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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 180

Chicago Tribunei
Chicago, Illinois
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great ulcer foods: milk Cream of RICE NOW! DO in I MINUTE Cooks QUICK ENTICES REAM OF "RICE NEW RESEARCH CONFIRMS CREAM OF RICE STILL THE MOST DIGESTIBLE TYPE OF CEREAL. A new research study confirms what we've been saying all along -Cream of RICE is easier to digest than any other type of cereal. And now we also know it causes less stomach acid than any other type of cereal. These facts were established in a new medical research study based on a series of clinical comparison tests between Cream of RICE and leading oat, wheat, corn and barley cereals. No wonder doctors put it on special diets and even recommend it for babies.

Furthermore, Cream of RICE provides rich vitamin-mineral nutritional support and quick energy. Cream of RICE has eliminated many allergy-producing substances and is good for many allergy-susceptible persons. And Cream of RICE gives you full, delicious cereal flavor every time. It's a real taste treat for anyone. FREE RECIPE BOOK! "'How To Make A Special Diet Taste Extra Special!" Write to: Cream of RICE Dept.

CT22, West Chester Penna. TASTES SO GOOD AND SO GOOD FOR YOU Toyland: "You-ou-ou Can Never Return Again body they intend to poke. "You see why I like Eric as a captain?" Mrs. Harper asks rhetorically. "It's because he knows how to rest so nicely.

Jeremy, I like the way you're resting today see if you can rest as well as you did on Friday. Friday was the best day you ever rested." A semblance of quiet settles over the sea of undulating little bodies. Heads bob up here and there, survey the scene, and then, finding Mrs. Harper's disapproving eye fixed upon them, subside again. She employs these few calm moments to prepare some brightly colored construction paper for a future lesson and to make entries in an official board of education record book.

When she isn't teaching, she must devote hours to records for each of her 60 pupils. "Jenny and Nancy, let's see those heads down over there, please." She maintains also a heavy correspondence with parents, the letters passing back and forth thru the good offices of the children. Sometimes notes are fastened to the children's clothes with safety pins, and sometimes they are carried, crumpled and soiled, in small pockets. Each bound upward like released springs abseace from school must be ex- and return their rugs and blankets plained by a parental note. And be- to the cupboard.

It's 10:52, time for cause Mrs. Harper takes her pupils exercises. Once more they stand on outside the school building to visit the circumference of the circle while museums and fire stations, she must Mrs. Harper plays their exercise obtain signed permission for each song and all sing together: child for each trip, which requires "Heads, shoulders, knees, and toes, additional letter-writing and record- "Eyes and ears and mouth and keeping. nose." "Jeremy, lie down." The children touch the appropriate The routine and many of the tech- parts of their bodies while they sing niques of teaching can be acquired until, as Mrs.

Harper speeds up to in teacher training courses. Mrs. an impossible tempo, they lose the Harper, who comes from Dover, rhythm and their small limbs flail in N. left the University of New a blurred jungle of arms and legs. Hampshire after three years to be Ecstatic giggles.

"All right, girls, sit married, but eight years later she down. Boys, get in your circle. Ankle finished her undergraduate work at walk now." Plunky-plunky-plunky, Roosevelt university and went on to she plays at the piano. The boys earn a master's degree. She has a bend over, grab their ankles, and son of her own, now 13 years old, lumber about the room.

"That's so she is acquainted with consider- pretty lopsided circle," she observes ably more than the theory of child- severely. In truth, it is no circle at rearing. all. The girls try it without any I like the way Adam rests. ticeable improvement.

He always rests so nicely." More lessons. First comes a chart To help her in her task, Mrs. Har- that says, "See the jacket, see the per has a classroom full of equip- boots," but instead of the printed ment: a sand table, painter's easels, words "jacket" and "boots," the fish tanks, a low sink, blocks, the chart has pictures of these articles. piano, small-scale and chairs, "Which way do you read it?" "Left and a million beads and wax cray- to right," most of them say. A few ons.

The walls are covered with in- would prefer to think it over for a structive illustrations of the alphabet few minutes before committing is for kitten, is for selves, and one pensive boy labors and "Healthy Ways" your under the impression that these teeth," "Wash your hands and face," things are best read from right to "Care for your Most of one left. Mrs. Harper cements the notion wall is occupied by a display en- of reading in the proper direction titled "Kindergarten, a World's Eye and at the same time gets in some View," on which a long piece of drill on the best sequence in which red yarn leads the eye from a floor to don your clothes. These children plan of the kindergarten to a picture have a great deal to learn before of the school building, then to a map they graduate from college. of the city, and finally thru a map She distributes a stack of printed of Illinois to one of the world.

material entitled "My Weekly right, just a few more min- er Surprise," and they bend to a utes. Let's see everybody's head study of its drawings and graphs, which requires much quesBut ultimately neither teacher tioning and explanation. "What is he training courses nor sand tables will doing?" "He's making a Santa show Mrs. Harper how to cram Claus." "Can you find the first picknowledge into the heads of her ture on the left? That's right, it's a small charges. Only an agile mind, Christmas tree.

Do you see the a rich imagination, love, and a sense needles?" of dedication will bring this minor "Hey, Mrs. Harper, you know miracle to pass. It would be fatuous what? My brother is a crossing to put a price tag on this kind of guard, and if he sticks me with a talent. A teacher with Mrs. Harper's needle, you know what? I'll pull a experience and academic achieve- needle off the tree and stick ments makes about $6,600 for 10 "Well, I never heard of using a months' work, but how much is a Christmas tree for that.

I think the woman worth who introduces 60 needles look best right on the tree. young minds to the world of learn- Now look at the next picture. They're ing? And there are scores of teach- not wearing any jackets. Can you ers like her in the Chicago public guess why?" school system. If a true value could "Because it's summer," a little be established for their services, no girl guesses.

city could afford to pay it. "No, because it's a different kind Rest period ended, the children of climate." New word. a Chicago Tribune MAGAZINE.

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