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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MSSEOiiflDEBY JHEREV.J.D.ARhilSTEAD Thirty-GIx to Czt Depress cf Missions. of tha 1 r-- fi. 9 h.v UkU cf -A few years aro two yourcr r. I a splon iivt cprortuni-ty. One cf tho? hanJy gas- stiuons, been poor by its owner an its jrcHvi location, hai bocn unprofitalle.

It was of fcrcvi for r.t a low figure. Th two younsr fellows ha.i'v a few hundred dollars cf a sufficient amount to msko purchase. They to Trusters Systera to borrow the balanced Here, on the security of their pool character, their ftcaiy record ss business ar their ability to make small monthly payments, they were able to obtain tha money, with a whole year to ray it tack. That was a fine stroke of business These men now have three profitable jras stations, srru-- from that coa-ra-ff u.s decision to strike out for themselves in business.

Our frienily loans are ambitious in this vay. i i 1 uL( tr the Vi'ho Vr'crLa" Trustees System Co. cf Indiinapolha iZ5 Guaranty Ilaildin' 21 rieriJIaa St. at DR. S.

E. FISHER TO SPEAK -T- time ever needed a divine tr.ire than the aald the r.ev. Joseph D. Armiiteal, pastor of th Ij owner Artnu Chrietlan eh-urh. In baccalaureate sermon tuncay morr.Inr.

before tho cl cf will be srriutej rroii th cilK of iIllori iTid -rr'tori tjm'1 th com rinernct. activities, of th class. It. '''T'i V. l.rown.

and e'-tlRC "ii in, real from im tJ of fereJ prayer. aatd the Jiev A rm- i at mr ro ronflnne interirt1 Co the world Joir It i our only salvation. Jfi warn for the poor. The rlK, that w.r tepiiied in Jeans' y. Ho Ma1.s epok ranairtion on the poor and male- Biciion on th rich." Cielaa In ferafara Werfc.

Thlrty-ef preona will receive 'de- rr prer aratory to leaving for at. In th mt.iion ft at the ement eaercjiea. Kollowln are tho In th rlae. the-dfeirrer tf.ywl!l recelv and the countries 4 which they ir Lillian I5. I'arai-iayj liaael Oil J.

IrvJl Mr. -'Mayfna on Jtu 11. frnfuiMonary ijrlotjffj, 1VC if. Porto Mircft Wilms Conk-riht. it." Don-! fuir "orpron, M.

Ik, Mn. Grr 'even C'orpron, if. China; ilrs. "'nrlnn Korjjn, Jl, Tibet; rliri1 Harris Jl. Mn.

i-ith Konr; Jl. William -Henry Koneer, li. I r.HJppln.a; Martha IT! its tiib- a a a HjI Florence A. (oiploma, Thorn Nor r.l 7rlr(nc Hch-M, Jtrolt. Jr'n; 1 1 1 Vy Hrrii, H.

North Amrii-n I 4 i Morjr Ilill. If. Iri'ilij thTln Orph juinflt ji. horn rrlc: Mr. (r-n I'tr iVrnfl, liflUn Conjo, Afr1ii: VIIrt FranciB Irnd I Afric Itu'h Jii, It.

AItico; IooH Jniti; lfr. r.ilhth M0v- i3hn, li, A Aryrntlna; Clmnt Jfanljr. U. A. (mllofiry on Jlor iiwitt Nti-hoBoo, Jl.

J4. rr1(oniry furloMf 17. C. U. 1Umt; Urm, ijorel i-iMmor Itr- ori, II.

Tlbt: nayrnon.1 Arthur trpnn, ii. 'iiiMts Marl r-tt, -rriii, u. K- (diploma, Irak i mvrMir IMucat Ion rhUlrr n-; Una Ftorr, ft. JilFlnri Africa; fiiujj, nom "rvirj 7Tinnl" Tirr4, H. fhlnaj tartha.

n. TlAlalan Cno, 'incn; ri wiinoim viaaarin-. J. Jmlla; Mr, Itarrlat (Jlbaon V'tarlniir, i. A jrvll.

l.llan Whaly, U. A Ji i Afrlrat May nion, n. Moxiro; iraca Nora lotiriK. It.

f1ipU)na, r.una Jilbla unlvrilljr), Ttht. A rr lrvc r-earif, drrirtinir iif in miifilon, ft lvn Vlnxlay at foilnv'l ry tha rommancmnt 'rflf at a. m. at whlrh I r. Flr.

of Ciiimpulirn, 111., rpW. Tha rlaaa valnlictory will ha nn tha lawn at 4 fi. m. KLAfJ REQUEST DENIED fVftrt Itafoara in falaa Llata la IIaa4a I'rlatrra. 4.

Fedaral JuSa "VUUrori ha danlatl a.raquaat of Charla O. Palmar, attornay, rpr aantlnir tha Ku KIu Klan, that all prlntad mattar In tha handa of tha O. n. WlllUma Company, rrlnter. p'rtalnlnir to mtmbmhl of tha Initiannpoita itlie tnl lmiorn1.l.

l'almrr alltK4 that efriplaJa of Tol rrn-. an autukUn nagaalna, hal oror1 1 tna company to print th Itufa Iff ulatton In'lKina. da pita tha nnlr of Ju1jra WUkaraon at Irr'rioundln a enpy of th lat mn hy 'J oleranra offtctala trie i ii. i An poi i roptar. 1 toij to aanra a copy tna previous oraar on tha printer.

I'tM Iirclmai ApproTad. VAriUN.JTor;. Jun of tha a lnilnltrition of Imparl! A'Irl II. WUllam ra rotad th klonclllum 0'1 th rrrnn 1 drarona cf tha Ku Klux Klan, It wa announcail aftar mt-InR of th two bodloa. A alon wn calla.t Junm 1 at Atl to In vruata racant jrsaj by crtm KUnanian' lmparlal i(Htra ci nn aalnat wnicri war mniui i vn nays ao.

Anniniffiniint waa na.1 that tha Uom'h of tha Ku Klux Klan a or fM to loclti.1 (T'Mfmni crnr OTtr th country, tha KarneMa. Th vonitn m-nul 1 tha tv i i -inl It wimiI 1 not i.nnn. i i i i Kin, woulxt m-rly 1 i i-n as: it. Th Wnm.n 3 Klan haa, Quarters 1 1 i to I.i 1 1 1 1 ock ami It that an Arkanaa ehartar would ba taken out. Amonaj ifT wjraea a orKaniiziiOBS tiatai being- daairoua of affiliating with tfca raw erranization are the Lru of rremuni women, the American vvoroen.

tn turttan lAuerhtera of ana me iaies or ine inTlat-tie Cmpire. EPVORTH MEETING 0PEfs DlatrUrt Caettn Bertaa- im gkelfey. SperaJ to Tb IaHnpoKa KewJ El I LUTTHJuC Ind Jnn 4 The annoai convention of ITpworth. eua or tho ConaeraviU dlatrtct, Indiana Conference. Me bod I Episcopal church, opened bro thla aftar-ja at th Vet Street Afet.Vdit i-piacopal church.

The coj yen to wiiJ Mt noon Mora than 109 dalerata ar zjected to attnd th rnaetlnpa. Tir. iL I'ea raon, paator pi th Methodlact Kplacopal rbirch at aloron. la Ifca nrmilMi k. trlct orcanlaatloo.

Tka uiil other visitor to th convention pnt boura at tha -ir t.ia afternoon whara outdoor ti.rrd. rlrtn. unJr th direction of Mi llliarad Coaot, of Connars-villa, fourth vic-preaident of th ti-tri't. Th vltor rn to tha riorrfon ChlJ'Jren'a Horn near tfela eJtv Taea. oay wer a proarram will anvan for tho entertainment of tha boy arrd ariria.

"it. delecatea will alao bo taaen ror a motor- trip over tho city. Irf Cbarle 11. O-jthrfe. Atenerat ae-retary of th Kpworti Uir jia mrii-a, wiji apeak Tundir 'nlrht cnicr win bo ieu4 at th eloainar merlnc Vidneaday mornlnr.

J.T-mher of th ifethodlet rhnrrha in hemyvui wiii rv meala for th vialtora at th Klka hall. For Babyhood In Hear East In the Jnteraat of tho Advertlalnr Club which la handHnar tho near aat mllW publicity, tho atlent orator, the motorraph tb Merchant Ilaat and Uht Company fculldlnr. carry meaaatra. baglnnlnjr tonlgrht. aa fol- owei Th Advartlalnar Cnati h.

r1 the call of llirtlnr of Inhla.Maijda. It rlne; tonight la aympaihettc eara. Wo want to re- pond with a carload of nnAn4 milk. Will you alv thla areat marrv rpal your help 7 Frank II. DltUU rnnnTTTi ANSWERED IN SERMON The Rev.

Hi T. Graham Upholds Presbyterian Action. FIVE POINTS EMPHASIZED Anawerfnc averal Kev Torlc precJjr cf tho Presbyterian Church In tho U. E. who fcavo attacked th action of tha UStb sreneral l-aembly of.

tho recently In seatlon here, eohcerr.ln; tha preaching- of Dr. Jlrrr Emeraoa Foa-dlck la. the Klret Preebyterlaa church Of Tork, tha Revolt. T. Graham, paator of the W'aatmlnater JJreby-terlar charch.

In a tvrmon Sunday mornlnr. upbeM the rlafet of the aa- aemtly to demand that preaching la the pulpit of the denomination conform to the creed a tha dennralna. poetrfMl Stateaaeats. The Ttev; Mr. Graham dlacuaaed particularly th atatementa of the Rev.

L. ilaaon Clarke, of Brooklyn. 1 who saaa reported fa Xw Tork newspaper mm aaytec that he dtd not be lieve one of the five doctrinal atate- H. P. WASSON GO.

Men's Furnishing Department Vaaear Atklett talea ette 81 87 nehlerhalr t'alan I.OO ta 3.50 taakattaa Valaa aalte l.RO 7.B0 Wllaea Ilra. Ateletle l-'alea Kelt i i So ol TT unaei for day QUR STOCK of summer underwear for men is as complete as long experience and judicious buying can make it, and consists of the- BEST makes those which exacting and well-dressed men wear, such as theVRokiiichair, ilanhattan, Wilson Carter and Lewis brands all high grade makes, shown In fabrics tested for strength and wearing 81 AHilclic Union Suits 69c Tier 2.00 This group of Ideal summer underwear la mad of pajama cheek, in knee-length modla. with th comfortable webbing: at th back. Complet sli asaortment from 14 to 54. Vaaaar Kaltted Unloa 7 a-eica e2 ta 83 Carte Knitted Ualea aalte Lewi a KaJtte Umiea Salts Athletic Union Suits embody an unusual selection of the rarest and most delicate of Turldsh tobaccos obtainable only by Melachrinb, and shared by no other cigarette in the world.

ORIGINAL MSSifiEE TTTTl TTT Vf rTTi? One Cigarette Sold the World Otr" l.SO for 2.75 Standard makes of good suits, thst are usually much more. Mad of pajama check. fanc madraa or plain mull; cut foil and ahown tn Vk.j back or aide ODenlnar ntodelk. tWaaaoa, Street Fleer) I i RRf mi .3 decorative possibilities of brick are limitless. Joints of Brixment mortar enhance and perpetuate the beauty of tne fvalL Xonisville Cement C04 IncorporateJ the "Aa to the atonement, there Is only one, and It la not a theory.

It Is the mystery Into which may not en- TIIE IXDLiAPOLIS NEWS, 3I0XDAY, JUNE 4, 1923. ier. wnea Jean died oa the cross for r.t i Tne physical resurrection of Jeaas from the grave was the arlad a rreachlnc of the apostles vrn me Deuel of the 1 Prefer to take the word of the witnesses of the clos- Pz lfte orxi. rather laan tho opinion of the present cl-entie are, yhlch opinion chances ll, la no arenalne- ness In the miracles of Jmul th.n ehVrakk11 wonder worker of tb anreTT of nnbellef has elimlnatins: theae five Points, what a poor rospel is left. worm repeat! There is ffi111' reason left within It 'to l6 of love and wamny neathen world." LOS ANGELES BAND TO PLAY the lllee OvamaisaiCfB ta Step la Oty.

Seventy-five members tho police band of Ix Ana-elee will he sraeeta of the Xndlananolla rxT.p rtrsmo'a band and city officials Tuesday afternoon, when the California delegation. oa us way to the national police chiefs convention at Buffalo, stops In the city. Tea TUltora wj a arrive at I a ri, and they win be met at the Union Station by the Indianapolis -band of to.r, poWcenjen and firemen, police officials and offer city officials. A parade wllKbe held from the station band will stop to plajr la front of each newsnaner offlra ments included in tho minority r-lrv a concert at the nark port on the oaalcH cae. which was adopted by the aaaembly.

The five emphaalzd the Inerrancy of the lilbia.tha vlrln birth -of Jcaua. the aubetltlonary atonement of Jeaus on tb croas the bodily resurrection of the renuineness of the miracles attributed to Jesus. -Who -has any call from God to preach an emasculated rospeir salrl the'Jtav. Jir. Graham.

Jf I believed that there was no vtrarln birth of our Lord. 1 never would preach a rain. I would try to be sincere with my church and myself, and would oowntown ana ret another kind of Job. Even I did not believe in the vlrarln birth of Jesus, would keep tin anoui ii ana not disturb faith- of those who do blleve. Ateaesaeat Wet a Theerr.

FIERYCROSSBUZES rnnni ii run i nn Every exceptio IW CHURCH 10O Per CenV Meeting at Brightwood Congregational. SECRETARY OF STATE TALKS Although! thara Is room In tha United States for millions ef per sons, there la not a square foot of territory for those who do not place the American American Institutions as they now stand above those of the rest of the world, Ed Jackson, secretary of state, asserted amid applause Sunday night at what was termed a 10 per cent Americanism meeting; at the Brlarhtwood Concrerational charch. The church and anterooms were filled, persons sat la the windows and aisles and many were turned away from the meetinc. The Rev. Charles 1L Gun-solus, pastor, presided.

Mr. Jackson was Introduced aa' Major Ed Jackson, rivlne; hint the title which he earned in the world war- "The next Governor." was tha Rev. Mr. Gunaelus's remark. "This was arrested with applause and eheer-lnar.

as a silk American flas; was raised from ovwsr the pulpit, on which uiDie, ana disclosed cross, electrically Illuminated. The ligrhts in the room were turned out and the crosa stood out in the darkness. After speaking; briefly concerning; the principal institutions of the the school and the home, Mr. Jackson pleaded with his auditors to be tolerant. He pointed oat the need of having; Christian men and women In the public schools to direct the thoughts of those who will be the mature minds of the next generation.

-We urht to assured of the fact that the men and women who stand In our schoolrooms will teach patriotism and appreciation ef the losses of Ufa by our country's defenders In defending that fiasr. he said. Following Mr. Jackson's speech, the Rev. Mr.

Gunsolus said that the nope of America was. in three things, the flaar. the Bible and the fiery cross, symbolical of ylctory. The Rev. Mr.

Gunsolus announced that he would preach next Sunday on the subject of Christian Americanism. WEEKS BACK AT DESK Secretary Cats Short Trta and Re-tarn on FVtee(y Train. -WASHINGTON. Jun 4. Secretary Weeks returned today to his desk at the war department after an absence of several weeks on an inspection tour that carried him from New Tork to Porto Rico.

Panama, and up the west coast to San Francisco. Members of the congressional party accompanying? him on th trlpr continued either to Alaska or to Hawaii, but Secretary Weeks came home by train, stopplnr only at Salt Lake, Omaha and Ft. Lavenworth to look rm'nmhi mrtA JTt a van vnrth Ia aaV ittw aaass a a. aianavae wwaa ww atvi This delightful little Baby Grand would make an ideal pres ent One that would endure and always be appreciated. It-is an instrument of rare quality, delightful tone and wonder-rful responsiveness.

It differs from grands of larger size only in its compactness, which- permits its use in homes of limited space. A limited number may still be had at this low sacrifice pnee. 'Vrv Brand New $750 Value Beautiful Dark Mahogany Case Bench and. jjgsjg-a-w. $io worth of Rolls Included I Perfect r- a FM Iioimj e- it I-: Brand New $550 Value Many fine makes of Players can still be had at savings of $100 to $22o.

Some new, others slightly -shopworn- Such well-known makes as Kurtzmann, Aeolian, Schaff, Holland, etc Used Players also at big reductions- Many have been specially reduced lor Monday and Tuesday selling. Jy)H' 1 $15 Dqwn Secures One Balance 3 Years to Pay Other Grands at savings of several hundred dollars, some new, some slightly shopworn; including the following makes: SeBSBMBBBSBBSiMBBBTBBTBissSM P. 1 over the army stations at tbase places. "Whatever recommendations In connection with the Improvement of the array ststions the secretary may decide to submit to tho congress as Smie secures any Grand at eale price Balance three years to pay. ill)' i x.tii:vAuucd Distributed by KIEFER-STEWART CO.

Indianapolis KURTZ3IANN, KRAKAUEH, APOLLO, BIIA3IBACII f- secures any Player at sale, price Balance three years to pay. 'ii ii I a-t a i a-a x- ea I I-' 1 71 7 EiLQgiioa.piniG Coo 34-2 Macs. Ave. Below Cost $135 AEOLIAN V0CALI0N Slightly used. can not be told from new.

Ct? A Sale price 04e '115 CHENEY Fumed oak case C'fA slightly shopworn. tDO-SraUU $185 CHENEY Golden or walnut case. Slightly shopworn. 1 Cif PT A Sale price $200 EDISON-Sheraton model. fOA CT A Sale price Spacicil One group' of used phonographs of- various makes that originally sold as high as i $100.

Full sized cabinet models. While they last, each, 0.75 Si Used Upright Pianos $25 and up. Brand New Upright Pianos $225 and up. LIBERAL TERMS. Sales Location tn Open Evenings i s-v a result of his personal -observation" will be worked out at the war department between now and the time the estimates for the fisca.1 year.

Ii22. are submitted with the reafstratlins of the congress in December. Whereyer. good candies are known and appreciated Johnston's are a universal favorite. For sale wherever good candies are sold.

t. i a-'X" I SS 1 1 I i I 1 i I i i i ii i i ii i ii 1 1 1 11 "-J I i j-'. -For tlhie Instrument must be sold- ns -All Prices reduced Absolutely no terms ered. Act at once This sale is. drawing to, a close me Be; I i.

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