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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 22

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-I Sir ft ppim oiraaiii iOllOllSIKIIin.LE CId.Timsrs Recall Early Days at Quarterly Meeting. MAfJY CHAfJGES SET FORTH nee of fh early day of wtpapr work- the days of hand-at 4p rr intern worked from lb rtr recalled Sunday at the tegular nuarterly meeting of tb Old Time Printer' Association, held at tfco lr.lsor Harry S. New, widely known among the old-timers and tor several year with many of them In the Bwtptf publishing business, enrtnar flrl a a cub reporter itn th In5tAnaixn Journal and Utirn elty editor and manager of the editorial was Elected! to honorary memhereh'p in the ergstilxatfoe, C. Hltt, for many years bust-neea nianarer pf the Journal, and Lot of The Indiana-polls Xvv, aJao we eli'(e4 to bon. rery membership, i Kr.aowifia; a ro Mora of the errin.

imtioo th member stood for one eVw' 'uj memory Atkinson mni (apian John bv hly. mem. Auctions Lzalt rooi ceiranf. eever5 f'T" refnreratoys, ilix-mey snd MeDorj-al JMb f-iwu. 5 arte per, furniture.

frl ioMrn 4-eer of rood Un f12 Atnunir rur, drop be el mr'la firtu tool. Atunm to, a Hlf e.f hotii rif ti til I'mI hi, five he lor nnr I rfulf. ami wtlbe inr ma r.n m-n t1y tt Utie to iil ftit wnl aha! mt lure in ecrlf f.f il.rpe hr.rwL rh. o1 i.n hjll fall flue on Januar. nf your ter thlrr-fl-e brlnn.n- trvt ere pay (he eff.t th tree-- urrr ef the rilr nf e-iriBlil nl" ohliitinn the iiark (tie.

trlr-t the l(lti)ti, IihI lil1e rr l'riml. lor tie tnrinae of flll hll I Irvlorui It.f 1 Imrl. it'MKi of Ifc'M. t-i tie eily rwitroilr. lniUen'epoli.

l.r moy bi fur ell or el I i Ttiiliirr frjm cnitile the ity of fi taU U-thrr thry will jl) tt anat-rtpt ot this htid taatie rminr.t hy InrtianjtfKilia aitornry or MTtiry tiutitln of rxlnrmjinlm 'Ihn nr tl-la will tie Ofmed hy the ity rfintioMrr at hia fffir on uu 1 l-n the ho-ire ef 13 i Uk-K ijumm rv YLork p. m. fild eiiy tt.nirf.lUT Hi.ll tiire awaM hnla. II iall m-f fit. purl Ih-rrot to the hihf-t an.4 In.iilrr thrrrlnr, prevllrt thiit eell routrollfr ahall have the riebl to award tuitil later ftl hot b.v.,i..

tha Uyef hrury. an.j i.mvl.tfM that .1,1 f.ty (on(rollt-r Vhall hxve the rllit ta ffjert any i.f all N1a or trMama or any part thereof, and aha II ivi tlm riht in e.ifi.t tiart ef any btl ami lo vyon any the whole or any titnirr if homla evrd an id hi I ff only: that no, tx.txl ahall hp mu 'fur W- than nar atut mvrued inlcreat, and -lly n.ntro lpr ahull further have the raht in hia ii'lcmtnl and dutiort to a I a id bonds to one buUer and I'Mt amllirr, K.4.ti al evary bid or oronnaa.1 ahall tiy rrrlinr1 rhark vimn eome r-ifiihle bank pf lha -Hy of loUixnapolia, jal(le to the ordrr of the. ty Irene, ui-rr f-r auro ol nion-y atil to wo and one half 1 2 i irnt. of the tare or vain of the botvU hid for or prooart le Ix fiiriaawt: ai Hi ra ny t4d or pro-tnaat-ehl not aiii tad and there hl Inft award of hm)e theren, tha cart fir. cW- ka eininanytnt tha aame ahall thara.

iron rt-turnwl tk li iiiuucivaaftil hid- rar nr nifV.irm. itiaro atmll l.a awarda,) lha whole or- any purl of the bornta upon "anv luil or rr.ixi, ortinp.l tlm aanie ah all thnrupnn 0Hvrat to tha city trraattrer, who hatl H'rriM pia-ni annta lor riiymant n.i im ra eniuusj to oii(t lh ame end "bold the pnnt-ooa rollertitf thrrei Bnttl -tha eonttih-lion of tha tmri-h aaa aiwl luant for the bond ao ewarxlatl. ami or any re.iaoti ait I I rha-li ahall not be iwid oiwn praaanla'ion. the city ahall retain aaid char and ahail hare the rirhl to the aame for own a. and il and or.

oea.U tharaif. whan ahall be takn and a aaraad ami Ihuudalad iUni- for au-h brawch of i-oinrt at4 a tiaruwot lharaot to the elty. In oaae any ucreaafil blddar ahall fall to oomplrle the por-haae of bond act wanted and to pay lor the aame wahin the time and niannar heirln or whh may tie by tlm city controaVr. Ibe tro'l of euoh -rrliHed c-hack dapont lav by bi.tdar ahall be takan. eonaiilarad and iWtned a rr-d and liqiiidtatt J4ri.

aiaa ir in nraacn oj em tuoilar a contract of ptirotiaaa. and ahall ba takan and a a fnymrnt to tha city trvy aud dtmacaa, and elmU be rrtainad art. I hal.l eid tTiy for He Ue. Jlowrvrr. lt auh auo-raofnl fcul'liV compiHa the purt-baee J.

of eald boiv'a awar.kil him. ld prixrvMa anid ivrliftM hJI tharauiviHi be raturnad to im bj.Klrr or at tha optica of the rity ixintrlr, at the time of the otrtion of Tie sale and payuiant for the oomi. aain pro'i tu em oi-rltned rbn may leu anl tiaenjrtl paynirnt on aoi-'Mint of the pun-haae of akl bonvte The bt.ii.5a awrW wlil be drlirareit at the offn ot the nty traaaurer Of Irvliana- roue. urn, on in vma day of February ih.i. or at avion lime or liniea a the day bida are opened end ewrd Is Wade be arteed upon: ail auvh bow.

wr, to oe iu.i.'a within thirty daya rrom iiumi am-n tMj. una the eiu eraaful liHle or biddi-re ahall UL twt ry the fccn-ia awarded to him or them at aio-h rU-e and time, and any omiMion. or refusal ao to do ehsli be a breach ef the bi.l.Wr a mra't or bid or rropoeal on aocount ol dmiii-re aha.l ha xa. talneii or by toe cuy aa 4ouhUted ea heretofore HI out. Said tnia ere tiered toe aale under and ht Tirine oi ma proviiona oi an a.H ei te renrral of tS alata of Indian.

approved Miri'h'M, rtiiaUM. "Au act eoncerninir tne onartienl 01 ork in ciuee oi me ot cum, donnine Ha no era an-l 0ilU. rreatin a tnmf fbe park. tnirp.v,e nt thw nrilt Haae. reia-aime law, and oe.

tirr" aiM an art ef the neral eaeembly ol the Hate ot Indiana aftieiKiatory thn-t. aprroved Jnly SI. lO'O and ail acta unifmUl.iry thereof and aill Memrntal therrt.i and pmviant to reeola- -rtton ot the bo ml of park comwia-iourre ot the etty ot 1 iujnpoU. (ttret-tmr the underpinned to le ejnl evil a'd boaU for the PMrtMe herrm aet out. Joeeph Uotim rity convroiier ot the ctty of Indianapolis.

Inillana. ot a or i. v. TtiNu txi vt'ract' r'oa TUK OK A CKATKL. ROAI N.nif tieen that the tirviapoimed board of cortnty com mi oner a ot uie r-uniy oi ne.

toe ute of ItHti ana. wni rerelTe eealed timmHa at thei orfioe in the Courthouse at lterburf. latt unit la nour in qriftt a. on Tuee-Jar. Mn-b 4.

ltt-'a. tor the ton cl a free grarel road In Waahirrt.iii towan n. aid cupiy sod state, far ee Rotvrt H. Kikins and other, an-t fcerev 'ore orred and completed by board.

Tho apevi flealion provide tori anJmprovenient nwie leet wKJth with a at.x1ione bie eight Inohee in and re-iin of Ohio river yraret fit inchee In thu-knea. The estimated anrth of eaid rot is three thoynd three hmirel eleven ami four t-nlha feel. road be bui.t and -ompieted uralf-r what known aa the three-nuje road Uw. and all weedmetiU thereto. Plan, plate, pro-Cie and apexnf.oat.ore for aaid rovi are nw on f.le In the Cir of the auditor of 1ke ro'iniy.

Indian, at iTtersburr. where tli-y rrny bo innr-trd hy j. 1-m. wiil tie with their bide a iwi.t In tho aoiount of tho bid aaid bond the rueraotie prov.ded by --law. bud t-oit ahoukl alao be aimed fcr Mt me r-i lent fraehoHer of aaid Ilka cunty.

or by ynraty company to the -provU of tb undor teed. Said boerri of n.iy reerrae the rrht to rl--t any and all lda. VlrjrtJ B. ItiUiipH, ral T-s. H.

Elkin. -Com a-e. eViassi W. y. liaiey, county suffer.

WK0T, 9 A. TV K.Uc bre.k- ft el. nk 'ct drew. r't lawn-icy atmC, etove ft cook htery Uhw i.w, rh.ii, 5,1 rr. bufM.

i-irsi re fli Iliat ri.l wt'i he f'-plvnl be the Ir'ir,ir.,ii.e ute .11 of In.1if..,Krit wniil 1 ('- luwn nn the vuiH de tii 'iV 4nm.i-l 4io.Mi Mirl l.r inlirfi kt the fete of li I fM-r t.r mium. pybi ni.eriritile on the ftrtt of Vnitery wl July if e.h Th fir. I wutri Niinl will linini il i. In to up to a of to of a a I bers who hae died rlnea tha last meetlnr of tha assoclauoa. Ta Aetiwa Umt.

-ChaVles A. Hook waiter, president of the board of park cots ml salon era, an1 John Vf. Brarawoo4, formerly aecre-tary-trea rarer of tha International Typographical Union, wera trans, ferred from the- hortorary- to aetlye membership tha aaeoclatlon. Mr. liitt.

who spoka at the meet In, told of the many changes that have taken plaa ia the print. nr trade and eewepaper p-tibllshina. Ha referred the advent of tbe telephone, rspld teletrraphy. ertreles tcltgrapby. the typewriter, tbe linotype, typecasting n-iachines, rotary preea and other machines and deuces for newrpaper Illustration.

Mr. liltt aaid that be be-trin bis-newspaper work ta 187S aa business mansrer of the Jurml. then owne4 by i It. Martiswlal. Tne smet lof printera' ink eoon attracted blm, be said, and It waa not Ion a before he was famiLiar with all porta of the shop.

Speaking- of tha cldtim ptir'era. hes said: "They were a-oovt. afl -round crafts, men, who eoLd do anytblna-f rone pall' Insr proofs to laying- ot and sett Ba Intricate tablea Doa Hatpin was tha foreman, bat ba was soon soceeded by Cai Iietae. who held the lob for years, and then wss succeeded by Winiara Kaylor. who In turn wss followed by my friead.

Krank Kckert. He Is here today. 1 am clad to see, and can relate bis own reminiscences better the 1 cast. In paeetnr. let me say that ba la an honor to his craft and needs no praise from William Kaylor.

many of yea knew. He was a man of fine character, an excellent printer, a rather taciturn Intelligent, faithful ail duties, end le to the last decree. He left tha foremanshlp of tha composing" room to become tele craps editor on the Jouroal. and later shifted to Tha News, where he-remained in that rspsrify until death, only a few years ss'j. I at.

tended hla funeral i eft was one amons; the many of his frier and newspaper associates wtj sorrowed that he was' cone. Tom Meele and John vouai.t were wo old-time printers who stand out dearly In my memory. Steele wss man Of tew wora. lie wee a yea nd nay man. who covered a natural hvneae with a crust of reaerte that was ofteni mistaken for At bottom he 'was one or ths most tes.

erhearted and affectionate of men. Us fund of Informstlon waa cyclopedic, a quality that made him fine proofreader snn tuai was oi crest raiue to mm wnen ne rinsny i i i ecam in" inii inimiiai tor. lie hrd an accurate knowiedcs the history of persona and places In Indiana, he anew tae states poi-Itlcs. and thus equipped, he caught many an error la copy that would ptberwtaa have escaped notice. i rriater and Writer.

"John Vought. too. waa not only a good printer, but also an eipert reader of proof, lie waa a man of fine Intelligence, an In the civil war, and a writer of forca and eloquence. He, likewise, occupied tha place of managing editor of tha Journal for a number of years, and lied that chair with dignity and ef ficiency. Both these men I am glad have had for my friend.

To re call them to mind la "judct Twyman. so dubbed because his natural dignified bearing, waa another man of ability who was a eood printer and a good proofreader. Ho wss (iemsltel Hcott, at whose feet he Improvident compositors some-Imes sat. not seeking Instruction In he Isw and the prophets which lamallel of old gay to f'aul and tha rabbis, but, with outstretched handa. Importuning him for temporary loans, uDon the return of which.

It wss said. charre was made that betokened he quality of thrift possessed by tha ender. His excellence as a crafts- msn, however, onsets any implied rltlclsm Of hla financial dealines with his mstes. It Is enough to say of a man. 'lis was a good printer.

"Mr newspaper reoole-tlons of per sons In other than the printing end. re aio pleasant ones. v. lalford. printer, editor, secretary to resident Harrison and United States army officer, and Miss Anna Nicholas, whose long and brilliant career In ournailsm la notable and who.

In my Judgment. Is the best all 'round newspaper worker In Indiana, are both living and still exerting their nfluence for good. I am croud to have known them- both Intimately. ror many years, ioo. i naa ror rrtend end office mate, James Whltcomb Riley, whom 1 admired and loved.

I made a nlsc for hltn In my nrlvate office In the Journal earlv In his connection with the paper and placed aesK mere wntcn he used for years and on which ha wrote and rewrote msny or his poems and letters. Hers we discussed and planned for the publication of his first book. "The Old Hwlmmln" Hole and "Leven More f'oems." on the title page of which have always been nleaaed that name appeared as publisher. There were the editorial writers. Charles walker.

I. Hayes, and the cite editors, f.avln Tsyn. Uussell Seeds. Hilly Wllklns. William Fortune en Arthur White, who are recalled as ef ficlent workers and good friends.

Among the tnr force. 1 waa especially drawn to Krnest Pross. now won. over to the majority. Hut, there waa one other friend I made in my news- peper tne, wnoae name leads all the reet.

A Cats neaor1er. One day there appeared la tha editorial department of the Jour nal a cub reporter seat there on trial by Judge Martlndale, then the pro prietor. tte -was a mera boy. not twenty years of are. He bad a rosy face, a pleaelni- manner, a ftna physique, unusual intelligence, a' keen sense of humor, and what Old Thomp son, a seasonea reporter or those daya, called 'a talented pair of leg.

men naa to oe garnered by walking, not-telephoning. He waa assigned to police work, chasing down stories that emanated from po lice neaaquariers. it was not long until his ability and worth were dis covered and within two years, when his rather oougnt tne paper, he waa recogntted aa a real newspaper man and took over the city editor's desk. from which ne advanced later to bro- prietorshtp and editorial management. It was inevitable that a man of hla sort, with a great capacity for making anct homing rriends, should drtft into politics and ba the recipient of office at the hands of the Re publican party.

He waa appointed TRUCK THE Jamis Conacher, 76, Known To Many Golfer, Is Dead JAME-1 CONACHCU. Jamea Conacher. ago seeeaty-six. knows to tb golfers of tbe state as Dad Co ec be r. died Canday afternoon at his home.

1BI West Thirty-third Street, after a short Illness. He laid out the first golf covrso In Indiana- pii, a six-hole course at Riverstle park, in about live. Mr. Conacher waa bora la Scotland in 1Mb. He went to Canada when ha was a yoang man.

and came to ladt-anapolis aboat twenty-five years ago. He a as mansger of the old Clieaberg-er park golf course for many years and was a profeesloaal golfer aad manufacturer of golf clube. Surviving are a eon. John Conacher, of New York, aad three dasgbters, Mrs. A.

r. O-daoo. -of Toronto. Canada: Mrs. J.

itoorke and Mr Margaret Cllllgan. both, of this city, a'u- neral eervlcea will ba held at tbe honve Tueeday afternoon at i o'clock. Burial will be la Crown 1 1 til cemetery. city police roanmlsaloner. was elected to tha state senate, became his par-tra representative for the state on the Re-subllcaa nations! committee, then the chairman of that great political body, then the United Ktstes senator from Indiana; and today thst same Harry New ts in tha President's cabinet as tha potmaster-general of the United Htatee.

But to me. and to all of yoa who knew him. he la plain "Harry," who waa always ready to do a favor and never forgot a friend. During all the years I have been associated with him. aa fellow-employe on the Journal, aa part owner with his father and him on that paper, aa business partner In various other terprleesi as an Intimate In family re-lationhlpe.

I hava aever found a man of finer charatcer or more worthy to be called a friend. This tribute I oev to, my close association with Harry New and mark It aa the outstanding feature of my connection with the newspaper work ws were both engaged IhXhere for over twenty. five years. It le a friendship thst has continued without a break fr more thaa a generation, and to me It la very precious." SPEAKS ON "EVOLUTION" Tbe Rev. It, nilaoa Care Add Melbedlal Mlaletera.

Tli Rev. William Carson, pastor ef Traub Memorial Presbyterian church, spoke today at the meeting of tire Methodist Ministers' Aaaoclatlon at Roberta Park M. 11 church on "Evolution." A discussion was participated In by Dr. Harry A. King'.

Dr. Howard. Taylor, tha Rev. V. la, Kw-lng.

the Rev. C. K. lllller, he Rev. Bonnell and the Re-v.

J. U. stout Dr. Alfred Hughes, president of Evansvtll College, apoke briefly, of the colleg campaign that ta nqw la progress. The Itev.

George K. Hen-nlnger announoed that the meeting rext Mondsy would be devoted to an executive session dealing with "MeUi-odUpi 0 From the Inside." Tha Rev. Kay nXgsdal presided ai th meeting. SOCIAL SIDE OF CHURCHES The 1nomsn'sHome Mleotary Society of Capitol Avenue M. E.

church will be held at tha church Wednesday afternoon. The Leadtes Rlhla Class of th Tuxedo Baptist -church will meet Tueedsy afternoon at the home of Mra. Francis A. Stout. 0f urexei avenue.

The Mission Study class of th First Friends Auxiliary will meet at the T. W. C. A at la o'clock Tuesday morning. regular business meeting cf auxiliary will follow at 11 o'clock.

Th 'regular monthly meeting of th Ladles' Aid Society of the Grace M. K. church will meet Wednesday afternoon at tha home of Mrs. J. M.

Cope land, 3910 East Washington street. The Woman' 1 Social Circle of the College Aveaua Baptist church will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. (1. Gerty. Tbe assisting hostesses will be Mra.

K. Ktchison. Mrs. Laurel Benton. Mra H.

R. Kastsrday and Mra. Alice PrltchetU Tha party will be colonial In character and a muslcsl program will- ba given of old-tlm melodies. Fwaeeal af Mra, tacky. Funeral services for Mra.

Gertrud Tyndall Stucky. wife of Dr( T. Stucky. who died Friday midnight at Kt, Hospital, were, held at o'clock today at the home, 21 North Illinois street- Dr. Frederick K.

Taylor, of the first Baptist church, conducted tho eervlce and the pallbearers ware J. W. Simmons, William Guy Wall. Paul Fechtman. Frank D.

Davy. Edward Stucky and Howard C. Binkley. Burial was at Crown Hill cemetery. OWNERS! the parts and in your needs.

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Vj iU We are now in position to offer you parts at prices unheard of before. Our larjre stock of used truck parts, and our parts- men thoroughly acquainted in are ready to sen-e you and save FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OP PARTS FOR TRUCKS Acme Pulton AH-American Garford Atlas Auto-Car Bethlehem Clydsdale Commerce Defiance Denby Diamond-T Dodffe Federal Ford Giant ram m-Bernstein Indiana International Master Maxwell Nash Old Hickory Olismobile Packard Paie Republic Service Stewart United Wisconsin Samson Selden Siffnal Traffic -WTiite KeUy Vim All Models AH Sixes. C2. la to Also Complete Line of Truck Ford Attachments, Solid Wheels and Tires. Anything You Need for Your Truck.

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INDIANAPOLIS HONDAY, FEBKUAKY llt GRAND JURY CALLED i Coat la i Tage Oee Smith Satarday aie-i st, aad Seeday saoratag opened tKe grave They fenad tbe body block aad ened aad tnmplH wa aa It bad bwea pat la tk trass. They awwt fee a payatctea ta aeteraalae whether tt was a kaaua bole. Thra eras bo tdeatlfleatioa except tha shoes aa dtw gold-fll4 teeta. The kneee were drawn up ta fhe bret ead the. head wae Jammed Iota the beer.

Only a few aalre aad tho fUed tee-ch coat 1 te eeekg I aed. Tbe body wae broneet t. iste cuy. Itantth wae taken fr-t tbe Js'l sed con-frosted wtH the form of his grand-sacther. He eaU not blag aad has lefawed slaco bis street to talk.

Utaw la feewwHtlwaw ftmlth has bad a good repatatloo la hi aelghborhood. For eome time he had beea a saember af tha rtyaa-oath Band. mlU. awns a pool try farm elgkt mftea aoathwewt af aa whicli Mr its aaid la bed to make, improve meats. His graad-mother had ll.iM la eeccrtUea.

Mrs. 5mlth Is a aalverstty grafuate aad fyrmerly wss a school tearber. KSw le the dsacMer of Michael ivera-hardt, who livea at Ilibbard. fear ties from tbe ftmlth home. Mr.

aad Mra. Krhlth hava a child aeveateea months old. Other Oee the Reealled. When It became knowa la aad aear riynsoatk that tha sheriff aad hla men woald search for tha body af the mlaelng worn a a Sunday, dosees af meat aad women gathered at the Smith farm to watch proceeding. Mra Smith on a mound of fresh turae earth directed the raea la their work.

It baa become kaoww thai Umith father was found mysteriously billed by a blow on the head with a hammer walla tha family was living at iMttsfleld. aeveral years agav Tb father held aa laearanco aolH-y for Ss.ev. a whlh tho son waa the beneficiary. A few years agra Smith's mother, while making her bora at Chicago with the son. died after Inhaling gaa The death waa attributed to suicide, but I light of recent la-formation.

Inveellgstione will he resumed la her death. Hmith'e Rret wif died of what wae said to be elow poisonlag reeultlng from labercaloeta Her death also will ba lavestlgatcd further. EXPOSURE OF IEASIB Coallaaod fro Fag Ooe anr way In my power a trivst citlsen In th object to thl In lutrr. It hss boon thai honor- aoiy-conoucted law practice of a citl-, sen holding no publlo office 1 net ordinarily a subject of coacreeaional Inquiry. "I thlak it may fairly bo preeumcj that If my name wae not prominently mentioned In connection with high of.

flee rar'prlvate practice aa a lawyer would be of no Interest to UU committee or to th public Whether or not It has been drawn Into thle Inquiry to serve a partisan political purpose, the country will Judge. Faith la Uorerameat Ibeken. "It would ba a crime against the public It the dragging of Innocent people Into this affair ahould divert attention from the guilty or preveat the discovery of those who have be trayed th public Interest. The whole country Is shocked and appalled by what naa. been revealed la thle la-veatlgatlon.

The fact that a former cabinet officer -yf tbla administration la already gravely" Involved has raised a strong suapicloa-tn the public mind that others may be guilty. The faith. of the people In their owa government is. shaken, aad ths damaging effects upon publlo morale are so rrave that th security of democratic rnstWitioss Is seriously lmi. le 1.

Tbe 't ihitv the tive i'uty of thJ ht'Ut. is mercilessly to uncover and toi bring, to public view and acorn and pentahmeat every one who' has betrayed the public trust or who baa been guilty of wrongdoing' In this' humiliating and danreroue question transcends political parties and partisan considerations. Clesnaad liuorruptl bl government ia vital net to itepuoitcans and Democrats, bet to every cltlsea. For my part. I am eacer to see parties siyi p.

stilled In tbe fsce of ao grave a. danger to our common country. It would be an Inaplrailon to ate me a and -women In private life and par- tissns or an parties in publlo Ufa united as they were la tbe great war In a common effort lo destroy corruption snd to bring th government back to honesty. 'Ada lew oo Mealoaa A Cairo. "I ahould like to aupplemeat ny letter of February with some of th reasons that prevailed upon ma ta represent Mr.

Poheny'a companlea professionally in his Mexican dlffl-cultlea. "Article 27 of the Mexlcaa conttitu-tlon of May 1J IT. was aa attemnt to assert ownsrshlp by the Mexican government in tha mineral deposit of the subsurface of lands la Mstlco If this artlcl should ba glvea retroactive effect. It would result In tb con-fl scat Ion ef properties of American citlxens lawfully acquired prior to th aaoptioa or taat constitution. Thia presented a grave situation for American property rights la Meslco-r-ee grave.

In fact, thst the Wileo ae. ministration on April lll. thmut-h Ambassador Fletcher, at Mexico City filed a solemn pretest aeainat it nu "'ntly maintained "During the year ISIS I waa direr. I.r!.".,r, fJh railroad af th United States. The fuel problem wae tV-TkV l.h.n,.,t eeriaoa with which we had to deaL I was then made to realise keenly the tremendous importance af fuel all from Mexico.

A great number of American Industries along tha Atlantic sea boar. I were de. pendent upon Mexican fuel oIL Th preservation of this fuel oil supply was then and Is now essential to our Internal economy. Vital IsBBOrtaaew of OIL "Not alone Is this true, but th qsestloa of an adequate ell supply aad ef an adequate oil reserve on of th most Important ror aay aatlea under conditions of modern warfare In fact, tha crucial test In the next war. if on should com.

)e golag to be not alone war machinery aad appliance, but control of aa adeauate uprly of petroleum ta meet the needa of national defenee and often It Is not exaggeration ta say that the strongest nstion In petroleum resource will bo th moet likely victor In such a con teat. For all of these reasons, therefor, th American gov. ernment and the American people wr Interested In preserving th Mexlcaa oil sapply. which was lsw. fully owned or controlled by American cltlsens.

"In lll I called the ft rat Pan. Americsn Unsocial conference Washington. It was attended by all the South and Central Americaa republics, except Mexico, which was then tn a state of revolution. -The following yesr. 19IC.

I attended -the first seselon of the fster-natlonal high commission ef all th South and Central American republic al Bueno Aire, la th Argentina At th's sesaioa were dlcaed eccaomio. financial and other, problems of great coneequenee to the whole of tjt la-America, and 1 gained famMLarltv 4 with conditions prevailing throughout 9outn ana Central America, which could not have been secured In aay ether way. I was dteply interested rot alone In theee economic ead Unit, al probUma, but la promoting closer aad better relatione between tk jPROBE murder M'MfiMMPlflE through-out Ita I ft When tbe Hardlag ad-mlBlstratloa esme In Socretsry Hughes adopted the tint policy Thie policy was Insisted upon by tha American tO Mstlco Messrs Warren and Payae. aad. aal understand It.

waa rractlcally made a :4uM.fKrt:u,o" of United Statea aad art af theoe repab- llrw. "Mr. Teheaye eompaalee, aa welt aa Mr. fMahaey. aa eavtabl re.

tatUa when he aa tne la 11. Hie ceataatet were I be oetetaaeaag laUepaadeat oil ceapealea fraiblaa tb rooalred eupply of Meaw-wa feel 4I to oar tsdaateie aleeg the At-I stlc aboard. They alao were the only etroeg coanpaatee aZerlag com. tetlttoa with tr eo-rsJied WU re alia tha Ualted t-tatea Tor tba far-reeo af preaervtag eoaapetltioa aad tafeg th eeweanal aarpHe of fool etl for oar Inrtwatrte along th At-Untae eoaboerd. It wa hlgbly elrabt to arwa-t, ay every tegttleaote aaxi proper weeaaa.

the all boartag ftesertwi af Anericaa cUlsena Is Mexico vwot tm Coofaaeotewy. "fk's Mr. TOobeery. thereforo, asked ry nraa let act for bias proTeeaioaaJ: la try leg to preveat tbe cf ia af tts valsablo petrelesns prverttee la Xetlco, rerreaentlnc eeveral be ad red asllUea dollar, tt appealed to me bo-cause of my general knowledge ef tb ail ladnatry aad of Mratoo aad Lot I a American eel at two gaiaed la tb saaaaer I have deacribod, aad bo-eo It wa ia tie with tb declared policy af the adsaislat ration to protect America propertle again! cenftacatioa ta Mexico. a eiii taat aa ooportaaity wa preeted ta readee a aeauiao aervvow eutaid er nay profeSetoaaJ eork.

la proeaotiag Latin Asaertcaa eoaameree. aad mora particularly in eaatrttatlag ta tha protection af all America righta la Mexico. If retroactive aaa cnafloratary effect fa Article 17 of tao Mexican Coaetltetlota eoukj bo prevented. "Tbla. with any letter af Tebrasry T.

114. gives tbe hutery of sy pre. feesional ex.aeecttoa with the Itohen, companlea Tb aervlco I have rea. dered to thee waa la good faith and la full eatlfctiea for the feoe that have beea paid. 1 aw tkeea nothing aad they aw nee not a lag." Indianapolis and Vicinity SrwobsMle awah Lr.

will aieli it aiawit a VewUe aorty T'O'ar la Tho Oeora Tboeaee W. a wi here a -al aamiag Twaoiee a ea he- aeo el Mr. nee It WZJ Jltrt Ca.lel seeww Tbe Lar ASS Sary to lb OeOey of tUil-way Or4iartor wi 1 eebrat Iwewte-eirbtb aaa mrrr Tweodoy al the bo tr. J. tot.

441 Xm Arol Seeowe. The) I allac I wt. ke Mr eoha OHvv Me i.ur a 1 ia. Mr, a love Mr, fai net Ptmartaa ate. Wvaea Canary od Mr l.

r4-r. Tbe We W. T. I' w'TI Tuewlajr aJteeaeeo at tb beewo Mrs Tm afteeeeeo at tho tie a ef Mr tf. I y-e- TVr ir 4 ee Coeapeoy.

wit re eetoeiier aikl tneeo wi I yo a ewe unt enppee el that feed Men ha I. I ee- evaa aaa. aae eueat eteaa-t, at Tniwlag ewatag. Seek ent Tel aa A Herbert PWk. S4t Soath Ceeetel aeeoa.

andee arreel en a caereo Of aaIt ad battery as a yewuit of a ltW eorty aa. oey oa JerO. hprwtt. alft Maria Luaaa etreet. a laa cb 4rree.

Saestl. eIWo ee4 Ilea oee laa. aa ewn hues. AeroeOee; to Srwwlt. ee 000 tea acewt hie iaera lo Ca4 Wyoaatwy eacert 4 0-rxher la Soath C4Va eawe.

eVwe the to ISO Caktay Uut. talr4 aeeowe Swl. Rest ceeek. but th B4aro oeo ylaa'S seal Ifcey oreeJ hla a Uae tkeea borh to lad aa no ha. Oa ire ret ee- In oo Ike aew aUnarw.

blW wit a bicjra 4 Ikea both lumped froea Uto ewe ao4 ra etteaapl wee aaeae ta re avail, noli i. tc r.s ladiaaopoa rarth Degree Aeevaabty of Ibe Salable ef Celeaibwe t0 atawrve La-coin a birthday Tareday eveatag al tbe ladl-aaapob Atbietie CluV TbOeaa ktcao will pk eo tke 4 ie ef Aaa L-nrwea. beery will mm Li aw a oyer, Sal Bleo foe Ike ea- evaoit Srwlio of the Fwirth aeeew 4 oia 102 TAXBILL REPORTS VARY AS TO RATES Cwotlooed raga aad srlcllae or war etvle teae. anaay ef wklk Wro repoea. list eeo I erreae tie rreu liBitaueea oo rytl iaeo ert.a 04110 to taa-fro larerae.

it Se eetiaaaled. will bnsg la li les.S a4i.tiaai rev see Tao hernial tat aa tb tret tasabto re reare4 (roeo 4 to te et. and th the tavaai laeaeta froo to per ot. th ret erts ri of pr ct le tnae to arpiy at II. tt.

leetee I aad IB Itarreaeed gratua. per cesU la lacoeaea of ttt.M aad tireoa eaUt "ibe bill givee material relief 1 all la-cofe, taaeorer a ta awwt of reierl la i va 1 to ta I re eery 1 J'rtr to bawr brack tha ta la Wr tbowgh tba terrtatija ef re-ewct rear, i tworb lareer ta the bifSer bracketa tbaa la tha tower. Kaptoioo oee as (at, HipUlalag tha redvettoas la matlaawa eertas froea It SI rest. ilfa rtfrrrwd Kocretary Meilea'a argameet tbst (kw rat ahold be ceealeerad tho pol at vlkk they Ilka rta) b-e eooikod effectively ee ta poal of aime oee-1 1 it Tba a rota a a44ed. however.

"It la acewralety determla at what reieef laa tbte polat 1 reerket. bat It I bo generally eoro4e4 that a i por c-a C. wrta bo 0 eoo. stonily I a ree a erTort I vst. 4 that ft Is l4vteob.

fee tr.r reon fteferrtsg ta ts prartalea for a tl per real, red act to a ia tat ee earwed laeeaaea. th rrmm a a. A T-v -I taapayere teM-w. hI I all rere-aary X4. vui nir4 hrt4 tag eretnat Income tt it.

eee 4 th tag eretnpt leceme J. OM aaa-e. aaeetee el tka. ami e- ree lue a anoar wt, tm eaeeaU at 7 p. aa, peeawd ng Ike aweou It aw.

beet I. l4ot faitkiei aaeigatae of tao eeeakiyw.ll praeaA. "t-aal lweb fo MOtlet Taoiev. "Dual was ih evticl ef aa dreo drUveeed Semlay sfti moua tay lb Sew. avmoetL yeelnc ef tb Atawwe H.

Z. chUv-tv. Iwlwe tke SUya' tke; Meeda-I tie- T. M. C- A.

se-iilce-i uam. The Pare. Mr roonril aryad the tr to kc.l tie. but ao4 tke ear-woe ol eher ta tke boy' arartaarM orv-tarwtra a-vt ao b-it tbe twt ISehoo H. feeat.

ot he Ik etoakee kl the IVo lug Mediae aw it Panda. Cborr Atelawl Weiakaaaotee. Berry W. Lorbi raleJo.

aew teety-loa 4) Weet Mark 14 aa etreet. wethater for lb Active 04 Coespeay. he a ale eww aad Peurteetith etrweV wee rated today he la. epaaeer aceat od Slew act. to ety weiyhta sod see aaucae pctaet, 00 rb.rve rVnT kt wll kt.

It te rkaryarf inert eol oat.vaewd to Mr. C. tautoy. 132 Weet rwrV.l 4w4 eaoaul a e4ht I tw0 rw-x1 ae 1 tut aoaeake ekevt A etfnrt lo re-ck Mr. Locker! ever Ik I a a a a a aaowvewefuL Draaeed so Sni OVt.

Tbe saaa. dw ia4 ta weaaaa a eeuki. a-hcos arUrtttee kt lb Uet fa aoy bar Lay hJot th abkact Of a r-WVo wrarrk. 10 Mea Doawtky sod Mie -ertrwka Co. Xl N-arVk "raea -wwe.

Stawdey oayka. 4 Tecoaaa aod hew Tra olrwea A to Ike 01 key tan a reyawted ta th yetir. tk ecorwa re tk en fee ki aa away. wnaaaa creai. acwl it vh raa.

Tk aa to waa wearing a browa ml vilk evliae. a Iwrtmr, kel biarb Sliat, tke once aere lalaraaoa. 1 Ceo ex. B. PhXtBee to Bprnmh.

Oeor bV Phillip. asJial eater will apeak aa "Oee lad) at tk neat ewUM ef Ike tionl-w fkratrt koetaty i Ira aeaool.e ta bo kaa I ts Chnaker ef Caiaai rre bOiaSwg Pewaey al p. aa Soeeeal valaeka aieou wtJ leeo selaw to the wiweira lo tk aai ai hron cnetawl ketng rweideod by tk aa-K-tr Th ajaaaiiiuw I e.r e-f tk rrete4 faei 4 Mea T. at. aaa Jr.

toMuaas l-y artl and floyd aoea. rwt-b-Ut gwpians Party. Ssapinyw ef the rrewl Lit Uaannaay wee eatartolewd at a party Sod de tv-W Ky teirf lo tk pjaaartwey tneo-ui l(vtee tur4ay kisM iral kain4 aj-S wee peawaot. TB as wf are wa onue a ec-Crea M. Cre M.

r. I. A V. T. V.

H. Datte-rt, C-rkrl. tao- Taiaey. VT A.W C- ta. Uuae, tt rT.hpa.

W. W. Wlkre. XoJkrr sod R- R- Iteaaaaee. PaO 1 Jaaee Taylw.

see forty. ItUS aooUt Mo run etreet. 111 while be wae try-ire I fenrd a WaehirfVae ataaat ywr S.liic.y al iUtaai wd g-at Wahlarkai eteawt a -at was averty braieed. lie wee taken ta thai City Hoatatat aod later wa ae4 at tke Oiy Inane aa a chory af Orsai Held After CCliii. WaJlaw F.

Lax-y. SOS Saalaea aovaa waa aineted oa raarra af aTrvathewo aod operwtMg aa aul awk whale wot tke aa. flueweo I baiaae ctnn a wa anrlaf wa a roll oo by Joerva Mawlao. 44 Jlee-ik etreet. street.

4 Caeaeew twe aod Sew Twrfe Both au Mr. Srowa aefer raed T. M. A. Mr.

Dwaaanboe Xeww Seaatay afwrweae al tk eo kneed bra, af th M. A. Tk H.y Loo4 kerVk Afrkra. Tboeo thiag sort 1 lb a- were- Mr. Wikaoa.

atb smotatavral aaa ai la a eait Lard teat we oy it.toew nci.wea ream, Dat. aa rrnret. wtJ lake rkery and no vai-l the eoererae btaoeae. rr4oraMy to Clew Tke Epoltoa Phi Ooaega Pr ate tarty win alertaia with a anyeker al tb twain hotel Wedeaadty eveoinf al a'ctoeb. PeTWw.

tmg tew eea tb gwaet wi.t enkertaaoed with tve-ot ie Eeooath la. aawos win pceeeM a amm-tw. Ma yatl ka pre, da at of Ibe Cyra Oeb Pyvwyaaa. The Iadaiiapotka Cre Cab win bar tineoU day prn-rja Tanadar. Am ot-Vaae bo p' by a-eri 0aaVar.

tadaanetan a ettorwey. "Iaawl laTkad a jacket froea tk Swy krwut Ciuia ef Ma oUJ la Meenory af The Oeorra n. rbokos Pe A. aad tbe Geoey f. rbaronae ta.

R. Na mO will celebrate Lea-Oka a t-tYttwt antk aj.aeti.Ta: all ra aaa aa Ua pnajt bawl. a-tot Maryland etreet. a i.a a ar. m-aa Ljiaa.

Davia Ue la rkoew. F. tkavta -d faoree. yW Tf-rew rkaalert. af wt! rail eoarl.

today sawed C. Prod Dvt ns a la, IV. rWta Caa TV. ho roee4eod eeraed aelr prt4 for-the tatroyer. a ts fernver an roerrraat.

who I derived la pert from r-eraeaal eere Wee aad ta pert free cer-itel. aad ap- r-eoorhee art Jeatiro aear ss It poeeiM MVa vaahleg a lew aaworkahia aad laapoootbl 04 adaaia-istrstiea." Ta Hall leeo Tat Advaaoo. Tha fllevlsg ehasg wera cited ao a la prveat tha advaace la la- coeae ta'. "The etlatleg law pravt4ae thai the etnooat by wh en the let la laer4 aa acroaat of ta gala free sl of epnt aaoet eaan af ere4 IIS I rMtal aeeeta an at saceed Hat per eoat. af lha looa.

capital aaoet shsll at tre4 1 1 "The prevtei tk reerrtaiu Ilea sect lea have a eewrnta ta preveat tbe ae ot tbe ortie I ecpo pre per taxaliHt by rraiai pre-mwa or oeyieie a.e k. laa.a ai a k.a, aoaaltr twpesed bv swtia tit ea corooratieos availed ef ta avoid the I aot loa of eartatee e-s the etecahalder la aew baeod aa a'. the lomeae of tbe corporation wera bo taied la tbe bsada af aa IndlvkdsaL. Ikedaeeiow foe lateeooe. "Th dedsctloa fer Interest paid oa (other lhaa ttret pa4 oe incurred In with W.d.

cy ba.l.e,. of foe oikate oeee SfS allowed aktr to th ill.rl thai th eera af tbeeo wo Heme a. tat payer. Jhe report the elevea rt.reb-lesB of the rommilU wa ae Oreea e. ft ewa- Iderab'e 44ltarol trtna defending rat la Mrtaaa to a mai-mur per rent." It rotated et thai the Mfh ralee were becofeieg lacftsalscty uiprwtrtl ve.

riling teal laretne of aver title; SS fa per reel, af I total I e'orrva y. ported la lit! end I I and 4 1 pertest, reewectlraly, la III sad Ull -the only way Ikat ih lcov at ss spplied to lift. Income fe m.i so etaHly. Ibe report 414. I -e ty retiring th rat tax al aui I level end hs lentg ta in ceotlte latpetere ta avoid tb tax Tb I rn-xr 1 1 report tailed for a reda-tkoa la Ik aeraaal tate per cent, an net lx.avs up to I per est.

incomes t-et ti.tee mi 1 aal per ceaL above that a mo at- boroee hUll FrwvUiwoo, t-reeetaU A Corners original plea ewtled for a 4 tr rest, tea ra larorats between l.t avd l.ei. and t)e reflection 1 1 te wae ex', elelaed a neceeaary la. rut mmm iomakat the Ia van Me whw tn irvaeury wi-wrie. wvwii fre aa. lalne under Ih plan.

T--e aortas rat prwpcd by th inarriit would start with 1 per cti. at 111 tt sod la-r la II per ci. i0ae of lX.e and aver. Tbeeo rale, the report said, would reeult I oo reent. v4er treaavry eatlanalea.

of lll.2IT.l la the aortoal Itiet. pared to ITT III. Ill en-tar ik mi.o rate aaopted by tho reaani a4 fill IILItl la th evirtaiee rwmpareg lo.imjW.ltl under tb Mela ar. tatea- The figure were baa! ea lilt retena reteraa CHI S-crtsry Wfallo a asoertlo that Hrreaeet ail tiaroer. rtakiif rvewvocyat of commute, wa "plana poll lira la eflertag IMe laa yvia Plan, th report aaid hie etpreeewa waa "an aaheerd af pert ayraa aa iotai aa It le taspmdeet, aad la tn Judtmort ef mlartty la la worst of bad fsitb toward prxareeal larem laitlina." I ad.blion tc aaktsg different I.

ror ta. the IteauM-rtli ffo r-aa 4 bJekey eatale tt a4 of a gtft tax. loo-ether with the rral of a aaby of tke teae ia 4dItlo to thoo lro4v r. vtd by th committee. fV a Kaeladod.

Tb report ctplalaed thst all fee-tarea af the bill were considered by tbe whole commit! mtl th rale wra rachd when tk crat war oaclaled. Maay e-iea of tb mtaear. other th tk i. com rat-o, praiod. particularly "provleloee relating to tecpif loop.

ble a tie adra la iat ra lea ef law. by whw-h maay large tatpoyers ee 1 tkely Jt tat but t-m repe-rt sited that th mr1ty bill sti.l "l.a, lr dlsrret leeary powers wltk the treasury department in laa matter JUlilOR RED CROSS AIMS TO BANISH CHILD HATE brbaoo. of laleewattooal Loogao. Tatbo aaa OeU MaeatUs at Alt, ell tie a. "Ovid edacatlea aa a basig la ihe wark of tbe isalor p.

Oreee ted." paid Willlaat iltbed In tae-aty-oa nation a ae a active itcat loral frc. eat -teacaiag tte eeme ceaersl fja4a. meatala. Tke Idea-e th orsaaia-tion art aifrea training aervic. aaiferm Iralulsa fe he.ltkfal li.ina; snd aalfsrra tralalrg for la lst.rt -oaal friea'aelp a Crrportdnr and ol key -To easy with in if minds ef tbe chlMr.a.

1 epirtt tf utll.U friendship wi.l a.wly Set saraly 1. tieral he said. 14 to inters- A malrtrr ef II II. MrfVai chalrmsa rf ts P.d tret a laniiatHin. .1 iiniir jinn.

lalred.nt of tk park J.rir... II. nrk.eilt. llhtr ortia. CHair-na of l4eapol Ilel t'ree I.

T. Vif. neeletant a re of public -ba wae 4 wit. Jr VVlalard at IjvhMa at I 1 ana-po" Alhl.tlc (atk when VI r. Aie.a A-jtotved lie wera a-4 Mr kV 11 and kr at SrirUaa aal Tr.ialag 11.

(h mci at a. r.ol I L. iSVf.Mw'.Y. colnX uWao'VaTdT: bTro The ll leg 4 I af th Ltlflt of I a.1 Cfw. 1 7 a a Vt 4 VaT Is jt.r.

a i art, la I )M II 1 -k- of at.eor r. Is tseee of tr sf. The elgalfna-ico af th. J.a,or P.d Ic year. re.

Cfco. it la ahwwa. la Ika r.a-. 1. I e-? I a I 7r '7 AJIrTtt 1 a 1 TTJlDtTACK C.

I Aa ej-orx'or cc-1 -a a tV.t wir4 1 1 4 I a i cf l. Pott, Ifl tefrt) at jv.v; also tokl af a deal betwoon i anj r.ra-talr ba J. l'ri prcr claim lier teli ta tA Doffle. Coo I lot feoea Fag Oat roe! tea ted lake O'fri i a.e I i I t.

who fa i tJ Rooali IatewlM. tkd wbetkay Ik Valted Stales goverameat wae bah af bias, sl GRIFFIS IS BACK kaal rr Mtfi an, a a a I a a a 1 -a a. a tk ef Ijum, wae ,.4 1" es te who waa kekat 1 r. i. tt, eerairo.

oe efi.r erriaal rr. mm aj m- a IS S-ewe 4 4mUI ltl PiltM (r1 I rover y. 1 tf -i- 1 a ay V-ea iaa (Kiel a -a 9m ittf. rey fy a 1 wo fvel tke kltaaytaa eir-eli. Ia tktl al yart ite aa Aaweitr, evlr ear I raa 4.t...

live 4 a hired ka ta the 4 14 -el yiiag FUNERAL OF J. A.f.'.UR?HY' TO BE TUESDAY I Sett Wae.leaeoa Will Held at II. a SI Cro-ea llin (ewaeteyy. SYSlU.ilSALLEGL Iniiir.s TV 4l00ew Oev a a rt WAtlllXlTlf. refter, a 4-aryeet lee ef 1, 1 't af tie et t.

r.aferes fueage. v'a te a r1 ef tbe tiiUM Aa wwh -r af affee-ttig roft tktCe as nu.i' Mcre. It refer- aaeat-a fe-4efa ffo ttry oelee fsavae.UMU a-4 far t. v. MnM Te rr-rt ttt t.

II kl 1 nul Tr. I I'll', -w 1 iitrf.t' ae a 1 a 1 i f--a- w-a fa eer-vwe are 1 4 te ea a aa wa tne I 1 Mftf I sowar I iv- 1 a tee wa tw-od i. 4ata T. 1 reif at a. I tte f't.

a a. rr a 1 ta-i i i er a V. I t. 4, I I a-- a lat Ike iawa were 1 aa te eta -a a- l'ii Ike rer-rt. I ae nn 4 Mtanti-t ftea B-ee iaUt a i al -a to I 7 -e yeeeaai eal.

ef t' 'r a 1 a la te el aa 1- a' e-e1 eae ef aim I'm 1 oe it ey a a as al te 'v .,) 14ft. Ia 4 i aiael M44 itewrtWi. Tie eaei I e4 le sat 1 ti "It is is tr-ay in a're ea 41 -a sag I freed a li'- I I 1 r'e ik te'y e. 4 Ikeri.g ft. j-w Itttftt'l era a.

a a.rti.4 a IV a aly 'y'y a -at 1 1 a- kia kiawaoUtia Mb Ike 1 ef tte 1.1 lt'1-lri Utf i wa a ti'iil 1i- a. I la a e-te I t'af a a f.l il" 1 t' ll I 1 1 i' te.f'-.s.e tl a it e.w 1. 1, il te lie ta i iii.iu. a a a F. aa ft.

a raw 1 1 e. 4 ae a a a-a Makte lllnwt w4er I a-a te a a -e 4 b. a t.j S'eit 111 tke 1 ealteey ef e'! Jioy Arra. wa k.

aorve-4 If r- r-, i'y I a I -c a 1 eet ir. i tate a. at I I a a yt 'ay 1 i 1 -h ka tt. it t. 1 .1 il i.t 1.

a 1 lalr-t'-U a tr a 1 1 rf -iv, J. k. i 4 a 1 4 a 1 1 I I 1,1 at a I a e.a-.i.-, 1 r- -w 1 il .1 4 I I a aa a 1 II a 1 a i. 1 c'. I k.wl I 1 a "rl.

4 I a II I I A 4. I 1 la V- a. I 1 'a 0. 4 t'e a t. t.

a ta k.t-f "'e i 7 1 i Pn02ES DEATH lwtlieo I tul Tifltai lie. 1 -w, waa be fa r.e A ftv i. iiumt a a tc. 4 (. ex eya w.

a .4 .1 I 1. lU'i 7. a- 1 a wia wte a a I t. a i a a a w.e ii 1 'a-l a. a I c.

aa i. a (la i Mik. r. HOLDS ba4 Cealaalea t-l A aw p. rial.

Tk ftr(tr Vf a a I Tt-C a 1 a 4 a V. I. I a. r.a -a- aa. I in fW.I If I 4 ita '-t a 1 1 a a a i a e'- -a I a a hold A i 1 i I LI A ewworai eervioa r.y I Alkse tret.

Sait'ay. wl.l he .1 at lb kn ft. eraeoa L.iUI will bo la Vwa II. -1 an etery Tit lie. Al ag .1.

putt aad tbe M. He la charge ef tha feaeral servwes Fee more imi tMll. a.a.a VI a. 1 Utt if was iM 1 a tne -a er.e.aj I I a I.

a 1(1 a I a ay li.aa.e thai teleped la. A. Mt'liTlCT 14. wkl. he wae 1 at- a -1 aj(l.

laer aaar kt 4- be l. IMI 1 a 1- w.i.l An III! alii te ea. fi t. 4 Hh i'wi(. a a ve yateere.

it ta tti.i war I. w.a tnw.ter.d eal.l' la Ja y. till Afi.e h'e r.lvrw fo-a the w. VI a e- a 4 it a I a le (fja, 14. wkey he wae foe year I tk ry ae-4e -aeee wltk I te 11 1 fa-a af.

that ntr4 eeo Itii. Mr Maeyky SateyUt I rv a ef Miff l. I I a A e-1 year im I y. di e4 in 1 a vi Ws'j'ri wa a w.k-e le t. arr-Vaa I Ik fail t-'f.

It. of IH ty Ctorxs Dais, 8Z. Veteran and Retired Orv-it, I If aJ tat TV la, oc- r. MnonrVTlJ.r, 4. Falrrrary George fteee.

ace 1 (Mr-la died al he be-kw vs fotvrday after a brief If was a aear C.rt vvo-l. Jwa le UU II Deled Alfvil I. HIS. la 1 riT A. Iat eeoort tarary 1 leera of tk la Jt tl.

li.t r-r rd ae a wae ttk aa -4 I 'a. a eaa ta.rlt. Mr Pt I 1ITI an elr-1 Ike fr-Taf I a tkirt 1 W. Pav. war.kaw fer A.

1,;l beref MtM P.rori ef Ike 1 A lu wko I.e.; twewea I 1 ii 11 nrf iiti tf 1 1 i t-a eoss. l-ar Ira-, a 1 1 -Tt. er Hir'ittll If r- a r. a- in iit.rt, i.n 1 1, bell at IS a a Tir'i wi -1 cnr( 4,4 t-e at HOGUE-TOGOTO kk I o4g a efa oe Itavdeo. at Jeh fu H-se.

Ty atfa r. Will g- Weet lialeft Tj. i with IX re a at 'e fa.rl ft a Ht r.faf a-a. a i i i Ti'a a' llk It r.utr late a 1 i.aro-7. ni'tf if e.t, Mr.

1 'm Marry s4 I aa.ri li.iwe wiai aw V-eed. ey h.r POSTOFHCE SFfllS i w. 111 a. Ike I a a- a a.a a I i 1 I i i i a i 1 a I.

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