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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 5

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Casta Terms- Advertlslnc THE SUN IKON BUILDINGS. KY A. S. ABEIX CO. The Sun ts served by ne carriers to their subscribers in the-City sn I lMwtrtcts and In oun 0-, cities.

Villages and Towns, for WKLiVfc AH It HAL CENTS PER WEEK, payable weekly, nnlv to the Carrier by whom served. Persons wishing" to be served can leave their names and address the office of The Sun. Fricks fo copy, three cento: onemonth Ultv cents- two months, one 4ollnr; three mon ths," one. dollar and fifty cen tt: si months, tiree dollar: one year, six dollars. Postage pre-J-aid atthe office by the Publishers.

No paper sent longer than paid for Ihk bkklt Sew, one dollar and a halt year, and one dollar lor six months, with great inducement to Clubs. I tis the best and cheapest journal published, and of niversal circulation. DECEMBER 21, 1878. iei inr if jIF mm .11 assm. jSa jsr bjs1 BALTIMORE, THE CHRISTMAS SEASON.

THE SUN. Uses 1 say to lite 1 Oay 0 0 tqu e(4 linsl day. 0 6u 1 aa. o. 2 day 90 1 sq e4 llna3 I 1 do.

do. 5 its. i st 1 do. do. 1 weak I 10 1 do.

So. 3 weeks 1 aa. do. Soar I zv da. aa.

1 moaLU Oi rotrB lines Covstitute a qt If as advertisement exceeds tour noes theprics willb In-exact proportion. Ail advertisements are piriols at the time of their insertion. Marriages and briik "Notice of three lines twonty-flva cents each, aad most all cases be Indorsed. We do not insure the insertion ot anr airertlss-ment on aay specified aav or davs, nor ao we lasare the number of insertions" within the ti ns req urej by the advertiser. Advertisement will, boa-eve'-, have tamr fnll number of Inset tlons whea tae time c-n be made up, but when accidentally left oat aad tha number ot insertions cauool beilven.

the money paid tor the omitted insertions wui be returned the a aver User. machines for holiday presents, Butterick patterns, e.c. At No. 13 North Gay street new Wanzer sewing machine are offered for sie. CARRIAGES.

BUGGIES. XTC The makers and dealers In vehicles and articles la that Una will not be overlooked by some hoddiy buyers who want bargains In that line. P. D. Schmidt ft No.

94 West Favette street. Central Carnage Repository, bave a large ot new anil second-hand carriages and buggies of all descriptions at reasonable prices. H. D. Schmidt, No.

21 North Liberty street. New York Kepository, has a long list of linn-class car-riaifes. landaus, fockaways. barouches, etc. rederick Mailort.

South Eutaw street and SI South Liberty street, oilers a hurdred differeai kinds of new and second-hand carriages. Jaigers, phtetons wagons, harness, aic. John Frist. No 15 i siicet. oflen for Si'o new and second-hand carnages, jaggers.

buggies, express wagons and harness at prices to uu Uio times. Marrett ft Hiding. So. 257 West Baltimore street, offer a flae assortment ot sieutitg ana camaro robes ot supeiior grade. MISCELLANEOUS.

The articles classed under this bead are both useful and ornamental, and will attract the attention holiday buyers. E. Stabler. ft Co- "Pun Building." Sontn etreet, corner Eutaw and M.tdison and York anil uiiam streets, coal aud kindling wood have their cml d'-pot, whan and wood mill roidy to supply warmth for the holiday ecaon. Boiton Brr.tbers.

o. Wi aad West Pratt street, ciaim tor -Klaine" that It is a family safeguard oil, and burns brii-htlv but will nt xmodr. Jacol Seeger. No. 24 tierman street, punctually fills orders tor his well known lazer beer.

H. P.alderston ft Son. No. to South Calvert street, manufacture ornamental wire work, cages, and use-fa 1 as well as frtficv wire giKKis. Dufur o.

it orth Howr street, manu-factnre wiratroo-is of every description. J. G. 'favior ft 54soith Sharp reel, nave a large stuck of billiard tables, new and second-hand, cu-'iilous and similar e-xxls. Mr.

and Mrs. Dr. Palmer. 55 West Fayette street, lntorm the ladies that tney cannot do liier hoiidav shopping nor enjoy the holiday season properly if their feet sre not free from the ailments to which some times the daintiet oi feet are subjected. Mrs.

Painttr treats all such affectioni with still, white Dr. Painter cares tie feet ot mssculines. H. lbomas. No.

14 North Liberty street, has large vartet of Writs, ne songsters and of brilliant bird aud lood. Dorman. o. li German street, has cheap printing presses aa holiday presents for boys. Pratt's Astral Oil.

cliimei to be thesaf-st and bet iliuminaiirg oil for family nse. Is smd bv W. H. Spilcker. Thomas M.

Kre.e ft Son. W. C. Kob-lnson Son and most Baltimore retail dealers la oils. etc.

Aiex. D. Watson. No. 173 West Pratt street, paint store, has tine assortments ot house and carriage points, varnirbes, etc.

CP. Knight. No. 93 West Lombard street, hssi roofing paper and rootln? cement in store; makes and repairs gravel and felt root. 11.

H. Arnold, No. 125 uieiTy s'reet. applies bt Invisible weatner strip to doors and windows, thereby excluding coid and dust and preventing ratliiag ot windows. M.

A. Hamilton ft No. S7 Sonth Frederick street, bave rresa Apolllnalre and Huuvadi water lor sale in lots to the trade and consumers, at ttdrd prices. Swindell No. 112 West Lombard B-reetu bave full stocks of shades lor wax flowers, casl-a, bottles and ol her lass rai e.

HOUSErUKNISHIXG GOODS, ETC The Btocics of goods suitable for housekeepers, both nselul and ornamental, have not bt-ea surpassed in previous seasons, and The Sex tells whers the best are to be bad: C. Sidney Norrls No. S3 Hanover street, have a choice Belect-on of uphoistery goods, lurnlture coverings, raw Bilks, ftc. with requisite trimmings, wholesale and retail. H.

Davidson ft hardware. No. 153 Franklin street, otter for holiday presents puled ware, cutlery, tool chests, scroll saws, skstes, ftc A. H. Greeniieil ft No.

149 Lexington street, offer ice pitchers, cake baskets, card receivers, rhina and glassware, clocks, vases, table tinware, aud a complete stock of hooseinrnisiilng goods. C. W. Greenfleli ft Son, No. 167 Lexington street, has a choice Hock of knives, snoons.

oi-sors. shovels and other article of hardware suitable for houselurnishing and for other uses, i sfobtsxen's goods. Trimble ft Klelbacker. No. 2j0 West Baltt mora street, offer 300 breech-loading Kngi sh doable-barrel guns, of popular makes, at low prices, together with full lines of goods for sportsmen.

Alexander AtcComas. south Calvert street, estsulished lb43. has at who, ess, and retail cuns, rifles, pistols, sportsmen's apparatus, tmmuuuoc, mtteriai for guumasers, etc, and hotldsy presents for men in great variety. THE XXPBESS LINKS are useful auxiliaries to the proper movement of the holiday trade. Tne Baltimore Transfer Company, corner of Baltimore and North streets, furnishes coaches an phaetons.

and bandies lreignt, baggage, packages, ftc- with dt'patch. Adams Express Company, No, ltj anl U-i West Baltimore street and No. 132 Norm etreet. Is tra-pared to receive and forward freight an 1 pck.ues lor the holidays uooq fast passenger trains, and la-sai es prompt delivery. HOLIDAY GOODS AT AUCTION.

The Baltimore auction honsea all announce, daring the holidays, special sales of jewelry, 'liamonds. gold and silver plated ware. Japanese and Chinese art treasures, new fJrniture. glass and crockery-ware, cloth boots and shoes, dress and fancy gooas, holiday fruits, ana a great variety ol article in different lines of trade. Among the 'auction houses which advertise to sell goods suitable for holiday purchases are the following: F.

Bennett ft Co- Nos. 2a and 30 South Charles Hirgins, Cobb ft auction jobbers. No. 28 Hanover street. Grotjan, Mitchell ft auction jobbers.

Sharp. Btreet. near German Street, James H. Johnson ft Co- auction Jobbers, No. German street.

O. A. Kirk land No. 79 West street and o. 27 orth Charles street.

w. B. Norman ft Co- No. 21 North Charles street. Samuel J.

Soper ft Sons. No. 44 Soatu Charles st. Wm. Seemulier.

No. 14 South Charies street, corner of German street. Wm. S. Taylor.

ft No. 46 Lexington Btreet. A. Pike. No.

117 West Baltimore street. Dei obey ft McGee, Nos. 10, 12 and 14 South Paca street. Thomas E. Parle n.

Nos. 63, 63 and 67 North Calvert street. The above auctioneers, besides having sales at their warerooms, also advertise auctions at other places, of which The Sun will advise purchasers A CHRISTMAS GIFT WOBTU HAVING. So more acceptable gift at this season oral any time can be made than a year's subscription to Thk Sun, daily or weekly. A regular visitor to the household, loaded witn the news of the world and with general information.

The Sun will always be a welcome guest and keep fresh the memory oi the donor in the mind of the The Sun JobOffice, fully supplied with fast pres. modern new types, borders and ornamental appliances, is prepared to turnisn Christmas aad New Year's cards ana every kind of printing, at reasonable prices and of neat workmanship. 51arvlantl Items. Archibald Wilson, of liarl'ora countv, has a three lesged bog. It is a year old.

is in eood health, and travels with ranch ease and com tort. Jas. Treackle and Dr. Littleton Maclin. well-known citizens of II ward county, are both reported ill.

John Cavender.of Hirford countv. fell thronzh a hatchway in his barn last week and was badly hurt. Sylvester Phelps, of Harford county, was kicked three times by a horse last week and severely bruised. Edward Gallazher, well known to the citizens of Havre Grace, died suddenly last Saturday nigat, on board his boat. Chinese Who Don't Go.

A cariosity in the directory line has been issued by Wells, F'argo in the form of a list of the Chinese business houses of Sju Sacramento. Ma-rysvilie. Stockton, San Jose, Portland anl Virginia City. The names are printed in Feglislt and Chinese characters. Apparently only tha leartins firms are given, as out of the hundreds of laundries carried on by the Celestials in tnis city the list enumerates but tweaty-tnree.

The directory is valuable otherwise thtn as a work; of reference, it shows the hold the Chinese bave taken on the trade of tbis coast. In this, city alone 424 business houses are enumerated, namely: General merciiaodise 77. urocers 54. ci-garuiakers aud aalers 4'J, shoe factories 34, dry goods 23. 2j.

laundries 23. butchers and srocers lfi. Blipper factories! 14. restaurants 13, jewelf T2. tinsmiths IU, cloihins factories rice 6, bazars 6.

poultry dealers 6. boirdine-honse 5, ladies- underwear 5. retail opium Dealers 4. doctors 3, pawnbrokers 3. confectionery a.

Chinese newspapers 2, wood and coal 2, beau cake 2. shirts 2, ana toys, photographer, undertaker, iruit aad merchandise. ra; dealer, Cbicee immigration, butcher, bootmaker, umbrella repairer, carpenter, opium and merchandise, fancv goods and fish, one each. Sacramento boss's 1U-1 leading Chinese business firms, JlarTSVtlle 35, Portland 3b Stocktou 51. San Josje 77, aud Virginia City 19: in all 319.

or 105 less than tSaa F'rancisco alone. Gicico Hulltttn. The Labor Distbess in England. Some of the woikingmeu's associations iu New York; are to have meetings on Sunday to consider whether thev can do anything toaileviate tta-terrible distress which has overtaken the industrial classes in Enirlond. Tbts is in answer an appeal wnich has been received this weett from some of the Manchester and Old nam Benevolent Societies.

The Oad Fellows, it is also understood, have received like appeals. The Mukrain Raoino in Texas. The San Antonio (Tex.) tWald says: "Within the last ten aays we have bad to record several deaths of persons inocnlated with that terrible disease, the si arrain, while engaged in skinning cattle that were inlected. From that we infer that tne murrain must be raging in Northern Texas to a certain extent. It is a bizhly inflimmatory fever, accompanied with tumors, carbuncles, ulcere and purnleut deposits throughout tne whole body." Theke Authors and One Plat.

The new plav ai the Uuion square Theatre, New York. "The Banker Dauuhtsr," is claimed by tnree' brotison liovrard is the author on the play-bills: A. K. Cazauran, who revised the plav. is now charged by Aaaiph Kose with takin? manv cha acters and incidents lrom a play of hts, "submitted to the theatre two year asc.

Mr. Roge threatens to bnuji suit against -Man-aser Palmer. While a crowd or people were eazintr a mammoth conrar, or Mexican lion, chained ia a stock yard at San Antonio, Texas, the ferocious animal unexpectedly leaped the length of its chain, and eeiziuz a boy's arm dragged hint through a eate and literally tore him to pieees. All that the tiaudreds of citizens could do was to puilout their revolvers and empty their content into tne cougar's head, bat it was too late. avenue, are ready for the holidays with a large stock: of furniture.

Thomas A. Crean. No. S3 North Howard street, has a stock of furniture, cctpetings. velocipedes and bobby horses.

John savior. No. 115 Lexington street. Is closing ont carpets, oilcloths, rugs, mats, drnggets. hassocks, door mats, and other goods, at fair prices, and invites purchasers to cail.

Thomas S. Hughes. No. 60 East Baltimore street, is seilins off his stock of furniture, carpets and oilcloths at prices to suit the times. Charles Hollander Sors, No.

ti West Pratt street, offer 500 dozed assorted children's chairs, and a general line ot furniture, ftc. TOYS AND HOLIDAY NOVELTIES. The variety nd atti activenesa of the goods In the toy and notion stores keep pace with this inventive age. and many Interesting novelties in their line are offered by advertisers. J.

Kos. Parker. No. 16 North Charles street, will give daily receptions to customers, and wi.l display a very large and handsome dressed doll. He has a flne stock of dolls.

Japanese and Chinese good, etc. Youse ft Obendorf, No. 20 South Charies street, offer at fair prices their stock of fancy boxes, baskets. Christmas tree ornaments, scrap pictures aud fancy goods generally. Henry Scbwarz, No.

211 West Baltimore street, at lils toy and novelty bazar, offers a large stock of toys, dolls, and a multitude of presents lor children, besides leather gouds and other articles for adults. Elliott. No. l-t Lexington street and 2h6 Norih Howard street, has for holiday presents full lines of toys, tancy goods in great variety, all at moderate prices. The Crescent Dollar Store.

No. 220 West Baltimore street, offeis 500 Eastlake rockers, besides dolls, book, vases, pictures, frames, music, aud other useful and oraamental goa ls. E. V. Daily, No.

119 We-t Fa vette street. has martc lanterns and views, suitable for school or home exhibitions. E. No. 79 Lexington street, exhibits his regular offering of handsome doils.

lancv baskets, new guues. and toy in greatest variety! John H. flitcfiena. No. 71 West Baltimore street, has a 11 ne assortment of toys, dolls, aad fancy goods tor tne holidays, at low est "rates.

Greenfield, No. 23-j Lexington street, offers hia stock of tin and iron toys, toy furniture, horses, banks, wholesale and retail. George P. oteinbach, Nos. 1S1 West Baltimore Btreet and 127 Lexington street, offers a great variety of toys, dolls, noveltlds.

fine leather cooes, desks, worn boxes and lancv articles generally. H. a. Bell, agent. No.

138 West Fayette street, has opened a large slock of toy carriages, velocipedes, hoDby horse, wagons, toy turuiture, etc. The Monumental Noveity Company, No. Si North Howard street, are selling novelties, toys, candy, fruits, pocket knives and other holiday goods. Hartz Levy's magical bazar. No.

1S5 Vest Baltimore street, have received new tricks and hundreds of new entertaining wonders for holiday presents. Lord ft Kobinson, Nos. iss and 90 West Lombard street, advertise "rally Ho" hobby horses, something entirely new. lh new toy store. No.

236 West Baltimore street, cail attention to a tull stock. Charies Mehlgarten. No. Ill North Howard street, has a fine assortment of doll-house furniture and fixings, toya. strings for musical instruments, and holiday goods generally.

At No. lfit West Baltimore street, the trade can be supplied with Christmas trees, tree-holders and evergie-n triiumintts. Cromwell ft Congdon, No. 51 Light street, offer every day a full stock of Christmas trees, of ail sizes, from Patapsco nurseries. George C.

Hayes, No. 140 North Eutaw street. corner New street, has a itock of fancy novelties, pictures, laces, glazed papers. "Chatterbox." etc FIANOS, OBGAS'S. BTC.

A fine-toned piano. organ or other musical Instrument makes an acceptable present at any time, and the manufacturers and dealers ol Baltimore have the best. Charles M. Stleff, No. 9 North Liberty stret.

has In his warerooms pianos of his on well-known make, organs of different mages, at talr prices, stietf'g unrivalled pianos were victorious at the Paris exposition. Otto Sutro, No. 207 West Baltimore street, general agenrior the stelnway ana the Chickenog pianos, the Mason ft Hamlin. Wooos ana other organs and pianos, offers D-mains in instrument and music goods generally, new and second-hand. Win.

Knabe ft os. 2U4 and West Baltimore street, have many new and second-hand pianos, organs and other musical goods, offered at bugging for the holidays. Sanders ft Stayman. No. 15 Sorth Charles street, offer bargains in pianos, organs and other goods at their warerooms.

Hetnekamp, No. 373 West Baltimore street, calls attention to bis first-class pianos and organs. J. F. Kueckert.

No. 414 i.exingtoa street, has a fine stock of good new and seoond-band pianos. 1. M. ftobb.

No. 80 West Favette street, has good pianos, organs. 4 4., at reasonable prices. Barker ft No. 412 Norti Gav street, offer to hoddav purchasers first-ciasa pianos at bottom prices.

The Manufacturing Company, No. ISO Myrtle avenue, corner Hoffman stree. have pianos and organs at talr prices Daniel F. Beatty. Washington.

Warren countv. New Jersey, sends holiday greeting, and will send a large Illustrated newspaper, postage free, about cost of hia pianos and with the offers lor the holiday season. G. O. Demuth.

No. 1U8 West Fayette street, is selling during the holiuavs first-class pianos and organs of five different makes at fa.r prices, pr to removal. GBOCEBIES. FRUITS, CONFECTIONS AND LIQUOBS. The choice stocks of holiday groceries, fruits and other holiday fixings are temptingly displayed In the stores of enterprising dealers, and all tastes can be supplied.

Samnel Edmonds ft Bro-corner Lexington and Pearl street, have a fuU supply of sugars, moias-se. raisins, currants, citron, and oiher articles lor holiday sales. F. L. Lawrence, northeast corner Lexington and Greene streets-displays a large stock ot prims groceries, such as flour, sugar, molasses, and has ail the holiday fruits.

14. Courtney ft No. 14 North Charles street, corner Fayette street, are leceivtng choice teas, coffee, fresh fruits, preserves and conserves, sugar, molasses, flour, and other prime groceries, pure imported wines and liouors tor holiday use. C. D.

Kenny, southwest corner Lexington and Greene and southwest corner Hanover ana Camden streets, baa full stocks of fresh coffees, sugars, teas, and groceries generally. George K. McGaw ft corner Lexington and Paca streets, sell ail reliable brands of flour, and deal in canned fruits and vegetables packed for their family trade, besides having in stock fruits, nuts. etc. The Patapsco flouring mills.

C. A. Gambnll ft propnetors. No. 82 Commerce street, established 1774, manufacture and sell various standard brands, weil known to the rale, also Graham flour and medium, extra and super.

O. B. Cheaownth. No. 67 Edmondson avenne, his opened a new batter store tor supplying families and the trade.

Frederick M. Bollman. 63 South Gay street, is the importer of imperial wine vinegar, malt and nonpareil elder viaegir. Hayes Johnson, No. 99 South street, are agents for Bridiewater and Belmont family flour.

Becaley. No. 226 Holllus stt eet, has holidav fruits, essences, meats, groceries, fresh and good. Taylor Bros o. W0 West Baltimore street, corner Calvert street, nave staple and lancv family groceries for thehoHcuys, salsa oil.

fruits, nuts, ftc C. Edwin Stiiie Eutaw and Camden grocers and flour dealers, sell the bt flour, fruits, butter, fresh meats, ftc, delivered anywhere In the city. Lewis Elmer Sons, Nos. 1. 2 and 3 O'Donneil's wharf, are receiving fresh supplies of pure cider.

S. R. scogsins. corner Light and Pratt streets keeps supplies of all kinds of game, fish, oysters ana other table luxuries, and his stocks are fresh every day. J.

C. Baugher ft No. 191 Madison avenne, have a fine stock of brandy, wines, ruin, cordials. French peas, for the holidays. S.

Vicari.truit store. No. 129 West Baltimore street, has Louisiana and Florida oranges, tresh fruits and confectionery of all kinds for the holidays. Hughes ft Browning. No.

23J Pennsylvania avenue, have, at lowest market pnees. l'raits, cider, spices, wines, liquors, mincemeat, ftc, for holiday purchasers. Hamilton's original home-made candy depot. No. 134 Lexington street, has tiesii stocks ot holiday sweetmeats, home-made, French confections, ftc C.

Baqnoi's candy factory. No. Zri West Pratt street, is stocked wuh pure candies, plain and mixtures, nuts and choice sweetmeats for holidav saies. John Hanna, No. 132 West Baltimore street, has a fine stock ot old brandy, whisky, Jamaica wine, ftc.

for the holldavs. Bollinger's champagnes are advertised as being among the best. The Maryland Dairy Company. No. 159 West Bid-die street, deliver best print and roll batter to purchasers in any part of tae city.

T. B. Shall, oyster house, corner Pratt and Hol-lingsworth streets, has diamond-back terrapins and other gastronomic products. D. G.

Yingliug ft Son. Nos. 46 and 43 North Eutaw street, have a large stocs: ot new currants, citron, figs, raisins, ana a full line of choice wines and liquors for tne holidays. S. E.

Keinhard ft No. 26 North Entsw street, bave choice new currants. Cape Cod cranberries aiid other holiday necessaries. Darby ft Ao. i35 West Baltimore Btreet.

offer a large stock of new paper-shell and Bordeaux almonds. Bromweir Old-Established Butter Store. No. 234 Lexington street, is prepared to supply holiday buyers at lair prices. Pikesviile Dairy Comoany.

No. 260 Argyle avenue, furnishes oure milk ana cream, standard quality guaranteed. ft No. 179 West Pratt street, have regular supplies of prime salt oysters, barreled for lamilv The No. 340 West Pratt Btreet bakery aad confectionery ofler a great varieiv of Christmas cakes, candies, nuts, fruits, etc.

C. McMyers. No, 246 West Lexington street, corner Archtreet. has fresh cakes and candies, ait kinds, at fair market prices. Smith.

No. North Eutaw street, has a large assortment ot nure and fre-h confectioneiy- A. J. LaFIeur. No 159 West Pratt street, has choice supplies oi cider, batter, eggs and aned iruiu.

HOLIDAY GOODS FOR LADIES AND UN. Perkins No 22 North Charles street, have rich dress silks, carners-halr fabrics, silk velvets, low-oriced dress goods, scarfs, ties, ribbons, handkerchiefs, laces, gloves, fancy hosiery. Bilk umbrellas merino underwear, and other beautiful eoods lor the holidays. E. S.

hi. e. northeast corner Lexington and Lib ertv streets, has a large assortment of desirable and" useful goods tor presents, including ladies', gentle" men's and children's hosiery, underwear and fur" nlshinaa. linen and silk handkerchiets, neckwear, collars, cutis, combs, brushes, uertnmery. etc.

A'ltken No. 73 North Eutaw Btreet. near Saratoga etreet. hve a large of silk, lace and linen handkerchiefs, lace collars, hosiery, gloves, underwear, neckwear for ladies and men. note papers and envelopes in fancy boxes, for holiday presents.

Conwav ft No. 28 North Charles Btreet. have beautituf appreciable presents in e.nbrolderedpiino covers, embroidered flannels, pillow and sheet shams, Marsaiiles quilts, table daoaask, ladies'. gents' aad chlidien's handkerchiefs, ftc Henry C. Hartmsn, No.

139 We.t Baltimore street, has special attractions for the holidays in ladies' and gents' underwear, hosiery, gloves, handkerchiefs collars, cuffs, pocket-books, combs, brushes, je welry, ftc, in great variety. SEWING MACHINES. A good sewing machine is one of the prized articles In every household. At No. 41 North Gay itreetcan be found a larze stock of sewing m.icnmes at holiday prices, besides attachments, needles, findings, etc.

At No. li9 Hmover street the New Singer machines and ali attachments cun be obtained. SlcKennv, No. 136 West ayette street, offers many sewing machines for holiday presents. T.

Shanks, corner Lombard and Sharp streets, offers th latest improved and simplified Singer sewing machines. W. M. Kedmond. No.

S5 North Gay street, sells ali kinds of sewing machines, and does repairing. i'uk. No. 106 Pennsylvania avenue, offers tewing ful, rare and artistic goods, selected in Parts, suitable for holiday and wedding presents. C.

Y. Davison No. 5 North Liberty street, have opened, direct from Paris, rare nd artistic Pallisy ware, a fine collection of French flowers. French and German novelties, brass goods, marble clocks, bronzes. J.

S. Macdona.d, No. 4 North Charles street, offers a new and fresL stock of jewelry for the holidays at current rates, Benjamin No. North Gay street, offer a stock of gold and silver watches, diamonds, jewelry, silverware, at fair rates. Adrlaan, No.

1 Clay street, corner Liberty street, offers goidlnd silver watches, chains, jewelry and silverware generally. W. F. Bisslng. No.

280 West Baltimore street, has a large stock of jewelry, watches, silver and plated-ware for the holidays. The large and valuable stoc of CanBeld, Bro. No. 229 West Baltimore street, ts offered for the holidays at reasonable cash rates. Including watches, diamonds, jewelry, silver and plated ware, fancy goods, etc.

Lyon, old-established jeweler. No. 7 West Baltimore street, corner Gay street, offers watches, diamonds and jewelry to holiday purchasers. John 11. Hare, English watchmaker.

No. 63 West Fayette street, opposite Barnum's. has several fine old English ball clocks to sell, besides other goods. FUBS, Ha TS, UMBRELLAS. XTC The manufacturers of and dealers la fur goods, and the many fashionable articles usually found in their establishments, announce their Intention to supply the holiday demand at prices to suit.

Sigrannd.No. 183 West Baltimore street, near Light street, fur manufacturer, has a full line of sealskin sacques and fine furs, besides a large assortment of ladies' line velvet trimmed coats and coatings of different styles at fair prices. Taylor, opposite Barnum'a Hotel, is offering sealskin sacques, muffs, boas, ladies' hit, gloves, fur-lined wraps, besides fur goods for men and bovs, together with a large stick ot hats, umbrellas and. other goodsadapted for holiday piesents. K.

Coupland, No. 72 South Charies street, alters, cleans, aud dyes silk, stiff and soft hats. JL. Krauss, fur manufacturer. No.

530 West Baltimore street, is offering a choice assortment of ladies' sealskin sacoues, muffs, boas, far parlor mats, children's fur sets, and other seasonable goods. H. C. Hunt, fashionable batter. No.

10O North Gay street, announces bargains in hats and caps for the holidays, and does, cleaning, dyeing ana repairing. Beehler, No. 121 Lexington street. Bays a tine holiday present is a good umbrella, and be has a large supply for sale. Martin Emerlch, kid glove Importer.

No. US Lexington street, southeast corner Liberty street, offers his patrons a large stock of glovei in every fashionable style, and at bottom prices. Charies F. McCullougb. No.

203 West Baltimore street, has all the leading styles of dress hats tor gents and youths. Lynch Co No. 49 West Baltimore street, have a In 11 assortment of men's and bovs' hats, umbrellas, canes ana other suitable goods for holiday purchasers. Knox, "The Hatter," Sun Iron Building, offers as useful and sensiole holiday presents hats. and umbrellas at reasonable figures.

FANCY GOODS AND NOVELTIES. Under this heading may be included an almost Innumerable list of fresh and seasonable goods, from which presents for-ali classes may be secured. K. H. Milliken, No.

221 West Baltimore street, has opened an elegant stock of ladies', gents and children's handkerchiets. linen collars and cuff's, it-broidered linen pillow shams and other white goods. Armstrong, Cator Nos. 2S7 and 239 West Baltimore street, offer extensive line of goods, manufactured and imported, for the holiday trade, such as ladles' and gents' silk and fancy linen handkerchiefs, linen and laoe sets, ties, scans, lace goods, jabots, which dealers are asked to Inspect. A.

Kappaport.No. 403 Saratoga street, oners for holiday presents ladles' and gents' handkerchiefs, ties, bows, scarfs collars and culls, hosiery, and many other fancy articles. Kosensteel Klue, No. 109 North Gay street, have for holiday presents dress patterns, wraps, table linens, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, gloves, dolls, satchels, mantel ornaments, albums and other tancy goods. Salomon.

No. 677 West Baltimore street, has for holiday goods table linens, handkerchiets, treasure boxes and other useful ana ornamental goods. Wamsley Ned well. No. 79 North Charles street, have opened a case of French gooas suitable tor the holidays, which ladies are invited to examine.

DBF GOODS, SUITINOS, XTC. The dealers In dry goods, novelties In wearing, apparel, fancy articles, and the many articles in their lines of to the front with tempting displays for holiday sales. George H. C. Neal Son, Nos.

93 and 101 West Baltimore street, "offer their usnal heavy holiday stock of silks, dress goods, domestics, cloaklnga, suitings, laces, sealskins, and the extensive variety of fancy and other novelties for tha ladies, together with a full assortment of goods for gentlemen. Hamilton Easter ft Sons, Nos. 190 to 205 West Baltimore sfeet. invito attention of purchasers to their assortment of silks. French, English and domestic dress goods, Nottingham, Guipure.

Unoor real lact goods In great variety, and their full stock ot cloakings, fresh fancy articles, men's wear. S. Kann, os 151 and 156 South Broadway, has for special holiday sales large and handsome assortments of dress goods, remnants, and offers bargains in shawls, cloaks, blankets, comforts, and in the articles ot his extensive stock of staple and fancy goods, to which he cads special attention. J.Edward Bird ft No.JlS West Baltimore street, oiler In great variety for the holidays cloaks, velvets, silk and beaver cloth, sealskin sacques, dress goods, dresses, shawls, and fancy articles for presents, at the present ruling prices. Charles Simon Sons, No.

63 North Howard street, will sell during the holidays their fine stock of black and colored silk's, trench, Knglish and domestic dress goods, mourning dress goods, housekeeping dry goods, and many novelties. Cleaveland. No. 157 North Gay street, offers his stock of domestic and flne dress goods and other stock at moderate prices. S.

Levy ft Son, No. 77 West Baltimore street, offer at fair prices black, garnet, plum. navy, gros grain and other silks, satin goods, and all ot the many articles iu tneir store. Cohen. No.

102 Lexington street, has wool blankets, comtrt. dress goods, casslmers. cloaks, and the regular assortment of goods in his line lor holiday trade. S. L.

Hellner. Nos. 65 and 07 West Baltimore announces his store as a headquarters for cloaks," silks, and the assortment of desirable goods in his double store. It. Behrends.

No. 71 North Howard street, new store, baa a choice and well-selected stock of dry goods, notions and hosiery at reasonable flgnres, for holiday sales. TOILET ARTICLES AND CHOICB NOVELTIES. The fine stocks ot handsome goods in the stores of dealers In toilet articles and choice novelties are as attractive as ever, and The Sun tells where the best can be had: W. H.

Read. Carrollton Hotel Bniding. West Balti more street, offers a large stock of Grand Unchess cologne, toilet soap and tancy goods for the holt-day trade, at reasonable prices, and beautiful presents can be had at bis store. Habitsion's pharmacy, northeast corner Gay and Baltimore streets, has a large and beautiful assortment of toilet and other ornamental and useiul articles. "Monumental Bouquet toilet soap," lor holidav sales.

Trible. Nos. 33 and 34 North Charles street, has opened for the holidays ali tne new fringes, trimmings, buttous and novelties, fans, jewelry, ladies' anagejts' neck wear. handKerchieis. A.

Hughes pharmacists, southeast corner Howard and Franklin streets, have a well-selected stock of stationery, toilet aud lancy articles for holiday presents, besides a selected stock of drugs and medicines. USEFUL AND OKSAMENTAL GOODS. The offerings under the above beading are equal to those of any previous season, and the bargains lor holiday presents are quite as numerous. Samuel Hunt Sons, No. 202 West Baltimore street, offer a large assortment of Russia leather goods specially for the holidays, selected in Europe, and other articles.

Howell Brothers. Baltimore street, opposite Hanover street, have all the late styles of artistic paper hangings, best Scotch Hollands, window shades and'other goods, wholesale and retail. Towner. Landstreet Co Nos. 217 and 219 West Baltimore street, have in large variety vulcanite jewelry, Kuesia leather goods, umbrellas, rubber goods, toys, balls.

James Fitzgerald. No 3 North Gay street, has lasting and beautiful presents, including novelties in the picture trade, engravings, chromos. photos, flowers, statuary, frames, mirrors, window cor-ujecs CtC- Frizzell. No. 478 West Baltimore street, manufactures frames, mirrors, cornices, pictures, and hag a large stock of scrap pictures.

W. K. Lincoln, No. 6 South Calvert street, is offer-lng-a large assortment ot suitable holiday goods. Bscnrach ft artistic photographers, corner Eutaw and Lexington streets, ask people who want picture lor the holidays to call before the rush.

George H. Kodgers, No. 66 North Charles street, off ers for useiul holiday presents gas reading stands, argand Durners and shades, polished brass goods, toilet chandeliers, gas fixtures, etc. Plumbing and gas fitting done. BOOTS SHOES AND SLIPPERS.

Seasonable and appreciated holiday gifts for all classes and both sexes may be had at the stores of the manufacturers and dealers in boots, shoes, slippers. George D. Hill ft corner Gay and l-ayette streets and No. 90 North Eutaw street, have in tull stock Hill's tactless shoes for ladies, misses, children, bovs and youths. All orders will be filled.

Pels, No. 59 North EntaW street. 1b ready for the bolidavs with ladles' button boots, noveitv slippers, gent' slippers and other goods for presents. Levi Weinberger. No.

81 North Eutaw street, bag large slocks of ladies', misses' and men's shoes, boots, gaiters, overshoes, rubber shoes, at various prices and of every style. J. S. Lewis. No.

54 West Fayette street, has reduced the price of his patent boot, and has also a large stock of other goods in his line. Wm. Coles, No. 41 Myrtle avenue, has on hand and makes to order all styles of ladies', misses and children boots and shoes. lieorge S.

Clogg ft on. No. 2 South Calvert street, have toilet slippers In great variety. Patterns are made up for gentleraeu and bovs, and shoes tor ladies and mUses are made to order. Michael Hess.

No. 157 Lexington street, has a large stock of fine slippers, ladies' shoes, all styles, handmade, at fair prices. CARPETING, FURNITURE, XTC. The dealers in carpetings. furniture and other goods In their lines proclaim through The Sum where holiday bargains may be bad.

McDowell ft os. 264 ana 266 West Baltimore street, offer a handsome stock of Persian. Smyrna Brussels, velvet and Wilton rugs and mats, Brussels and velvet ottomans, hassocks, lor holiday saies, at low figures. Jonn Turnbull, No. 248 West Baltimore street, have a large stock of genuine Turkey and Persian rugs and mats, Brussels and other carpetings.

to suit all taster. H. Imwold CoH No. 494 West Baltimore street, has the prettiest styles of oriental ottomans ana hassocks, F.ngilsh and American mats, together witn carpetings. oilcloths, drujjgola, and all similar goods, at rates to suit the times.

Julius Hines. corner Gay and Exeter streets, announces suitable presents for the holidays in brus-selsand ats. carpets, crumo cloths, ottomans, window shades and other fre.h goods. Michael ft No. 125 West Buliimore street, have useful and ornameatal goods lor presents, as lancy chairs, writing deans, curiains, cornices, trimmings, artistic wall papers and decorations, T.

J. Speights, No. 101 Hanover street, offers his carpetings, oilcloths and other goods for the holidays. w. H.

Silk, No. 60 North Howard street, oilers mat bedding, at fair prices Brag's turuiture house, Nos. 43 and 45 Pennsylvania avenue, has a large and weii-seiected stock of pralor. chamber and dining room furniture at bargains. Aaron Brag, Nos.

489 and 491 "West Baltimore has a large stock of flne and low-priced furniture at his warerooms. at as low rates as elsewhere In this market. David Wllfson, Nos. 431 and 4B3 "West Baltimore street, calls special attention to his flne selectea stock of furniture for holiday sacs. il.

Uoseuihai ft Sous. No. and 32 Pennsylvania. I A 1NOS. OKOANS.

ETC- SELECTED FOK HOLIDAY TKADE. tSKSTKY ORGANS, NKW STYLES; EBER HANtiS, BUDerb In toxi and touch; FISCHER PIANOS, fine Instruments, at verv low figures: second-hand PIANOS. Steinway. Chickeriug, Knabe, btieff, stodardt. Waters and other makes.

SANDEKS ft s'l'AKMAN, d14-12tt 15 North Charles street. THE LITTLE GIANT. A wonderful new GRAND PIANO made by the Si-eat house of STEINWAY SONS. Only 6 feet lone; powerful as a lull Concert Grand. "Will go Into any pallor.

A little beauty. 6 OTTO SUTF.O. d91raj 807 West Baltimore street. LVx KEMEMBEK. That 1 will rent KUAN'S as low as 7 per quarter lor ten consecutive quarters, or 2 -ears, when a receipt in full will be given for tha antrum ant.

MASON ft HAMLIN GEO. WOODS CO. ORGANS. WILCOX WHITE) All first-class in every respect. OTIO SU I P.O.

General Agent. dH-lmV 807 West Baltimore street. Stnd.VDHAND PIANOS AND OK. CANS FOK SALEOJtt RENT at reason able prices. Hilt) il9-liu 207 West Baltimore afreet.

AMERICA'S LAURELS! The triumphs of Mechanical Skill! First and foremost the world oven ST 1 WAY fc SON 'S. ft SON'S, ft LANGS. MASON HAMLIN, GEORGE WOODS ORGANS. OTTO SUTRO. -d3-lm General Agent.

807 West Baltimore st. JJSTUE CELEBRATED NKW ENGLAND T-i-f? CABINET ORGAN'S. NEW STYLES AND IMPROVEMENTS. Frcm now until the 1st of January I will allow a discount of 50 per cent, on all ORGANS purchased lor cash. D.

M. KOBB, Successor to F. D. Benteen, dl5-6t) SO West Fayette street. 65S HAINES BROTHERS' PiANOS.

ITtY? The best PIANOS, at moderate pri offered in the city. OTTO SUYRO, dli-lm General Agent. 807 West Baltimore St. ggffv- WILCOX ft WHITE ORGANS. I have Just taken the Agency lor the above celebrated ORGANS.

They are superb; beautiful cases, splendid tone, elegant finish. Call and see them. OTTO sUTKO. -dH-lm General Agent. 207 West Baltimore st.

SSRj. RON sTnNKE OF A FIRST-CLASS INSTRUMENT will find it to their advan tage to call before purchasing at Ufc.lNEK.AMP Piano and Organ Kooms.37 3 Baltimore st.21-lm IT WILL PAY YOU CALL and eonvlnce yourself of the fact that the best and cheapest place to buy good NEW aiiu u.Mi na.iu riA.nis is at my ine.v PIANO WAREROOMS. 414 Lexington street, dti-lm J. RUECKERT. BILLIARDS- BILLTAKIl TaBLKS of new desigu.

new and prices which defy Competition. Phelau 4 Coliender CUSHION'S. J. U. TAiLOlift No.

34 South Sharp street Baltimore. STEAMSHIP LINES- FOB PROVIDENCE. VIA NORFOLK. TbesteanisniD MOLLi.lil.AN. CaDt.

J. ijyiut, TLxbUA it Uecemner-44. at 12 M. A. L.

UGG1NS. Agent, tfr Boston wharf, toot of Loug Dock. FOK BOSTON, Y1A NORFOLK. Steamship WM. CRANE.

Cant. E. E. went. MUN OA i l)-c.

at 3 1 M. are to Boston, Including Meais and Stateroom Berth 12 50 "Round 20 00 A. L. HOGGINS, Agent, tfr Boston wharf, foot of Long Dock. FOR SAVANNAH, GA.

Steamship Oe.o. APPOLi), Captain O. IV. Bumps. 1 CKSDAY.

December 2. at P. M. Through rates ot Jrreight and Passage Tlcketsto HI points South. A.

L. HOGGINS, Agent, Boston and Savannah Pier, Loug THOMAS W. GOUGH. Agent, C. K.

R. of Ga 3 German street. JAMES B. ANDREWS. Agent, ol-tfr A.

and G. R. 33 German street. AMERICAN LINK, The only Transatlantic Line sailing under Che American flag fcverv THURSOAY Horn Philadelphia ana WLDN FSDAY from Liverpool. UtiLO fails ThUKSDAY.

Dec. 26. at 10 A. M. KFD STAR LIN EF0R ANTWERP.

bailing every 12 aays from Philadelphia and New Tone, tnus la'nainc passengers wnnout transhipment within a few hours' ride ot aU the central I'oinls of interest on the Continent. Steamship VV il ZFRLANi'l sails IFRIDAY, De-teir ber at i P. For rates or passage, or other information, apply to PETER WRlGHf SONS. General Agent 307 alnut street. Phiia.

44 Second Balto. Agents tor Baltimore: WM. SCHNAUFFER. 1 HouidRy street, and ISAAC HARTMANN, No. 3S becond street and Monumental Square.


Wed. Dec. 18 S( YTHIA. Wed. 1 Cub passage t'iO.

$so and (100. gold, according to accommodations. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage tickets at very low rates. Drafts on bngland and Ire and In sums to suit.

C. G. FRANCHLYN. Agent. New YortT.

A. D. KEt-NER. Agent, Adams Express Office, mhl4-ly 164 Baltimore street ALLAN LINE STEAM BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND LIVERPOOL, CALLING AT HALIFAX EACH WAY. The spiendid screw Steamers of the above line Will run us tolloivs- From Baltimore.

PERUVIAN, 3,00 tons Tuesday. Dec. 24. CIRCASSIAN, tons 1 nesdav. Dec.

3L SARDINIAN. 4,100 tons Monday, Jan. 6. I'OLYNESIAN. 4.100 tuns Monday, Jan.

13. ALSTR1 AN. 2.100 tons WedmsJav. Jan. 15.

CASPIAN. 3.V00 tons Monday. Jan. 20. CARMATIAN.

S.tiOO tons Monday. Jan. 27. Ana henceforth every MONDAY ana every alternate WKDNfcSDAY. All steamers are appointed to leave Baltimore at 9 A.

M. on their advertised dates. Steamers leaving Wednesday touch at St. John's, M.F. Slewrage.

Passage to or from Liverpool, Glasaow, Queeimtmon or lie'fant currency. For treiuht or passage applv to tne Agents. A. SCHUMACHER nl6-tf No. 3 South Gav street, Baltimore, ORTH GERMAN LLOYDi Bl'LAil BETWEEN BALTIIORE and BREMEN.

The Screw steamers of the North German Lloya, of S.20!) tons and 700 horse power, run regularly between BALTIMORE and BREMEN, as follows: From Bremen. From Baltimore. BERLIN Oct. .10. Nov.

21. 2 P. M. BALTIMORE Nov. li.

Dec. 5.2 P.M. OHIO Not 27. Dec. 19.

2 P. M. LEIPZIG Dec. 11. Jan.

2.2 P.M. And tlif-rejfier trout BRKMEN every alternate Vf Kl KSDA from BALTIMORE every alternate THURSDAY, at 2 P. M. bleamshii Braunschweig and Nuroberg. having accommodations, take cabin passengers to Hieinen.

For freight or passage apply to A. SCHUMACHER y30-tf No. 5 South Gay street. STEAMBOAT IIXES- POTOMAC IF. AM BOAT COM-PAN Y.

BCHOPTANK KIVEK. On and after TUESDAY. Ilrtnh.r IS. ISIS. the.

splendid Iron Steamer GEORGE A A will le tve Pier 1 1, Light-street wharf, toot of Barre street, every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 9 o'clock P. for F.A.--TON, OXFORD. CAMBRIDGE and INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS TO JlOG ISLAND on and SA1URDAYS extending her trips tc POITers LANDING, re- taming on the loilowing das bv the same route, leaving Potter's Landing at 12 Hog island at 1 P. Cainoridge at 5 P. and Ei.eton at 9 P.

making close ith the Delaware and Chosapease and Dorchester and Delaware railroads. For Freight and Pas-age apply to FO. MATT IN GL i Superintendent. Office Puir 1 1. Light Baltimore.

Ik YORK K1VF.K LINE. me i Passenjer Steamers of this line via leave fTkK Light street, EVERY MON DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY', at 4 P. for V.ichmond and Landings on York and Mattapom Kive-s. arriving in Richmond at 10 o'clock the fol-1-wmg morning. Passage from Baltimore to Richmond S5 03 Freight received and lor warded daily via James and York Rivers.

Through bills lading and rates guaranteed to all points South as low as by any other line. Ail way eight must be prepaid. For tickets apply on steamer. R. FOSTER.

General Manager. G. F. FEDHAM, General Freight Agent. Ufiice-9l Lialu street.

aJli-lr fSfCJS FEMS LI IE AM ERS. JsiS(2r3C? S-'r-HING ARRANGEMENT. 00 an-i 111 ter SATL RDA March 2, ih7, the steamers 01 this line will run as follows: PLANTER, every SATURDAY and WEDNESDAY at 6.HOA.M. om Pier Lmht street, for Fair Haven, Plum Point, Governor's Run and Pa-tuxent River aa far up as Benedict. Returning leave Benedict every MONDAY and THURSDAY at 6 A M.

lor Baltimore. Freight received TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS onlv at Pier Litit street. WENO-NAH SUNDAY NIGHT at 9 o'clock lor Patuxent River dli ee as tar tip is llili Landing. Returning, leaves Bristol every MON DAY at o'clof-k for Baltimore, freight received ou SATURDAYS only at Pier ight street. WENONAH and every TUESDAY JHRIDA at 4.30 p.

M. for Rappahannock River na Fredericksburg. Returning, leave every MONDAY and I'll Hull AY at 5 P.M. at Pier 9. Light ESDAY a.

THURSDAYS and FRIDAYS up to 4 clock. g. H. FORBES. 'WILLIAMS, Agent 01Iice 114 Light-street whan, op stairs.

de27-12m: rj1; Rl ER STEAM BO AT AND AFTER MON DAyf "SEPTEMBER 9. the new iron steamer tB rmU will leave Pier No. 7.L1GHI SIREEl WtiAUt every TUESDAY THURSDAY and SATU1JDA Vt 10 A. for thestertown. stopping at Kent Islaad, oueenstown Ceutreville, Quaker Neck, booner's and RolphV leave Che-tertown every MOi5av' WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at A.

making the above stops. blnmer Gl-O. LAW Will every MONDAY WEDNESDAY and i-RIDAY. at 4 A. for Ceutreville, Grey's Inn Crek.

Quaker Neck, Book- CI 1UIMI HUH V. IlCrlf.l IUH 11. iluiuiUK, leHVQ Crumptou every TUESDAY. TH RSD AY' and SAT-V KDA at 7 A. making the above stops.

B. S. VORD, President. MARYLAND STEAMBOAT CO.M- inii ZXm Pan y. fcteauiers ioivePIER 3.

LIGHT as follows: Steamer HIGHLAND LIGHT or KENT at 9 P. W. dally (except Sunday lor OX OKI), and all landings to KUFORD'S ARE, extending MON DA ESDAY and I iilDAY Ulris to DEN ION Steamer CH AMPION at? A. M. dally (except Sun-Jay) for ANNAPOLIS, exteii'itne triD on MONDAY.

WEDNESDAY audSATt.RDAY to West and Khode River- TUESDAY FRIUAY to M. Mi. thaeiy and Miles River Ferry, THURS aay to River. ENOCH PRATT at 6 M.TUESDAT V.I.JDAV forGKEAT WICOMICO R1VEK. Dl-TAN ii iu vt a tKfctKo and PI AN KA- tPt'y at COMPANY'S CE, Llgl' street.

l-lr liOWAKD B. ENSIGN. President. fpiIEfcLN PltlNUNG ESTAEL1s1IMENt7 A fcEAT, ACUUUAlii. PROMPT.


Ladies' Silk TIES and BOWS at from 12 cents up. Gents' Fancy TIES and BOWS at from 5 cents up. 100 Bilk HANDKERCHIEFS, new patterns, at 12M cts. each. 1.000 dozen Hemmed Linen ANDKERCHI EE at from 5 cents "up.

Colored Border Hemmed HANDKERCHIEFS at from 2S cents up. Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS at from 8 cents up. New styles Colored Border Hemmed HAN DKERCH I FS at 10 cts. each. New assortment Japanese TIDIES at 25 cts.

each. EXAMINE! EXAMINE! POPULAR PRICES. Jouvin 2-button KID GLOVES, new shades. 44 cents pair: Jouvin's 3-button KID GLOVES, all colors, 5 cents pair; Jouvin's Boulevard real KID GLOVE, in 2 and 8 buttons, every color, at 95 cents pair. Every pair warranted.

A new pair given for every pair that rips or tears. Ladies' and Misses' Fieeey-Llned GLOVES, 12 cents pair. New line of DRESS TRIMMINGS and SILK FRINGES opening this week. New assortment of Ladies'. Misses' and Gents' FANCY HOSE.

Ladies' STRIPED HOSE at 10 and 12 cents pair. Ladies' FANCY HOSE, fifty styles, at 15 cents pair. Ladies' Fancy SILK CLOCKED HOSE at 18 cents pair. Ladies' regular-made HOSE at 18 cents pair. Ladies' regular-made SILK CLOCKED SOLID COLOR HOSE at 25 cents pair.

Ladies' SILK CLOCKED BALBR1GGANS at 19cts. pair up. Misses' FANCY HOSE; at 4. 5, 7 and 10 cents pair up. Misses' Fancy SILK CLOCKED HOSE at 15 and 18 cents pair.

Gents' full regular British HALF HOSE at 19 cents pair. Gents' FANCY' HOSE at 10. 12 and 15 cents pair. Ladies' MERINO VESTS at 25. 85 and 50 cts.

each. Misses' MERINO VESTS at 10. 12 and 15 cts. np. Gents' and Youths' MERINO VESTS at 25 cts.

up. Also an immense assortment of AN CY STATIONERY, PERFUMERY. ARTICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NOTIONS. Ac. Largest and most complete assortment in the city, at popular prices, at POSNER'S.

Nos. 172 and 174 Lexington street. N. B. Our establishment will be open evenings ontil 9 o'clock during this week.

W. BOND tf J. W. BON J. W.

BOND NOS. 90 AND 92 WEST BALTIMORE STREET. NOS. SO AND 92 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, Opposite Postoltice avenue. Opposite Postofflce avenue.

PRESENTS. PRESENTS. A Magnificent Line of WRITING DESKS, all New Styles, WRITING DESKS, all New Styles. LADY'S WORK-BOXES, all Prices, LADY'S WORK. BOXES, all Prices.





Together with the largest, newest and most attractive assortment of FINE LEATHER GOODS ever before exhibited, and made expressly for the present Holidays. SAMUEL HUNT SONS. dlS-5tj 2Q2 Baltimore street. 211 211 GRA OPEN IN AT SCHWARZ'S TOY AND NOVELTY BAZAR. ALL IMPORTATIONS NOW OPEN.


211 WEST BALTIMORE STREET. d4.,24-9t NEAR CHARLES. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS FOR PRESENTS. We have opened an elegant stock of LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS in Hemstitched, Printed and Hemstitched. Mourning, Tucked, Corded and Tape Colors.

GENTLEMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS In Corded and Tape Borders, Printed. Hemstitched. Embroidered Initials in colors. CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, all style. EMBROIDERED LINEN PILLOW SHAMS.


221 Baltimore street. AN DIES FOil THE HOLIDAYS. HAMILTON'S HOME-MADE CANDIES. BEST IN AMERICA. Fine Home-made Candles 25 cts.

per pound. Fine French Candies 20 cts. per pound. F'ine Mixed Candies IS cts. per pound.

Broken Candies 12 cts. per pound. Gum Drops 12 cts. rer pound. HAMILTON'S ORIGINAL HOME-MADE CANDY DEPOT, 134 Lexington street, -dlG-8t between Howard and Park sts.


Ladies', Gents' and Children's GLOVES. Ladies' and Gents' BoWS. TIES and SCARFS. Silk, Linen and Bordered HANDKERCHIEFS. Fancy HOSIERY of all descriptions, and A large variety of Cheap and Useful TPRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.

Call before purchasing elsewhere. Prices guaranteed lowest in the citv. A. RAPPAPORT, 403 Saratoga st. jJOLIDAi' PRESENTS.

EUTAW STREET NOTION HOUSE. NO. 73 NORTH EUTAW STREET, Three doors above Saratoga, Formerly at JVo. t3. We are now offering the greatest bargains, and in our large stock are embraced man articles suited for Holiday Presents.

We name in part: Silk. Lace and Linen HANDKERCHIEFS; LACE COLLARS and BIBBS: HOSIERY', GLOVES. UNDERWEAR and ECK WEAR for Ladies and Gents. Also the largest and cheapest stock ot'Note Paper and Envelopes.ln fancy boxes. The cheapest Dolls la the city.


YOUSE OBERNDORF Intend to close out the entire balance of their fANCY GOODS dnring the next ten days, and offer everything in this line at greatly reduced prices, regardless of cost. CALL EARLY. YOUSE OBERNDORF, 20 South Charles street. A GOOD CHRISTMAS PRESEN For a Boy. Girl or Friend, Is a YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION toaeood MONTHLY MAGAZINE or WEEKLY PAPER, the regular and prompt recep-tion ot winch will be a constant reminder of the donor's Any Monthly or Weekly, published at home or abroad, supplied at lowest prices by THE BALTIMORE NEW COMPANY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND NEWSDEALERS.

dU.16,18,20,21,23,24 SUN IRON BUILDING. fPO THE PUBLIC If vou want CAKES. FRUITS JL and CON FECTIONERY, go to the live per cent, off Bakery and Confectionery, No. 340 WEST PRATT STREET, between Eutaw and Paca streets, and seethe great variety ot CHRISTMAS CAKES, CAN DIES and CTS sold at the lowest prices. It you will be so kind as to call, we will sell rea-sonaole enough to please all.

l7-7t CtHAS. MEHLGAKTKN. AT THE OLD-ESTABLISHED TOY AND NOVELTY STORE. Ill NORTH HOWARD NEAR SARATOGA, has on hand a fine assortment of DOLL-HOUSE FURNITURE AND FIXINGS. Tin Toys, Mechanical Toys, and numerous other articles suitable for Christmas and ew ear's Presents.

Violin, Violoncello and Banjo t-trings a specialty. An eariy call respectlully solicited. USIC SUIT ABLE FOR PRESENTS, with handsome, nicture title pages. BOUND MUSIC. Also a large stock of UslC FOLIOS and Rollers, all at greatly reduced trices.

GEORGE W1LLIG -dl9-5t No. 1 North Charles street. rr HOLIDAY GOODS. JLHOS. J.

BROWN SON, 146 West Baltimore street, near Calvert, have a fine stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Ac. which will be sold at reduced rates, to remove. January 1, W79. to the CENTRAL BUILDING, northwest corner Baltimore and Holllday sts. dU-tDSlrt HRDWTHE.


at low prices, at the old stand. No. 167 Lexington street near Eutaw. C. W.

oREEN FIELD ii SON. TV IWERYGRO I A TREES, It ol all size and varieties. Also Evergreen Trimmings. Holders lor sale. Will supply the trade at wholesale and retail, at 182 WEST BALTIMORE STREET.

-dlit" 1SIT1NG CARDS, CHRISTMAS CARDS, NEW YEAR CARDS. Handsomely toritlen in a variety of styles. lUtf-Sfl bCHOOLFLELD, Barnuiu's Hotel. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. CTHF.ISTAIAS PRESENTS.


FAMILY BIBLES. New Editions and New Bindings. PRAYER BOOKS. An entirely new line and In the neatest designs. In new bindings and in cases.

PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Of Foreign Manufacture, In New Style Binding. WRITING DESKS. Handsome Wood, Leather aad Cloth, of English. French and Home Manufacture.

INKSTANDS, Bankers' Nicfcel-Plated, Bronze and Glass, at exceedingly Low Rates, JUVENILK BOOKS, BIG PICTURE BOOKS. LINEN BOOKS lor the Babies, CHESS AND BACKGAMMON BOARDS, PARLOR CROQUETS. 1 STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, GAMES OF ALL KINDS, PANORAMAS. CUT-UP PICTURE PUZZLES, And all the New Things for the Holidays, NOW READY. And for Sale, Wholesale and Retail, by the BALTIMORE NEWS COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Booksellers, Newsdealers and Stationers.


FUR-LINED GARMENTS 815, UP. LADIES' AND MISSES' FUR SETS. very cheap. SILK AND ARMURE CLOAKS S25. lined with handsome quilting.

LYONS VELVET CLOAKS 835, UP. LATEST PARISIENNK COSTUMES, in a variety of materials, lower than cost of Importation. ULSTERS. CIRCULARS. WATER-PROOF CLOAKS.


CHENILLE. 'BEADED AND KNOTTED. ALSO. PAS3AMENTERIES BUTTONS AND ORNAMENTS have been marked down 25 per cent, less than former prices. KID GLOVES.

QfiO dozen (assorted) at 25 cents. 100 dozen Two-Bnttonat50centa. 100 dozen Three-Button at 75 cents. 75 dozen Six-Button at $1. 50 dozen Eight-Button at 1 25.

The above Gloves are inail thefashionable shades and well Known makes. NATHAN GTTTM AN. d29-2t I 64 Lexington street, near Charles. SEFUL PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. 50 dozen Ladies LINEN HDKFS.

at 15c1s. 50 dozen ladies' Colored Bordered HDKFS. at25 c. 25 dozen Sli.K HDKFS. at 25 cts.

100 dozen SILK HDKFS. at 50 cts. and upwards, in the newest designs. COLLARS AND CUFFS In fancy boxes, a large variety. NATHAN GUTMAN.

d20-2t. 64 Lexington street, near Charle9. HOLIDAY BOOKS, RETAILED AT WHOLESA LE 'PRICES. The public are respectfully invited to call aad examine our STOCK OF HOLIDAY BOOKS, with fine illustrations, including most of the latest publications. Standard Books, Tales, Juvenile Books, in fine Bindings.

Illustrations, PHOTOGRAPH and AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PORTFOLIOS. POCKET-BOOKS. GOLD PENS, CUWiUr, ETC. CATHOLIC BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, In every variety of Elegant Bindings and I lustrations, at all prices.

DEVOTIONAL. HISTORICAL and BIOGRAPHICAL WORKS. TALES. JUVENILE BOOKS, aa immense stock, in every variety of Plain and Gilt Bindings. 4c.

Olive Wood. Pearl and Mecca 8eed ROSARIES, from the Haly Land: MEDALS. STATUETTES. LACE-EDGE ENGRAVINGS, ETC. comprising many new and beautiful styles, all of which are Retailed at Wholesale Prirts during the Holidays at UKPHY CHEAP UP-STAIRS BOOKSTORE, 188 Baltimore street.

KRAUSS, FUR MANUFACTURER, Is otTerlng a large and choice assortment of LADIES' SEALSKIN SACQUES, New patterns, ,39 to 41 inches long. MUFFS, BOAS, in Sea1' Sable. Chinchilla and Otter. CHILDREN'S FUR SETS ot every description. GENTS' FUR CAPS AND GAUNTLETS.

CARRIAGE ROBES. FUK PARLOR MATS, ETC. At tha lowest prices to suit the times. Gents' and Boys" SEALSKIN CAPS a specialty. SEAL SACQUES and FURS made to order, repaired and renovated equal to new.

L. KRAUSS, Manufacturer, 550 West Baltimore street. n25-lm. between Pine and Fremont streets. rjMJYSi TOYS! TOYS.

HOLIDAY PRESENTS! HOLIDAY PRESENTS! FANCY GOODS: FANCY GOODS! ETC. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of buyers to his large and choice selection of the above goods for the HOLIDAY SEASON. ALSO, POCKET-BOOKS, COMBS, BRUSHES, SOAPS and TOILET ARTICLES. ALSO HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, TIES and FANCY HOSIERY, ETC. The above have been marked at very low PRICES to Insure RAPID SALES, at ELLIOTT'S, 186 Lexington street.





WARNER. dll-Sti 135 West Baltimore East of Calvert. jnifRI ST MAS ES TS We have just opened a lot of NEW GOODS for the Holidays. OPERA CLOAKS AND EVENING DRESSES. FRENCH WRAPPERS AND WALKING COATS.

Velvets, Silks and fine Camel's Hair GOODS FOB REUSES. LACE NECK WEAR and EMBROIDERED GOODS. GLOVES, FANS. LACE AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Vienna GOODS, latest styles in Jewelry and Fancy Goods.

WAMSLEY NED WELL. No. 79 North Charles street. dl7-5t" above Saratoga street. 4 EN SI BLfThOLIDA YPRESEN TS.

6 GEN UINK WAMSUTT A SHIRTS FOR 8 1 SO. 6 GENUINE FRUIT OF THE LOOM SHIRTS FOR S3 50. 6 EL OA NT SII 1 RTS Made to Order for $6. 4-PLY" LINEN COLLARS 1 and $1 50 per dozen. 4-PLY LINEN CUFFS 20 and 25 cents per pair.

A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS. DUBKEU1L dl9.12t"t 350 West Baltimore street. IJVSURAJ.CE REM EN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OT" BALTIMORE Established in 1825. Office on Uie norUieaxt corner of South and Second strertx. Insures ail kinds of property at home or abroad against LOSS BYr FIRE on very favorable terms Insurance tor a-single day or for a longer period.

JAMES M. ANDERSON, President. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Aug. Albert, Samuel Hart, in.

H. Brown, T. VV. Levering, F. W.

Bennett. Gus's Nicholson, John M. Gait, George ram Gus's A. Dorgan, Joshua Divden. Geo.

J. Apnoid, D. E. Wood burn, H.R.Louaerruan, Austin Jenkins. James Bates.

Caleb Parks, Jas. W. Bolton, John G. Reaney, J. Alex.

Snriver. Wm. Vickery, Mendes 1. Cohen. Herman J.

Reitz. Edwin F. Abell, M. Anderson, jjames Mver. IWm.

H. Ford. Fred'kAthey, Thos. J. Wilson.

Wm. WhitelocS. R. EMORY WARFIE.LD. Secretary.

13-eotlr SSOCIATED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE CO A OfliceNo. 4 SOUTH STRRKH-lnmre Property, in vr oulof the rity.on tarorablt terms. JOHNr CtJSHING, President DIRECTORS: Jacob Trnst, 'Wm. H. Perot.

Jas. W. Flack, A. Pieman. G.

H. Williams. Ben. F. Bennett.

Francis Burns, Frank Fl ick, Kdw'dConnolly, Wm. Baker. Wm. J. Hooper, s.

H. Clinton P.Paine. Michael Jenkins, James whltinf. 1. S.

George. W. Gunther. Capt.Alex.Jones E. K.Schaeffer.



BAKER, Vice-Pres. Directors Kich'd .1. Baker. Ira C. Canfieid.

J. B. Brinkley, Wm. Hopkins. E.

W. Robinson, baml. Snowden, Solomon King. C. H.

Koons, John H-Push. m.H.Millikin,.Wni. M. Bttsey, J. W.

Hugg, Jr. lel4-eotir JOHN M. BECK, Secretary. BALTi ORE IK SU ANC COMP A NY OVTUWIST CORNER OK SOUTH ANI WATER streets IN ED 1X07 Insuresagainst loss or damage by fire In the city or country, on the various descriptions property. This Company also issues PERPETUAL OR PERMANENT POLICI ES.

WM. G. HARRISON. President BOARD Or PiKtulUKS. David Wilson, Orville Horwltz.

William W. Taylor, George L. Harrison, Win. C. Pennington.

B. Albert Vickers, Meades Cohen. Saml. K. George.

Jr "sucis i. King, Wm. H. Brune. Ileim.n Von Kapff.

T. Robert Jenkins, Morton stBwat t. n. r. sewcoiDcr.

Samuel S. Carroll. M. K. BUKCH.

Secretary. eotfr "1 A BO FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Office SECOND STRKE1'. adloinlnj the Post-office on the west. Short Insurances for a day or longer period.

THOMAS I. President BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Galloway Cbeston, Enoch Prtt. H. D.

Harvey, J. H. B. I strobe, Tbos. Whltridge, James Carey, Jesse Tyson, Francis White.

FrancisT.King. Edward Huberts, i RICHARD B. POST. eotfr Secretary. HP HJS BUN lilNTINU ESTABLISHMENT 1 a xv ACCURATE.

fKOilfT. Holday Olfts and Where to Bay Ttiein. Th Sun's Christmas directory, which has been continued from day to day during the week, is this morning published as a whole. In order to do all the service possible to the public, as well as present the extensive retail business of theity in its tru importance. The labor of this compilation and the proper classification of so many items nnder proper headings in the most handy lorm for use has been very great, but, as is well known to every household In this commuuity, neither labor, time nor money are considered by The Sun as against a pnblic want which it may supply in the legitimate sphere of its duty.

This directory is designed to show the shopper at a glance where to" look in the advertising columns for details. If properly availed of this aid and guide will save a- deal of labor. With it in hand the shopper may settle all preliminaries at home before goinz ont Into the crowds which throng all the avenues of trade at this season, and. with tablets in band, save time and money and much vexation. Our compilation covers all classes of goods suitable for presents: works of art and articles of vertu, fabrics of the loom, jewels, toys, literary works, furs and comforts, clothing and the necessaries of life, as well as its luxuries of eating and drinking.

So far the weather has been most favorable for the holiday trade. The many shops have displayed tine stocks of attractive eoods, and the crowds of shoppers have been very large on all the thoroughfares. As a class dealers and purveyors for the Christmas trade may be congratulated on the happy season and its good results. To all friends, subscribers and advertisers The Sun's congratulations and good wishes for continued prosperity in business and in all the relations of life, for a merry Christmas, a happy New Year and many returns, are as sincere aa its desire to be usefal. OOODS FOB THE LADIES.

The list of goods offered lor the holiday sales adapted to the wants of the ladies is large and be-wilderingly varied, and advertisers In The Sun tell where the greatest assortments and best bargains can be bad. Fugle Nos. 51 and 56 North Charles street, oher at attractive prices line sealskin sacques, fur-lined silk garments, ladies' and misses' fur sets, costumes, ulsters, wool shawls, rldin habits, and many other useful and lancv articles. Wegieln, No. 175 West Baltimore street, under Carrollton Hotel, invites ladies to tils annual holiday sale of dress goods, silks, satins, cloaks, coatings and coats in great variety, lull assortments, and at moderate prices to suit the times and ali purses.

Camper, No. 80 Lexington street, has a line stock ol lace neckwear, silk aud lace handkerchiefs, ribbons, velvets, satins, trimmed and untrimmed bats and bonnets. Mme. M. E.

oe Silveira, in business with Mrs. E. Waiton, No. 65 North Charles street, will promptly atteuo to cutting and fitting, and millinery will also be attended to. Meyer, Nos.

189 and 191 North Gav street, has a full assortment of ladles' coats, black cashmeres, dress goods, calicoes, eto. Abraham Nachman, No. 161 North Gay street, the old-esiabliabed and favorably known croak emporium, has maintained his reputation for manufacturing coats, and otters for tn holidays his iarge stock ol beiver cloth coats tor ladles and misses; also ulsters in black waterproof, gray, brown and blue cioth. at fair prices. Hutzler Bros No.

67 North Howard street, offer bargains in cloakings and wrappings for holiday presents, together with silks, satins, laces, dress gooua and fresh novelties for the ladies. Posner, Nos. Hi and 174 Lexington street, has an opening of holiday goods, which include millinery articles, hosiery, neck wear, besides a fine display of fancy and toilet articles, vases, dolls, chma-W2ie, Goldenberg Bro Nos. 130 and 63 Lexington street and No. 61 North Howard Btreet, offer useful as well as ornamental holiday presents in coats, shawls, shirts, elite, velvets, table coverings, hand-kerchiets, from which iadiascaa select presents.

Samuel Grfcsfelder Son, No. Lexington offer their stuck of kid gloves, trimmings, silks, velvets aud luncy goods and novelties lor holiday sales. Mrs J. W. Watts, No.

83 North Eutaw street, bag a fine stock of ladies' cloaks and suits, misses', children's and Infants' cloaks and dresses, and novelties in these and other goods. M'lles A. E. Korfl, branch store. No.

41 North Charies street, have on sale fnil lines of imported embroideries and tancy goods for the holidays. L. Passano Sons, No. West Baltimore street, offer during the holidays their stock of shawls, skirts, underwear, hosiery, lurnishing goods and small wares at moderate prices. Ellas L.

No. 154 Lexington Btreet. offers bargains In cloaks hats, bonnets, trimmings, fringes, laces, silks, velvets, ribbons, feathers, flowers, Ac. L. A- May, No.

153 Saratoga street, ladies' and misses' dress and cloak maker, announce their card. sterling's Crape Renovating Factory, No. S20 West Fayette street, will renovate articles In that' line. Simon, No. So North Charles street, 33 East Baltimore street anil 811 West Baltimore street, does side and box plaiting for dresses by steam.

Madame L. P. Jeanneret. No. S3 North Charles street, has handsome bonnets, hats ana other millinery goods for the holidays.

B. Marcurti, No. 14G Lexington street, offers bargains in trimmed hats and bonnets, silk velvets, satins, ribbons, feathers, flowers and neckwear. Nathan Gutinan, No. 04 Lexington Btreet, has received a stock ot sarin ribbous in fashionable shades, well-known makes ol corsets, dfce.

D. J. Goldenberg, No. 51 North Howard street, offers a great stoctf of trimmed hats tor ladies and children, velvets, plusher, millinery goods, etc. Bealmear, No.

82 Leriagton street, otters the "La Cigale hat," trimmed and untrlinined, for ladies and misses. blerling's crape renovating factory. No. 320 West Fayette (street, is prepared lor all business In that line. GOODS FOB THE MEN.

The clothing merchants and dealers generally In goods suitable for man's uses have advertised their stocks, and by reference to The Sua purchasers will learn where to get holiday bargains. Megmniss, 75 West Fayette street, has full lines of shirts of various makes and best materials, besides genta' necK wear, such as silk scarfs, ties, and a large variety of novelties lor holiday presents. The Keep Manufacturing Company, No. 159)4 West Baltimore street, call attention to their shirts, underwear, umbrellas, neck wear, handkerchiefs, and other goods for useful holiday presents. Geo.

E. W. Hardy, No. 11 St. Paul street, offers his well-made custom shirts, merino and flannel underwear and novelties in his line of business.

Rjreafeid Brothers, popular clothiers, corner Baltimore street and Market space, have five floors stocked with ineu's, youths' and boys' clothing, at low prices, which will be sold Uuiiiig the holidays to suit all purses. The Original New York Clothing House. No. 184 West i-ailiinore street, stock full lines of overcoatings and made-up clolliiua and makes clothes to order. There is aiso a well-supplied boys', children's and youths' department.

Noah Walker Washington Building, Nos. 165 and 167 West Baltimore street, have lor the holiday trade a flue assortment ol dressing gowns, men's, bovs' and youths' clothing, overcoats, ulsters. C. N. Oehm Son.

No. 5toS West Pratt street, advertise reductions in their choice and fashionable Hues of men's, boys" and children's clothing. F. C. Fossett son.

No 09 West Baltimore street, have a fine assortment of tents' furnishing eoous, gloves, hose, handkerchiefs, neckwear, underwear, tc. Dubreuil No. 350 West Baltimore street, have lor sensible holiday presents a flne line of FlurlA or best materials, linen collars, cull's, gents' furnishings, etc. HOIIDAT BOOKS, GAMES. ART GOODS.

ETC The book and stationery stores are heavily stocked with fresh, new and standard publications, fancy stationery, games. for holiday sales, together with commercial aud buuiness blank books and stationery for 1879. John Murphy 182 W. Baltimore upstairs, have their usual well-selected assortment of books, stationery and other goods suitable lor the holidays, including new aud standard Catholic publications, from which acceptable presents may be obtained at moderate prices. Kelly, Piet No.

174 West Baltimore street, have a well-assorted slock ol standard and juvenile books, stationery, fancy goods, new Catholic publications, including the new Illustrated Almanac for 18i9. and books for the holidays. The Baltimore News Company, Sun Iron Building, booksellers, stationers and newsdealers, have in their extensive stock ot Bibies, gut books, standard and juvenile books, games, lancv stationery, albums, "Chatterbox," fec aud receive subscriptions tor any publications, at home or abroad. At Bendann's new art room, No. 17 West Balti-more'street, is to be found a large assortment of new enaraviuss, frames ana other line art goods for the holidays.

J. W. Bond Nos. 90 and 92 West Baltimore street, have a magnificent line of writing desKs, ladies' workboxes, metaliaphones, harps, albums, gilt books lor the young, the old and everybody, at mot moderate prices. D.

W. Glass No. 19 South Charles street, have a fine stock of Christmas-tree hangings novelties, satin, silk, straw. Jaoanese boxes desks, albums and niauy lancy articles, books and counting-house stationery, at moderate price. George Willig No.

I orth Chartes street, have a large stocK of music suitable for presents, bound music, music folios and rollers, and other similar eoods. Schooitield, Barnnvn's Hotel, will furnish hand-somely-wrinen visiting cards, Christinas cards and New Year's cards. Scribner Nos. 74'5 and 715 Broadwav, New York, announce the attractive which will make Scribuer's Monthly Magazine still more popular tor ls7J, thau in the past, "St. fnichola." Scrlbner's illustrated magazine for girls and bovs.

will have good things for iSii, and a year's subscription will mill: an excellent holiday present. J. Frank: Lewis, No. Poatohice avenua, offers his Maryland Gazatteer. a directory of merchants and farmers.

630 pages a valuable publication. W. E. C. Harrison, wholesale and retail book and stationery dealer, No.

12ri West Baltimore street, has the English "Chattel box," and other holiday goods, in tul. assortment. W. W. Havne.

No. 2i Postofflce avenue, offers Ap-pletons' Cyclopedia as a valued present. DIAMON'DS, JEWKLBT, BTATClKt, ETC. What could be more acceptable to lady or eent than a handsome present ot diamonds, jewelry, silverware, or either or the thouiand and one articles of ornament offered for holiday gifts? Tus Sun tells' where the best bargains are to bo nad: A. E.

Warner, No. 135 West Baltimore street, has for holiday presents new goods In diamonds, jewelry, watches. French clocks, bronzes, canes, table cutlery, gold-head elegant silverware, fancy articles, at moderate pnct-s. Samuel Kirk it Son. No.

172 West Baltimore Btreet, have a reliable stock of silverware, jewelry, watches, diamonds and plated ware, ail well selected. homas .1. Brown Son, No. 14 West Baltimore street, offer lor the holidays American and aiwiss watches, diamonds and gold jeweiry. etc.

Justis Armlger, No. 195 West Baltimore street, offer a fine stocs of watches, chains, loekets. and ail the novelties lnieweiry, silver and olatedware. Hugh Slsson Son, steam marble workers, at their salesrooms, Rineliart Buildings, No. 149 West Baltimore streets, have a choice collection ot statuary, mantels, lurnlture, from which an attractive present may be selected.

Myers Hedian, No. 46 North Charles street, call special attention to their fine collection of beauti "Thi Sun" alwavs has the news, and with its two mammoth, double capacity rotary presses, in mil operation, euual to printing forty thoosana copies per Hour, is dispatched to all its sunscPDers. in the citv and out of it at the verv earliest hours of tne mo'imng. bv the largest ana Dest corns of carnersto anv newspaDer published in Baltimore. Protected Coppeb The New York Times very pertinently calls attention to the protection given to American copper.

By the existing tariff all imported copper, "in plates, bars, ingots, pigs and other forma not manufactured, pays a duty of Ave cents per pound, whilst rolled and manufactured Copper pays a duty of forty-five per centum ad valorem. The Lake Superior copper mines are the richest in the world, and copper is mined there in such quantities and in such native purity that even if foreign copper were admitted free, American copper, from its quality and comparative cheapness of production, would drive it out of the market. The proof of this is in the fact that American Copper is shipped to England now and sold in open market in successful competition with the foreign product. The condition of sale is that the purchaser shall give a bond, whereby he contracts to destroy the package in which the American copper was shipped. "The reason for this caution." savs the Times, "is apparent, for, unless prevented, the buyer might send back the coprter to the United States, and, claiming free admittance for it as a package of American goods which had never been opened, sell it in New York at an "6umcient to pay a handsome profit.

In other words, American producers of copper can make money by selling it in Europe at some forty per cent, less than the price they obtain here. By having an enormous duty placed upon the article a duty obtained by the skillful manipulation or members of Congress all foreign competition is excluded, while home rivalry is prevented and the price kept up by a strong and well-arranged combination of the producers." The result is that the mining company in whose name the copper is shipped has grown enormously wealthy by charging American purchasers forty per cent, more for copper than the company is selling the same articie for in England. Its stock has risen in value from-fire dollars to from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and eighty-five dollars a share, and upon the latter valuations it has been paying an average dividend of not less than fifteen dollars a share. This is but one of the scandals of our tariff. There are other special industries that are equally enriched at the expense of the American people.

And yet. whenever it is attempted to simplify the tariff, so as to make it what it ons-ht to be. a tariff for revenue purposes only, with the incidental protection to American industries which such a tariff would give, so great is the power of the lobby, and so strongly intrenched are the firms and corporations in whose interest the tariff has been framed, that neither committees of revision nor Congress itself seem capable of withstanding the influences that are brought to bear upon them. Hkating Cities with Hot Water The Prall Company, represented by William E. Prall, Wm.

H. Webb. Frank E. Trowbridge and others, have applied for permission to heat public buildings and private houses in New York by hot water. At the same time General Spinola is pushing the Holly plan for heating the city by steam.

It would seem also from tentative movements in some directions as if gas were to become a competitor with steam and water for heating purposes. However this may be, the Prall Hot Water Heating Company disavow any intention of interfering with any other system, but believe the Prall system will be found the best. They are willing also to pay the city for the privilege of using the streets five per cent, of their net profits, or a fixed sum fpr each running foot of pipe. They also offer to famish heat to the public buildings for forty per cent, less than the present cost, and to enter in bond for $50,000 as a guarantee that the street pavements torn up in laying the pipes shall be replaced in a proper manner. With electricity producing heat, light and power, with coal gas capable of being used for similar purposes, with steam for beating and as a motive power and water for heating only, we seem to be entering upon a social and industrial revolution.

New Publications From Baltimore News Company: "Hannibal's Man," and other By Leonard Kip. Albany, N. The Argus Company. "The series of stories, six in number, forming this book, were, with one exception, contributed to the Albany (New York) Argus, and have for their sub-title "The Argus Christmas Stories." They are all very cleverly written, and will be found quite enjoyable reading, whether at Christmas or any other time. "The Shadow of Hampton Head." By Mrs.

Van Loon. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson Brothers. This novel, by a Southern lady, i3 dedicated to Wade Hampton.

The sceue of it is laid partly at the South and partly in England. The plot is made up of the fortunes and misfortunes of three families, and the incidents as romantic and sensational as the most exacting novel reader could wish. How the story develops itself and how it ends must be left to be discovered by the readers of it. But as the vicissitudes of the principal personages take them from their Southern plantations to what are styled "an earl's palatial home in Lancashire and an ocean-washed castle in Cornwall," it can be safely said that it covers a wide field, and gives a fine opportunity for the exercise of the descriptive powers of the author. From Cushinsrs fc Bailey: "The Return of the Native," by T.

Hardy; "The First Violin," by Jessie Fothcrs-iil; "A Century of American Literature," by Heury T. Beers. The three volumes of which we give above the title constitute the latest aclditious to the Leisure Hour-Series, published by Henry Holt New York. "The Return of the Native," by T. Hardy, has been running through Harper's Magazine for several months, and its merits are consequently very 'well known to quite a number of readers.

Among the later English novelists Mr. Hardy occupies a distinctive place, at once quaint and original. In one sense he may be styled a realistic writer, so finely trained are his descriptive powers iu all that relate to Enslish country life and to natural phenomena. The speech of hia English peasants is almost Shakspearian in its quaiut-ness, whilst he delineates rnral scenes and rural objects with a minuteness of detail that can only be compared with the pictures of the old Dutch painters. The novel under notice touches a higher social plane than some of those by the same author that preceded, it, but there is enough of country life in it to give it zest, whilst in point of plot and effective contrast of character it ranks with the best Mr.

Hardy has written. Among the musical novels in course of publication in the Leisure Hour Series "The First Violin" will take its place with the best. It is a well-told story of German art-life, told in the first person, and permeated throughout with' music and the sayings and doings ot musical people, their professional troubles and vexatious, their friendships and their loves. In "A Century of American Literature" Mr. Beers has given a series of selections from the published works of prominent authors and humorists, besinnicg with Philip Freneau and ending with Artemus Ward.

An introduction to the book covers the colonial period, and gives brief extracts from some of the writers of that period. A biographical sketch of each author precedes the selections from his works, and thus adds to the value of the book. The compilation has been made with skill and judgment, and in these days of rapid reading and condensation will probably fill a want that has been felt by many who have neither the leisure nor the inclination to make researches for themselves. We have from Tnrnbnll Brothers a neatly printed volume of poetry, entitled "A Dream of Arcadia, and Other Verses," by Lawrence B. Thomas.

Mr. Thomas is of a well-known Baltimore family long connected with the Society of Friends, and in some very interesting biographical sketches he has already taken some pains to trace back his relatives and their affii-ations by marriage. In the poetical venture under notice he discloses an easy talent for versification and a tender vein of sentiment. From Lane A Hart, publishers, Harrisburg, we have a "History of the First United States by Col. J.

Franklin Reinhart. It does not occupy more than eight royal octavo pages, and resolves itself into a brief biography of Mrs. Betsy Ross, the maker of it, and whose portrait in colors graces the title page. Magazines and Reviews. "The North American Review" for January.

The most prominent articles in this number are "The Fishery Award," by Senator Edmunds; "Cities as Units in Onr Polity," by William R. Martin, and "The Solid South," by Henry Watterson. Ex-Secretary Bontwell has also an article on "Finance," which is better than most ol his lucubrations on the subject. "The Popular Science Monthly, Jaunary, 1879, edited by E. L.

and W. J. Youmans. New York: D. Appleton fc Co.

"The Catholic World," January, 1879. Baltimore: Kelly, Piet Co. Catholic Publication Society, New York. "The South Atlantic," December, 1S78. Wilmington, N.

C. Jackson Bell, printers,.

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