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Cheyenne County Rustler from St. Francis, Kansas • 8

St. Francis, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 S) II A If ill MIL it Yourselves for the winter by coming to the Cash Store for your Boots, Shoes, Arties, German Sox, Felt Boots, We have just received a Large and Complete stock. Look for new stock in Rubber goods, old stock is dear at any price. Watch this ad. it changes. Yours, HARRISON BROS.

Where are your Abraham Lincoln THE RUSTLER. Republicans today? Olatbe Mirror. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. The tax roll for Cheyenne county for tbe year 1694 is now in my hands and ready for collection. $1,50 per annum.

Don't fail to attend the bean supper 0. B. DENISON, Editor Proprietor. next Saturday evening at the Odd The rate of taxation upon One Hun Fellows ball. OFFILlL COUNTY PAPER, dred Dollars valuation for each of the different funds is shown in the sub A Great RATIFICATION MEETING Will be held in Bt.

Francis on Saturday, Nov. 17, 1894. at 2 o'clock, p. m. The famous Cactus Glee club and official statement.

Of the financial condition of the Bank of St. Francis, at St. Francis, State of Kansas, at the cIobo of business on the 2nd day of Nov, 1891 HKSOOBCB. Loans and discounts on personal and collateral security, "a'15J'(i Loans on real estate '2 Overdraft, VS Real estate, -Fnrnlture aud fixtures on UV Checks and other cash items, Currency, wO.oo Quid coin 1.045.00 Silver coin IW-JJ) Fractional currency. Due from other banks, An average Populist editor would slander bis mother if he thought be BURLINGTON ROUTE.

R. R. TIME TABLE. could elect bis ticket by it. Yates Cen SO 1 00 10 ter News.

joined statement: Slate of Kansas Cheyenne county Cheyeane county sink Cheyenne county Interest City oi Bird City Arrival and departure of trains at Saint Francis: Books Free For one ''Cap Sheaf" Soda and six cents in stamps. Popular Novels By Popular Authc We have secured from one ii largest publishing house in New City a list containing 100 Novel-1 most popular authors in the Many books on our list cannot In' chased in any other edition. a one cent stamp, write your ihw, plainly and we will forward yr-printed list of them from which ,1 make your own Address, DeLAND Fail N. Y. Mrs.

B. M. Fraker has been quite sick for some days past, and her recovery is not as rapid as people would Alexander twp No. 171, 9:10 p. No.

172. 7:00 a. band of Bird Citp, and the renowned a 10 10 30 10 10 10 A. Riddell, Agt like to see it. Calhoun Drum Corps will be present $12,018.90 S14.000.00 3.078.68 14.3S5.4U Total, MABIUTISK.

Capital paid In, -Undivided profits, Individual deposits, -Demand corti Meatus, -Time certificates, Quite an exodus of pops is now said to be in progress, tbey only have been A car load of choice corn, No. 2, re- The program will be inspersed with remarks by some of our able home 10 this do 47 interest fund 10 do 48 1 80 do 4 3 00 do 49 sinking fund 40 do 4l)luterest Iund do 60 2 00 do 60 sinking fund 20 do 60 iutersel Iund 30 do 61 1 Ub do 63 1 60 do 63 sinking fund 20 do 53 interest fund 20 do 63 i do 68 sinking fund do 68 interest fund 80 do 64 3 00 do 64 sinking fund 40 do 61 interest fund 30 do 65 3 00 do 58 1 20 do 57 00 do 58 1 80 do 68 special 00 do I do 6B sinking fund 61) do 51) Interest fund 30 do DO 1 50 do 61 i 00 do 1 60 63 30 do 63 special 1 10 do IH do 64 sink 30 do 84 interest 30 do 86 8 00 do 66 3 00 da 68 sink 60 do interest 20 do 67 UO do 68 UU do no 8 OO do 70 8 00 do 70 sink I 80 do 70 Interest 70 do 71 8 00 do 72 3 00 do 73 sink 60 do 72 interest 40 do 73 3 00 do 74 8 00 do 7 1 no Heaver twp Beukelman twp Cleveland Bub twp Dent twp Kuroka twp Jaqua twp Jenerson twp Lawn Ridge twp Nuttcombe twp Orlando twp Porter twp Wano twp Wano sink Wauo interest waiting long enough to vote and see if celved at Jobn Cunninghams' yreek. 10 10 tf speakers. Total. tbey were elected to office.

Farm Loans at Lowest Rates by W. 30 0 10 H. Wellemerer the abstracter. tf THE POP THAT WATCHED THE SO 30 A meeting of the members and friends of the M. E.

church will be held at the church at 3 o'clock, Sunday afternoon, Nov. 18. It is desired that The democrats still have Arkansas. 1 60 Dint NO 1 BULLETIN. A pop stood by the bulletin board, Whence other pops bad fled.

sink int Charlie Miller is recovering rapidly State of Kansas, county of Cheyenne, ss. I. W. C. Wiilits, owner, partner, cashier of said bank, do solemnly wear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.

So help me God. W. C. WiuitS, Owner, Partner, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th uayof Nov.

1894. SEAL Thos. F. Egan, Notiry Public. Commission expires on the 7th day of July, 1891.

Correct. Attest: L.J. WILLITS, W. C. WILLITS.

Owners. a full attendance be present. from his recent sickness. The crowd about him guyed and roared, Mr. and Mrs.

Dr. Wateiman are off sink int Chalie Ellis is reported as improving on one of their periodical trips, this and his entire recovery is soon expected. time to the northwest. They will Rink Int Deroy Dameison has so far recov visit Nebraska, Wyoming, Dakota, Montana, and other points of interest. 'Till be wished that be was dead.

Yet paralyzed and dumb be stood, His head bowed by the storm; Tbs bulletins bad chilled his blood And humped bis manly form. The news came on, he could not go, Without some further word, Ink int ered from his lecent severe illness to be able to come to town. J. SAMPSON Cfc, Saint Francis, Kansas, Dealers in Real Estate Land Bought and Sold. The republican majorities continue to giow larger with each succeeding rest no.

412, tf. A. a. win nave an day, and the indications are that tbey i-2 gink int But the mournful news that the jug entertainment and bean supper in St, are surely going to "take the earth" int this fall, and reach out for the heaven Francis on the evening of Nov. 17, '04.

OFFICIAL STATEMENT. Of the financial condition of the Citisen'e State Bank at St. Francis, state of Kansas, at the close of business on the 9nd day of Not lb94 RESOURCES Loans and discounts on personal and collateral security, Overdrafts, 17.87 Real estate, 7,82466 Furniture and fixtures, Tl)u Expense acconnt, 1,518.09 Other resources at their present cash market value, 107.42 checks and other cash items He 45 Currency. 1,745.00 Gold coin, 00 Silver coin, 48.H0 Fractional currency, B4.18 Due from other banks, sight exchange, 2.07U. 19 Given under my hand this 15th day of Nov.

1894. E. F. Flanekt, Co. Treas.

90 70 60 1 (10 30 40 1 30 60 40 00 1 10 30 1 60 60 I 20 80 30 00 30 60 I 10 80 1 70 40 30 I 60 I 80 1 1 60 HO 30 1 80 10 10 1 00 3 00 1 40 70 80 9 00 was up, Was the only news he beard. He called aloud "say stranger, say!" ly bodies later on. Ink M. C. Kingery is said te have already The result of the election in the United States is tke most forcible tariff "object lesson" that baa ever "If the whole blamed thing is gone?" packed his "grip" and departed for sinking fund interest fund And the stranger paused and answered Missouri.

He only remained in Cliey been taught. Times. enne county long enough to vote, SPECIAL SALE DAYS. I will offer on Saturday, November 17th and 24th, millinery goods at cost. Trimmed hats, 60 cents to baby hoods, 40 cents to caps, 25 cents to 75 cents.

t2 Annie Watson. "yea, Tbe pops are on the run." "Speak stranger," once again he cried Several other cases of a similar and Morrill received many more votes worse character are reported to us, but than Lewelling and Overmeyer com "Is my job at the state house gone?" this one will suffice for the present to show the people bow determined the bined. That seems to indicate what And onlv the bulletin replied: HAVING RENTED THE NKW Blacksmith Shop of James A. Fackler, between store buildings of A.M. Brenaman 1 Jas.

Fackler.I am now better prepm, .1 than ever to accommodate the i of Cheyenne county, with all kinds Black8tnithing done in the best niin-ner. Wm. Witman. the people think of Morrill. pops were to have an "honest" election And the crowd with tbe boms blew Let the following be written in the P.

D. Van Patton, living in Porter, STRAYED. Two mares, one dark gray, about 6 years old; one bay about 8 years old. on. Upon bis brow he felt their breath, They blew through his whiskers rare coming date in history: "Tuesday called at the great Rustles office this ToTAi LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In, Surplus fund on hand, Srl.uu Undivided prunts, 8li01'5 Individual deposits, ll.txlO.Ht) Demand ceiliticates, M-' Time ceriidcates, Total.

Stale of Kansas, county of Cheyenne, ss. W. B. Lockwo cashier of said bank, do solemnly "wear that the above statement true, to t'ie best of my knnwledire and belief. So help me God.

W. B. lockwood, CasUier. Hubs bribed and sworn to before me, tbis day of November, 1KD4. J.

L. FinlbT, notary public. Commission expires on the 18th day of July ltilW. SKAL. Attest The gray mare is in good condition November 6, 1884; Kansas was re District number 13, District number 14, District number 14, linking fund.

Dii-trict number 15, Duma number 15, sinking fund Dls.rici number 15. interest fund District numher IB District number It) sinking fund District number 16 inteiest luud District number IT District Dumber 18 Dl.ti let number 18 pinking hind Dl-tilci number 18 Interest ftiud District number 1 District numb -r SO District number 21 Disirict number District nuiiibir S3 Dlslr ct number aJ District nura er U4 sinking fund District number SM interest iund District Duii.bcr 25 Dl tr.ct uu in ber a) District number 2tt linking fund District number 6 interest fund District number SJ7 District number 27 sinking Iund District numbers Interest fund District number 27 special District number 38 District nuuibar H9 Distiict number at sinking fund He saw the coming of political death, The bay mare very poor. Both large deemed." Lawrence Journal. In still but deep despair. animals.

Any person returning them week to offer some very good suggestions regarding more care being taken with our weights and measures. This is one of the important considerations Those who pretended to believe that to me at St Francis will be paid for Then shouted but once more aloud 1 30 3 00 a oo oo 80 30 1 50 I CO 80 30 their trouble. L. J. Wrixrrs.

the populist ticket was all right can "Will nothing come our way?" that should engage the attention of adjust themselves to the reality that But round him was that hootingcrowd A MILLION FRIENDS. With horns and badges gay. our next legislature, and will doubtless it is all "left" instead. Chief. The strongest argument that A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people They deafened him with tooting wild, receive the attention to which it is en titled.

BIB They tossed their hats on fiign. 3 00 1 10 80 1 00 1 00 8 00 have found just such a friend in Dr. Deen maae ror woman suffrage was OFFICIAL STATEMENT. Of the financial condition of the Bank of A. D.

Lucas at 1st. Francis, State of Kansas, at the close of business oo the iind day of Nov. WM. HKSOURCBS. Lnnna anil discounts on neibonal and The feelings of that pop they riled, King's New Discovery for consump.

During the campaign that bas just made by Gov. Waite of Colorado. He And unfeelingly did guy. closed, many of the opposition resorted stated that the women defeated him 11.5B7.92 in tion, coughs and colds. If you have never used this great cough medicine, one trsal will convince you that it has Then came a burst of thunder sound The young friends of Miss Carrie The Pop oh wnere was he! District number M9 interest fund District number 30 District number 80 interest fund number 81 JiBtrict number 83 District number SH sinking fund District number 314 interest fund to the barefaced and unfair falsehood that the writer was in some mysterious manner connected with the railroads, Ask of the winds that whistled on, Hogate gave her a surprise party Fri IS THE BEST MEDICINE for the General Ailments of Horses, Cattle, 11 ami Sheep.

They purify the blood, prevent nr. cure disease. Honest and reliable, iu lioriv packages; warranted and used for over twefj years. Everyone ownlnga horse or cattle slim give It a trial. Made by Emmbrt Pkofkirt.aj Chicago.

Mold by all drugidst. wonderful curative powers, in all diseases of threat, chest and lungs. Each s.ouo.oo 750.00 SB0.U0 son.oo 108.04 With gladsome, careless glee. day evening last in honor of ber 12th collateral security Overdrafts Real Estate Furniture and fixtures -Expense account Other bonds and stocks at their cash market value Checks and other cash Items Currency Gold coin Silver coin Fractional currency Due from other banks, sight exchange bottle is guaranteed to do all that is He burst with rage, as the crowd de Dirtnaav. a pleasant evening was but relying upon the intelligence and fairness of the people, we did not deem claimed or money will be refunded, Diuiict number 38 Diet.

to ntimber84 Dl net number34 slnklnglund tad by all present. Trial bottles free at St. Francis Phar clare. His frame lay scattered 'round. S.0K5.00 IJ30.00 SSU0.07 14.4B 1157.70 Dlftrict number 84 interest fund such a political lie worthy of reply, and macy.

Large bottles 50o and $1.00. 1 The Bank of A. D.Lucas, The littls boy of Doo Burton has District number 85 Disti ict number 86 sinking fund Tbey gathered the pieces here and now that the campaign is over, so that a plain statement cannot be said to be been sick with diphtheria for some Dm rlct niimbnr 8s interest luud District number 88 Ried's German Cough and Kidney there, And buried them in the ground. Cure at J. H.

Egan Co. tf days past, but is now rapidly improving. So far no other cases have made District number 88 sinking fund District number SB interest fund District number 37 PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000. Total LIABILITIES. Capital paid in Surplus fund on hand Undivided protlts Exchange Individual dopnslts made for the purpose of influencing votes, we desire to state that the writer $21,929.60 1 10.000 on 100.110 80.00 S.070.W) 6,440.84 Notice to parties having business be District number 37 sinning fund 80 30 3 00 20 1 60 1 50 30 10 1 00 1 60 30 10 8 00 eo 20 8 00 40 10 8 (10 60 10 1 30 80 30 80 40 1 00 30 3 00 60 SO I 60 80 bO i 00 se 1 00 1 80 10 Wall paper at J.

II. Egan Co. tf their appearance. is absolutely under no obligations to District number 87 interest iund District number 88 Duti let number 88 Inking fund fore tbe probate court of Cheyenne county, Kansas: Time certificates A surprise party was given Miss railroads or other corporations, and is 9513a Land Office at Colby, Kans. Oct.

as, 1804 Does a General Banking Business. Collections a Specialty. Hazel Harrison Monday evening in notice is hereby given that tne following-named All persons having reports to make free to act as the best interests of the settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Total State of Kansas, Cheyenne county, ss I. A. D.

Liua, Own partner, cashier of said District number 38 interest fund DiBtuci number 88 District numher 8a sinking fund Dist let number 40 District number 41 proof in support of his claim and that said proof or other business before the probate people of Cheyenne county and Kan honor of her birthday. A real pleasant time is reported by all her young friends will be made before the nrobate ludse and ex-omcto hank, do solemnly swear that the above state-men' Is true, to the bsl of my knowledge and belief. So help me God. A. 1, LUCAS, sas demand.

We do not presume the District number 42 clerk of the prorate court of Cheyenne county, Kansas, at St. Francis, Kan, on December, 8, iUq4, viz: 42 sinking fund do who were present. malicious falsehoods were believed by Jonathan Williams, H. E. No.

S753 for the ne of section 5, (jasnier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 10th court, are requested to present the same on or before tbe 24th day of November, 1894, as the court will adjourn on that day until tbe first Monday in W. O. Campbell was taken suddenly their authors when tbey were being town and sH set section 3a township 1, south dayofNuv, 18SH.

WELLE MFERY. range 40, west. He names the following: witnesses to prove his and dangerously ill on Saturday last SEAL. nowrjr rumic. Commission expires on the 8th day of Mch, do do do do do do do do do Correspondents: Tbe Metropolitan National Bank, Kansas City, Mo.

The Hanover National Bank, New York. Farmers and Merchants Bank, Col by, Kansas. 43 interest fvnd 48 43 sinking fund 48 interest fund 44 45 40 47 47 sinking Iund peddled, but that tbey were simply putting them out for political purposes 18116. December. Joseph Merriott.

with a very severe pain in the side. A. D. LUCAS, Owner continuous residence upon, and cultivatien of said land, vis: Kollins, Lambert, of St Francis, Kansas, and Williams, Nancy A Vander-forp of Haigler, Neb. Four doctors were called, and he finally and did not hesitate to lie or resort to l'aintsand oil at II Egan Co.

tf began to improve, but not until after James riae, Kegister. ar.y other unfair means to accomplish HACKBERRY ITEMS. Tbe election passed off very quietly their diabolical purpose. enduring excruciating pain for some time and approaching dangerously The Official Count. in tbis precinct, and everyone is well pleased with the results.

Adamson Crosby. near death. Thank the good Lord, the Populist Rev. Williams and Pig bad a joint Amove has been inaugurated to party is snuffed out. It is gone up dead and done for.

There is not discussion at the McKinney school close our business houses at 8 o'clock, sign of it in Kansas, or Colorado or house last Sunday, on Baptism. All felt highly pleased with tbe sermon. p. m. except Saturday evenings, and we believe the agreement has been very Nebraska or the northwestor the south.

DEALERS IN The thing is as dead as Ceesar and The Hackberry literary society is generously signed by our merchants. there is nothing left of it but a very progressing finely, and large crowds The early closing program has been bad smell. attend each evening. sometime in reaching St Francis, but Some unknown parties bave entered It was not the silver question, nor it seems to have Anally got here, the school bouse several times, lately, tariff that won the election for the DRY GOOD The populist vote in Kansas only fell off 41,000 votes during the past Republicans of Kansas on Tuesday. and damage the school property.

These parties are being watched, and will It was the imbecile, corrupt and dan 30 30 23 71 126 75 two years. And still there are pops who tell us they are making great soon be brought to justice. gerous state administration of L. 1). 41 8 1723 102 Frank Murren returned borne last 2421 19 Lewelling.

The business men of Kan 25147,351 gains. In Colorado, the home of Waite, Tuesday on a visit, but expects to leave sas and thousands of farmers rightly the jdeal pop, the pop disaster was GROCERIES in a few days for Iowa. believe that such an administration 2931 1813 2575 434 79 great' deal more overwhelming than in Kansas, considering the number of James Crandall and Miss Minnie was death to business prosperity and 4 8 16 83 1 1 12 unsafe for every interest of good gov Smith were married last Monday. We 2620 2411 49 365 25 ernment. The victory will do Kansas votes.

The following remarks made by 0 regret to lose Minnie from among us, 0 0 immeasurable benefit at borne and abroad. If there is a lesson in it be as she has always taken a very active 39 27 12 67 375 22 40 part in society. 4 yond the demonstrated danger of so 6 12 For Governor E. N. Morrill David L.

D. Lewelling I Pickering pro Congressman 6th Dist, A. II. Ellis R. G.

Heard Wm. Baker B. Brewer Prohib For Representative C. E. Deniaon ,1 J.

C. Burton W. E. For Probate Judge J. Merriott WHBridgfordD Coleman For Treasurer 3 Rice A ESmulld Geo Lawless For District Clerk E.

D. Lowe rv German farmer in northwestern Kansas at an irrigation convention Is said to be the best irrigation speech that has ever been made in the state. It is Miss Rosa and Lizzie Grassle, from cialistic agitators, it is that is is easier 381019 Boots, Shoes, at the Lowest Prices, 21 28(169 2444,835 I I 2579,433 to guard the citadel than to regain it near Jaqua, have been visiting friends from the enemy. Capital. 1944 30 13 97 on the Hackberry.

31 8 15 20 97 Ax Hatchet. Ocheyedon, la. Nov. 9, 1894. 1622 2687: 2340336 as follows: "Last year I do irrigate one square rod of ground.

I plant in cucumbers, I do so veil that this year I do irrigate one acre. Next year I do ED. jbustleb: will write you a A FAMOUS SHOW OF BEAUTY, 1344 23 2687136 few lines. I am through, but was on 2373403 44 The show of distinguished beauty. 2 6 81 8 6 8 irrigate some more." 425118 the road a long time almost a month.

3588 162216 191817 3844359 transfixed by famous artists, which is now taking place at the Academy of It may not be known to some of our They bad a big time here on election DEI. Henderson day. There is nothing but republicans 22'45 87 37 35 31 139 Fine Arts in New York, has been an readers, but it is nevertheless a fact that Irrigation District No. in Chey i i '7 2920 10 222418 85 488 49349 1317 12,11 and democrats here. It is too cold a 15,26,87,11114 20,23 ticipated by Tbe Cosmopolitan Maga I For County Attorney zine in its November issue, in an art! enne county, Kansas, bas been organized, with J.

M. Howell as president, 19 44 40 341 19 15 103 18 72476 132 ft 104 W. Sih KAXSAS CITY, K3. TJu Old RtiUbk Dctr. A RfUr Crm4nu in MtdUim.

Gidttt in Agtmn Lengtit LtcoUd. OVER 7 YEARS OP SPECIAL. PRACTICE. 826 21,12 climate for the populists. They bave all left.

I am going to leave next fall and come back to Kansas. I saw worse places than Kansas while on cle by Wm. A. Coffin, with illustrations 27 37,18 17i2118l6'26, 2811 J. H.

Swope, secretary, and J. G. Bean- I 65,373 76'437 61,409 meister, treasurer. This district is 15'45 27 28 38 825; 1416 SB 13 33 Authorised by the) State to treat CHROHIO, HtRVOUl Dia IKCIH DlSCASCS. Cnrs frnaraDtrrd or money refnnded.

All tnedicirwn furnished ready for amed 33,88:2123,21 19:25:22,21 13 29,1013,28 the road. Nebraska is much worse than Kansas. When I get the Old RuBtier, it makes me homesick. of some of tbe more beautiful faces. The "Great Passions of History" series bas for this month's subject tbe romantic career of Agnes Sorel, who influenced the destinies of France under I Egan FOberlenderp.

For Superintendent IIRhoads ECnrryp For Coroner NWard A Tracyd Wm Baker Com mis 1st Dist 1 1 said to contain between eight and ten thousand acres, and is located a few miles down the river from St. Francis, 3324'32 29'3020, 67 56 397 D. B. Link. 817 2 9 71942 2: 2 tio detention mm work.

Patients at distance treated by mail and expreaa. Medicines (sent everywhere, free from araae or break aee. Charge low. Over earns cured. Age and perisnoe arp Important.

Read little book, tben state yonr ca. Kendforopinir.n and terms. Consultation fre and oonndDUaLpersocal or by letter Seminal Weakness Sexual Debility, 8 2, 13 24 8l2j 826 39.110 413401 being mostly in Calhoun township and 2013 182588 2411 222025, W. H. Wellemeyer the abstractor.

Charles VII. "The Art Schools of America," "The Great British North lying on the southeast side of the river, 21 21 1325 STOLEN I From my stable, on the night of the Tbos Cole Waters west Territory," "The Chiefs of the An election was held Nov. upon the question of organizing the district, and 15115 (Ffitrmmtrrrlr ami Imfrtmrf) osntWI tiT youthful folliegand exnewa, pro1affln; bttou-Bss. loenm, pimples and hiotchoii the face, rushes) of blood to the bead, palna in tbe bark confused tdeaxaadforitetfulneiM, bahMlnee. aversion toaoc1ty, tosHof aexnal power, lose of manhood, Ac cured for lif.

lean stnpailnlRht Irnwea, restore) kwt swsnal power, restore nerve and brain power en larre and atrenirth weak part and make yon Bt for mamaee. 7 is: 9 23! 18 American Press," and the "Public 1217 14th Inst, one bay mare, saddle and Smith Commis 2nd Dist 1 Library Movement." are amongst The I thfttterribledlwwe.inall 1 C4liu twroam-ntrr eor4 whs, iuail I nt eaostie, ton 184 2517 Henry Cosmopolitan's table of contents. Bur bridle, small white star in forehead, left bind foot white, hoofs on hind feet turns in, weighs about 950 pounds. Nine years old. rather slim body, trim for Ufa.

Bioii Poieootng, bkia Ilseaaea, Ulrera. ft wen infra, store. fwarfora and 61 0 Hayes Mitchell 1 fniean amine treatment ai nme. Geo Indorf I 0 19,40 vivors of the war and their children will find intense interest in "The Story Rheumatism f. 140 i Glwt, and ail form of Private tiiaeaaea positively cured or monsy refunded.

ItrsnLr both eyies, SO popes, ft p' UtUIV tram to (lid. With fnll de Oommis3rd Dist -II Frederickson 15 136 29; limbed, colar and harness marks on him. Had on bead halter with a very light piece riveted on head piece, strap 6 17:47 ll 1 1 organization carried by a vote of ten to fire. It is intended to hold an election in the near future upon the proposition of issuing bonds to construct a ditch along the upper side of this district, and if they are carried, work will probably then be commenced on the canal or ditch. Danl.

Kreth, county surveyor, bas already surveyed the line for the canal, and reports it a feasible nate for a canal. lief i few dnsssg rraow fever rJ ur i 14 erlptlon shove diaeasee, effw and eure.apaled in plafn wrapper firde in Read thia ilttia book and answer ooeatioua. 4 20' Jackson d. V'Boggs 18 26 35! or earn, wi to tvutp for eireiuar. reirettiar, 28 138, I of a Thousand," a personal narrative begun In this number by Albion W.

Tourgee, who tells in a graphic way, of a regiment which saw fierce seryice of its organization, its marches, its sports, and its death-roll. Free Museum of Anatomy fjfi snaps in ring, bridle with flattened brow piece. Any information leading to the thief or mare will be liberally 3 16 33 13 15 22 11 24 17 18 14: 8 21 412 33 272 For Suffrage life-like rniland war flrnreaden'lyltripreM tie Kiwxi of tinn a rrnon M. B.IDatt $600 ttfatrui im awe. Against Suffrage 8 18 32 21 24 17 34 1518 3 16, 5 11,11,11,27 06335 63 I will fir ft it for tnmm Mo I eenoet rewarded by the owner.

Address John Bear, St Francis, Kansas. tal vote of couuty 904..

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