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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 5

Indianapolis, Indiana
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fit rR. 'J In '8S 'L A i STATE I1IST1IIIS 6 1 OUT OF SUGAR APPEAL MADE TO WYCKOFF FOR IMMEDIATE KEUZF. ONLY FOUR CARS RECEIVED Kt. ite are practically without wsar, and Stanley Wyckotf. who ht "chArse of smear distribution In 'the r'alf making effort to hor rfrw 'ii1 from fivdirtapo5i rn.uiu!a.turra cwM t'JfKed over to Maurl C.

Khtlton, atate jur VhaJt ax r.t, at once. Four cars of aurar were ff Indianapolis Jobbers to Uy, "enfcvf to sweeten cof for a day of so." Mr. WyekofT eald Th tat! Hut4itlon were arithoat J.urr Aujcuat. af Mr. WycfcofT jrae tM ikn to uwlr'Oia pouri'J? Me tl to pound to them, and thla wpTlr.

Iiaa tm ufi vp. Mt. fcheliori fr iM.rar this morning. an4 lr. Wyrkoff at.

once efforts to obtain a auppiy. is No Authority Sfflrt llpllnd that bd no aothortty to take Zf amount fogar from any en to give the Jnatltutlona. tut ap 1 ftfd th manuf jwrturer to help re Ik re th ftttfutlfwt II tillered he. would able to ruear for tempore arv be orythe day ww m. Hr.

Wythonr wnt jun4i IruKBr to tha tfuthatTfi Indiana Ilee for tha Jtwaie at Madison. and pounda t' ttt Ifiaane boajrttai at Lotaraport Tutaday. Littfa" Sugar for, Canning, Mr, Wychoff xjlabd that the four cars received Indianapolis Jabbers. with lha flvc earrecJy4 Tuesday, fara not sufficient to supply of houaewlvea, except for a abort time, tnly immediate ida can I mat, ha aald. Huxir haa not been ref Hved la th amount needed by houee lve for ranolmr rUaty per ret.

tha amount received by the Jobl.ere la being dlatiibuted to lowne and rltlea trt tha neighborhood of Indl anapolla. It would taka at laat tm cra of auxar to atKk all tha rrorrt of Indlanapolla, on; Vlr. Wyckoflf Xaald. Boys' School Shoes Uuiirnatal. HJucbtr'or EnllK latt 1 to lufi 9 to Shoo Store n4 11 AtobiMK, So4 1 Waak.

ft. I I lilt Htor In Indiana. HEALTH OR DISEASE? A rul Ilva mair ronlta of, mra lhan tnattar that In. bona, ftenk atrd' blood. mora that widUM up (, i that dut action, that cturn thi? hart to baat.Vr in lunii iu iirmnn, in rlandu to mvrrrlt.

atr. At Sander Glifests'v of the Better Kind 3 III1'. Tlil nmelhlria la railed forca, tnlnd or mm Inct, 1 and la Kf nrratad In tha' 1 yf brain. If tha nrffy mtad lr tha 1 fra to all' organa or thv uoiy, wa nava "Uaaith, but If thra In prriMur on airy of tht nrvM aa thy laava tha nlnat cord thcrn la a luck of nra forca. to noma of tha tiaauaa of tha body, and "ilaaa" la tha rult.

Chiropractic adjuatmant will rellava prvaaura 'om narvaa, thua frlrlna; nature a chance to raatora ialth, Call a4 let aa aaailala Cklraprae iia a rvau Km akara far raaanU tatloaw John'J. Dlblcr. D. C. Mabel F.

DIblcr, C. riiiitoprtACTonii Oradaataa at Falaaev HchaalV CC3 SUts nccr) rhaaa4)trira( M. ft9tt. Ua K. M.

'I v'. "'vV i $25, $28, $37.50 Solid AJkIahoprany Cedar Lined Chests $57, $62, $75 an Furniture Co. Mrldlaa mud Mnrylaa Sta. FINDS MOTHER'S BODY Lafayette Woman Hans Herself Afer Oolnj FamUy Washing. (h'rcll tn The KriJ AFAYKTTliT 5nL, 15.

After rfinj a faniity waahlng; Mra. Ior Kex, ae thlrty atx, wjfe of auction hand and mothr offire chit drea. comraitta" aylttde by hanrtns TuwJay at hr home frer. A twelva rr od aon, tha ldHM child, found hia mother1 a Hfelaaa body hangloa; from a door frame in hr boxlrootni had ron into tha room at noon telling tha rhildrea ahe waa rtrg to rJ Tea Mat boy went to the county ftr 5 sfcuflfvw locked and hla brothers and aistera out on tne rard. nnii.i.

ia tn climbed through a window and found th body, Mra. Rex had been despondent for aotn WMka if domeatic trouble, WORK OF WAR MOTHERS. Ataiatanca Being Given Dia eharged 8crvie Men. Tha Marlon Mothera of 'America la conceatratlnr Ita eneririea Untely on aaaiatln dUc barred ufbt out In re Hrta the firat maetlna; of lha aeaaon rr 33c PERCALES, yard wide, assorted designs and light and dark errounds; standard quality. Thursday SEW beautiful patterna 'for draperies, curtaina.

comfort box ate Thursday r. Tuday afternoon, at tha Hotel WH ina ton. Aroone otaer tMnn. Ian women look after dacharxed men. who tranaienta In Jndianapoliaa Thoma tdaar Garvin, of trw marina aerrice an officer of the Indianapolla poat of tha American Lirion.

a poke on tha onranizaUon of the American Leg ion, iieporta were made caj canteen workera from the TracUonal Terminal Station. Tha War Mothera fndoraed tha resolution of the ranartile chapter aakmr the government to adhere to tta orucmal plan of retumlriar the bodie of dead 15c my i i i velour piusn. THE XESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910 Woriieri ported paaa In out Into the Gulf of Mexico, between th Florida keya and Yucatan Telephone were available today betwaen Jack aonvilie and Key We but. It waa reported that telegraph wlraa were not working. Tha wind Telocity at Tampa waa twenty air mi lea an hour.

HAVANA, September 14 Cconi winds are aweeplna In from tha gulf. dlTlna; roouatalaooa warea orer fie wall. wWch are flooding adjolr aoldlera in accordance with the wUhea mHi efth it at aoma olacea Mra. Linton A. Cox.

county president. preaVded, and aaked for a contribution from tha oraanlxatioB to the Rooaerelt Memorial Aaaockation fund. At tha next meetinar deleajatea will be elected to tha National War Mothera convention at October to 9. HURRICANE Ifl GULF. Littl Effect on Southern Florida Havana Hard Hit.

JACKSOJTVTIXE. TU September li. The tropical hurricane which la aweeplna; the rnlf. evidently had little effect a aoulhern Tlorida. Ad vlcea here today report traiaa run ning ta Key Weat on tbe oreraeae eztenalon and comparatively little damaira anywhere, fc'torm warning till were up and the re to a dlatance of aix biocka.

Many fa. ml lice fled frtm their homee with the valatance of firemen and police. No fatalltiea have been reported. Tha material damage thua far is amalL Several of the etreet car 11 nee are pararyxed and Tiuaceroua autocnobilea ara etalled la tha deep water In tha at The epanish at earner Valberana. from Epanlah porta for Havana and New Orleans, arrive oaT Havana today, fearins oenter the harbor, remained at aea.

Reports received at tha local offices 'of the weather bureau gavw Indications that the hurricane waa In the eastern part of the Gulf of Mexico and waa 1 tng indications of recurvina; northward, poaaibly over western Florida. It waa nineteen year ao last Monday that a tropical hurricane atruck; Galveston. causing a loss of mors than J.0UG lives. ALL ALTERATIONS FREE New FaU V. F.

EDWARDS TO SPEAK, tans Complete for Rcoaevelt Me morial Conference. .7 rimatn Franklin Edwards, of New campaign director for the Roose ve'Jt "Memorial AsstydaXion. will address th conference of atale workers of the aauoation on tha mexxanine floor of the; CUypool fcoteX; Plana for I the eonferenco were completed by Car) B. Fritache, director yf or Indiana. TB a conXerenca wfll convene at aVcW ck.

Mr, Edwards will tell of the plan a for the national campaign anu deeraribe tha memoriaui to tie former President, which are to be erected by the aasociation with money raised In ths Other taika wtll ba made bv, i Samuel JRateton, former Governor: Gecage Ade. chairman of the Publicity coi ru nlttee. and Governor Goodrich. William Dudley Foulk. of Richmond, 'rhSnabsrni be served nt 1 o'clock Fol kwtng thia subcommituevei will hold meetings.

The general conference will reeo nrene at 1 to hear raporta of the ubconvnittees. The ouotak for Indiana wUl be discussed at that tune. County (haiiinan and committee members of the statu will be in atttavdance. Mr. Fritcbe announoea that a Ji umber of voluntary com rlbuttona have been rweeived alnee tae headquarters were opened at 3K Ilunt.e Mansur buUd Inc, 1 1 Mie: Sbire of Modest Friees Middle Ties SILK MIDDY TlES, half squares; to black, whiU mni colors Vprlh $1.25, Our Special, 98c Hairbow Ribbons FANCY HAIR DOW RIBBONS, fa stripes, plain and moire A rA.

OnflliiiftS. 3Sc 306 312 E. Washinrton SU Just East of Coorthoase. vw The store where a dollar buys a dollar's worth, affording every man, woman and child a chance to cut expenditures for daily needs, fits constant effort is to keep quality up and prices down and to give that complete satisfaction that brings customers back, again arid again until shopping at the Indiana becomes a habit Ta Tl Tl 0c v' A A $1.50 and $2.00 SSSISoap Sale cnan K11UV I LAK.rJ I SOAP, 5 P. G.

NAPTHA SOAP, Qf 4 bars for ...7.... OUt OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, OA A 4 for OUC PREMIUM FAMILY SOAP, OQ0 5 bars for IVORY SOAP, OQ 5 bars for Oa7C No Phone, C. O. D. or Mail Orders.

pctir These iire pure thread silk, full fashioned, with double silk a iuiu tups, xiiey are irregxua.r ui uie Grades We have also included lot of 'silk hose in broken lines worth up to $2.50. Black, white, navy, brown, gray arid beaver. Not all colors in each lot. No phone orders. Underwear ENVELOPE CHEMISE, pink for whit, batiste; lace trimmed 15 QQA quality, special IO ENVELOPE CHEMISE, pink or white bstisU, lace trimmed; 3IU8 Off quality, special tDXeaaitJ STEPIN OR COMBINATION CORSET COVER AND BLOOMERS, pink batiste; lace and organdie trimmed back A and front; 1.98 quality, OXefarO STEPIN OR COMBINATION CORSET COVER AND BLOOMERS, hemstitched, lace trimmed back and frontjl YQ 12.48 quality special; OXaUi rf.r.F.rrEnArK

new rjatterns. for kimonos, dressing etc. Thursday Bargain Table 1 mm i.V v. i onampw, mciuu ing war tax (limit each. 25c Palmolive Talcum Powder, U1C1UUU1K I fgm war tax.

XJ iz Yz raimonve Soap (limit 1 doz.) li cake No Phone, C.O. D. or Aiau uraers. Specials for Men ONE LOT ODDS AND ENDS MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, soiled and mussed from handling, sizes 14, 16V4, 17 onjy; CQ $1.00 values, special, to close. t' MEN'S MEDIUM WEIGHT SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, Roxford brand; shirts have sateen finished fronts; drawers are made with outside band and double gussett; $1.25 quality, special, a QQ garment vOC MEN'S BARKER BRAND SOX, in black or colors, made wfyh double heels "I and toes; 19c grade, special, a pair.

XUi 39c CAMBRIC MUSLIN. "ZmZ full yard wide, soft nain Ij sook finish, for fine under JTmSmVir wear. Thursday afl Casfl Iss COTTON BATTING. size 72x90, 3 lb. roll.

1 roll iC? nji required for comfbrt; pure iTji ttG white cotton. Thursday S5e riXB DRESS GIKO HAMS, new' fall colore, aa On sorted plaids. for air la' adf gf achool dreaaea. houae dceaaea. aa nil Cisljt Wbiiieii 'S and Misses' New Autuiim fSriits Coats and Presses Exceptiona Values at i Smart new suit models, well made of excellent materials and at a lower xi i pnce.nsjw man uie sine qualities are aKeiy to De later on in tne season.

In black, navy and a goodTange of thevwanted colors. Braid and plush trim aaa aa awa aFa asa AlAfA1tr AnnllArl liiiiis aic cicv ciijr ancu. doth and Plush Coats, $24.50 Fullrlength, belted and smart loose back models: made of plush, wool velour, melton, silvertip kersey and Dresses for Fall, $24.50 New in style and beautif ully marie. Of serge, satin, jersey and taffeta, in draped, tunic andstraight line effects. Skirts $4,98 $f598 up All the newest ideas are expressed in these beautiful skirts for fall wear, apd they are also very moderately priced.

They're fashioned of much favored materials, such as Poplin, Serge, Velours, Silvertone, Jersey, Fancy Plaids, Etc. Smartly trimmed with buttons, wide girdles and pockets. Have deep hems. Either lull BIllXXwVl Jli cfc uxo vaa viiiiu lauc duu. ALL ALTERATIONS FREE 'A Uirtet Shoppeii VHI Find Our fllabana Street Entrance Very Convcnlent rJnst Across Frcn Market V' SO 0 Distinctively New Merchandise at Reasonable Prices Veaea Vaa ll Si T.

walers. i'jarTJl4 1 1 I) 1 1 1 AN a at 1 6 Vars aslalata Tabs. la" a nates a aaa a X5 Dor i.wrlea VT.T.V PawSers OSllaa rr A SSS ra saa lil.rleaa Oil Capa.C.i Sti oil Case TU ra.2&c lmm.r. r. Mi Ci 1 1 a Ka Pkaasfcati V.V".tC i 7f.

Pkaapkata sasa csttemra Olsteaeat Jjc "TT seal 4 lti BKf" Pkaaata. SC 11 saline Iaxatta IV I IH atlaata. IMapeaala liV krer Re eaiea 22e Tablet. itarllrk Slalte Milk rjfti iioo Westle a Fae 4S JaW la serial Crassaa f5fc BaVf. Wla.

74 soe BOe 2Se sua 1 I i 111 I I I New Fall. Millinery Trimmed and untrimmed hats of panne, Lyons brocades, antique and faille, in rich fall colorings. Beautiful dress' designs and chic street hats all priced most re a sonably from. to $22.50 vwav.w .1 (Oe Seaasre CJfaTlaa SSe Searees Teetk Paate. ooe Boe Millinery, Weekrra a aelaL Re.laov Saap Cat tear a Paaaselaa Slaaaass Creaaa.

ktiartn'i TMik Camel Claarettee. 1 Ie Iyekr Strike CUrarettas. 1 1 13 filiiette niaaea 17o Oeaa llla4ee SOa Usrbaaa Ussles HUSaa. 4a Reaar IiUaea. Asta Strap a SSa Prparaetla TMtfc TMtkftrak.

aarmatea. Tk llrnaS. iiric 2Sa Fatlaas. Ut.rlt we Laearta I KOe Olyeathraaoltaa ao r.lyeat armollaa ...3 Tin SSe lire. Seltacr ......1.2:1.

t0 Ilrtna Heltaer I1 le Saaltal Toath Paate sr PaaaS 30e I.rea'e Tasth Paate sr Pavatf 2.e Ratbrannl Testk I raca trtaai. viva iiciaia rawaer. I'tci ftoe Mllkweeal Creaaa T7Ho SOe Melelaa Create 4, SSe llerry'a Kreekle Creaaa. SRs CUratea C.I Creaaa. .1.40 SOa HlaS'a llaaer A A IS Creaaa.

HiTo S5 Tbeatrtral Col4 Creaaa. ....2 4. ftS Tkeatrteal Ida Creaaa. Sie Peraxla. Creaa.

15 D.ratlt A Ka.C Creaaa. 1 J. ROa li.aajett A Raaa. Crea, J)c JlOe atla kia Creaaa ...2 SSe Cata It. far Cora.

alte, Taa. Blaek Skaa PalUh.Oo IJer.Klaa Talenaa Os Lr laBlatka S1.25 UJ.r KU. Pewer Te Paw4er ll.TS Aaarea ar La Trefle P.w.t tM Darta'a Hraaette Reage. SSe Satla Skla Paw4er. KU' Vegetala.

5 SOe O. ra.aa SOa Baaln'a Ueallatarr 1.0 DeMlrarle Ueallatarr. H'tii tlAXt Iel A Taa Depilat.rr. Srt.tMI Aaarea Toilet Water. 2.4 toe Jaw Hair Teale 7.T!i.

S1.2S Plaaae a Qatalae Teale. 4.fS SltS PtaaaS'a IeFaee. 7tte Ptaa. dalai.a "KkZ nni 1 Or. SO.

Wllltaaa IklTl.e Creaaa. 2 Vc ISa Klrk'a Ca.tlle. a far lee Phya. aad ar. Paaa.

far 2r SO raeker. I.IiaU Ikam. loaa .7 2Se C.tlet.ra Sea a 1 7T a 4 i7ll.Gr far 2Se Pear. I aaeeate4 Soaa IK Prr fee r.r.t SOe Coatll Itallaa Ca.tlle Se. VHt i erie.

Hosiery, Blouses, Waists, Etc. I LV I THEATRE i BUILD! NGl rtti. rr'a ehoaiteia' Tea. Slf K. l.

Milk. 2 fas 4Ke TiJik a TPlaatera IfSf a a BVW aws IS. iata. 0 tic aV Is et P.wa.r KUla ssa Celery FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS R)R)nQ ITM SSs rietekefa Caatarla I1XO Vereaal Tahleta. 1 ZSa Babeacka Cat Re ZSa Babeeek'a Corrlepala I1.0O Balaawart Take SOa alp her Tahlete UJ.a i.

Bar SS WUllaaaa Taleauai PswdeS. 1 1 0. ZSa Lis Stleks SOeJara Rtee Pewdee. SO Paaar lllaw Paee Pewder :t.lo lSa Saaltal Faes Pawda. SJtto SOa Jas Uaaa Talesaa.

SOa Kalraas Tastk 1H tOe Pesaedeat Taeth SOaPehees Teeth Paate Sua rarkaaa rjarrkeaa Pasts. I5e Llaterlae SSe Sfeaaea'a Shaetas; Sfle J. A J. Shaetaa Cresaa. 1 1f SSe Palaasltes Saaeta Sfta PalBBaUea Savaelaa; Stick.

i. .24 le Ceaaaa IJattera.UK Te t. ve Ssira Pswser 1 (to mk jiia si SSe Rw.allaa Se Stlllaaaa'a Kreekls Oa Orekara TVfclte re? Another Big Cut in the P.ricc of Drugs Sick isi Dathrcca 5 For years the ilaags were Iojal to the people of Indianapolis and central Indiana. Tht crowds of satisfied customers that can be found a't all times In all the seven Haag Drr. stores, prove that the general public Is loyal to the Haass.

As a token of appreciation ex this kindly feeling, another big reduction has been made in drugs and other merchandise These can be bought cheaper every day and evening, including Sundays, In all the Haa stores since the war tax went in force. Before, the war tax, these stores cold the $Lj Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for 89c. they now sell it for 79c The $1.10 S. S. 8.

Blood Purifier for 74c. now, 67c. Other goods In proportion. No mail orders filled at these prices. A SAMPLE OF DIFFERENCE IN REGULAR AND HAAG'S PRICE3 Erery thins Genuine, of tha Purest aa4 Bes Quality.

Prices Subject to Chsnre Without Notice. Uediciaes and Feel la Hast :2 SJSx tVte Irs Iti Muea Itio Maltlsa Von" afifal lfled Ca aasst OU 11 tSZ MauVterala Ma Matter! ZH S5 Carter, i ao Bell. ai aaaa as as IS: SSS5 1 Big Cct en Tciisi Aruci:) jfSe SCaSafa Raaaa Ula4aa 22o Saa.Hte mo We aiereaiuea Was 74 UMt luaea Ssraf 23e O.C4ar P.liak kj0 "f1 me, c'' no lV'm'm ISa Salakar CaadJ.a.6a, fae 25o ISa BerSs (LsassS D.n LlssM Glaa. water glaaa. 1 1 Soatpxt.

Wltek.Il.a.1. 1. tl Ma.4..4Ko Parle Ureea (i p.aa.),, rsacarsella A. 14 (pt.ti SSe Peter a Roach Ks.4. ZSa Peterm.Be New Dlaes.

1 I Swat That Py, f. Oil Otr.aella .11 7 2 50 letalalaa Pall.k saw Mwnr ury cie.aer U0 Se lira l.aer 41. 3en.iek.i. Is la.eet Pew4.r ise Hath ii.u. JO.

Naphth.llae PI xte Merk'a Forma ri.k;;::V:V:V:rr: 1 1 nr.ia.iiTia Meat af the 1M T.UL'.' ii! LA 1 Al tkal Saa.Sl "'j Ah.arheat Cattei. 15a Akaarkeat Cattoa Viz Jxi.ii to lSe U.n4.(L 4 ii vV. 'ir a. Whit. D.ark.

fmm.H1 A I SV04I Perfeetloa D.ark. p.a I XVh. Usaeha PaV' i Wh. P.reelala lie Ji.5 Wh. Ie4 f.a J.w nantel 11.4 Paa i Wk.i:...iio..L...

7. Peaatala ayrlaaa 1 SIMI rmtmtmm l.2.1 Peaatala SrlJ 7 SUM. Faaatala 2.a.1 Peaatala Syrlaae I Si.7S Paa.t.1. Srr no i 1 aO P.aat.l. i 'l i IjOO Mat Water rt TSe Srrlaai! 1 Slo M.t W.ter IiottTr.

tl 'S k' "rrtm': n.ttie. ylvJ 5 4 Com. Srrlae .,4 Si i 7Se Caaiblaatla. riltlaaa J' 7Se Ilrea.t fnp rt IXH Hrea. 7.V.V.

Se IlarS Habher FlVt SIO Uayatlaa Keaaa I (aTr 2 I TJe Pa Ptlaa Ilea.a llalr li. i S.Ve Rnbber Takl.e 1 2 "TrT Thera.B.ete 1 aeraaeaaetar Ce Ate.Uer. C. Jkaa. At.aataer Sl OO JJ 4 Thraat Ataia'l I r.

tP 1 aiXO Naaa aa4 Thraat Al.aUrr ana Re Iabel. Solatia. 2' Ran. a elrl I y. Water I r' 3Se IloJba.

eamplVV. 40eAraay aa4 I.Tr llaalac. i' We Army a.d Nay 1 1 a 7SeAraayand Katr liaad.xa i. 40e Ka.e.ory SI. OS Atblelt 'ipporter st.oo o.

1. c. n.aa.a.....;;:v4 St Cllaaaa Athletle 5 1 Aeaae Atbletle "A'0 I Me Or. 11.11 Health"1 1ST nr. linn llralli

tlS Ir. Ilall'a Health 1.1.4.., mi rnwp 7.e linear Strop tl.lll Ka.or ktru. Mra. Prtee'a 25c Haag's Water Glass Preserves Eccs 10 to 12 Months 10c Camets, Lucky Strike. Chesterfield end Fcvorlto Cigarettes, ICa Honest Scrap, Beechnut.

Mafl Pouch, UirUon Workman, Tay Car and TUMmlnzo, 3 for ZZc 25c OMAR AND FATIMA CIGARETTES, 20c Haag's Pills for Indigestion, Sick llcadachc, Biliousness end Constipation. 2a HAAG DRUG STORES, 53 Scutb Illlncia Street, Ccrncr a S. ILLINOIS LT. 11J H. PKXJISTLVAMA ST.

101 aad 101 W. AVIUl.UTO.t ST. JK. lULUKOlS ST. SOS UalllCUblliTII AVU 4S VUlCUU AVU 'TT 'aa at aa a if I Ml il'Ull, 1 A.I A..

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