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Republic City News from Republic City, Kansas • 6

Republic City, Kansas
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Thrilling Adventnre with a Stark. Needed Reform In Breeding, JSaJtft A HOUSEHOLD, Fashion Items. Bangs and bangles still hold their own. Spanish girdles of embroidered velvet are exceedingly Wild roses and clematis blossoms in a rich embroidery of ruby and silver, adorned a matinee of pale pink surah, recently completed by an "artistic" dressmaker of celebrity in this city. Tabliers made of natural rose buds, ferns, smilax, mosses, and other fine flowers and vines are very fashionable and very beautiful, but owing to their ephemeral nature, they are not as popular as those made of artificial blossoms and foliage.

"Pearl sleeves" are worn with many handsome evening dresses of white brocade or satin. These sleeves are formed of close network of pearl beads over white chenille. They are about four inches deep, and are edged with Alfetto, the Spanish diver, mot remarkable adventure and had a very larrow escape recently while engaged diving operations on the coast of Serth Carolina, near the little Town of Moorehead. The Atlanta, one of the iest-known coasting-vessels in these jarts, was capsized in a squall and sank lust inside the bar. The owners of the raf contracted with a diving company have her raised and to recover as nuoh of her cargo as was still serviceable.

Alfetto and another diver were engaged do the work. They made several tuccessfnl descents, but on the fourth the Spaniard met with the of which we speak. His comrade signaled hastily to be drawn up, and tvhen he had been hauled into the boat ic related how Alfetto had been seized ay a monster white shark and carried off: i out scarcely had he done speaking when Alfetto rose from the water about fifty, yards from the boat, and was picked up insensible, with several holes punched the metallic part of his diving-suit Means were successfully adopted tc bring him round, and the next day he Mild the following story: "As you know, we had made out Paris on New Year's Pay Most of the shops were closed to-day, tut those devoted to the sale flowers Old bonbons formed a pleasing exoep-ion. Here, again, dense throngs congregated, and it may fairly be said that i glimpse at the windows of the flower ihops was well worth the walk. Noth-ng could have been more tasteful than he effect produced by the row of su-jerb bouquets arranged with exquisite ikill and a correct eye to color.

One lovel feature was the imitation of a winter's pallet, the colors being ranged in patches of flowers on a white rround, with a little batch of real jrushes in the corner. Another cou-listed of floral fans, which gave free icope to the employment of true artistic in the arrangement of natural lowers, and formed one of the prettiest aovelties in the shops. Baskets of bon-Dons, surmounted by dolls of different hapes and sizes, were also in high favor, representations of old Father Christmas probably for the benefit of lhe foreign not being forgotten. The rood-humored crowd moved slowly ilong, thoroughly enjoying everything, md to all appearances totally oblivious )f everything but the pleasures of the nour. The Jour de l'An is associated ivith the anything but dulcet strains of she orgue de barbaric, a savage instrument, which one is happy to learn, is ibont to be exiled from the domains of gome three years ago the writer urged the view that the system of breeding and feeding cattle and sheep for the development of the greatest possible quantity of tallow for a given quantity of food was wasteful and therefore wrong.

Only a few weeks have passed since the 'tribune again called attention to this fact, for fact it is beyond a question, and afterward presented some suggestions as to the way by which a larger quantity of -nutritious meat may bo produced. One result of these articles is seen in the periodicals here and abroad in which the opinions and facts presented by the Tribune have been put forth, sometimes in new garb, but essentially as first given. There is little reason for doubting thai those who have not already done so will soon wish they had secured a breed oi sheep or of cattle which will make a large growth of flesh with comparatively little fat. The "ripe" beast will no longer be one overloaded with tallow; in fact, the "patchy" bullock will be rejected as unprofitable and unfit for human food, as it is. Consumers will readily accept views which are clearly based on self-evident facts, and will refuse to buy soap-makers' material, worth little or nothing for food.

When they pay for beef or mutton they will insist upon getting beef or niuttort, and will not receive tallow instead. When they pay from fifteen to twenty-five cents for meat they will not accept in its stead candle-crease worth four or five cents per pound. There is a popular notion in this country that in England and Scotland people prefer beef and mutton overloaded with fat. In a late issue, the a tnnge or peans wnicn aroops over the arm Hoop ear-rings, bangle bracelets, and dog collar composed of pearls are usually added. TJtMaam tarrrneri sdggeats that wheat straw form good milkirtg-tubes when a cow's teats are sore and it is de- milk without pain to tickled Chicken: Boil chickens Mil tender enough for meat to fall from tones; put meat in a stone jar and pour otw it three pints of cold, good cider vinegar and.

a pint and a-half of the water in which the chickens were boiled; add spices, Jf preferred, and it will be ready for use in two days. Troy IV'nws. Mr. Samuel Miller, of Blufftou, tells the Germantown Telegraph that if fresh fodder corn is stacked with strawwheat or oat in alternate layers of a foot of the latter to three inches of the former, there is no danger Of spoiling, as the juices of the corn are absorbed by the straw, and the latter is rendered so palatable that cattle eat it all greedily without waste. Farmers seem to have the impression, says the Midland Former, that in their herd they have a fountain which will supply them good, pure milk by simply drawing it, without much regard as to when or how.

If a man kicks a oW in the udder the result is very apparent in the bloody milk; if he kicks her in the ribs or mauls her on the neck the consequences may not be immediately visible, but damage is nevertheless done and loss will oertainly follow. Molasses Pound Cake: Take one cup of sugar and one cup of butter and beat to a cream; add three-quarters cup oi molasses, two egs, well beaten, one cup of sweet milk, one teaspoon! uj of best soda, dissolve in the milk; into four cups of flour, well sifted, mix two teaspoon-fuls of crean tartar. Stir all together, then add a teacupful of raisins, well dredged with flour, a teacupful of currants, two teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, one of cloves. This will make two round loaves. ExcJtanqe.

White toilettes of all kinds appear to be more than ever the rage in the fashionable world this winter; cream, snowdrop and ivory being generally preferred to the very trying bluish or pearl white shades. Of white dress fabrics there are an elegant and almost endless variety; white brocades, satins, rnerveil-leux, Ottomans, Irish poplins, plushes, plain and embossed velvets, Hindoo cashmeres, vigognes, English veilings, china-crapes, tulles and French mulls being equally in vogue. A handsome bpanish opera cloait rroni Worth's is made of silver and white brocade, lined throughout with pink plush, and adorned outside with pinki ostrich-feather trimming. Another wrap, sent over for a prospective bride, made ot white and gout brocateue, and lined with pale gold satin, lhe fourth descent, and, while my companion clambered into the vessel, I waited an the ground till he should attach thr 3ords to draw something out. I was just about to signal to be drawn up for a moment's rest when I noticed a shad-awy body moving at some distanes-above me and toward me.

In a moment every lish had disappeared, the very crustacean lay still upon the sand, and the cuttle-fish scurried away as fast as they could. I was not thinking of danger, and my firs! thought was that it was the shadow oi a passing boat. But suddenly a feeling af terror seized me; I felt impelled tc flee from something, I knew not what; i vague horror seemed grasping after me, such as a child fancies when leaving a darkened room. By this time th -shadow had come nearer and taken shape. It scarcely needed a glance to show me that it was a man-eater, and of the largest size.

Had I signaled to. be drawn up then it would have been certain death. All I could do was tc remain still until it left. It lay ofl twenty or twenty-five feet just outside the rigging of the ship, its body motion-tionless, its fins barely stirring the water about its gills, it was a monstei as it was, but to add to the horror the pressure of the water upon my head made it appear as if flames were pour- ing from its eyes and mouth, and every worn on nf its tins and tail seemed Republic. Alas, the organ is-the east of the annoyances to which the unfortunate sojourner on the banks of the Seine is subjected.

One's door-bell is iiukling all day long, and it is astonish-nghow ignorant one is both of the marvelous number and gre.t variety of peo-sle upon whom one is dependent for ex-stence, especially thowe whom we are ihankful not to see oftener than once a fear, the vidanger among the rest. The jarber who shaves one tempts his clients rith a plateau, which he ostentatiously 511s with large coins. Five-franc pieces nterspersed with Napoleons. In the streets and boulevards extending palms Meet you at every step. The more repulsive the beggar the more irresistible ae is, the only wonder being that any sivilized city can tolerate such frightful sxhibitions as here abound.

Strummers sn guitars, singing and selling songs of own composing, Italian violinists with their dirty but picturesquely-clad children, who serve as artists' models, and to the throng of mendicants who are for this day only, happily, permitted to torment man and womankind, render-Paris unbearable. Vehicles full to over-Bowing of whole families, including the youngest born, en route to pay the annual lining on each front is hand-painted, with Scottish bluebells and lilies oi the valley. The trimming outside consists of waves of rich white lace intermixed, with pendants of pearl, and silk chenille. This trimming is put on very wide and full, and give a rich and beautiful finish to the costly garment. lhe Matter of Fence-Posts.

A pretty "Hungarian' dress, worn It seems certain that steel or iron barbed wire will in the future supercede boards for making farm fences. The objections to it are few and are gradually diminishing as animals become accustomed to it. The advantages of it are many. It is cheap, easy to transport, durable, and convenient to put in position. Prairie fires do not burn it and violent winds do not blow -it down.

A fence made of it does not harbor vermin nr nrnvirie a nlace for a nurscrv of by the young hostess at a five clock tea lately, was made of crimson satin and velvet. The short skirt was usually full in the back, and plain in front. Around the foot was a band of velvet about eight inches deep, and above this an odd-looking tunic, caught up with rimson silk cords and spikes, covered with dark ruby beads. The low Hun- orarjan bodice was pointed rront ana accompanied by a display of fireworks. was sure the fish was thirty feet long, 4 visit of duty to those Irom yliom, per-shance, they have expectations, drive back, and put on over a waist of embroidered white surah that was gathered up close at the throat with a tiny crimson draw-strinir.

A dainty mouchoir Rural New-Yorker, mentioning the demands of consumers in the Islington market in London and those of the American markets, says: "Tastes differ wonderfully in regard to meat in England and America. Three ringers thick on a mutton-chop or a saddle are accounted the supremity of excellence in England, while by an American such meat would be considered much on a par with the Russian tallow-candle lunches and yellow soap suppers. We do not like our fat laid on too thick. We would rather have it laid evenly mixed among the lean, and so make tender, juicy meat." Scotch cattlemen of wide experience in markets in this country and in Great Britain, and English butchers, to whom the above was read, declare that this misrepresents the tastes of Scotch and English consumers. It may be true that they do buy over-fatted beef and mutton, just as people do in America, but it is not because they like to eat the fat.

They take it because breeders have so mistaken their calling that they do not produce good, juicy and tender beef and mutton which is not accompanied by large masses of wasteful tallow. The poor laborer in field or shop may buy the fat from a mistaken idea of economy such stuff "goes further with the children." But it does not nourish the children, and is therefore as wasteful for the laborer as it would be for the rich man. The active out-door life of the laborer may enable his stomach to dispose of a greater quantity of fat than his more prosperous neighbor could digest, but it by no means follows that the laborer gains by usinw such food, if food it should be called. The experience of generations shows that domestic animals arc in the hands of man as plastic clay in the hands of the potter. They may be molded by the breeder's art to almost any desired form, ami to them may be imparted, by rapidly by.

Many to-day had to accomplish these pilgrimages on foot, the cab and so near that I could see its doubts row of white teeth. Involuntarily I shrunk 1 J.K ,1.1.. I. IM strike having commenced to make ltseu felt. London Telegraph.

weeds and bushes. It does not occupy the space of a Virginia rail fence or a stone wall. It does not trespass on the ground or injure growing crops like the roots of hedge plants. It is easily removed if it is no longer wanted in the place where it was first erected. Barbed wire has obviously "come to stay." It is likely that it will be improved and cheapened, but it is not likely that it will go out of use." There is now an excellent opportunity for inventive talent to find a substitute for the ordinary ma- pouch of crimson velvet depended from the belt, and the satin sleeves were slashed and puffed with velvet at the shoulder, and opened at the elbow over a tight velvet sleeve, finished at the wrists with deep turnback cuffs of embroidered i A Romantic Story From Maine.

Some years before the war Otis Burton, a former resident of Bangor, surah. iv. x. tost. 3ioer io iue siuu ui luu uu first movement betrayed my presence.

I saw the shining eyes fixed upon me; -its tail quivered as it darted atmeliks i a streak of light. I shrank closer tfl the side of the ship. I saw it turn on one side, its month open, and heard the teeth snap as it darted by me. It had missed me. The sweep of it mighty tail had thrown me forward.

saw it turn, balance itself, and its tail quivered as it darted at me again. There was no escape. It turned on its back as it swooped down on me like a left here to seek his fortunes in the West. He drifted to Missouri, where he met an accomplished young lady with whom he fell in love. She was Summer Satteens, Percales, Etc.

The first importations of colored cot- con goods consist of satteens, percales and batistes. Stripes of large sizes of pleased with him, but before he made his passion known she moved to a distant part of tlie South. wo colors in contrast are shown in these About this time the war broke out, hawk on a sparrow, lhe cavernous a J. 4.1 nrtonon a vi i Tnii mnnr en ntr and the two soon lost all traces of each other. Burton joined the Union army, washing goods, copying the designs noted this winter in rich velvets and silks; thus stripes of two inches wide are alternately of India red with golden brown, of buff with blue, gray with red, terial for farm fence-posts.

Cedar is fast becoming scarce and high. The largest trees are used in the manufacture of cooperage and for various fancy articles. The tallest trees are employed for telegraph poles. A vast amount of cedar blocks are now used for paving streets. Numerous large cedar forests have been destroyed by fire during the past few years.

There are few or no cedar trees within easy reach of the territory that is now being settled up. Chestnut, which furnishe? the best substitute for cedar, does not grow to any (considerable extent in the West. Some grated as tney closed on my nietai Har ness. It had me. 1 could reel its teem grinding upon my copper breast-plate S3 it tried to bite me in two; for fortu nately it had caught me just across the ahorn Ih'-J ni'dtfletefl.

the same means, almost any desired characteristics. If the demand is for lean, juicy, tender beef and mutton. I LI V. 1 1 V. 9 -I I I- Having seized me it went tearing through the water.

I could feel it bound forward at each stroke of its tail' Had it not been for my copper helmef my head would have been torn off bj the rush through the Water. I was perfectly conscious, but somehow 1 felt no terror at all. There was only a feeling of numbness. I wondered how long Ft ivniiirl be before those teeth would then the breeders will soon place before the consumer lean, tender and juicy beef and mutton. A little time will be and was soon afterward wounded, and as it was supposed he would die a letter was sent to his mother informing hei that her son could not live.

He, however, was blessed with a good constitution and recovered. He went back tc his regiment and was detailed with company to take supplies across the plains. The party was attacked by Indians and every man in the force sveept Burton killed. He was reported to have been slain with the rest. The ndians decided to let him live apd took bim a prisoner to their retreat in the mountains of the Southwest.

He gradually recovered from the wounds he had received in the encounter, made himself agreeable to his captors, and adapted himself to their ways of living. After he had been in captivity six months or more he was allowed more liberty, and now began to watch for a chance to escape. The Indians had stolen a number of ponies, and these was one which Burton's practiced white witn DiaeK, or reu witn Diue; mere are also many narrower stripes, some an inch, others half an inch wide, while still others are the merest penciled lines. Blocks are again to be worn in these goods, and there are checks, bars, large plaids and the familiar dots and balls. The newest patterns for percales and satteens of light tinted buff, blue, or rose grounds are tapestry figures of quaint designs in Oriental colors that look as if they were wrought in cross stitches by the needle.

There are also what are called Dresden china patterns with flowers in faded hues done on pale jeladon, cream, or porcelain blue grounds; these are loose branching sprays that do not cover the background. The "all-over" patterns have the preference above detached flowers on other percales, and some of these give Japanese designs of birds-or of human figures required to make the change, but it will be made. Chicago Tribune. A Connecticut Hog Grazier. crunch through, and whether they would strike first into my back or ray ktuasf Tlun tVifnnrVit.

nf TVtntroHft anri Mr. Thrall, of New Haven, agent for v-f-, the Connecticut Humane Society, was varieties of oak that grow in the West make very good posts, out most of them do not The Southern pitch pine and, cypress make good posts, and it appears strange that they are not more general- ly used for this purpose. Much has been written during the past few years on the advantages of employing "living trees for supporting boards or wire employed for fencing. The appearance of a farm is greatly improved by having it surrounded by stately trees. If these trees could be used for the purpose of supporting fence-wire they would be both useful and ornamental.

Great trouble, however, has been found in attaching wire to them. As the trunks expand they grow over the srfre. cause ft to rust, and finally to break. Of course it is impractical to remove wire after it has become imbedded in the wood of the growing tree. A correspondent of an eastern paper smrsrests boring holes through the trunks recently summoned to Eastford to look after a case of intolerable cruelty to animals.

He found that a wealthy the baby, and wondered who would take care of them, and if she would evetJrhOW what had become of me. All these thoughts passed through my brain In an instant, but in that time the connecting air tube had been snapped, and my head seemed ready to burst with pressure, while the monster's teeth Kepi crunching and erindinz away upon my farmer named Bosworth had a large amount of stock, some of which was in a simplv shocking condition. Cattle in outline. The favorite flower seems to be the Japanese chrysanthemum of were crowded together in stalls or pens so thicklv that it was impossible for mammoth size and of varied colors eye showed him was highly bred, swift, and with speed and endurance. This pony was cared for and petted by more than one animal to lie down at a harness.

Then I felt the cold water be gin to pour in and heard the bubble, Burton, and he was allowed to ride him. One day he strayed away further than usual, and though not acquainted witb the country, made a dash for liberty. bubble, bubble, as the air escapea mm the creature's mouth. I began to heal great guns, and to see' fireworks, and strewn over dull red, green, dark blue, or pale buff grounds. The coleus leaves and other pretty colored foliage aer shaded from brown to pink or salmon alike on a bright or dark surface, and there are many new designs of fruits, of acorns, and also of holly branches, with their pointed leaves and red berries.

The fine designs seen last year on India He was closely pursued, but the gallant of trees and passing the wires through them. This plan, however, would not prevent the wires from becoming imbedded in the wood on the sides of the time, and sometimes they were so weak from starvation that when down they were unable to rise, and some in this condition had been torn to pieces and devoured by a drove of hungry hogs on the premises. One horse was so weak from hard usage that it was shot to end its misery. Some time ago this fanner had about three hundred hogs running about the town in a wild condition, and at last they became a terror to the women and "children. A town meeting was called and no wav out of the diffi ijpfrif, while the injury done to the cen-' ter would be likely to cause the trunks to decay.

A better plan would seem to be to Dut a niece of iron tubing, like a little pony had the "bottom for a winning race. He rode for three days, and then began to see that he was getting out of the hostile country. In the distance he saw a house which he knew must be inhabited by whites. He shouted with joy, feeling that he had gained frecdow at last. He knocked at the door of the house, and a surprise awaited him.

It was opened by the rainbows, and sonsnine, and an sinus of pretty things, then 1 thought I wmp floating away on a rosy summer cloud, dreaming to the sound of sweet music. Then all became blank. The shark might have eaten me then at his lelsniw and I never would have been the wiser. Imagine my astonishment, then, when I opened my eyes on board this boat and saw you fellows around me. Tes, sir! I thought 1 was dead and ate up, sure." Cbr.

AT. Y. Tintm 3 mu moe. throueh the augur hole. This silk are copied in cotton goods, such as blocks or balls of cashmere colors on ecru or dark red grounds, and there are Elm trees and pines, and the Watteau idscapes of Dresden china on tor-quoise blue cottons that are as lustrous if they were the costliest satins.

Chintz figures are shown, also stripes would exclude the air add allow an op-nortunitv to stretch the wire when it be- culty presenting itself, the meeting ad' citizens igmmt necessary or to remove it alto- .1 13 iournea, many oi me tjpuier. in soma oi we awieru omra woman whom he had loved in langsyne. He was at once recognized and received a hearty welcome. Burton told his adventures and narrow escapes to a willing listener. She, too, told her story.

She had married a Confederate granite fence posts have been in use for more than a century. They are i heavy to transport and are liable to be broken by having carts run again! are not liable to decav and away with the mental resolution of ending the matter in true Western style. A war upon the porcines was began. Straggling shots were heard in the night season and pork barrels were brought into requisition. A number of poor men took advantage of the war to stock Got, the actor, being in a am all town in the south of France, volunteered a fnr ft hfnom Tnr ine nonr hi nam of small sizes witn rose-buus strewn upon them.

The checked percales and satteens reproduce the colors of Scotch ginghams, and also of the darker Madras checks that have much deep red in them. Fabrics of a solid color are imported to combine with these figured goods, but the preference is for making these simple dresses entirely of one piece their cellars with pork. Good citizen? officer, who was afterward killed in battle, and she now owned the farm she occupied. Is it necessary to tell the rest? Thev were betrothed, there was tj Mini Si can not be injured by ordinary fires. There are machines for drilling boles into them for holding nails or stM, and the latter can bo fastened la fclaee bv the use of molten lead or srinked at the proceedings, and when the war was ended an inventory or ios- drew crowds.

The Mayor turned otoi in bis mind what he could do It acknowledgement. He invited the actor to a complimentary breakfast, and placed before him ad egg in whict ten golden louis were concealed. Got took a spoonfal. and discovering tfct contents, eeaaed eating. The othet guests, who were in the secret, watched him attentively, and the hostess inquired a merry wedding, and the happy couple are still living in a Southwest State, i 1 nor.

in many pan ui wre esi deposits of limestone that would 1 Surely in real life are romances at of goods. The trimmings will be white embroidery, and ruffles of the material of which the dress is made. The design? for making such dresses are un-lined postilion basques, with a abort round skirt trimmed with gathered ruffles, and bsaffant drapery that excellent posts. it easier wdrth porkery found ninety-ove per cent, of them missing. Hartford Time.

Porridge Gems: One enpfal of ont meal porridge, one cupful of fionr.a cupful and a-balf of milk, two table poon-fuls of sugar, one cupful of light, dry mow, haffa tesw-pooafni of crem tartar. aratfced htr lf acd lighter to Of wbv he did not nmsh um Hirinfiiii i if miii strange and more interesting than Loose weared by the fertile, brain of Wm novelist. Bangor CommertUf jvnrse enthusiastic hunters in Waeo, TL, ebased an animal for several miles, thinking it a wolf, but it proved to be Yellow-dog, jgSKl be replied, "I never touch HJrt used. Iron is so IrMfR. bat be simply arranged of wring "Do you throw rtawayf "ffcwl always leave Mft the yolk.

she asked. Wfcpoor' appears to be wid a nuarter teaspooafnl of TU Hffuuhold i met..

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