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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 1

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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1 'if Japanese Infantry Slashes at Gen. The Weather i glowing' Rising Tempera- turo With Rain Circulating In Beacon Falls Bethan Bristol Terrace (Joiion Millville Platts Mills 'Straitsville- Union City If It's News You Find It In The NEWS XLVII, No, 39 NAUGATUCK DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16; 1942 Price Three Cents Many Naugatuck Men REPORT STEADY FLOW OF REGISTRANTS HERE I Volunteer Clerks Greatly Assist Local Draft Beard In Hugo Task isl'Ti'd men bul.sveon Iho vii and yuat'H roportod to- tin; four MlutloiiH In tho ri'Klsli'r for soloi'tho undi'i 1 llu- now trnll by the Slalrs KovormiK'Mt and (ill t'hiMM'l'idly and riMicllly. Hi" lui'Ko numbnr of nion 1 H' 1 now one With l''h of a large huinboi 1 voluntfei'M, many of U'uuhers In tho schools Hide confusion ,1 and all wore up and rnoorck'tl with no Iliitknliy. tllf-rUa In the station In IIHV'II hall building, under tho or Borough Clock lOwrli's K. 'vviu'o obliged i) tho Jump the greater purl 1)1 Du 1 day us tho nuijorlly of ih" i-lkibU' for tho drul'l roHlclo In of tlio borough, AI i long lino WUH fornu-d limit 1 opportunity lo fcr.

KnrolhnnnlH in Iho othw thru 1 WUH not too brisk, nl- there WHM sluady llosv of all Jliy up lo 1 NVhlUomori', eluilrman iwitl board 1-i-A vvti.s In of roM'lHtratlon at rlral't Kead- 4 In Ihe si rout school; fllcHlesvskl, oV Iho high lifl'il funnily, (lli'eoted op oral HIM Ih'klMu Uortlaurant In Union Illy, anil Hay also a mnnmi-r faculty at tho -high Htihuol In ohtii'Ko at flood year hall, in estimated that well ovor I'oHldnnls ol 1 Nuiitfiilwsk aro i for rriKlHlratinii loclny. Jthi- rntflMlrallun HUUOMH oponed o'clock UilH-inornlnft' and will iipnn until 0 o'ulouk this euHlorn svar time. Tin- major requli'ometitH for HUNliUHPtal by AviM'lll, Hlulo (HrooLw of are: (Coiitfntind on Pago Two) PLAYERS REHEARSING FOR BENEFIT PLAY or HIM east of Ihe play Ihr i- r.vlM« Pan" which will iii'i-fl on February Mi-will of the bimolll of the. I'Tkui CWHH are svoi'klnK ivi'iitiy at Imld In the (' 'if ihi- Maple flm IJOUHO are that Valley 1 will htivo another out- Kliiiu hit In their orodlt svhon I- "hits tho boai'dH," I Tin- is under llin of Stanley U. fMborno who was I Known 'fur tlu-lr drainallo notlv- it WIMlY In Watorbm-y veteran of K'nip will portray Mm 'n-'iiui 1'iiirs and Momo nusvtiornui'H 'I! take part In the profluu- "i AIIKIIIK tin- cfist -will be f'JIIxa- i Margarel Gurlln, llolori "i iiMMi-, Ciene Klclorofl 1 Hrur.e, Anno UrbollH, i''l Kvoi-elt Kood and Harold Uobert- lUCKOUfRULES 10 BE ENFORCED IN NAUGATUCK wurnldK lo I'OflUlentH of hut any and all efforts defence and Mfifoty iruiHl '1'ikt'n st'i'lmiHly and with uluiost Is Klvffii with Iho nn- ''''fiif'di hy lino Ihul llioso who fall to mid iviKiilalU'iiH In il'e (O pPIHllUOH.

Mrnpliy MlaUul that nn I legally pnl'orof. 1 Atlornny Junii'H Dim ID lf JUWH' I'egai'd- ucdliianccM II IH pOHHlblf 1 will nnl he. olllulally 11111 the fli'Hf, mi Murc-h 1st, After Hoard of Wnrdnn and Mm 1 Ilien juivfi'llHOd for i mimlifr of BE GIVEN AFTER REGULAR MEETING TlH! regular meeting of Lhn American Legion imx'lllnry- will noki Wednesday evening, February .18, in Pythian hall, Mrs. Hazel (Jiiimoud, president, has cailod Iho mooting for 8 in. A National Defense and Ainnrlouiiism party and entertainment arranged by Mrs.

Mary Uatklewlch, Amorlonnlsm chairman, ami Mrs. Mary Novell, National Oe- foiisi! cJinlrman, will follow Iho rni'OllMK, Tlmy will be assisted by Mrs. Allen Robinson, Mrs, Kthel Simmons and Mrs. lOdlth Lalor, The program will consist of lalks by Warden Leo Hrophy and Miss Hi-Ion Miu-onoy, vice-chairman ot I In? Civilian Defense committee, and Miss Uelty Ryan ami Ferguson, high school Htudonls, and members of Iho Golden fame Dramatic sv'ltl present, scene from the life of Abraham Llnroln. Refreshments will be served.

EMERGENCY WAR FUND HERE NOW TOTALS $20,730 The NiiuKntuok War Kund was nearer to its goal of with additional con-, announced by. Wprnia.i. Wood, (inanplal chairman of tho. drlyo In Iho' borough, Tlio total. 1 amount suhmji'llJed in Nuuyatuck to date Is Previously acknowledged Mr.

/i.U'i. Now Subscribers Mrs. mclr- ard N'oat-y, D- Merrill, Hortlifi Henslell, SI; MISH Lucille $'2; Mr, and Mrs. ,7. P.

Moim-. han, 1C. M. fJarroll, Mrs. Alex Kosa, SU; iMi's.

James King. SI; Mi's. Mnl-'orcst Mart, Mrs. Poler Ro- tfil.oi'1, $11'NnugyettOH club, Total, $20,7, J0.2-'i. Total of above lint 93C.

Two Generate TELEPHONE CHIEF noes' he lias Cl'ar-; onuo P. nua'cknnbushv Ael-na street, incssage plerk for Chief Air Warden of th.e Naugaluiik. nouncil, Mrs, Qi.iackonb.usl.i will bo: in charge of-, the squad at tho. Council, Mnple sti'eet. Slie -Is flod for this po.sHlon.' hayingvb.non Identified 'the lolophon-o c6nv pany in Now York, slble positions over' of- yours.

Cn PEAHL 'finc da an rv Late News Bulletins GERMANS HIT FOUR TANKERS jlVWMSTA'D, CURACAO, Dutch West Indies, Feb. A OonnHii submarine deoyj in tlio American Zone oast of the Panama Canal lias torpedoed i'onr and shelled the great American-owned oil. re- 011 the Dutch Island it was disclosed 1 to- The Netherlands Indies' News Agency said the. 1 Aruba'marked the first land" attack on -any i hemisphere territory in World War II. SUPREME COURT RULING WASHINGTON, Feb.

16 (UP) Tlio. Si.preme "JoLirt (oday ruled in ilavor of the Bethlehem Shipbinldmg Corp in a'suit in which the government sought to recover wliat ii charged were "unconscionable" profits made by the firm on World War I shipbuilding contracts. WILL GE'TOUESTIONNAIRES WASHINGTON, Feb. headquarters announced that detailed -ques'i niin.Au nn vocatlona'J experience will he sent to v- who Ins not already been called into service, Ihere lu-rapproximately SS.OOoioOO- such men, including registering today. torn- loan.

KHOX PKKDlOTS VIOTOEY Pol). aocretary ul j. today that tho Mod SU.tjj^p^ fiio "war in the production ot SS er Will Be By I (Unitur.1 A K-oriKi. time' probably wll'l Ucterrniiie -the. order tlio- class i-A' nieif- ahion'g-'-the OOOiOOO who registered and will' bei caHtd vinto service: Olllcva Is gave tliis us they registered Ijiitwticn.

the ages, of 20 to inclusive, -who-' did; not register' In 1 1 '-'tlm p're-; vi oil's di'a-l't calls. Registration, centers, in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico vand 48' States opened a'gaiir at; 7 a.m. They vvill roiiudrv -open until Some' states registering' as early as' a week and: In- every state' officials. opened tlieir doors SunrJay or. SnLur- clay--nlghl'-to acco'mmodate those men; wliosc jobs made it impossible for them to app.enr dui'ing the regular Men of the' now registration cmssi-.

flotl I -A will not be- inducted unLH existing. lists are Tlui lottery next month will 1 termine th'6 -order -In wh'ich flic new, men arc rate- of deferments will be high 'because of dependents ihnpair- military service, will -'IVp -boosted- to -around 20,000,000. figure' on; Page F.iyc) Since: Year 1845 'Feb. The LILtJc -Hi vci- Christian ch' ''1845', InU i po'rrorni or! "-'LlfM'o ii nj II ilo.scphiMc' MouHon, IKMIU; jo- vvcd ii Hosion If NAVY Ua lilt i Severn! Indies are keeping rnurn concern ing, an: in- 'liident them in had a'--.iir''lilie, entered ti" res tan rant a- snack-, of lunch. When emerged from the eating place they discovered tholr auto' enclo'sed in a cloud, of, One hastened back'to 'the restliurnnt to a call for trie -Hrn' department.

Tho i-all did -go as a native of Ansdnffi who. Jhyesti- gatcd ''lie 11 ounfi 1 had been, parked, over 'a manhole through Which, steam from a nearby factory was escaping; girls were '-greatly when the fire 'was needless- KIEV SUDDENLV7 Hartford, Feb-: Mi-s. S. KCll.y,"'sister--o.l Mayor Thomas 'J, Spella'cy. suddenly: home, i 11 i am .1 i (js -who has been a with par- -enlis; -Mr.

and Roboi'l, J. Bost, pr'22 Ooen strobt, U'l't yesterday the mwy, has been a member 'of Cor past 14-years States army War No. 1. Me. has sailed the seas to practically every n'oi'l.

world and eral years.on duty in' China. He -was in '-charge' of' the crow, on- the Standard. Oil.tanker, Pan.ay a few months IL was. destroyed, by a Japanese bomb which, anipng nther 'casualties 'that occasion life of'LieuI; cp.m- rnander 'pf a brother of Carlson, local; insurance broker; 'Rev. adviser of the Thirtv Club Leonard Conlln, its president; William- were the speakers at the Communion of held yesler- in liin St.

Francis iiil school liu i Id I ng Nearly fifty members and received o6mmunion in a group at- the 06 Mass in St. Francis'- Church. ''McCarthy a hd Chai-les T.icr- ney "were of the; oom- ciiarpfe "fvnd were assisted ''Russell Hughes ofllciated as tonstmaster. 'The waitresses were, Palricia Robinson. Evelyn Jane 'Harriett, Phyllis Mor.iMs, Eileen 'Cnllahan and Marie PEARL HARBOR I May Be Prelude To Big Assault On Defenders Of Bataan JAPS SURGE TOWARD STRONGHOLD OF JAVA They Have Seized Main Su- Oil Center of Palem- bang "By' JOE MOBttiS 'u.

P. Foreign Editor. Under 'a 'devastating hail- of allied air. and. sea' invasion surged southward through'the oil- rich Dutch ISast Indies -island of Sumatra today toward, (he stronghold of.

Java. American, Dutch British air squadrons scored liits on ten Japanese warships strafed enemy, Lrpop- laden a week-end of -along. the- coast and. 1 to capture SUigapor.e the Sumatra oil center; Paiembang; 'Which Dutch -had destroyed in line with scorchr 6d earth and pushed the western-, prong of-, their pincers stubborn wi thin' almost: -200 nill.efe-, of Java on! enemy offensive was seeking to close' amis around Java by' way the west and the other-by of Borneo- on and, there were' some reports that landings already had been: made-on "the" Java' island. Axis-controlled broadcasts by radio '(Continued Eight) ON SCOUT DRIVE The ouplai-ns uml.tlie of their- teams in the financial drive for Muttatuek Coimci! of, the.

Boy which started last 'Thursday, will hold their first report meeting tomorrow afternoon at- fi. o'clock In tho V. M. C. A.

Another report meeting will be held in Stratton's Restaurant in Park pi ace: Thursday evening at o'clock. The dri've will be brought to ft close one week from today. FORMER BURGESS, DIED THIS MORNING Richard Ryan of Cu.lycr slheet dl'Cd this morning Mary's Uos- pitnl Walei-bury, -after 111- noss" He wns horn, ln Ireland and had. resided in Naugatuek 'Mr. Ryan wns employed ny inc arid wns active In politics hore for many y'cars )mving served four terms as Democratic burgess In Ihe second ward He wns member of Nauga- lubk- Aerie, P.

0. Many local residents expressed, sorrow at news Of Ms death today as he wns well- liked and admired by all who knew 1 One daughter, Mrs. Peter Gibbons, of Water town, survives, also several nieces and'nephews. Tlio funeral will be held Wednes- day'morning at, 8:30 fro the Buck- mi'ller Funeral Home. 21 Park place, Francis' Church, where a solemn high mass will be celebrated at Burial will be in St.

James' Cemetery. Friends at Ihe Mineral. Home this evening after 7:00 Mr. Ryan entered tbe locnl Meld official in 1920 when he served on the board of selectmen. He served on the board of relief in 1927-28 and 20 and was member of Ihe board of warden and burgesses in 1925-26, 27 and 28.

In J92G and 27 served as. senior burgess on the'board. NAUGATUCK NEWS INCORPORATEDFOR $50,000 CAPITAL Miss Mildred 'Holland, Of Sweeney Street, One Of Incorporators Rudolph M. Ilcnni'ck, publisher of The Naugaluck Daily News, is named as one' of the- Inco'rporators the Naugatuck News GoJ p. according to-papers'filed with Town Clerk Raymond St.

John -here today. Follo.w.lng. the filing of n-ceKifl- cale of incorporation with the secretary of-state. Other incorporalor.s the new firm arc -lithe! Mennick, of Watcrbury and Mildred' Il.ollauO of Sweeney street, Nauga- tuok. The slates that the company was to; business in with a capital stock of The stock divided into 2,000 shares of common stock with a par value of $25 each.

The amount commencing Ihe business is $25,000. YOUNG MEMBERS OF COUNTY G.O.P. MEET ON FRIDAY Plan To Confer Honor On Cong, Joseph Talbot Of Naugatuck President Albert Mai of the Naugatuck Young Republican club today thai, he is negotiating with the O.O.P. state central rommitloe for a well known speaker for the county meeting of Young" Republicans which will lie hold on Friday for this week of St. George's hall in.

Linden park, Union Clly. Delegations from every club In New liaven county will at-U-nd and it is expected that Cong. Joseph 10. Talbot, of Naugaluck, will lie named honorary president of the county clubs at this session. William Alilomii, of Seymour.

new county president, will preside for the first, time since his election to the office. TIG business meeting will be followed with entertainment and dancing. BOARD OF RELIEF IN SESSION TODAY Richard Durkin, Oeorge hamberl and Will him Mariano, members of the Donrd of Relief, are holding another session In the town hull building today for the benefit of taxpayers who disagree with the assessments laid gainst their property by the board of assessors. The Aboard will hold sessions on Wednesday and Saturday of tills week. TREASURY BALANCE Washinglon, Feb.

-Government expenses and receipts for the current fiscal year through Feb. compared with a year ago: -THIS YEAU- -LAST YEAR- Kxpenscs 1 5,385,8 Sfi.SOfi.STS, 1 40; I War Spend I n(j 127,000.77 Heceipts 5,122,000 MI .88 ,078,087.82 Net Deficit Heavy Artillery Fire And Enemy Aviation Activity Are Reported By 15V12HBTT H. UOLLKS- (United 5 ress Staff Correspondent) Washington, Keb. heavy llro and aerial attack, Japanese infantry is slashing Douglas MacArlhur's Bulaan Peninsula defense lines iil, several a communique said today In describing may be the prelude of a big Japanese offensive. Today's War Departmenl, com- munique, describing- progress of the Philippine rtghLfng as reported up to 0:30 1CWT, said "There was heavy enemy artillery Ore in ttatattu during the past 24 liours." "-Intermitienl, Infantry lighting was in progress on several sections of the front.

"Enemy, aviation was througliout the The of Japan's arlillcry along the mountainous nnii Jinvgic- like Uic Peninsula, tunT indicated to oxperls tb'at the Japanese commander-in-chief, Gon. Musabaru Homma, might- be almost ready, to uiileusli his threatened all-out assault. MacArtbur's arilllery prc-; sumed to be answering the Japanese bombardment. Today's oommuniaue, number; of Uie wur, did'not reveul of the i sti11 iii 'under, way disclose whether front had 'shifted, information indicaled -Uiac MacArlhur's lines remained in. the region of Bagag -on Ihc China sea- coast and Pilnr "on Manila Day, about 17 miles north 6C Corregidor fortress where- Iho dc- fenders will make their last stand if.

and when they arc driven from the Philippine mainland. MacArthur's reports l.o, Ihrt, War have carried a'repeated warning UiHl; Japanese) offensive to '(Continued on Pago Two) NIGHT SCHOOL CtASSES WILL Mrs, Oertrude Cudlgnn; director, of adult education in Nougutuek, an- nounccrl today thai, night school classes will, be held tonight as usual' at the Salem and Hop Brook schools despite Mic fad. I hat oil of schools in Ihe borough wore closed today for Registration Day. The classes in Spanish, nutrition and will -also niccl at Mic usual time'this evening in High school building. i IDENTITY OF BABY'S PARENTS STILL MYSTERY Cash 1,980,080,183.03 Body Of Infant Found Near Old Arch Saturday Afternoon No new nn- nonnccd loday by the Naugntuotc police department In the find I rig; or a six-months premature.

baby on the wosl bank of Hop Brook north of the, Old Arch on North Church street Saturdny afternoon by Henry Furs, 18, who discovered the body 'of the infant as he wan walking along the banks of the brook. Learning of the discovery of Ihe body Chief John J. Gormley ami Patrolman Edward Gnlvln, of the locnl drove to the scene nacl after a prcllwlnnry Investigation noiilled Dr. William 13. Hill, locnl medical examiner.

Or. Hill thnt the baby's body had nbnndoned between 2 -1 and previous to its discovery. Trooper Kdward DooJing, of gatuck, who was passing the whore ihc on return from duty In Mlddlcbury, as- slslcd the local police In the investl-; gallon. statca been hours State.

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