. M. William, and famUy.

of Talbotl ave Mrs. Redneld will remain two weeks. hConv4ilal Club wss entertained at at by Miss Laura Hoffmann an Mls lru)e Hsr at toe iwmo or the ictrmer, in Esst Tenth street. at iueaayr'en Miss Harriet FUch; and Bward Ionnell anduj. A.

tlonkey will to (lrr.flld neat Frldar to attend a Wash Jnjrton birthday, dance to bo given jy the J. beorre will receive rualJv Tuedsr. afternoon, from r.r Mrs. IL George and Miss Jeorgi. of Memphis Tenn.

There se no Mr. and Mrs. William P. CourhlenJ Jras Alloways and Mtas Florende will leave Monday for Aahivllle H. and Charleston.

H. remain Mrs. Milton Geyer and daurhter, Vrnk Boyd entertained about rie.i'tits last hUht. with a valenHne narty There wvre valentines for. all the.

quests, Kamea and priaes. i 2tlsf' Amy and Cthyl McCarthy brare a nlentlne party Thursday eveclnsM Red predominated in the decorations, qrhtt and ft reshraenta. The name cards (aere miniatures in water Mrs. Frank Q. DarUnrton will rereive informallv Wednesday afternoon forlMra i.

A. Mil burn, of Chlearo. formerly of aaj trs sty ui i nfor to Floy Mrs Mrs. forty hls city, who is expected Monday toivlsU ay to visit hrr. There are.

rQ levttatlona. '5S Edith McMsster aave an i lLmchn dayfur Ml Potter, mformal of pen Rea ver. who Is 4be ruest of MIas Cuba can. and for Mlsa Touhf. who recently rrrooved to this city from Chlearo.

Mrs." Tjouls Jlr Wolf will receive li formally Monday afternoon from to honor of her stetenk Mra J. F. Jivrhes. of Topeka, and MUs Y. A tniita fr fAICPaO.

turn mc uu mills MrNand Mn. Edwin Farmer, of 1 tm re. formerly of tbjs city, will rp to T.nrore early In April to remain a esr. Mr Varmrr has a leave of abeenca rom 4 he Institute; with which he It omectei. Mrs.

Ada M. Carey has rone to FHritfa to stay several wveks, and Miss Henrietta and MUs Mary E. Colgan will occup1 her 'hrtjse. Mrs. Gcrrell And dauahterj of Chicsro.

will In the Mirs Coliijans' apartments at ine tiaooerna. Judre L. J. Monka and Mrs. Mnki have closed their home in WtRchestei, "and are with Mr and MrsT.

J. KJie at the Colonial. Mrs. Klser Is a dauichtr of Jodre and Mr. Monks.

They will return to Winchester next June. nuaoer of friend rave a surprise part last piht to Mri. K. L. Gardner to eelchrate her birthday Nanniversacy.

Mint! Crav Gardner, her datfahter, arTasrrd the narty and waa asaisted by Miss Ev Gardner and Miss TsoW iorell, A Paris paper received In this city! an Twunce that Mrs, IL B. Holman and Mis Holman are there for an lndffl MNOERS 6 Colds and Grip "Colds weaken the lunc. lower the vitality gnj pave the stay tor caUnh.uieurwbriis 'a consumption. 'V 1 Look around you at the vast number Kho have contracted these disease, every one ol whom ewes tyfc aillictloft to a nctrlccted gold. Chamberlain i Gougli liemedy l.s world wkle; rcptitaUon for lis cities.

cures of colds and grip and can awai be: drpeftdeJ upon, It is kraiattit and safe to take. It counlergcts anj" tendency VovUrd I $ncirrKnia." nlte visit; that Mrs. James Robert Mc Kee is there and that her son Benjamin Harrison McKee is 'attending a school near. Geneva, Switzerland. Mrs.

John Miller Lilly gave a luncheon of etfht covers to day at the Columbia club in honor of Mra Alexander Peddle, of Emmettaburr. who is vlsltinr her tester, Mrs. Hugh McGlbeny. The table decoration wajt of spring flowers. Mrs.

"ilay Wright Bewail will not observe her W'ednesoays at home this montn. MraxSewill la In D. attending the Woman's Suffrage Association meeting, and later will attend the meeting of the National Council of Women. Joseph Schaf has gone to New Tork and will sail Tuesday on the Kaltter Wllhehn der Groese for Psrls to join rus family. a week in Paris be will take his family to southern France and Italy for the month of March, returning to Parts about April Mr, and Mrs.

G. CJ White, of 2216 Broadway, entertained lat evening for liss Frances White, whose marriage to Mr. Bernard, of Penver, will take plave Wednesday. To night Miss Allard. of North Pennsylvania street, will give a card party tor Miss White and Mr.

Bernard. Mlsa Percy Gosney gave a hearts party last i night In honor of her ulster. Miss Gosney, who recently returned from Kan ess City, and Miss Wilson, of that city, who jcame with her. decorations were in red and white and In heart shape and the color and form was carried out in the refreshments. There were about thirty guests.

Mrs. W. O. Clark and Misa Kelle Sorner vtlle entertained last night with a progressive domino party at the home of Miss Somerville, The guet of "honor was Miss Mae. Adams, of Scotland, 11L.

a sister of Mra. Clark. The rooms were decorated with hearts and Ihe refreshments were In heart, shape. The favors for the guests were poster Miss Elixabeth Leedy gave a reception to the Fletcher Place Epworth League Cabinet and the Indianapolis Plstrict Epworth League Cabinet at her home in East Merrill street, Wednesday evening. The entertainment and decorations were all appropriate to St Valentine's day.

The favors consisted of a rrouD picture of the Fletcher Place Cabinet on heart shaped euros. A present of $19 was a pleasant surprise to tha ladles' society of the Maennerchor at the valentine "euchre yesterday afternoon. The gift was from a party of men that attended the masquerade ball last week representing the "Twentieth Century Police Couft," and the money was the result of the fines they imposed. The ladies' society decided to use. the money to buy some article for the Maennerchor parlor.

Misses Joseph ihe and Evelyn Dunn gave "fad' party Thursday evening In honor Mrs, Richard Milburn, of Greenfield, n. The guests were Mrs. E. C. Tinsley, Mrs.

Carolyn R. Faint, Mrs, L. Jordan. MUj Rubv Moore. Mist Julia Moore.

Miss KWoa Jordan. Miss Dora Culp, Miss Lora Mil. Mra Gordon. Mrs. John Monks, the Mlsa WsUhes.

Mrs. L. Foxworthy, Mtse Kate Gibson, Mrs. Alcott and Anna Cunningham. A Kalamasoo paper has the following: 'Miss Kell Payne, of Indianapolis, and orge W.

Gllderman, of this city, were aarrled Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, it tha home of the officiating clergyman, he Rev. E. E. Branch. The witnesses ve'ro Mr.

snd Jesse Reese, with horn Mr. and Mrs. Gilderman will live ir the present at West North street, Mr. and Mrs. Gllderman have re ently come to Kalamasoo from Indiana trolls." Master George Tyler gave a valentine party last night at his home in West Thirtieth street.

Mrs. M. Tyler and daughter. Mrs, Blanche Jones, bad charge ina me guesis were Jtunra ispaj wonee, Alloa Clara Brown, Irtna Cecil McHolrnes. Effle Collamore, Masters Kaymond Purham, Joseph P.

Durham. Elmer," Warter and Otner Gunter. Frederick and Howard, Larsen, Garrett ha whan, Robert Moorman and Harold Brown. Misses Frances and Lila Allison entertained the members of the Go I Go Club last evening, and each "member invited a guest. There was a postofflce open until 14 o'clock and after that there was dancing.

A buffet supper was served from a long table deoorated with flowers and lights. The rooms were decorated With hearts In red and green, the club colora The guests were Palmer Baumes, Joseph and Earl Miner, Howard Griffith. Frederick McCrea, Roy Shields. James Randall, Todd Hyatt. Walter Pfaff, Wallace Taylor and Shirley Richardson.

The Sans Soud Club rave a valentine party laat night at the home of Misa Myrtle Craft. The rooms were festooned with red hearts and were fragrant with carnations. The club name In red had above It L'8. H. S.

in white and blue The table in the dining room bad baskets of red carnntlons below a trianrle of red hearts. The refreshments were in pink and green. Progressive hearts was played and souvenirs were given. Mist Edna Owen, of Martinsville, visiting Miss Joy Brown, the nreeldent of tha club, was among the guests. Miss Gertrude Kantrowltx.

3014 North New Jersey street, win entertain the club next Friday afternoon. Miss Harriet Allard will entertain the members of a club this evenins with a hearts party in honor of Miss France one of the member, and Mr. Ber nard, of Penver. Col, to whom Mtse White will be married next week. Lust n'ght Mr.

and Mrs. G. C. White, of Broad way, save a family party for Mlsa White and Mr. Bernard, who.

arrrv ed yester day. The rooms were hung with wedding oeus ot rin a ana wnite. ana the ices were served In bell forms. Tne guests were amused with euchre, for which pretty prises were given. The ruest were Mr.

and Mrs. G. W. White, parents of the bride elect; Mr. and Mrs.

Edward White. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrrv Portr Mra Man 'Ellis. Mrs.

Elizabeth Hudson. Mlsa Paphne White, Miss Harriet Ellis of Cin cinnati, Mrs. George Ellis of uncle. Mr. jonn jodd or uouiaj Dr.

and Mrs. Herman Martin of Penver and Earl White, The Aftermath Club. will have a ruest evening Wednesday with Mrs. V. W.

Woodward and a drawlngroom musicals sill be given with the following pro gram: "The natterttr" (Chaminade) and "Viola Grand March" (Paul Bahri. by George Leavitt Brown; "Prologue to 11 Pagiiacd." by Edward Nell: "Ab olu Uoiu" a reading, by Estelle Lovell Ed. mondsj mandolin, "Beneath the Low Thatched Roof Again" Gel bell: "Alice. Where Art Ttoouf' (Ascher); "Belle of ft'w lora tciark i. ny Mrs.

Charles E. White; "Over Yellow Fields" chm.Y,i ade): Tair Helen" (Hastings): The Cuckoo Bird" tMyera), by Mrs Behymer; "I Adore Thee" Larnat Violets" (Ellen (lonej). by IL Teaaelle Mercer; solo, Mrs. James M. Leathers; reading "Mak in an Editor Outen rm" ic'arlton) An Old Sweetheart of Mine" bv Miss Edmonds; "Irish IY.

2 ULang): "Marchloneas" nese ljos song tmomas), by Miss i wB" 1D Refractory Monk" (Rosse), by Edward Nell. The Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter of vs. tton When Clubs will Meet. Friday Cnvenatiqn "lub. February Onturv Chin.

February Is ru. bv Samuel L. Mtller. French Club. February 17 With Mr? S.

E. Mor s. ISA North Meridian tret. Fortnightly Uterary Club. February lv Hector Fuller will rai a pupr or.

"Thackeray Sketching rhib. February dav. "Romance In Feudal I'ustle. iy Mi; Sara D. Mayo.

Winona Chautauqua Readme Cirri February 17 With Mrs. E. i Umwn. ir4 Ashland avenue. Magazine Club, February 22 Sorial day.

Committee, Mm. Rose S. Coleman. Mr? E. P.

Brown and Mr. M. J. Al'iison. AfWmath Club, February 19. with V. W. Woodward. lrnwtnK room muidcaJe arranged by Mrs. C.

Bchy mer. Catharine Merrill Club. February 22 Members' day. Story by Miss May I Shlpp. Election of officers.

Tea at 4 o'clock. lrvington Wojmin's Club. February 17 With Mrs. Thnmpaon. "Walter Soott." by 4 wi i Through Germany." illustrated with tboj stereopticon by Prof.

William Howe. Committee L. B. Hopkins. Miss Harriet Rit I ter.

Mrs. McGilllard and Mrs. K. H. But ler.

For Mrs. Brlggs, Mrs. J. Alfred Barnard gave a luncheon I 1 I i Correct standing position. One foot forward, free of the weight of the body fnr the conservation of energy.

Correct posture Is the summum bonum of all physical training. Like tr)e kingdom of heaven, this attained, ah things are udded hervto. and again like unto the desired to attain, a constant vigil must be kept, till ftrvngih has supplanted conscious efTort. and one Shall have begun right living, natural living, living as the God designed. It has been said that "Man alone stands erect." but I say unto you that a few men only statd erect.

Statistics prove that onLy about vrr person In every one thousand carries the viscera at the proper altitude, in the oilier 599 there is a more or less pronouncvd prolapsus of one organ upon the next low. thus limiting the function or making the natural action quite imjostble. The lungs are compress so that there is never the complete Interchange of oxygen in the air cells of the lungs and the I rli tlrtvtrj. a n.l nlhpr WAjafe r.TOdUCtS of the tissues carried to the lungs by the blood. Enough poison Is left ln the blood (and returned to the hungry tissues) to muddy the complexion, dull the eyes and stupety the brain.

The iungs. fauing to do their full share of work assigned' by nature, the cleansing of the sstem of it own waste products forced urrin the skin and kidneys, and the action of these organs Is Impaired by overwork. It is not uncommon for the stomach to be om involved, nature being so anxious to rid the body of that which will bv the cause of its undoing. rii lis tne laugntera or tne American Revolu The stune. the "keel' of the body tanalo rl.i.l.nX.

7 tne keel of a being unable to AdiaotJ Bybee. 1514jnold lis correct form without the support J5LOIiLErnMyhfnl BtrS celebrate of and elastic muscles. a the birthday anniversary of George Waah form easiest to maintain a Uwvd hack uigvou. tot progTwin wiii include' musical or lateral curv rve selecUona by Mra Carroll B. Can Ketcham and Miss Anxa Sickles, and Miss Emily Fletcher wlU read a paper appropriate to the day.

The executive committee is Mrs. Bybee. Mrs. Chapin Ftoeter. Mr.

Augustln Bolce, Mrs. O. W. Bloan and Mra. James M.

Winters, assisted by Mrs, George' Sullivan. Mrs. Thomas Thompson. Mr. Geo.

W. Stout. Mlsa Myrtle Smith, Miss Alto M. Snyder. Mrs.

Cortland Van Camp, Miss Van Camp, Mrs. A Waits. Mis. B. U.

Waloott, Mrs, X. Walker. Mrs. Wll Vuxhby Walling. Mrs, George Warren.

illKe tr.e iciies i in which one shoulder "and ore hip share in the diatortion. In this conation a constant strain is put tipo.r a nervous syst already weaket.ed under fed or lnt uffl ciently oxydUed tissues, nnd thus ill follows ill ad lr.fUiHum. ui.tli itrnw atiL effect bjebv'ine interwoven. rormiriK "a vicious and a short rut to health seems lpieiess A do Uir of K'rutas;" upon being ask. why t.

talk le formerly of the tl.e'lt of i r.i tng replied, ttv'tl iio j.rt reejled astonishing a slty for physhnl vrclse, that the task converting peuj.le. Miss Alice lck. Mrs. Charles TV tillam.

I who. from old superstition and prejudt Miss Alma W. Wilson, Mrs. Eloise Wilder. Mrs, W.

F. Mrs, D. f. Wlnlngs. Mrs, Charles IL Wood.

Mrs. Juliet K. Wood. Mrs. Kmll Wulschner.

Misa Mary Terkea and Misa tuaan H. Ttrkes. abas body to "mind." seemed so ggantir gs to be useless The "mind" or thought, is a prodii' of. or correlative width the brain, the brain is a fart of tne body. How can any training 'r 22 THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1902.

AND SOCIAL OF CITY AND STA TE WHEi SOCIETY WORLD THE CLUB CALENDAR Mr. Mvla F. Rltsintrrr The floral em for the tabl" wa. an nvnl ba 'if And wlii: hacinths The (tufsiy with Mr Bnsrp.J were bcr sister! Mrs. Clint, L.

Har and Mrs C. lisuVisen. Mr. Henrv Atkins. Mr.

llllani F'r'le Herod. Mr. Frank G. rar ItnKton. Mr flarranl Vimty Mr.

Henry IV bum. Mrs Kdw T.i I. McK Mrs. Mt nrv Wallace hikI Mis Marion Club Bail. Tb Marion "luli experts to its tt nKTeysfiil affair li'tt Monday night, when the annual ball will be Civet, at th tierman Il.iusi..

Many lni tatlons have been sc nt out in the rlty and throughout the The aspem bly hall will be elaborately decorated with electric lights and green and the corridors will also be ir. festal array. Each season the club ha? endeavored to ur pas the ball of the previous wintpr and unusual effortb have been put forth this and thfc members of the club that will do the honors of the floor are Thomas E. Rosemary Club. February 17 "Amer Pottvr.

chairman; William A. Bogar ican Humorous by Mis Edlrh Au, H. F. Hackedorn. Dr.

John J. Kvl Beck; "Bret Harte." by Miss Harriet frank C. Cutter. William Pirtie Herod. day.

after pndlnir a few day mother. Mrs. Mallnda Brunson. with her CLERMONT. Harry Howard, of Connersville, i her friends.

Roy Carvin rv muslcale at his home Wednesday evenlnjj. Mlsa Kathrjn coin, who is visiting her mother, Monday. Ping Pong and Its Excitement I'm; it the name Hw riven to what known as winter or table tennti. It is a rrai" New "iirk. Pittsburg, Chl lA ui.s and other cities.

Ping Ionu amcnts are frequent and the e(Jterftfnt Is irh thnt mpny large wager are made. It said that a New York man lost Jl.r" in one night on this parlor panic Louis last week an Indlana ni.m watched ring that was W. iK a a gume to the winneT. It Is tint a frame of chance, but is one of skill, and lUate skill at that It is a fascinating gam, and It is played hour after hour without thought of fatigue. Anyone who understands tennis and Is skilled in It may become an expert at ping pong in short time.

Ping pong, or gossfma, it is called in England, is played on a table, about nint feet long. year to make every detail attractive. I Tnrep Doarda ln the ordinary din hul'per and Its manner of serving. There will be an orchestra to play for the dance Inir room extension table will fill the bill. The remainder of the rume has to be "ought and the price ranges from J2.50 to a set.

The price of a very good set and the kind in getrera! use is $5. This includes two rackets or "battledores," cov Ladles' Social Circle of the First Bap Vamey. Dr. Albert M. Cole Dr.

V. R. 1 mi vellum parchment; a net. the list church. February 21 ith Mrs.

A. Charlton, Paul G. Arblll. John Bow width of a table, abouf seven Inches high l). uates.

faper on "Mexico. airs. Tliomas J. Carter. Cass Connaway.

S. A ti 1 1 i 1 hr VT rm I Rtcrr I Ghn.b Ti.i Woman's Club. Februan 21 "Tlie Pass Ch'arie "pU3h TMnaIl im.SIs with screws for fastening scored game for that player, except as Ing of the Quaker," bv Mrs. A. Cox; "Personality a Power." by Mrs.

V. K. Hendrlckn; conversation on the papers. Mr. J.

H. Holllday. leader. Woman's Research Club. February 17 With Mrs.

F. H. Holt. Responses from Tuttle. Henry J.

Brandon, Grin Muir. them to a tabfe. and the dozen or eighteen u.o 1.. k.iiu. iiuip criiuioiu Daus.

i tie nans are iixe ler A. uaas. C. Hadley. K.

David AMy.lanM a a r. Winkle and Its German Original, by Mrs. chairman, has general charge of the en tennis. The game ia played by two persons, one standing at each end of the table. Tho one making the first play Is called tha server and the, other Is the strlker out.

The server drops the ball from a little hlght above the table and as It descends lilts it over the net to the other side of the table. The ball must drop on the ta ble on the opposite side, of the net and as it rebounds the striker out on that side returns It in the samo way to the opponent. Should the one delivering the ball' send Charles Howard. wh has ben ths i beyond the table so that It falls to rodd, returned to Oreencastle i 1 noor anu given tne opponent no op i port unity to play, the opponent counts PHYSICAL TRAINING FOR WOMEN Written. ffr The Indianapolis News by Edith Miclure Love, of the Iudiana ttat Normal School sl TV'W IrY Hi I.

vJ Faulty standing position, throwing the weight of the rxxly on onp hip. Like tc cause curvature uf the spine ln youth. POSTURE or laik cf trainir.g. fali to affe thi. eal" mechanism, "soul help body nrn than dy "The hrst requisite to in life i to be a good animal." The education and cultivation of men on anv other basis is analogous to the hou builiid upon the sand.

So Interdependent Is body and brain tne carriage of the body ha: a marked effect upon the feelings and emotions ard the attitude of ralnd determine tn posture of the body unless there is a conscious effort to disguise the Inward condition. are so Impressed by an ur rlgt'd triK and a lofty poise of the head tha whether we formulate the thought or ie.t. there things suggest the patrician or I'ary training, both of which presuppose advantages of education, cloture and environment, tending to enlarge, ennoble nnd make courageous. F.ven ln fancy urn ran not imagine a genuine villain with uplifted and goodly breadth chest, finely 7olsed head and a steady, diren gaze wiil open eyes If such an appearing rogue should come a painted cer.e the play would, tn spite of consummate art otherwise, be a fiasco A narrow, depressed ehest, protruding abdomen, drooping head and ehainbling gall are not features of personality to Inspire large confidence, admiration or respect, and are characteristic of animals and lower typeS of man who have not ln the progression of. evolution gone fnr in advance c( the gorilla type.

"I like that ery chair should be a throne and hold a kinc" that every womaM should be "every Inch a tjueen." that the persons 1 pass In the street should "look like somebody not like anbody: that every bead should bo poised like young Victory or like a thrush from whose fuil throat a Joyous song i poured forth these a'tltudes are very i ositive influences for good, and are contagious and Inspiriting Kxample here as elsewhere is worth doubie "precept upon precept." The Injunction, "put ur shoulders back." Is manlngirsfl as an alphabet, for by so doing one has yet a groat deal to do before seeuring correct posture, and whep muscles have kt their power of contractility it isujuite impxisslble to maintain such a iK'stun for long. Hold ln thought Iwing tall, tre growing child and stooping friends to sit tall, and stand tall. Somehow this phrai does se. to hold tan idea that 'is helpful Assuming a tf rret stsnding jxsltlon often throughout the day ter.Js to the mind tbralni and in the nius les. It t.

the old psvf hologlTil )aw so long hko dlseov ered "Thought tends to realtx. itc.r" grow like what we think of." The patl nt child, whore watchful Ftrtvrs after all things pure ajjd DJga. FLaJi LalLe thU abU bf I.e. tne ln'ter ma 1 iK oer i tr si chilv'j ti It Is liaKdl 'f tie phr.Vf cao I i 1 put tl.i well iC dom. in.

poise the weight of the of th (designed ami iu: gut yery I'vre the fllclent IeVer 'good form" in any sense to ipro.H one's frinris ith the at Kiin 11 body. 'Ion padding. bnMi. an i "i rfei tintr" the lU'iin of the rest 'tfre prer ludes ill other shams for they jtrt: not oiov sum is a verteot if tire, but grotesque, and I iiorA that rlg.ire is A of j'osturi. at .1 we uie freeing our if s.owiy.

of tS. that 1 hold "i.iur if.i!:..;:i;" gradual, lu Mire If post. ir ik. a figure per fe, cry it makes dfta.ts yulte if tl ed at all. I have he.ird that "Th I iies" was so b.

eause of her 1 bearing and I am1 S.irc that the Vniti. of Alii. 1 arnat. ie.l,l not in adni ration of the most d'se. should she shamble into a studio ih hip forward and sunken sL the 'deformed and obeye are (i liarr, from arti.

tie pieasitg persona .1 pv i uirri.njr. and even appear 'Ihe "fad" rms ir. initiative are si of the la.t two or three years for lit.e slender figures io r.o 1dl wliini fashion. Study of the human rr. i'iism lias revealed the fact th.

fa: it the lowest orgatirkatiwn of tls Is iaia! or en, rg and an once re than is ssary for the pro tec'Ion of ') other tissues is a burden, handicap to free y. spoils the Mr. of symmetry. It quite worth while working to to un, slender muscle tHnrs. enviable of great contractility, uuiek to respond to stimuli, giving ability and free activity, and a degree r.f rdjnatp A sense of mastery, of freedom, buoyancy and power results from such training, than which nothing 1 more to optimism Life hn 1 a real to one cf ab health.

dis eliiiig haunting doi.hts as whtth.r the best of life is not p. rhaps fool paradise. 1, alth. a ui and active h.V. make 'i'e a glad fot Success In the world lejxnds mor" upon energy than upon it ttnatior.

mere the orgaui Zrttion of ki.ow Ie.Ig hlr time and thinking ir than of from ti' at. tlon. v. v.i'ix with 11, n.a i imdei tnin. is selt' defe.

uin Sjner Ala the speed the day when we di.i'i have "A thousand ii, swift free owr.Ts ot tlten.elv. for 7tfui of themselvs in all th i aetiorie full cl jvy ajid laughter aud actiou," The second count is 30 and the third 40, wni! another one makes a game. Tnere are only a few sets of the game In this ity. a few wer brought roxa 1 London last summer, and they have been i use i by small parties. There are not many sets in the shops here and dealers 1 have been try ing to place orders In New I York and Chicago, but can not get them rilled The demand is greater than tha ma nufaeturers can supply.

The cheaper sets have small tennis rackets with the gut laoinr and because of the scarcity of the regulation net, a home made affair may arranged with thin rubber balis i i and light weight rackets. A bit of tsrl i f. in used for a net and a bit of braid or cotton cloth may be used to bind the net i a i the top. Following are the rules for ping popg: At the end of the first game the striker i out shall bt come the server, and the server shall become the striker out, and so on alternately. The service shall be strictly underhand and delivered from the end of the ta'o'e The ball served must drop anywhere on the table top beyond the net.

and is thru In play. If it drop Into the net or off the table it counts to the sucker out. There Is no second service, as In lawn tennis. If the ball strikes the net, in going over, but doeB go over and hits the table and the opponent by a dexterous play sends it back. It is a "let." or a good play.

If the ball in play strikes any object above or round the table before it bounces on the table top Itself (net or post excepted) it counts against the player. The server wins a stroke if the strtker out fails to return the service, or return the service or ball ln play off the table. The striker out wins a stroke if the server serve a fault, or fails to return the ball in play, or return the ball In play so that It fails off the table. No volleying is allowed, but as long as the ball touches the table top It is ln pay. and can be taken at half volley.

On either player winning his first stroke i the score is called 15 for that player; on either player winning his second stroke, the score Is called 30 for that player; on either player winning his third stroke. i the score la called 40 for that nlaver and with a band of white across the top; two the fourth stroke won bv either player Is There is opportunity for all wi imi'ii. incoioij "i isiw "I i i Anna C. Helt; "Comparison of Irving and tertainment Addison, by Miss Annie A. Lewis; con vernation, "Superstitions," by Miss Sarah1 Rudlsell.

CA5TLETON, Parlor Club, February 19 With Mrs. W. Oita Roberts ana Mls Mary R.jirts. nf At P. Miller.

"Historical References in the cadla. an ruests of Mlsi Dellta Roberts Ring and the Book." by Mrs. J. R. Smith; i Mr.

and Mm. Charles Embree. of Nobieavtu. "Tertlum Quid, or the Aristocratic Ob were the jras' of Mr. and Mrs.

Jss Huberte server." by Mr. Horace McKay. 1 Wednesday. Boys' Club, February 21. "A Trip I Mn.

Ids Jacobs, of Arcadia, rtume1 Wedns both players have won three strokes M) all), the score Is called deuce, and the LsI ri" ui i. round egfrs and are so liaht and elastic next stroke scored bv either nlaver is C. Olive. F. C.

Groninger. H. B. Martin that there Is no danger' of their breaking "cored advantage to that player. If the and Charles L.

Farrell. A large commit anythlr.g. tee. of which James Leathers i the i ire, ot wnicn james ueatners is tne: same player wins the next stroke he wins the game; If he loses the next stroke the score' Is again called deuce, and so on. until either player wins the two strokes Immediately following the score of deuce.

when the game Is scored for that player. The player who. first wins six games wins a set. The game may also be scored by points. 2" up.

The players. In this case, change the service after every Ave points scored. IRVINGTON. D. r.

Jouea. of Kokotao, ia visiting Irrtnrton friends this week. Mrs. Edward Carver has Joined her husband in South Bend. Mlsa Cord Ha Butler entertained a valentine party at her home laat night.

Mra. F. P. Van Houten baa been the guest of Mrs. Percy Burnett thla week.

Mr. Sarah Blount entertained Friday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8.

Conner. Mrs. M. C. Goe haa returned from Kanaaa City, where sh haa been visiting friends.

Mr. and Mrs. II. Jf. Klnirsbury U1 entertain the lrvington Cinch Club Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Pomervllle, of Kokomo, are the guests of Mr: and Mrs. Samuel Somer ville.

Mr. an1 Mrs. Bucher J. Terrell gave a birthday party Tuesday evening for friends and neighbors. The Rev.

H. V. Royse, of Hensselanr, who was the ruest of C. J. Coffin, returned home Thursday.

The Ladles' Aid Society of the Methodnt church will meet afternoon with Mrs. Frown. Miss Evelyn Butler, of Anderson. Is spend I ins; snverai days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Scot Butler. Mrs. Elizabeth Powell and her daurhter I bazar in the Y. W. C.

A. hall next week. Miss Margaret Johnson, of Denver, ta the guest of Mrs. August Jutt. Later she wilt i visit her sister.

Mrs. E. S. Paris, of New Tork city. i Mr.

and Mrs. A. W. Conner rave a dinner party last Wednesday ln honor of Mr. and s.

ly to say a word and, came near succeeding when morning sounds warned them back to plc turps again. Valentine favors were distributed The Minerva Club was home of llr, Meivm. rist, Samuel Ingle gave a theater party Monday Charlotte W. spent several days with Mr. and evening In honor of his cousin.

Miss May Mrs. O. K't Ca ver this week. Brouso. of Anderson.

The Young Women's Christian Asoctation of I Mlsa Mary number, of Bellefoutaine. utler College wll have a poster ami candy hho haa ben the gueat of. Mr. aad Mrs. J.

Butler College wll have a poster ami candy i Holmes, haa returned. Tho Epworth League, ef tha Methodist Epis copal church, gave a reception tar tha church parlors, Friday evening. The Ladles Sewing Circle, of the Congregational churcb. gave a box social la their church parlors Friday evening. S.

Conner, who are visiting lrvington friends Delbert Funkhouser, who has been tha ruest f.ite leaving for Califoml. Mr nnd Mrs. P. M. Richardson entertained th Fortnightly Club last evening with a val entlne masquerade party.

The liuune was de? I orated with valentines and cut flowers. Ther were a souvenir hunt and 'other valentine (rames. Th "Delta Tau Deltas gave a party at their ball last night, at which guests were the Wlckler. Boston. Richie, Ely.

Kellar, 1 Crombach, Reed, Moore, Leedy, Heaton and There was munlc by an orchestra, Fa or In white, old gold and purple were dls Sheridan Dramatic Club. The Sheridan Dramatic Club, of lrvington, after some months of Inactivity, held a large meeting of members from both the suburb and th city, lar.t night, at thu home of Mr. and I Mrs. R. F.

Kautx, in Morton Place, in the city. Two short plays were given. In the flnt. Miss Evelyn Jeffries took the title role i of "The Bock Agent." who Is so voluble and Insistent that her victim. Miss Lida E.

Gilbert. could not say a word. In the second P'ay. "A Ualnf borough Lady." the withdrawal of cur talna revaled two great golden picture frames of her parents, Mr. and Mn.

H. Funk houser, has returned to Craw ardsvlile. Mrs. R. C.

assisted by Mrs. 8. Dill more, entertained with a dinner, Tuesday. honor of Mrs. Helen Burt, of Detroit.

MlckU Misses Bessie Inglei Bessie Xegley and Messrs, Samuel Ingle, Will Tyner and Charles Sellera will visit friends ln Anderson to morrow. Mrs field. WEST INDIANAPOLIS. Fred McLain haa returned from Plain Miss Mattte arrr me piays. a snon pusinass meenng was of Mrs Snake.

1 i i iv 4 i I 1 In. i ip I i ir Ihe blackness of Monday is for gotten when the housekeeper views on Tuesday ihe snow drift of linen that has been washed white with Ivory Soap Ij: floats; Fred Miller, who Will leTS for' WabaaK next week. The Glee Club rare a dance in the Brightwood Hall. Thursday evening. Mrs.

11. Pullenwlder has returned from a visit with relatives in Franklin. Mrs. Julia Mobley, of Columbus. Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs.

H. Funkhoviser. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mirier will leave aest week for, Wahaah.

where they will reside. Master OrvsJ rouse, who has been the, roast of Claude Ingle, has returned to Anderson. Mrs. Mary Lcftwick. who has beem the; guest of relatives In New Paris, has returned.

Mra. Jeaal McClure. who haa been vtetting trlends in French Lick Springs, has returneo. Miss Harm Turner, of Anderson, spent part ot the week with Miss Elisabeth FuUenwMer. The Ladles ef the Maccabees will meet at tha home of Mr.

Morris Bundy, Tuesday after noon. Miss MoDle Frald. ef Cornwall. will be the ruest of her sister, Mrs. A.

Cohen, next week. I Mrt. Lyla rrtney and daughter. Helen, of BeUefontalne, are the guests of Mrs. una lea Mitchell.

Mlsa Mae rouse, of Anderson, who has been the guest ot her cousin. Miss Bessie has returned. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Bapttat church met at the home of Mrs. Anna Murphy xaurs. day afternoon.

Tha Ladies' Ainilarv of the T. M. met ln the reception room of the M. ednesday; afternoon. haa returned from Gos port.

Mim AdOie Parker haa returned from Clermont. II. C. M'lreU has returned from Terr Haute. Mrs.

A. E. Kelley has returned trota No blesvllle. Mrs. Margaret Badcllffa 1 visiting in Martinsville.

Mrs. George Overstreet has returned from Franklin Mrs. Catherine Bauer has rutemed from Ratesvllle. W. fl.

Kerch and family have returned from in dim light. The portraits In them, of a lady sk)M ylalUag her husband, by Gainsborough, came to life I Hamilton. O. as the llgnt graauayy lnrrease. Tne lady, Miss Georgia Calvin, did all the talking, whale tho husband.

Adolph Schmuck. tried occasional Miss Maggie Shepherd went to Columbus to day to visit friends. The Pleasure Club will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Alexander. Mrs.

Dewitt. of Sharpsvllle, has been tha at men waa ueciicu io conunue ine i oljt I Mrs. J. K. Greenwood has returned from a visit to friends in Greenfield.

Nno ru luniAMADnl ic Mlsa Fannie Millender. of Glenwood, la the UKIM guest of Mrs. John Falcwnburg. Samuel Hlti hcock is visiting his mother tn I The Rv Mr (iodey, of Muncie. baa been Conn.

th gWrl of the Rev. E. A. Devore. Mm.

M. Pentecost entertaine.1 the Social Mrl Pearl Tomllnson. of Southeort, ha I Dozen last evening. fcen tho of Mr A W. Crull.

The H'inamac Pleasure Club gave a dance ln Slower Hall Tuesday rvenln. Thrt C.jD Club will met at fhe home of Xioka mrad Friday afternoen. His C. Ifouser. will leavfor Auborn tie: Thursday to viait relatives.

Nt's i Cmma Weldman. oi Dana, fc vlslt intt IkTtha Jmea thla eek. A 't White and family, of Lake Charles, are Mr. aad Mrs. AV.

L. Jones. rnferliilned at the Mr. and Mrs. Day.

of Darlington, are the 1 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Day. James Fogleman. of Plalnfl ld.

has been visit Ing Mr. and Mrs. William Foglcmaa. Miss Jennie Myers entertained a number of friends at her home Thursday evening. Miss I ols Forsyth.

ef la the 1 gufst'of Mr. a.ii Mrs. Ju.lson FcrsyViie. Miss Cene Clark, of Cottage Grpve. has been I the guest of Mr.

an! Mr" Charlea (T4r. Tuesday afternoon. .,1 11,. hm Henry Jji. sers.jn.

no nas jum mumea rrom and Mr yibhs. of Oakland. Virginia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C.

A. rju of Mr. and Mn. Ttm Tlbbs. Mr and A kota.

are the jesta 1 'urn A h.e,; rt Tie pal tJln)l. jf Mr and South Da Mrs. C. A. Tl Join Light flub met at the home nf 1 I'enri'l In Thirty firT.3t street.

Tuesday i evenir.g ki rn hl tne The Baptist Six Ial rircle will entertain the 1 M. and Mrs. William Hurless. of Muncie, have been visiting Dr. and Miw.

D. Marm. Mr and Mrs Ge irgr ll. of May's Statkia, are the guests of Mf. and Mrs Andrew Gray.

The Rev. Mr. (lard, of Knightstown, was the guest of Kev. and Mrs. E.

A. Allen thi liaptii" ial I will mt In the I Sundav il room of tho church. Wednesday i ami aauxmers. nasei ano ant 1 of Anderson, are guests of Mr. aud Mrs.

J. A. Herr.ic' liargnret Hamilton in Thlrty Brst Mr" rrrte Beajner enfrulaed a numher lat evening. 'of friends Thursday evening ln honor of bar ho u. the St.

Paul thMist Eptso will meet for uraetiee at the ehureh The Twentieth ntury Clut. surprised Mr. oening ta! ir le of the First church at the church Mr. an i Mrs. Dav Hcutlub, of Has Fran iKXt Thunslay aftenioon.

cioo. will come xt wee to vslt Mr. The Ladies' Aid of the Home TYesbyterlsn hureh at tht hisr.o of Mrs. Charles The Missionary Society uf the Home 'Prsby 1 trlan rhaj met with Mrs. Gorg Bran I arlern.n.

Mrs. C. M. Tyler led the mce'iag Hospital wil be observed by the Methodist rhur liea spei ial programs have been arraus 1 for t.vmomv. The Rev.

N. H. Ot den preach at St. Paul's in th morning, 'and the l'v It Tinsley, of Terre Haute. Iri tne evening.

BRIGHTWOOD. Daniel Now hart is In Cincinnati. 11 rs. Frank YVorley has returned from Frankfort Oorge Cook has returned to his horn In Sld ny. 1 1.

John Wirti and family have returned from Cincinnati. Mrs. Patrick ha returned from Lc gan. port. Mrs.

A Mulhoiland ut the guest of relatives In Paul. Mlsa far.lir.e has returned from Louisvlile. Ky Mr and Mr I. Hoss have returned from Frerieh Stinnr Mr. i Hrvl daaxhter Nellie have In renirne I I'tiiou Th Ijv.tir.

Aid fiol iety, of the Methodist Kpi opa! eliurrh held al meeting In their i eincAdaj in honor of Mrs.) tllmatlr changes, winds, exposures, a i n.ind the magical beautlQers; Satln tSaua Cream and Satin Skin Powder, ioc 1 1 an.l iirs. cyrxu. rnny evening, in honor of their fifteenth wedding antitversary. ard Mrs s. Trotjsy trs nrMiuuD wa ror merlv Miss Rose Jitelnburg.

i rj Bona with MrsJ OlUespla TSe first dtvlskm wlU rtre a "carpet rag" aortal Tuesday to tn at the heme) ot Mrs, J. Oisu Mr. aad Mrs. rVlosrton Trotsky attended the wedding of Mr. niac.

In New Tarts eity, thla weekJ They will vtstt rsiaUvee ta 1 rhiiadelpnla anu Washington before rtturnlag. i BRIDGEPORT. i Mr and Mrs. Leo's Myers aad soa Wallace have returned to Peru. Mrs.

EHett Smith and sen Kaymond. ef Flaia Beld, are guests pf Mrs. rresiaad. Mrs. Janus Gamble and daughter, ef Bahlne were gussu ef Mrs.

riora rreoiand this week. Mr. and Mra iGeorre A. Brown will antee tain a number bf friends this evening witla cards. Mr.

rtd Mrs. Jacob Orlswald and Marie and Ethelj of Lebanon, will visit trtsnda here next Mr. aad Mrs. Matter Barns, who have besw visiting friends her, have returned to thetr hrm tn Lafayettn Miss Kathleen pangan will eatertaia a ivs ber of friends Mondsjt evening ta ftooor of Rosa Keen, of Cbrbaa, Mr. and Mrs.

U'llUam TTssUy. whs have been tie guest ef Mr. and Mrs. J. 8.

Oavtaa, returned to Royal too Friday. Mlseee Katherthe Arplegate and Oerrrnde Tumer, who have been vuitmg friends herv returned te.Caatsn. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. LwilTlam Pill and Mfs.

Kos I Smith, of ghannondala. will be the gaest oC Mr. and Mrs. James Orsmaa neat week. Mr.

and Mra Oscar Bennett and daughter Peart and Kathertn. of Olendale, will be guaeta ef Mr. and Mrs. Brown the eemlng Woek. i Mr.

and Mra J)anle Snyder and Mrs, and Mrs, James Miller, who have been Tlsirtr.g.M and Mrs. Frederick Cloesal. bars ret arced to Ureessburg. OAKLANDON. The Hoosier Miss Chloe Mock tni ancrnooo.

nib mat with lifb mat wit.h Clib mat with Club met with. The Culture Mrs, Josie ScOerS Thuradav afternun. Thomas Cory, who has been visiting friends at Swiss City, has returned. Delbert SdotnSrldget who. has been visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Jpoa Moore, has returned Muncie. v. 5 Mra Gertrude Reynold. Ahdersoa, whoT has been visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Kegley, haa returned home. a K. Mrs, 8. A.

Daniels rave aa illustrated lecture under auspice of the VlavL at the home of Mra. A. Banaa, wsdnesday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Art rave a rereotiotf la howie ef the Twentieth Century Chib Friday even! nr.

brie was assisted by Mrs. Wllliem Vase, Mrs. E. Apple. Mrs! M.

L. McConl. Mrs. A. Corr, Mrs.

W. r.jComb and Mrs. CA. John son I f. fiIackvjlle.

J. P. Farrlnrtoa' is vUltinr frfsnds at Tnonw town, this week, Georx Locan. WhUMtatrs. tMnt a few days bere this week, Irvin Head, of Clarion, ia the rusat Mr.

and Mrs. Elbart fcaiyer. Mrs. H. W.

Ml lev has rone te JeAersonvOle to visit her daughter. Mrs. Stout. Mr. and Mrs.

XT. E. Erwin. who have hee visiting friends here, have returned te Man J. L.

8 tent, whb has been the rueet of Mr. i i and Mr. Hiram Miller, baa returned te Jeftsr son vuia. i R. Campbell, or WhitsstoWa.

wha was tha' guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Johnson, returned. 10 nia nam Tuesiar. The Ladies' aid Pocietv ef the MethodUt Episcopal chareh.1 will meet at the home ef Mrs.

Newton Kunkle tAe coming week. BROAD RIPPLE. Benjamin X. MHit baa returned from Mar tlnsvllle, i I' Miaa Ella Vlck. of Chlearo.

has bee, the guest of friends tkis week. Mlsa Edith CoJnxan. of New Aoraatsv te the guest of Mr. aadj Mra. Parker iirowo.

Mallow ha been called to Mt. Pleasant. 1 Mlca.v on account rrf the Ulnesa of hi mother The young people of the 'Christies church gave a valentine eertsraainmeat evening. In the churca per)ur, sjt'rJianevii 1 tr The senior class lof the high schLsl win give an oyster sal icce san social at ithe Lalvr alit charcb thj evening. Miss Marine who has been visiting hcr parents.

arid Mra. Martosj iMroosa, baa returned to Butler (College 1 OUINVILLE. f. i John Wlxitev jzionavlll, I the guest, of friends here. 4.

The Misses Eihrf and Bertha Tsnsei enter tain ad Monday evsnlns hi he nor of Wlldam patty, who has feturaod from aa extended trip aver the tstates. 1 1 1 1 Greencattle City Ticket. I rspedal te The Indianapolis GRJ5ENCASTlE. Ind.r February li Tha Bepubllcani yesterday afternoon, nominated the following. City ticket: For jamjea T.

Denny; for elerkv James Fee; for' treasurer, Walter Al i 4 1 1 1 w. Louck. Thurs lay aftern.m. Fred Wardwell. or thi city, tend Miss Cath i en; lor stsaus, iituua owr; lor August Boett.

her and Mrs. B. Ka stet tr n.T. Laporte. Paturdcy, oil tc ivui.i uf the deuth ef thir mother.

The Mlnera t'lub and their husbands were ertne Bak or Rush county, were married countilroen frornj th First ward, R. 8. Sarxlay evenir.g. They will oe at horae after i Dri Februarj 30. at 1357 eat Ray atreet.

Th first dlvleion of the Ladies' All 6oelety of Morris street Christian church will met In ri eantJay W'nwu wn.11 t. Alien. rjsse in congress avenue. ji.i.i,. In and WllHarW TI.

Poek wv ou'ji uiruiwi tt i Graham and E. from the Seccnd ward, Jkfie ArrhiIloit and Black: from tbVThird ward, JoEa Browa. 1 I' aIaSpirite FOR THE WOf lAII ofFASHIDII SAl Li AT All etinur'Acrjsrjis I i 1 fir ti.

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