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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 6

Indianapolis, Indiana
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THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS hWlikf! IndUnapolie Kewe Publishing Co. Published daily except 47 at Tbe buiiUin. ea. i SO Sod S3 ffnt Weahlnrtoa MrNL TeletAofW. MUa 4SO0.

Eolmd aa iwBiWMi ter iae PoetoSlca el Iixll Xjm. under the Act et MarcA 1S8T. tilW TOEJC Om 110 Xeet 414 Street. Dea A. CerroU, Rejireeee uut.

CHICAGO OJT1CR TS Tower Building. J. Lou. Representative. UrREAC WyM Bundmg, Jeuaee P.

Rernadar. Correspondent Subacrrtbers tetrtor Tht Wewe te temporary mm during the Ttettkm kuoo may beve lk paper fallow at eud beivw. Addressee will be changed efven as desired by tbe subscriber. Mail eubecrtrUoo order be this S.ycm by boM er letter er stves) te recuJar wnt or carrtec. KAXL.

nm Three ob 20 Tf ee Wfk iraihe7.7 llll vm rur 00 Eeiee Is other soar upon buai rxmox. t.oo a txa. The Kara edition walled only le rural reeies aad reesete loeeUUee la Indiana, where The Swe ot obtainable tiroo Scent er carrier. trrxsza or the associated pexss, Tie Aeeoclated Pr is ni er tfUed to use tor iwobUetOM eH sews gispetefcee credited toUif earwe credited ta OUe paper, ana aiso tew. published aereta.

uussoLiyi A Berlin newspaper very truthfully 'cava that "even loincare' Tfefer adopted such a tone as that of Mos aolinl. and says further, and, we think, with equal that Mus solini's megalomania is erldently Kreater than all political considera Uoas. Mee aJomania la. or won becomes the vice of all dictators. The Immediate Issues hetween iiaiy on thit one side, and Germany and Aua trla on the other, are Ieaa Important than the attitude and laoftTuage the despot of Italy.

Bucn man are often useful, and aomatlmea neeea aary In the orderlns; of the domestic aifajrs of a people, but they are almost alwsys nuisances ana men mi when they attempt to deal with foreirn affairs. This very nan aoma time: atro ordered the bora 1 oarameni oi win. rars snd backed down later, and paid damages to Greece under aura' of the lea true of natlona and i the council of ambassadors. Now wo have him pronouncing; what mlrht easily be conatrued as i a I declaration war on flennany. threatenlnr her with invaaion, and i deelarina; that "aomeUmes it la necessary to pay with two eyes for the loss of one, and with a set of teeth for loss of one tooth." The man haa recently been talk tng of revlvlnr, the old Roman sys tem and spirit' and reminding; the people of Italy that they, as Romans, were once masters of the Admittedly his model Is either Cetsar Napoleon he would find It hard to choose between them.

Borne was a and mighty war making; power. Caesar was a conqueror, and Napoleon was always a menaoe to every nation In Europe. And now we have Mussolini, another Uetator, whose political ereed'is Imperialism, whesa idols ars Caaar and Napoleon, who would Italy, as a new Rome, mistreae of the world. Whether the In the Tyrol, recently acquired by Italy were or were not permitted to have municipal Chrlstmaa trees: whether, and to what extent. Germane In the Tyrol have been miatreated, are interesting; But vthe really important thing la that the world new has to do with a man who la seifcoafeasediy'aa Imperialist of aa sitreme type, with ambitions for his country that could not be realised except at great peril tothe whole of urope.

and that, of yourse, "never will be realised. Ills malady is clearly meralo mania, the disease from which despots and dictators have always ufferad. Louia XXV looked on the lun aa a pale reflection, of himself. Caar was deified. Napoleon was regarded almost as rod, and for years after his death there were people who firmly believed that he was tl II alive.

With this old malady, and In aggravated form, the Italian despot la afflicted. After 'his experience In connection 'with the Corfu affair. It Is not likely that there will be any Invasion, of Germany. Thte man must Declassed with those. who "speak great swell Ing words of vanity" IXDAXA'S MQUS'DS The hope that Indiana's mounda may be systematically explored by experts was considerably braced by the Interest of the cltlsens who.

met at the call of Dr. D. Coleman, director of the etate historical bureau, to diecesa ways and mease. Some of the Indiana mounda have been dug Into In. a spirit of casual Investigation, uaually by persona who lacked the training and resources to make proper use of their finds.

They rep reseat an attitude, which, however, la quite general. Some of Indiana a mounda have been, made the center of picnic grouSda or amusement parks' which attract many visitors, and It Is probable that moat of tha visitors wonder what la In tha mounda. why they were built, and what they reveal of the tnhabltanta ef this part of the country before tae white settlers came, or perhapi be for the" time of the Indiana who were here at the time of the white occupation. Certainly there is a atrong demand among; archaeologists and anthropologists for exploration of tha mounda tinder proper ausr icea. Excavationa made In Ohio mounds last year led to the deduction that the Implements and ornaments unearthed were the.

work of ilayas. If this is true, the mounds were probably as much a mystery to the American Indians. with whose lore the early settlers became familiar as to the present generation of Inhabitants. The mounda may contain evidence that will considerably alter he early history of life on this continent. Exploring; the Indiana mounds la all the more Important because the belief that they may contain material which, will strengthen; the theories suggested by finds In tha Ohio mounds.

If tha explorations ara properly mad by sifting tha gTound. chart loir tha position of aach material aa la found, sad restoring the around to Its orlsinal condition, tha mounda will loaa nooi' of thctr Iraportanea aa azamplaa of tha handiwork of carlr Inhabitants. If tha suiround Ins afeaa could act as(da aa pub He rarvatlona, and tha reeoTarod archaeological apetmn displayed In a muaeum aite. tha to public education and the causa of science would be Increased. It la probable' tharif the efftplorationa are started; public Interest will insure the continuance of the werk under approved and the question ef proper housing: and exhibition wjll be satisfactorily settled.

BAKERY MERGER SUIT For the first time since a rnoTernent was betran months agro to mertre Into an Immense corporation the bis; b4kinc rnnctrni of th United Btatea. the promoters are confront ed with a formal official threat. In bringing' an anti trust suit at Baltimore, yesterdayi fihi federal department of Justice has taken ac tton that is Justified. Whether; or hot the consolidation is a grooa thinr. or Is filled with possibilities for harm, Sa an open question.

Aside from that there is much to be de termine solely from the standpoint of legality. As long as Sher man and Clayton antl trost la are In. existence, their provisions should not be disregarded, either in testionally or unintentional! IU ta yet to established that they have been In the bakery project. but the point Is that there should be a clear undefatandlna. i.

The people are not disposed to be unreasonable in apely log bars to aggregations of capital for Industrial It Is a greneral view that co ordinated effort, looking toward production on a large scale and the achievement of in that production, has much to Justify It. That tendency is apparent In all sorts of business. With it. however, have eoroe other tenden cies. such as stock promotion achemes.

price levels re grardlesa of the cost of raw mate ria la. an Insistence on exceedingly liberal dlvldenda and other aspects sugrgsstlve of monopoly that are do Ingr the merger Idea no cood. In consequence the bakery project has been regarded, by the public with aome doubt and the apeculatlon that has been going; on In certain bakery stocks has added to the doubt. Combination in any line of trade can Justify Itself only by sharing; Its benefits with consumers. If it be true that consolidations prevent waste.

there stll Is a. lingering; feeling that the so called wastes of competition are the chespeat guar anty the people can have against the dangers of exploitation." Nor can it be said that combination IS an un varying preventive of waste. In some undertakings 1t may Increase We are far from having; deter mined for. all time the caee of com bination versus competition. The fact that the bakery suit has been brought, and that the Sherman and Clayton acta still are In existence.

Is evidence that the vtue still has A HEX ACE TO SURGE0X8 The Gorges Memorial Institute yes terday announced tbat Dr. A. Newman Porland had found a man unendowed with an appendix. We assume that the abaenoe of. the appendix in this case Is not due to aa operation, and that ths eminent physician is not deceived In his conclusion that the man waa bora without this mysterious organ.

Dr. Dor land says: Complete abeenee of the appendix is rare In roan, but it is common In such animals as the deg or cat. The persistence of the appendix la man is a strong argument for Its functional There are certain body parts like the little finger and little toe which are passing away, and these vestiges are not ilrni of deg eneraey. kThey are the result ot the Influence of environment. The presence of the appendix can not, therefore, be regarded as a sign of degeneracy.

It may be a passing Part, exactly like the little fingrer. But If the appendix is coinr. god has la this most Interesting; case already gone, the field for aurgical work will be conalderably narrowed. What proportion of the time' and skill of surgeons Is devoted to tha elimination of appendixes we do not know, nor is it possible to say, without exact information, what proportion of their revenue is. derived from that source, There are multitudes of appendlxless people, but they have; been reduced to 'that happy atate by the knife.

But. If men are losing their appendixes as the result of an evolutionary process the surgeons of the future perhaps distant future will certainly not be aubjeeta for congratu lation. The Gorges Memorial Institute believes that the recent rather startling discovery la Important tn He bearing: on ithe question whether the appendix perforata any useful function within the body. Why ttTla point1 can not be determined by a comparlaon between those who have been through an operation aad those who still have the orgs. determined as well by a study of the man in this care.

Is not quite Ulear. But there aeema to be a Sif ference between the man who has lost his sppendlx and the man who never had Dr. Dorland holds that the arpendlx' would not be present so persistently tf It did not have a Job," One Job It certainly haa that of supplying work, end fees, tor the surgreona. Viewing the subject la si broader way. there are few of us who would not like to knew how much of the human body Is tpaaalng.t aa It la Important that should know how much is to be left.

It seems that the little finger and the little toe are "on their way. Tet it la said that men would find It exceedingly difficult to maintain ''their balance without the little toe, which cer talnly performs an Important func tlon. Without the tittle Infer It would be Impossible for one to re main nsy in handllna: the tea cup. It la said that In a thousand years or so the race will be toothless. The alarmists eten goi so far as to predict that lera will disappear, ao little are they used Evolution seems to be coins; on In "our rear midst In our midat.

Indeed. XOS'VOTIXO STOCK The New Tork Stock Exchange Is giving; Its attention to the billions of dollars of corporate stock that has been snd Is belnr Issued, of which only a small portion has voting; power, or anything; to say concerning; the management of the property. It Is not proposed no re fuse to list the stock Of such cor porations, but the exchange accepts responsibility for such issues, and aa a result will do what It en see that they are unobjectionable on the. score of honesty and faith before I they are tiated. A re cent report of the committee on stock, llstinr.

approved by the gov ernors of the exchsngre, is as fol lows: The committee on stock 'list has had for some weeks under consider ation certain tendencies In modern corporate organisations of which the committee considers that It should take cognisance. One of these tendencies has to do with the creation of two. classes of common stock between which the only sub stantlal difference tlles In fact that one class votes while the other does not. Without at this time at tempting; to formulate a definite policy, attention should be drawn to the fact that In the future the com mittee in considering; 'applications for the listing of securities will give careful thought to the matter of voting; control. That "la, If a few.

atockholders. owning; only, an nalgnlflcant minority of the' stockv are to control. and direct the destinies of corpora tions I with I billions of dollars of stock, the Stock Exchange proposes to see. as far as Jt Is possible, that the controlling; stockholders are men whose purpoeev are beyond suspi cion, concerning; whose honesty and Intes Tlty there can he no doubt. The practice Is not condemned, but It Is made clear that corporations thus organised will be aubjected.

before' their stock' is listed, to a close scrutiny as they should be. Many times of late the country has been congratulated on the widely diffused; ownership of corporate properties, the argument being; that this mads for stability, and also that it Indicated that the people were practicing; thrift and wlaely lnveat tng; their savings. But when it appeared that the people thus invest ing; had no control of, any sort over the property which' was theirs, and nothing; whatever to say as to Its msnagement. such men as Professor' Ripley, 0( Harvard, called attention to the dangera Involved In diffused ownership and narrowly concentrated control. And of course those dangers are real, as Is now recognised by the New Tork.

Stock Ex change. JURY SHIRKERS More than fifty talesman In a panel of 10, summoned for Jury service In a New Tork court, failed to appear on the day set. Judge Cornelius rV Collins," presiding ordered that proceedings be started to. punish them for contempt, of court. He eald.

yl Confronted with a situation where It ia said that a crime wave exists throughout the country and pro testa generally being made, cltlsens are sometimes condemning the police, sometimes the district attorneys, and frequently the' courts, and amon those who have protested most vigoroEsly are the biggest of the bigv business of the coun try. Were one to ask some buslneas men. "How many of you have done your Jury duty, oi how many of you have avoided It and backed out as best you could? a very large number of our protesting business men would have to hang; their heads, in shame. i i The situation revealed In New Tork has its counterpart most American communttlea." It doea not explain all the lowered; preatiga of law enforcement machinery," but it la a contributing factor to an unsat Isfactory altuation in Judicial proceaaes.1 Judge Collins added: Juries must be composed of business men. or men are required to live up to their daily obligations, and it la high time that men In the conduct of their: business should make arrangements, so that when their torn comes tn a call for Jurjfc duty they would be ready respond and regard It as seriously and as sacredly as If called for duty or their country in time of Patriotism In time of peace 1 as necessary as patriotism In war time, if national processes areto work for the general grood.

Jury shirking Is no small evil, and It Is tolerated, both by courts and the public, far too much. ABUEIXO PARDOXS In ths clothing of a dead bandit, found near Hising Sun. was a pardon from the Governor of Kentucky1, Issued December 1 1, 1925. The man was Identified as Joseph Patrick Murphy. The records 'ahow that he waa aentenced to the Kentucky H.

formatory as the result of a felony conviction. lie had served four years on a seven year sentence, and had refused a parole when he became eligible, becauae he was an alien and a parole, that he might be deported. Some students ot the crime problem say that alien criminals should be deported when they are found arullty and that the taxpayers should not be required to psy for their maintenance in re formatorlea and prlaona. The law aay a that the guilty must be Imprisoned but It is arg ued that la cases of this kind the aliens should be returnedVto the coanlrlea from which they came and a. record kept so that they could be idenUSed If they returned.

Murphy had a grood prison record and had assisted in putting down ant outbreak. Under the parole law ot Kentucky he could have been released before the Governor pardoned him. The. weight of evidence probably waa in favor of hia release, but there was so way telling; In his case, or In any other, what will happen after a convict gets his freedom. The grAUaT of a THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9f 1920.

1 which Murphy was a member killed. a deputy ahtrlff at New Albany. The police do not know whether Murphy fired the fatal shot but they know he returned the fire of the peace ojticera and that he 'was willing; to add murder to his criminal record. The pardon In his pocket ought to have been a reminder of his punishment and a warning of what ralg ht happen to him. With his pardon in, his' pocket, and In leas than two months from the date of iaaue, he went back to crime and a deputy sheriff is dead because this man and poesibly others like him were ILCEOAL WEAPON DISPLAYS Some months ag comment was! made upon the ease with which did send out a statement to reales weapona could be purchased by tate dealers, Uwyers, and others, de those whohave no honest business ned to reflect conditions as we with them.

A recent survey of In dlanapolis pawnshops shows that several of5 them violate the law res; mating; not only the sale but display of auch articles. Pawnshops were found with large show windows In dirks, daggers, tjackjacka. billies. lonsT bladed knives, air alses of re i it. TDITn anaii Wmu, OI uie weapons in ibis liak aci mru iioneu an iuo aiaitrarui, nmm ma by those who violate the law.

The most completely stopped The prac revolver or pistol la the favorite of I tle was limited to a few dealers, Jt iShSS Sfrot XXSXr wnlt. vtnon h.v. the right law. and to hl. property In a whit.

Xt cJaer tn. S2 centa dearly tb. latter the weapons In this list are used of the other weapons and often carries them. The appeal of a dla mission to arm themselves do not need to have dangerous and deadly weapons oiipiajta wiwi mir attention. They buy the.

arms tney need, without urglnr. The appeal of the weapon display Is "chiefly to Chose who have no rUrht to 1. decider toithose whoay be tempted to violate the iAsr. Per n. who are clothed with police Mw.M wka Amt.

i ne. weapons, wna im.a:aona i "Ttold me that aha had aeen Ood. and are stirred by the sight of them.lfuy V1. 4: PoUto soup has a fancy she has an idea that Ood Is like The revolver law has been amended so that permission must be telaed fefora sl revolver can baniir. chased, but the law with reference to knocks, dirks, slingshots, black i.t ja save suu irAa csi.

avaasv am vua.av fcrhlte tfiete eele tA n.AH i vu.ui,u., umm ttwmut aald about the ease with which revolvers, can be purchased by mall. and xong reas has been asked to act. but here is a state law that has been in effect since' dealing with other kinds of weapons and seeminaly no effort Is made to en force It. The police can hardlv nass the display windows without seeing; what they contain and If the officers know the law and are told to force It. arrests ouaht to follow.

rte ftt in hie Atfnn euy noises wui develop a people with, big ears, but inasmuch as the United States has a grood many more automobiles than' all the rest of the world, and Inasmuch as Vi enna has only Its proportionate share of. those not In the United States, it mlrht be inferred that the doctor, ain't heard nothln "yet. 'T. Nor a it. the senate em extreme to real est ee naes VT wvius riiuisr I After Italy and Germany see their may decide to Chan.

ion from war to bust i canxers tney the conversation nesa. A Russian as Invented a device I to aestroy an airplane twenty five miles away, showing; that Russia is till stronger for destruction than for construction. i. Colonel Mitchell can now Jump on the federal fire department for al ilossb0lWin" Tai4 500,009 to burn. Nearly everybody will acres With the New Tork bishop who said that the "law can be enforced.

but the shortage of enforcers seems to be as pronounced as ever. The $2,009 in bills which a New I Tork men tore up and threw away might have been his changs from a purchase of three drinks ot "genuine prewar atunV I The cltlsen who Hats chuckholesl 5. "LhV A liquid explosive more powerful I vue.u uju.iuiu iv we in in I i i dlana and drunk everywhere. A Chlcag doctor found men I without an appendix, and It la hoped that he found the bullet. Muaaollni and the dove of peace axe not exactly pals.

Robbers who took from A Chlcag cafeteria must have left the place with little elae than the Dera te used to garnish the fUet of aols. I Of course that West Washington I street pawnbroker may Inslat that I i warning to younc men that should not use such weapons, Butler University, cash regl.t.r certainly made a joyful aound rixht I after that Jordan grift. sf With only one automobile In Tibet the life of the Jay walker must be rnif witb foV. And wfeet I to prUl I i I I I I en I I I I i i I I I i men, women and children are killed I Whenever two stateraen agree entomobilas In the I taxation It Is becawe od ef thtm Is Asleep. isew uqnia r.xpiosiee co je Made I in Indiana.

HeadUaee 1 Bank Robbers Journal nleaea I copy. When there nothing else ts de ajwin can iv mi MMlnfc i I Indiana University's collection of I fish will not be complete saleas a I sac is reserved for one that I got away. I There roost be some thine peculiar abouTa SoS the dry. and thVVZTl It seems as tnougn the operators I and miners were doing their part toward solving; the. aati emoke problem, j.

The larger the admission price te those revues the smaller the cos tumes. We have the hit and run play fa baseball, the hit and run auto 1st, I and now come tne piay and movs I amblei If the coal strike negotiators can I hold out for a few weeks longer, spring will be here aad it will be easy to continue the strike for aev I era! months. I I 1 VOICE i OF TIIE PEOPLE Communleatlone deslgnad for pabh eatioa should be addreaeed te the edt toe. They aaust be aeeeapaaicd by the same and address et the writer aa that identification prerfone ta Duhtleatloa wta be quickly possible It deemed desirable. The aaste at the writer wf3 set be used aaonyaUty Is preferred.

AH should be aa brief aa possible net to exceed 300 words. It as Uansed soaaascrtpt Is to be returned, a stamped aad arlilrsssasd envelope be iacloesd. JProteetlve Ieaame To the Editor of The Hews: Sir A typographical error caused me to deny a thing freely admitted recently In a letter relating to the I White Protective Lea rue. I said: We of the league find them." The error caused the letter to read: "Wi of the league did not send out. Since nearly x.000 h0 tUU lnter.rjLcla4 lee to Mr.

Johnson, chief of police. was in relation thereto; It puts me I be the secretary of the league. The 1 "bootlegrglng of homes In white 4r.r, jr10 wnom nave oererrea to tne wo poopio concerneo. "ZZZl 'ZZ 7 I and the colored person may have the right to buy. each Is liable to iiirv, I neig noornooa lr aeprecisuon in oi, i IT I tZ I Plaintiff as a co conanirator sndk buyer.

This is a new angle ot tne I a a (V.HlA Lamtlrr. tentlon b. nnh.ld rnar a rs rsLsrian are naimB.KaB. enouia the consensus amoner leaders In stch of the races that some equitable. i urauueau aiua lkju us.

luw avu ua nrnKLrn )nnM h. fnnnd to Avoid Mm.K..fiM. i Mieel" iMitnU white MiT kio where they can peacefully purchase homes. The contrpl of this mat ter Is believed to be within po lice power of the municipality or I state, the relationship being a so clal one. and" not Included the i roarteenth amendment to the Fed erml constitution, which deals only ntiti.t ia K.

a vaa vu, esaa yvMuvmt ttral Ieagmes and clvj associations here annointed commltteea to co (operate in compiling for considers tlon a workable ordinance to be sub 1 mltted to the city council. The the Red Iall Jlnesi were being; 1 rjoth believe In one God as the su White People's Protective League I started their promoter declared that Ipreme moral eoverelgn of the race. Ihti lim'httn varkinr on iach iolth coksuit could make 10 oerlnoth "believe In His' universal oral nance. OMER a WHITEMAN. The Kaecker et Ka.ek.ere To the Xditor of The News: L.

ox.tMew'' I ei wart re lev rkab 1 1 sn a aa niaa boost lndlanapolls preliminary talks to rememoer an oia jasson learnea to remember other cities which have had commu nlty social, industrial. A as Pouucauj reugious. inat tnere mu.4 no a wui to agree, juany woo nave iwmmiiniMMir CABoneta Air aw irm wtv mm mi creator handicap than, the original Several year, ago this Point was elaborated In a magaxlne article, and 'emphasis was laid on nrin.i vnnovee Ithe'nAlnr that the arlrlnal knaekar naneiiw le aimnlv m. TiMim of a babit. Uke the one who Ulks ruffly and at heart Is a mild mannered man.

capable leaders have learned to en Ust him by leading him to believe vi. hig hsst valus. If the spirit Is la popuution one may Ignore knocker. hut that does hot mean igmorlng; rconstructlvs crlUcism." don't knock" long sines became amaiitAwW mtatf it by constructive criticism. It.

is the eeld teat of a. leader In I movements, and if one has the right temperament and receptive' mind immediately begin be and the critic Immediately begin team work. W. O. F.

Xa ht Wlae JJeer i Und in coecV wUh naoer ltlbliin ant. mnt my admiration for The Indlanapolla 1 ana was inrarmea inir tsnr i I paper is regarded as one of ths moat beautifully printed and best edited In the country. I wish to commend your recent editorial on "The Real Issue." I think I speak by authority when ttlihilYn. bee" ii? th'weakest ptaallu I say agitltlon Js the weakest poss subterfugs put forth by ths power ful syndicates that; will stop at nothing. Dr.

Lies lie E. Keeley, th founder of the wight cure for drunkenness and. drug using, said that he considered beer the most dangerous of all alcoholic beverages. ina most uiiricuit to cure. SAW Inoffensive colored, waiter shot Lown oa a Alniag cr by auu.

ur iua vnueraon, wa. a a i a Te the Sditor of The News: SirTwenty thousand persons Cb1u4 SulM nd are Injured. We may say. at the! wii.

injured are crippled for life. Thua we bave. at the end of every ten AA AAA A. A mmA AAA AAA I T. 7.

'McciatinLH. nil A.W a avvaaw a asv i i I i I 1 I I V. 1 a ,..1.. uone ib ira minuiea, ana toe rsai rormara ie would dlssppear The The muckrakers corn high class' besuty shop uaes these P4 are neither, wise nor names, piain iaciai ana reat raciaii la exactly the sense here outlined. They are nearer Ideal practice than; the barber.

discovered or Invented. All these nformi I u4 well 'enough, perhspa. to let the matter rest with the shave for a time. The dlffarenoe between a plain facial which aeeras to be an ordinary ahave and a rest s. .1.1 e.

inirouuctu a sort of superahave is four mla operation is more profitable, if, no accounting is made for overhead. fUed charrea. depreciation, insur I ance. taxes and natural wear and I Idea of calling something byj another name Is not altogether I atartllnx. 'Second hand ears have i mr o.e, ana even gents I oeen cnanaea to gentle .1 i I uiif anA Mutt ii.ih a ni I i ralntla htv aToatle St.

Paul aaio. "When a j.ii. i uunnsiinii ariT sa aiirraiasTTn a wm rBaw I irienas. wno become valuable cus I wnw. BUS DIFFICULTIES There Should Jbe a lesson to in veatora and the public in the fall ure of the bus system radlatina frorn Indlanarolia to live i to It promlae to give the people bua aervlce at rates that ere a frao tlbn of those chargect ty he steam nd electric railway lines.

When cent, pror.t: and' charge the people only 1 cent' to. 1H cents a mile for carrying them over the state high ways. The, steam roads have to charg ever e.f cents and the eleo trio railways centi a mile. If com n.i. ki.eee mxm rr.

kiiu maae m. i per cent, proct. I eourse they would prove themselves the more economical means of trim. LAlV lUVIV tOUVHHCaU JJlfBmllaTi OK DOIt.n Th. ft.

com suit, aiur a rv nssswent Into the hands of a re th. bus ioncom. 1 for the bu. aUo went into receivership, ta sufficient to PTs that Tstes the inde Pnaent ouini cnargrea were worse th5n onprofluble. It has taken time to demonstrate to the public that th motor Is.

not going to take the place of the railways. It Toln k. mor tlm to wi ata ffVal the eavl lJ' v. i xnwm er" motors of independent bus lines bvo rlven the public the Idea that lu" eeyer, bui l.r' .7 a a a.

it a Percoiajea to punue wur recognised that competitive service is detrimental to the public Interest, ruinous to those who attempt to provide It. end damaging to ths tabllabed rail lines. It Pays to Advertise, Bluff ton Banner 1 1 A lady at Alexandria declares that 4Ten cat, rMd the want ads In the i i newspapers. aiw iturnni in for a lost feline It came, horns. i.

Taey afar Be Feia Shoe and Leather Reporter 1 Perhaps ws need substitutes for mne" for coaiT I EIGHT YEARS AGO February lfll Revised caaualtv la urea from I I i m. I 1 Tuscania were were t. A mer lean armr Jgf thV trooTon th.TJ taken' indicated that 147 American reported that the loss wOuld havs been much greater had not the sol I dlers made the most of their dls icipiinarr inert was net 1 grency stations ana siooa fast until taken off. Only those killed or dls aoiea oy tne explosion or inrown Into the sea were lost. President nMn Indicated In a conference tors that he had er toward con with a group of sens i grass, and hereafter would seek to have his measures advanced by per Inn tf.

nw 1 nuui usj iulcxiucvi t.u aiu via aaurjua i I I ss victims srt iiiua Knit vu bituiio nature peuQins icgisiauon. i piODiesTiite n.r eentl ht all automobile "accl lTv. announcement followed fheleint Aut whether a Los Angele. dents' are due to a peed I nr. The nraaant daslorabU conditions could I be easily remedied by the passing of stats laws, by which all automo 1 With "gr ornor.

which would make lc Im possible to operate ia excess oiinreon dispatches that admlalstra a certain speed. Following; the a certain speed. Following the ex ample of the United States federal overnment. In Its post of flee depart nant, I auggest twenty four1 uiXleg an hour as the maximum. BERTRAND SIIADWEIX.

Chlcag o. I1L Talks Abewt Money ator of The News tsiThe article enUtled Talks to Women About Money is always very lntereeting; to me and I am going to confess the knowledge It imparts to women Is equally good for most men. WII MOT sx CARDER SHOP WORDS The Master Barber prints a report from a research committee that has decided that barbers are! Buffering; from word poverty. It concludes that many barbers do not even call themselves chlrotonsors, to aay nothing of tboae who still go along In the old way. Intimating to their customers that the service they have to sell consists chiefly of shaves, haircuts, shampoos aad a few ex tree.

The committee la led to make this recommendation: "Aa to how all thla would affect barber shop practice: Can you Imagine taking the word shave, throwing It out of tb 'back door, and not using; it at allf List he plain facial In your ahop at IS tn. ii uiar. is your price, in oe president's request for a law which photoplay writing correapondence hiia Ov.rm.e intrmiui ui. ia reliable? Ask the school vim almost unlimited power over the executive departments. The bill was rocelved by the sen.t.

with little It was stated In Wash Uion llon were of the opinion that the President believed that be hed tone too far In saturnine iw. er under pressure of the war emergency, The Marlon county food administrator announced that he had appointed a secret vlgrllance'! committee to report violations ef his food conservation orders. lie' de clared thar this action was forced upon bird by the refusal of many householders to observe wbeatleaa and meatless days prescribed by the federal food administrator. 9 Active preparations were being; made all over the atate to raise the third liberty loan. EVERYDAY SUBJECTS rMaroeaed by 1 tTL PARK Eg CADMAM Coprrrht4 What la the origin of wr? Evil passions.

Ware are made not In ammunition factorlts, but In the hearts aad consciences of ansa. What ought to be done to our literary tmickrakers who specialise In attacks upon the dead? The American Instinct for fair play will take care of them. It has always Remanded reticence, and charity on the part of those who dlseuaa the dead, elnee they have not the power' to etrlke back and defend themselves. The brave man TTha I wlae man will remember that every I individual haa a private life, the Isacredneas of which Is to be re Is It not true that the varloue eecta and denominations provide for Christians of dltferent tempera mente and degrees of education who would not be content to belong to one church? Doubtless the Christian" sects have fostered the excelleacea aa well as the defects of their But they offer no Insuperable obstacle to a deeper and wider unity ot Christiana through co operative Such service, baaed upon bluf Ja th, Xpanalon of Christ's on earth, harmonlsea dlf ereneee and Increasea efficiency. Care should be exercised, however.

In all schemes for union to protect the aptrltual vigor of the churchea rttvAl4l araJnil deterioration. Con gtAIItln the Oreat waa a famoua unifier of disputing bodies of Christians. But 'his methods sowed the seed of future schism and corruption. 0 I am troubled because my child haa auch literal ideas labont the Deity. Teaterday she ran In Smti Claua.

She also talks of county. What shall do to oor sTl gjl ep a fs, I a i ay i Ma rect tbese laeaai The wise parent will not jret In the i ii VII a cniia 1 mouxni aa cnnu I As ths poet says, neaven lies aw I i in OUT tnr.ney 1 arouno us in our iniancy. Vab, It felt to nestle close in Ills arms. God will not; be offended with the little child who thinks of lllm as a replica of Santa Oaua. should the narent Worry about thla.

ead the children On. gently out hurrying, from the childlike thought to ths mstursr conception. mmm I there be arood will between 1 t. rhriatianl whll ther dlt fer so radically in religious beliefs? and I Of course there can. and there is.

fatherhood and in the fraternity ot His children. They are not divided by real religion, but for want of It. I Nor Is It desirable at the preaent 1 stsge of racial development that these two historlo bodies should a I adont an artificial uniformity, wMf fop hm ta ch.f ulIy rc. niti the eireadr nm. I I PUSiy.

Civiusea peoples are xesiea by their" ability to respect differences, rejoice in almilarlttea.a.nd to understand that social harmony and progress are evolved from a diver alty of vlewe, amicably held andi arg ued. QUESTIONS AND ANSVER3 W. Rural A man died about six years sgo leaving a widow and a a a three sons. Ills Insuiance paia an debts, and left a farm with stock and equipment. The widow aaked the sons If they, wished to divide the estate, and one said no and ths others said nothing.

The insurance money completed payment of tha amount against tne una on eoBtrMt. and the land waa deeded The eona Were all Of ew ww age the time of their father's aeath. widow left the farm of accord, andxabout a year her own accord. later one of the sons married and moved on ths farm, paying ins mor. than aha could have got alaewhere.

Can thla estate be settled now? If so. how? If not rattled now, can ths widow win away from the sons? The ques tlon falle to atate whether the aon www wVa married aaa movea io i Via mnlhir or iiaru wvue" rented It. If he bought it, he prob ably aatlsfisd himself that she waa able to aive a gooa aeea, in wmca case the son owns ths farm. It the decedent left no will, the song in herlted with their mother, and were entitled to in the estate but the ettuation now in understood without sccess to sit the papers. If the sons did not trsns fer their potentlsl Interest, if any, to their mother when the fieed was made to her.

It Is possible that they by means of a cen 7. b. It 1 f. noaalhle can be knowledge of all toe racts. iv City Plase stste when the i.

iI6. but,,.r I Owe, I 1 as rlB a lacu far dlSDlarlnr un lawful license plates k.wi Reader. City What I. an ltlt quarter worth to collectora. and where can one be soiai ordl nary 1SJ qJarter.

rays on either side of. the date. sells for 0 cents. There sre a few rare quarvere, and rays on eimer miao oi WhlCB brinX I VIII a IV 1 nnrtn their condition. Business l.reases are not printed here.

a mm 1 refer you to students Is yoor com ma nlty oa your part of the atate, and write to them about their ex nerlence with the school. W. IkL, City What is the minimum ags at abich one tney gtt a certificate of JUe and license plates for an automobile? The law doea not specify. (J "'b1 tn minX' mum ago at which one Is permitted to drive an automobile? Seventeen years, except that under special conditions the secretary of atate la empowered to Issue a driving permit to persons sixteen old. 2, Roachda'le business addresses are not printed here.

See any dealer in second hand book a. Mrs. City Under the Illinois law. when a man dies leaving no will, no children, but leaving a aek'V4l4 tteart orvath. aU; U4 vigils 14 Tbrrirli l'ra wmtrn.

'ei lvv. iMrfy 'Mif ry ru U. ro.ilf lO 1 't Leth Uuii faint aM ri te. tUll A'Ah tbf Mol.g irg a shae Of ae4 foretMlJnf. la I he hai4 la i The rewie le Uiild or i4.t ti fruit ot

The orn, v1 erase. f't ttr' 4 4 iick' ooeibed (rale. Trmn on tny jnwm mar tir Jr Polb mruur Ui til. iroe iren hrr. 1 ix ao4 iMre tike tUWe apen ue fmn tle a(f avr.e aa5 Trare are tb imti of lry n1 tr.mry.

Ceort Taranns'LelNrv. SCRAP3 Ancient Egyptian! rerard'! aa a live beast. The national wealth of the States Is estimated to be fourteen times that of Japan. sixteen large greenhouses te longlng to the United Ff ats. Jrr 'f flowers to fhe White llouae.

8. E.1 J. Cox. who waa convicted with Dr. Prederlck Cook, "diarov erer of the north pole, now is editor of the New Ers, the federal ns on paper at Lrsvenworth.

la an attendant In the prison hospital, lie Is said "to ave walromed the opportunity to bruah up" on his profession. He served as surgeon for several arctlo espedltlona. A chair In ht King William III had a tooth' pulUd. baa been pre ented to Comber, County Down, Orangemen, by John Miller Andrews, a member of Cratg'e cabinet. The fortunea of.

the chair can be trared without a break for 21a yeare. Uke all relics connected with the kins who conquered his roral fathr in 1 law. James II. In the battle of Illver lioyne. la 110.

It la looked pom with reverence fn Ulster. The "brass bralnY a device that can predict what the tides will be in any port In the world at any time. It In conatant uae In the lb oratory of the coast and geodetleX survey, at Washington, D. The machine la said to do the work of atxty raathematlclana. Ita came is derived from the fact that prac tlcally all of Its 11.000 parts have been made of brass.

Fifteen years was required to perfect the machine, the Popular Science Monthly eays. ThS library of the University of California contains 1. 000 volumes, once the property of Kmperor Maximilian, archduke Austria, who ruled In Mexico City from 11(4 te 1M7. Studenta are permitted to take these rare hooka out of the, tulldlsg and the general publla haa the privilege of reading: them on the campus. After llaxlmlllan's death, the library reached the hands of Don Jose Maria Andrada.

a famous collector. sn suction In LlepUg. Germany, In 1869. Hubert Howe Bancroft, the historian, bought them In ltOl the entire Bancroft 11 brary came into me pomiu the university. A recent atory 1 that went, the' rounda In connection with "Sir lxln," an educational film prepared by the department of agriculture, was to the effect that King Arthur, on seeing hla favorite cut of beef.

aerved at a meal to which he came hungry from the hunt, rose at the table round, drew hla aword, and dubbed the meat Sir. Doln. Com mentlng on this In a' letter to the 1 New York Tlmea, Ernest I. Ilorr wltx. of Hunter College, wrote: Jlo tumtico springs from MMusIon.

Of course the etymology whereon the lerend Is founded Is utterly absurd. The first syllable of the disputed word Is French. sur; Latin, euper. In the fourteenth century the French termed the upper' part of the loin of beef aurlonge, whence our elr loin." wife, what ahara doea the wife take? All. unless pareuta survive the deceased, when she takes all the'' personal property and half of the real eitate.

J. r. and W. City Has Indl anapolla a arntehe law cr was oae a ever passed In the City? Can rent be colltctcJl under this jaw? CItfes have no power to enact laws of this kind. The 1I2S UUlature passed' a garnishee law which, is now In effect In Indianapolis as will as the.

rsst of the atate. The Jaw does not mention rent, and whether It could be Invoked to overdue rent from the renter's wage. Is a matter that will have declJed In the courta. There has been no decision on this point aa yet, O. City How ran find oat the exact price pall for a piece of Indianapolis real eatate which recently changed hands? From the principals in the Iran taction.

The price psld for real eatate is' not always a matter of puMlc record. Knlghtstown Header Dease me the amountiof netvpr gross I.U in come a farmer rnuat hava ifore ho I. obliged to file an lnronn'tt return? A gross Incorne of $1,000 "or a net Income of fl.tCO if 11.000 If married. The same regu latlons apply to farmers as to oth ers. Congress IS now working oa a new tax law which may alter the above' requirements 1 efore returns sre due this year.

L. 11. City A and were dr. Ing in the same direction on a one atreet In Indianapolis. Lothon the left aide of the when A made a ahort turn to the left out algnalllnr, forcing 11 Into the curb.

li'm car was damaged. A admits thst he was to blame, but the company in which he Is Insured refuses to'psy on ths ground that the cars'were not in collision, which Is a fact. Does not the standard liability policy covr this There Is no Jeffel standard sa to li uty. un(Je, me, policy is contrast hirh the omj: a rnee A a liability und rondltloha. sat fprth in the policy.

IT a recouraS not against A's Iniursnce company, but agalnat A. If he was damaged through the negiu nce of A. and can prove It to the eatlfactlon of a court, he can prohatly gt a Judgment, which Is something for A and his insurance cornpaoy to settle. (J) Also th lr.urance rompsny further contends ttat both parties were yloUtlnS the law by driving on the'left aide of the etr.eet, atatlng the one way traffic reitulation is hot a state lew snd Is therefore invalid. Has tM questU Leeu passed upon hy corTipetent authority? This queatlon ti a few month, ago when the state ifempt ed to t.n t() cre ry trsf.

flc In North Meri lUn stret. Attcs ney Oeneral Gilllor grave en oplnN, Ion December 21, '5, that the oneway ordinance The question hat not ttn carried to the stats', higher courts for decision, but with the ordinance and the opinion of the slate's attorney. tn eral upholding the rraellee, the In aurance company's srrs ts be poorly sustained.

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