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The Lima News from Lima, Ohio • 2

The Lima Newsi
Lima, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JURY6IVES TEDDY THE CALCIMINE After Beitffput Forty HoursFtivfsfor' Defendant to OM stdo" AM Mr EflOSO-vottr Th ptelul Us tik 4 Um CoIomI with his telthful Bowsm deported lor tko ken Horace Wilkinson kio hod during tko aWfee whom ho trade nrrnngc-msata for returning to Order Buy- tko corridors tko Xtovntor on the treat the victor la this moat 31THE BUTTER-NUT BIXAD PfflllCE8Sr: LORD: KITCHENER Holds the Center of the -a MLYU vk 2 Uon after another 'Hie body guard iThousands Gather at the Places Where She firly (ought to goLBooravolt la klo linufuetae Baraeo we lateral ed by long drtUnes by Baranai Barauai fetaeed to ray whether hie ellaat lade any eouimeat rg waa 10:11 before the crowd flnaHy cleared front the court room where for exactly gve weeka they had watehod the graateat political la hlatory AnnouncesHer Street Appointmems--An (mpiense Audience Visits the Stolzen-badfjBaking Bakeiy Beautiful Last Evening to Shake Hands With the Butter Nut BreaiT Princess STRUCK ONSTREET" THE CITY IN BRIEF YOUNG LAD AND (B BROWX WRITTBJf APOLOGT IB BBKT AF- TBRWABD RBO- i-- RETAKT- yDtr JAGOW COLONEL MAKES incittfl TAT IKOTRIBCTE TO TH1 IUROM SPECIAL NOTICE Saturday eyenfrg between 7 Jo and 8 JO she "Ul Public Squarebetween West Market and North Main street The Butter-Nut Bregd Pfincesa will undertake a difficult feat in attempting to make her get-away in a WINTON automobile Wjtbout being cap tured If she succeeds in doing so she will immediately return to corner of West Market stteet and remain there until 9:1 5 Watch the automobile Mra Bd Worth Aagtoa af aoutb Mnpouol at root uudorwoat a ert-eua ppcraUMuat kr homo ye tor-day and waa Tope riod today to bo recovering nicely Jght at lid tram Spring gttuog jq denied by per-aoua at that luabdfi Aa artlelo appearing la newspapers raportod trouble In which Mra Derth wan luvcivcd at that rccldcncc The trouble la raid to have taken plnec Instead at UMi north Mala street While engaged la playing hull with several other companion Tom I ddle P-yrar-old sou of Mr and Mrs Rlddlo was painfully ln-lnred yceterday evening when he toll against a table euttlag quite a jaah la hla head requiring ala Utchep to eloea the woaod At the meeting of the Allen Connell No 147 la Doom kail laet evening RtO Prattymaa waa elsctsd dale gate to I bo state convention of the Junior Order United American Mechanics which will be held thle year at Tlffia In the month of August 0 Wulta was namad 1 aelutatoa and without uuy wrap-pert Aa I have raid before get the ruuditloae right Thera la bo red tape to It all you huvo to do la to have three wrappers taken from loaves of Butter-Nut bread tg your possession at tha time yea accost me end ray: "Pardon me yon nr tha Myatsrioua Buttor-Nat Brand Princes of the Btolsenbach company Ilk your bread" But touch me Isn't thnt almpleT If you are right you will Imaradl-tely receive $1100 reward 'Ait u- BKRU-Mu-jWD I'tMgkor latl tha ltatia aikbesaadov tO Tler-mauy wa ammrited oqtirintrori teat night By a Geramu kog Tko a tely arrested aad Imperial Cfiaucri-Inr Von Bettamunu-MpUiriB itemt hla personal adjatdat to th ombasay to express alaccr regret ttrirlact-drat The chaacellorip aqtJM waa fol-1 lowad today by Herr Fob Jsgow the foreign aecretary who rant a' wrlt-ton apology to Ambqraudor Bollatl Th German press ddprocslra the attack upon the Italian savoy calling upon tha people to refrain from any and advtelig calmness The attack apok Signor Bollatl occurred eg he waa'leavlag hla residence ter au aatomoblls rid Jaet aa he atortod to etep lata the motor car t1e youth apparently about 14 yean rughed to the side or the machine and struck viciously et the ambassador Warned by a cry from the ehauCcur tha embassador towered hla brad and the blow mlsaed him hut knocked hla hat eff The boy wee Immediately setead by one of tha policeman who hava been kept oa duty at the embassy aad hurried away to a tail- Tb ambassador eoattuued kla rid aad upon hla return east a message to headquarters roquesUag that hla isQ rallsal be gently dealt with because THR BUTTS BREAD PRIRCBHB BNUACiKMKNTa Hntwdny and abe wtU be oa tko Public Bquqra between Mat Market and mirth Mam him At thin kiipotutuMut the will attempt to got away In a Mg BTIBTON rar for atahsd by Mr Tbompauu the agmt fur this machine get-away wit heal bring caaglu ho wtB inimaittataly roturu to tho earner of Market ami remain there natU Pi 1ft Monday evanlag between nod eho wlk be ri tho earner of north Main and (Ira ad arm an and hriwenu 8: IB and o'clock at tho eon ora of da Monk eUweta A week has coma and gone since the official disappearance of the Mysterious Buttar-Nut Bread Prlacraa and atrango to ray the lost has not been found morn than twlco Bt range yes very strange tor tko hot la It has boon advertised In th Lima dally papers vehicle tor obtaining rranlta such advertising ban tho reparation Neverthaleaa the Butter-Nut Bread Prlaeeaa la a mtetlng quality as to tha oaact quaaUty woalda'l be mfa lo apocuteia tor aha seems to be batlt oa sliding acala from lie avoirdupois down to Juat aufficleut poaada to grabs her a dainty little tion advocated th policy of making Parte as open city after tho fashion of Brussels Callteux tbo ax-prcmlar offered to go to tha Oorman emperor and make tha accessary arrangements Then Kitchener and French and Joffra appeared In Paris They Informed th cabinet that If thle ptea were followed the English troop would be withdrawn and tha French left to flght It out alone Poincare waa ablo to overthrow the rall-tanx fartloa and Callteux was hipped to Brasil on a mysterious "mteriou" inorm tataws feofro UtaV BC1T BROUGHT WEABNRB TRACUffE May Theodore Koooovelt today won the gltiOOO libel anil brought agaiuat lm by William Baraoa tko Albany gonty logger Tba Jury after belay out araro than 40 houra eaara tato'eourt at a of the jury have yen ogroed upon a verdletT" naked Clark Chari oa darko have" aald roroaua Roman "What la your verdict Mr Toro naked Clarke "Wo Bad for tbo defendant goal era 4 Tko court room at arad lately waa Ik a bosa 6f oacltearaut rogardleaa of the fact that Juetlce Aadrowo Just before the Jury eaara had admoulahed the epeetaton that ro-' gardlaaa Af the verdict either for Bardea or Rooeovelt ohauld be no demonstrations Tba Jury waa polled by requeel -of Foreman- Ac oo eater day 11 of the men aald they found for tbo defendant When Clerk Clerke reached Bdward Burna the gyrdeaae motonnan the apeetatora held their breathe Buraa wae the man who yealerday "aplllad the beano" by deelarlag hlmaelf for Baraea after roramaa lomera had raid that the II on were agreed for the defendant providing tho court caota were iplil- "I dud for the defendant" raid Bnrna Immediately the Jurore exchanged fiancee and there one an audible elgh of relief from every peraoa In the eeurt room Tbo poll being completed Juallce Androwa accepted the verdict for Colonel Rooeevelt and thanked tho Jurora for their le week a of aer-vleo Colonel Rooeevelt aheok baado with John Bnrna and hie chief couneel and with the reat of hla legal battery and the acorn of Hyra-cuae women and men who crowded to the rail Barnae waa repreeeated la court only by Henry Falla Wold of William Irina office and Baruam hla local couaaal Juat before the Jury waa railed at 10-PI Wolf moved that a mle-trlal be or dared of the public polling of the Jury on yeaterday Tbo ie rreia of the jury room hate been violated tald Wolf "and we oak a mie-lrlal "Motion denied' aald Jualleo Aadrsop and the jury waa called After Honiara aald "We Had for tba defendant and Ihe II Juroru were pelted Wold made tba formal motion that the mrdirt be eel raids "Motion dialed aald Jualleo Andrew The live week! "Bfty thouaand dollar political late lull waa con aigned to th limbo of Meiery Col onel Itooeeteli Immediately naked LONDON May Accord-lag to a story told la high 8 laees her Lord Kitchener's ytag trip to Franc la Beptam-ker waa tor tka parpoee of la-atetlag that tho French defend Farte which they bad rraolved to abandon Whoa tho Oermra lava atream waa rolling toward lha Franck capital It was suddenly discovered thut the ammunition In tho Farts forte was tea years out of date and that the forts themselves would be of little aa before th German ll-cootl-mstsrs A French porllamaatory fac LUCILE KNISLEY DARK HORSE IN RUTH CONTEST Jt'MFN IV TO FIFTH PLACE VERT HTART OP HER RACE AT Lni'INK MtTTKMIV AGAIN OOEB I NTII IKAD AFTER LART MtiHTH (NH'NT of hie youth Eitruris of th Italian Green book telegraphed to Berlin from Roma form th basis ter new charges ef deceit against Italy In the Omasa official and aemt-oMclal newspapers They make no mention of tho fart i that Austria-Hungary atgowod aa earnest dmire to arrive at au understanding with Italy To thla end tb Vienna government offered le end Count Goluchosaky I Rome Helen Quonby 43 Jenkins 47 Ethel Lrialager 434 Qraond 47 Maria Koonts 447 Spring S3 Rartha Falk 134 Circular SI Ella Cotnor til Market 11 Alice Romey 1104 Mala 3 Nell O'Connell Til Oreenlawn issSaSsiyas FIVE ARRAIGNED DEFORE JUDGE PLEAS ENTERED 2 2 S730 IS AWARDED DOCTORBY JDRY GIVEN Bl'M FOR FROFKNRinNAL HL'KD FOB gB181TR Judgmaat la the sum of 111 tor medical and profesilonal sarvlc alleged to have been rendered Benjamin Clevenger waa awarded Ur Jenkins of Ruahmore today by a Jary la rommon pleas court Dr Jenkins bed brought ult against Cleveeger who resides near Gomar charging that the defendant owed him 1114171 an account A juT heard tha ease daring Thursday and Friday the arguments I iun4ersvn rinawrlil WJilama geaeral xurae bil nf llotroll A Fiddler ifriBeid bbbib'ant gbberal i-1 bs-nt bbd William i'mb agent were anier-'b'eed 4 ft Jor abb bt the -b bb' nigh' Chamber of -me- b'b aad the entartaiament Wher Ve tt'f arrived ran r- rg uf Prbbh I Mblr i hate her of (' re lliaer prealdeat H-ere -n r-y bb and I r-bttrb t-' nttbe bam 'be nBaiaU -rh ail eerorlbg them 'ie nabb(btr 1 1 at tSe ee Creel till ee'e aet "a it i-ea-deet -f Ta IJms de' fared a ee 1 ee -irae i eae ve4 Ibfle lv tbe -I -aw be- ef am br During tha week 'jii eke bee been ai large the has bad no end of experience and for the man part be confesses le have enjoyed them though naturally thare have been "Jolts" sad "Jan" by way of varla ties Hut Fluty" teat looking for your sympathy nothing of tb kind Bo If you have nay left after rum-mlaeratlag your awn Inability to succeed jum turn yeur aliedlloa to Ihe vnal army ot men sad women who Ilka yourself have occasion lu ay elih Wblttlar "Of all rad words of lonsua or pen Tba anddeat are (hear It might have beea Many a om who ran lay rlalm DKTRtUT being aa dlararatng aa ihe arage pKK person baa held tba Uulter-Nui Hreed rrlaeeaa fate In the hollow of Ibair bead some lime durtes aei peal few deyt aad Bse allnee! OBrtale ef lha 1 A I roll-bar lo walb aeay unrballaaged riad Including Kira Do-tYnulda It maba you oanl lo om prealdeal: If Frbeer bine Sprlnadvid general auperlaieadent UNilt KOH THK rVTt KK borne Detroit treeiurer There la na am of trying mr roeocloaa tetroll Iraffic pill milk bad "ha banoa but ohai niaraevr lftn-b-llff gtaeral Brialakea of tba pail may foalar Iba A grbaormaa abaletaot aoraaoa of lb fotnre Tbo Ruder- I freiabl aaeai 1 Tbomp-i Set breed I'rlnreaa la allll of Iraaeporta having been concluded this morning at which tlma th case went to the Jury Clevenger contested the raae on the grounds that fir Jenklna' rhargas were unreasonable and that be did not oqre th full amount aakad for la the salt Tha Jury after a abort deliberation rut tha aaouat sought IrfftUia to leas tbas half of lb original bill iil'r in''Sdeflt of I with full authority for concluding negotiations ter a peaceful aetile-' mni of all differences For tome lime Ike Viennese government' proffer wee completely IT Ignored at Rom but Anally la re-' epoaaa lo repeated Inquiries as to oniher Prince Golurboweky'e preo-enr would be agree hie foreign Honnlne that be not roaslder the visit "opportune beoaaee It would cane grant a stir" fUly'a reouarle-io of tb triple altteac folipwee May 4 though Austria waa atm attemptlae IB roaUuo aagoilatlaaa make greel ceucemtoaa te PRONMTTOIl BARR Rt'NU THR UIGNAI FUR A "dark bora" ea pollttrlaaa would bay apraag lata the "Who Will lie bulb?" re Bleat Uat algbl la Iks per aoa ol Mira I matin Eotatap of TI4 eeal North ft reel Mibb Kateler at tbo laet moment eisffed tV ballot has with 414 votes eed rarb oa ef them bore a rubber vtsmp latpreaelpa of her name Tb tellers si lbs Fanrot opera hose were baev until late lavt night ratunt-lag th ra pone rllppod from lb Itetly New Mora tboa lbs grand Jury which reported Mon- tUly votes ears nit yeaierdoi minister did too on Plva of the persona ladlrted by XIH WEEKH While attending funeral Wed-no day at Kaneavllla Char lea Polram woll known real ratals talar of Uma fall from a porch and broke bis arm Ha was aaelated home by hla aoa -la-law Dr Ollvar Miner DVBOC HOO BALK The properly of the lets Isaac Boone will ha raid at aaetloa on mils out of Uma oa High strrat road Thnraday May 17 at 10 a aa followai lo aowa with plga at aids 10 aowa brad to farrow In Jane III pelts two homos and wagons ate Tarsia mad known oa day of rain A Driver Auctioneer 11-11 ARBITRATION WILL BE GIVEN RESIDENTS A beard of erbllratlon la to be named Ie roaalat of three members to adjnet damage elmlme dee to tho blaetlag In the querrlee of The Uma Blone company on cut North street Resident! of thla vicinity mada a complaint in the city council at last Monday nlgbt'a meeting and tbn arbitration method waa decided on at a cooler ore of the rafsty commute city aollrltor end official of the company laet night Later It Ie planned to paaa an ordinance la the ceunrll governing blaetlag In qnnrrleo within tba corporation linen Miner president Chnrlee Klllen general manager eed t'unnlegbnm eerre-tery of lb clone company warn preaent at test nlgbt'e meeting and wort Impreeaed with tba arbitration plan af Battlement The members of the beard wilt be aelarled by the following plan Oa by lb compeer lb rnuRril end the third by th two appointees Free-Ideal Miner declared at the roofer-enre that he did net believe lb btestleg aa dnll the great amount of damage that bad been1 reported FlEtohEf't CastoriR ra dyspepoSs is4 ter atarisg a Mfamn be keep eAlWrew ebeb Oara Bal rbeldeew atwmM verw fra uweo thao 0 Any ad a Ueea aad Ttowm rim Bala Rmwbtoe yrae amd bwt a pAvmsa sraawaS to mu! ra-edtr bilk wto are kl taas btoaa a erlaue aa dgMtov 1 of nsfclErt OaEtocia I Hla Knlajey allhobgb It la tb frbl dav vha la la the ratal eel nrra plaa fill plara and isrprleed alt th nlher rratee-anta when lb raoull were aUBosaced llday tevlav Ma-'eeos i'tpped bo lam hret pla-s bj a good margin while Mia Miter Is tullawlsg (loss behlsd Aa IBs rmre I rogreaae gvooa Bare lalsrsst tag Maadav will be ibs laaa day for bb aee rcateetaele In anisr Na more darb horaee will ha fprebg afer that lime Tbe ran'rar rlnwea -ffi-'a'l and p-etnytlv a1 I e'rbwk sett Wodaeodar alsht Te him 'the! 'LOCAL KNIGHTS WILL InrluCe Mr Bures asked one of1 lb Konill ceunl 'it Inrliidee vru I haa had Bvthlns to do ait it rat 1-oral Knghla of olufrbua ar g-lrrod th Colon: rlanelng a bl trip to cllra Tk Jurwra lbn rtlrwt to thatr row far Ike purpa at leeOlittne rmm hra lb nlonl mad a new roue'll In tee Bro'r iMh eipraeting arac-td ihal Mere ibaa Kaiania lot truih tad raMnqtttt oarajLime at non ot a apar tr or m-rt Tba II mat i-llbe Wttltrt OM aCtir wi-i rlu4laa Burt r-od fori aw af lha Mum of l-a bind ar pboiograph 11 ta ie bald I 'bit arllna -n nale l-a Vltllort will praaanl ail Tb ftiad era I an I parta ef lb country aed the mil Dr Tb hral gegreo norb 1 pul remera vw n-i bl tmil in taka '-a by lb WapaaesMa dr anm rr I I ina tent i(rM hv -ha vhi I my am aod lb b'rd in -1 nlllib'-raio laewa A I I I'a-i'i- i- oaa I'a ajra -i iVi a4 tba IJma 'vert r-i-a oa Va Ill 1 Blgbl It iut th streets of llma oatt Tg fur eometine ti rapture hrr i iu happen to need the mntri get sv III THE HITTFHMT Hit rHIMVM Here gnu at the n'iliensa lsv nrrpent I 'eat nrg if i eere nne the raada of lal'ui Hai nre befnr i i -f a t-e n- rrndrrfwl art ie i 'hat beo-4 -I Refive -i teo- 'he -emsrb hi 1 nee t-bt bn Hal tr liqis I irb rr-'it breit as'e- a i vl'iaa -i I'bt a day eat a rad pleat before Jude Will-1 lam KUaeer today four pleading ellty and seruribg buspeaded sen- I I ear be wblla Ibe gftb Georg Uea eat eet 4 gptlty plea lo two rbbrgee Mae she oa a Ird 'tad as two i raaais (ksrsed with rarrrtag no reeled waspoeg snd with abnnt IBS lib IvfHI la noubd irsim sad hill (Created la aslana falMwlag the bhasniioe of luff Naah- head B-Mb Woae sad Bankhead bra rnlorad The Injured man watered fillv f-om IBs gen anode knei Inal oa lbs bsga nf Meol a th 'sieal la oeaad maim sad eae set Jv te Kllagvr far wblle tbe date far am trie! 'be weap-a --arge ae FVamh-ta MKlaaav i lattv Ses aat 'ienrse Mane- the three sea (barged otb la-'e-v la mtl ol'b lib ISe't an i tesel- oara alee a-'a gaed lagar aad ebaasao i ese fmae gstHy aatared reeve-day aaea -( slr The te eae pevteaie! 'a the Ulsil'M refeesat-ey 4 sen 'i a-b ear ssapasdad ds'tai baa a her tw' a-1 as sea aee ba 'fee e' reale Irwevirev1 i-ef -a a eSa'ge ef baeta -a'f' lot else sf a el de rV'e aid 'a mi te'd'Sg tbar rwa aee ewe waa oar sHessabae jaae-Sabla IrSMUe Tboewdaes ea Ike reqrkg waa a -a ef gsiXf 'k lit bw mridtl Skbpastal kern ea-e Vlllfi' 'leJ a MS UrttW to tape aa eee k' A'miaiewst Set -ae i ChlldrEfi Cry for MPtUilNG 'EM gerrslsrv Riddl Of Ibs hambar of rommsprs is sitssdlsg aa Invitation lo ialsgSto Of philanthropic -larirabi aortal saris-it I at 14 tonfsrooM whlrh is to held 1 tbs ssssmhly rwsm rf the (hsmtoc Tssodsp oswoug Msr ft si sriorg It IS prapssai ra earakliab wms sffidtsoi form of pramotisi ibs osrh of Ibeo wstlhy misslosa af IJms i ixufi thbh IINIWIN May II Tbs Gteb aaeun-so lust Uw4 loisdswbr leader af lb tfmlllea In Ibs -I lords Will swtsy Ihe email t-e -ab'eev The bead WtU IU as aat yad toss gorided i ATTRlP MKseryRUIa Tbe rmvekrae sf Voieesoa' meet 1 Mra ratal MaX ff4sp at a st i rtfmd hrawtal sevvWas St aih eds rsvreb of Christ wtb Man lissimi Past and UM erirr Eva PAtriK fra BAsmcbT DIAMOND MEROIANT UINMdsk timraya a a- tb aSbl bv peeb v-epibt a (rets tea -i b- -'Ir vb-a-t T- -b w-vda- fed se jr'b'- i The Effects of Opiates THAT fXrAWTW are perallarty ramartl to rgdww and Us vyrtvu all rd Wbaeda sea aasavaAe weB laeea Kraw la abe wrtw Awe tf raonmeed ttowe esdebe amw ekaatra hib tome Ibrae aei evwwvb rj tk -e-a 1--t mini peeemibim awnetug fw ahsdud ee aawwlro lo kaaw rSE4lE ISEt E'lkl I r4l1 fillEE LIEE Ue'eefi M'lk Ml rtsE if Hdfh IffllEvl I'M A Ej IflEMilt liWlfff 1149 M'ffc H- fcfitB ET K-r-E 1 I Hff'lB Tfraf I'l 1 TIse'Ee Ie- IM li I 4 WE 1 r-SE 4e lit III I Te I' 7 1 1 IE -4 9' Ef4 I 5 I' IE 1 r-EEFM SAkig si f4 EE til 1 I Ui a 11 1 fE 1 1 III f-4y' ObMiE lf Cl Ou4i ftFNffE rMMfBE Ml hit I III Ef Iqkll li I1'- Wet -THEE V4Efff 81 -E (t ei Wfr s' Rh HI I w1 lyr VE4 I O' HcVIM fal wrawy e4 je fEnjlt fe'l Wckrra kg kll IAErM t'tEE 4 't 1 -Eg ig 4'Bff -i 4 Web 1 FV 1 rB4 CJ Teew El PE EF4e SE 'JM BEBlE (4 rt If 4F I flf II IMii ft it ear 41 i la avtMbwi Aarelywaa 1 bo M4em bv nay i wOfeWy wdab dpaawtlf rtoa Ddrto Erasla lasOaris always bears lb CMYdrsn Ory for 7 ri TS EiE4riEE rJ dE maq Vl Bld ffJ Ia arms 4toifl veft 1 BEES Erfs Hffi 4 I EPfdB EE M4 4Af 8 oyg IDF kH JNE El EF Eon wee EE lt'd- VriWEEE Ff Ef IffifflEhdEI h4 I Ei W4 Ee4 fc' Si El E'E ra EI Bf 'AWEl If f'dri hb'WV 'S' r-.

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