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The Nortonville News from Nortonville, Kansas • 1

Nortonville, Kansas
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I r1V 'It I DAY. OCTOBER 11, 1912. NORTONVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, KANSAS. VOLUME 28, NUMBER 41 fitted the ground and drew the drills. On the Oklahoma side of the lice the tame prosperous condition crops exists wherever the settler baa stuck to his post, but there are many deserted homesteads, and once in a while a whole community has become so de said in answer to an inquiry, "but it is one of the easiest things in the world to make a mistake in feeding this feed." I fed the corn sparingly until it was dry enough to shock, then I feed in large quantities, and I have the finest bunch of hogs I have ever T.

A. HATFIELD populated as to resemble a turkey three days after Thanksgiving. Wheat around Hooker, yielded had." ''In my estimation there is no more danger in feedingnew oorn than there is in any other feed, providing it is not overdone. In which case it from ten to eighteen bushels to the acre, which compares very iavoraDiy to our crops when we take into con would naturally result in throwing the digestive system out of condition and pave the way for the deadly REPUBLICAN NOMINEE OFFICERS O. W.

BABCOCK, Pris. J. C. HAINES, Viol Pass. B.

McBRiDE, Cashiir. BESSIE WEBB, Ass'T, Cash. CaoUil $25,000 Surplus S20.000 ESTABLISH KIJ 188ft nuvuntugbo The ample capital of this bank, Its financial position and established reputation for conservative business methods are among the substantial advantages offered to present and prospective customers-It is the aim of the officers and directors to maintain, and in every way feasible, increase these advantages. Our equipment in each and every department is thorongh, modern, efficient, and we Invite your account with assurance that we are fully prepared to meet the requirements of present and prospective patrons in a spirit, of Tness to all interests concerned. germs; and what could be more natural than that hogs fevered from gorging themselves with new corn should be suddenly stricken with such diseases as swine plague or cholera? Vindicator.

sideration the price ot land and the Immense acreage a man can farm there. Here we saw one of the bet labor-saving from a grain elevator, we ever saw. It was an elevator running from the ground to the car deor and was used for loading cars from the farmers' wagons. The farmer drives to the proper place FOR Those overcoats at Griffin's are the right size, shape and color. with his load of wheat, stopping the front wheels on a frame, then takes TT TV IT Yf- IT T7 John Slane, who is going to sellout his farm stuff on the old Burnam farm, according to the advertisement on 8th pajre, is going to quit farming and take up automobile work.

He thinks of going to Battle Creek, and taking Instruction so as to make a competent automobile oat tha entente and the wheat runs into the elevator anil as it runs put the front end of the wagon is elevated so as to maka all Ibo jjraig, run into thjB elevator. -All tha farmer has to do Is to stiirt the engine and watch his wheat go the car. Not First National Bank i In Nortonville, Kansas. only wheat, but all kitids of crops are 'doctor' of himself. Frank good in that section this year.

Searle made a sale Saturday of which The rescourcca of that southwestern he has a right to be mighty proud. country are truly wonderful, and the OP A. T. S. V.t railroad company i Geo.

W. Loper, of White Gable stock farm, in the immediate vicinity of Oshkosh, and right in the midst of the Holstein dairy country, came laKing steps to develop the nve counties of Kansas which have heretofore been railroadless. down to look at Searle'sstock, accompanied by Mrs. Loper, and after per One cannot travel the length of rthe Jelerson state tills fall without being profound County sonal inspection of the herd bought ly impressed that Kansas is a great seven yearling heifers of Searle'eown state and yet we believe that her rec breeding and raising, paying 11850 ord of future development will exceed for the bunch. Mr.

Loper, after look leg at other herds, declared hit pur that of the past. SELECT YOUR SEED EARLY chase the best he had seen for the money anywhere. The stock was ship Few farmers appreciate the iujpop ped to Oshkosh yesterday, Frank Insley it going to leave Oskaloosa, tance of early selection of their seed atWTr5jr The dure Course Committee is pleased to announce the opening number of the Course for 191213. "The Meistersingers" Male Quartet and Organ Chimes Will open the season's entertamsaent in the CITY HALL for corn and sorghum. The stock where he was born and where he has lived all bis life, and It It with genu man declares that the "sire is half the herd" and it Is equally true that the ine regret that the people of the town character of a farmer's seed repre sents practically that percentage of bis crop.

No man can estimate the see him leave, for Frank it a genuine booster, always ready and willing to lend an efficient hand to any public enterprise and "stand up for Oskaloosa" on every occasion. He is going to take charge of the Home tele thousands of bushel of poor corn and sorghum seed that have been planted the last kind words spoken of him was by the editor of this paper which in life he so spitefully "nt.opped." Did you ever pause just a moment and hink that your editor, whoever he ny be( will write your obituary some d.i yV Powhattan Bee. JUST A WORD ABOUT THE LECTURE COURSE It has been the purpose Of the school authorities, together with the oo-oper-alion of some of the business men of in thelieMs of Kansas, never to germ phone system at Richmond, Mo which it the county teat of Ray county inate. Why not feed this poor grain to hogs and cattle and plant good seed, seed that hat been tested A few grains of an ear of corn or a head and a town of about 5,000 people of nutonirbilea tilled with comrades, ueihteis, friends and loved ones ae companied the remains to the cemetery, where kind und loving hands laid It to rest. "There is no death; The stars gi down To rise upon some fairer shore, And bright in heaven's jeweled crown They shloe for evermore.

There Is no death; An angel form walks o'er the earth with silent tread; He bears our best loved thlags away, Andthen we call them dead. And where He sees a smile too bright, Or heart too pure for taint and vice, lo bears it to that world of light, To dwell In Paradise. Born unto that undying life, They leave us but to come again; With juy we welcome them the same, Except in sin and pain. And ever near us, though unseen, dozen miles or to east of Excelsior of sorghum will prove the characteo? There are ten -operates at the board and two Una men and the whole. Enough poor seed of these two plants was planted In Kansas last Tuesday Evening, October 15 at 820 Season Tickets for Five Numbers $1.50 Single Admission 50c the town, to maintain a Lecture Course in Nortonville.

You appreciate at once that it costs money (1300) each Frank's dutlet will be principally of a supervisory nature. The pay It tuch year to bring such talent into the as to make the job an attractive one, community as wt had last vear and and a host of friends here wish him such that we have engaged for the great good fortune In hi new loca coming year. It is not the purpose tton. He leaves this Saturday, but i hit family will not go until "a house of the men who are giving their time to this matter to make money. We can be procured.

Oskaloosa Indepen dent. only want to get the people interested a high class series of lectures and The dear immortal Bnlrits iia Remember the box social at the entertainments that will add generally -1 i For all the boundless universe Is life there are no dead." Rev. T. B. Adell.

Sugar Bowl school bouse next Wed nesday night. to the cultural aide of the community life. hope to interest evervone in and around Nortonville in this snlan. THE DEVIL'S SOLILOQUY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE MEETING The Republican Central Committee WILLIAM MCCOY DEAD Nortonville suftured an inestimable loss last week in the death oforitfiP its most honored and best beloved citizens, Wm. McCoy.

Mr. McCoy was boro in Harrison County, Ohio, Octoter 6, 1838, and died at his home in Nortonville October 2, 1012. Had he lived until the following Sunday he would have been seventy-four years of age. On November 8, 1859, he was married to Miss Tirzah Borland, and to this union six children, five sons and one daughter, were born. During the civil war Mr.

McCoy was a member of the Q.Jth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In the year of 18G8 he Cflmn to Kansas, and the follo-ving spring to fatten a thousand steers, and yet the seed corn oonditions in Kan-sat were better than in any other western state. The farmer who will select bit tetd from standing atalkt will have opportunity to determine somewhat of the yielding quality of teed, somewhat of the strength of stalk and roots. The big ear on a ttalk standing alone with no stalks near it not a good teed ear because it big because of unequal soil help. A good ear growing on a stalk surrounded by good ttalkt will furnish safer teed.

Every argument in favor of selecting teed corn from the field in early fall can be used in favor of September selection of teed of ail the sorghums, broom corn, kaf-flr, milo and also saccharine sorgsum. No one will ever get a uniform ripening of any sorghum until he selects from the field uniform ripening beads. We should get together in a big concerted movement this fall for selecting sorghum seed early. I am going to ask each of the 380 farmers institutes in Kansas to get behind the movement and to get the names oi members who will this year select from the Held before the last of September uniform ripened heads of kallir, milo and sweet sorghums, and ten days be of Jefferson county met in regular session at Oskaloosa Monday, made AUTUMN. Now we hear the Autumn calling and her face is wreathed in smiles; und the wilting leaves are falling in the quiet forest aibles.

Put away your trusty swatter 'mong the trophies in your den, let the carnival of slaughter cease till summer comes again! For the frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder's in the shock, and the the regular assessments on county candidates and discussed methods for assisting the county candidates In their campaign this fall. Everything went lovely until resolutions were intro drowsy rural bumpkin leaves his duced endorsing Taft, the republican national administration and the fifty-year record of the grand old party. couch at three o'clock that he may did course for 1912-'13. The course opens next Tuesday evening with the Meistersingeri Male Quartette and Organ Chimes. If you love good music and would like to hear the chimes as you would bear them if you privileged to visit the old cathedrals of Europe, just come out Tuesday evening, October 15.

Everett Kemp comes In monologue, and will read "If I were King," or "The Dawn of a Tomorrow." Pr. Meyers, lecturer. Subjects: "Union Labor and the Golden Rule," and "Origin and Dignity of Man." Dr. Serra, lecturer. Subjects: "Mote Taffy and less Epitaphy," "Grumblers," "Crisis of Life." In January 1913 you will be privileged to hear Ole Theobaldi, that greatest of living artists with the violin.

He is to be In America only three years, then he returns to his native land, Norway. Season tickets for the five number-are II 60, and a single admission the old home iustfeld go shucking ere the sun hos spring moved to The Bull Moose faction objected to the National endorsement and their objection was endorsed by some of the candidates who are attempting to lodi'o the issue and are unilecidsd whether it would be most popular to In Bull Moose, the G. O. P. or fore cutting tiiuo uuifuimly ripened bends of broom coin; lief ore the mi.l- straddle the fence entirely.

Some nither sharp remarks were made on dle of October choictT ensg of com come acrost; and the old gray mare is bucking, fur her hair is full of froat Put away the wire screen swatter, let surviving flies remain; for a fellow hadn't oughter tvive destruction on I he bruin. Now the pantures are too icedy to support the cows, alas, and the cattle, lank and weedy, bawl for predigestod grass, and the hogs are chewing nubbins which In nourishment are rich, and the mule, with futilo rubhln's, wouli alleviate the itch. Oh, on all the land and waters coldly gleams the autumn sun. Let us put away our swatUrs, for the summer's work Is done. Let us put away our swatters till the flies return next spring, when we'll soak their sons and daughters as we caracole and sing! Walt Mason.

from good sulks. nvn must grow more acres of corn und aorghuma and must raise more buahuit per acre aud then grow more horses, hogs ami cat charge for any one number 60 cents. tle. Left pull together ou this seed proposition. J.

11. Killer, School children In and around Nortonville II for season ticket; 25o tin gle admission. Here's a hard luck storty out of the One night as the devil sat musing alone In the midst of his cozy warm fire, And trying to figure the difference in guilt Tween a thief and an all around liar, His memory turned to scenes of his youth, Aad his eyes filled with hot, boiling tears. So he took down his ledger and turned to a page Dated back about six thousand years. "I suppose," he said, as he glanced through, the book "I am doing the best that I can, For my business denotes a continual increase Ever since the creation of man.

I've cribbed a good harvest for six thousand years And should be content with the yield, And give my opponent permission to have The gleanings I leave In the field. "I gather a very diversified crop Of merchants and lawyers galore; I've bound politicians in bundles until Every one of my fingers are sore, I've fiddlers, gamblers and insurance men, I've murderers, forgers and liars, And I've filled up the furnace with green Fopn lists Till they actually put out the fires. I've railroad conductors and doctors to spare, Horse traders and preachers to spend, Republicans, Democrats, Tories and Whigs, And two or three newspaper men. But there is one class, I am happy to say, Can never gain entrance in here Their souls are so dirty I am sure that tby would Demoralize hell in a year. "I refer to that thing, neither human or beast, The carrion crow of the world, Who is never happy unless he can feast On the wreck of an innocent girL A million of years in my warmest of rooms His slander would never atone, Bo I give him a match and advise him to start A select little hell of his own." With his fingers he lit an asbestos cigar, And placing his book on the shelf, He muttered, "I may be a very bad man But I've got some respect for myself." Author Unknown.

ordinary; Sam Miller, of east of Os kaloosa, lost two of his pigs last week. In throning corn into the pen an ear hit one of the pigs on the back, killing him inst iritiy. The next morning, while feeding them, he did the Fred Thompson. PROLIFIC KANSAS On a recent trip to south-western Kansas, one of the News publishers saw so many things of Interest thnl we will give some of them to our readers, hoping they, too. will be interested.

From Nortonville to the south-western corner of the state the west of Nortonville. y()t May 3, 1875 hi wife died, lea him the care of their live little the youngeit I nar only two years old. Mr. McCoy did what few men do under similar circumstances, kept his children together and miide a home for them. On March 14, 1878 ho was united in marriage to Mrs.

Clara Hajs, who died March 27, 18ti. In the spring of 1WK) he left the farm and moved to Km tonvill where he has t.ince resided. January 21, 1B02, he was married to Mrs. 1j- E. Conkey, who with his four sons, Wm.

of Roswell, N. Charles of Meriden, George ci Valley Falls and James of Nortonville, survive him. For over forty years Mr. McC has been Identified vith the best interests of this community. He was a loyal citizen, a genuine christian, a staunch supporter and faithful member of the Methodist Epiuopal church, a kind and loving husband and father.

In fact very few men either merit or receive such universal respect and ad-triiration or worthily hold so large a place in the life and heart of theit a tirounity. His loss will be keenly feit by his many friends and neigh-bora, but especially by his church aDd loved ones. Funeral services were held from the church Saturday, October 6, at 2 p. conducted by his pastor, Pt. T.

Adell, assisted by Hev. M. B. Kelly. The church was tastily decorated with potted plants and t-'suti'ul autumn leaves.

Tbi pulpit drsped with a larjrs flag and the ws Wded with cut flowers, evert tl ir.g harmonizing so with tie rvice snd character of r. itai tiolbir.g was lack' eg tint eon id hat been added to make it mof he, op tipptcprlt, A lor.g lioe same thing. Now the moral pt this is, either quit feeding the hogsor raise smaller corn. A large number of hogs have bees lost in the south crops are excellent and the stock In the question and the committee withdrew the resolutions as the Bull Moosers threatened to bolt the county republican ticlel if the National administration were endorsed. The threat of the Bull Moose faction to bolt was in keeping with the action of the chief Mooser himself who bolted at Chicago and has ever since been on the stump denouncing republicanism.

There are voters in the county who are Inclined to think that Republicans and Bull Moosers might as well come (o the parting of tha way first as last. The contention narrows dowa to Taft and Roosevelt. Taft Is a republican and suppoitlng republican measures, Roosevelt has denounced all allegiance to republicanism and is fighting republican principles. At his recent speech in New Orleaas In referring to the Bull Moose movement Mr. Roosevelt said: i "This is a new par-j iv, with do connection ith the old Republican Party or the old Democratic Party.

We are through, once fr all, with the Republican Party. We are through with It because it became an unfit instrument for doing efficient work for the people." Taking! Mr, Roosevelt at hit own words, the position of the Bull Moose orators who occupied a great deal of time at the com Qi it tee meeting explaining how they are both Republicans and Bull Moosers, teems inconsistent to say the least. Our prices will fit your pocketbook if yon ueed a new fall suit. Gmmx HQS. and west part of the county within the past few weeks and tome farmers are fair condition.

Perhaps a portion of the country between here and Topeka has suffered as much from drought as ny locality covered by the trip. For miles and miles, embracing thousands and thousands of acres, the Immense claiming it Is twine plague. One well known farmer down ia Sarcoxie township sayt it is caused chiefly by feeding new corn. The percentage of risk crops of feedstuff make the traveler from feeding new corn it tufllcient to THE EDITOR YOUR FRIEND. The other day a cranky sort of an old mafi came Into this office and stopped his paper because something in it did not just suit his fancy.

We have frequently met him on the street sine? that time and it is amusing to note tite look of surprise on the old fellow's face that we are still In existence regardless of the fact that be stopped his paper. Some day and it won't be loag ier that old gentleman will turn his toes. His heart will be stilled forever Neighbors and friends will follow bis lifeless clay 1 1 the silent city and lay them to rst among the flowers. Aa obituary will be published in these columns telling what a kind father, a good neighbor and beloved citizen he was which the recording angel will overlook for charity's sake, and In a very snort time he will be forgotten. be lie there in the cold rraveyard wrapped in the siient slumber of death, he wiii never Know that justify every man in taking precautions.

A ration composed of two wonder how ft can ever be consumed. The central and western portion of Kansas Is a wheat country and the farmers are busy putting in thousands of acres. We expected to see a dearth of horses in the southwest, but instead we couid not see that wheat sowing was being retarded any on that account. Many wheat drills were drawn by six horses each and in some instances several drills in a field. We did not see hut a very few tractor engines at work, and they were used io pulling gang plowg while the horses parts of corn and one of wheat will make just as cheap gains as can be made under the present condition from straight corn, while the two grain ration will greatly reduce the danger of overheating the hogs and will thereby reduce the lost from disease.

Harry Woods, of west of hat been feeding over seventy bead of hogs and has been feeding oorn since it was big enough to gather. "I lave had no trouble whatever,".

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