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Minneapolis Messenger du lieu suivant : Minneapolis, Kansas • 1

Minneapolis, Kansas
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ii-iig I i i ii iJtTjr -ii i i i "-TTl 7 i gaJnajK I'J 'Hr, 1 VOL. Xn. NO. 24. TERMS $1.00 PER YEAE.

MINNEAPOLIS OTTAWA COUM t--t i r. Hii: i 1 LliS i I very much lower from We were herp at the time and don't the rates are Whether thenar successful or not, will OYT'S pooling points than from points, jonjhkili 'I'hiS'oeatttirul brick remember that the Carrier or the citi zens of Delphos called that local com Wacbnfnienceaiasl; ptemberis now I same roads not pooling points. mail T.4, be apparent to every one later on in the campaign, It the farmers see these towns organizing a fight on the proposition, running 'all Over the' county spending money, meetings, pany thieves and robbera. We can't rqr instance, a few years ago ffl pFaTeauyiQ remember the citizens of Delphos be- probably grain, was hauled 'eight ppo- 13 SIG STOE ing so very, anxious that proppsi- or ten miles west from vnon. site the MesseJjg -6ffioA corner i of tion to vote $100,000 to these gentle- points on the SantaFe they can reasonably, suppose that' LU the result of their; search for boodle has men would be defeated.

We can't re reacn meiowerpooi rates Trom 'Aaw-J pe put liace Jto remark that. member that thq Carrier or the citizens rence or Topeka, or other points tHeLstreet from tlje of Delphos came for ward, eight years the pool had fixed, mcfc Jower than the (Touft'Jftpuse'to'tne, IVmon Pacific depdt. been successful. 'But whether: success-? furbr riot, we ask these gentlemen why do they want.boodie"! to fight proposi ago with the argument that the: Union local rates. We now parJocal rates, col is jfastljecoining' main street of our jraciuc naa -Decome a the government at the tions that they- are opposed to simply "frpm-.

people." See article i that the farmers of this county can be Vthey are controllers of vast wealth and I the roads, do ritlway'iocjl. street again has. the appearance' pf no driven to tho polls and Bought and sold can uuua Drancn roaus at ineir own ca i nuu. yuuia aic uiumu. uicj.ftuiru.

I uusiness inorou I Concord is pense in any direction they choose, and quently that they really fbrini)utilittle like sheepjor Jiogs? Ii is pupp'osed'that I every dollar paid by the tarmers to'the Union Tacinc railroad for freight is abr 8olatly needed bythatCipad to -pav I named form, the beautifuV street on will dq it vvhenver this bond voting is restriction in competition for1 local buk we don rememner any si i one ot tne eiesrant anrument used eiirnt jvears asro.i i I music tore oncnnifts necessary expenses 'and a -reasonable Isthe place to get i i Pins, Onus, interest on the capitaT invested. Now, fighting the present, propositions from As MrsJ Giile-ttWasfcleavlng 'oarof-i iwhtclilie has recently Ydded' a book principle -Dnt. men pernaps principle i maj -muiuiuguo speu i I OWlb ailU Hill PULCaill, UC AO Btore, ana wu ierei i -xt I rfr ha rnvnTi on1 in on nninir onrainM I i 1 liO Store', while'the MUSIC what would these farmers-thmkof one. of our citizen trying togettheir fingers on soirie of that money and brlngitinttf county to use it to buy votes Jand pollute our ballot boxlTet we say to ia umj ocvcu uiu xtu, iuc i i iuc uuyiv aim i 11. rt- i I hoi arilrla urhiVh novtaaA mnnli JAjIMv IV useu uy -me oari ler i Carrier 'i otore occupies tne ocner room, 6 havins'ieceullr been bhe had to be assisted back to office, ririlii she asattmiy.

Sh'e; bWrKes4 o'ri' Secoiid street. the citizens of this-county that they have" a desire to left that morning on "it'-vfSiirtQ'nftr'iJOnrafitf ip! A Michigaii" twelve, elegantly fir'' for ri'ffi ces1 kn now were as applicable eight years ago, arid yet eight years ago you could not have hired the Carrier or the people of Delphos to use these arguments. What instigates; jthe present self interest arid when, 'Vhe voter convinced that self interest arid self interest alone is behind all the the I presehl Mess Water "Works Company 3 fam- jast Monday evening: 1 3rioy and rafesVdWoJcupysuttef a suite 6f rboms. mneapor. TT The Mnslc, Music Books, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, Flutes, Musical Merchandise, Instruments, Strings and Re- pairs of all kinds.

Me, Steele, Eyerett, WlieeM cioii- have. taken many stents in that di-i rection. Iiet the'totersof 6ttawa county showv.thfi riugleaders irifiese towns that th'eyl cannot bo-bought nd soldagainst theirebwiVTnterestRIjet the yoters of feach ftoWrl ishlp' point witlti. thet finger of scorno the lis Water Company was lormed in cente irausuiu auuve win ue leitereu us I city, with Mr. Rowson, of Boston, Delphos, president; Mr.

Clarke, of Bost- stuff and stories that come L'lH'0otife6Vd Bloct; Chas', Hoy arid Wi there be in." your midstvho acrasjif they had been seeif by' the 'boodle seek uiey immeaiateiy xne as treasurer, andMr.AdolphA3Ubdrft, fBt 11 11 -ne Iarge simple question is, Is the Minneapolis, of this city as secfetary! Wedinectlrs Yise ie.tter scross thid Lincoln Southwestern R. R. are 'ifessrs! keVp its'ri'aW posed of as honorable- gentlemen as Boston, and fife.Hf ft PaHof Wa3 the "other lojal company eight -Arinii- hii "ArAW wil "ilr.Iroy't 'in erecting' this elerraiit'and company eight ers," and "by- yourvotes on February; place the iron heeKupon, this serpent I destroyer the purity- of our ballot citvV wprthyof imitation. years ago, tliat te Carrier arid, the cit-izensof Delphos were so. anxious and willing to have the people trust $100, water works as soous the weatlicr iviJJ '1 1 a i Tik'Wedditig at Crown 'Point box.v -Show these men arid, these towns haw jlju can resent "even the attempted 1 permit This" company wilt buifd iin-r wo tor We think the Carrier" itself LW'tW' anair occured on very pleasant1 affair occur ed on introduction of foreign "boodle" into coUntv affairs.

We warn the Union ssryatory ana oiner And Half a Dozen Iilierent kinds of ORGANS, which are offered on the best terms eon-, sisten with first-class Instruments None others handled.1 I I viuuu xuiuir, LUC UUUS" Pacific railroad, 'arid we warn thesfe not thftitizeos of Pipe creek, the pecH Chicago, inarm I i 1 1 1 "1 At tt-v 1 sion bemg; the tin wedding of the "pas iuu3 cccaca aiLci uiiiuu civiuu i i i -r 1i llcv W. knd Mrs Leigh. When fh.t. for years: the' same rteht -to'' have! I rn'o railroad as the citizens of Delpiios had A. party of; Knights I wo arrived the yard' around the stable into this campaign; stamps ihe railroad eight years ago 2 We can all remember ripoii 7 Hi nmmo I NOTIS Jensen.

Will Dunn. T.ll enterfnor' -ttip'housa w' fniinil f. filloii -1: Persons desiring Loans can be i 3 promptly supplied by. the dersignedat hOW RATES. company and the introducers as the wio -1 I 7 nni.

TTa Afr treaties, that the Carrier and Delphos wellen A Wilh.v J. ltd with -a pleasant company. Wenoticed Hands' oif. Union Pacific ulHue meirneignDors eigne years ago, uiver? I also ban die Ine three leadlns SEWING-MACHINES- railroad company The voters of this ana now when those same neighbors reorganize xeacuui, x.itou- anu i.ocKara appoint- 1 7 county are not hogs, sheep and cattle! iumii inose promises, rf 7- -1 muy virtually kick tnem out and say, I y3 met ujj uic ui hulu icima. R(ntwi Vnn' vnnf I Kulfhts from Ben riin ton.

viz Will I The commnv en loved in -THE THE COMPARATIVE" STATEMENT .7 "7, OF THE DEliPHOS CARRIER. -I our growtn and prosperity, you have AHJU A- jaooers's nirieyj I pieasanv conversation until ainner Domestic, fostered us and given us life," until now I vvarren onepard and Wm. Straight. "A was announced. We arenot going to wfi nrs srrnnn enmirh Dnr iriii I special train from Salina' unrit.iinini'Rfi I erive a bill of snffipipnt.

tn ssv Delphos Carrier, a newspaper published vnn KnlirhU. stODned'-at Culver miVrSo'. Amt there was something, to nleasiv t.h'A vou-7 i We do not ask cash commissions on farm loans. We offer much cheaper money. Everything concerning the loan done in our office where interest and princi-: pal can be paid.

Call and get rates from a -Home and While. took up the Minneapolis delegation taste of any one and an abundarice of in Delphos, the prominence before the Another argument used by people of Ottawa county that this arti- Lincolnywas reached at 8 :30, arid m. a Of everything, riand as they say, "The rier is J.hat. tlip. Xnntu will Also Needies and Repairs for all kinds cle will give it.

We willsay inthebe- Lmvhow few juiriutes "everything was'i'n work- way to a man's heart is by way of his ing, jrhepfilceciiOhe. Lodge I stomach," we- should "judge that our ginning that the proprietors of that pa- B0t so. if this county refuses to aid of Sewing Machines. wi re installed, sixteen candidates were I friends knewi fcow to reach the heart per do not pay tor this article a fhA Rafil it UnUA Eespectf ully, means of advertising their enterprise. given the rank of Page, fourteen the of every After dinner what i But'as the Currier is the only paper in ortMe The Buchanan I rank of Equiie, aud four -the farit'of seemed to be a gathering of ordinary knight.

At was acquaintances, changed into a union of served in the Opera House, and the Sa- old friends. Among the presents we the county that has come out with articles against the voting 'of 'aid to the' C. W. and M. L.t S.

11. 11. to Concordia and from Abilene to Salina, and thence west, thu3 cutting this county on two side3 and virtually leaving us forever out of the world. Valine county ts anxious and willing. to vote a mile to the Santa Fe.

This we know from prominent business men Una Knights gave a short exhibition' of I noticed two very pretty Chamber sets, CHAS. HOYT. TIMELY WARNING. We call the attention of the keepers the swoid exercise. 'At half past i thel one byMrand Mrs.

iGodfrey and Mr, and as it is published from a locality that is opposed to the present proposi OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK, MINNEAPOLIS. and Mrs. Lester, of Salina, the other train back on. return trin. tions, we take it for granted that the by Mr; and i Mrs Benjamin and Mrs.

of hash foundries in ToDeka. to the The drive from Culver to Minneapolis" of Salina in personal conversation and fact that the place where Sol Miller very best arguments that an be ade letters was not noted for the -'sultriness ofj the Cloud county will do the same. of Crown Cake box Mrs. Hoover; pail roasted coffee, against voting me asKed ior aid are atmosphere. was no pressinj need for fans, i i- hi presented through the columns of the Carrier.

After Carefully reading ithe Mrs. cake- dish, Mrs. J. Kelly ,7 Gypsum City knife and Dickinson has already, per mile through that couuty. The argument of the Carrier might be good if other neighboring counties did, not stand ready and.

willing to give all -i Surprise TSuclire. pudding dish, Mr. and Mrs. Beuclerj of Ada; bronzed wash dish, and rat boards during the winter invariably closes its doors in the spring. MOVING AHEAD.

J. L. Bpear was in the city Tuesday. Propositions from the Chicago, Kansas and Western railroad are to be submitted in townships in Mitchell county and Mrs! J. It.

Shelton, it. and tle ppXiiMrand Mrs. Price, pf Norton; Mrs. Thomas MIdgley, Miwsrid Mi s. arguments presented under the head of "Railroad in the.

editions of Dec. 3lst and Jan. we are ulmpst forced to believe that they were Wfitj ten by diirererit'personsVasithey contradict each other Reveral" niatpal the aid necessary to secure this valuable road. If you want this railroakl do i George-Mirlglerirand-MrsrA and; wash dishj bert, Mr. and "Mrtf'JIft.

Joslin, Mriandl of. Gulver; not. bp rilislpfl bv anv riipIi' jtVoii'monf uo it is a positive fact that' the Santa Fe Mrs. A. L.

Parser, Mr. and Mrs. Il It; Aisher, jhuckettjf the line proposed to dove-tail with the For find on beci: 31st' 'the jh this couuty un-1 Cim jrtell. Mr, ld Mrs." Wdl Rialej Air; ana will notvbuild through one leading up Salt Creek. This road following: ow this-proposed road ma hifr.

Vn'd Mis. nr. rwi kf.E.lMjrs. Brown; tin washer. Lu D.Hill: jl i rv i ispreparingwouuuio.i.cuveiaia fr0- ZZZtZ IZZ ostrich Ipiume and silver Uu Mrs r- i i (H)iiK mm hth Lriaii i.o ii fi now I'lia i hj dihscs iiiuv awxi --tt tt7j- -rosrr.

i -vr as aid is voted. i the Chicago, KansaaAWem Rail Sanla Va huarmiriJ UXll AKaerArinie SmduWin'riiifiiW r.A. i road Company. i3 no more nor less thkn proposition to, this county that tlie'V f. wra riutchinson-, Jlinllia Morgart.

Si-' DON'T FOOL YOURSELF. t. If aid is not voted to railroads in one than SbiooQ ale-Ballou, and Messi- E. For gens, ous-pui, uw(f, stunner; have ever submitted, less the Topeka Santa: Then is a Mes the pei? ard the county Board of Trade organized and equipped' if iori as defeated GUGSING OUT SALE. As we have decided to change our business we will sell our entire stock of Groceries and Provisions at wliblesale prices yfor cash only, to close them out.

8. L. BARNES CO. Again ohanan, llarrvttaud MorrLU l.i i r. ti i i lSftrina: KPt or Trim, i slips and rftril in this county, imd some of its mem-1 bers themselves fiuto county, and is in another, and you may think the b0nd3 will carry in that other, don't suppose that tne toad wilt run through that county anyway.

There is plenty of room and good country for it to go around. the carrier, says tne project is only a scheme to catch votes-? The Car- MUfAnnie at the resign (J ftcfe fefe corporate companies under the laws of I-. I 't 'clflf nir loot UTrii.lorr I iVO I the. state. One of these corporations is M.

liecause it comes. down iw wma Kansas' Western Pail- Creek and ffive.4 thai- rnrnifioW idbuce bl i Jacob JCaiirDbell and tHe Jiwi u1 VA i I 'onothe BOODLE SEEKERS na ciuu i3 ina inn tiiixu. i. i uiiLuii'. tiiin in a.

i lili bua It has been the endeavor of tb trf Will lOLlilrtp pCiUUll 144 OyCUU- ers" cf Bennington and Delph unflAntiAna iinnti nnonnA! 1 VllvV ijj tuiiLiiuviia 'jO-iit, ftbo it 1 X7 J. i 1 ii suppUedrithtovery.kiad Uto Jvlff Ut. sU nad ItbrdidMiVb'r AfUr-adlaWopTi-- Board of Trade, trying to make the citi-U 0ttl eTV eomnanv, asking this, aidfor tl It frihnents ii.J through uuawa county irom Abilene j.l'-7 ZtCiia nc wuu ilv may iji i 1 p.nnrrit'rr. thpminrli 1 i I ij.ii; i ytoa Si.i I (ALU UltllCl UT 1JIUL11C1 JJC1LC1. LilC -ed from the president; arid euqhre.jcpjnmenced,,,.

ants jCQOtj 'O' tuercouiay win paiij ocu, ctxtii uuu ivtuu vain," the memuers pi th comes or tne other Trade "are peculiar." In of this -Western -Hail- I b'ti Ju'' the Chicago, Kansas i xv. Ji. l. fact we wish to state a little inside his- down the $40,000 a'a i clear ITT' 'T I 0 u' rv ff STI 13 ii i a ttv a. crit -1 ti: i mwv lory, iiai, Alio cuiiiiuu.i,ut! iiuiu reu- What an in ehselysilly'argu- uet if -f3o -lU ot oks kea'Ii " i 1 votptl tlie road will rertainlv he TuSiltil Th6 i 1, nington that visited Topeka, to consult with Mr.

Mulvane. president of the menr when the week previous the rrf rhV' We ohnbshibn of -i. ourselves oeiieve ana nave no new- eiearnt'BonTentron tneirratMuxitre. i w- isame paper tens us that Chicago, QOO 1 BenttitfgtdH to-TIe" raIlroad''Wad3 is 11 "The following resolutions were passed with the hope of getting the Fe at the meeting of Bennington Post, G. Notice to Teache; 1.

An examination will bc eldinthe School House in Minneapolis, on Saturday, January 20th, 1S37, commencing at 8 :30 o'clock. All teachers of the coun tobuildto Bennington, stated OpenlyW will v. v. Camel- suppose that the reasoning fac- natrnA tUa niA ia A. on Monday evening last enjoyed the privilege of attodi i i 8 ill ul ties of farmers are so beclouded that .1 1 T.vrm a i i i-corrifeahrto a 'Point'ot entrance in tne i I i I To4 "Jj-; 'CtfnfVAl Jf.ftn .1.

Loff and llf. UL llM L3. ailll 11 1. 1 I I I I l'llP I I i I- I itm I l.lll lT nill, 1111 ty, whose certificates expire before May Topeka, that they would i proceed to r11. AN ElTTERPRiSiiro AND LIBEkal ton.

The ajged couple received Kansas City and try through Mr. Agfeto in reference to the intimation jt u0fWl1presentsfpr which their td b'ortds Woes' .1.1.1.. I- -s are expected to be in attendance. A. P.

Warkixgtox, 24-2t Co. Superintendent. erhoff, superintendent of the that tnememoeis 01 me uvmiuui iuub jjor years maiiy pt, pur most, lntelli-: overfio with thankfulness, rnllrofll. to the IT. 1 I T5 1 i' t' IT I t.f i.t the Minneapolis.

Jumcoin' ou-'Duuiu- with tne iot on ivonid 1 VAA ri was money iu Usui uic am uiuuusiuwu.i I mz 81XIV-Ui TS 1 I tnn-r-i a. A At a regular meeting of Bennington 215, G. A.1 Department of Kansas, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, expressing our feelings of grief and sadness at the death of our great and good comrade, Gen. John A. Logan Iiesolced, That in the death of Cora-rjifle A Tjooan; we an'rrnwfullir Aeain, we know that at a meeting held western -liaiiroau, we -uc lt open to vis tne great -mantel in.

Uie benefit of 'the. people the Carrier southwest, si ve more 'VJiW A AW-o in Delnlms. resolutions Were nassed to 1 1 that niit of nine incornoratora of that Loct BETTER! PRICES EVERYWHERE. it int. flrhfKe company, four of them are members of the coal fields of the state, but it JJiJ nts iBgraiiBgtoi Del ft the bond ptopositions no.w nronosition.

A win. last Wednes- that BoarcLfi.irade, three memoersnpiig been recognized as the most lib- for the reason thatlthey sup- thM. rflv fIv llAW tn 1 dvveninJnnarVRth. Mr. Jerikins- Wve Lincoln toter an Wfl pending the, TTninn pflp5fi MiU John Beafsnyaer; ahd.aVrrOv'rnina.

who have watched the developmeritf rn'hirn WwVMfetitl Peije of Athor ntr ntc wnnlil IninvA I a tare' well known- This local southwest Kansas and who realize that i.f "i ao1virO4s J. W. SMITH BANKEES, InsuraiiGB and Lean Agents. ltill UUSi ailU 4V11 I 7 .1 N1KIU Ultk tV 13 UIL UU aLUAk-LUTT 'LAlSltsI I 111 lll lll'illll HI! UVK lllI. IIIIT irill'Ur I UUU, N1UI CU III VI III 1 tA.

.1 K0 na onnrinra fn trnhMfl iii'li i a i.v ji I l.t ik- WfVU "Vl Thursday morning he met at the deriot Vuai, puiuu 01 luo suate uoes cuwr. with' aood thlngs ot eVety y.i and best friend, one in whom our fond- prominent citizens of Bennington" and w.wuyoM,, pare wiwi uus i the future rested. That Delphos, and that he had a long consul, gefterailyi veiy sorts oil- know tYiom iixfmihmm icetUiRlyhg.armevs.ave EtAin- he-is witU u8 on earth falsehoods been ed-the either pf thess points tation'with these gentlemen1 at the Bal- ly stories and hay.e we believe I113 cherished name is en rolled in the Soldiers' Ilome above. need not iflje lou Iloutse As a supposed resalt of circui" lMc rapm aeveiopment. Transacts a General Banking BusineM.

Male. a of the Resolved, 'That his family have our this consultation, these prominent citi aot? fP ror theopportun ty now -fiMitnhktimirfndeT-W ensof Delnhos and Benhlhrton took the local companies and the money to presented. and our people 'Shohld-'hotl competition ftnd.w u.pubt but warmest sympathy in their deep be the morninir -appropriated by. let It flowoflo fcaveinentj1 with the assurance that not ne, but with," them a nation for Topeka, "the home of." Archie oW. about eigljt years 92b.

we had a ttl Uh'datk Uiiton.racific.mustfpuke ebri- lams, who has charce of certain affairs local railroad company composed of Pthm iwaV aoTcas-'thTiV-STiiniraytheyf weeps and Collections on all accessible poinia at -iwnnble rata. Isuo Dratta on Kcg-lanl, Ireland, Scotland and all rinta iaKorop. SAFE DEPOSITS! For the Safe Keeninir of valnable rPrs ta cqb neciion -with the BanW at reasonable rat. Farm Loans a Specialty. of the Union Pacific railroad in Kansas.

Geo. E. Bumham, V. Uoag, Dr. "iney will pool, ana not.

Resolved, That a copy be sent to Mrs, rvf fnnto la ft iniark; of this eitv. and C. Nelson, of is sometimes urged as a reason re? anhVfnrvii- MeMe.1.w: 'I'Ak-Wmi will niake better, prices Jorprotl nets, at Loganthe Minneapolis MKssExc.Eitand i.r nonTilfrfnn. nnd Derhans others. The I fusinaid tothe new trunk lliues.

I voted this local cnmnanv this obiection lcnores the well known I on-fir j. ji.Mil Xalional Tribune. II." Foster, 'Adjutant, triiisivciv iiiuk mcsu ijcuucuicii aic vuv; i uu 1 1 I in "boodle" from the nion Pacific. 1 000 aid to build a railroad up the valley fact that even where roads are pooled.

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