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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 15

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i rietcher avsnus, bav sild for.Kurops. Mrs Charles T. Whltiwtt and daushtsr at Hay View, Mlch.v for ths summer, Miss Ulil Aflara has ben aptolnted ywaj Instructor at ths Institute for tbs JUllnd. Mrsllenry Toder and Miss Helen To Ar will to Mountain Laks I'ark, Monday, Xanld Erwfn and family will to the of Leaih next week, for a short stay. 1 Mis Charlf.tts A.

Mislsr will corns boms from Nw York tet, week to rlH hH parent. Iiia Cora Hum. of Kahoka, Is vlmtjnir the MUs iiogans, 1j9 North Ala Y.rbaitit 1 Wllnetla' "Tucker, of Kletchsr svfiue has remored to hotna In Tnlhott avenue. Mrs. It.

J. Carpenter, Louisville. ituest of MUs Cecils Tucker, In South str t. 'TrlTi Clnrh C'iuh wilt meet with 1 tri. Frank Koftek, i'i Boulh Linden we k.

dr. KR.GAL.CS Ef.GAGEMEIfflV Co Harry a T7ell Kaon llarloa Lady Coca vai rrwule of the Jiier.t of Mm. P.utb rVlgger, 1 arson, to Mr. GaLI, gr thta citv.

Tbe marrta. wKI take plc ta sirt Mm. is one the )(3wn Xa4: el Marlon, and ilr. cUa i kiAwn throvrhoul Indiana ft 'larnr of rUie, and present Lead of the Call carpet establish 1 Interesting Surprise: at jSaiioa. t9icli to The Indianapolis Newel ilAItlON; July The report which reacted Marlon to day of the gagernect announcement of Mrs.

Kutn VVlsger, of tbia city, and ex Treasurer i Elate Gall caused ft profound interest arnoi, Mm. Wlger a i most uma. tits Is. haps, no the wLaltfclest women la tft EJate. And of Marlon's prominent worn en.

She the wricw cf the UW V. Vlg grer, who was ttz carrtt dealer here. ahd Jlfelor. Jdwnt of this county. Mr; Wtejctr tad October 17, 1K Their 4ree ch.idren are also dead.

Mrs. lives la on CI the most beautiful In this city. Her son in law, Frank we.rts. makes his boms with her. When Mrs.

Wlgger was seen by a 'ews correspondent, she orinrned the announcement ber ea yayc iat nt. Feraonal Social. Mrs. 'Hauls WHlett and son srs visit 7 Inn relatives in Greenfield. Mrs.

A. I Mason ts ths hostess at the Cotmtry Club tea, thl Afternoon, It. V. Stevenson, who has been in reW Tork, Will return horns In a few days. The pubHd library force will rlva A supper st Greenwood Monday evening.

Booth Tarklngton wlti entertain at ila ner. at the Country CI ub, this evening. Miss Julia Kern will retura, Monday, from a visit In Kokorno and Mr. and Mrs. Charles of 1 Jiurt.

will Kpt'inl apart nr the summer at OrtMwastlf. vlel' tiig rt latlves. Mt. Gorglv Wrlitht and Hrry Wright Ymy returned front abroad. They" arrlvsJf lu.i rr iw Vital stf't4! a Mbis Muy Winwr1ght hss returned to ii amwlll be at home for the sum ait 121 Went filevrnth street.

Mrs. K. B. Viirthlngtou and Mlss CHlve fljamllton will spend a fortnight with sfrlt nds at Cincinnati and Mioses Clin LuJorff and Florence and Josephine Pugh will go to Iike Maxln kuckee Tueduy fur a few weeks. I'red P.

UivWnfion left to day fof Fault Ste. Martp. lis has accepted a position there, aniK.wtll remain tndannitely. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Gerrard and chll dren. of Fletcher avenue, will go to llnsvllle to nibrrow for two weeks. Miss Margnret Carey will entertain this ev nlti, at ilitirter, st the Country Club, for Mr.nJ Mr, Biwtrd McKe. Mrand Mr. Dwight Huntington Dsy hav retnriiPd frbm their vediiing trip In tfaAado.

and are at hom In SU.Paul. Mh i. MUs EJlth Conner and Mb Elisabeth Conley, of Richmond. left to day at jr rioott for a six weeks' visit In the City of Mexico. Tha 1'arllament Club wtU'Elve a dance Monday evening at iBroiui Itlpple.

in honor of Kiln Kathcrlne: Uraman, of Terre Haute. v. The Mlns Newtonn, of Terrs Haute, who have been? visiting iire. W. J.

Merrlll.Jn Greer street hsve returned to ttjeir iwmt. Mrs. E. M. WrlKht and son, of North TlawBre stteet, will return home next week from Columbus, 0F: where they nave eff Titiiim(r.

Mrs. Harry Urunaugh and little son hnv gtne to; Cincinnati. Mrs. llrunaugh will vtnlt in Ohio during the summer, re turning in uctoDer. Mles Beile and Mabel Allison, of Marshall.

will come next wevk to spend few weeks with their cousin. Miss Muffle Allison. 700 North East street They hve been East, at and Nhigara rails. Mr. and Mrs, John A.

1 Acts gently on the IClDNEV'LlVEB and Bowels CtEANSES THE YSTEM '1TUAL PERhUNENTll evv.Twe 4trtviNt MK'f ey (AURRNIA Tg JrTsvTtj. ri srttAssk. EffECT5 KT wl" 7rl Ilakr and family, st ths fohadea of uvHifi. i rat wr ak Mrs. Frank Abhett, tno nu osen 111.

will 'go to West P.aden Bprinjcs next week Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Edmonds srs their vacation In Atlantic City and st psjtnte In '( Mr.

Morris lefre and children and Major M. ltfre will leave. Monday, for the Thiuand inlands. i Ml Mlonaghi 1 Clevelsnd. comra to morrow jo vl1t Miss Clune at Honats a nine.

North. Mins Iltlen McDonald, of College avenue, has gone to visit Mrs. C. l. Hart, 'at Avondrtlo, t'lnclmiatl.

ArthurHutto ha returned to Fhll elphla after a two weeks' visit, with Jils parents Pratt street. Miss Mertle lHtrrlson will leave next cvve fcr Virginia, to visit relatives and friends throughout the State. 1 Miss Ji'Htvetie Meyer, of prlpgfletd, i i tl'S guest of wt cou1h, MUs Lulu Taylor, In Leilngttn' avenue. Mis Hes )ibornc. of Woodlawn ave i 1 1 i rt i i I i 1 I i i r1 Allison have Issued lniilailons for a reception la their hcoor, Tuesday evenlc.

r. and Mrs. ML. E. Graves returned, to day from their wed'iisij trip.

They ths principal cities atd watering places of ths Kast. Ths wcsnea of ths avenu Baptist church wlU rive a lawn fete at the home Mrs. A.rO Evan, 13 Broadway, Vedrsday evetic. Kent if his daughter, Csxrt Louise, and Gcrg Charies Conner, tb marriags ly take place Auirust i. Miss entertained Ir.

formal. V. this afternoon, for Miss, of I'fcUliburs, who is ths (vest Mrs. P. A.

Ilaveilck, Mrs. Prospect stret. mlil lea re this evening to Join her husband In Oraaha. They will travel extensively through ths West. Mrs.

JL M. Farrshee, Washlnrton, P. who has been vtsitle relatives and friends la this city, has jobs to Greensbur to visit friends. Miss Reg1n Whit, Milwaukee, and Jliss Emm Ltodo, St. Paul, are vis itlnj their vncis and aunt.

Mr." and Mrs. Leo Lando, 8nate aventia. Mrs. Joseph Joiner announces ths prmicnt (her daughter. Violet Isabel, and iitchard Baxter Cherry.

Ths wsd (Lin wlil tak plaes Beptember 7. Mrs. K. J. Carpenter, of Louisville, wLI sin ths offertory at Roberts Park church to morrow.

Mrs. Carpenter sines at fit. Andrew's church In Louisville. Mivs Anna Epann Is visltlnr Miss Josephine Hyde, at her summer horns la Vermont. Miss Louiss Spsnn Is the saes i MJss Pssle black, in Spring field.

O. Ths liev. Puy L. Van Leman, ct Plaua. who has been visiting his parents In Pleasant street, has gone to Cincinnati to attend, the B.

T. P. convention. fMr. arid Mrs.

Henry entertained a rsw friends last evening In honor of their son. Chalmer. Reed, and his bride. The rooms were decorated with sweet peas and caraations. Mr.

and Mrs. Francis T. Hora wui giv a Unnsr at the Country Club, this sren tnr. for1 Miss Kocers. cf Kentucky.

sji: Mlxs Miir.roe, of Illinois, whd are with th Mis Landers. Mrs. Mathllds FHbleman annourwres the engagement of her daughter. Miss Cell pel bleman, arid Meyer Efroymson. Tliey win be at horns Informally, Bunday afternoon.

July 'Miss Relscca A. (Inslsy, this" city, now In Paris, has been appointed delegate to the Congress of Pres Assocl ttons. to bs held at the Parts ExposlUon. Jul? 20 In Auruit li The women of Roberts Park church will give a lawn fete Wednesday evening, on ths church lawn. There wlil be decors lions of Chlnene lanterns, and an interesting musM aJ program.

E. A. Bonhara and son. Frank: E. 8.

Merrill. Miss Lettle Fleming and Miss Kate Masn represent the South street Baptist church at the B. Y. P. U.

convention, now in session at Cincinnati. The Klndaeute girls gave a plcnlo at Fairvlew Psrk last evening. Those present were Misses Aim Host, LIUle and Julia Peterson. I Diets, Llxsie Steeb, Koa Gross, Lillian and Bertha Heldt. Mine Ceclle Tucker will give a garden t.artv.

Mondsr evening, at her home in DoUlh Alabama street, the guests of Lonor belnir Mrs. It I and Mr. and Mrs. Clauds C. or wirrirr.

Mr. and Mm. Dockweller entertained a number of young people last evening at their home In. Eaut Tenth street in honor of their daughter's birthday anniversary. They Were assisted by Mr.

and Mm; Decker ana Mr, ana Mrs. iosenorg. Those present were: Miss Edna Coaler, Miss Ethel Owen Mis Pearl Grady, Miss May Ferns, Frank Calvin. Russel Cosier, Fr nets" Ferns, Clarence Smith and Dajv lel Mack. Miss Nannie K.

Davis returned from New yesterday. Miss i Davis wss snt to I'arls by the Louisville W. C. 17. She visited the Exposition, spent KaMer In Rome, and traveled In trer many, England and Scotland, ine friends of Miss Pavts were espectlng her marriage to occur this fall.

It Is now, known for the first lime that she was married. March at St. Paul's cathedral, In Cincinnati, to Claude C. Spurrier, of this city. Both of the young people are Well known tn the city.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Milks entertained lapt evening In honor of their guest.

Misses Pearl and Katherine Greea, of Ohio, The porch and lawn iwere lighted with lanterns. The rooms were deco ratei In ulnk and white flower. Ah or chestra plsyed during the and there was dancing. Fifty guest were entertained. Assisting" Inlrecelvlng with Mr.

and Mrs. Milks were Mis Neine Klssell. Mix Grace Cook and Miss Jessie, Ktssell. Miss May Dunmeyer ana Miss Anna Cedarhome served punch in the second parlor. The.

Miss Greens will return to their home next wesk. Air. and Mm. Walter Baltmarsh gave a garden party last eveslng. In celebration of their eighth wedding anniversary and In honor of their guest.

Mrs. Ramsey, Of ClnclnnstL The host and hostess, stated by Mrs. Ramsey. Miss Mary Auf derheide and Miss Addle and MUs Ella received their guests on the porch. A tent on the lawn was lighted with Japanese lanterns, and the guests were entertained here at cards.

At smaller tables, placed about the lawn, refreshments were served. The score cards' bore miniatures of the host and Fifty guests were entertained. An orchestra played during the evening. Summer Outing. Ernest Burford went to Charlevoix to day.

i MrsA Burt Hadley is visiting in New catle. Miss Jessie Barcus is visiting in Ft. Wayne. Mr. and Mrs, M.

H. Rice are at Maxln kuckee. Mrs. T. A.

Alford.baa gona to Mat toon. I1U a Mrs. Hsrry B. New. has gone to Trout Lake.

Wis. Miss Stella Walcott 1 New port. I. Mrs. tT anK ueorge is at wh iwr the summer.

i Mr. nd Mm. I Frederick Huffman are vUltlng irelatlvea nd friends in wasn lngton. w. C.

i Mrs. Herbert Folta Is visiting relatives In Jollet. 111. Miss Ina T. Brash, Is visiting friends In Peoria.

111. Walter Bronson is tn Sandusky, for two tftki Mrs. Pavid Kahn and family ara Lake Wawasee. Mr. and Mrs.

Harrr C. Smith have goneto Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea W.

Me Tn to Oallf orrtlk. Miss Elisabeth Heber la In Northfleld, for the month. Charles Mayer and Albert Zoller left to day for Petoskey. Mm. W.

W. Stockton ha gone to Trench L4ck Eprtnc. George Woodbrldga has ona to tha lakes for four weeks. Mrs. Clark Mailery wlU go to southern Michigan next week, Mrs.

IS. i Brown and daughters will go to Detroit Monday. Mr. and Mm. Edward Treat will go to Euluth nd Mackinac.

Miss Mary Langsdale la taking a summer course, at Harvard. Miss Elisabeth Koerner will remain In Michigan nntlt October. Mr. and Kirschbaum and daughter am at AUanUo City. Mr.

Harriet A. tingham Is la New England for tha summer. Dr. and Mrs. Wlllard V.

Galea ara at Wawasee for the summer. Fred Bennett baa gone to Alderson, W. to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs, Wialaro Med earls are at Gt eenwood for the summer. Mrs, John ML.

Spana and Mlsa Gertrode Spann are at il alone, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. B.

Darragh have gone to Chicago for the summer. i The Miss Marthenees will spend the ivmmer at Charlevoix. Mich. MUs Clara Williams will be in Bridge water. Mass.

until Mr. and Mr. Otto N. Frensel and family have gone to Elkhart lake. Mr.

and Mrs, Henry Latham and fam V.y have ton to Maxlnktckee, Mlsa Laura and Miss Mary Williams have gone to northern Mrs. H. TX'Heywood and children will spend the summer at Cape' Cod. Mr. and Mm.

J. Partridge are spending the summer In Manitou. Coio, Miss Florence Bottler will spend the summer with relatives in Chicago. Mm. Jacjuellne a HolUday and family are la Wisconsin for tha aurvmer.

Mrs, Edward Harmon will be in Chicago and Milwaukee for two months. Mrs. George Benton and children, will spend August In eastern New York. Mrs, W. IX.

Armstroas will go to Edge xnere. Fu. next week, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ryan, who, with, ber husband A i i THE HaIA2APOUB SATURDAY, JT3XY 14, and son. has Just arrived fa this country from South America.

Mrs. Ryaa will ccme to IriIar.ftoUs la eecember. Harry E. McToUenter wlU Jola his. wife at Keen.

N. li the last of Act Mm. V. Richart and daughter. Mrs.

J. E. Miner, have gone to Merrtil. Wis. MUs Uilian Reeves ar.d ils BySeld leave jsext week for Bay View, Mw a.

Mrs. William Xlchols wTJ go to Providence. R. 1 soon to visit ber dacghter. Miss Bailey Samuels has gor.e to Geve land.

and lazer wlil go to New Tork. Miss Sadie M. Clarke has gore to Omaha and leaver, to remain until September. Mrs. O.

M. etfUman and danghter have goo to Pstoskey. to stay until September. Mrs. G.

Rlttenhoose acd danghter. Mrs. JT. E. have gone to Merrill.

Wis. Mrs. Clarerice 3. WHkerson wta visit relatives in Harrodsburg, Kr, this summer. Miss ML.

V. Hammond and daughter will sjead the summer at Michigan resorts. Miss Anna. Bowman will go to Kansas Citr, rsexx month, for visit teverai weeks. Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Sahm and family have gone to Turkey Run for month. Mr. and Mrs. II.

G.fFelson and children are la northern Michigan for a month. Mrs. Frank A. Bnsler and fair "7 bav gon to Madison. WU, for visit with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Wood and J. C.

Adams will be In Europe for two months. Ir. and Mrs. Kindelberger and daughter will spend several weks at Lake Geneva. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Ballenger and Mr. and Mrs. George Budd are la northern Indiana. Mr.

and Mrs. William taugherty fiave taken a cottage at Greenwood for 'the summer. Mrs. Frank H. Blackledge said chtl dren are at Bear lake.

for the summer. Mrs. Charles F. Sayles and Miss Mary Sayles wUl be at Maxlskuckee for the summer. Mr.

and Mm. A. Iunn and Miss Armstrong will spend the summer in Wisconsin. Mlxs Pauline Moon and Miss Edith WaJllck wlU leave Monday for Eau Claim, Wis. Miss Minnie Schols has gone to Evahs i vllle.

where she will join friends for an Eastern trln. Miss Myrtle Syfem will go to Worth Ington. next week, to spend the summer with relatives. Mrs. li.

F. Hybbard and children will spend i the summer with her sister, at Spirit Lake, la. Mr. and Mrs. H.

C. Adams, and Stella and Edith Adams hav gone to Maxlnkuckee. Mr. and Mrs: Frank G. Newcom and daughter are at Hagerstown for month, visiting relative.

Mies Katherine West has gone FJst tor the summer. She will go to Washington. D. C. for the winter.

Mr. and Mm. W. K. Stewart arid children have gone to Oconomowoc, to remain until September.

Mm. Edward B. Porter and daughter have gone to Providence. R. to.

visit Mr. and Mrs. rTnn jeiierr. Mm. De Witt Derby has gone to Mlsh teaks for the summer.

She will be the guest of Mm. James KL. Gore. Mrs. Mary A.

Phelpa will go to New York, the last or this to remain until th mlititln of ftontcmlwr. Mrs. Frank Churchman and slstem. the Miss have gone to Harbor Point. to spend the summer Mm.

Albert Baker and family have gone to the Shades of Death, where they Joined relatives from trawtordivius. Mm. E. Johnson and daughter have gone to Europe. They will remain abroad until the middle of September.

Mr. Adolpa Schleicher and daughter have goneto New York to spend the summer with Mrs. Schleicher brother. Mrs. T.

O. Barbour and daughters will go to next week, and early In August they wtll go to the seashore. Mm. II. J.

MUllgan and Miss Louise Mllllgan will go to Maxlnkuckee, next week, to visit Mrs, A. F. Potts and fam lly. Miss Florence Allen and MI Bertha Camden have gone to Washington. D.

C. Later they will go to Atlantic CUT. Miss Edna Wallace: has gone to Colo rado Bptinga tol visits several weeks. She will visit In Denver, before she returns home. Mr.

Frederick Fahnley and daughters Mm. Test and Henry Wetsel, wtll see the "Passion Play" at Oberammergau this month. Mm. C. B.

King and daughters, Miss King and Mm. Harry Dlckhut, have taken a cottage at Maxlnkuckee for a month. Mrs. W. R.

McKeen, of North Platte. Is with her parents. Mr. and Mm. John C.

New, at their cottage at Charlevoix. Miss Anna Nlcdolaa and Harry U. New went to day to visit Mr. and Mrs. New.

Mies Susan Stewart. Miss Kerfoot and Miss PUcher, of Nashville, have gone to Chicago to )otn Mrs. Charles Stewart. Mrs. W.

R. Farry and brother. H. Study, leave this month for California, where they will visit their sister, at Santa Rosa. Mrs John N.

Carey and Mm. Daniel Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. William Scott and daughter have gone to the seashore. Miss Josephine Gehring, with her mother and brpther, wlll leave, Monday for Mountain Lake Park, and Fairmont.

W. va. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schurmann are at their cottage at Lake Maxlnkuckee.

Mrs. Heaton and Miss Edna lieaton will pendi the summer with them, Mr. and Mm. A. L.

Mason and Miss LoulseGarrard expect to visit General and Mm. Harrison at their country home in the Adirondack early in August Mr. and Mrs. A. C.

Metealf and family have; gone to the coast of Maine, where Mr. and Mm. Worth Merrltt and chll dren will loin them in a few weeks Hiram Wasson and Edward L. Mc Kee. and their families, will go to their country homes, near MUlersburg.

next week, to spend the rest of the summer. Miss Mary Trimble has sailed for Eu rope. She will visit Germany; and the Rhine country, the Passion Play at Oberammergau and Paris and London Mr. and Mm. J.

A. Lemcke and daueh ter will sail for America next, month. They remain in the East untillate in September. Before "returning to this country, they will spend several weeks wttn Frederick Fahnley and daughter Mm. Test and Henry Wetzel, the party touring tnrougn (Germany.

BEIGHTW00D. Mr, John Caakey and Mr. Will Kodson will leave for Denver, August 1. Mr. Ed Rist.

of Ft. Wayne, who haa been visiting tits has returned. Mr. McCaffery and son. of Nebraska, are viPiung jonn mcv aiery in lepot street.

Mr. fheeU, of Dayton, la the guest Cf airs. Hutu roejley in Brlghtwood avenue. MUa Mabel GUohrtst, of North Station treetv Is vUltlng relative la Decatur, III. Mlsa Ada Whit, i of Pendleton, la.

vlslticg ner orotner, cnarie wnita, la Gal street. Mr. George Stuart, is th guest oS her daughter. Rosa Stuart, in South Gaie street. Mr.

Rd Harris, of Mattoon. 111., is visiting Mrs, William Hayworth la Brlghtwood ave nue. i Seftoa and daughtar, of Brlghtwood avenue, ia vial ting rslattvas la Charleston, lUlnoia. Mn Ed Marks, who has beea visiting frtefid and reiat'lves here, haa returned to his home in Ft. Wayne.

Mrs. Henry Huber. of Cincinnati, who haa beea visiting her sister. Mr. Mary Kneer, of Depot ttaa returned.

Mrs. Wiiiiem MttcheU and daughter. Mrs. Fourtney. of Belief ontalne, era visiting Mr.

Charles Mitchell la Gale street. Mlsa UA Bites, who has beea the guest of friend la Columbus aad Eiixabethtowa, has returned to her home la Station street. Mr. Samuel Stee ia aad daughters, Vtrgl and Fay. whe have beea visiting relatives in Rushsyivania.

have returned to their ham la Station street. Mr. aad Mrs. Perry Hamlin, of Indianapolis, end Mrs. WiUiam Wori end son.

ot Farmland, are th guests of Mrs. Georie Clark tut Station street. Mis Nw McKenna. who ha beea visiting her brother, Mr. Todd, ot Woodland, and her sister, Mrs.

Rose, la Iraaaport, has returned te her horse in Uale treet, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Doty, of MOi Gal street, gave aa Informal at home Thursday evening la bonce of Miss Alice Jumper of St. Louis whe Is their guest for a couple of weeks.

Tfc evening was spent In eoovrsa tlon. music, as after light refreshment were erred, the yoecg folks took fiasa ligbt ptc arse, and all enjoyed a pleesast eoc esiag. In mil. about thirty of Brlghtwood young fZk were present. Including among the out of town gueeta Miss Alice Jumper and Mis Myrtle Wineaow, of Loals; Mlsa Carrie Wii.iams, of Terr Haute, and Mr, Carl Scott, of Chicago.

A number of young women, accompanied by Mr. A M. Potter, of tbe Baptist church, went tn Cincinnati Wednesday to attend the B. T. P.

U. convenUoo, There I was a reception given; Wednesday evening la honor of the young women. The company was composed ef the Mlesee Rose Stewsxt. Glen Reed. Nettle Wren.

Mary Richardson. Lore MalhoUand. Eve. SkSnnar. Vlnaerte tar.

Bra Baker, Battle Bectley, Ees le Esgi. Em ma Sopd, pMri grrmrtoer Ltxx! Bantler. LIZl OtSth. Allf Tracy Sterfcess. Richanl soa.

Graf VadAtaar. ixsste Euffma. Kax HarmT, cri; Fc 5tr. Ate Mas tssutA. Hoes.

Stuart. 2T0STH ISDIAAPOLIS. Mr. Charies Hastard has rxm ta New Tork air i tra. Peree is cstertaiEias: ber cicce ct Lr.

Cbaria Howari vlsitins; relaUve la Ctio. Mrs. Lost Bock wm ga to EpioeianJ fa pend tbe sumirxr. Ilr. A.

W. Ccbb I the guest trteaas la Mrs. fesar H. Trotter is eatertaiTitr.g fneTKla frosa Creeacastie Mrs. Wrjus Jo9s vent ta Greenwood Tburaday to visit iirs.

fc.ancbe Tyier Jates eatertatn ilisa Ze Pickcg neat week. Hot Boas has goee te Chicago ta pn. about Uta dr Wizh rrteods. Mr. mad Mrs.

Own fear WuniM rrom a vlstt with trlMMla at Linton. Jaases Becker rfturanj Thnrsday from a k's visit with frjetrfs la aey, HI. The Hoai Presbneriaa aeh.Tol il give a picnic at Riwrslu ysk. Toesday Mra. alius txtitixim acd dauafiter tiara have gone to Caaa4a to spend two moctnts.

Miss liri Uail is pnd.nn ber vacmttoa With Mr. aad Mrm. J. M. Suers.

of BiahiWtj Miss Elizabeth Keller aad niece. Mary Ar thur, went to Spencer to day to visit frtenda. X.r. and Mrs. Hot Ketd and air.

fnsney Iiid have foot to Orcencastie to vtsit I Mr. and Mrs. Wise have returned from a visit with friends la phiiadeifbla and Huh tcrtoa. Mrs. Oroer Campbell retarced to day frpm mix weeka' visit with relative EeLe The Boath rtreet Bartist church gave an afternoon i'ednesday.

at the home of Mrs. Joaeph Hogue. Pear: Thorn will leave Tuesday for Pblladeipbla to remain two weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Fuller, i Fred Spencr.

cf Atlanta. Ga. who has been the guest of Fred Haha left yesterday for Grand apld. Mich. The W.

Hv and F. M. B. of the Home Frea byteMan ch jrch met yesterday afternooa with ilr. Charles U.

Tyler. The Ladles' Aid Society of Ft. Taur M. E. church wlil meet Wednesday afternoon with Mr.

K. IV. titrecker. ilr. and Mrs.

Jamea L. Adams and daugh ter and Todd have returned from a two week's visit with friends In Kentucky. Miss Nora Flrertlne and her cousin. Miss Clara Weijt, of Cincinnati, have returned 'from a visit with relative la Whitestown. Mr.

Munt and Miss Myra Montgomery were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents by the Rev. Mr. Carmen; Mlswa' Fallne and Helen 'Neptune. who had been tbe guests of Misses Helen and lieu 1 ah lse. returned to their horns In Thorniowa Tuesday.

The Current Topics Club will meet Wednes day. July 23, at the ham of. Mr. Klrby. Mr.

Houser wlU read a paper on Tecrlturlal Extension." i Charles W. Tyler, who has been with the New England Carnival Company for some time, has com to spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. "Tjler.

The aortal committee of the Christian fc deavor Society of the Mom Presbyterian church will give a social at the home of the pastor, the Rev. J. E. Brown, J7 West Thirty first street. Wednesday evening.

WEST LNDIAUAP0LI3. Dr. Fox spent yesterday and to day at Clay ton. Mr. Swindler, of Danville, la ths guest of his son.

Mrs. Gertrude Gebauer Is visiting frtenda la Chicago Mahlon Elliot will go to Lafayette, Sunday, to visit friends. Miss Lottie Wands returned. Wednesday. from Lake Winona.

Herbert Fletcher spent part of the week with relatives at Monrovia. Mrs. Cash will return. Monday, from a visit to friends at Danville. Frank Lambkia will go Uo Lawrenceburg.

Sunday, to visit friends. Miss Mabel Ellison went to Martinsville. yeeterday, to remain a week. Mlsa Georgia Hodge has returned rrom a visit with friends in Lebanon. Lawrence Thoraxson has returned from a visit with relatives at Danville.

Mr. Bennett and daughter went to Dug ger, yesterday, to visit relative. Benl. Wysvng la tha guest of his grand father, B. G.

Wysong. at Fillmore. Miss Maud Matthews entertained tn jtsartoa Mandolin Club. Wednesday evening1. Miss Gabriella Nichols, of Canada.

1 lb guest of htr sister, Mrs. John Blue. Trinity M. E. Sunday school will give a plcnlo at Riverside 'Park.

Wednesday. Mrs. Benson and daurhter Mabel went to Anderson. Thursday, te visit Mrs. Smith.

Mlsa Birdie Roof, of Bellefontalna, la the guest of her aunt. Mrs. C. F. Wllklna.

The Intermedials League or Kirst M. a. church gav a plcnlo to day, at Fairvlew Park. Mr. Olverson and Mrs.

Moffltt. of EH wood, spent part of th week, with Mr. W. T. Dsvls.

E. H. Mirier, of Toledo, spent part of the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.

P. Miller. Kd Wilson spent part of the week in Rush vtlie. visiting relatives and attending tha street fair. The Ladles' Aid Boclety of Morris street Christian church will meet.

Wednesday, with Mrs. Blake; Tha Rev. Lewi Pmlth, of Monticelto, haa bevn th guast of the Rev. S. B.

Grimes, part of the week. i Frahk CruJl, of ConnersvUle. was the guest of his parents, A W. CruU and wifa, the first of ths week. Th Rev.

and Mrs. Stout were tha guests of Mrs. Stout's parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Miller, at Flackvllle, Thursday. Miss Mary Jacobs baa been entertaining Miss Nell of Waverly, and Miss Ilet ta Fullen, of Greenwood. Francis Yant. who had been visiting his aunt. Mrs.

William Webb, returned. Thursday, to his home in Urbane. U. Mrs MilIer and son Harry and daughter Lillian, of Toledo. Ck.

are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. MlHer.

Mrs. James Lutes and daughter Orethel, of Zlonsvlllfv were visiting Mrs. Conaway and Mrs R. R. Grimes.

Thursday. The Druids gava a lawn social at the homa of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leaar, mursday evening. A large crowd was present.

Mlsa Pearl Orull Miss Nellie Burke. Mrs. Robert McMlchaels and Mrs. E. Fowler at dinner.

Wednesday. George Mealy will return to his home In Illinois the first of the week, after a visit with his sister, Mrs. R. Patterson. Alvin Beck, of and WlHiam Beck.

of Stockwell and Mis Kate Gregory, of La fayette, are guests or Andrew Beck, L. E. Carson "and children have re turned to Mom nee. after a six weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs.

W. T. Davis. Mi and Mrs. J.

B. Sanders have been en tertalnlng Mrs. Jonea, of Columbus, and Mr. and Mr. Ueorge nail, tnia week.

wnilam pDauldlnr will conduct the Bible ttirlv at the First M. E. Epw orth League, Tuesday evening, after which there wlil be a short musical program. Miss May McCain returned, to day, after a three week's visit at mow Hrancn ana Shlrlev. Miss Llllle and Master Everett Cant 11a accompanied bar and will be her guests for a week.

ThA first vlce Dreeddent of the leagua and! her committee have' arranged for a mucali and literary entertainment at rlrst M. r. church. Wednesday evening. Th ReV.

S. Grime will deliver a lecture. IBVINGTON. i Mr T. C.

Howe 1 vUltlng In Kokomo. E. W. Abbott Is spending th summer In Miss Mary Seeger has gone to Clarke' Hll for a short visit. I Misa Susie Richardson, of Franklin, visited Irvlrurton friend this Week.

R. Coleman left for Springfield, 111., to dav to BDend a few day at his home. Miss Lenora Eld rid fr took her Sunday school class for a ricnio at Fairvlew yesterday. Mlsa Lou Lane, after a visit with friends here, has returned to ber home la Kokomo. Mr.

E. Frailer, of Marion, will spend Sunday with ber dausrhter, Mrs. Walter Howe. Miss Charlotte Powell nas returned rrom I visit with Miss len IKiwnlng in Greenfleld; Mrs. Shoemaktf.

with her daughter. Mis Shirley Shoemaker, baa gone for a visit In Pennkylvania. Miss Juliet Brown, who ha been spending a few day with Mrs. C. li.

Clarke, returned to her home this morning. i Mrs. J. Smith, with her children, of Alexandria. Is spending a few week with her sister.

Mrs. Omar llson. Norman Braden. who has beea visiting bis mother. Mrs.

James Braden. left far his home la Cleveland last night. Miss Laura Blsiell. who has been visiting Miss Do? Shank, haa gone to Anderson. Miss Blaxell will go to Rome.

Italy, in the autumn to spene on years. Misa Mary Downey, formerly of I nine ton. now of Denver, will come Monday from Kecksk. whre she haa been visiting her brother, to epetd a few Weeks with relatives here. Mi! Gertrude Human will give a mrden party to night In booor of Miss June Hecker, cf Miamibu g.

and Misa Bdna Hecker of New Madison. who are the gUesta of Mrs. E. J. Hecker.

i HAUOHTTTiTT. Mis Wood at home from a visit In Greencaatl Roachdale, Vise Munday ia th guest of tbe family of ber uncle, Mr. T. J. Munday, in Wast Tenth street.

1 Mr. aad Mr. GoTey. Xing avenue, who hav teea visiting re La tires tn Vevay, have returned. Miss Mlr.ale Turns r.

ef St. Lcuia, who been visiting ber mother. Mrs. Kaehme, has returned hoane wre mactied Wednesday. They will be at borne at Ktr.g avenue.

1 Mr. said Mrs. Watson Chester Holm, 1 Chicago, visited tbe family ef the Rev. A Wood the early part of this week. The Pag of Babies, The photographer's name not appearing upon the beautiful baby page, in this issue, it is inst to state that all of the charming photos tn that: group of child studies were made at Lbje studio of Joseph Gray KJtcheu; 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i i i I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1900.

It) i OSEESTW OOD. The tpsxrtS Lea rue gave a reeer tloa Wednewiay eveniag la hoaor of. Mrs. wrf Abbott at the heme of the Rev. F.

A. Outh rte Mitxla Slrauaa. eC North Maa eheater. ts vlaitisg ber brother. Erwla Strauss siid fuaiiy Mr IHeary pellmaa aad Mra.

WUiism B. TaiL cf Indianapolis, visited the K. Mr. GuthrW aad family this Tha Woman Fareiga Missionary Society of the Prestytertaa church wiil meet all the home of Mrs. Wlshard oa next Thursday.

The subject win be Hainan and the Ftulif and Mrs. Isaac Todd. Mxi and Mr Frank Todd aad Mr. aad Mra.

Al Caraoa ara speeding the wee at Sharsaoa's s. H. G. Caraes and Mr, K. Csrnes.

of Aiissu, are visiting r. and Mr. Z. Carcea for several days Miss' Carrie Wethafer. ''af Fairiand.

Is visiting her sister. Mr. Fred Whttensck. this Misses Kce Smith aad Nannie Landi of Ivmisvllle. are spending their vacation i with Mr.

and Mrs. Dusbaa aad children left Thursday far the i take region cf Wisconsin to spend the samznen. Tbe Rev. Mr. Dunham will foiiow them tn a few Misses Nettle Mount, Nellie Leeson.

Vloiet Kline and Violet Self, of Indianapolis. are spending the week at the sanatorium Mr. aad Mrs. James Dungaa and Mrs. E.

Brown, of Indianapolis, visited Robert Whits ride and faaiily this Mrs. A. B. Hocus left Thursday for a week's visit with her mother In Akron. Elisabeth Lapaley returned to her home In MaAfe.

Tuesday after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. J. M.

Wlshard entertained a number ct rueats Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. alter and tbe Mis locaers. ot Indianapolis Miss Ollv Creasey went Franklin Wednesday for a ten visit with her sister, Mrs. S.

W. Van Ladies' Aid Society of tha Memorial Pres byterian church. Indianapolis, were enter tamed at suvoer by Mr. and Mrs. D.

5. Whitenack Wednesday evening. BL003OTELD. Mra. Dr.

W. R. Cravena entertained th Ladles' Euchre Club Wednesday ra IX J. a. Heaton entertained Mpnday evening in honor of Mrs.

Ch. Drybreed, of Hartford City. Helen Daiiey, ct Ih diaaapolla, Is th guest of Mia Ella Yakey this week. W. M.

Moss wss the guest of Mrs. Joe Mass. Linton. Mrs. Paries, of Martinsville, is vUltlng ber dauahter.

Mra Joseph and Mrs. J. T. 'Giles, of Alexandria, ark vslsitlrur Mr. and Mr.

Mason Seymour Riddle, of Bloom lngton. spent thl week with hi Mra Dr. Frank DeVllblsa. of Spring Garden. haa returned to her home after a Pleas ant visit here to relative and Mr.

cott Bryan, of Centervllle. la the rueet of her eiater, Mrs. and Mra Thoe, Ferret, of Indianapolis, and Miss Llllt pee be. of Spencer, were th guests of Robert: War mca tni wees Lr. and Mr.

Williams, ot Bsjotnington, are vtitlna th family of Mr. and Mrs. John French Mis Dixie Mason. of White Hall. 1 visiting friends here this M.

Price, of Sullivan, attended th Price and Bynum weading Ralnbolt and Frank Lahdla went to Indianapolis Monday Mr. and Mrs. James A. Price are apendlns a frw dara at Winona Dorothy Ntckerson I horn from Bloomtngton to spend her Mra. James and Bob Stevens are visiting in Bedford this week Mlsa Clan Neuaocn, of Spencer.

Is tbe guest of Mr. and Chaa. Cuturab Dagley. ot Louis ville, i the guet of Mr. and Mra.

F. M. and Mra. 8. Coffey, ofiWhlt Halk are visiting Mr.

aad Mra. Oscar Smith. Schell. of Terre Haute, has returned to her horn from a visit to ber parents, Mr. aad Mr.

It. C. Cavtna. MARTINSVIXLLE. Mrs.

J. W. Demneev. at Dan rllle wlv has beeo vlsiong Mr. and Mra.

D. P. Kennedy, returned home Wlliiasn Cul mer, or ctwits City, visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Mr.

J. N. Schooley is vlwltng Mr. and Mra. Rothmclc.

at Center Mrs. Tuli Phelps returned from Bloomtngton, Bunday. where she had been visiting Mrs. A. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Good were at Franklin. Saturday, at the etgrty eoond birthday festivities of Abnun Mary L. Green baa returned from a visit to Mrs. C.

C. Warring ton and son, or Cincinnati, are gueata of Mr. and Mrs. J. V.

MKchell at i Maple HIghta, their summer home Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rose entertained at o'clock dinner, Tuesday evening.

In honor of Mr. and Rose and Mr. and Mr. J. W.

Mrs. M. A Clark and daughter, Hatije. res turned Tuesday evening from a week's vlMti in MooreavU! aad' Platnfleld Mr. M.

Hit entertained at o'clock dinner, Wednesdays evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rose. Judge G.

W. Grubbe attended the; goldeni wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W. Armstrong.

In Franklin. Misses Haul and Twanette Nutter have returned from a vlaltl with Mrs. Clarence Hale, at Daytonj I Mr. C. C.

Harvey and daughter, of Bloom Ington, vlaited Mr. and Mr. M. W. Gretrrv tni weea Air, j.

m. rtan entertained this evening in honor of Mrs. James Vermillion, of Greeriaaatle, who is tbe guest of Mrs. Hall for a few Miss Flora Mathla. of Greencairtle, Is guest of Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. MUlle.Ruffln haa returned from a. month's visit with relatives at New Albany and and Mr.

W. E. Nutter entertained Tuesday evening la honor of Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. Fuselman. A TT.y A TiDRIA. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Morgan and family are visiting relatives at 8. Cul bertson ha left tor a pleasure trip through the Judge E. F. Gavin and of, Indianapolis, visited Mayor Shannon and wife Wednesday Miss Anna Meek haa returned from a visit wltl relative in Chicago and Steven's Polni. Wis.

Daisy Huff is the guest of her sister tn Albion, Mich S. E. Richmond and family have returned from a visit In J. 8. Shannon and wife are visiting at Atlantic City.

N. Mis Eva Allen is visiting relatives in Kingman. Etta Hill. of Jew Albany, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

J. F. Mrs. Ci E. Line and children ar home" from a visit to relative in Mr.

John W. Broyles is visiting relative In Greencaatle Mr. F. Pierce haa returned from a visit In T. H.

Jonea and wife ar visiting in Benton Harbor and other points In Michigan. A. M. Swain and children have returned from a few day' visit in E. C.

Sped and family have returned from an outing in Michigan Mrs. C. C. Hall ha returned from a visit to her parents in Painesvllle, O. Mrs.

W. A. Hughe and grandchildren have left for Tippecanoe to spend a few week. Mrs. a.

O. Hoover and daughter Mary are home from a visit with relatives la Wlna Mrs. R. Shonfieid has returned to her home in Muncie after a visit with, her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Mc Miss Jeane Wll of Irwin.

la her for a few weeks' visit with her lter. Mr. F. P. Boyd.

DALNVIIXE. Miss Ida Aplln has returned from: a visit in Jessie Mclntyre, of Car lisle, i is visiting the family of hen uncle. John M. Mrs. George W.

Scarce and daughter. Miss Martha, are visiting relatives in Jesse Cummin and wife. of Marlon, hav been guest of Martin Ehgle hert and wife John R. BY1H and family, of Evansville, are visiting his brother. George W.

Will Cash and family. Indianapolis, have been tbe guest of J. W. Ham rick and family. E.

Smith and wlf lift Monday for Washington, D. Ernest unaver ana rsiraiy, or RocJcviue, nave been visiting Mrs. Todd Miss Martha Lawrence Misted by Miss Anna King. wlH give an entertainment and operetta at 'th, char el. soon Misses Ethel and Ruth DUlmi; of Chicago, are guests of their aunt.

Mra W. F. Isvaon Basil Potts, of Thorntown. visited Danville friends this Charlea Fawkner, of Edlnburg. ts visiting reiati ee tn Danville Mlsa Holley Smith, ot Monrovia, Is visiting her cousin.

Mis Maggie Mlsa Minnie Pennington haa gone to Chicago to visit her cousin, al Maud Arnold Rob ert Hufford and wtf wis leave in a few dara for Calif ornjs Miss Laura of Marlon. 1 th guest of Oeorg Padgett and wife. John Armfteid has returned to Charles W. Stewart and wtf are vtsltlng their dauirh lrr. Mra.

Elsie Pierce, at Bethel. F. M. Smith, of Gor la visiting his sister. Mrs.

Mell Masten MUs Edith I laugh man ia visiting relative at estneiU, LUinol. RICHMOND. Miss Martha Whltecr ha been Visiting at Indianapolis for the past week. Charles It. L'ntnxnk haa returned from Hutchinson, Kas Mtss Hettie Elliott la at home frvm Mlsa Edith Bavldwln, of Colum bus, has been th gueet of Mis Grac DUka.

of Spring AJysa Aakeny, of Lafayette, was the guest of honor at i dancing party given at High Point Hotel, Monday evenins Rev. W. Cbadwick and, wife, of Bedford, are visiting RJcfcmravl and Mrs. Erse L. Reyoolds are In northern Michigan, to remain several Ruby Haasrxeter la tnr Chicago.

Mjw Harry Gilbert aad daughter hav bees Is jng Eata reiativee during th week Mass Ada Welghmaa la thai guest of relatives at Oiicego Mrs. M. E. Buhl wMl leave tha coming week for Havana, Cub oa a vtvit with her aoa Daniel W. Burti Mrs.

W. IX Jeminga. of Neweastle, was with Richmond friends during the week Mrss Mary Eanis haa returned from a visit with frtenda at Knights town Mrs. A J. Pickett bee if turned from a visit vita daclnnaa reiativee.

Mis Aaaa Hare ha returned frem a vtsst at Muncie Dr. L. H. Paawer, of Cow an. aad Mia Mary Staubaorh.

cf Cambridge City, were married Wedeeeday by th Rev. F. M. Kemper, pesue of tha Grace Method! church. WOSTHraGTON.

Mis Louise Barker was IndlaaapoUs. Friday aad Saturday Jean was la Louisville, last B.ecsoe cams fnxa Llaton. Friday Mies Ethel Wliea aad Francis Pedea. of Spencer, visited: Mrs. V.

Goldsberrv. this Hani Pontloua. el 1 ndtenancKts. was a cueat of Mr. and Mrs.

Ooidsberry. Sunday. Irma Cez he re timed from Gear ThnsMas. of Cdncl tins 11. 0 Is visit irur Mr.

and Mr. Charles Weuhsns Greceavsti Brown, of Terre Haute, was guset of the. 'I' 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i iTTi Mis Jewell, last week. aad Mm Alva Levi, ot Princeton. guests ot Mf.

and Mrs. Ike Biidertex k. week Jack Abram and C. ovw war In Kansas City, last week Miss Bird; Hanson, ef is visiting th family of John Hanson Mi Ivy Beaty la home from Iniianapoij O. W.

Cash, of Charleston. was here this week. Marv Lowe, of Harrodsburg. Is v. itlng Mr.

and Mra. Arthur Low Mr. Ben Wkieon and family, of visited M. Stephenson aad wife, this week Misa Beea Hill, ef aaiaora. la visiting Mis Juaa Ita Seifndg.

AJTDZSS0JT. Tbe marriage of Hoewrd 'Armstrong and Mis Vra IWkmu occurred at the me of tbe bride's paxenta In Park: Plaoa, mnnv fh. Maxiakucke to spend their bacermooa. Bfxnx suss novsro. recenxsy ureenaeij.

a onnpaay of young peopie were entertained on We In as lay vntBg by Mr. aad Mr. John Furkner. raceptioa was given by Mrs. W.

T. Wnght ax ber residence. In tkr ot Mis Joepaa Frankiln, a misekiaary, who reoenHy returned from India Mra. W. SC)lwl aad daughter.

Mrs. Louella Kianard. returned hotna tcday. Mr. Klnnard emvtng ia New Tork last Sunday from a three months' stay la Europe Mia Ktael MoKln rey I a gueet ot klN Uutaa K.iaabeth Hana aad of Indlaaa poii.

are guests of Mr. and Mr. E. C. Car Hayden Ftfer Is vlstnnr In Dayton, Miss Hettle KSlIoct.

of R.ffe nMid. la a guest of Mis Laura Mr. aad Mr. Eari Reeve and si Whitlsger visited relatives at Ruahvlli this week Mia. VT.

McEdward. of Elmira, N. was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. R.

F. Sohaecx Mr. and Mra, J. Mcnwrallh will spend several weeks at: Hamilton, and Mr. John U.

Terhuae aad Mr. aad Mrs. R. F. Sohaeck visited Mr.

and Mra, Fred Dickson, at ladlanapeila Mr. H. Miller and daughter hav gvme to Mamuetie, Mich. Beryl Showers, ot Indianapolis, was a guest of Misses Maude RawUna and Haa4 D. Browne Mra F.

D. Beaton, of Muarie, visited her sister. Mrs. J. L.

Mlsa Hasketts, of Nawcastie, are vlstring reiatlves la thl Mis Blanche Heath ia visiting at Hi tlire and family wtll spend the summer at Taio. Mich. A. Eastman has gone pieaav for a and Mrs. i of Minneapoiia, were guest of a Marttndale and family Miss CVwa Planet.

Terr Haute, is the guest of the Rev. and Mra J. E. Ferrl Mrs. L.

nmiia, oi maaLnspwis, Jr. uii airs, a Backelman, of Kalghtatcrsmi are visiting th family O. H. Abble E. Woods Mrs.

C. Foor haa been visiting reiaxlvea at Indianapolis Mis Rose Kk eut ser, of Oedareburg, 1 viaiung her brother la thl cay. and Mr. JVjaeph Hennrngs, Mis Eva Haanlnfra. and Mrs.

K. M. Kurr were at Atlantic City this Mrs. J. W.

Knight is visiting at Belmont. and Mr. B. L. B1ng.

and Mr.vand Mrs. J. J. Markey are attending the week et Atlanao City and New Anna Carr gav a porob party for th Y. W.

T. CBAwTOlUJSVILLZ Prof. C. A. Tuttl and family have gone to New England to remain until Mr.

Irvln Postea and i children axe visiting in Moberly. Mo Mr. and Mrs. R. G.

Allen. of Indianapolis, are in Crawfurdsvill to spend the A. M111I and family and Dr. Kan and family: hav gone to Lake Winona to spend several week. J.

McCormlck is visiting in Dayton. Tbe Rev. Edwin Thomson and family, Springfield. ar visiting Mr. and Mrs.

C. S. Bacon of Grand Rapids. are the guest ot C. N.

Holdeh and family S. H. Gregg and son Georg are visiting in Mt. Clemens, Mloh Mr. Geors Gregg I visiting tn Parts.

Florenc Herron naa gone to Ltuluth. Minn, to attend a house party. Joaie Tharp. i of Ft. Miller.

N. haa concluded a visit her. F. E. Brewer, of New Tork city, ia th guest of her father.

W. W. Morgan. WV E. Nichol son, Mra Ellsa Orlest, Mr.

Emma Scott and Mr. T. B. Eastman, of lnd 'ananolls, hav taken a cottage at Lake. Maxlnkuckee frr the summer Meadamaa and Messrs.

H. E. Greene, D. W. Gerard, A.

Reynold and C. W. II Iff left thl week for a tour of tb northern Edith Moor, of Louts vine, Ia visiting here G. R. Brown is visiting in Joneeboro, L.

Reed left Wednesday for Berlin, Germany, where he will spend a year studying music. Mrs. T. B. Nicholson and Mr.

Martha Hargrav hav gone to Bay View, to spend th ura mer II. 8. Braden ia at Baa lak for th Capt. J. B.

Pence and wife hav taken possession of their cot tag at Harbor Point. for tbe Crane and family, A. B. Anderson and family and Albert Baker and family, of Ibdlanapoil. hav opened their cottage at th Pin Hills.

Llnni Lynn is visiting in Mis Edith Patteraon. of Danville, visited hre thl Anna Insley, of Ft. Leavenworth, la her to spend th summer with her sister. Mr. C.

8. Henry Alfrey haa gone to the mountain of Colorado for an outing Judge Brlstow, of Hamilton, is tha guest of It. B. Hulet and family Miss Gertrude Sluts, of Wichi ta, I tb guest of relative here. MTJNCTE.

Thursday morning. Mrs. W. C. Sampson and Mlsa Louis Maddy entertained for Miss Eva Winchester.

whose wedding will occur next week; Mr. Stewart Sampson, of Cambridf City, th guest of Mr. Clifford Sampson, and Ml Elisabeth Happerstt, or Lrbana, tha gueat or Miss Maddy. Other out of town guests were Mlsa Davis, of Indtanapolla; Miss Davis, of Ander son: Mlsa McKlnney, of and Mis Ines Lowe, of Lima, O. morning.

Mines Myrtl and Lillian. Snyder were hostesses at tea for Miss Winchester, Mis McKlnney, of Marlon, and Mis Davis, of Ander son. night, Mr. and Mra W. F.

Mason, of Riverside, entertained for Mlsa Nemo Gould, of For Ml Martha Janney, of Ottumwa, Miss Lena Turner entertained, Tuesday For Mlsa Mary Beabora and Mis Emma' Gould, both of Ma rlon, a number of social eventa have been given this week Misses Es telle Ball and Lydla Miller have Issued Invitation for a ception, next Thursday evening, in honor of visiting guests Mr. and: Mrs. A Johnson, daughter. Miss. Grace, and Mr.

and Mrs. T. F. Hart hav gone to Hot Springs, 8. to spend sevsral week.

evening, the young women of ths psl Iota Al sorority entertained a party of young men at a Friday night, in honor of several young women visiting In the city, a party of men gave an informal dance. H. Over, Lewis Over. A K. Smith and their wives ar In New Tork city.

afternoon, from 4 to 6. Mrs. William Shirk Carrl Jonea hss returned home to Lima, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.

Howard PENDLETON. Mrs E. P. Roger, of Indianapolis, visited friends here the latter part of the week Mr. and Mra Howard bwain spent Sunday with Anderson Richard Knight and family ar the gueat of friend In Zalnes vllle.

Helen Kauns, of Indianapo lis, Is tha gut of Mis Maud Mr. I. N. Lockett. of New Madison.

visited th Rev. Mr. and Mra. 6 to ner thl week. The Pleasure and Profit Club held it regular meeting Wednesday afternoon at th bom of Mr.

C. IB. Caddy Ma and Lotta Silver are visiting friend in Indianapolis. and Mra Coral Franklin gave a porch party Thursday evening. Charles Llghtener and children.

Maggie and Alfred, left Monday for Colorado spring. Marv Hod son. of Anderson. spent Wednesday aa th guest of Mrs. Charles Schuyler haa returned to urerovuie.

Will Lukena and wife, of Muncie. ar visiting Pendleton friends and relatives. Lyall and Kat Smith returned to their horn Monday after visiting J. D. Martin and family.

LYONS. Mia Pearl Holder I spending few week with ber aunt. Mrs. Mr Kee, in Terre Haute. Oscar Dye.

principal of th Linton schools, visited hi pareht thl Mr. Allie Carpenter and sister, Mis Zeppl Hornbedr. visited Mr. Dan Nldlsrh at New. berry Mra David Delay haa returned from a visit to ber son.

Mr. Albert Delay, at St. Louis Mr. Sind Mrs; Charlea Ross spent Thursday la P. C.

Bus kirk, Blooming ton. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Spear Mr. Mary McCailter.

who baa been In Mndlanapoll for a number of weeks, as egad? at bom. Nancy Colter was th guest of Mrs. Ella Ax and Mrs. Amelia Stalcup tie first of the prof. Will Cushrosa and wife entertained their brother.

Prof. H. E. Cushniaa. of Bloomfleld.

Wednesday and Thursday. Rev. Frank Obaver and wlf. of Gceport, ar th guest of their parents. Mr.

aad Mra Charles Obaver. and Mrs. Mary Moser. MOOBXSVTT.T.F. professor sad Mrs, Alaska Eaton have re Innwd from a rrtontb visit at Bioomin aad Mrs.

1. W. Holllorvworth. of Indianapolis, were guest of Mr. Atmlra Hadley last week and Mrs.

g. M. Hooker left Thursday for a visit with friends at Greencastl aad and Mr. Elwood Lawrcaoe and son Chester ar spend ing a month at Indian Kling snd daughtar Elva, cava returned to Peru after, a visit, wttb Mr and Mra Edwin E. Kiln Mr.

aad Mra. Frederick A Likely. of lndiaeepolls. spent Suadsy with Mr. and Mra Ei wood Lawrence Mra.

Reagan, ot Oklahoma, and Mr. and Mra Walter Owcs, cf Indianapolis, ar guest of Mr. snd Mrs. W. F.

and Mrs. Ham Jackson visited with friend at Danville Twentr fiv our young penpl attended party riven by Misa Jnni wards si Mon rovia Tuesday Chambers, of Kenosha, la ta vlUlag relative her. FITTSB0BO. Mis Carrie Brent vlsiud tf. at Erown.

burg tbe first of the week Vise Lula Watt visited aunt. mwt. Tnarsday. a flshlng party a.s "vr parent BramnaTiL ta nre ponoay y.rmrt Asia Ethel Waters, B. M.

Iloaki an Vf a Florencer Brent jus nd al lurwiDurr, I 1 i ldl Fhlrtey vtvited telallvee J4 frleoV Imlianania, Tue ar.d Mrs. il.G. Xrumrli rtrr li bv their Mests, Mr. and Mrs. lv Hak.

of Lafaj ette. r.t fc ur.Jy at Cartersbstrs; prit COVINGTON. Mrs. W. C.

B. FewtU Mrsv F. 11 Nebeker nd Mr. E. I Torre lft.

Tuesday, f. Beech BluflT. hrrt they sietid the Maude Baker la spenuing a few days with ls.nv;ae friends. Kilter Rinn entertained a iwr.Kr cf Monday renin ia honor of Viiss: FT Isabel a Matthews, cf Gr ncastie Mrs. 'Marrurit Martatt I visiting Mr.

and Mra. Ode lljJils er Rev. and Mrs C. JFoWr ar vtslvin at Vera McCai is entertalnma K.1 na Am.a.t of Greenes Mrs, Celesta Eroyd and dauirh wi ten. tniy.

tor an evtemlej visit, aith relatives tn H. BeheC re tutjied home. Mxj.iav. from a visit to Mr. and Mr.

Charles Dwiaglna. at Jer.r.l Lacy returned home, after a fvnsr noth visit with her dauahter. la Shelby. Milrs ts usincf rs. tvbert it.

Bakrr la visttuig mr.d la Birdii Boord at feone from Cticagx ill remain two weeks. Rev. Father Tremmeil vialte i ria father, at Ft. Wa ne, Mr. E.

M. Boord was a guest of her sUKer.NMrs. H. M. Steely, at Danvil.e, thl Mar.

tha Murry. of Covington, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mrs, T. M.

iunn returned home, Wednesday, from a visit Mr. F. K. MvLain, of lanvllla E.llth Nlckl retarned ber home in Chicago. Delia Pot fryraous.

Emma Jennings, East Cbarteston, Fa, and Mrs. IJi l.rtvjra. of lilUmport. are gueats of their niece. Mrs, E.

M. and Mr. K. W. K.11.

of Champaign, 111., an visiting rodilrs ljm and Mrs. Rowland left for Washington. 1. Miss Alma Boord entertalne.1 a number of mends. Wednesday uan lAMauter.

of Baltimore, Is a gueet Vi Jr. 4. w. Mock Misses Ruth ifTKf Itannah Nebeker are guests of VMl.lamspvvt Ida re nirned hine. Monday, after a visit with Mr.

1. Thorn a Marlatt I visiting hu daughter, Mr. J. ik Ctwms, at J. v.

Lfppert. of Canton. returned home, Wednesday, after evvral days' visiting with Goddard entertained a number of friends, Friday evening, at a o'clock dinner, in honor of Mis lis ner. of Jennl Hutson and Jern Smith wen married at the home sit the bride parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Jamea Hutson. in tixta. street. Wednesday evening. MABI0N.

Thur Jay the second game of the series of th RolHnaa.iaacla.Marion Golf ye tivurnament ws played In thl dtv by a. by up" In th vrn entertained the tnera nj UarKe taaxna. raaoiltln V01 club, and th visitor from in Kicnmond and Monde Jiys trnseu a.yoivs. or Aite iu ts alias iiaxal Lilian! enter emeu' c)mny of young girl friend. have been Issued by Mr.

and Mra Cyrus f.r th wedding of their daughter, Misa Ida Mae. to Sir. Ourna WaHer, the marriage to take place at th home 4 th bride parent on th venlnr of We.lnea.lav July Miss Mary gwveuwr ha returned to er nyrae tni city vm Mlsa Arm irons stsiopi In MWw Mary Giaise ha Virginia send the Mis Nina MeCleery acoontpanied her unoie. Arthur in jaicniran summer reeirta to spend th cummer Mis Margaret Uliams baa gone to St. Joe.

spend th summer Mlsa Jeannette Smith has. g.n tu Ikayton. O. niaka that itv Kmie Miss Bessie Chrtety has returned to ner name at vincwinatl. After av ei wka' viii win trienae in this Mis Elv Wolfe, of TlptonV I the, guest of Mr.

and Mr. Ray Carrl Fruchey visiting Anderson Mlsa Mary Forrest la vis. 7 raueiy. in mi Airs. j.

v. iirimacombe have, gune to tor a vit with Ida Goodlandvr, of Wabajih, viatted fHends In thia city during th last Mis Linn, nf iiauMii. aa a visitor in tn city thl week. QRF.F.NFIEXD. Mr.

Charles Wood Bond and Mis TAvnk Louise Wood, daughter of Mr. aad Mra. Eu groe Wood, were married at 'h hora of the oriuer parsni Tney left at once on a wedding trip through the East, after whioh they will make their home In JKiho A Khu was th guest of Robert Martin In Ruahvlli a few days thl week. W. Hough returned Wednesday night after a week's vM't with hi sister.

Mrs. A H. Hoiklna of Goshen. and Mra. Daniel rl toner spent iw oaja una weea witn rneir on.

Mr. E. Ev tlaude Hauok returned Tuesday from a short visit wlta relative In Neva Pi Ik en ton gave a charming. garden party to a number of friend Friday Kat C. Martin la in Kansas City, where she will spend th summer with relative Mr.

aad Mra M. H. Gen, who hav been visiting trtattve in Washington, returned home Mr. and Mrs. E.

W. Felt, after ek' visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Fait, of St. Joseph, returned home Jer rme Black will leave next week for Pexceky, where ah wHl spend th reiaalntW ot th Mr.

ttiartes Mew, of this otty. and Mis Grace Peas, of IndlaaapoUs, went married In Petoskey. Mich. They will reside In Indianapolis. night a re eeptlon aas given at th horn of Mr.

and Mrs. IX B. Gross, la. honor of the Rev. Mr.

aad Mra J. Oair Leech, who were recently married Ctdcago. BROWNSBTJEfl. Mra Lewis PocRand and son. Otto, of Indl snapolla visited friend here thl Charley Hufls and family, of Rookford, ar guet of 11.

Juhneon and famUy, tn East Main Mis Olll Kubert vlsltl Chrtersburg friends this Ethel Free has returned home after a few day' visit with Jamestown Prof. Charies Leokrvma, North Manchester, vial ted here! this week. Anna Paenlck ha returned after a week' visit with Danville. Ella Lew la of Pitts. boro, I a guest of J.

F. Umvaaa and family. Dobeon visited Indianapolis mend tns week. rs H. Harding left I for Albert Lea.

John Thorn and fanvM lly, of Muncie, ar guest of Linge mavn and family, in West Mala street fehlr ley Davidson, of Cratg. Is visiting his imde, 8. W. McDonald. W.

McGeew, of Went Indiana poll, wss a gueat of his par ente. Mr. end Mrs, S. R. a week' vacation Iorn Georg Ivaa returned to Indianapolis Mr.

and' Mra Aebury Ward, of Morgan county, wre guests of friend here Tueaday. They were arrrpanied by their daughter, Mr. Johns in, ir Clermont. PABMULND. Mrs.

M. J. Albert, of Emerald, is visiting Mk snd Mrs, J. K. Vance.

C. Mill and. family, of Redkey, vlalted Mr. and Mr. J.

Lumpkin, the first of tb Mra. Louis Baahla Is visiting In Versatile. Mra. J. ig.

A Rec, of Oxford. I visiting hr mother, Mr. Mary Mia Mary Boot is visiting friends at Xenla, Mr. and Mr. Walter Haughn, of Munuls, visited friends her th first of th Md s.

A B. Slonaker and children hav returned from a visit with Iiayton Mrs. K. E. Orsy, of Iayton, ia ths guest of friends and Mrs.

W. Thomburg, of Redfleid. Ia, hav been visiting friends here for th past week Mis Florenc Weller, ot Danvlll. 111., ha returned boro after a. short visit with friends.

C. M. Hatfield and Misa Flora Men denhall, of Indianapolis, arrived ber yea ter. dsy to visit Mrs. Etta Haupt.

and Mis Edna Alstadt, of Wabash, hav been guest of Mr. and Mr. Calvin Hammer thl week. and Mra. Edward Lock hart aad Miss Carrl Stone, of Albany, and Mrs.

Mat tie Davis, of Lancaster. were' guests of Mr. and Mra C. B. Stone Thursday.

IN CHESTER. Mr. I O. returned. Monday, to her bom in Decatur, after a pleasant visit with relative and frtenda tn thl city.

Grace Keller is th guest of ber unci, th A. Kemp, and family, of Mr. J. W. Wilson, of thl city, lefti, Thursday; with George Smith sad family, of near for a trio to Scotland.

Mrs. Wil son's b'usband, th Rev. J. W. Wi.soa.

former ly pastor of th Presbyterian church here, has been la Scotland since early and Mrs. Ciyd Moore on aa outing in northern Michigan Dr. and Mr. M. Butler and daughter, of Weepltja Water, ar visiting E.

H. Butler end family. Esther and May Fletcher epenl the week In Lon Ludy SJeft, Mcmday, Tir a visit la galida, Cln I ttuwrmrile streiwlns re'assd luoscle I z. an: i baessedbede rayse'f hv eared theoaselvas with ft. I sead ft la plala wrapsen.

Mother Deefbter I will eipiala tlmpia Home Tresuneat which nediTT an gore Leacorrae. Gree SleknaW nd palnfal of Illness ia yoang ladles. It .1 nxlctyud i pease sal your asoKhuir tb batiiiliatloa ot explaiaing ber trocblM.l lBBJpces and keaiia ivr resslt from it see. vkM mi itt a tnir tn to wetl knowa ladle of vonr owl tal or eoantv vio lfv aain alalV SII UI UVTV rl OTI! 1 rsiliorill I isfs, i illS ill I 1 1 LHI LW r.lOriDAYlAT I Granulated Surar, 5 pound frasa wltn each poui.d of tb cie i Holly tiop" t.ikvt bred Japan tea. dollar quill tj.

Moi.Cay...,; OOo Soap, good JauaJry, per lo Starch, best luz.o. per 3o per Qslsoda if. lb. per lt lo Oold Duet ahlng Pow aar aUo Borax, powdered, 10c package 7o Dlulng t3 bottle loci 3Ho Ly 1 Jc boKcs, ropular" Soups, Van Camp's Bo Tomatoe (3 rtci li, can Kidney Beans cosl5c 7" Sal, non, i)ound I oo Trout, to tomato sauce, lSc Quality. Oo Sardln, good grade.

In abo Lobster, Rulan Caviar, cans. too Brick Cheeae, Bnest grade. Crokr, fresh and Atj0 Olner Snaps, per pound. Coffee, fresh roasted Java. lua Extracts, big 10c bottle, lemon or vanilla Baking Pound ar, Acorn, pounds ISo Pepper, Jc Singapore IBs Muatard, beat Pssohs, lie evaporated Maoaronl, "Ked Cros pack sire Shredded Wheat Blsoults too Cornstaroh, full pound 3a Soda, 3o Lemon, perdwn Rice, large too Carolina Tapioca, best peart, per eo Meal 5 pounds 5c.

Mixed Pickles, sweet, Oo Cstsup, lie botUes. Snldr's Olives, Uttl Devil Ollve OII, iUe'a" 50c Bo A CIQ SALE OF WASH DAY KEED3 Clothe Pin asfor lo Clothe Wringer, hard rubber rollers, guaranteed, our t.b quality .49 Wash Baskets ipllrt, lrgtio e. ISo Wan Boards, aa odd lot that. sAid up to Sid. tocloso I Bo Clothes Morses, folding, foot 3Bo, as foot.

.7. Ivlops, IO oa Buoksts, pine, hoop lOo WahTubs, fiber. II t. Clothes Lin, Bo lOo Curtain Stretcher, no fr i.o UwO Tho IVrh. 13.

Clock Co. ny, ef South Bend. I th guet of her brother. Ktrolhar Rrumfteid, and Minnie Wood and daughter. Mis Mary, who have been visiting Juug Monk and family, returned th first of Ui weak to their hotti In Maakelu, Mlna, CITES TERTIXLD.

Miss Floreno Hedrlok. of New Tork city, is Vtsitag fiieoda Andrews, of In dl anal sills, la spending a rw daa Mr, btelia Cletidenin Is th gueat of riativs thl I via Makepmce save a dinner Sunday in botior of Mr. Jinoa Jn iiooknot visiting Uvea at Carrl WTiiLhunW ia th guest of friends) hr. was an Ice craam social in th Christian church eun. day aad 'Mr.

Cliff Jac.n ient BiKwiny with Mrs. Jon' parents, Mr. and Mra ekii Oold. Frank MaKuo and 4t retumed. Saturday to thetr bum at In dlenepuila, after a three week' visit with reiativ Rachel LeeAher and daughtae Ellis ar vPaltlng Wunci relative thl week.

Thomas O'NieL of in.ii. anapolia, 1 tti guest of Mr. aad Mrs. A. i.

toanvhlp commencement court thl evening At th Christian ohuroh. Tlier 4xe seven graduate. Etnuia Kyaett si tb guest of frisads bsre. Mra N. K.

Smith spent the week with bf parents, Mr. and B. Alexander, Frank tort. E. ().

Kltroillr returneJ Saturday from a month' visit In Mr. an Mrs. pster Kramer hav returned ta Fair mount after a visit hsr with Mr. and Mra. Oliver Campbell.

Theree Whit aker, of Frankfort, 1 th guest of Urn Blanch Ouibrldg for two ani Mr. Parker Thayer, of Rtverald, aiv guest ot and Mra W. IL Lanon. Thf wtll visit at Boston be for returning hotns. Charles Voorh, of Monon, 1 1 1.

guest of her slater, Mrs, B. R. Mabel Dttnmlck. of Terr. Haute, 1 vlsttins friend ber.

R. D. Voorb pnt tin first of th week at Chicago Mr. and Mr. Lew! Flora ar spending a week at Petoskev, H.

1L Flora la pending a day at Frankfort with ber parents, Mr. and Mra Philip Dorner Mr. W. H. Linton srM th week at Detroit, and Mrs.

John Lenon antartalned a number of frlenia Monday evening In honor of MrsL i birthday. KNOX. Mrs. Vt. If.

Mflier left yesterday trt hu boro ih Wtieellng. W. IL Hua end wlf ar guests of Midaryvtil frleni. Will Fox, of Grandorf, vlltd J. G.

Krath and family, Tuesday and Qua Relss leit this morning for a visit hi old borne In Bavaria While then go to Oberanrmerf aa lo see the passion Amelia Kester, of Orlcsgo, is tr.i guest of her brother, 'tt. J. i C. Kelley Wt to day Wajrhlns ton, D. where be W1K remain several of Findiay, vlahed D.

BaJdwla and family Mrs, Jam i Gorrell la ths guest of North Judson tlvM this WMk Mr. H. R. Kofi a en tnr. talned tbe Thimble Club yesterdey Norma Greely, of OTiW'aa Is vlslUni Misees Berth and Man Sartaell for I week Mr.

and Mr. Ward Garner, of Michigan City, are the guests of J. A Gamer ark aad Mr. Bert Te nnd are I i guests of C. M.

TowTisend and Charles Kelley gave a reception W.tb nu navl student Tuesdfy evening. ZI0NSVIIXE. Mrs. Barry McDaniel and children hvi Mr. gon to SU Ann, I1L, for a visij with re.a.

and Mr. W. i. Moouirs, witn party of friends from Indlanapoli. wnt ti th Kankake river thl Miss Iv Ilvah has goo to Hope ir extended Vis.i with' relatives.

Helen and Lou "Kar'j pent Sunday at Noblesvlll with their ter, Mrs. and Mr. 0org Srf Mr. and Mra Oeorg Norwood, Mra Will Kf ly, Mra Retta Fail and Mr Frank Coo pent a day with W. Alford ar4 wt this Mr.

and Mra P. bailor of Salem. visited Effl iru Thur day. Call! Peether. returned her boro at Roacbdai Saturdaf lv Star Society met with Mis Ruth Hurst Mots day.

Tbe next meeting will at th bjr. of Mis Aline Clara fcwrin went to Ga City Wednesday for aa evteo visit with her Agn Rlrf.raoM gav a lawn fet Friday evening In tcr.j of Miss Maud yMiox, of lebanon. John W.Murph7' Condition. The condition' of Mr. John "VV; ifurpV! at 2 o'clock this afternoon, wss changed from yestsrday, and those at, tending him are hopeful ot fcls recovf iMr.

Potta'a Sad Iron Baely nlokel.plnted, lb com plete set.ot piece, H.00 oual ity eoo ADL1VP05 ya ri a1 y.WJ. Wiso SuH crcrs a cf I wta mall, free ef esy charge." thi Bom Tr seat wrth full instructiocs and tbe bistory ei case to any lady suffering iruoi letaale trouble. can cer yoreU bom wf.bout th ata phyMCiaa. If alil'stst yoa SKrthtej to treatment a trial, aad If yea decide cox i. wta oniy cost yoa about twolve cants a wilt win not interier wt'h yur.

srork or camp' I bev Mrthiivg' to sell. Ted" other ufferer a that 1 ail 1 aaa. It enre all. yousg or old. mr yoa 1 a bearlngvdown aensativi.

Epeodicgvu, pain la tbe beck or bowr J. freei ng up tbesine, a desire to cry ashes, wearleeas, frejuent nri 'ste, bav Leoenrrbe (Wbltes), Prolapse liP nty or pstnf I Periods, Tnmors or (iros UUn. SUMMER. A R. I'.

P. It FK I ATM E.N I snd tLU Iiui.ii".. curro til ajMHfa eotsoiiifns oi ad llsmeat wMca cause d.spisoexej' msds as ata. Adirses tnire Unmr. II..

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