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The Monmouth Inquirer from Freehold, New Jersey • 1

Freehold, New Jersey
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3002. 4. -a IV IV JTegal lloticcg. Cegal notices. TUE8AVAGE WAY.

Haw the Indian Tf eats an Iitjurj- 'Old Tlsne inclhod. iilonmoutl) 3nquirrr, IS PIUI.IHHKI F.VEUV TUUUSDAT. weight, ll expect to seourn the royalty offered npt only by this country, hut in France, npaiu, England anil clsowhuie. I am positive that iny invention is tlm (Publishtd by request) WIDOW MACHEEE. HT UAO'JA HACKILHKB, CUL CAUDA CODN It, XAX, Och, Msry msvourneen,'a 'this that ys're tel- llu' The bine-coated solera sr eomln' to-dsyf Are drivlu' their shtakes furninst otme dw.lllu,' To hould a Reunion, I.

th tt what ya ssj parted in the Lord there in his Kingdom to reign, world without end. Anion. Tho rest of my family arc iii good health, rxo-pting my daughter, was taken sixteenth of this instant. How long so to continue is only known to the, No more at present, but my kind respects to you and your family, and all friends. I remain JOB THE SUPREME BENCH.

Candidates for tho appointment to the vacancy on tho Siipnuiin Court Bench caused by the death of Judgn Parker ars becoming numerous. Tlio courts over which Jndgo Parker pic-sided are important, being in three counties that have considerable court business. Burlington, Cimden and Gloucester counties arc practically embarrassed by the absence of ft Presiding Judoe. An appointment must from necessity be made soon. It is perhaps on this account that so many men, or, rather, their fi lends, nre urging their claims for this important position.

Apart, from the honor there is another very vital con i "pSTATE OF ELLEN COMBS, Deo'd. Notlte Is hereby given, tlist the scconcts the snbscrlber, Execntor ol Hid deceaaed, will be snd stated by tbe (Surrogate, and reported to tb. Orphans' Court or tbe county of Monmouth, on TbursJar, December Fifteenth. MOT. Oct.

1 lot. TESTATE OF PETER JOHNSON, Notice is hereby given, that tbe accounts of the subscriber. Administratrix ol sal a aeceasen, win audited and stated by the Surrogate, and reported to the Orphans conrt of the Conuly of Monmonth, on Tlinrada.T, the Fifth day of January. 1888 nova-Ilit it. SAKAHE.J OUNBOS.

ON RULE TO BAR CREDITORS. Administrator's Notice. Horailo Clayton, administrator of Lucy Foster, deceaaed, by order of the Surrogate of th conuly' of Monmouth, hereby gives notice to the creditors of the said cased to bril.ff in their debts, demands arid claims, sgaiust the estste of saia flecedent. nnaer oeto or smrmation. wi.niu nine mouths from the Twenty-aecond day of IHH7, or fbey will be forever barred of any action therefore again.

Ibe Bald Administrator. dec. I 101. liOUATIO CLAYTON. JpSTATE OF ABRAM KINO.

Notice Is hereby Kiventbat the scconuts of the subscribers. Administrators uf said deceased, wit! be audited and stated bv tbe Surrogate, and reported to the Orphans' Conrt or the Conuty of Monmouth, ou Thursilsy, the.Sjxtreiitb dy of Frbrnary.liwl. ANTHONY TRUAX, dec 10-101. ISAIAH 8. LANE.

ASTEITS SALE. ix cn anceby of new jersey. Between Atron DwiTF-, Complaioant and Edward U.Pickering, et nx et al DefeudaBt. On bill to rori-cloa. By virtue of a writ of fK'Outi hi iwu'il out of tbe above stated Court, and to me directed, tbe iiDderoiRned, one or the Maatera of Mid Court will offer at Public tUie, on Sili.n.rty, the fourlii ly of brn-ry J888, between tbe honra of two and Are o'clock r.

of said day at tke Hberlff'a Offire In the city of New Brunswick aud county tt Middleax. and State of New Jersey, all the following deat-ribed land and premises, with the appnrtenauocs herein after par ticnlarly described, situate lying and Ing partly in te township of tfonroe in tbe County of Middlesex, and State of New Jersey and partly in the town ship of Mi Us tone, in the County of Uuiimootb, stud State of New Jersey butted snd bounded Northerly aud Northwesterly by lands late of Charles Butcher, senior, deceased: Easterly "by lauds now owned by Richard Ely (the Rltldeu farni) and others Sontherly by lands of Daniel Hlack aud tue Dishoroiifih farm; and Southwesterly by the public road leading fjom Disborooglts Mill to the Ked Tavern Coutatuiug one hundred and forty one acres aod a half mote or less. Being the same premises conveyed to ald Hannah Pickering and alary Croshaw by rekil C. Chamberliu. Dated December 23d.

18h7. $7.20 CliAUNOY 11. UK AS LEY. Complaluaut pro se. Master.

UlisccUaueous. NOTICE! NO I ICE i htrriij giver. Ui. Hi Ho.rd of Commissioners of th-'Tibwn of Freehold In tend to apply to the nrtt Leg; re ot the State nf New jersey, for the passage o- ni, ine aenerai oo-ject of will he to eulsrge, define and eatabllsli me uuimnsrirp mm wwu mi rfcuuni. Cbas.

Trnex. Wnr.H. Butcher, Wol.McDerniott. Dated Nov. 24th.

1D8T. if ion want ilia Send for Oataiogne and Circular of Id Reliable Trenton Business College And School of Shorthand, Masonio Temple. Trenton. N. It aloeai more tliaronifh wsrk and helps more ymattg men to ajooel positions than aiiy other.

A'dilreas, A. J. BIDEB. Principal. Open Sept.

1st. nly2l-ly OFFICE OF WIS CO, MUTUAL TIKE IORAKCE CO, FREEHOLD, N. J. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF SAID Company will be held at William Davis' Hotel, in Freehold, on Monday. Jannary lfith.

IHtM. at which time and place, and between tbe lionre nf to o'clock A. and 3 o'clock f. the Annnal Election for thirteen directors will be held The semi-annual meeting of the Director, will be held at the same time and place. Jan.5 2t.

C. A. BENNETT. Secretary. NOTICE OF.FIRST MEETING OF THE MoraoiOirFairJssociafc Notice la hereby given that the Firat Meeting of ''The Monmouth Fair Assoclstion" for the purpose of electing Director, and and taking other action, as may be necessary to properly 'organize tbe said Aasociatlon.

will be held at the office of Frank-P. McDermott, on Main Street, In the town of Freehold, New Jersey. on Saturday, the tweoty-firet day of Jannary. 1888, ten (10) o'clock in tbe forenoon. Dated Freehold, January M.

I)1 Alonz) White. Win. it, Throrkmorton, Jsmes S. Yard, W. Arrowsniitb, T.

A. Waul, Charles Bmoher. W. H. Davis.

r). Orst-r. G. S. Couover.

Mi-Srmntt, Justice E. Ralph, II. Woli. tt. Msxcy Applegste.

George F. W.rd, Theodore Sickles, Frsnklin Psttersoe, Frsnk P. McDeriuott, W. W. Csnnun, David Clark Perrlne, Wm.

Davis. Edward Martin, John T. J. B. Conover, Garret B.

Carson. F. B. Conover. E.

Emmons. Charles Height, Than. W. Morris, J. A.

Gelsseuhsiner. jan.S-2t. BEST TRUSS EVER USED Improved Elastie Tmss Worn night snd dsy. positively cares lluptnre. Sent by mall everywhere.

Write for full dlscrlptlv ntrcnlsr to TMt 01. HBMI I. $125 A WEEK AGENTS WANTED Tie American Hoi mfl Fm Oyrlofjedla bv H. B. Allan.

1C. S.4 140 Cvllege. 8pecl.ll.ts.' la buks 'In one volnms of lramedlate and eonetant value far beyond to Farmera. HorttenitnristB.nBalldera, Housekeepers, Money-Meiers, and all who have" or aspire to bars homes i Over 1100-fwgesaod 2ooit This -new eontafhs snch attractions and up.Lttral value was never before em In Positively (25 to lli week mM by rapalile Outfit Free; Freight Paid and (Iredlt.ftiven Irenes men. DeseFlpUveOlrealars.

Press Agent. Report s.d terms free, Why work tor nar-ly bread sad rntter-t at nmre for partienlars. O. W. M.

UANLET. Ageuclea. tit Sonth 81 1 tii 8tn PbiuvMlsbls.Pa JAMES AYR South 8treet.ib.ytasBtarsrBB dssusr, ffasam Smhfti'' Karblennd Slats staatrea. iVUmii'M'itmttL ie. Cheer as the rhrafest aad good as tke asst.

StB-l-l IfllASTIoil STATE OF BRIDGET QUEENEY, I DECEASED. No tine herliy Clven. that tbe ftccnnnU of the subaeiiber. Eiecutor of deceaard.wlll be audited aud eUted by tbe Hurroi and reported to the Orphan' Court of tlieOonutyor Moomoutb, on Tlinra iy. Ihf B.xteouth day December.


Executor of Joseph Evan a. deceaaed, by virtue of an rrder of the Or-pbaua' Court of Monmouth County November i2d. A. 1887, will aell at Public Vendue, to the highert bidder, i-nnliiy. Jannnry 28tb.

1838. 2 p. at tbe American Hotel, in Freehold, Comity ol Monmouth, and State of New Jeraey. All Hint certuiu Hoime a-iid Lot of Land, ihnate on the easterly aide of Conover street, in the Towu of Frrhnid, Comity of Monrannth and State of New Jersey, bounded by lands of James W. Erriekson.

on tbe southerly side and by lands of the Peuusjlvon'a B. B. Company on the easterly aide. Property to be sold altogether or in lota to suit par JOHN T. R03ELL.

Uc 'id-ts. Executor. INT CBANCERY OF NEW JEUSEY To Ilattie Hyrra. By virtu nf an cr.l in the Court of Chaucery of New Jersey, made on the day of the date Hereof, in a cause wherein Edward A. Hyers is com plaiuant and you aud others are defendants, you are rcqiiired to appfcar, plead, answer or deranr to the hill of said complainant, oo nr before tbe first day of February uext.

or tbe said bill will be taken as con tossed against you. The 8nH is fifi'il a foreclose two morttfayes given by Fortnau Hyers and Sarah Mariii Uvers, bis wife, to Gordeu Hyers; Jftt dated lime 26th, 1873, in lauds in tbe town of Freehold, Id dated April 2a 187diu lands in the town of Freehold ind in the township of Manalapan. Monmouth County, New Jersey and you are-made a defendant be 'anse you have an inchoate dower right iu your husband. Georne Hyers, one third interest in the lands ituate iu Maiiaiapan township, subject to the mort-e dated April 23rd, 1875. John Ely.

Freehold, Now Jersey. Dated November 30. 1H87 dec8-6t EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. The subscriber, execntor of Willism e. Forman.

deceased, will sell at public sale, In conformity with thn directions of the will of said de at the hotel of Edwin C. Disbrow, iu Perrino-ville, N.J.. Om Tnesiliiy. Jaunpry 10th, 1888. hetweeu the hours of 12 and 5 o'clock, P.

the following real esta.e A Truct of Cleiireil Latiil. nil et in Peach and Apple Trees, in good besrlng order, con. aiuing A. 17 21-100. more or less, aod located on the road leading from -Kweetman's Lane to Clarksburg, iu the township of MilUtoue.

A Tract of Wooillunil. contiiininir A. ll 15-100. more or less, situate iu the township afore. sid, on the southerly side of Pine Ulll, a little over I mile northeasterly of Perriueville.

No postponement on account of unfavorable reatber. Conditions at the sale. PETER FORMAN. vlaualspau, N. Nov.

12, 1887.. Executor. T7XECUTOR SALE OP VALUABLE jTUj REL ESTATE The subscriber, executor ol the last Will and Testament or Thomas Wlllett. de-leased, will expose at public sale. On Suturdny, Jaaimry 14: Ii.

1888 between the boars of 12 o'clock, noon, and 5 o'clock, viz. at two o'clock, p. on tbe premises of isid deceased, and now occupied by James Tilton. Iu r.he Township of Mlddletown, and on the road lead-ng from the village of Middletowu to Leedsville, All tUJt VHlnnlilfl JHrm. Iionnilpil on he west by t-aid road, on the north by land of Joseph l'.

Field, on the east by land of John B. Crawlord. ind on the south by land ol Mrs. Oeorge W. Craw-ord, contaltiiup; about .15 Acres.

The Improvements ire a Dwelling House, Barn, Wagou House, Qardsn. tbe land all cleared and of the best inalit an.4 U.d,-y(ajjAJy best a ali tv. CJondltious msde kuown at time of THOK. 8. FIELD.

Dated, Nov. lilb. 1887. Executor, SHERIFF'S SALE -By Virtue of mitnlry Writs of ft. fa.

to me directed, issued out of the lupreme Court of the State of New Jeisejr, will be xpoaed to sale at publlo vendue, Oo Tnt grluv.lho lOih cl Jumisry.1888 etween the hours of 12 and 5 o'clock, (at 2 o'clock), the afternoon of said day, at the Court Hoil.e. st freehold, in the township of Freehold, conuty of nonmontu. new jersey, sunject to all leal prior nenrabrances. All o- rlniii (mot or prc1 of IhiiiI nd premises with tbo buildings thereon, situate at Vlleutown, lu the township of Upper Freehold, county of Monmouth, New Jersey, bounded on the torth by lends of Mary T. M.

Thomas Garret Conner Harriot Moyer, Miller Coward aod Charles R. Hutchinson and the jfain on th. east by lands of i. J. Bills and Gilbert Oiberson and the Imleystown -osd, on the south by lands of Peter Wvckoff, and on be west by Alleutown Pond.

Seized as the property of George Middleton, taken it execution at the suits of Mary T. M. Thomas and rohu D. Thomas, snd to be sold by THEODORE' AUMACK, Late Sheriff. Dated, Dec.

5, 1887. 5.0. HEUIFF'SSALE By Tirlne nf writ of a. fa. to me directed.

Issued out of the Conrt if Chancery of the Slate or New Jereey, will be to sale at public vendue, oo ilouduy, the 23d day of Jarmnry 1883, ietween the hours of 12 and 6 o'clock (at 2 o'clock) in the afternoon of said day, at tbe hotel of Gilbert Hberson, at Alleutown, in tbe townahip of Upper freehold, Couuty of Monmonth, New Jersey. All I Imt certain frm or. plHtitntiou litnate in the township of Upper Freehold, County if Monmouth and State of New Jersey, aud which is nore particularly described ss follows, viz Begin ling at a stone standing ou tbe north bsuk of Doc-or's Creek about three mile, from Allentown, and formerly John Bruere'a lino; thence along bis ine (1st) north, sixteen degree, and three-quartera ast, five chains snd thirteen links to a large white iak tree for a corner; thence still slong said John Irucre's lino (2) north, thirty-four degrees and hree-qnarters east, nineteen chaiua and tbirty-six inks to a sassafras stump; thence still along the iame south, eighly.ihree degrees aud fifty miu. ites east.forty aix chains and fllty liuks to a stone Hsnkiuaon's Hue: thence along his llne(lth) louth, nine and one-half degree, weat, twenty-one ihainsand forty-six links to a stoue corner to farm if the late James Bruere, dee'd theiice along his ine (5th) sonih, fifty-uine degrees aud a quarter vest, nine chains aud fllty liuks to a stone: thence till along same (6th) south, nine degrees and a half west, thirty-five chains aud seventy-ou. links to.

tonestsudingon the bsnk of tbe aforesaid creek; whence continuing the last named.conrse to tbe middle ssid creek that is down the present water course it said creek the several courses thereof to the the aforessid John Bruere'a farm, tbe piece beginning, containing two hundred and eight and one-half (208 fi acres), be tbe same more or ess. as per a survey msde of the same in February V. 1850. The above described farm was deeded jj James Parker, deceased, dated April tbe 1st, A. 1850, from Jonathan Bruere and -James H.

Bruere, administrator, of Richard Brnere. anJ at Freehold, In Book of Deed, folio Seized as tbe property of Ellis Hendrlckson and Us. Uken inexecntionjit tbe suit of Tammy Parker, leorge H. Vauderbeek and James J. Parker, Exeen-ore of James Parker, deceased, and will be sold by THEODORE Sheriff.

Vlf 8. THBet-K-fORTPH. Sol'r. Dated Dec. 12, 1887.

(JO.fO) SHERIFF SALE By virtue of a writ of fi. fa. to me directed. Issued ont of the Court I Chancery of the Slate of Now raey. will be ex-josed to sale at public vendue, Ja Fiid.iy, th 20th Hhv nt CinMrv, 1888, etween tbe hours of 1 2 and o'rluek, (at 2 o'clock), in the afternoxu of aai 4 day.

at tbe Out Hons, at freehold, iu the township of FreehobLoiinty ot ulonmontb. New Jersey, Wl, All that no I hiii trHCt nr purrer'nf lud tnd premises hereinafter particularly desefibed.sitji-tte, lying and being in the township of Atlantic. In toe county of Monmouth aod State of New Jereey, ind being part of tbe homestead farm of formerly fohn PrConover, deceased, beginning at button-wood tree by tbeedgeof Mine Brook, being the 1 if tb. third course in a deed from Jowph Oouover nd wif. to Garret Bexo Conover.

dated May 81. 18V4. recorded in the Monmonth Coanty Clerk's office, at Freehold, in Book of Deeds, oages 364, and tlso aoorner of formerly Joseph Mount, land; tbene. running as surveyed by Franci. Corliea In December 1863, for John VanMster and Henrietta Oonover.

ad (niniatrator. of John P. Cooov.r.deoeased, (I) sonth, forty eight degrees forty minute, east, seventeen ninety four links; thence (S) south, eighty ftve degrees east, ten chains and eighty three links; thence (3) norths three degrees and fifteen minutes east, seven ebalna and seventy one links; thence (1) north, sixteen degree, east, sight chain, and fllty links; thence (S) sonth. seventy degree, and fifteen minutes east.alxteen chains and sixteen thence () along Marl Pit Brook (which brook mas by tbe wood.) la a northerly direction to a point distant thirty nine chain, snd sixteen llaks on a coarse of outh, sixty three degrees and fifty fivs mlnntes sast from a stake at the end or tbe ditob under the fence near by the bridge, which ditch firstcroeses the road through the whole of the home.tead.aad which stake is in the esaUrly side of sal.l road; thsaes (7) run ntng the last mentioned course north, sixty three degrees and fifty flvs mlnntes west, thirty nine chains and sixteen inks tto said () along the centre of ssid ditoh north, seventy ds-xreee thirty mlnntes west.aias ebalna and ninety six link, to MI ne Brook: thenee along Mine Brook the several eon tees thereof 'to the beginning, containing one hundred snd twenty flveaore. and sixty hundredths of sn sere.

Being the same mrm traet of land sold snd oonverea by George ftckaot sad wife to Samuel H. Matthews, by deed dated April 1865. Belied aa the property ef Ramnel 8. Matthews sis. taken in exsoutloa at tk.

salt of Catharine 8. sad lobs sold by THE0DORB FltLDB, Bnerlir. A.0. Habtsrorne. Sot'r.

-Dated Deo. lit, 1887. v. (MO (0) JOBISPRMING Tile gavHge is emphatically (ho cliilJ of nature. lie lives close Jiature, tiig only education is gnineil in nature's school, When the Indian receives an injury, he does not seek a Cure in mineral poi- sODS.but binds on the simiile leaf, admin Lters tlie lierll tea, atd Vitli nature's aid, comes natural Our rugged aucestois, who icrced the wildwnfeox, Iwiilt their mrcottth but.

com-fortabla log cabins and 'smarted tlie cleanings in the woods, which in rime became tlie broa-lr fertile- fields of the modern farmer, fou ud in roots and, herbs that larjj i i'i -i Cltust: Ul llllliu liatlim puii'iii, imueuico for all their common ailments. It was onty in very serious case the seht for old "saiidte-bags" with his physic, which quite as often killed as cured. Ijatter day society has wandered too far away from nature, in every way, for its own good. Our grandfathers aiul grandmothers lived wholsomer, purer, better, tfealthicr, more natural lives than we do.

'heir minds were not filled with noxious isms, nor their bodies with poisonous drug. It is not time to make a change, to return to the simple vegetable preparations-of contained the. power and potency of nature as rmedr ical agcntK, and in all the ordinary, ailments were at least harmless? The proprietors-of Warner's Log Cabin Remedies have thought ko, and have put on the trai ket a timber of hese ure vegetable1 preparations, made- from formulas secured after patient searching i to the annals of the (-lint those who want them tieetl not be '-without them. "Log Cabin remedies will bo fou fid "Log Cabin' Sarnaparilla," for the blood: "Log Cabin Hops and Buchu Remedy," a tonic and stomach remedy; Log cabin cough-ami consumption Log cabin sciilpjne," lor strengthening and rruewing the; hair; Log cabin extract," for both enter-nal and internal application; "Log abiii liver "Log cabin rose cream, an olil hut em-ctive rrmetiy for catarrh; and "Log cnbin plasters." AR these remedies nre carefully prepared from recipes which were found, after loud' investigation, to hare been those most successfully used by our grandmothers of'ye oldt-n time." They are the "simple, vegetable, ellic leiouii remedies of log cabtn days. misicllunfOUS.

5AT THES -OLD STAND GROCERY Is at tbe Old atand No. 19 SOUTH STRLET, FREEHOLD, Wherel have been for near)? Sevan years, and mj Ooodaare aa Fresh to da. as the first ds I started, for I am constantly adding to OT Stock FRESH flOiDS EVERY DAY. allow ne stale unsaleable goods to remain on ray sneiTes; wiueioMtaem oos sarrince nrat; la not necessary to go to a new tore to Hod new good for mine are ALWAYS NEW AND FRESH. 1 hare been In the business long enoagb to know what my customers want, snd what theTrade In this Tictnlty demands.

Don't be afraid to ak for Goods, for after too set them home and And they do no, salt, yon can brlns them back. I endeavor to keep Erar? thing jLhftt belonn to the Grocery Trade 4-sd am wll ling to add anything to my Stock, at any time my ens tome re wish me to. alart. h(arlo mind I am agent for FAIRBANKS' SCALES And can sell fon anything of the kind from lie rery smallest to in very largest, ir yon are in need of a Scale, com and get M. PHoeM lterre I tin not neeeaa'ry for me to make any remark abunt rairoanas' scales, rnr they are so wen known.

Evef-yone knows they are the best. CarO I Ko.l South Street. FREEHOLD. N. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Farmers National Bank JhCestoww, Dec.

14. TBE Annual Weetiim of the Stock. holder, of thla Bank, for the election of twelve (Ix) serve the ensuing year, will be beld st th. IlsnlrHuf Honse. on Jannary 101b.

I tow. p.i. Wlll-'ofen st 10 o'clock, a. remsfn own one hour. K.

E. HUTCHINSON. deelS-at Act'g Cashier. CARPET WEAVING. MBS -iUHtiOHseR.

HIOB near tS fpot. ffeeholri. K.J, bejts leavs to annuaneethdtah WIIT Sontluue tbejCarpet Weaving bnslneas st file old atabd. rthe haa now on hand Wool. Gotten Aud brae WARP, tofiniab.lf desired and Oarpeta to sell of herowu maaafactare.

octD-U W.I. VAjrPvCRVJBE, aUTAJt. UEAT.EB IS Fiiir-fteU Cittam, Coin Mechanic 8'. 1 do from South. XEW JEII8ET.

eal) usrtfcnlsi attention to my ftwKE RTC WHISKIES. OLfc APPLE A ratACH BRANDIES pnt np by tt. for medicinal use. 'iA Hst of l)sfVnewspiirs dlvldsdlnto STATfSS sd SBOTIONS wilt be on Application (t ree- -To those ha want -thsls advert Islag as pa.wemn offer so better nredt for thorough and wsrk I has the variosa auctions of onr fSrter Lstcstl l.lss., Bsr.

r. 4c CO. 4 ii Jsesrepsper Advertising decTIra 40 Spruce street, Hew lotk. --'llj I six Ji.JHiu Three Mouths. ii 611 No subscriptions received without the cub.

Skticek is cents p-r line for the first inser-' ttuH aud in omit p-r line fr Hanh.stiusequeut insertion- Lcual Vdtibtiseventb it the rates allowed by lw. Business Cabdh. uot eiceedluR ix Hues per year, 6. Half-Yearly and Yearly Advertisers have the prlvl-lete ot reuewiuu adverttaenienta quarterly without lUiarx'e. I) jblk Column Advbbtisemkhts will be charged 211 per and Cnid.K Oolumn advertisements, 30 in a.dMltoti to regular rates.

1RINTIING, ieds, ciacrnr.s. WLL-IElS. OHEUKS. NOTES. VUTION nil.LS.

POSTERS. 0., Seatlv Printed, at Short Notice, and at the lowest Rites. Vt'l'OUSKY i AT LAW, P.ilnf.-, ia O.Miri Jtmnuis8iiinT Master aa Kx iiitln -r Ntiii Hp. i i) Masif i Oliancrry, -I. Pi i -ti in til th ForeclnRure il uli-iru Kotales ml ol teiiil ii'ii iiiii' ut a wpei-ialt y.

A MZl N. fMIlNSELLOR AT LAW, inVe I. Hue atoro. Maio Street. KUKKIIOJ.D.

J. A. I i -I 15 KKS. VI IOUNEV AT LW. tTOH AS It MASTER IX CHASCKKY, offl i in Brick Bulldinc.

rilKKH 'Ll. Hi. Ull.KS UU1VI1EU. ami A TTOliNK? A'l LAW. sonuirou SD MAS TEH in ClIANCEKY.

ottl- -v-r the store ol Charles llartzlu'lm. in th. Kills linililing a ljolnini! the Court House, FBKKHOLD. N.J- C.iAHLES A. BENNETT.

rOUNSELLOtt AT LAW, FBKKHOXelT, N. Opposite the American Hotel. Spprisl -ittention ctvt-n to all matters relating to PartiH'iii- Keal Est at r. el estates by ExeiM.trrt liuiniftralorr. aud Guardians.

Forecloa-uri-oi U.rt3SHH. kc. CollectitiK promptly done. A UOX Ii JOHNSTON. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, and Master is Cuancfrt.

OA mover's Dma Store. Main Strer FBKKHOLD. II J. At Fairhnieovery eveninu. HAULMS A.

BENNETT, Jb, ATTOANEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Solicitor, Master aud Examiner in Chancery, FBEEnuLD. N-J. FRVNK P. McDERMOTT. OODNSELLOn AT lA OiHce between Post Office an'l Piml Bank, PHKKHnLD.

J. ENIlY NKViUS oounseilok L.WV. jmiea-tl. J. T.WII5H rtl'EES.

rrunsEY pounsellok law, noN'AA-tf KTITOWl J. OHN T. ATfOBNEY AT LAW. MOLICITOB akd MAS-TEB IS CHASCKKY S1 OumiulBsioniT of D-eda. OfBce In Itosells Brick linililing opposite Conrl Houh.

vrekholo. k. j. Tkurtdayi and Fridayt at Jamesburg. JOHN W.

8WARTZ, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office In brown stone btiildii-g, next to American Hotel, FBKKHOLD, H. t. JOSEPH McDERMOTT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8O1.I0ITOB AMD UASTKB IM OHAMCBRT, Office in Burtli' Brick Building, opposite Count ark's Office Fbfkhold, N. t.

JOHN J. ELY. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Master and Examtxer In Chancery and Special Mastei PBwRHOXJ, H.J. r- Office in New Brick row sin Stre-1.

CLARENCE CONOVER. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Solicitor and Hatter and Kmaminer in Chancery, OHces over Charles B. Ellis' place of business, adjoining Conrt House yard, rRKKHOLD. W.

J. SAMUEL CO WAR ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8oi.iorroB Aito Mastbb im Chanokbt, Office in Ellis' Brick Bnildion. aclj liuing-iTt. House, 4- 21 t. WXH.

VHaDKMBUBOH. PAB.KEX. VREDEN BURGH A PARKER. iy- QRLLOR8 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, tt. Offlcelu Episcopal Obnrcb Building, Main Street Jnsttrance.


lu Rosell's Uiick Building, opposite Conrt House. Thursdays and Friday! at Jamctburf. ATcDEUMOI'T MOUNT. IVL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS. FBEKHCLD.

1. J. OfBce in 4 T. Bu'tis' Brick Buiiding corner olMairj aud Court 8treeta. GEORGE F.

WARD. CONVEYANCER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE OFFICE, South Main, -J Fbeebold-. N. J. iTliscellnncous.

J. J. BRIERLEY. -ARCfflTECT AND BTJILDEE .7 ORIGINAL DESIGNS PLANS 1 Prepared, Adapted to Location, with full Speclflca tions and estimstee. Refers by permiesion, among others to tbe, follow -'Ingffentlemenforwhom 1 have built: Messrs.

Wm. Balk Pitman West, Lewis M. Slocnm. of Long Bfanoa, and. Mr.

O. B. Patterson, ot FrbpW v. AddreU.J. J.

BRIERLEY, sept8-m Long Branch. N. J. WANTED! 500 OPERATORS. OUR bmliiiuR being completed we will now take on operator, or learner, to nuke Uirt aud other wearing ap parol.

We have the best and most Improycdllacliinery ai an provided with' i corps of instrnetoriwlio wUl BBaks It easy for hand to lern. AD haads are paid to work completed dnrtngtime of mlractloa and band, living ont of town, wi'l receive ticket, to and from factory. V. HEN BY BOTHSCHILD amlt-tf HAPPY THOUGHT wave-Line plug, QUUTT -AND CHEW UNEXCELLED Merry war A GOOD CHEW TODACGO Million of Pounds Sold Without a Single 4-W1LS0N McNALLY TOBACCO CO. dec.UJm.

1 (list ol its kind. LEGISLATING OR HEW United States Senator Mc l'heisoli has presenled 'ii the Seiiatit a pcti'ion of the Union ex-lu isonem of war residiurr in New ers of a bill which asks for the passage liat will give them relief, llu nteil the lietitiou of Geormi also prcsi Brown, of New hviit. Ocean Coutitv. late a private in Company Fortieth Begiuienl, of Jersey Infantry Volunteers, Both have been referred to Commit (ch on 'MiMdiix. Congressman l'helps Iiiih secured ll first and second reading of the I fur the erection of public ar I'iileisoii ami has also introduced a lull fur I he relief of Union ex-prisoners of war in New Jersey.

ltcpreHf illative Buehaliau has already made himself heard on the lloorJ lie has sixteen bills. One piovidcs relief for ex prisoners' of war. lie wauls an amiroiirintioti for a monumental column To commemorate the battle of Trenton, lie seeks to secure, the estali! shnient of a buoy depot at Absecotu erected at, dliced a of a belli lie oil' -is bet Ion, ii should no' port of Ti and wants a public building Atlantic-'City. He has Intro-II providing for tho erection House, at or near Sipiail inlet, easons why the port of Laiu-the district of Burlington, bo changed and placed iu the nt on. lie wants a Department ed' A aricul tine His other bills III internal revenue tax upon tobacco, ci il service, charges of desei I'lidment to seetiou 4.718.

of ion, an at the Kevin and liabili He think should go 1 Statutes, siieoial tax leceints i of use of patented articles. Unit agricultural reports hi'ough al newspaper postage, ill to that effect. Mr. McAdoo the front on tho fishing wants ainlile iiiotection for and has a I has conn (piest ion hi) fi.shei ii of the Atlantic coast, and his bill is iLow in the cue of tho Com mittee on merchant marine and Fisheries, lie argues for a public building in Jersey lie wants shorter hours for let ter- earriei s. I Ie has a bill to prevent fraudulent ml 1'ics-on the public domains, land have tlieni nr.eserveil for actual set tlers in "noil faith.

f-sinau McKeen has a lull I protect the fisheries of Iho A I laul ie en of the Tin has iiilrodi and lepaii-New a i ditioual lai which pio I'tiilud St NevaiL'. I' ast, and so has George I I list net. Ilcnry ed a bill for the extension nf the public buildingS st ,1.. and the lunch use of nd- d. He also introduces another des for the holding of tho tes Courts iu Iho citv of ie customs icveniio on pearl bllttoiiu hasl receiveil hia nt.tnlil.inn nlnl Iii) wants IHe law amended.

Georco Hiies wants to have tho rights of fishermen ct.iuilized when fishing in the navigable waters of the United Stales which bonier on ny State or Territory. He bears out the wishes of his constituency of Count mid tircfccntn a bill for the 'lection of iblic buildings at lirnletot The annual meet ing of the National Hod and Association was held oil Monday, in New York. Business Was-inaugurated by Mr. Franeis. Eudicott, President of the Richmond County Game Tun! Eish Association, intiodiiring resolution: "That a committee Ie appointed to see what retdi ictioiis could bo placed upon tlie capture of liieiihuden by steaincisor other Vermel along our conr.t without inj iry to food Mr.

Eudicott related his experience of last season the coast of New Jersey, llu said the whole community along that that coast unanimous in condemning the menhaden steamers, for ruining the fishing by th wholesale capture of the -menhaden, i which the blucfish and other food fnjlics live. Before tlie advent of the stcaiiK i the farmers and othois came down tho shore and took striped bass, wciikl'-'h, in numbers suf-iicit'nt to salt) wii for their Winter uso but now the' cannot do it. Mr. Eudicott found that he could lulto more, fish with rod and reel than the local fisher men could illi their nets. On one day, al Cbadwick's, Ocean county, ho took seventeen bl tclish weighing from threo to five poiiiit whilo in the year before the airr came it Was not unusual for i.

to from 'ifty to sixty fish per day avenging eight pounds erteli. Fish Commissioner Blackford said he once. was of the opinion that tho catching of menhaden seriously interfered with tbo supply of our food fishes and intended to bring tho matter to the attention of Congress, but when ho got out his note-books, which he had kept for a series of years, ho found no facta to work upon. He quoted Prof. Huxley, who said after investigating the herring fisheries of great Britain, that (ho efforts of man were not a factor in the great destruction of fishes that went ou at sea.

The chairman then appointed the following couiniillee to 'confer with, tho menhaden men: F. Eudicott, Chairman; Judge 11. P. Mc'( Jowan, New York Stato Fish Commissioner Blackford, Cornelius Van Brunt and lxuiJ B- Wright. They will meet the menhaden men on January Washington, Jan.

C. General ttnp-ciiutcndcnt Kimball, of tho Life-Saving Service, has received through the Dc- piu tinetit of Slate a certificate of depos it for ft 1 0 0 from tho Austio Hungarian Minister at Washington, tho proceeds" which the AustriiftTiTgai'iait Government desires may bo distributed in part tho families of the members of tho Baruegiit Life-Saving Service who lost their lives in February last in ansttompt to rescuo the shipwrecked crow of the Austrian bark Kraljevica, find the remainder to the surviving members of the life-saving crew who rendered aid on the occasion. The method of distributing the money will be as follows: $100 each to the families of John Sopor, Solomon Sopor and Samuel perished, and (40 each to William Inman, Cornelius Thompson, Henry Beeves and Joel lUdgway, who survived. In a letter lo the Secretary of Stato on the subject, tho Austrian Minister expresses his high est apprt ciation of tho courage and devotion with which the surfmen named exposed their lives in the performance of their arduous aud poiilousduty on the occasion in question. aw me wid me rhnmaif iiiin me quiet, Scarce able to ahllr from me cbsir or me bed I.

Now over me primises sure they'll run riot. And chste ivery eye-tootl. jist out ot me head There's the hins, sure thoiM lave of thlru nlrer a allien Au' the turkeys, ss f. itie rues s's lver ye'll eee; The ducks sn' the geese, too. they'll sll go together sorra.

a wau lift for Willow Machreel There'e ine garden of cahhacui, beets, su' tomatiol, That I've planted an' au' tiniisd so well; Sure they'll usther tbe ba. and they'll dig tho peratiea, Au' lare of me onions now a sbmelll In me niebivpstch thritty-ihs spslpeens will frolic. Au' ate all me cucunibt-it. so flue Could I hear lvery wau ol thim shcraiue wid the cone, I'll nlver begrudge thim that fruit of the vluel Go. Mary, me darlin', a.

LLt as ye're able. Au shut uo tbe Dies in tiiu cellsr to shtsy: rut the bins, geese au' tin keys au' ducks In tbe Billable, An' lock the dcor, an' bring me the Dou't shtop how; for whi.tit, don't I hear thim. a cniuln There's the life an' the Initio: oh. wlrra the da) I Sure tue heart'a batlu' f'iKiit at the sound ol the druiumln! That brings bsck the whin me Pat wlnt awaj I Whin bo woro tbe blue cut wid tbe buttons an' trimmlu'. An' "carried the flaa will Irishman's jny," ch, the ould toltnes couil- uck, an' luo eyes are a illmroin Whlu 1 look a' the sojers and think of me boy'! See thim msrehin' In u'w, wid tho drum still batlu An' was I begrndaln' uie bines sn' all that.

An' the thrifle of mate that the b'ya wad be atin', Who tollowed tbe ould Rag along wid me Pal? An" me turkeys an' hius. I thrylng to hide 'em? As couutiu' the llkos.oi a in-atte au' eug To the h'j's wid the empty shloeve llauiu' hehide om. Or bobbliu' about on -Hie shtump of a le-? Bad luck to me thin, for a stingy ould hsythiul Ou open the doors sn sit ivery thing tree An' bring uie the Captaiu. I'm wautlu' to say. thin, rue top tbe morniu iruui wiaow Aiacuree; There's the fruit, an' the lowls, an' the bit of a gar lic ti; There's tlie rolneTpiS for roashtin' an now.

do ve inolnd? Nlrer shtop to be axln' me lave or me pardon. uut aXo all ye want, au tue oesui ye csu ioiuo Tske freely sn welcome! thin, wad je'es r.iru- ber An oulil Irish comrade, bould gallant an' thrue. Who fell a'- Antletgm wan day in September, While houldin' the banner an' wearln tke blue? I0UW (LOW) LETTEES. COMPILED BY JUDGE G. C.

BEEKMAX. Ilendrica Ixuw was the mother of Mar- caret, wife of Cornelius TenBroeck. The lollowing letters lrom translate ed from the Dutch. Esopus, October, 31, 1751 Worthy children Have bv two lel tersl, the one of August the 29th, and also from Lena who on Saturday evening, came home in good health, heard of the state vou all were in; wish from mv heart the enjoyment of health and peace tdfyon alL We are all yet well, except Atye, doubtful of her ever again obtairi- l.iHli, liuli OuJ ia Uiijjht I live in great fear of the enemy. There wiig on Saturdays Frenchman caught at Memkatting, who gives an account of gome more in our vicinitv; hence we know not what hangs over our heads; to God alone it is known.

I sendf you a cask with flax and tow, 11-2 pounds hetcheld flax, 22 pounds swindled; can obtain no more; have sent around where I though old flax might be procured, the new flax being good for nothing all through Esopus. In the cask is lim for two small pillow cases and for Ilendrica two shirts; also one small cushion for her, and some nuts for the children; also some sewing thread, bleached and unbleached, some work yarn and starch and pumpkin seeds. In your byg some of your patches of "sesan" with needle thread for The cask is branded T. L. on one of the heads, and on the other your name with "tarjser geset mack," the wool amounting to 20 pounds I will now look up, and wish you all good health and prosperity, and if I again do not have an opportunity to write I wish you all good luck and temporal and eternal prosperity.

And send buth you and the children of you all the greeting of your well wishing mother. Ilendrica Low. To Cornelius Ten Hubley, February, 22nd 1758. Children. I received yours of the 30th, of Jan.

the 21st of this month and learned the condition of your health, just as we are at present, except Lena who has been on' of sorts, but she now is well fin. Ci melius came home again tore yesterday, lrom fort Edv-aid, whin- he had taken a load. I am -on my yet with my family, because we diiii'i M-e anything on account of the fearful and thick Snow I expect Mai regriet here ii, he Spring and our Catherine lets yon ask, it you will bring Cornelius 7 lbs of wool along for her. 1 wish you both much luck and pleasure, withe son you have got as you wrote me. No more now.

1 remain with the compliments of my children and myself mother. Hendetica Low New York: Atjo 3rd, 1758 Dear Cousin. I sent you by cousin-John Voorhees 8. planks and 2. hard-dried hides, which, were ordered for you and me of your brother.

Jacob. Last Friday morning, my wife was delivered of a eon, and is pretty well, according to circumstances, hoping that ou, your wife and family are iu good health, I close with hearty compliments to your folks and remain Your affectionate Cousin, Fetrus Low. P. S. we hear that about ten of our soldiers and some of our waggoners were killed, by the enemy, between Fort Edward and our Cam by the Lake.

The particulars, you will have in the news paper. Our Tarty were 100. stiung be sides the waggoners. To Mr. Cornelius Teubrook, at Rockyhill, Buth of following letters written in English.

An tie Louw daughter of Ilemlerica Louw and sister of Margaret, wife of Uorneiiui Ten Bro" i ir, warned tiist John VauGaasbeek, of bI er hie death she married Isaac Uasbroi ck. Ju following letter she informed hef rtlu live in New Jersey Of her husbands death. The letter following is from her son of her first husband. Tbe original letter is now in possession of C. H.

Van-Gaasbeek of Kingston N. Y. her great great grandson. Shawekounk: April ITth' IT 78 Dear Brother. These few lines will serve to inform you.that my peloved Husband-Isaac deceased.

He parted this life, the sixth day of this instant' after having laid and suffered a good deal of sickness, for above two months, most of the time speechless, 1 icing "truck with a dead palsy in his tongue and tight side, I trust he has de your loving Sister, Aulio llasbrouck. Directed. Sir Cornelius Ten Broeck att the Kara tans, these. Hurley, April 1759. Mr.

Cornelius TenBroeck. Dear nephew. I hope tlrat these will find you in good health, just as wo all are yet at present. As I have often thought, sirco your departure from us, about your church and congregation and as I have wished to hear something there about, so does the opportunity pre sent itself now to me to send you these with my son John. lie is going to Ail CoCook, and is in a hurry.

It may bs that he cannot coino to your place. I hope that you will write me something about your condition, and will givo it along 'with the messenger. You can icll him something about it too; and if you do not do that, 1 wish you would write me, than by another reliable way. No more, only that my wife sends her kind respects to you and your family. Youi-affectionate uncle, Dirk Wynkoop.

Kingston, Auoust 20th, 1773 IVar Brother-ill -1 and sister. These few lines will serve to let you know, that we all are in tolerable good health, and that vn have 'received, your letter dated June 1 4th. We learned from Jacob jcame home iu good that Catharine litis bee.i married and litis moved. We wish the married couple good lock, and blessing both for body and soul. We heard that Cornelius Louw's wife expects a baby.

This is all fm' this time, lleceive ail our kind regards. We don't know better or all friends aie enjoying good health. I remain your affectionate Brother-in-law, Jacob Tuick. To Cornelius TenBroek. THE COMMITTEES.

Washington, Jan, 5. Speaker Carlisle completed his list of -assignments to committee servico-of the House of 1 representatives and laid it before the House to-day. The ays and Means Committee is as follows: Mills Chairman; McMillan, (Temi Turner Wilson, (W. Scott, (l'a(, Bvnui.i Kelley Browne Beed Mclvinley iirrows (Mich.) Appropriations Randal! (I'a.) Chairman; Forney Burnes Fnrnn (Ohio), Sayers Clements Felix Campbell (N. (La.) Uice Cannon au Biitterwoi th (Ohio), Long (M Mc-Comas D.

B. Henderson (Iowa). udiciary Culberson Chairman; Collins (Ala.) Kodgers Glover Henderi son (N. C). Btickalew Stewart B.

Tavlor (Ohio.Parker (N. Stewart Caswell Adams till. 1, ami fuller (Iowa). Banking tiiul Ounencv Wilkins Chairman, Snyder (W. Howard Dor-gan (S.

C), Hutton Bacan (N. Y.I, Lianoes McKenney fN. Dingley '(Me-), Btumui Wood- burn Whiting Wilbor (N. Mr. Bland is at the head of the Coinage, Weights and Measures Committee; Perry Belmont, Foreign Affair; Blanohard, Rivers and harbors; Clain, Commerce; Townshend Military Affairs; Herbert, Naval Affairs; O'Neatl, Labor; McAdoo, Militia;, Tensions.

The New Jersey members are placed as follows: Mr. Hires is on the Commit tee on Agriculture. Mr. Buchanan is on the Committees cn' Labor, and In dian depredation Claims. Mr.

Kean on Coinage, Weights and Measures, and the Election of President aud Vice President. Mr. Pidcock, Bail ways and Pensions. Mr. Tlielps, Foreign AfT.iirs.

Mr. Lehlbach, Militia, and Public buildings and Grounds. Mr. McAdoo; chairman of Militia Committee, and membei of Committee on Naval Affairs. Additional facts are coming out about Hackettstown's defaulter, ex-Mayor Cra-mer.

He "hot only swindled the business men, but it now turns out that he was engaged to three women living iu the borough and to not fewer than 12 in the county, whilo a Scliooley's mountain woman says she has been betrothed to Cramer for 16 years. In this last case the wedding had been agreed upon several times and as often postponed. All the women were swindled out of money. Many Sussex county farmers lose heavily. A letter received from Cramer sajs he has left the country never to return.

He is in Bermuda. Mrs. Jennie Walker, of Ontaiio, has begun an action against Daniel Elman, one of the most prominent men iu that place, for damages to the amount of $2,000 for kUsit her on the left cheek last September. She Elman came into her house on business with her husband and when her husband went out of the room for a moment Elman suddenly leaned over and kissed her, whereby she was thrown into a state of nervous prostration and because of tho shock of El an's hasty act she was physically incapacitated for household duties for several weeks. Elman admits that he kissed her but says that he has regarded her as his child, and his act was only one of affection for her.

He will defend the suit, until the very laxt. According to Prof. G. JJ. Mcriimari, the ax'ronomei' of llntger College, tlie hiight.

afar seen in the eust during the 0 illy morning hom uowVJsys is none other than Venus. Ileaayi: "It is certainly uot the Stir of Bethlehem. Three hundred years ago a bright star appeared in the north which is said to have every thirty years sinco the birth of Christ. But this could not have bri the mysterious Star of Bethlehem, nx we are told that bright wanderer nod tod over the place, where t-'luibt It wai without doubt, a iniriuulous appearance that will not be repc.t'ed. If ths supposed Star of Bethlehem returns it will Mpn-ar near the North Star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

The star under discussion and the one which has created so much -talk and speculation is really Venus." sideration, and that, is the tempting salary. The Justices of tho Court receive also au extra allowance; of 2 per cent, for all over 80,000 people in the circuit, lu the circuit now h-ft without a presiding Judge there is it population of 161,745, which brings tin salary up a little. Iho old sectional feeling between aud West Jersey is agt in revived iu the contest for the appointment. West Jersey loudly believes it is entitled to the appointment, and that it will In! discreditable to the learned Bar- if some' one of tho legal luminaries in not selected. They argue that the appointment belongs there because tlie circuit extends into three of the largest aud most populous counties.

If it goes to isfSersev considerable tioub'e is promised. )n the other hand, the learned Judges aiul members of the at Trenton and east of that point argue that all the talent of the Stale is on their side of the line. Then there is more unrewarded talent. iu V'ppor Jersey. Camden comes to the front with a ipiartet of prominent legal men.

Judge Iluggs, it is said, would not object to an increase of salary and a longer title. I ist.i ict tnlgo Miller, who is about, to retire tho. District Court, is also available. Jenkins has been a hardworking Democrat all his life, and his friends say would not object to the parchment. The man most favored Camden County, is Judge who has acquired a State as an able practitioner.

Burlington Comitv has a stiong candidate in Charles I leudriekson, now Prosecutor of the Pleas, lie. hits served tho State for many years, and is now enjoying his fourth term. Il has frcipientlv been before the uhet naloi Convention. as a candidate foe (Jovi rnui lie has au extended reputation as a lawyer, and he shared the confidence of tho late Judge, Mr. I leudricksoii's friends placed him in (ho Held early, and it is generally conceded that if the ap-nointment goes to West Jetsey it.

will be to Prosecutor leudriekson. The Trenton Bar thinks that tho right marft can be found in G. 1). W. Yroom.

He is known throughout the State as au able jawyer. He will receive many indorse, meuts in and out of his own county. Charles T. C'mvei. hover, of Middlesex Comity, who is now 'ay Judge, on the Bench, is a particular friend of Miles lloss and tfic Governor.

Ex Judge Stevens, of Newark, has some, fi ie nils who intend to make themselves felt at court. '1 here are. those in Hudson County who are favorably dis posed to ex-Judge Garretson. The hit-, ter camo near being Chancellor. He was a prominent candidate at the time that Chancellor.

McGill received his appointment, The Governor, it is said, has not yet taken tho matter of the appointment into consideration, but will do so soon, probably in a few days. It is currently rumored among the State-House officials at Trenton, thatix-Gov. Abbett is prominently mentioned in connection with tho vacancy. Ex-Gov. Ludlow is also Raid lb be an has a number of friends who are going to further his cause when the iv-ernor takes tho matter nil.l'T consideration.

The New PKHTEM'Ar. -Motion. Taliaferro, of Atlanta, is an enthusiast upon the subject of perpetual mi claims to have solved the mystery. Ho was found at his homo recently, and talked quite freely about his invention. The only model now existing is a pasteboard circle about seven inches in diameter.

Around the periphery of this arc pinned small arms of pasteboard one end of each being movable. On the movable ends, which are those next the centre, aro small white buttons, such as are used on children's dresses. Thero aro pins projecting through tho wheel which confine the motion of the arms, and so arranged that on the side of tho wheel which is going up the arms with the buttons attached lie along the radii of tho on the side which is going down the arms are allowed to fall a little below the radii on which their p'nions' lie, alio ine result, is mar. mere is au au-vaulagu of lc vertigo on one side. That side goes down as oou as one of tho arms passes tho lowest point.

In its revolution it falls back along its radius, and is supported there by the pr jecting pin. To prevent having to start the machine there are nine arms(auy odd number will do), so that five arms must be on one side and four ou the other. This Starts the machine. The inventor explained all this, but unfortunately he had torn the circle into two parts; so of ooursc the machine could not be seen in actual operation. Mr.

Taliaferro himself, said that "it would g.v" "Jnat to think," said Mr. Taliaferro meditatively, neat little pasteboard circle revolutionizing this world! but it. will do it." You mutt have labored over it for a long yenturod the reporter. "That's just It. I don't deserve ono bit of the credit," said Mr.

Taliaferro, meekly. "1 dreamed it. Yes, saw a star shooting around, aud it got so it haunted inn. Well, one night that star grew so bright that 1 couldn't sleep. I arose, and, without knowing what to do next, I cut out that circle, then, impollod by a fi rco that 1 could uot rut-itt, 1 cut those arms, aewed thoso buttons on and stuck those pins.

Then I ettllrd my wife, and the ttiangi'st part of in IImI she had just dreamed nbinn a wheel perpetually revolving, and hh soon as she saw that wheel she instantly recognized it as the one she had seen in dream. You see I had to stick wads of paper on to make all parls of the wheel have the same pi Ik Jv.

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