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Monmouth Inquirer from Freehold, New Jersey • 3

Monmouth Inquireri
Freehold, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

XmJnAf43a30C3 Bnek''- TayeiW "For SaleJIrilbcrrr WM.A.BOFNE, tin aware that thia eommanieatioa is rather long, bat I feel confident that you will think the subject sufficiently interesting to occupy the column of your useful and wide! extended paper. Mr next eommu. '''micaUon, 1 promise you, shall be more briet, on a subject equally interesting, and in my opinion, of far mora importance to the nub- ri toe generally. A. B.

Winter Gcca CONSISTING of loo ELL'S, CLARET. Lwoosi LZQ'JtU, INVISIBLE GREEN, and Steel mixd 1.4 CLOTHS. D.uo, for Over Coats. and colore 4 KERSEYS. Duia, i'u, Pilot Cloth.

CASSIMERS, tt vmrioaa ahaiea, and striped. MAHR1ED, On the 29th nit, at New Egypt, by T. C. Harrison, Mr. Daitcxl Hofiibs, to Mm, Aenas Horxias, all of Upper Free, hold, Monmouth county.

On the 27th ulU, by Rer. William D. Hires, of Holmdel, Mr. Josxra W. Bokdbx, to Mia Hast Bxowib.

On tbe 28th ultimo, by the tame, Mr. Eiikjiv to Miaa Catbajuhx Schihk, al of Monmouth county. aTV On the 1st instant by the Rer. William auL Mr. Josh V.

Sutfhkit, to Miaa Jakb Coirnra, both of Howell township. Saaiigiiter Hides THT ANTED, 8lac6htxb Hints, for which Five Cent per jwund will be paid at tbe Store of E. L. COWART Sg Co. Freehold, Dec.

6, 1838. tf. i -NOTICE. JM A IX persons indebted to the Estate of jfcU. JOSEPH PATTERSON, late of the township of Freehold, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those hiving claims against the- Estate of said deceased, to present them for examina tion and payment, to JOHN PERRINE, Jun.

Administrator of Joseph Patterson, dec, Dec. 6,1838. tf Executors9 Sale OF OVEAL ESTATE. iVTTJURSUANT to'the last Will and Tea. JLC lament of Amos Hutchinson, late of.

West Windsor township, Middlesex 8ATTLNETS, aa exceSeot fross U. to 1S. per yard. CAM BLETS 4 od ml Ceisxi Goats' Hak Cwblets. Ditto, slits, Eogliak, various eti.

Gormaa and English Mariaoas, far ULe Cloaks and Dresses. CAPS Mea and Bovs Far. Hair- and other Caps. i Together with a weneral aaaortmeat other artidea, al a small advance for Cash ot Produce, by 0. 41 TIAllI A quantity ef Squaakoa ttxl tor sale nfE.L.

COWART A Cs. Freehold, Nov. 15, 1838. if $20 Reward. 1TB AN AWAY from the eubseriUar, JU-U Mantdapan, Monmouth coastr-Tw Jersey, on Saturday night, the 6th instant, stack Coy, Mined PETER, aged about 20 years, 6 feet 8 inches ia Light, Lro feet had on browa cpat, striped eassuner ptffitakwna, black fur at, dec, and is spp- posed to have rone to New Any person appreheadinc said ru and returaing him to tbe-Mibscriber, hm entitled to the above Reward, and reasonable charges or any person giving raauoa wnere ne may be receiv.

ten Votlars AARON LLID. October 18, 1838. ti! NOTICE. ALt PERSONS CONCERNED) eiy take notice, that the Executors, t.L ministrators, and Guardians, i named, intend to exhibit their final aeeonr? tbe Judges of the Orphans Court of county of Monmouth, ia tbe Term of Jaws. ary next, tor examination and aSoware, tne same being nrst aadited and stated ty the Surrogate, to 1.

uarreiu. all, Samuel Joseph 31 Taylor end James DeBow, czctrutorstfc-t of JloLrt -v." Montgomery, deceased, (their 't account.) 2. Thomas E. Combs, 4-e, of William C. Borden, dee.

3. Dr. Daniel Polhemus and Eev, IX V. Lean, executors, r2. -James English, dee'd-, their f.

il account.) A. Rev. D. V. MLtanexir cf Alary 5.

Eliza Lay ton, administratrix, Cc. of James Lay ton, dee'd. 6. Elisha Lippincott, Bm'r, 4c-i Joel White, 7. Elisha Lippincott, surviving creV 4 of Benjamin West, dee'd.

8. Samuel Truax, tft rf Jacob Truax, dee'd. 9. Wm. Glaze end Job Male, exe'trs jg Acn of James Anderson, dee'd.

ikxElekeierJktt and JlnnA't r' taffjlnn Little, who is the i. nistralrix, and Alahlon Spent fyt of Wm. IMtle, dec XX.John. W. nt.

county, N.J., will be exposed to sale at PMic Vendue, do SATURDAY the 29th day of December next, on the premises, tbe following property, A Tavern House and Lot, containing about 10 acres, situate at Sand town; on the main road from Trenton to Allentown, about four miles from the former place; and eight from the latter. The improvements are a large and com. modious TAVERN HOUSE, two Barns, Notice. jl Fashionable Hat Stare. IfrTTriliaK subscriber has eon- II JL steady oa band a genera! assortment of jrur uwi the latest and incat approved fashi jnall of which are manufactured of the materials by himself.

He respectfully solicits tbe public tog ycall and examine for themselves, be forty! yAhey owy elsewhere. 5 0" -He sells cheap for Cash, or upor.K jna short credit. RALPH HULSE.fl ft Freehold, Dec ft, 1838. tf REAL ESTATE At Rublic Vendue. THE subscriber will offer for sale at Public Vendue, on 8ATURDAT tbe 5th day of January, 1839, (at noon,) at jjm AiMSSw w.mw9 auu tyvuvnif His Farm.

containing about 38 acres, pleasantly situ-ated within half a mile of Freehold, on tbe public road leading to Englishtows. The improvements are a food House, with a Cellar under, a Kitchen, with I Well of Water near the door, a large Barn, wagon House, smoke House, dec; I fl .1 I nere is on iue premises a nuroner oi Fruit Trees of different kinds. Also, a large and productive Garden. The Farm is divided into Tilablc Mea. dow, and This is a desirable i situation, and worthy the attention of any person who may wish to purchase.

Attendance and conditions on the day or sale, by ADDE MOUNT. December 6, 1838. ts By miliar Dayton, one of the Justices of the Sujiretnc Court of the State of New Jersey WOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That XM on application to me by JAMES CORNELIUS, of the township of Dover, and county 'of Monmouth, who claims an undivided Sixth-part of all the' -following described Tracts of Land, viz. 1st, The Homested Farm, situate in the township of Dover, said county of Monmouth, containing one hun. dred acres, more or less, bounded by lands of George Cornelius and others, and bought by John Cornelius, deceased, of Wm.

Lloyd, executor of Kinneth Hankinson, deceaseeVl 2d, A.Tract of Woodland, containing thirty acres, adjoining the said first mentioned tract, bought by said John Cornelius of John Jeffery. 3d, A Tract of nine acres, adjoining the said first mentioned Tract, bought by said John Cornelius, of Richard Phillips. 4th, A Tract of twenty.four and one quarter acres WOODLAND, adjoining the said first mentioned tract, bought by said John Cornelius, of Jacob Jeffery. 5th, A Tract of twenty acres of CEDAR SWAMP, adjoining the said first mention. ed tract, and bought by said John Cornelius of Samuel U.

Wright. 6th, A Tract of five acres, adjoining the said first mentioned tract, bought by said John Cornelius of Andrew Bell. 7th, A Tract of one hundred acres of PINE LAND, situate in said township of Dover, bounded by lands ot rhmeas Potter and George Cornelius. 8th, A Tract of forty-two acres of SALT MEADOW, situate in the township of Staf. ford, in said county, bounded by lands of Jesse Rogers and others.

I have nominated William Giberson, John Williams, skid James D. Rogers, Commissioners to divide I have said tracts of land into nx equal shares or parts, and unless proper objections are stated to meat my office in Freehold township4, Monmouth county, New Jersey, on the 9th day of February nextit two o'clock, p.m., the said William Giberson, John Williams, and James D. Rogers will then be appointed Commissioners to make partition of said tracts of land, pursuant to ao act entitled, an act for the more easy partition of lands held by coparcenors, joint tenants, and tenants in common," passed the 11th of November, 1789. Gtren under my hand this 3 91 A day of SSaeember, 1838. WM.L.

DAYTON. Dec. 6, 1838. 9F In Chancery off New Jersey. Between Deborah Platt, Petitioner.

and -WuuAit Defendant. Oa Petition for Divorce from the bond of Matrimony. TTT appearing to this Court that tbe said Hi Petitioner hath filed her Petition in the above cause, against the above named defendant, and it being made to appear by affidavit to the satisfaction of the Chancellor, that the said William Platt resides out of this State, to trit, in the State of Indiana. It is thereupon on this first day of December, in tbe year of our Lord one thous. and eiirht hundred and thirty -eight, on mo.

tion of Vredenburgh, jun Solicitor of saiu rumioner, oy mis uinmra by the Chancellor, that the said absent de. fendant William Platt, do appear and an. aver the said Petition of the said Petitioner, on or before the second day of February next, or that in default thereof; such decree be made acainst him as the Chancellor shall think equitable and jvest.j,And it is further ordered, ITiat this order shall, within twenty davs hereafter, be served, on the said defen. dant, by a delivery of a Copy thereof to or be published within the said twenty days in the Monmouth Inquirer, a newspaper nrinted at Freehold, in this State, and con. tinued therein for four weeks successively, at least once in every PENNINGTON, Chan, is) 0 S3 nl Trees GENUINE Mans Moltkaulia Mulberry Trees, and 8 feet high, with all tbe bran.

-1 1 W. Tl I. icnes on. APpiT 10 Jotn u. ucraeu.

vmcrn rout; James P. Crarford, Sbrewsbary, or J. M. HARTSHORN, Freehold. Nor.

22, 1838. tf Public Sale. Will be sold at Public Vendue, on Mob. day the 3d. day of December next, at the residence of tbe subscriber, in Howell town.

ship, a variety of personal property, con- sistinr of one Horse. Cows, several bead of young Cattle, Calves and Sheep, Hay ia stack, Corn in the ear in tbe ground, Pleasure Carriage, Covered Wagon, Farm Wagon, harness, plows, harrows and a va- riety of (arming utensils, 6zc Also HmisphnlH nnd KJtrhen Furniture, Such as Beds, Bedding, Bedsteads, Carpets, a valuable writing Desk, and Book Case, cupboards, TaUes, Chairs, Cooking Stove and Furniture together with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention, such aa pots kettles OSale to commence pftcisely at 10 o'clock A. M. and continue from day to day until all is sold. If said day should be unfavourable, sale will take place the first fair day thereafter, when conditions will be made known.

CORNELIUS FORMAN. 4 Manasquan, November 18, 1838." Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of a writ of fieri facias, to me directed, issued out of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, of the county ZJS Public Vendue, on Monday the 17th day of December next, between tbe hours of 12 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at tbe house of Charles C. Higgens, Innkeeper, in the township of Freehold, in the county of Monmouth, all that messuage, tract and parcel of land, whereon John Gardner now resides, containing "seven a. cres and sixty four hundredths, more or less of land, adjoining lands of William Chamberlin, Charles Haight, and others-situate in the township of Shrewsbury and County of Monmouth.

Seized as the property of John. Gardner, add taken in execution at the suit of Alexander McGregor, and to be sold by THOMAS MILLER, Former Sheriff' Nov. 22,1838. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber on account Vendue Notes of A'aeon R.

Jokes, are requested to make immediate payment. HENR D. POLUHMUS. Freehold. Nov.

1, 1838. 3w To Gunners and other Depredators. TfTTTHEREAS the practice of Gvnvng has truly become a nuuance, insomuch that we, the are constrain ed to unite together with the firm resolution for the future, to maintain our rights against such imposition; and we do hereby give no. ttce to gunners and others, that they must not for the future attempt to fcgun or other, wise depredate on our lands, as we are deter mined to exact the law in such case, against them without respect to persons. William Tilton, George George Woodward, Peter H.

Wikoffi Nimrod Woodward, Ueorge W. Vox, fipollo Meirs, Daniel TUton, William Davis, John Meirs, Thomas Meirs. 38-4-ttf p. Charles Stewart, John H) Brewer, Ed. L.

Ridgway, Nov. 6, 1838. Teacher Wanted. A TEACHER, qualified to take charge of a School of about 40 or 50 scnoiiars, win near oi a situation oy appiy- ing to the subscribers, at Toms Riven The ii i a -applieant must oe well quauneo, ana oi stea. dy, sober habits.

B.J.fuUm, i Jos. Lawrence, Trustees. James Toms River, Nov. 29. 4wV.

The VVeekly Madisonian. During the coming session of Congress. The weekly edition of the Madisonian, during the adproaching session of Congress will contain a condensed abstract ot tne proceedings of both Houses, and substantial reports of the leading speeches on questions of general interest from tbe speakers of every party, and will be furnished to subscri bers torftiv: cents iorine session. Persons at a distance desiring the paper, can either transmit by the member of Con. gross for their district, or two or more uniting together1 can send by mail.

Orders will not be attended tomnless payment in every crse be made in advance, rod letters will not be taken from tbe office unless postage is paid. The price of the tri-weekly edition of the paper for the session is 01 60. 1 HOXAS AIXEIf. OrOrders sent to this office, with the money, will be forwarded immediately. FOR SALE, -a A Yoke of good Oxen.

Enquire at this Office. "'i May 17,1838 hv: tf NOTICE. T-TOTlCE IS- HEREBY GIVEN, That an Application will be made to tbe LxeisLATVaa, tor a Law to.Sell the Real Estate of DAVID TYSON, late of the town hip of Shrewsbury, deceased. I ATToasrr at law OmO Ut rXXEHOLB VTLLAOB, Monmouth Co. N.

J. Formerly occupied by Peter redes-burgh junr. Esq. nader the office of the Enquirer, Respectfully tenders his professional services to the pub. lie Nor.

22. 1838. hi 3 TAXES! WOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the JlM Inhabitants of the township of Free-bold, Monmouth county, that I have received from the Assessor of said township, the Duplicate of Assessment on tbe Inhabitant said township, of the State, Countr. and Township Tax, for tbe present year, and if tbe same are not paid to me before tbe 20th thy of December uxt, iue uuto of every defaulter, with his or her Tax, will be returned to a Justic of the Peace for prosecution. Collector.

Nov. 15, 1838. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, That I will attend at the following named places, tor the purpose ot receiving Taxes At Joseph C. Bogart's Tavern, oa Monday tbe 3d of December next. Joseph Kerr's, on Tuesday, 4th Dec oeniamin niaiinewa, weonesaay, otn ao Garret Highers', Thursday, 6th Asber Smith's, Friday, 7 th do do do do do do do do do do Henry H.

Scott's, Saturday, 8th Nicholas Winant's, Monday, 10th James H. Clayton's, Tuesday, 11th William Uaskin's, Wednesday 12th John Chatman's, Thursday, 13th David D. Gordon's, Friday, Saturday, 14th 15th 17th 18th John Buck's, John Megee's, Monday, Charles C. Higgenr, Tuesday, do Hendrickson's, WednesdaT 19th do JOB EMMONS, Collector. November 15, 1838.

2m THE subscribers respectfully inform the pubhe, thattbey still continue BURN UME at their KILNS, at Key. Port, where they have constantly on hand Stone and blacked lime, which they offer for sale on moderare terms. They have lately received a cargo of STONE, which is far superior to any the; have ever bad, and which the) will warrant one busbel of Stone to Slack two and a half. The Stone Lime weighs 74 pounds, and the Slacked 45 per bushel or 25 bushels Stoue 1,850 pounds, which, when Slacked, will so that the public will perceive that they gain about one-third in weight by cartioe it in the Stone. R.

WM. R. JAQUES. Nrv. 15, 1838.

tf Lawreneeville Classical and Commercial IIIGI1 SCHOOL nnKiLL commence its Winter Session iy the 31st of October. For information ia relation to the School, reference may be bad to tbe Principals, or to tbe following persons who have sons )r wards in the SehooL vtx: 1 Hon. Samuel L. Southard, Jersev Jasper S. Trenton, N.

J. Richard Howell, Camden, IS. J. V. Agnew, George D.

Blaikie, J'hila jta Kicb. H. llenderson, t.sq., Lees- burg, Va. John Ross Lewis Ross, Esqrs Cherokee Agency, Tena. i -W.

W. Phillips, DJ), U. Scribner, Irad Hawley, James Auchincloss, Mew xork tt. W. K.

Phillips, Lawrenceville, IS. J. W. HamilL Jefferson ville," Pa. David Leavitt, Brooklyn, N.

Y. S. M. HAMILL, Principals. Oct, 22,1839.

In Sw Dr. D. LYNCH IOT enjoying health in New York, has Xi returned to his native State and former place of practice, ia the healthy and flourishing city of Newark. N. at the Ruff D.

D. ChaSbles's. His practice is still confined lo the art of healing without the use ot kmje. or caustic He effectually cures all the following core- plaints Cancer, Pistuld, Scrofula or King's EcQ, Piles, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Sore Eyes, Ulcers and Tumor of all kinds. Dr.

Lynch bas been ia this practice about thirty years, with unprecedented success, particularly in Cancer many thousands ot people, having been cured by him livingjn all parts of this Union. Tbe afflicted, by applying as-above directed, will get prompt attention and proper means used Ur obtain a speedy cure. References to be seen at the Inquirer office. There is no person-ia New York'tbat has the use of Dr. Lyhch Cancer Medicine, ot the knowledge of preparing it if any should pretend to have, their pretensions are false.

Newark, N. Nov. 1838. Farm Ifcr Sale, TTN the Township of Freehold, Monmouth JU. New Jersey, near tbe public road leading from Moutnouth Court House to Middletowa Point; five miles from the latter place.

The said Farm contains 180 Acros, and is well divided into Tillable, Meadow and Woodland; The Tillable lind, both from tne quality of the soil, and the easy access to New finely adapted to early marketing, Tbe Meadow is pood, moca ot it now fine order i and tbe Woodland covered with timber, part of which is 08 ready for market. There is also a thrifty tearing Peach Orchard on tbe premises. The above will be sold cjhetp at private strie, by a to Valuable Ta? era and Lot FOR SALE. fin HE Sflbsenber offers for Sale, his JL Valuable TAVERN 8TAND, known as Buck's Tseera," siloats ia th Tows-skip of Freehold, oa tbe road leading from the village of Freehold to Middletowa. Point, four miles from tbe former and from Um latter place The-unprovemeau are a eoveaient Tavern Usae.

Barn, Shed, Wheelwright Shop, and other necessary out buildings a Well of Water at the door. Tbe LAND, eoosistidg of from Fiva to Six Acres, is in good stats of cultivation, and onder good Fence, Tbe above property is offered at Private Sals, "ofH SATURDAY tbe 8th day of December next, and if not sold by that time, will then, (on that day,) at One o'clock, P. be offered at Public Sale, to the highest bidder. Persons wishing to view the property or ascertain conditions, will call on the premises. JOHN BUCK.

October 18, 1838. ts In Chancery of New Jersey. Between Willi a McClahb, ComplatnatU, and 1 Jon W. Tatxox and ORDER, etc. Jasb his wife, JiinG, rAIXOX, JOSKFH H.TAT- lox, John Lumnnov, et al.

Defendant. appearing to this Court that the complainant hath filed his BiO in the above cause, and that Process of Subpoena to appear and answer, directed to the defendant, hath been regularly issued, returnable to tbe Eighteenth day of October inst, but that the defendants, Jane Taylor, James G. Tay. lor, Joseph H. Taylor, and John Lnffbur.

row could not be found in thia State, to be served therewith, and that thev have not caused their appearance to be entered as in case such Process had been duly served, and it being made to appear by affidavit, to tbe satisfaction of tbe Chancellor, that the said Jane Taylor, James G. Taylor, Joseph H. 1 aylor, and John Luffburrow, all reside out of this State, to tcit, in tbe State of New York. It is thereupon on this Twenty-fifth day of October, in tbe vear ot our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, on motion or r. Vxedxnbcegii, Solici tor of the complainant, by this order direc ted by Um Chancellor, that the said absent defendants appear, plead, answer or de mur to tne complainant's bill, on or before the Third Tuesday of January next, or that in default thereof, such decree to be made against them as the Chancellor shall think equitable and just.

And it, is further or. dered, lhat this order shall, within frenfy days hereafter, be served personally on the said- absent defendants above named, by a delivery of a copy thereof to tbem, or be published within the said twenty days in tbe Monmouth Inquirer, a newspaper printed at Freehold, in this State, and. continued there, in for tix weeks successively, at feast once in every week. WM. PENNINGTON, (A True Copy.) Chancellor.

Stackt G. Potts, Cferifc. 6w Sheriff's Sale. TTTlY Virtue of two Writs o( Fieri Facias Ull to me directed, issued out of the In-J tenor Court ot Uommon rieas oi tne county of Monmouth, will be exposed to ale at Public Vendue, on THURSDAY the 20th day of December next, between the hours of 12 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the house of Geokok G. H.

Taylob, Inn-keeper in the township of tapper Free hold, in the county ot Monmouth, the lot. lnwinir described Tracts or Parcels of Land. their appurtenances, to wit uuTbe Tract of LAND now in tbe oc- cupation rf Waiteb Kerb, the defendant. containing 40 acres, more or less, joining lands of George Down, and others. A Tract of LAND, containing SO acres, more or less, which said last mention.

ed Tract was purchased by the said defendant of tbe Commissioners appointed to sell the Estate of John Kerr, deceased. The above described Tracts of Land are situate in the township of Upper Freehold, a more particular descriptor whereof will be given on the day of saM li Seized as the property of Walter Kerr, and taken in execution at the suit of Wm Hutchenson and others, and to be sold by HORATIO ELY, late Sheriff. November 1,1838. to SherilT's Sale. TmY Virtue of a Writ of Firri Fcwt to lill me directed, issued out of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas of the county of Monmonth.

will be exposed to safe at PubUc Vendue, on SATURDAY be 29th day of, December next between tbe hours ot Vi and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the house of Richako Susdbbxe, Inn. keeper in tbe township of Shrewsbury, in the county Monmouth, to Jk. HOUSE and Lot of LAND, contain, ing SO acres, mora or less, situate on Long Branch, in tbe township of Shrewsbury, and county aforesaid, joining lands of Peter Lane, and others. A more partica jar des- cription of ne given on tbe day of Seized as the property of Abraham Lane, and take in execution at the suit of Elisha Lippencott, executors of BeniaminWest1 aeceaseo, ana to oa i HORATIO ELY, late Sheriff. November 1, 1838.

to of B. to 1 and other necessary out buildings, all in cood with a Well of Water at the door. The Land is in a good state of cultiva. tion, and conveniently divided into fields. 'Also, about 200 Apple Trees, besides other -Truit Trees.

The above property- is well worthy tie attention of persons wishing to purchase, as it is situated afthe junction of five pub. lie roads, and is the best stand for a Public House of any in that section of country. A further description is deemed, unneces. sary, as it will be shown any time previous to the day of sale, by calling on Samuel Hutchuuoni near the premises. Terms and conditions made known on the day of sale, by Samuel Hutchinson, Isaac Hutchinson, tlih Jonathan Hutchinson utor December 6, 1838..

to Administratrix's Sale OF KEAL ESTATE. (By Special Order.) Tin ILL be exposed at Public Vendue, VV- on SATURDAY the 22f day of December instant, at the house of David GiKGLBNO. Inn-keeper in the village of Allentown, that well known Tavern Stand, and premises, now occupied by said Gin. gteng. There is near five acres of land, of excellent quality, belonging to the same, on 'A which are erected large and commodious able for a Hotel or private 7 u.

1 A There is also on the premises a commo. dioua WHEELWRIGHT SHOP, now occunied as such. This property was the late residence of ut. ueorge Jioicomoe, is now offered for sale to close the estate of the late T. Burtis, deceased.

Sale to commence at Two o'clock, r. on said day, when attendance will be given 1 conditions made known by" 1 ALLICE H. BURTIS," 12. William I. Conover and John 1.

Conover, surviving $cqf Colonel Robert Conover, 13. Oliver Sproule, guardian, 4et cf Joseph Dorsctt, a minor. IA; Margaret Kirby, late Margaret -Herbert, guardl, of Ilu ju A Herbert, a minor, now dee'd. IS. George T.

Brown, adm'r 4-tt cj Deborah Jackson, dee'd. David Fisher and George Roll'-s, 16. exe'trs, q-t, of Jacob i isher, tve their first account.) 17. Jas. Haywood and Isaac Is.

TV-: worth, exert. e. of David tan, deceased. s. The foregoing notice is eivtn at quest and in behalf of the above vt.v.r 1 ecutors, Administrators and Ur the information of all concerned.

HENRY D.POLLTi:rJ, Datect Nov. 15, 1838. Suxrer' Executors, Administrators and Cuc'i ans, intending to settle accounts in r-rogate's Office, are requested to r'r vouchers, at least six weeks prev the first day of Court, in order, tLat t' r-. rogato may have a reasonable time to .,1 and state the said accounts with tls si. site accuracy TTf Virtue of a Writ Ji 1 Lli me directed, issued out of Court of Common ricas of tl; Monmouth, will be expose Kit Vendue, on FRIDAY the 'i t-f next, between the hour 'fl in the afternoon cf i 7, -ofMiM M'Gke, l.a-l-H ship 6f MidulctoJK in tls 1 mouth, to tt All i- Pierce, to the Lrf w-' Lot of L-M', -ri" township Holmes, Van" Improvrsw r' it: gpaieoMus; 81U taken iae 1 I.

-1 it.r, 15,1, tt Administratis of Wm.T. Burtis, dec. Upper Freehold, Monmouth C5o. -f 1 December 6, 1838. ts GIierirT's Sale.

I TTVirtue of a Writ of Fu To. to me IajJ direeted, issued out of the Inferior 'y. Court of Common Pleas of the county of Monmouth, will be exposed to sale at Public Vendue, on THURSDAY the 20th day of December next, between the hours ot and 5 o'clock in tbe afternoon of said day; at the Allentown Cotton Manufactory, in the township of Upper Freehold, in the county of Monmouth, to wit i The Clachinery of said Cotton act ory, as fol'ws 1 Lath, 3 Drawing Frames, 2 CoeeJera. 3 Cards, 10 Cotton Breakers, 3 Emonv binders, 1 lot Cotton Cans, lot Tpeeder pools, 1 Cotton Picker, 1 lot of r. 'a, 4 Throstles, 2 Reels, VMulL 1 lot of I' uL-baa, besides other Machinery suitoble fvir'carryiivg on tbe Cotton Manufacturing in an its branches.

as the property ot James Bermin-' sJ tnken in execution at the suit C. New? executor of the estate tt i o'-crt ased, and to be c'lly A. G. Sheriff. 1, XSS3.

Shrewsbury, (NJ.) 4, 1SS3, (A True Copy.) Sunt G. Pons, ClerK.

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