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The Lima News from Lima, Ohio • 18

The Lima Newsi
Lima, Ohio
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rawwe MW W-r -H -J JHE LIMA SUNDAYrfi EWS I AT THE FAVKO STILL THE SCREEN STARS SPARKLE Famous Film Plays at the Faurotthis Week Claire InTh Wild OMMCheeL1 Thursday aad Brtea In MTha Bhootlnf of Pu Breesa In SUNDAY JUNtaOSll on Sunday Irtsg Wpreimratloua matto for -the reasptfofc ab play era Thto epacltdsdftwttry oa Cavomaa" 1 Those who have wlttriitoeed the privets exhibitions tt tas Blue RibboB'-IWUmr Which Ms Vitagmpk wtD-yslaaaw'Wto inly predict by Frank Desletojrho play the Allis raI jafeUUuCUtvc la tha realm orttonpfeUrasjTh dlmiuutlvs comedian kak paccifcdad in getting oa Tha scrssnf Many of the Individualities- that' marked bls saepese on tho qbmlc opWAataga Y-rr-vjT7 Lllltaa Welker oao of the expert ewtmmers ef tfte Vita-greph studios waa4poag the bathgrs at Brlghfodf lart weO Mbs la HO YOU CHAPLIN FANS! NEW HIM IS SHOWN SOON nr- qkxat uovu oomkdian UCNTED WITH fBMOO FOB lUBfiwiio orrm VtOLA ALLKN OS NEW 1 RIVAL TOR HANDBOMM FRAN-X BUSHMAN Jlot' WoUTithat: fthttwhaf Stop jstrdng cosvlcl gtriag -opportualtii Charles lha trat a a oaa la which appeared tor about two gMntha to ba ralpaaad la a few days It to MtltfcA Tbs a aw aomedy to la two reals Ilka the half doaan la whleh ha was 1 -oterred'darlaa tho wtatar The produaara say that an uauaual amount of time and attaattoa waa i ftoan to It aad they prom toe that It will show Mm at bis beat i Chaplin recently rafuaad a eon- tract to appear la parson for two at fao Mad toon Square pardaa aaAarsl atag and sincere Jik Nobarf Warwick In' ncteot Jimmy Vatoutleo hasoao oritho attaageet acting parts ever preeehted to the ecroda TODAY AMD MONDAY-BLANCHB IWhtT JN GOODS" a moati a aiemkar of -a This paa('wti studio pppearfiFfivbo'vvhrafffaiwsek the closing Of Atti jboatllitUessason rsuslqg aa laBaa Of-Rraadway actors WkC NgbckC-ackaaTatanrs with their Plr- taro world TT JFfypr 1Th4 campNtatt in ilch Edgdr Bolwya' maHtoa his dobut as a Laaky star lachides in Messrs CArposter lyi Elmar Sydney I lMOVlELETTE toed world The play was staged oa tha lofty Mghta of tho beautiful Alps There la a- great array of stars selected from European then-tree wIM thousands of people la their support uQ depicting the glorious tale of the dorirata struggle for liberty of the peoplo of Bwltsortaad Tho ghotography has boos pronounced flawless Added features consisting of cartoons bows fashions and travsl pictures will bo ahowa during tha weak STAB Til LATER Tho Star than ter tha only oao la Iowa that bouts of goaulae Brat raa Sims hu a program today that to alcaly balaaeod between comedy and drama Comedy bu a little the beet of It fiy tho feature of tho Mil la a sew L-KO comedy "Blue Blood and Yellow whleh has ibrba noted fun-makers Harry Grlbboa Oertrede Selby end Reggie Morris heeding tha cast Tha dramatic are "Her Myeterloue Escort" from tho Powers studio aad Owi Blood" a Big drama with Adela Lana Is the leading rale andAajrtnond fcmtalar Tond role -Mooddy tlia departare for Bestb Eotkotokoa Pa of Robert Edaaoa 4 a compasy of Vitagrapb playere for' the timing of sesnss to tb steel -works tboro Mr Btaert Blackatoa arranged with Frick for MP picture to be made Theodora Maratou the director will as tho dasghtof msle tb trip by auto golag over elonery addition to Mr: BtdwyA Theodore Roberto Milton Brows Billy Dean Park Janes 1 Ihtor McQrew" Saturday "William THE PACHOTB PICRTRI Tho Fnnrot continues' to draw largo and delightful audiences Man nger Cunningham's policy of glvtsg hla pstrona the superb prodi of the Pnrnmonnt nod Metro Corporation! tha soma pteturao tbst are attracting multUndao to the I Strand and Broadway theatofe in Now York and Fastlval Hall la Chicago has mot with tho moot sordini appreciation from tha picture levers 'of Lima and vMnlty Theca photoplay masterpieces stouten atars of tho staao and screen in tho -costa accompanied by tha sapor musical programs rendered by Roy- Thompson oe that wonderful Instrument the Fotoplnycr and nugmoatad by diverting added feature gmkgc up an cDtevtalnmcnt that cannot help but pleeae The afternoon formaneea for Instance are Mount-tag high in popular favor Thi Faurot to wdndarfully cool aad ema-fortabto oven on tho hottest days and the matinees make aa Ideal resort for an hour or two during tha warm woathor especially The fair sen Dnd It delightfully netful to drop lu during their shopping ag-pedltlons and many tired bust men Is refreshed end Invigorated by lipping awey to the Faurot during the afternoon lull In trade and professional elreles Tho schedule this week at tha Faurot Is of tha usual Incomporable quality It starts today with tha appearnnra of tha favorite screen star Blancna Sweat whose artistry and blonde beauty have made her famous ell over tha world Mias Sweet makes this her third sppear-anrn In Paramount Pictures In Goods" a powerful play by Margaret Turnbull She wtll have lha cupport of sui-h favorite players or the laaky company as House Patera Theodore Roberta Carpenter end Sidney Deane la Ihe principal characters On Tuesday and Wsdnasdey Mr Leaky will pressnl lee Claire a brilliant young America enetreee who bee achieved fame oa both oldeo of the Atlantlr makes her llret screen appearance In "The Wild Oooea Chase" tha plrlurlseUow of rhvmleg romsntlr remedy by William DaMlIle author of Miss I'lelre has recently entered Into eon I rad with the Uikt company by the lerma of whirl she will appear In a certain number of phoindrsmetlr offerings el Is name lime rnnlletag her stellar career ae Hroadway celebrity In "Tha Wild Goose fhaae" she has the support of Tam Forma a Theodore Huberts and olhara of the Leaky forree Mr Roberta whose superb rhareelerliatiene In "The filrl of ill Golden West" "The Woman" and other levky prod sc-Ittnna nf the Panmnqnt program igttea moil arllstlr and dpllgbl- fully humnrmii portrayal of Hora-itlo Brutus Hrlsgs an brtnr nf tho palmy das (la Thunder and Friday tb Metro rnrpnrkllon will pressat liie dbersktordt-ls -RokotYsed al Mo i who mis- A 0 tr I 4 xA AND INA CLABB IK "TUB WxLd GOOSE CHABK" MYSTERIOUS aowaaa amama "HER OWN ADELE LANE an Blood and Yellow Backs woman oonav wits hasry tHNOg FIVANCin LYRIC Tho fimous Eaoaaay star Francis Beshmsa comoo to tho Lyric today la ihe big apodal feature "Thirty" The atory la fflled with plrltad romance end Frauds Bushman supplies the requisite amount of dash nerve end pyelcal perfertloe demanded of the here while Beverly Bayne looka end arts every paeay ef the several millions the la supposed la own Original as are the Incidents of Serb eplsodo of the greet elsl "The Exploits of Elaine" surprises are always to bo fessd Is the latest Installments Thto oe which te known aa "Tha Opium to exception to Mo rule Hero" I one of tho talmltable "Bweedlo" romedlae faat-erleg Wallace Berry la Ihe title role "The Heed of Mehaeee" la! a thrilling Relig wild animal drama' featuring ihe rharmlns Edl'h Johnson ably supported by Franklin llall and Wm Hlnwell Ml II How era and Mahelu Palg Ivn popular lnhln favorites are Bern In -Hr la Naw York Tho motion picture producers who control hla sarrlasa aaaounaa that la aonaldaratloa of hla refusal of this offer they paid him a boaua of tl00S IIS VIOLA ALLEN Else Viola Allan la the movie star of the week making her aim debut la "Tho white Mater" Thu la a pteturlaatioa of oao of tho plays which made her fame la tho apokea drama Bho to la tho rate of a soldier'! sweetheart Bho haara ha to and takas tha veil Then ha return Tha Bias-play eada happily A special dispensation permits their marriage i a now MAN Thomas Holdlag becomes a dim sUr The same will sot be familiar to many readers of this paragraph until told that ho played several times daring tho peat two ass sone as loadlag man wKk Elsa Kyaa la "Pas My Heart" a handsome lover Tho Pomona players who now control hla ser risen plan to make him a rival of Fraaele Bushmaa Hla nest Im-play appearance probably will be with Mariuprile CTsrk or Haiel Dawn i MARY GARDEN Qsreldlao Farrar's entrance te tbs raaka of movie actors may ho followed by that of another frond opera beauty Mary Oardsn Nsgo-llailoee with bar are now in pro trees It to planned to star her la a plofurtsattea of "Barbara If she srrepta Ihe offer tha work will begin In Auaust and lha picture pill ho ahown Is November lha rhlef scenea to ba staged at Frederlfk Maryland CIS "tHIMMIK" "Cblmmla Faddes" la In ba dnnaj for Ibe mo visa Twenty years as: IbU New York Itnaery barer tar nf SaiUa waa lha meat popeUr of Its I time r'hlmmla reddea" was i predereeeor of "Mr Dooley sis NEW MOVIE WIUTKK Merton retries has )udned doportOMWI of oao mevto compeelae If memory she la lha wife of ihe eclor Tally Marshall I hegema" whirl ihei OPERA HOUSE i HE HAPPY CROWD? Todav and Monday raowu a uigy pvawadea a ravoam ly ing CCMkN BLANCHE SWEET ta PMartaaitae at Us We lit WmSWaMA-Nvema The FMde Nell! areeev la TIIR aiingTlhn nr DSN akesasiae it i now b-'n nr! Him pu i In ha i will bsr In nn maaaaaaa rvaiivu Mr ieprno raa rtm mg iplllllnc rnmedy "The Kreah eminent artnr Rdmund Rraeee the powerful drama "The Shooting nf tun Mrliree ehlch la baled I ROHEPT 1 lt Hit upon the fawnai poem by Robert The luperlstlve etar of the erreen Sen 're The prnderilea hit Robert Warwlrh Ii presented ei! leri made im4er the directing of It "Allei Jlmmv Velentlne ir ll If eid jn li Mr Hrevee bme 1 Armitrnns power'ul drima hi te llng eis ihe feelUfw of two lame name I'eat Amerlren playa "The Line! Al the lvrir tmnnrrna and Tuee 1 iVe Mnuve" ah 4 The Maslef day Templallnn In alrongev! 4 'a imi al height ef h'a! forma remae In le Randal Alls I'nl pneer 1 Jimmy VaSenllne i rml't In ha daiuriay ramea one af the' effort (o atrelght fur ihe Bake mhhI al'rarflnse of the summer Rosa lens rare Tbla la Ihe WWwdevfel I A rttlld la lerlM te tha "flu- ra'amoMfi phntodrema "WIMem 1 aafe rrare aeema impoesIMe in'-a ala reel pflmmlaecl Vateatlee pneeeaeea a hitler immortal play The story I marvelewe eeear ad Isevfe -eafse open th'i'arr Tell sad how he was1 aarar nil la hit Inwrh Tu aaee ed i ehnot at apple from that rVM maare Is ley hlmae'f open I i heat w-lrh forms hut so la Ihe Us a a'le'he and pa re Ihe 'R greet plrtarp II way In hie a llela death' l-r ere-y 'hUd Is Ike 111 'la a haman life worth Ihe rhaare PommoiuitdureSi In that felay appears A Night Out ronrwre eMi-r nee 'ri sii Hubert i hemt-e-i i (TIIIL MAI DR yv Pighuug haa-e Mr Cyril Maude la in make vt i i llm debet ta "As the Tears Ge My -RIKTH lF A UtTloh -h la that Him play he will appear ai Th F-- dyeetsrer He li eae In hnr ii in 1 ef the meet dUllageUked ef Rasltah 4g mr9 ertafi and was ten la the wgl If IT 1 If fitor 'i flfi TLe 'tfc M4g A fib Xmf a xi fls gam Rhs I I ms bse use l-E 4fc Tueaday and WedntndAy riaag Liny nvaaaane raa nnw yonn sna mini reyi INA CLAIRE van iruxun WILD GOOSE wm banil aua ef ml la AdMiti Tradeto Nv A fi1 ft -L I IYRIO TODAY Francis Bushman iw iwg pony eeweaes niwsa -TTUfmr EXPLOITS OF ELAINE Selig Wild Animal Drama swsrw ewmnwy "HIE FRESH AGENT' Majestic Thursday and FAdny rnsrue neyyaie eeeeemertew lunggy Miuivyg dine EDMUND BREESE Mvinii my isinh THE SHOOTING OFOANH'GlIEW TuDhl tie 1 In Addittofi Lillian 1 Russell -TW PalW Ndtot Tlllott had later wrwta a yet eaetasl play The Tslkm a am a am The Rag tinker DswgVer d'et-pley la artsr the faraoaa aaar MtIUE Meed Ales la te fasiare -a fa mswa eiah Ah-ea rag mae-er pier K' 1 'ha III' 4 ra efT" P-erk I Iefa lo t-es Pea'lsre-d Kaave Sha T'e rag tteetf la eslaad at ed It la lire -aalar es o' ar madT It a -s ed T'i'n TWme lev r-sg maker tori yea-1 to is l' yea ruda-eva -t t'atf 1 a a yar after Devat- ti Im'ae -4 aeea lha a amt laer' -a 111 ee-ea'- 1 -a-a! ael Mi -y nil MllTItynA "I fa leti TTre a rea-keve WM pla-ttet lit esaree ieeea hawker I a a ate a IH kSrmtlR imi i -v a-i- Tai egea i M-I Ite va- ie aw- -V ta e-aiM tiM er- aa --S- g-evs ea -asaag a e- e-i- a---M a Se-e ae ae ea-J aseeh-s a -a lit ew T- -e 1 a 'Wllfl OdJXV I "ae Win etadmaa a- i mm Tka Valid Tea a -ae -i Wavea-4 a ikt TypwrVs a a a a ei ya -e ested a meet ertteUi pedertM- eae ig a -km syr-e eg the ft the' 't via e--f e-a-a sake a it aeg-'i iryaa'a -aa a-a tawatt Watt weak Me saw ySav 0a IvalHa'a MT nnsw -la aha rd ka "re- Wm I r-aa -as lee paadaaad III aa aa pataa a a arlea ew 1 g-er 'v M' 't a "Svasla' i i a aa a a MUK ftoMEGi 'iaM wrWieTigw hit fH EM 1 a mS Wf to If A fy toff VN 1 li ii ff 4 'ff 4'bl ft -tg it WILD EIRE TOMORROW AND TUESDAY Robert Warwick Selurdn tiftAiawv virvvta avMfiiWfR ivtawfi fivm mv i eve mieeyyg ta Italu eg Wg 1 ta meet ed mimwe Jimmy Valentine aw rtve psnvw Margaret Gibson VII VII Mn Charles Chaplin T1 inM ffintv vnv vi tw vyyeeeerw rawiav -ALMOST A NFJkRST SELIG WTEKLY NEWS 5 and I lilt mV j' tj) j- r- i z- t-f 4L1 A ftp.

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