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Minneapolis Commercial from Minneapolis, Kansas • 8

Minneapolis, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-1, Santa Fe Route. .3 snip SHERIFFS SALE. fr'irt-tPuljlisbed Ayr. lii, 1300. K.


R. R. Time Card SAStSARO. f. i i i ii i I iUiilllO -4 i Brine; in Your Stock.

7 Oil every Saturday the weather permitting I will be Minneapolis atlhe Stable of Midgely Bros, prepared to perform all operations on animals. Parties desiring work in my line will please bear this in memoiy and goyem themselves accordingly. Jkssk Bf.nner, 25tf, Veterinary Surgeon. 1 Departs. .10 A.

M. p. i i CM SALE Arrives, Passetifc-er .13:50, a. m. Freig-ht und iass, 4:00, p.

X. WKSTWAJtO. Passenger p. jr. Freight and Pas3 A.

i -v The disturbance in passenger forces throughout the country the past four or fiye days has enabled the Santa Fe to quote greatly reduced rates to points in Colorado, New Mexico, and to all principal points east of the Missouri river. It will be directly to your advantage to consult the undersigned before deciding as to route, as to many points I can quote lower rates than any competitor. II. P. Aldek, Agt.

Handsomest Train In The World. ...5:50. P. if. ...86, A.

M. Freight daily except Sunday, PaSMcujfor daily. Ilecd Post. Epilepsy. Sufferers from cramps and nervous debility are surely cured by an approved and absolutely unequaled method.

Treatment by letter. Send full account of symptoms and address, inclosing postage stamps for answer. "Hyoiea Office." New York. Dress Making1. To the ladies of Minneapolis and vicinity, the undersigned wishes" to announce to you that she has opened up dressmaking on the corner of 6th and Rock; streets in this city, just north of the M.

E. church, where you are respectfully solicited to call when wanting work in this line. All work guaranteed to please and will be the latest styles and patterns. 25tf;" Mas. J.

B. Jonxsosr. Trotting: Bred Stallion. C. K.

Si W. R. R. Time Card. EASTWARD.


7:45, r. M. 11:08 a.m. Passenger, Accommodation, William Slearns VS. Benjamin H.

Hiirtleyaml JIur Ii. nitl-y, lilt wife, Klijnh Snilrh. the Phelps Hi(i('ljv Vi'liiJ Mill 'iuiimy as-sisrned to Missouri "Valley Land Oumpany. By virtue of an order of s.ile Jjisup-d out of t(ie tawa Distiiet Oinrt in Hnd tor said Uttuwa Con nly, in tlie above entitled action unci to uio directed, I will on Saturday, the 1 7th day of May A. D.

ISM), at In o'clock In tho fore noon of ealil day, oi tho front door of the Court House In said county, ofler for suleut putilie. auction and sell nuUjccl to a lein or a ee tain mortgage executed-to seenrv the payment of tHOii. and ir.tsit-f thereon from tho first uay of February (and recorded in Vol Y. at in thejlliee of Kejiister of IX-etis of said Ottawa County.) without appraisement to tlie highest and hest bidder for cash in hand, to satisfy said order of sale, all the rixht, title and whatsoiver of the above named defend-antH. and each of them, and of ail persons claiming under them In and to the following deserilied tract, piece and parcel of land lying and sitnale lu said County of Ottawa, to-wit: The West half of the North-West quarter and the West haJt of the South-West quarter of section thirteen in township ten '10) Rutige five t5).

West of the 8th P. containing one hunilred snd sixty (1(10) acres, more or less, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in uuy wise appertaining. Given under my hand at my office 1n the City of Minneapolis in said County, this 10th day of April, ISM. Joseph Smith, Sheriff. Geo.

J. Baukkr, Attorney for Plaintiff. 2Cw6. No 383 G. R.

will observe Memorial Day at Niles. All old soldiers and all who are in sympathy with the G. A. R. are cordially inyited to attend and take part in the exercises of this occasion.

Good speakers will be present, and good music will be on hand to enliven the occasion. 25w7. C. T. Ackley, S.

V. C. Don't Miss it. WESTWAKD. Passenger, 9 :02 A.

9 :02 A. Accommodation, 2:40 p.m. Passenger trains dally. Apoommodutiou daily except Snndav. A.T MINNEAPOLIS.

ITeiidquarters for fashionable millinery. New goods constantly arriving. A nice line of Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Laces, Gauze, Crepes, and all the fashionable trimmings await your in-spection. Give me a call and you will find my prices lowest. "Respectfully soliciting your patronage, I am 1 Yours to Please, Irs.

CempbeH. j2nd Street, Minneapolis. Santa Fe Route. 'V-r- r- SoM fe 4 fa as timekeeper. Lrvjr, SOIJD GOLD huntmjr races.

Bota ladies suid reitt JfvnXa wotu snd esses csf xslrty esta secars mm i- wu sitd valukbfc hneof Irl On a New England or New York railroad? No. On the Santa Fe? This train runs daily on the shortest line between Kansas City and Chicago, and is also known as Vestibule Express, Santa Fe Route. Lighted by electricity, heated by steam with handsome reclining chair cars, a libr ary for the studious, fine dining-car service for the hungry, and fast time for those in a hurry. When Nellie Bly was in a hurry she traveled Santa Fe Route.

For additional information inquire of agent Santa Fe Route or write to Geo. T. Nicholson, G. P. T.

Topeka, Kansas. Personally Conducted. For the special accommodation of home and health seekers, weekly excursions leave Kansas City eyery Friday for Pacific coast, via Santa Fe Route. Favorite line to Califowiia. Excursion tickets cost only $35,00, regular second class rate.

These trains atat.iri.tx as WAf i -rw Ali the rrrk tm Webster's large Unabridged Dictionary, latest edition, size 11 inches long, 9 wide and 5 thick. This valuable book and the Commekoiai one year, both for $4.00. The dictionary alone sells in the book stores for nine and ten dollars. A sample of the book can be seen at this office. Now is your time to subscribe, for this offer ia only for a short time.

nrr-rl 4c Is to tdiow what vre send rtm to thoss friends stid neigitbar.3nd tbese about yoa tfiat si ways rrii-'. in valuable trade for whu-b hold for yrzz when once starts, and thus ws are repaid. fmt sli express, frwe-ht, etc. Aft yon know ail, if you wmild Hks to fro to work tor us. jom emo earn from to jht wk sod oftwardi.

Aartn fe IortUnd, Maine. Tickets will be sold to the Southern Baptist Association and Ft. Worth Spring palace, from May 7th to 28th inclusive, for one fare for the round trip. Tickets sold on the 7, 8 and 9, limited to SO days, balance limited to June 3rd, and all limited to continuous passage both ways. The train leaving Minneapolis at 7:45 p.

arrives at Fort Worth second morning at 6. II, P. Alden, Agent. To All Points Via The U. P.

Railway. Through travelers east, west, north and south will find it to their interest to apply for through tickets in time to secure same before leaving and save SHERIFF'S SALE. First published May 7, 1390,1 BMiriseoptciM Mil FS BLUE WILKES, bay horse, three years old, sired by Bay Wilkes, sire of one 2:30 trotter son of Geo. Wilkes, 2:22 sire of 76 2:30 performers. Dam.

Jule, daughter of Wilson's Blue Bull, 2:22 sire of 79 2:50 and better performers. I have concluded through the earnest solicitation of many breeders to place this highly bred stallion at the service of breeders tor a short season, until July 1S90, at my farm, six miles north and one mile east of Minneapolis, Kansas. Terms to suit tlie times, made known upon application. Address, 23m2 J. B.

Johnson. Residence corner 6th Rock Sts. Marked Interest. S3. STATE OF KANSAS: Ottawa Cocktv, ewcoiw In the worlt.

Oor fit-4hooar 2itenmid. and to tnw iar our scperkro-i we wtii smdrBES to one rtB? esrfc kscwhtr aaiove. Only those bo wnif to ne at once vm Banks am otf HWS i TO- TMij the 70a bare to do in rrtarn is to show oar rois 1 tiio-; wb- csU nETibors EYE AYE in frinninr of this ad v-irto en shows tire smsil end of the fie- ltWtS-L scope. Tns following givK tbe afpearattc of it reiucsd to E3 A Capital Route. about th fiftieth part of its balk, ft is a pnsnd.

docblc ajw scope.ssiatxe&s is eacy to carry. We wiil also show yoa how ynts pan make from lolOt clay ait least, from thestart.witaw out eKtjerienre vril at otce VTr ay all xnrt vhasfrom AAldr.U-UALLLf ALO boiSU, tuKTLASb, WaaJ Grace E. Barber VS. Jane Whitley. By virtue of an execution to me and delivered, issued out of the District Court of the State of Kansas, sitting in and for Ottawa County, in said State, 1 will, on Monday, June 9th, D.

190, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. of said day, at the door of the Court House iu Minneapolis, in the County and state aforesaid, offer at public sale and sell to tho highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest of Grace E. Barber, In and to the following-described real estate property, to wit: Commencing at the North-East corner of Section twenty-three 2HI in township ton (10) South of Kauge four (4) West of the 6th P. in Ottawa County, and State of Kansas, running thence West along the North line of said Section, seventy (70) rods, thenoe South on a Hue parallel with the Kant line of t-aid ninety-one and oi ly-three hundredths (SI Ml rods, thence East seventy 70) to the East line of said Section, thenoe north along the East-line of said Section ninety-one and forty-three hundredth, (Sd.tJ) rods to i place of beginning. Said property to be eold as commanded by the (aid execution.

Joseph Smith, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, May 7th, UW. 2sw5. time, money and trouble. I carry a full line of tickets, and check yonr baggage through to any point.

Will take pleasure in giving you all information and assistance desired and guarantee you a pleasant trip and fast time via the Overland Route. II. M. Gemeny, U. P.

Ry. Double Daily Service. Taking effect, Sunday, September 1st, 1889, "Double Daily Passenger TO TRADE AT Marked interest is now shown by eastern people in the settlement of Oregon and Washington, particularly that region adjacent to Puget Sound. The reason for this is the almost unlimited resourses that have lately been opened up, and the surprising growth of Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and other cities and towns along Puget Sound. The Union Pacific on account of its Fast Time, Short Line, Through.

Pullman Palace Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, and Free pullman Colonist Sleepers, from the Missouri river, is the favorite route to this region, and tickets via this line should always be asked for, For complete information relative to this remarkable section, time of trains, rates, pamphlets, etc. call on yonr nearest ticket agent or address the undersigned. E. L. Lornax, Omaha, Neb.

JOHN F. STRATT0X SGT7, 43 45 Walker St. NEW YORK. fd-vsi r'; -1 XJ fi i KfV i'rT3 rr rV mi nun ImTii rfn md FiiVt i iZl IS THE STORE OF Train Service will be inaugurated between Memphis and Birmingham, via this line, with through car service between Memphis and Atlanta, and close Santa Fe Route. connections for both trains with all connecting lines.

5 A- -40. 2 t- 3 uClE a Trains will leave at 9:10 a. m. and It, 10. p.

arrive at Birmingham at 7:15 Tbe Santa Fe will sell home seekers excursion tickets to points in Texas April 22nd. May 20th, Sept. 9 and 23rd, October 14th, for one single fare for round trip, tickets limited to 30 days with stop over privileges. For full p. m.

and 7:40 a. leave Birmingham Stanley's African Book. carry Pullman tourist sleeping cars through without change, to principal California points. Only $3.00 charged for a double berth, including bedding curtains and Other conveniences. Experienced managers go with each party.

For further facts, call on local agent, Santa Fe Route, or address Geo. T. Nicholson, G. P. T.

A. T. S. F. R.

R. Topeka Kansas. The First in the Field, Elegant Pullman Dining Cars have been placed iu service between Kansas City and Denver on the new joint ves-tibuled Chicago, Kansas City Denver Express via the Chicago Alton R. R. from Chicago to Kansas City, and Union Pacific' from Kansas City to Denver.

This train leaves Kansas City daily at 3:20 A. M. arriving at Denver 7:30 A. connecting with trains in Denver Union Depot for all Pacific Coast and Puget Sound points. Returning leaves Denver 8:30 P.

arriving Kansas City 5:25 P. and Chicago A. M. Magnificient Pullman Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Pullman Dining Cars, Day Coaches, Fast Time and Union Depots. Unsurpassed service is thus offered to passengers going East or West.

For further particulars apply to II. M. Gemeny, or address E. L. Lomax, Gen'l.

Pass. Agent, Omaha, 2seb. Sfanta Fe Route. Trains leave Minneapolis going east at 11:06 a. m.

and 7:45 p. m. Passengers for Miltonvale, Concor dia, Superior, etc. take the 11:06 a. m.

at 7:00 a. m. and p. arrive at Memphis at 5:00 p. m.

and 6:30 a. I Day train will have Horton's Palace Reclining Chair Cars, seals free. particulars apply to. II. P.

ALDEJf. Agt. Special Rates Via P. R'y, Night train will have Pullman Palace IrrTxTter, of sad Wboleialc Dealers in at! ilriiof MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, rL15S, J-LITAIIS, BASJOS, MA5DOI.I51-S, Accordeons, Harmonicas, All kinds of STKI.MJS, rtc. The Ohio Mississippi R'y is a capital route in more than one sense.

Capital in its road bed, through car service, equipment and speed, well as in the fact that it is the only through car line from St; Louis to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, via Washington. Daily lines of Vestibule Buffet Sleep-, ing Cars are run by this company from St. Louis to New York without change, via the Baltimore Ohio R. R. Our through Vestibule trains to Cincinnati also make direct connection with the celebrated -F.

F. V. Limited" of the Chesapeake Ohio Route, having through Pullman Sleepers and Pullman Dining Car to New York. Through Car Lines via both these routes pass through Washington, Baltimore aud Philadelphia, allowing stop-off without going out of the way or incurring any extra expense for fares The Ohio Mississippi R'y is the shortest and quickest line from St. Louis to Cincinnati, with four solid yestibule trains daily, equipped with the finest Pullman Buffet Sleepers, making the run in less than ten hours.

The direct and last line to Louisville with two daily trains carrying through day coaches, parlor cars and bufiet sleeping coaches. Connections are made in Union depots at Cincinnati and Louisville with trains for all points East, Northeast and Southeast. For further informat'on, call on agents of connecting lines throughout the West, or address A. J. Lytle, General Western Passenger Agent, O.

M. II 101 aud 103 North Fourth Stock complete in all departments, and prices the lowest, A line of Groceries, Dry Goods. 'Clothing, andmerchandise in general constantly on hand. For proof pf this call and see Supreme Lodge and LTniform Rank Sleeping Cars. J.

E. Lockwocd, G. P. T. Knasas City, Mo.

M. L. Sa-ugent, Traffic Manager. When 1 ou go South Conclave Knights of Pythias at Mil waukee. one fare for round trip, selling July 1st to 7th, eood returning to July 21st.

Grand LodQ K. of Topeka, one fare for round trip You will wish to be fully informed Tlie CriginsI Wins. P. Simmons, St. Loais, PrapTr Livt-r Medicine, Ibt'd iSjo, in tii U.

S. Court ueit-ate J. II. Zcilin, Prop'r A. Q.

Liv er ItcgTil utor, Est'd byZcitiaioCS. M. A. S. M.

has tor 47 jean cured Inoicestion, as to the cheapest, most direct, and May 19 and 2, gooa Mntil the 25th. II. M. GJSMENY, Ag't. Bogus "Stanley" Books.

most pleasant route. You will wish to purchase your ticket via the route that will subject you to no delays, and by which through trains are run. Before Henry M. Stanley's book describing his recent Expedition, discoveries and thrilling adventures in Africa, will be published in a few weeks, and will contain about 200 illustrations, mostly engraved from photographs and sketches made by himself. Anticipating the great demand for this book, unscrupulous publishers are flooding the country with agents for so-called Stanley Books, such as "Heroes of the Dark Continent," "Explorations and Adyentures of Henry M.

Stanley," etc. who represent their worthless trash to be "Stanley's Own." To no one of these has Stanley contributed a line. Per sons who would discountenance such frauds upon the public should positively refuse to take any Stanley book offered for delivery uhIpss it be in two volumns, entitled "In Darkest Africa," written ty Stanley himself, with imprint of Chas. Scribner's Sons, New York, 011 the title page. Reliable agents wanted.

W. D. Condit Des Moines, Iowa, Agents for Kansas, Neb, Iowa, and the Dakotaa. Removal. Appetite, Sot broxxcH, Etc.

Tier. li. Reams. Pastor M. E.

uLIISjLLiln 13 Church, Adams, Tcnn.t 001 Our attention bus Vieen called to the numerous bogu books that are adver ttuak. 1 saould have been dml but tised and sold on subscription purpor lor yonr Oenmne M. A. Liver led' cine. I have sornetiircs hrtd to subslitTrto Ze-iins tufl" for your Mec i cine, but it don't aaswer the purpose." Dr.

j. R. Graves. Editor 77 ting to giye the history of Stanley's h'FTS i Tito Cost recent adventures in Africa. Noue of aftlsti.

Mciripliis. Tenr. these bogus works are written by Stanley. In fact Stanley's genuine 1 I received a rtackaire of vourli cf LaLiJ LI .1 book is not yet written aud no living will mrante WISHZS to lo tettrwor IMcJictnc, and have used half of it. It works like cbann.

wstii xu bcKtr Li-er RcJlitor and certainly no more of Zellin ruixiu3 asm easier anil to let time than aur ottiT machine ia worm. arrantcd live years, and it Uqb'I wasa tat $M'Clthes clean without rubbing, will nfnnd tiietnorier. ACEfJTS VAWTED'rowrr man in America knows, enough of its contents to issue a prospeptus, The genuine Stanley book will be written by Henry M. Stanley himself; will be street, St. Louis, Mo, tram and arrive at points named same evening.

Taking train at 7:45 p. stop over night at Manchester, and ar-riye at above points next morning. Passengers for Strong City. Emporia, Topeka, Kansas City and all eastern points leave at 7:45 p. taking chair car at Manchester, arrive at Kansas City early next morning, without further change chair car free.

Passengers for Indian Territory, Texas, Colorado. New Mexico, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, take 7:45 p. m. traiu, free -that ee. nl aromaklrv from 975 to $160 per month.

Farmer Zmsk1! tnfSOO dunnc tbwiiitr. ldie have ereat success Speeial Notice To Breeders. entitled Darkest Africa," and will you start you should provide yourself with a map and time table of the Memphis Route (Kansas City. Fort Scott Memphis R. the only direct route from and via Kansas City toall points in Eastern and Southern Kansas, Southwest Missouri, and Texas.

Practically the onlv route from the west to all southern cities. Entire trains with Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars, Kansas City to Memphis; through first-class coach, Kansas City to Chattanooga, KnoxviIl, aud Bristol; through sleeping car, Kansas City to Jfew Orleans. This ia the direct many miles the shortest line to Little Rock, Hot Springs, Eureka Springs, Fort Smith, Van Bureu, Fayetteville, and all points in Arkansas. "Send for a large map. Send for a copy of.

the Missouri and Kansas Farmer, an eight-page illustrated paper, containing full and reliable information in relation to the Bciim this washer. Itetail prict, only fa. Sampl to thosa 'I-iiritii se-ncy $-J. Also the Celebrated KETSTUKX bear on the title page the imprint of "Charles Scribner's Sons." All else IL Rs8 fit The undersigned desires to call the attention of those who will want the ni.iki tmanuiaoturers' lowest prices. We invite tb atiictent InvoMiicstion.

Send jour address on a postal card lot lurther particulars. LQ7ELL WASHER Eri3, Pa, 1 are bogus and fradulent, no matter by S55 service of fine well bred stock, that whom sold or advertised. Mr. Herbert have fiye of the best stallions and one i of the largest and best Jacks, all iu one barn, ever kept by 0110 man in Ottawa Ward, one of Stanley's in an open card, publicly exposes one of the worst of these bogus books, entitled, of the Dark Conti chair car from Manchester to Strong City, arriving in Indian Territory next 3PA.3-5r 109 111 Iff. Kinth St.

CiTY. 6fQ. ciihi Specialist in ths City who is a Regular Graduate ia Xedidne. Ovtr 23 years' Practice, 12 years ia THE SIC EST 13 AGE.

CiiD LOItCEST LOCATED. Arthfriwf by the Ftate to trtt LjjL IHi jFjZg fSeiiiinal fkiies8 fefW lUeW.xy ion oj tertnl ft i v. Yj jxtwe Itiiity, Voit)fi'i county at the same Lime, and will agree to give any man a colt that nent," bj J. W. Buel.

Among other morning, Texas next evening and second morning; Colorado points next evening and second morning; New absurdities this book gives an illnstra will come and examine my stock and say I have not. I have one imported Ulood dwellings of every fCiiitl. XZri nary I.iiep;. ni in ic ted and detailed account of a rhinoceros hunt on the Aruimi river, five Mexico, points second eyening; California points fourth morning and eve Owing to the large stock of Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Goods on hand, with the addition of spring stock, I haye been compelled to seek more commodious appartments and can now be found in the large store room of C. E.

Waters, adjoining Welsh, where you can find the largest stock and greatest variety of millinery goods, ladies' furnishing goods, of any other house in Minneapolis, all of which I am going to sell on the principal of small profits and quick returns, the "nimble six pence is worth more than the slow shilling." Knowing that people rather buy where they can have a large stock to select from I am now prepai ed to show you the largest and best selected stoek, quality, styles, etc. ever exhibited in Minneapolis, which I Norman stallion from Fiance No. 1650, all troubles cr disiM-ee. in either male or Ciir roarante-tl great States of Missouri and Kansas. hundred miles distant from the rhin and weighs 1840 pounds.

Also one of the largest aud finest Clydesdales eyer oceros country. We drop this word of ning. Pullman tourists Sleeping Cars and Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars through Lssued monthly and mailed free. Address, J. E.

LocKWOon, ro, H.00 Factory. Osb witU Order. Itrlctljr Flrst-CliiM. M'urrtttitecl. i All hucimrl Growth Hickory.

1 btwl Axle fitul Tlra. caution to our readers in oi'der that they may not be the victims of a cruel without change from Strong City to G. P. T. Kansas City Mo and heartless deception.

Iowa Howe stead. brought to this country of his ae, weight 1860 pounds, No. a 115. A standard bied Hambletonian, sired by Lymatt, he by Almont, the sire of trotters, he has a diploma for being the best trotting bred stallion in Ottawa County. Also a Black Hawk Morgan, The Popular Line.

fr money refunded, t'baigts Jw. Tkoosanir ratcur3d. js iniftortAiit. Ail naei-c-ues are to be pure and efBeaeiow, l-'ein? eompounded In my iK-rf-tly eppoiiiH-f Saiiuratorv. add furnishe! reacly for cimv No runnini? to drug stores to have presTtpticn ftlied.

No mercury er injurious Medicines used. INo deteation irofa busineK. hatienis at a treated by letter and ci'vjicines tent everywhere free from srax' or breakage, state your and for terms. CouNiiltatiou free asd ccuiituntml. jverwanllv or hv I-tier.

A w4 yifirYZr For Both Sexrs. sent illustrated sealed in i-Iaan envelope 1fr fk. in stamps. Kvcy male, fruia the pge of 4 te 4a, siiouid read this bou. THE GilEAT T'JHKISH RHEUMATIC CUKE.

low Bent Hcnt Arms. Perfectly Balanced Lot i If, Kty lliillmr. Oil Tempereii Bvt WUoels and Kt All Over. If YOTJ CAK'T TOO THEM FOR SALE BY YOUR MERCHANTS. WRITS TJ, San Francisco.

Trains going west leaye Minneapolis at 9:02 a. m. and 2:40 p. m. Trains arrive from the east at 9:02 a.

m. and 2:40 p. m. For particulars as to fares and all other information apply to II. P.

Aldex, Ag't. The popular line to the east is the Burlington Route (Hannibal St Joseph R. The service by this line Imported Cleveland Bay Stallion No. 239. am going to sell at prices that will that has a diploma for the best general purpose horse in the county.

Also my has been constantly improved until i make them go quick and fast. Thank A has reached a degree of exceiience sur ing my former numerous customers for A Pf.ITIVR CURE for Arabian, who is a beauty, and has a diploma for being the best single MATiSM. lor snyuw-i tbis i passed by none, and equalled by few their patronage I hope by fair dealing, m4 Foaled 1885. A l.OO far 13 weeks. The DAMX POLICE GAZKTTK will be driver in the county.

Also the finest trcatmsnt fails to euro or ucuii. I -retst (Jisoovpry in annal ot mediciim. Gild ifivM The Burlington's "Eli" is probably the good goods, low prices and courteous Bred by J. (5rosmont finest and most popular train running treatment to merit a continuance of all a few 1os removes fever nnil palu in iointa Cure eoiapioti ir. fp, I to 7 dava.

Sixl statPmctil ot between the Missouri River and Chi Jack In these parts, no exceptions, that was shipped here by Joseph Smith of Bennington, and has proven to be CWAOQTTArSrTBD WITH TUB GEOGRAPHY OP TUB COUNTRY. WILL OBTACI my old and secure many new ones. case with stamp lor Circulars. Call, or aulrcs-i Dr.HENDE3SON.:03V.9ihSt..Kanajsr-rr. MUCH VALCTABUQ IJirOHMATIOW FROM A UTUOT OF TEI3 MAP OP Remember the place, one door west of cago, being a solid through Vestibule train of Pullman Sleepers and Free one of the best foal getters In tlie mailed securely wrapped, to any address In the United tATiTPQ States for Three Months on VVXXXlO rocoipt of One Dollar.

Liberal discounts allowed to Postmasters, Agents and Clubs. lf A TT Ti1 Ti The FOLKS Gazbttk jf AllJIiD New York is the only legitimate Illustrated Sporting and Sensational Journal published on the American Continent. JlLXjXj. Apply for terms to Richard K. Fox, Franklin Square, N.

Y. TAKE THE my old store room on 2ud street. Mrs. II. R.

Campbell. Chuir Cars. Leaving Kansas City, county. I invite every body to call at my barn in Minneapolis and take a look Atchison and St. Joseph after supper at them and be convinced of what the passenger arrives in Chicago at 9:15 I.

W. SLAUGHTER, in the morning. Having taken break say, and you will find it will be to your JV --V Ti IKK: fast on one of the Burlington's World DEALER IN- best interests to patronize me, and that the best is always the cheapest in PililiPi Renowned Dining Cars, be is ready for tho day's business, or in ample time to make all Eastern connections the long run. I have different horses te suit all purposes, for you can't get a roadster from a draft horse, nor a draft vSiliahjiEiSlS, Skop on Second Street. UNNEAPOLIS.

KANSAS Iw the convenience or f.asseugere from Kansas City the "Eli" takes a horse out of a roadster, nor a general purpose horse animal unless you breed to the proper horse. My terms in all eaes will correspond with the times Dining Car out of Kansas City on which East-bound passengers are served with a supper which is equalled by few hotels. The Burlington's St. Louis line, i t-Tt-FSi 'TSrtt. M-tV which will be yery reasonable and J.

W. SMITH satisfactory. Please call at my barn iu Minneapolis, first door south of 23 UNION SQUARE.Ny. ff. -AT CANTA.

En Eastman's feed, livery and sale stable, and I will endeavor not to detain you ST.UOU1S.MO. OALLA9.TEX, FAST MAIL ROUTE any longer than will be necessary for you to take a look at what I have to THE CHIGiiSO, HOOK ISLfD fx FAOsHQ KAiLViY, show you in fine stallions aud jacks. Yours to please all, Jonas Davis. extviRlotl3 Fnat find V.T.-t of tha Inclurtlnp; linos, branches and I41ourt n-r. Tl.o Clnift iiouW ta 4 DAILY TRAINS' 4 imd lroin Chlcaco, Joliet.

Ottawa. Yorka, England. Imported by Geo. E. Brown Aurora, Illinois, in 1S86.

Will stand during the season at the following places: Mondays and Saturdays at E. B. Eastman's barn, in Minneapolis; Tuesdays at Geo. Stratton's. near Delphos; Wednesdays and Fridays at Leonard CJin's; Thursdays at Ada.

Hannibal in a dark bay, hands high, weight 1400 pounds, has fine style and great action, Hannibal was sired by Sportsman No. S0.9, ho by lirilliaut No, 42, and he by Yatton Lad Jfo. 304. His dam was by Wonderful 2fo. 357, great dam by Baruaby No.

18. The main characteristics of the Cleveland Bay are his adaption to all kinds of work iu the field or on the road, and his wonderful uniformity of size and color, good disposition, great endurance, bold, free action and fine style, making him a most desirable horse to breed ordinary mares to, as lie gives bone, size, quality aud color to his offspring. lie has a clean long head, alert fiue ears, intelligent, clear eyes and pleasant countenance, thin, open nostrils, long crested neck, oblique shoulders, deep, broad chest, short, strong back and powerful loins closely ribbed, long Quarters, flat, honey legs, good, sound open feet, elegant movement and knee action, and possessed of great courage and endurance; as a rule ten to twelve miles an hour on fairly good roads, can bo made in an ordinary way. this is as fast as most people wish to travel- For special purposes the heavy draft and trackers are saleahSe, b.uv there is a present and increasing demand for just the animal here described, and a want which cannot btr filled by any other breed as well. We feel warranted In claiming hat farmers and breeder will find more satisfaction and profit in these than any other breed of horses.

Cleveland Bay Horse Association, i Minneapolis, Kansas. reorlft, La Salle. iWiiinw, LlsaWo! UttsMolnse. Bankers, IliSURMICE and LOAN AGENTS Transact a General Hanking itasfnees. Mnlu allacoesibic points, at atts.

Issues -in-alra on r'nvtund, Irelavi -ooliund and, all points in Kiuoto. SAFE DEPOSITS! For the Safe Keeping of valuable paper. itineetiou with the Bank, at reasonable rati "Farm Loans, a SpeewJtv- vVintersot. Autlabcn. Holnn nnrl iUvvTT in lOV A Minneapolis and 6t.

I'aul, In WIN HKSOTA-Vbtrtown Kansas City St.Louis, f-nU from Chicago, Cwl wtll 1 1 ntriiiuaon anti Dodiro City, Paltice Sloep-riif Car between Chieai-o. Ii i.t --4Jt Yfwt avreiui of rich farm imr end (-msln? 1 -Ticis, htl'ordingr th best faciliUee of to ail town etud citlna eo. and Wfwt, nortiawcet fciid sioUtiiwe-sB of Rud and tran3-tceanii Seaports. fclACNIFICEMT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, I.eatlinqf all cornpetiti-a In splendor of priiilprnmt, warm.od by nteam from the i loooruotive, woli vritilatod, and froo fiom dut. Through Cotichoa.

Puiirnan Elsi-pow. and lHninp Car ('Jhtearro, L)eo Moinaa, though comparatively new, is becoming better known and growing in popular favor every day until it bids fan-in the near futuie to be the fayorite line between the Missouri River and St. Louis. This train consisting of through Sleepers, Chair Cars and coaches leaves Kansas City, Atchison and St. Joseph after supper and puts the passenger in St.

Louis for breakfast, aud ample time to make all connections. You are also requested to bear in mind that the Burlington (Kansas City St. Joseph Council Bluffs R. is the only line running through Pullman Buffet Sleepers between Kansas City and St. Joseph and St.

Paul and Minneapolis. This is the short line between Kansas City, St. Joseph and Omaha. Through daily trains with Sleepers and Chair Cars. In whatever direction you travel bi sine your tickets read over the Route, thereby insuring yourself tha greatest amount of comfort, with the least expense of money and time.

Write for all information, 'circulars, to II. C. Orr, Gen'l Southwestern Pass. Agent, 900 Main Kansas City, or A. C.

Dawk General Pass. Ticket Agent. St. J.W. WALKEK, Pres'V, TflOS, M1DGLEY TO ALL POINTS IN Colorado Short Line.

TO PUEBLO. COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER, SALT LAKE CITY W.josKni. viCKl'auT. WALTER SCOOT, CASHIER. Ci'wo and Len'w, Coiorfwlo Bjirlna-o end fct.

JjTih, or Kansas City snrt Toij'jVia. lOondid Dirjintr IIoteM iftirtitntiinr m)Piis at mtaoonahla THREE FINE YXUNG KENTUCKY BLACK JACKS Come and see me before you breed. These Jacks are now standing at East CAX-XT'ORITXA. EECASE ITS LINK WILL, SAVETOU of Htvcr. U'-iSfornla 1 xr.ui wions tially, witii OHOICI4 BOl.Tl!io to atut tr-tm Ii.t9, Oarin, Io Anrrelet San Franc ron.

Tho nucftivT l.rjr (joriAt 1 M. Lit. ALSO OMRS TOO man's Livery Baiif. Oir Concord street. Terms private.

OTTAWA COUNT Y-' HANlv TSnOUGH; Also General Agent of the Phelps tii Ooc'p, tho Mountitia Cities, Mplntf Caiv'-a. Kunituriutua, and Bcuuio Colorado. VIA THE AL32CRT ROUTE, BoHd RynroM Trrlru dally Chlop-o and Minneapolis arni St. Paul, ynta THROUGH OH.ri O'ltttKl to end from thoo fcnd Kauea City. Throvijrb 7.alr Cur cti bevvavn Ppona, Spirit Leio n-tid Bioux KallH, via ir-ick tKicni.

loo JriVorlfca Lino to PiestiC3, Wdtr-town, lulls, nud tho Cnuicwr liiorta aad Huntiav auJ i'lhiticr Orounda of t'l'- Hon h- TIJF. GHOhl I.lNfU VIA EKma AND KANK AKtfK oTera facility to travel betwnen Ciucinnat, arid Council Ii luffs, St. JoHfph-Af-ehtiaon, LenvcnwM th, Kunsaii City. Minneapolis and tit. Paul.

orTI'" ko-tjs, II iiv1. or ucwrcl ivforaiatioTj, apply to any Coupon Ticket OiUce in tUo ITuitod btt.V3B or or ad.Uotss Biglow Windmill of Kalamazoo, MieJi. Long time and low rate of interest on all windmill goods. Erected by experts. Capital, and all Colorado and Utah points.

See Company's Agent for further particulars n.c.Torv?rsp, Geucral Pasacnor oJ Ticket Af, S. 1au, Me. To Points In Texas. J. FKEY.

J. WALDO. Gen. Supt. Gen.

Traffic Manager ASTON MESLIF.K, Viiensrer Tirket Agent, fc Et a li CAPT. 0 PERRY. Come and see me, gentlemen. I nei We transact a freneral banking business, buy ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, I- ther kick, bite or fctrikc discount notes, loan money, aiso Operate standard lnsuruuec..

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