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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

No Alum, Ammonia or Cheap Baking Powders used in the Manufacture of Pancake Flour. We guarantee its purity. Don't-permit your Grocer to substitute an inferior brand for Crystal, Manufactured by Cfjsta! dice BLIZZARD DAMAGES. MARION, INDIANA. Crystal Wheat Flakes are the best.

F. W. KINNEY, i.x Fish, Oysters; Fresh Butter, Eggs and Game. our own Poultry an therefore have.everything fresh. See The Specialists For Chronic and Private Diseases and 'Deformities Diseases of Women treated by the new electrical method that has given wonderful results.

Don't forgot that vapor treatment for all Chronic Lung Troubles L-etH the remedies to the diseased spots and cures when everything else fails. Call ard investigate anyway. It costs you nolh'infj for consultation. Drs. Christopher Longenecker, AtiTlie Medical and Surgicaljlnstltute.

417 Logansport. Ind, Jay Franklin, fireman in ihe Pan Handle yards in Chicago id in the city visiting hia mother. 0 L. G-inzsr, switchman in the Pan Handle vsrda it Bradford, lost a leg ucder the wheels Friday evening and died yesterday from the T. O.

Linea. formerly with the Cloverieaf, das been given a position ae extra telegraph operator on the Chicago division of ihe Pan Handle. The local pott T. P. A.

has been offered a special train free of charge for their annual meeting in May which will be held In Indianapoli-s thla year. J. N. Wooater of Plttsburg, has been appointed chief lice repairer of the Vanda la, with headquarters at Terre Haute. He will asrume his duties March 1st.

Mr. Wooster has been with the Pan Handle for a num. ber of years. WANTED! REAL ESTATE. Wanted, Cottages For Sale, Wnntwl Low un'l Sale, Wanted Srntill Farms For Sala, Bu.ilnc.ti Blocks Kof ridle.

Wanted to Exctoinw Knrma tor City Property. Wanted MorctmmllSH to Tr xle for Farms. ADDSESS M. HI. tfOItnOM.Sprr Block LoRftnsport, Indiana.

H. E. TRUAX, M. D. fSSpecial attention Klven to No.s«, Lung, Liver Cbronlc Dl.sensps, Olllce und Resldwnco ovcir State National Bank.

Hours 10 to 11! a. to -1 p. mid 7 to 8 p. in, X1J calls promptly attonded. DR.


DAILY JOURNAL A Holland Case. Tho people of New Holland, Ohio, have been greatly surprised recently by the almost wonderful cure of a young daughter of Mr. John Orahbod, who for a long time had been afflicted with fits or epileptic convulsions. Tbe alllictlon seemed more dreadful because of the natural brightness of the child. Doctors and other medicines failed to effect any lasting benefit and cure seemed hopeless until a sample bottle of Dr.

Wheeler's Nerve Vltal- izer was providentially handed Mr. Orahood and from the use of it and only two full bottles of the remedy, the young girl has beon completely cured of the affliction which threatened to blight her lite. Fortunately there are but few casos of epileptic fits, but we venture to say that half the people who read this would feel like new beings after a thorough use of Dr. Wheeler's Nerva Vitalixer; it is a norvo lood, restoring nerve force on tho narna principle tbaii food restores physic il vigor and muscle. If yours is a case of shattered norvos, frequent headache, parhups nervously cross, troubled with sleep, lossness, a tired feaiing in the morn- log, debilitated, all worn-out feeling, promptly use thia great remedy, for It euro you, and also wurd off the more serious sickness or breaking down which your symptoms indicate.

Il is warranted to relieve and euro nerve trembles as represented For Hale by Ban Fisbor, Druggist. Of til? The State Commander writes ua from Lincoln, as follows: "After trying other medicines for what seemed 10 bb a vtry obsltnalo cough io out- two children wo i.ried Dr. King's Discovery and as the end of two days tho cough entirely lefi We will not ba without it hereafter, as our experifinco proves that it cures where all other remedies Signed F. W. Stevens, State Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it Is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at B.

F. Keesllae's drugstore. Regular size 50e. and $1. Watch and wait for the great open, ing of the New York Bankrupt Co Wednesday, February 27th, at 9:30.

This moneter movement of modern merchandising is beyond a shadow of doubt one of the greatest clothing and furnishing sales ever recorded in this county. Now ia tbe time! Now ia your chance, aa the prices mentioned in our advertisement are only good for ten days. Avail yourselves of thla one grand opportunity of a lifetime by attending the great opening- of the New York Bankrupt at No 324 Fourth street, in the room merly occupied by H. Wilor Loganeport, Ind, Fountain City Enterprise: J. Bridge of Logansport, epent Saturday and Sunday in tbe city, assisting liev, M.

Sitntnonp in bis protracted meeting at the M. E. church. Mr. Bridge presided at tbe organ and also sang numerous solos in a very acceptable and effective manner.

Mr. Bridge has made music a life time study and has his instrument and his voice under perfect control, and his singing Is a groat assistance in the meetings. On Sunday evening the wa-- packed to its utmost capacity and many persons were unable to gain admittance, and when Mr. Bridge eang bis solos the vast audience was so quiet that it was hard to realize that so The Worst Weather In for Catarrh. La Etc.

Chronic catarrh is the everywhere present, unavoidable result of tbe present winter. As the skin covers the outside of the human body, so tbe mucous membrane lines the inside of tbe body. Every vital o-gan, every delicate passage, every duut and vessel is lined with soft, velvety mucous membrane. This memorine is composed mainly of a finely woven network of very small blood, vessels. These blood vessels, when heilthy.

are very elastic, which regulates the flow of blood through them. When diseased the vessels lose- their elasticity and become clogged up with stagnant blood. This disease is known ae chronic catarrh. Almost everybody ia affected more or less with it. These delicate membranes are so exposed to sudden chuagea of climate that few people indeed escape wholly.

Catarrh may be located in the eyee, nnse, throat, ears, bronchial tubes, lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladder, or pelvic organs. Wherever it is located it will produce symptoms peculiar to the ace. Very soon after commencing to lake Pe ru na the blood vessels of the mucous membranes begin to regain their elasticity. As soon as the vessels are restored to their normal vigor the catarrh is cured. This is exactly wbat Pe-ru-na will do; it removes the cause of catarrh by restoring ih-3 strength of vhese vessels. never falls when used faithfully. Every winter adds thousands to the list of victims of chronic catarrh Pe-ru-na ia both a preventive and cure. A dose bsfore each meal will abeolutely prevent catarrh, and should be taken by every one in Inclement weather. A treatise on chronic catarrh, coughs, colds, la grlppa and consumption sent free by The Pd-ru-na Drutr Manufacturing Company of Columbus, Obio. For free book on cancer address Dr.

Hartman, Columbus, Onlo. many people were present. HorBO Bell Animals have been taught many difficult acd remarkable accompliuh- menis, but the latest and greatest has been taught twelve full sized, common breed horsos, by Prof. George Bir- tholomew, the greatest and most humane animal educator in tbe world. The horces stand along a table and play with Swiss belld, BO lhat ihe tone can be easily -'The Last Rose of Summer." It, ia the only effort ever made to huva horses play bails to music time, and it was heretofore thought to be an impossibility.

Many other equally wonderful, inter" ing- and very enjoyable acts are given by Bartholomew's twenty.four educated norses that appear at the opera house Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Saturday matinee. THE GBCRCBEM FIRST PRESBTTKKIAX Hev. D. P. Putnam, ptstor.

Ptvachli'B at 11 o'clock n. m. by tho pastor. Morntne "A voice from tbf world vvnat won it do lor MS?" Sunday school 9:30 m. Younc rropls's meeting p.

m. In Uie twining 7 o'clock the ladies will conduct the annual praise meeting of tne c-iurch mlssionuiT socletlrs. welcome lor Ji. USIVKIBAUST Rev. T.

S. Pastor. today at 11 m. und 7 p. in.

Subject In the forenoon: "The Christian Graces." In the, evening "Is a personal devil? If so. wtio created tilmr if not a personal de-vl. wont Is meant by Un Yeu ptMp'e mveiinK 0 m. Sunrtar school HI 10 a. m.

Eownrd Gulls Supt. All are Invited. MXKKET STKEKT M. 15, W. wones.

Pastor. ac 1UM5 ru anil 7 m. hv the pastor, i-ihbath school Class meeting at a. m. and p.

Junior Leattue HI SO p. m. League p. in. Topic.

"Tbe of tbe Covenant." Leader llr.s. Cbaplcr. AJ1 art; invited. ST. LUKK'S EVANGELICAL LrrrnmuN Rev.

J. C. KHUtlintin, Pastor. at 11 m. Sunday school nl 030.

Junior Enrtwivor nt 2:30. OUHK People's society or Clirlstiui) Endeavor acti and evening services nt 7. Even body welcome. A. M.

E. rner of Clcott and Market! street. Roy, K. pastor. PreacblHK at in 30 a.

in. an.l TiSOji. m.oy tin. piu-tor. day school at p.

m. Te.ichers' nimlni; ii-S'ilay Pr.ijer liH-etlni; i-very Thursday evening. All are cordially Invited BROADWAT M. E. H.

J. Norris pastor. PreacliliL- by pastor at li a. m. JutliM D.

H. Baldwin ive a talk at 7 in tiut-ject "A ruou-and ill! up tbe Nile Sundav School at iM5 a. in. Junior Lttunip at p. m.

Senior lit m. conducted by Miss Ouster. All are Invited. CnuifTiAS Ninth mid streets. Rev.

T. S. Kreenian. pastor. Sfirlc-s lliL in.

and 7p m. tfundny School a. (7. N. uerrx, Sntit.

Y. P. S. 0 K. at SM5 n.

in Mornlncsiibji'ist, "Rightly Dlvln Iny the Word." All IlivKeil. Ciiuiicii. of CiutiST will be liuM In their new rooms In U-e Jlnxee block, corner of Slxili -lid Broadway. Bible Class Hi Minilny cordmlly In- vlu-d toiittend. EVANOKI.ICAI.

S. tor. Services today Io lows: Sabbath school in a. liy Hie- pastnr. V.

at (i n. 1'rvacliliiK In tlie evenlni; 7 in. All urn cordially Invlled. CHM11KU1.AKD I'lIl-sllVTKKlAN H. Mm Schuol m.

P-eich iiKilt ii. in. ami 7 in. by Hie paster, K. E.

at li p. m. All are Invited. BAITIST fiuiitni -(Kliiv at usual IIDXir. PrrtI 111 -i! uiiir-iiiii! evelllllB

F. ii. incito. Smidaj n-huul at 12 in. Ymiii iit' II p.

in All iji'i 1 Invited. Profli $38.25 ihft HIM F.ii'ee Days EART many other ailments when they have la'Ktfn hold of the system, never pets betvr of its own but Constantly ffrotrx trorne. There arc thousand "who Know they 2. defective heart, but will not aiimii the fact. They don't -want, their friends worry, and Don't kiioir if hat to take for it, they have been told time and thmt heart disease was incurable.

Such was the Case of Mr. Silas Farley of Dyosville, Ohio who writes June 19, IS94. as follows: "JT hati heart dineaxe for 2It ny heart hurUns me almost continually. The first 13 years 1 doctored all the time, trying several physicians and remedies, until my last doctor told me it was only a question of time as I could not bo cured. I gradually grew worse, very weak, and completely courajted, untJl I lived, propped half up in bed.

because I couldn't lie. doK-M nor sic up. Think- in? my time had I my family I done when I was pone. But on the first day of March on the rccomroondauou of Mrs. Fannie Jones, of Anderson, I commenced taking Dr.

Jlilex' Xcir Cure for the JHeart and wonderful to toll, in ten days I was working at J.ighc work and on March IP commenced framin; a barn, which is heavy work, and I bavnt lost, a day since. I am 56 years old, 0 ft. -i'-i inches and weigh CjOlbs. I beticrc. I am fully cwrt'rf.

and I an; now only mat everyone shall know of your wonuerful rvciodicsv" Dycsvjlle. Ohio, F.VHLET. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sjld on a positive rauiei 1 that tho lirst bottle will benefit. 6 bottles for $5 or it will be.

sent, prepaid on roeiMDt of prico by thu Dr. Miles Medical Elkitart. Ind. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health In your H.

tr rent oiei.hod what I ss MOUSING. FEB. 24. Otto'd sample salo narks new era In shoos. Col.

Gisorgo Imracl yesterday reported improving. Mrs. B. Johnson is soriou-ly ill hor home on Broadway. Albert Pnugh came near being drowned near ULl'a mlU Friday, while The caso against John Hay (or an alleged violation of tho screen ordinance, baa been dismissed.

Thousands oT the best people visited preat sample sale of shoes Saturday. More will come Monday. Two youopr mea were badly shaken up and painfully hurt in runaway near Lockport one niijht recently. Another lot of common'sense shoes small sizes, the best goods, cheap at f3, for $1 to samples. horse owned by Thornton Tyson, farmer, fell dead in the harness day recently, from heart failure, See the new imported ladies' black hoie imported by us.

4 pairs in a box for fl. worth $1.65. See them at the Trade Palace. Mrs. Sarah Stevens, wife of J.

P. died Friday at 4 p. at ihe residence in Adamaborq, of dropsy 45 today. The funeral will T. A.

Post T. P. A. will hold a recep tioo at their rooms on next Saturday evening March 2nd. at o'clock.

Invi tatlons have been sent out to mem bers. Should any of the member; fail to rocoivo thoir invitation tbrougl oversight, they must consider them selves invited and are requested to be present. Other paper please copy. It Do ns Much for You. Mr.

Fred Miller, of Irving, 111. writes that ho had a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe pales in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called kidney cures but without any pood result. About a year ago he began use of Electric Bilters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all kidney and liver troubles and often gives slaost instant relief.

One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c. for lacpo bottle at B. F. Kees- ling'a drug store.

Attention. Knlghta of Honor: All members of Wabash Lodge No. 1SS1, K. of and of Logan No. 1246, and all Knights in the city, are invited to meet with us on next Monday evening.

The Grand Lodge officers and delegates to the Grand Lodge will be present with us OB that evening. LEWIS EFSTIXE, Dictator. JAMES S. BOLT, Raporter. WabashJLodge No.

18S1, K. of H. Ellu Winter 1 slaughter shoe tale ii going on. STATS OF Omo, CITY or TOLEDO, LUOAS COU.N-TY. FriANic .1.

CiiKXEr in ikes oath thut he Is the ppnlor partner of the llrm of K. J. CaESKv Ot dolns islness the cltv ot Tolndi, Count) anil atoresnlU, ano tbat said llrrn will pay tho sum II TN'DRKD DUbLiltS for find every (MSB of Catarrh cannot be cured by tlio use ot HALL'S CATARRH CCTHK. FRANK J. Sworn to before mu' and subscr'bed In my presence, this Bill day December.

A. D. iSSu. W. GLEiSOX, SKAT, Notary Public, Hall's Camrrh Cure is'tu'-cen Internally and acts directly on the blood an 1 mucous surfaces of system.

Said for testimonials free. F. CHE N'iSX Toledo.IO. iy druggists, Tic. LOAV HatOM lo Xoxv Orleans l)Hc.

On February IScn to 24th, inclusive, excursion tickets will bi sold via Pennsylvania Hoes to New Orleans and Mobile, account tho Mardi Gras festivities. Tickets will be good returning until March 20th, Inclusive. For low rates and other details, apply to nearest Pennsylvania line ticket agent. Drunkenness has no comparison in evil effac.t to the opium or morphine habit, when firmly fixed on the hap. loss victim.

Mothers should be careful in use of as simple a thing as a cough cure with their children. Many so called COugh eures depend upon the stupefying effect of the opium they contain to bush the cough. Brant's Balsam is one which youjcan give your children with jerfect-confidencs thai it is entirely 'ree from opiates, as well a a reliable cure, not. only to stop the cough, hut also perfectly. heal the diseased parts.

1 large 25 cent bottles at Ben Fisker's drugstore. Mrs. M. P. Arnold, of Indianapolis, five bottles of Lemon Laxative and is permanently cored of Headache, Jackache and Constipation.

She ad- ladies to try a fifty cent bottle. Monday la laaiei' a ay at Otto's eam- Wlmt (B the work of iho To remove from tho blood its impurities. The products of cell wastes which hava been burned up in sustaining life and. giving strength to the sysiem. Every particle of blood in the body goes through the kidneys every three minutes, and if these organs are unable to perform their work fully, sooner or later the system is poisoned.

Therefore, San Jak; is theindicated blood remedy. Debility. Ecery person having nervous dcbili ty, organic weakness, or failing mem ory, is entitled to sympathy everj honest person, and should have ex tended raedicalaid such as is found In Jak." Sold by Ben Fisher, druggist. A (turned, The fire department was called to the corner of North and Ninth street; about 5 o'clock yesterday morning, tc put out a blaze at the barn on th property of D. H.

Chase. By good, work of the firemen the barns of J. A McCulloagh and Mrs. Ruth Forras were saved from destruction. It is thought the blaze was started by tramps.

About $250 was done. I have several thousand dollars to loan, at six per cent, on flrst-class mortgage security. This money can be obtained by the right parties calling soon on exceptionably desirable terms. False make loans in any sum over twenty-five dollars on personal security and buy good B. Forgy.

IVarrowKscuDe From Samuel Myers of Twelve Mile had hie coat caught in a sawmill pulley the other day and his escape from a terrible death -ia considered almost miraculous. He was thrown against timbers and was seriously hurt by the fall besides having a finger taken off- piece of land, with or without buildings, within ten miles of Leave word with S. M. Closaon, No. 319 Paulttreet.

I- i iv weelrs it 1 read MI-M. (Ji-Ulun deal of tnoijuy --'linf ov of putting fruit. Here did with (.) rt Ite'inbio Pinter The tirsi UB dual Hind vha Plater I plated 7.T r.f kn'io-cfi, forts, eto ivninn, delivtred. broujrnt me in nhnm $92; cost of mei.H.1 nhinii, $3.75£ a gross proti'. of $88 25 for mv time and trouble, and every onts was well pleats ed with ihe worlc, and I came home wh.h double the amount of goods to be plated.

I average about per week. I have been a traveling 1 salesman, but have given it up; tbe plating 1 business i-uits me. Any one can obtain an Old Reliable Plater by address- Ing- W. P. Htnisoa Columbus.

Ohio. Anyone out of work sbnuld take this opportunity to get employment and make money. C. M. RKID, Columtjus, 0 Viindulia 1.1 lie Oa February 12.

March 5, April 2 and 30, 1895, homo seekers excursion tickets will be on gale at very cheap rales to various points in tbe South and Southwest. For rates, litait stopover privilgss, apply to C. EDGE WORTH, Logansport, Ind. A A'ovel Dinner. Mrs.

W. Wilson gave a charming reception'on Friday erecing, Washington's birthday. The ladies conspired to give their hostess a novel surprise and all csme dressed in Martha Washington costumes with powdered hair. The table vas decorated in patriotic colors and altogether the occasion one of tbe most uniouc; as well as enjoyable events of the social season. Arnica Snlvc.

Tbe befet salve in the world for cula, bruises sores, ulcers, salt rheum lever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all ekin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect money refunded. Price per boy. For sale by B. F.

Keesling. JESSE VDRPILLATT DEAD. Illicit lilctiffu Krtdny mill AVI1I he Monrt.y-Lrft Family. Jei-se Vnrpillaiiwas killed at Cbt- Friday evening. Tbe bodv will bo brought here Monday, arriving at 12:40 m.

and at ibac time the funeral will occur. The remains will be conveyed from the station to St. Tin- cant de Paul's church, and from there to Mt. St. Vincent cemetery.

Tho deceased was 62 years old, acd leaves a wife and five grown children. He wrto a brother of Constantino Vurpillntt. Mrs. Peier Snyder and Mrs. Robert Cirroll.

He formerly lived at Winamao, but had moved to Chicago, and at ibo tlrao of his death and for many years previously, he had been employed by the Pan Handle railway company. He was once the boss bridge carpenter on tho Chicago division of ibc Pan Haodio. The limited Hall. Elmer Vance's triumph of otage "The Limited Mail" will appear at, the opera house on Tuesday next Feb. 25, and will without doubt prove the dramalic su-prUa of ihe season.

It is said to be so iborougWy realistic that audiences after witnessing its highly wrought scenes, have involuntarily sprung-from their seats, shouted and waved handkerchiefs for minutes fbo llight of tho Limited Mail, the wonderful electrical effects, the real saw mill in actual operation, and lb'3 thrilling wreck, make a par formance almost unrivalled. A K. A Brown, clerk of ibo Indiana House of Representatives was on Fri day given a pleasing surprise by tho clerks who eerve under 'him. They presented "Bob" wltb'a brllliantBOli- laire diamond ring as a mark of their esteem ana friendship. Baptized In Twelve .11 Me Creelt.

Twenty-two people were baptized in Twelve Mile creek yesterday by the Progressive Dunkarda of Corinth church, Adams township. Fifteen inches o( ice waa cut away to permit the performance of the ceremony. Elijah Gwioo. a prominent resident of Burlington, died Friday, eged 65 years. A New Hack Line.

I have started a Hack and Parcel Delivery and in 'the future I be found at the corner of 4th street and Broad way. -wherel will be prepared from 9 o'clock in the morninpr to 9 in the evening to deliver parcels or sarry passengers to and from any part of.the^city- My Charges Will Be Reasonable. I wfll endeavor to give the best services possible for the money: 1C you have a parcel to deliver or a passenger to deliver, or any Kjjht work ihat can be dooe with a street hack, I will be glad to do it. "What could you do that a customers would appreciate more than calling the hack for lim? Special rates will be given you. Leave orders at 12th street Livery Stable or Geo.

HarrUon'B 617Broad STooH Truly. Wm Lynas..

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