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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 18

Indianapolis, Indiana
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THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1922 FRANK KEEGAN, 62, DIES SUDDENLY IN ILLINOIS! Indianapolis Druggist Was Visiting His Daughter. FUNERAL SERVICES FRIDAY Frank Keegan, age druggist in Indianapolis for a third of a century, died suddenly Wednesday of heart disease at the Coles county faker ground at Charleston, 111. Mr. Keegan had spent several weeks visiting Mrs. George Newman, bla daughter of Charleston, and had gone to the fair with relatives.

He had been ill for about a year. The body was brought to this city for burial. Bora in 1860. Mr. Keegan born in Peru in 1860 and was educated in the Peru and the Bunker Hill publie schools.

He the son Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keegan, of Bunker Hill. He came to Indianapolis in 1880, and. for several years WAN employed salesman in various drug stores.

The first drug store he owned was at Pine street and English avenue. Later he operated a pharmacy for Capitol avenue and old. Firth later he took over the interests of the Hyde Park pharmacy, at Thirtieth, and Illinois streets, which he operated for twenty-six yearn. He retired from active -ownership of this three yearn ago. He was a member of Knights of Pathias Lodge No.

56. Married In Mr. Keegan, In 1884, married Miss Mary English, of this city, who, with his daughter, one brother, Schuyler Keegan, of Indianapolis, and a sister, Mrs. Homer Reynolds, of Marion, vive. Funeral services in the charge the Rev.

Weber, pastor of the Moravian church, held at o'clock Friday afternoon at the home of J. K. English 2735 College avenue. Burial will be in Crown Hill comtery. TO TAKE UP IMPEACHMENT Members of House Committee Called for Saturday.

WABILINGTON, September The house Judiciary committee today was called to meet Saturday to conelders Representative Keller' 1m- peachment charges against General Daugherty a Mr. Keller be asked appear before the Representative Volstead. chairman, announced. Many Greet. Poet.

More than 400 persons attended. the ly luncheon of the Lions Club in the Travertine room of the Hotel Lincoln Wednesday noon to hear Edgar poems Guest, the Members poet, recite A number of of the Kiwanis, Rotary. American, Exchange Traffie Cloba Invited. S. K.

Buick, organist, and the Lincoln Trio mt- Ask Your Dealer GRAHAM'S Lemon Cocoa Hardwater Soap It is truly wonderful Hemstitching Per Yd. Black and white cotton thread, turnished. Buttona and button-holes made to order. SINGER SHOP Mananchusetta Ave. The Quality Store Where VALUES are as important as PRICES.

Reliable clothes for men, women and children at modest prices and on generous Credit Plan. Unten 113 N. Pennsylvania St. Water Sets Given Away Several hundred De Luxe Water Sets are going to be given away Off Grandma's Day, Sept. 15th, for Grandma's Pondered Soap, Grandma's White.

Naptha Soap and Oval Pearl Soap trademarks. Ask any grocer about the offer. Also on that day you get three full size packages of the soaps named above for nickel from any grocery store, thus getting two free. Senator Edge Engaged WALTER E. EDGE.

BATH, Me. September 14. Mr. and Mrs. Harold M.

Sewall, of this city, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Camilla, Loyall Ashe to. Senator Jersey Walter The wedding Evane will Edge, take of place in Fabruary, State Fair Prize Awards Final awards of fret prizes made at the state fair were follows: Fruits Fruits Apples Mr. Lohrman. Indianapolis: black berries. Henry man, Indianapolis: cherries, Mrs.

E. Ben Warren: W. W. Buntin. Lebanon: J.

1. Drake, In- Furniture and Rugs PRICED REASONABLE THE YEAR AROUND. Liberal Create Gladly Given. MARVEL COMPANY 444 Washington St. TEINWAY PIANOS -Catalog and Prices on Request TEINWAY SONS 40 N.

Penneyiventa NOW IS THE TIME your old tuza reclenned and Into summer prices. work guara HARGROVE'S Mann. Ave. and Daniels Cor. Washington and Delaware Sts.

Two Pairs Ladies' Hose, of fine Special, cotton yarn. 25c TRUSSES Highly-trained specialists design and fit WHACO Trusses to the individual needs of the wearer. That in itself is complete guarantee of your entire satisfaction. We H. ARMSTRONG CO The Surgical Instrument House Established 1885.

4 West Oble Street, WHACO Complete Line of Sickroom Supplies A SAFE INVESTMENT OUR FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE CERTIFICATES Five Years Interest Semi-Annually Fletcher Sabings and Trust Company R. F. CLIPPINGER, MEt. Bond Dept EVANS WOOLLEN, President A Sensational Price on FORD SIZE UNITED STATES QUALITY CHAIN TREAD fabric tires. Every tire is fresh from the factory and absolutely guaranteed to he first quality.

Get yours while the getting's good. .75 able to monally. We pay the postage. GUARANTEE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY 211-218 South Illinois Street waste Christine Henry black Henry Lohrman display of canned Anderson. Rhubarb.

Christine com. D. C. D. C.

Contomatoes, Bantin D. C. veretable Mr. E. D.

Mr. F. W. Bantin: black Conte currant. Mr.

E. E. Bennett: COOKE Buntin: Dells plum, Brenninger. Da vis. Lizton Davis: display, W.

W. Bantin. Bread D. graham, Bustin: Albert Adelle Sny Indiana not C. Indianapolis W.

Bantin: light D. C. baking powW. W. Mr.

Conger: Minnie Hardin: Hardin: cake. W. Buntin. Loaf Cakes Angel food Bernice Barrett. Fortville: devil's food.

Mre. Indianapolia: light Mindark fruit, Minnie Hardin; marble. Minnie Hardin: Mri. M. Smock.

Tad pound, Hardin: Hardin. Almond Smock: blackberry. icing. Robertson: Indianapolis: lemon jelly. Mrs.

Minnie Hardin: mics Robertson. not carmel fine Smock. Hardin Smock: Mr. M. Bontin: C.

ConMinnie Hardin basket of W. Bunting bu D. Conger: C. Louise Hardin: Mre. T.

C. Mr. Minnie Harding and D. Ind: chocolate D. C.

Conger: M. Smock: Smock; nut Smock: or orange Hardin: Hardin: box. G. Floriculture. Collection of plants, men crested form Pahad Floral Company.

In: bride's M. E. PHELAN Original Toupe and Wig Makers in 11 HAIR STORE 1019 N. Penn. St.

MAin 8668 Hair Coloring and Tonic in Black, Dark. Medium and Light, Also for Sale in Department Stores, Drug Stores, Beauty FURNACES CES Caloric Garland 1 Pipe Pipeless CHARLES KOEHRING 878-883 DR exel 94 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. TEACHING EELS ed, Manual Courses DREPARE Rural, in Arts, dignified Home yourself Music, Kindergarten, and now Economics, taught for Primary, by this profession. Drawing, teachers honor- Gradwith practical experience. A standard normal school of highest standing.

Fall Write for catalog Sept. -23ed and. A Alabama Sta. INDIANAPOLIS Eliza A. Blaker, President TEACHERS COLLEGE 1687.

INDIANAPOI 1927 Hooks Twelve Dependable Drug Stores Expert Prescription Service Francis Pharmacy, -Penn. Ohio Sts. FINE RAZORS Values from $2 to $5 in Extraordinary Sale Each. Priced Only 89c Razors made from the 'highest grade imported steel, hollow ground, full concave, finely tempered. An unusual purchase effected from one of the largest cutlery houses in the country.

In Assorted Razors designed for every type for the light or heavy. Handles of every description parent amber, black rubber. Altogether a perfectly balanced recognize to be of $2.00 to $5.00 $1 for Your Old Purchase of For this week only. Your old, on purchase of a new $5.00 Twinplex. Widths and Points of beard, for the soft or wiry, composition ivory, cocobola, transquality razor, that barbers will value.

Stropper With a a Twinplex stropper is worth $1.00 at Hook's Brick Ice Cream 35c Special quality brick on sale Friday afternoon from to 6:30 clock. In these flavors Strawberry, Vanilla and Chocolate 8 028. 25c Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia, 25c Bay Rum, OZE 25c Camphor Spirits, 50c Camphorated Oil, Carbolic Acid, 6. 35c Castor oil, 6 35e Formaldhyde, 150 Glycerine, 03. 250 Glycerine Lotion, 028.

25c Iodine, 20e 25c Muriatic Acid. 35e Oil of Citronella, 2 250 Peppermint Essence, 02 25c Sweet Spirits of Nitre. ounce Turpentine, OKS 35c Vanilla Extract, 35c Witch-Hazel. 50c Cocoanut Oil, 25c. Powdered Alum, 8.0 250 Flax Seed, 8 15c Henna Leaves, oz 15c- Henna Powdered, 15c Licorice Compound Powder, OZ 50c Rochelle Salts.

Rock Epsom Salts, 5-1b. bag. Candy, 8 026. 25c 15c Bicarbonate of Soda. ott.

15c Sulphur, 028. 10e Cuticura Ointment. 60c Resinol 70c Sal $1.20 Syrup Pepsin. 35c Hand's Infant edies Phillip's Milk of Mag nesta 50c Pape'r: Diapepsin. $1.00 Pepgen 400 Pluto Water.

$1.10 Mayr's Stomach Remedy Remedies Often Demanded We have many calls for these remedies because they are reliable and tested, and because we offer them at lowest cut prices. 25c Denatured Alcohol, 35c Cream of Tartar, Vanity Boxes Compacts of the new preferred shapes, Jarge. round, good looking cases, filled powders from the best makers. Mavis Combination. $1.00 Mary Garden Oval Compact Garden Court -Large Vanity 81.00 Three Flowers, refill, 75e Three Flowers Large Compact 81.00 $1.00 Quelques Fleurs Compact 98e $1.00 L'Origan Compact, Luxor Large Compact, small.

888 $1.00 Mary Garden Come bination 94e $1.00 Mary Garden Vanity $1.00 Mavis Patties. 50c Dier-Kiss Compact. 49 $1.00 Boncilla Compact. 840 Jongidorum Company Indianapolis Roepke Flor Company: C. Indianapolis: adiantum Steinkamp Bauer Indianapolis: Moral Floral Company Boepke Floral 00 Pabnd Pioral Company: of ET.1 Other firsts Indianapolis Out Flower Red Roses.

Edwin E. pink roses Joseph Hill Richmond: white roses. Roepke Floral ComJoseph Joseph Kill Sesh pink dark E. Te red tions Edwin carnations, CHICAGO MAN TO SPEAK. Will Be on Hope Sunday School Convention Program.

to The Indianapolis COLUMBUS, September 14, H. Gohns. of Chicago, a member -If Winter Comesyou'll need your furs at once, Have them remodeled into the latest styles NOW and save time and money later on. We make your old furs look like new. Lyons Fur Co.

"Honest Values In 401. New National City Bank Bldg. the International Sunday School ociation, will be one of the speakers the Bartholomew county, Sunday school convention at Hope, Septem ber 28. Two state Sunday school workers, Wayne G. Miller and Miss Florence Young, both of Indianapolis also will be present.

Beginning next Monday, township Sunday school conventions will be held at intervals until the date of the county convention. These meetInge will be addressed by G. W. Ellis, a state Sunday school worker. Legion Weekly) appears to be a sad case, be the insane asylum poor fellow spent find out what could irresistible force hit an immovable body.

Martyr to Selence. DIAMONDS In buying a diamond, it is always best, from every standpoint, to obtain quality stone. My diamonds are, quality stones and I sell them for less. OSCAR N. ALLEN Occidental "Judging Diamonds for 20 Quality Axminsters Are CHIN ERE the only best, Axminsters of most dependSpecialized able qualities are carHere ried and the important point is that their prices are less than is generally charged for identical and even inferior qualities at other stores.

New Axminsters are constantly arriving to complete our fall. winter collection, their prices of $34.75, $43.50, $52.50 and $62.50 for the 9x12 size are extremely low for high quality. We have them in all sizes from the doormat size, inches, to the large 11.3x15-foot room size, and all are priced proportionately low. A Linoleum Smuck Rug and Carpet Co. 109 South Meridian Street.

Third Door South of Maryland- -Phone CIrcle 6622. USE A WANT AD IN THE NEWS -THEY BRING RESULTS "The Home of "The Home of Two Trouser Suits" McCarthy's Two-Trouser Suits" Two Trouser Suits College Common Men Sense Like the Brought Snap About and Service Two- Trouser of Suits McCarthy's Clothes Specialty FOR FALL AND WINTER Fine Fabrics- -Latest Models- Smartest Styles "Wonderful looking suits!" That's what Every garment of wool, hand-tailored at the everybody says -for OUR SPECIAL FALL essential points. Look at the big window INTRODUCTORY SALE has brought to- display. Then come in and slip into one of these suits. You'll be delighted with the gether some of the finest fabrics, models quality and tailoring AND THE PRICE IS and styles ever shown at McCarthy's.

ONLY $25, WITH EXTRA TROUSERS. Other Fine Suits $29.50 and up Open Open Evening Evening Saturday My Saturday Until 9:00 for Until 9:00 CLOTHES ME Nard YOUNG MEN OUR 17TH YEAR IN BUSINESS 17 North Pennsylvania Street It took me two years to convince this man that it was possible to make a really good suit of clothes for as little as $32.50. How long will it take me to convince you? A couple of weeks ago a man, who is the mechanical superintendent of one of the city's largest organizations, came up to my shop. After I had taken his order and delivered the suit, he told me this: "I have been reading your advertisements for the past two years, and several times was tempted to come up and see if you really did do what you claimed. I didn't believe you could.

I was told that the kind of suits What You Get you advertised would cost any tailor for material and labor not less than $42.00, and that to make a profit the suit would have to sell at not less for $32.50 than $50.00. I was even told that you had your clothes made in a Cincin- For $32.50 will make to I nati sweat shop. I know now that last statement is untrue, because I have your individual measure suit of clothes or an overbeen through your shop and talked with several of your men. The first coat from identically the statement also must be untrue, because I am sure you could not sell clothes same materials usually to be found in $45 and $50 cusat a loss and continue in business. The suit you made for me is equal in tom made suits.

The suit or to the suits I have been buying and I intend telling coat may be of any style every way $50.00 my sired. I will give you choice men to come up and look over your line." of more than 160 all wool fall and winter suit paterns. I can make good clothes for $32.50 because I buy my woolens direct from the The are not mills low: give at my mill credit; output prices; my is I rents the do LEON Tailor do of local state largest the give who trade. of reasons lower any caters These why prices tailor I are directly for can in some good and the to clothes. NOTE- -My usual iron-clad TWO DISPLAY ROOMS 131 E.

NEW YORK STREET guarantee holds good on (Upstairs) every suit or overcoat that Both Open Daily Until 6 p. m. 143. N. ILLINOIS STREET I make for $32.50.

Saturday, 9 p. m. (North of Lyrie (Thenter) Hygienic Dilating Spray A new indestructible sanitary p.r a y. A wonderful imp of ment over the old sprays ask your doctor about it. We will be glad to show you this marvelous spray.

Stop in Hook's stores..

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