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Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York • 1

Buffalo Courieri
Buffalo, New York
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iterate Get the -Habit JQuffalo Qourier USE COURIER Want Ads. ONLY, ONE CENT A WORD. i IS NOT EQUALED BY ANT OTHER VOL. LXX VI-KO. 207.

BUFFALO, Y- WEDNESDAY MORNING. JVtsY 26- 1911. 10 PAGES-ONE OEirT BOBBY LEACH JOSEPHINE HIGG1NS DEATH AND POLICEMAN KILLED II WAKE INSTANTLY WHILE' i i BOMBARD STORM TYING FALLEN WIRE BY MAIL AND if' 'rsl'K 1 RUIN REQUESTS FOR VETO GOES FOLLOW IN OF WIND 1 3 OVER GOVERNOR NIAGARA WIRE Lives Lost -and-' Thou- Eight Thousand Volts" Pass MMiMM4MMMMMM' I- --i hearingIn gmb Citizens Should Act at 3r.J "Has Anyone Sent Word to My Wife?" Almost His First Words as Oxygen 3rings; Him Cut and Bruised but; no Bones 'Broken Barrel Loses sands or Uollars Worth of Property De stroyed by? Worst Wfrid Storm in History of Lake Region. NAVIGATION BY WATER IS 4 ALMOST AT STANDSTILL Snow Storms Are Reported Bay Michigan! and Findlay, at Thousand Island Park. (By Associated Pr- 25.teVaT ire beVlevd ZT inl and thousands of dollars an j5 1 -1.

K. July wArth of TimnertV destroved by the nrrW in th. history of 7 this section, wnicn nas' Deen sweep-1 ms over u.e ou iwnK, nA. 11 o'clock last nlgbt. A gale of seventy miles an hour Is 1 I i il Once iryProtest Against Commission Grab" Bill Governor Dix Las let it te definitely, known that he will not fjive a hearing on the ripper terminal commission hiJl.

4 The Governor not, however, refuse, to receive (communications hearing on the suhject. Opponents of this vicious legislation should accordingly wire or write to Governor 3Dix at the earliest possible hour today urging him to veto the hill. jl' There is notime to lose as Governor Dix has the hill in his hands and may dispose of it at any A ten-word protest hy wire from, you may he the one thing necessary to carry' the! day for blowing and todav there was T. ly He at-noMndicatlon that it woula abate. A I to.

make 11 rnor secure, and the principle of home rule in municipal affairs. The. ripper terminal scoreQf boats are missing and their occupants are believed to have been drowned. i- I Several Missing. i' it to guide.

Don Eager, have not been hrl from 1tw wntrdAV u. i vro.n.A. the principle of representative government hy foisting upon the people a commission the naming of which they have had no! part and which is not responsible to them hut which may waste their suh-stance hindrance from any source. this place are alsoi missing. Tf wa wire belonging The water has risen feet in Gral Electric company sup-the river.

Great seas, art "dashing street lamp in May street-over the islands: keeninsr the dwellers Regan hastened to the scene of Let Governor Oix Sit. A telegram is the quickest a ad surest method but a letter may fSteel Cap-Lands Minutes After DOCTORS SAY HE WILL BE 0. K. I- AGAIN WITHIN FEW DAYS (Special Correspondence of The Courier.) Niagara Falls, July 25. "No one has got I anything1 on me now" were the first words uttered by- Bobby Leach When released from his barrel, prison after going tover the Horseshoe falls this afternoon.

"Bobby" was alive and, that is about all, though he tried to assume a look, of confidence that was belled by his weak barrel and all, in' ront'of the Ontario Power company's plant on the Canadian side of the' gorge, ttfken to the timekeeper's office and there laid on a piece of tarpaulin spread on the floor to receive his badly bruised body. Is. Badly injured Leach was dressed in his street tire save for his hat. He had his as-Ustants divest him of his outside coat, and when they attempted to move him again it was found that his left leg! came from the daring Britisher's right ear. and it looked for a moment as if doughty navigator of Niagara were about to collapse.

A stimulant was administered and a hurry call sent -to every physician within telephoning distance. Dr. Thompson of Niagara Palls, OnL, arrived first and took charge of the man. Oxygen, was -administered ateadily for several minutes and slowly but surely 1 iaini gainea Bircngm enougn 10 asK one of those who crowded about him: "Has anyone sent word to my wife On being reassured on this point "Bobby" sank back into the arms of his close friend and backer Harry Williams. Mrs.

JLeach. occupied a position on a point' fir above where her husband was- in course of resuscita-tion. By Physician. Ever to talk Leach was silenced by. his who warned him that It might draw from his vltal- (Continued Page Six) HAITIEfl REVOLUflOH SPREADIIIGllj SOUTH United States Scout- Cruiser Arrives at Scene oft Disorder.

GERMAN -SHIP ORDERED TO HAITI IMMEDIATELY Port au .25. The revolution is spreading in the south heretofore it has made little progress. The town of Jefemie risen favor of Gen. Calllsthene Fouchar. the Haitien minister to Germany.

Fouchard was made chief of the army by President Simon in 1908, and. a year later -was appointed to the Berlin oost. Jarty this year he left the German capital to visit Jlaitl. and at, that Ume It was asserted that he aspired to the presidency. The government haa acceted delivery of the.

yacht American and it will be added to the navy. John R. Ogden as He Winds Stick About Live Wire Broken From Temporary' Fastening, CARRIED HOME DEAD THREE HOURS AFTEffSAYiNG GGOD-BY Only Mark on Body Slight Discoloration on Forefinger of Left Hand, Showing Where It Came in Contact With Wire, Patrolman John R. 6den. fortv.thrM years old, of he Broadway was electrocuted "at 7:15 o'clock last' night at Walden avenue and May street SJStiT a wire Vhich endanger the public.

Eight passea tnrougfl mm. ai" ws instantaneoua ()irnn was rtntmlfmr hi. uvuvcu iiic. wire, wnicn wn a 'mittrn w. a lTf? auna wwen it had arou his club and I wee.

I Contact With Left Hatirf fl: In-some way it came In contact with I "i left hand and the electrocution fol VST -F1! mar.k on. I aiBTOiorwion.or tne lore- I nnger of the left I tne accident In his automobile as soon I ox tne acciaent. I Patrolman Ogden was appointed to I1 Police force on July 1. 1908, and I was his superiors as a cf PaDl efficient officer. He Is sur vlved by his widow nd three children.

He was a member of the various police organizations and was a native of Buffalo. Arrangements for the funeral have not been made. Dramatically Sad Scene. When his. dead body was 'carried to his home there was a scene of sadness-seldom He' had left hls'honia In perfect health at.

o'clock to re- port for At 5' o'clock he left the station house and two hours and a half vMer his dead body was carried to his little home ln.No,.;24 JHfleller. steeU 1 SENATE CAUCUS ENDS Will Reconvene Tonicht When, Wool Schedule Will Again Be Gon-. sidered. LA FOILETTE BILL TALKED 1 OF AS ALTERNATIVE (By International News.) v-Washlngton. July 2S.

There was a meeting of the senatorial caucus with a View tn diapURBlnv )h, n-nnl hlil. ntu 1'U notlllnr Waa f1on and 1 1 attimtmaA ly oerore midnight until tomorrow night noier conierence. win oe neia T1a i i iiiuivauun. are- tuil mere will oe fftion of some sort looking to revision of mis acnenuie. There were thirty senators present and harmony prevailed.

The only differences apparent were those that related to meth- pa-T -o very Democrat in Mie oenate win support the House bill If that i defeated the-effort will be made to pasa the Ijo. Follette bill. This matter will be further discussed tomorrow -night. several senators known to be friendly to the I Follette measure as an alternntlv proposition 'were absent tonight. wnen tne caucus Drone up John Sharp Williams made the- statement thnt ivt.

itlve action would follow when the wool schedule was put to a vote. FORTY nFFFNDArJTS IM WIRP TRUST CASE ARE rINED Pleasof Not Guilty Withdrawn and Pleas of "Nolo Contendere" New York. July 23. Forty defendant tfnUj lndlcted i the government's pros- locution of the alleged wfre trust wlti.urew their pleaa of nH guilty today and enteral pleas of "nole contendere." United state district attorney oppoaed tn acceptan-e of any aucli plea, hut Judge Archbald, V'l'tXil 'VII IH VPIIIMIII I'l lUC LiUILL-U SIIIU rti-, hHi -m the cases of the Rub ber Covered Wire aaaociatioo members tion. In the rases of each of the other defendants fines of $1,000 were iinosed.

1 appropriation; biixs. Albany July Bills carrying appro- nrtailnng aggregating $1,700,000 for good roads construction were signed today by Governor Dix. One by Assemblyman T. IC Smith, appropriates $1,000,000 for work In Onondaga and Jeflferson counties; another by Patrle carries 1250,000 for' improvements in Green county and a third by Assemblyman. -Sweet provides $450,000 for construction in On- WegO ana unonaiKB tounuei, TROUT Suddenly, while In Brooklyn.

Sl'years; husband of Ulllan Gollan Trout. Puenral at the Central Presbyterian v. a XT a In atrMf avenue Wednesday afternoon at'3 o'clock. FMends are Invited to attend. HENNES8ET In this city, on the 2Sth Annie, widow of John Hennessey, mother of John, Charles, James, Joseph Hennessey and Mra-Henry Hlggina.

The funeral will take place from the family V. Ki. RrlrtwtV TrB andT acquln tanks' invltea to attena. wnilam H. Putnam, beloved husband ia raw Putnam.

Funeral from, the fn liv nnldence. No. 24 Boyd street. PriiSav aft ernoon at 3 Friends are ln- vlted to. attena.

i me conven fence of the zatnuy. WITHOU ACTION TERMINAL BILL IS NOT TO BE Associations of Business Men and Taxpayers Keep Up Fight Against Saddling Irresponsible "With Power" Commission on City GOVERNOR IS UNDECIDED AS TO FINAL ACTION ON MEASU.1E Thousands of Indivic3ual Protests Against Vicious Ripper Will Be Sent Today by Citizens From All Sections of City. Every citizen and taxparef Buffalo who is opposed to 6 the grab terminal commission bill should either telegraph1 or write to Governor Dix today prging him to vejo that vicious piece of ripper legislation. The reasons for such action were multiplied a thousand fold I yesterday by the announcement at Governor Dix's office in Albany that he would not give a hearing on the ripper terminal commission bil. "Scores Petition Governor.

iU-Scores of: Buffalo business men Hther wrote or wired to Governor Dix yesterday, urging him to up- hold Mayor Fuhrminn in his disapproval "of this ripper bill. Thousands should emulate their, example today. It is better to telegraph. Defeat of the bill will' save every taxpayer many dollars. Mind Not Made Up.

It was given out quasi m. a official way at Albany that Governor Dix has not yet made his mind how he will act with, respect to the ripper bill. This announcement mates it the more important that opponents of the bill in Buffalo; should acquaint the Governor wjjh their feelings in the matter in the quickest and plainest way possible. Ten words will do the business. No Public Hearing.

(By Special Wlr ta Th Courier.) Albany, July 25. 5overnor Dig wfTl not hold a public hearing on the ripper terminal commission bill which the Fitzpatrlck-Robertson clique managed to Jam through the legislature over the disapproval of Mayor This Intimation as to the intention of Gov ernor Llx was permitted to go forth. from Governor's office this after. noon though no formal announcement was made. It Is understood that hundreds of letters and telegrams from taxpayers of Buffalo urging Governor Dix to grant a public hearing or to veto the.

measure have- been received at the executive office within the last few days. but, notwithstanding, the Governor has determined- not--to hold a public, hearing. Goveruor Dix' himself de clined to give out, the names of individuals or organisations from whom he has received communications anent the ripper terminal commission bill. Governor Is Undecided. However, this determination on the part of Governor Dix not to hold a public hearing does not signify that it is is his intention to.sign the ripper bill.

John A. AJat on, private secretary to the Governor, said this afternoon that Governor Dix "had not made up his. mind as to what action he would (Continued On- Page Six) MOTOB BOAT ASHOBE. -Tarmouth, N. July ,25.

A large motor boat la reported ashore on a reef off Chebogue Point, five miles eaat of her. Is said to be the Rou mania, bound from New York to England. Only daughter of the late Frank W. 1- Higginsj ormer QoTernor of New York, who is to be married at Olean at the beautiful 'residence of the late Ooyernor to M. Hovalaque, the French minister of education.

GRAHAM GIRL FOUND AT POUGHKEEPSIE Show; Gitl Charged With 'Shooting 'Stokes Declares She Was KidnaDed. DON'T EXPLAIN WHY SHE DID NOf RETURN TO NEWARK -r Poughkeeosie. N. Julv 2iLjniftn Graham, under-Indictment and at liberty on 410.000 ball pending trial for the shooting- of W. K.

D. Stokes, a wealthy Ne York hotel proprietor, and who disappeared last Saturday night, was located at a hotel here this evening' by Chief of Police She had been kidnaped. According to Miss -Graham's story to Chief McCabe, she left the home of her sister, John Singleton, No. 100 West 110th street, Saturday night at half -past ten o'clock to go to a store at Amsterdam avenue and 110th street for some butter and headache powders. I got to the cornarT aha is Mid to' have told the police.

Ta man ap-. pro ached and threw over my. head cloth that smelted like tar. I struggled and tried to make an outcry, bift was unable to do so. I was pulled along in to ft' motor vehicle and remember-JEfit-tlng lnaideUvhre I.

man and woman talking- and sayina something about 'throat. That was the lastf I re membered until 1 shaken by, the shoulder, and. looking, up, nearo: a con ductor aary, 'Foug-hkeepaie, last got off the walked outside, and heard a- taxi driver! say 'Morgan house. I entered the taxi and went to the hotel where'I have since been At the hotel Miss Graham registered as Lillian Clark. When asked by the' chief why she did not communicate with her relatives the next day, she- replied she had been thinking it but.

did" not" do so. She seemed to have no explanation to of fer-when asked why she.dld not return to New Miss Graham's attorney was notified and replled'that Sie'ould come for-her at once. ri -Ttfias Oraham's Clark L. Jor dan, and her sister. Mrs.

Stella Singleton. arrived here about midnight and imme diately, engaged Miss Graham In earnest conversation. Mrs. Singleton asked her sister why she had not communicated with her and Miss Graham replied. "I wu so dazed and frightened that I did nest know where I was until this after noon.

I kept to my. bed In-the hotel until had expected to return to New York tonight. Attornev 'Jordan and Mrs. Singleton both beUeve the kidnaping story but Mr-Jordan saya he has no theory wfcat aver to advance. Miss Graham and her sister and Mr.

Jordan will return to New York early Wednesday dix'S' sxraotER plans. Albany, July 25. In addition to spending the month of August at Nantucket. Governor and Mes. Dix are planning to spend part of -September at -Lake' George.

THE WEATHER TODAY'S PROSPECTS Pair; Thursday, fair- and I warmer i a -west U. I' U. B. Department- of Agriculture, -Local Weather Bureau, i -ObservaUons taken simultaneously at places named at I p. m.

yesterday. -wind val. Tern. Albany 4 68 nam ww 64 II 70 f2 62 7 74 62 78 70 63 60 64 ,7 68 64 76 .62 74 70 72 68 ,76 TO 62 62 74 Atlantic City. 4 Jbtotse jr, w- Boston 12 Chicago NW Cleveland Denver W.

Des Moines Clear 8 Detroit -8 Dodge City 10 Duluth NW .10 Escanaba SW -4 Grand Haven. NW 8. Green Bay NW 8 Kansas City i Clear 12. Ioulaville 8y MarqueUe fW 8 Memphis. N- '4-Milwaukee NH Moorhead.

New York NW 14 tPittsburg ay bw 8 St. ..,4...... i 13 5. NW. 12 fault' Ste.

10 Washington. NW 6 BRITISH AMEH1CA. Montreal ci oy zo eo PaVry -Sound 10- Toronto Winnipeg 0 iv LCX7-VJU Wind, Weather Dir. VeL Tem. Hum.

I nw I.w.CTdr.v i 30 64 78 Higheat temperature same aay tHt temoerature 58, same day 1910, 66 Pr-iTiitation. T. same day 1910, July 2 Sun rises at 5:00. Sun sets at 7:44 i in charge. on them prisoners.

Navigation of the river lk imnossible. The 'Toronto, a bisr steamer, is the onlv craft to have passed -since the rale started. She was three houss behind schedule and was unable to make any stops passing inrougn nere. Bay i Clty. Mlch.J, July 25.

For five minutes last night a snow flurry oc curred several miles southeast of Bay City, the only, snow -ever recorded during July in this part of the state. A gale from the southwest lowered the river to such an extent that the traction and electric lighting plants were deprived of' water for their boil ers. Street car, power and. light cur rent was off nearly an hour while an extension was fitted to the power. House Intake, pipe, Findlay, July 25.

Citizens of repntatlon aver this, morning that quite a little snow feu jiere last night. Tne nOw was genuine and was probably forced down, by a very heavy at- mospnere. i j. i Worst In History.1 Syracuse, July 25. Although it Is not known 'that, any lives were lost, considerable damage has been done by the great storm: that swept the mighty St Lawrence river from late Monday night until late this afternoon.

Tonight the rire' gradually asasumeri normal proportlons. Steamboat- service was resumed, -the gale diminishing and hundreds of summervvisitors wef-e again able to get baclr and forth after having been marooned at various points nearly twenty-four hours. River declare the storm the worst, in the history of this section. AHOfHER CHOLERA AT BELLEVUE Orderly at l.ll I nStltUtlOnl Thought to Have Disease Slightly Better. CREW OF HUDSON RIVER STEAMER DETAINED (By Associated Press.) New Tork.

Juiyf Hudson nyer aiewurkjuuiKvec vi. 1110 ixikn- hattan line I was detained for a thor ough disinfection today when It ar rived from Albany and the sixty-one members of the crew-, were placed under observation. These precautions followed the discovery that Manuel u. wiiu taken from Bellevue hospital suffering with Asiatic cholera, had Worked! on Bermudes, the Spanish sailor, who was the Kennebec as a fireman. As his I services were limited to the stokehold and lasted but a few days.

however. it is not believed likely that: anyone on Doara was exposea to iniecuon. Bermudes condition was reported I CASE I p. commission hill violates 1 know how you feel about Send your protest at once. IIISORAIICE BILLS IGUEOmOVERflOR Many Passed at Las Session of Legislature HIGHWAY APPROPRIATIONS ARE SWELLED BY DIX (B Aaaoclatad Press.) Albany, July 25.

Scores of bills left by the legislature were disposed of by Gov. Dix today several of which were vetoed. The 'Governor signed Sena tor D. Sullivan's bill, extending for I five years from December 31 next the 1 time within which certain stocks and I Buna ownea Dy me insurance com panJea mU8t 5e BOidi Two other insurance bills by Sena tor Sullivan were apporevd. One Dro vides that agents and brokers' com (ban be paid only to agents and brok pr.

Ucmne-A hv th tat partment. It also regulates marine insurance commissions. The other provides that Teal estate honda and mortgages held hv fhreis-n mutual fir Insurance corporations shall not be ac- cepted as deposit Securities to be held by the superintendent of insurance in this state. Another insurance bill by Mr. Hoey, approved, provides that the tax on foreign insurance- corporations shall be upon the received from business dona in this state.

i Assemblyman Brooks bill. reauir- lrig the retirement of officers of the National hmcd at -the age of 64 years after theY expiration of the present year. was approved. This will affect Mai. Gen.

Roe and several other offl- cers of the guard. The Cuvillier bill. prohibiting the Mu nr iimmra tn Wui Pnint mH.i. i 3 cxvwwwi, kuu uiucu. Two bills by Senator T.

D. Sullivan land Assemblyman Foley; design' to make more stringent the law reeulat- Ing private banks and were JL-jr-j Cliner D111S Slgnea were: Senator T. D. Sullivan, providing an additional trustee for the actors' fund 0f America, BenAtor Senator Grady, providing that mov ing 4 picture apparatus shall be ln4 stalled In fireproof booths. 1 Senator Ferris, requiring mufflers on motor boats on Lake George.

Senator Bavne. making it a mis demeanor to convey false Information regarding the, location or value of real estate. 1 Senator Ferris, authorizing the selec tion of new site for the Utlca State hospital. Senator Bayne, maaing more strin gent penalties for violations of the labor law. The Governor swelled the aggregate of appropriations approved for highways today by signing the Frawlev bill providing $8,000,000 for general good roads work; Senator Thomas's bill, appropriating $200,000 for work In Madison county, and the bill Sen.

tor Wainwright providing $110,000 for use in Westchester county. Three mils cnanging s-te routes were also approved. One ty Senatog Hamllton makes route No. 4 run northwesterly from. Olean via Salamanca.

Little Valley, Napoll and Randolph. Another by Senator Omnod provides that route No. 15 shall run by way of Fowiersvine ana Canawaugus toJ Scottsvllle. The third by Senatoi VllT IIUIU Thom makes changes in the routeV from Mlnevah to Sidney. BBAKEKAN XTLLED.

Watettown, July 2S. William Nichols, aRed twenty-three, a New York Central railroad rakeman, waa killed fate last Jlght) at -Norwood while coupling cars. It CLABK-IUIIDERWOOD i. Underwood Advises-Against Continual Legislation and Wins er. UNANIMOUS VOTE IN FAVOR OF COTTON BILL IN CAUCUS International Newa) July! 25.

Champ Clark. speaker of the and Oscar W. Underwood, floor leader of the Demo crats in that body, spilt in the Demo- cratic caucus Speaker Clark wanted continued legislation. Under TTj-, wood advised against it and Under wood won. The battle in- the caucus was the most serious the- Democratic party has witnessed since it came into control of the House.

Dpeaaer yiaxa, wuu had Introduced a resolution calling on the ways ana means committee. of which underwood is cnairman, to report bills revising the steel ana iron schedule, and the measures revising all the other schedules, was complete- ly bowled over by tne underwood forces and the sum total of action in the caucus was the unani mous vote in favor of the cotton' bilL DIX SIGNS BARGE CANAL TERMINAL MEASURE Proposition Must 'Be Approved By Election Before Becoming Effective. Albany July GoTernor Dix today Mgned the Ramnperger bill, proposing up 1 nue or aiwftju.uuu in oonas ior tne con-1 i fc traction 01 oarire nnai leriniuais in Titri- mn ut iitriMTm iit tne neonie at riie election in November "before becoming et-l fcctlve. The executive, committee: or tne barge terminal conferenr in a r'f' Je7r.i the GoTrnor, said It was opposd to the I bill as passea. 'l he measure was nrartea i hr.

mnfnM nnd nrnvlded I in i detail4 for the location of the various terminals. The legialature amended, the! bill, and while not changing tne. proposeu the canal botrd and state engineer the power to arrange for the de tnu oi conatruction ana. toe plana and speciflcations. INSANE.

HINDU SHObtS EIGHT PERSONS IN CHICAGO Pockets Pull of Letters to President Taft and British Consul at Chi- Chicago, July 25. Eight persons were wounded at Clark and Washington streets- this afternoon -by an Insane Hindu, who, with two boxes of rifle cartridges in his pocket; started out to kill 40,000 persons In the loop. atana-ing in front'of the Chicago opera house the man turned slowly in a circie, shooting bullets as long as a man's finger into the Mounted Pbliceman Bernard Malloy inl Pnlrnlman M. J. riyneS risked their lives-- at: the muzzle of the maniac's rifle to.

grapple with him. He foiio-ht fernninnalv. At the Station he said hia name was Husatn and that he was twenty-five years old. In his txvket were rambling. Incoherent let- 1 A I ters and addressea ia rriuemu.u ana tne MritiFn consul i Theoniy one seriously injured -was Archibald Hunt, a printer, who was shot in the leg.

An artery was cut and surgeons fear for the outcome. The others struck by bullets received only--slight en IliUCOS urLll i I I I I I I i I i I Cape Haitien, Haiti, July 21. The arrived here-today and is lying-in the harbor to protect American lntereats. Leconte, has been -'proclaimed commander-in-chief by one wing of the revolution, guarantees to maintain, order here. The situation, however, remains tense.

Gen. Salnave, one of the chiefs supporting the rival revolutionary leader. Gen. Antenor Firmin. has a strong army and is well equipped with arm and ammunition.

When with hjs troops he left here last night for Limbo he explained that he withdrew tn order to avoid a conflict. He is accompanied byf Gen. Bienne BaSkien. Gen. former minister of eub-lie work, has disappeared.

The German consulate is sneitering eighteen political refugees. Gen. Chapuxette, rebel chief, has -been made commandant of this district, and Gen. Pierre Louis has been placed at the head of the local garrison. Gns.

St. Juste and Mathurln are in town. tonight aa unchanged. Edgar Herr- I Imposed a line of 91,000 for the nrat vlola-ti rpfariir at RoIIaviia wh im I and S100 for each of the other viola- iii nr'itti 4i.u that mav Yu rhnlpn I was reported slightly better tonight. It has not.

yet been, definitely deter mined that: he is suffering from cholera. Four Italian vessels, three of which arrived today, are still held at quaran tine, although there are no suspicious cases oh board. 1 There were no other developments today. FATflER BUTLER DIES IN NEW YORK CITY HOSPITAL Aged President, of St. Bonaventure' Seminary and -College at Allegany; N.

Pasaea N2W J.Tk''J,ily 2rTh6 Yerr Ri- saoh Butler, for the past twentv-Ave years president of St. Bonaventure's eem- nary ana couege. AJiegany, Cattaraugus county, jn. aieq v.nere today tt St. Francis hospital after a lingering illness.

ifferea from naraenmg of the ar teries. The funeral -will be held Friday morning in aikkmj, Father Butler was seventy-four years AXJTUMBU; BAILS. I Santander. Soaln. i Julv.

25 Trinr a nso aailed for England todav hiwrri the royaj yacht Glralda. The yacht was I encortea oy tn ooanisn cruiser Keina I xiegenie. Berlin; July 25. The German, cruiser Bremen, which Is at ordered today to proceed ffhmed lately for. Port au Prince, Haiti.

ZNDOSSE TAIX Lincoln. July 25. Nebraska Republicans'1 in convention here today gave President Taft and his administration a strong endorsement and effectively blocked -air -efforts of a small band of insurgents to arouse sentiment Senator Robert La Foliate of Wisconsin as a presidential candidate-- The insurgents lacked leader and were outgeneralded by Victor Rosewater and hia delegation from Omaha. 11EPOM UT WIT-EY CASE. Washington.

July 25. Secretary of Wilson brought the papers tn The '-e of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley to the wt.teHouse He refused. to say hkt recommendation he had made to president regarding the charges iaint the pure food expert, whose from th service was by the peronneI board of the d-.

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