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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 9

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
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THE BALTBIORE, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 29. 1940 Willkie Declares Free Government Vital Issue Before American People aeainst a new nartv. a rash and over- Willkie delivered to his fellow- bearing party the party of the New Hoosiers. He recalled that "every WILLKIE WARNS Willkie Campaigns In Farm Belt On Way To Louisville Deal. I sacred thing that ever happened This New Deal party consists of al me" happened in this State his birth.

OF END OF TWO candidate and a little group of men his upbringing, his education, his in large part unknown to our people, marriage, the birth of his child and a The candidate is vested with the the formation of his "finest friend- enormous powers of the Presidency, ships." PARTY SYSTEM THINKS U. S. IN DANGER OF DOMINATION Candidate Says "Dan'ger-ous Faction" Would Destroy Democracy The little group of unbelieving and He said he was "moved and touched yy 'y -y yyy yy-'i 'yy yyy -y-yy-'y-yy y'y yy'' yvJTOsi' xXyXy I yy. yy y. yy- a- s- 1 -i Urnt 7 ambitious men are the beneficiaries almost beyond the powers of speech' of those powers.

I by today's testimonial; he noted, also. "This party grew up In Washington that his voice was husky "but husky Says Third Term Would out of the Democratic party, and in mum xungus-iixe. nas sunocatea it. it is apologized, "if I dont Mean Destruction Of Our Government sound good this afternoon, you ciples are as hostde to those of the! Demormtie nartv. tW wut fatal to it as the fungus is to the Dy onc raor- Ion the shoulders of the.

mothers of Charges That If Principle Willkie. the former Democrat sneak- fadiana- Asserts New Deal Leads On Road Other Nations Found Ruin ing in a State that for eight years has Talks 15 Minutes Of Freedom 'Dies It Is Dead Forever" been loyal to the New Deal and sup- Mr. Willkie talked only about fifteen plied President Roosevelt with his minutes, giving just the barest out- present Senate leader, Alben W. Bark- line of the doctrine he has been f-41 1 ley, regaled his Louisville audience I preaching throughout the country. He with many anti-third term Quotations concluded: Br DEWEY I FLEMING (Continued from Page 1) 1 from former Presidents, many of them "On this Indiana soil, sacred to me, Democrats.

plead with you to join me in this publican candidate began speaking By the Associated Press Louisville, Oct. 28 The following is the text of Wendell L. Willkie' speech here tonight: The two-party system has been a great aource of strength to us in on that very subject I crusade to save great free America. twoaiiw aarvwiiu I ta Jefferson Armory, crowded as it He recalled that the name of onel a-a was, was something like a Turkish of the greatest of these, Thomas Jeffer- a a f. 1 1 a series of rear-platform addresses from bath the temperature here rose to 83 cratic convention in Chicago, and that st central niinois- degrees today and Mr Willkie per spired almost as freely as he did under other great men of the party were 1 1 i I the broiling sun at Elwood on August luiKraiexuiiy cast uiue a ura viu-i tnuma sUnff ni9v whrc the WlUlCia cago convention by the "New Deal I 17, when he accepted the G.

O. P. nom ination. kidnappers' of the nartv. "WVioro nnur hietn-; I CIO Men on Board Twelve years ago, when Al Smith, Democratic nominee for President cratic party?" he cried at one point in At Bloomington four Illinois officials the address.

of the United Mine Workers or Amer- spoke In this same hall, a Republican administration was governing the city 2 in A I A 1 ij "Where now is the party of Jeffcr- ica they also are officials of Labor's America. Both parties have always believed in the same Constitution. They have both believed in the same way of life the American one. They have differed only in then-ideas of the means, under that Constitution, by which that life could be made ample and In these days of turmoil, when democracy is under attack in all quarters of the world, every American must cherish every significant attribute of democracy. We mutt not become divided into many small and ineffective parties, each one at odds with all the others.

Nor may we tolerate, as have many ind some underling turned the steam son. of Jackson, of Cleveland and of Nonpartisan League in the State Woodrow Wilson? Why, Wendell boarded the train to assure Mr. Willkia Willkie is the only candidate fighting they were standing by the U.M. W. A.

on in the place, sending the tempera-! ture to about 90 degrees, nearly suffocating Al's listeners. Tonight under a Democratic administration, the steam today for their principles." I national president John I Lewis, in n.n;.. i I support of his candidacy. radiators were not in use, but jt was almost as hot ter James, Robert Howe, Jr, and the Kentuckians: Itt tx I. -1 i.U Crowd Boos The crowd booed each time Mr.

'You cannot be a Democrat and "arr a they thought the rank and file of A i 4 1. a. A. i tJ I "The principles of Jefferson and Illinois miner, would follow the Lewis countries in Europe, a single party lead. Willkie referred to his opponent as "the' indispensable man" and yelled "We will" whenever he called for Jackson cannot live under a govern' WIOEPMOTO In the light of the Lewis Indorse- ar, -a T1 a party of American dictatorship.

Americans Distressed ment that seeks power, concentration ouster of the present administration. DWIGHT GREEN WENDELL L. WILLKIE C. WAYLAND BROOKS Willkie interpolated a report that in of power, and the perpetuation of ment- made PubliC "V1 power. The principles of the Demo- some were inclined to attach cratic party can be preserved only by CHAMPAIGN, ILL.

The Republican nominee appears on the platform between Green, G. 0. P. candidate for Governor, For these reasons American citizens, whether Republicans or Democrats, his travels about the country he had and Brooks, G. 0.

P. candidate for Senator, during a short stop here. have been distressed the degenera jlic a aiaMTiucitui a repudiating the embryo autocrats who detected a determination by the people that "the third-term candidate shall not violate the tradition" against use its name as their mask." tive process in Washington during the last seven and a half years. During those years the Democratic party has are free and are counted. But practi Mr.

Willkie declared that under the audience today. It was: "I stand before you today, without a pledge or a promise to any man about any position of any undisclosed were at each others throats. Spain. Austria and many German and Italian Onion, Egg And Lemon tenure for more than two terms, cally, it is extremely difficult. cratic convention of last summer the name of Thomas Jefferson was booed.

Senator Carter Glass and other states been in power nominally. But what New Deal President Roosevelt had become "one of the most powerful rulers "I call upon the Democrats of Ken- upon uie j-iemocrais vi jven- states were ultimately embroiled. Ef The powers of the office of President II I A A 1 II I HlirlGd At KOOSevelu tucky 811(1 of whole United states has really been in power? Has it been have always been great. And we know forts were being made by the several policy. I did not make any to secure the nomination.

I have not and I will in the world," and cited specific in the Democratic party? ui luiu UfiLiv. uid uuc. Jit? miu. hi a men of that party were howled down by the voice from the sewers, and belligerents, and by factions in this today that the powers of any President have been vastly increased since stances of that power and its exercise. not make any to the election.

What has been the influence of men Two Sisters Arrested hid country, to force abandonment of our never oeiore, ne cnargea, naa in like John Oarner, or lexas; or men 1933. We saw this summer that he has neutrality and to get us into their wars. other trusted leaders of that party were ungratefully cast aside. American President enjoyed such op like Senator Tydings, of Maryland, or spending public funds "to mislead the We were young and weak and not portunities "to influence the actions Where now is the historic Demo Senator Byrd, or Senator Carter Glass? complete power to renominate himself as often as he likes. As freeborn American citizens we.

are testing New York, Oct. 28 (JP Two sisters voters united. Belligerents were on our bor of the voters." cratic party? These men, stanch Democrats, and a Denies Obligations "So, if you elect me President of the United States, I will come in free of any obligation except to those principles that I advocate and my own conscience." Although the candidate had made ders and were violating our rights on accused of throwing an onion, an eggl Challenges Opponent Where now is the party of Jefferson, Calls Self Unimportant the high aeas. and a lemon from the top of a building! In the hearing of his Kentucky audi of Jackson, of Cleveland and of Near the conclusion of his address host of their like, have had to fight gainst new party, a rash and overbearing party the party of the New at President Roosevelt as his automo-jence Willkie also challenged his oppo- Woodrow Wilson? Why, I'll tell you. "Equally Perilous" the candidate remarked philosophl whether his power to reelect himself is es complete.

I have been all over thic country and I believe that free-born American citizens are going to say he cannot violate that tradition. bile sped through Brooklyn were ar-nent again "to denounce the corrupt Those times were as perilous as cally: substantiallv the same statement re- Wendell Willkie is the only candidate fighting today for their principles. Wendell Willkie is the only candidate rested today on disorderly conduct PlltIcal machines that are supporting DeaL Largely Unknown these. Washington, by the common Compared to the principles at stake, cther SDeChes. oersons charges.

consent of all his countrymen, was am unimportant and Franklin Roo3e-wno listened to him today thought One Of Most Powerful fighting for their cause today. Th 4t, I ne crowa set up a long ana oeaien' best qualified to see us through by velt is unimportant Before the results they detected new emphasis in it I i rt r4 vi.navt th. Rannk Under the New Deal its third-term This New Deal party consists of a candidate and a little group of men in large part unknown to our people. The I he American people are aware taking a third term. of your decision are fully realized he There was in his tone a suggestion dArbe, 2L a houseworker.

and Mary lican Prtsidential candidate asserted candidate has become, and now is, today. They know what it would He was qualified not only because that he had been pondering oral and Arbe, 17, a typist both unemployed, he was the only candidate today fight and I will be gone. Your decision on November 5 will be irrevocable. It one of the most powerful rulers in he had had experience as President, mean to repeal the law against a third term. the world.

Never before has an Amer The missiles fell feet from ing for the principles of Jefferson, published rumors to the effect that if he were elected John L. Lewis would but because he had character. But that candidate is vested with the enormous powers of the Presidency, The little group of unbelieving and ambitious men are the beneficiaries of those will determine whether our children ican President had the opportunity of the President's automobile just as it Jackson, Cleveland and Woodrow very character, that very quality, of and our children's children will enjoy passed under a huge "no-third-term Wilson. get an Important post in his official family, possibly that of Secretary of Would Destroy System It means the destruction of our two- greatness which made a third term the third-term candidate to influence the actions of the voters. His powers have been increased to the point the rights of free men or suffer the indignities of enslavement to the all- banner" spanning Atlantic avenue.

As Willkie concluded delivery of his powers, i safe in his hands, impelled him to Labor. party system. It means the complete At nolic. hMutminrt-r. Tn, prepared address, the crowd started renounce it.

This party grew up in Washington out of the Democratic party, land, powerful 6tate." where his control of the currency, of mastery of us all by a single party, and "I didn't throw' any egg. Th'ere fc" Ttll He refused a third term in order communications, of labor, and of agri lAdTcrtlMment-l that party under the orders of a single fungus-like, has suffocated it Addresses Throng Mr. Willkie addressed the Indianapo to deliberately set an example of mod wasn't one In the house and if there w5pcd ft. off his face- culture rivals in many respects those It is unlike the Democratic party eration and patriotism to his successors man, and whenever that has happened in this world war has always come. lis throng from a stand erected in front of European dictators.

was i woman i nave wasxea on that and began a postlude. Its principles are as hostile to those of and until now that example has been of the English Theater on the north He has felt power to be great guy. The Democratic party the real the Democratic party, and they are as Alludes To Will Rogers heeded. west perimeter of Monument Circle. enough to purge those members of fatal to it, as the fungus is to the oak He pictured the "trenchant pen" of Since Washington's time, and until Congress in his own party who dis Democratic party is thus faced this year with a dilemma.

The registered Democrats must decide whether they It is this New Deal party that now Henry Watterson, Louisville's great the appearance of the New Deal party, agree with him, such as Senator makes its ultimate grasp for power the Democratic party has been an ac Tydings, of Maryland; Senator Smith, He was escorted from his train to the Circle by a group of sixteen Indianapolis World War veterans who served with him in the Three Hundred and Twenty-fifth v'ield Artillery Regiment editor of bygone years, "going to work on the spectacle of that Chicago are going to adhere to the principles of the Democratic party, or submit tive advocate of this rule. Its first the repeal of the rule against the third term that its reign may continue in of South Carolina; Senator Gillette, of President, Thomas Jefferson, crystal' Iowa, and Senator George, of Georgia. draft" and alluded to "the wonderful job" the late Will Rogers would have to the unprincipled rule or its New perpetuity, lized the tradition to make it a settled Willkie Replies' To Roosevelt He has, through legislation. in France in 2918. Deal kidnappers.

Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender, in-j flamed bronchial mucous mem-! branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un-i derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs. Chest Colds.

Bronchitis "We are not governed by written done on that event rule of our law. decreed what laws the Congress shall A band played "Back Home Again You cannot be a Democrat, and "I call upon you Democrats," he Pressed by the legislatures of States adopt, and has enforced his will vote for the New Deal ticket In Indiana" as the candidate, accom laws alone. No men are. The greater part of our daily life is governed by our unwritten common law, developed declaimed. to take a third term, he refused to through control over public ex The principle of Jefferson and panied by Mrs.

Willkie and other "We cannot go down the road of disregard the sound precedent set by penditures. Jackson cannot live under a govern members of his party, arrived at the from the usage and the custom of Washington. autocratic government We must not be misled by false arguments about ment that seeks power, concentration speakers' stand, and the crowd broke "Achieved End" generations of men. It is that unwrit of power and the perpetuation of into a long, loud burst of cheers. Reinforced Rule indispensability of one man.

After Congress refused to permit ten common law which gives effect to the promises of merchants and to the The great popular hero of that party, "And we must be a united people. Sentimental Message, It was more of a sentimental mes power. The principles of the Democratic party can be preserved only by repudiating the embryo autocrats who him to pack the Court, he achieved his end by appointing five ties of family affection. It defines most and of the country, Andrew Jackson stand before you as the only candi Bj a Staff Correspondent Louisville, Oct 28 In his post-formal remarks to the Louisville audience tonight Wendell L. Willkie made an obvious but unidentified reference to President Roosevelt's spech in New York tonight when he said: cf our rights.

date who has the confidence of all ele' sage than a political speech that Mr. use its name as their mask. reinforced that rule by obedience to it He earnestly urged a limit on the time men subservient to his will to be majority of its judges. ments of our American society." Recalls Safeguards that Presidents might serve, a limit He may grant or withhold his Cites Degeneration Urges Two Parties shorter than eight years. bounty to the fifteen million people The Republican Presidential candl We Republicans believe in the.twe- "The third-term candidate may now At the hundredth anniversary of who are dependent on Federal relief.

date declared to the Kentuckians that The men who bounded this republic took a little part from the flowing stream of human rights and set that little down in words. That is our Con party system. We want to preserve the call attention to the fact that some Washington's refusal of the third term. He controls the letting of hundreds the New Deal attempt to install itself American principles those traditions the Democratic party declared it to be of millions of dollars of contracts. in office for four more years was the Republicans spoke against the defense program.

The Republican party was $3500 IN Ln CASH PRIZES which both parties have always under stitution. the unwritten law of this republic, He is at the head of a horde of more climax of "the degenerative process' taken to defend. Those are the the party of opposition. Those men knew the manner of established by custom and usage, and than one million Federal employes on that had been going on in Washington for the last seven and one-half years. "The Democrat party was In control birth of the common law that safe sanctioned by the greatest and wisest the governmental pay roll almost principles that both Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Democratic party, and Abraham Lincoln, the founder of and if it had had a leader who knew guards the rights of cur daily life.They double the number before he took He said it was only a "nominal" Dem of those who founded and have maintained our Government, that no man how to lead it America today would knew that a tradition, rooted in good office.

ocratic party that was in the saddle. the Republican party, stood for, and not be defenseless. Why talk of this principle and tested by the usage of should be eligible for a third term of He has under him hundreds of pub "What has been the influence of men the Presidential office." generations, would become the com licity agents, on the public pay roll, like John Garner, of Texas?" he askedi man as the peerless leader of democracy, who does not even know would stand for today, united in a common cause, if they were alive, to prevent this thing from happening. GET FULL DETAILS IN LIFE MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2 ISSUE PACE This is the common law of the Ron law. It would protect the rights of who may spend public funds to' mis' "of men like Senator Tydings, of how to lead his own party? United States.

liberty, proclaimed in the Constitu lead the voters. He, and his associates Maryland, or Senator Byrd, or Sena This is no mere issue between call upon you people of Ken tion that they wrote. The principle against a third term in power, have an access to the ears tor Glass? Democrats and Republicans. This is an tucky. I call upon you Democrats.

Thus good principle and usage tested is a good one. That principle is this: PHONE MADISON 2752 and eyes of the people of this country, Attacks Clique You have much at stake. We cannot by generations of men have made this That should any one man become so such as no other person ever had. "These men, stanch Democrats, and go down the road in America of in powerful as to continue himself issue between those who believe in our free forms of democratic government and that wretched and dangerous faction that would' destroy the commonj law of the United States: Bear those things in mind and you a host of their like, have had to fight office beyond two terms, our demo have some idea of the power of the single autocratic party. We must save this system of government.

We mut Tbat no man should be eligible for third consecutive term as President. cratic system is in distress and New DeaL democracy and take this country down not be guued or fooled by false argu jeopardy. Unquestionably, the people 01 this the road to war. Have Final Chance ments. We must not be misled that country may repeal that law.

The elec Desire Grows Step by step, year after year, tve THAT EXTRA FLAVOR IN YES, SIR, SLOW DUftfiirJC- this is the only man that knows how The American people today have The longer any man remains In tion of the third-term candidate would repeal it. For the first time in to help our friends abroad." New Deal has been leading us down the road toward complete state domi CAMELS IS THE REAL THING their final opportunity to protect themselves against perpetuation in office, the greater grows his desire D. L. F. IS THE GOOD WORD IN CIGARETTES.

CAMELS the histor. of the country, a political for power; the more convinced he be nation of our lives. It has been taking FOR STEADY SMOKING that powerful office. Child "Welfare luncheon us along a road that other nations comes that his ideas are the only sound ideas, the less important to him In his speech last week, the third party has nominated a man for a third consecutive term. For the first time in our history the American people will The Child Welfare luncheon of the have followed to their ruins.

ARE EXTRA All LD become constitutional safeguards. Baltimore Chapter Hadassah will be held- at 12.30 P. M. tomorrow in the term candidate took to himself, as an achievement, the fact that in August and September employment increased vote directly on this question. Might End Elections We should fear much more the man You must now determine whether whose original motives have been pure Lord Baltimore Hotel.

Mrs. Walter C. Once we have broken down the by 900,000 men. that law is good or bad one. You and good, for he will more easily con Loudermilk, of Washington, will third-term tradition, what is to pre But the WPA rolls increased from vince himself tnat further increase speak.

Mrs. Alfred Brave and Mrs. vent a fourth and fifth term? The New must determine wnetner it is a wise precaution of freedom to limit the the first part of July to the first part of of power and greater release from Meyer Cohen are cochairmen of the Deal in this campaign to this moment October by more than 150,000 men time any man may hold power over constitutional limitations are required committee on arrangements. More than 150,000 men were added to v. I that he may do what it seems to him has not given even a perfunctory denial of such ambitions.

And once we have gone that far, what is to you. Terms It Irrevocable ought to be done. WPA in the very period that the President boasted of as showing great That, to some extent, has already prevent an ambitious man from dis Your decision' upon that point will gains in employment. happened here. The determined effort pensing with elections entirely? he irrevocable.

If you repeal that law Compared to the principles at stake, In other words, during this cam paign, while the President says era to pack the Supreme Qkurt is evidence of it So is the effort to purge the there will never again 'be any limit tAdverUMment.l Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless flights upon continual self-appointment of Congress. So is the fact that our cur ployment was increasing, the figures EXTRA MILDNESS EXTRA coolness EXTRA FLAVOR la recent laboratory tests, CAMELS, burned 2556 'lower th.nthe.verageofthel5her of the largest-selling brands tested -slower than sny of them. That means, on the average, a smoking plus equal to I am unimportant and Franklin Roosevelt is unimportant. Before the results of your decision are fully realized, he and I will be gone. Your Presidents to office by any means.

The show the WPA rolls were increasing. rent President has never surrendered any of the "emergency" powers given question of ree government involved Why do you suppose that happened? is much more important than the per They did it to keep perpetuate them decision on November will be irrev to him by Congress. Answers Arguments onalities involved. If this principl Doeton uv vnnr IcMimm rnnlain 1 1t w.T1a ocable. It will determine whether our selves, -s Attacks Boss Tieup dies, it will be dead forever.

of tiny tubes orlilteravhirh krln tn m.rifv thm children and our children's children blood and keep you healthy. When they get What shall guide us to a light con The third-term candidate has made the argument that we can protect our urea ana con woric right in tne daytime, many people have to up niehta. Frequent GET THE "EXTRAS" WITH SLOWER-BURNING But to make sure that its purpose is achieved, the New Deal party has will enjoy the rights of free men, or suffer the indignities of enslavement elusion on this important question selves against Presidential self-per petuation in office by our votes at the to the all-powerful state. allied with itself boss-ruled machines of large cities. This alliance of the One course is to heed the accumulated wisdom of nen skilled in the art of government, with experience in the or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder.

Don't neglect this condition and lose valuable, restful sleep. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it end of the third term. Another argu The unwritten law against a third term is a sacred compact of the living ment is that a change of leadership at pose of purity with political im office of and of whose sin this time would be unwise. Finally morality is shocking to any man of with our honored dead, and with our 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACKS $5 eenty ana integrity there can be no may aino cause nagging backacne, rtaeumatio pains, leg pains, loss of Pen and eners-r. honor.

the third-term supporters say that unborn children. It is your choice, swelling, pufliness under the eyes, headache It has not been denounced by any question. When George Washington came Mr. Roosevelt is the indispensable and sole man capable of taking us through of its beneficiaries. It is for you to accept or reject for Don't wait Ask yon? drnmrfst far Doan't Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years.

They give happy relirf and will heln the end of his second term Europe this period. To illustrate the operation of those powers of the President, you need only THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS ever that sacred compact I know the people of America will not now fail was convulsed by war. The most the 15 miles of kidney tubes (lush out pnlwn- In theory, the people can protect themselves at the polls if their votes powerful cations, France and England, MS yaate uom your uigoo. uc vw, iilh recall that in thg so-iailtd, Dmo1 America,.

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