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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 17

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Carl lesr "Vr1 la on of tlrrest htxwyweihtM that teppd Into th Ajncriraa rlnitTbereor. einw Jor h' meedis Jck Dempy In ft scheduled tsetity ouhd bout at New Odmi te tovrUL II want to th toxins worW how much mora cu tn4, Morrl and Vmpmy hmrm lf14 1 "twlc jaffic tb war btan. 1b Buf falo, ton ftirht. tlvey war chdul4 tt mlnrl tvr tn rwnd. iSirri tdrgw It sra and not Fred FwJtofl kwaa IJfMlnsT, an4 tutd Jack under "ti "belt.

Whrijpon th rOr trWI top It but rukM fa dad la tor lust ta tint towel com Miiins Jn from tls Worn romer, Tb other meetlnr wa prMuctlr of referee's decision for tb fam4 UmvY to ma 01 tout imar nrus rounds. Morrl 1 said te tn xcUnt condition. Attvlr aatSoua to show tb port tn the south that 1 not ft; has been. Bo. tiv, or i least public ia fbinkinc bettT.

that co down Ho irU Morris Is a fro for; ImprtM Ji WHIard. Dmpttr! ol object la wiiippin Morrl ftn rtm to to keep th born fir burnlnr; Or It mar that feope br whrtlo each hesry In turn a year flna Ilr impress. Jf WIHard with th obrtoua fart tiat at 1at tbr la a prnpvr who ran command aoro public cop JUlanc It ft bout tor th hvy wel rt rruwn. Anrwar. br th first heavyaelcht wrtp bHwt rn th tint behemoths alnc th armUMlr between tb Kuropaan waa Knd.

Lvlnakr and Tfnpr.ta(4 on, but tt didn bav th pp that oa with th bavlr aaramrnt. Nw Orlaui hold th lntrt of th flrht luna tttfaLy rrarHa of th pr Vloua maUn brtwi th two. ImpMr la a tit favorlt In Nw Tork aa wll lawbr. The board of direct 0 of th Bouth Orov Oolf Club hei their annual meeting at tb clubhouse, Sunday afternoon, and elected officers for th 1313 season. M.

JL Wiaiarna, vlce presl bQt of th club, presided In th ab aenc of Jack b'hfta. president. AfeCftmraon, secretary of the club, wa IcUd to th presidency for J91J. John JL wa elected vice president and Joho K. Weiser, secretary ftnd treasurer.

Three chairmen, repre Mntlnr roand. play nd handicap rommltteea. wer appointed and made tnembcr of th 191 board of directors. W. Lv Heauchamo will head the handl ap rommlttee: Joe Kelly, the ground.

nd M. K. William will have direction over th tournament body. These three will select the member of their committee and they. will appointed by, the president at ft future mee'lng.

With improvements now under way Houth tirovs and thos t.U.ined for ne.M.year. th big public course of. Indianapolis bids fair. to rival In the mlddl west. Harry Bchotm.

ttrofts eional at th club and also a director th organisation, told, of the plan uio coimng season. Sport Events of the Week Boxing. Monday At New Orleara. Csri Morrla a Jack ltMrpeey at TuNa, Hilly Hiake va. 4im nrnnj at rutamu uns xci.ov vs.

Juiin Kirk; st ft tltW'rbls, Lew iSMdisr vs. icvsr limmf. Nsw tkigland Boots Mm lay. Knickttut ixitigwjB, or Ketnitnam, sM lemtny jtnoson, or MSJasn, at t.X "iraj A. TVf 1sy.

Krankl Uritt, nf New lie iford. stid HKky kaaaaa. of lt'ttfalo, mt Armory A. Wedneaoay. rnney ttcvl.

of lasssll.ianj Io Johnson, or Mew Turk, at Portsmouth. N. H. Thursday. Walter afnhr.

ltrtx.klyn. and I'aul lHyU, of New Tt'rk. at LosalL Yurf. Continuation of winter race meeting of Cuba American Jockey Club at Oriental park. liavaJ.a.

t'uoa rontinuatlos. of winter rac masting of Jefferson Ferteh Racing Aaaocla Lloo at Naw Orlvuu, 6UTLER BASKETBALL AJ though th definite date for the year bav not been announced. It ta practically certain that Butler college will open It tpAercolleglat basketball achedulft with a gam with DePauw vnlTdretty, to be played at Oreencastl on January Other garaea will fol lOW, iVactlc win be held In th Butler gym vry ftftemooa thl week betrtn nlng at I o'clock. Coach Joe Mullane will get In with ft squad during the holiday vacation, which will begin next morning, and brush up before th fireworks start In January. A gam between Butler and th peedway aviation depot five will be for thla week If possible.

It will th first exhibitions 01 blg ttm basketball on a local floor. "If played the gam will be hooked for th V. M. A. aome other good downlown floor.

Th Butler gymnasium will not be used for anything btit practic rame this season. The gam with temporarily et for January 10, will open the Butler Intercollegiate schedule. From then on game with Wabash, the Dental. Hose. Poly.

FT kiln Hanover and Kariham will follow in quick suc cesjon. "The. basket ball season is starting 1st because of th confusion of the demobilisation kh S. A. T.

unit, th lat football isbndmont and tnfiueni. 'j YOUNGSTER IS CANDIDATE FOR A. A. U. DIVING CHAMPIONSHIP flwlmir critic la th eaat are pr tfJctina: that P.udolph Kaaeke.

ft arhool boy front Hamilton fnaUtut. Nrw York. wlU on of the XfAmn anlklatc for nationaJ tltl honor tn 1X2. 8aack waa th lUr perform of tb firtt important watr carntTal of th fton In th Jiw York A. C.

pool laM wwk an4 nuld xrla by rompin away with contMrt from th twlra foot BprU board In apertarulftr tyl. Tb Wm ular" Is not xa; rat4 In with the xA' Ar Inr. for fte exacatea rn brilliant mannar ft numbr of the mot Atfticvlt fau on th rruUtlon lUt of th airmtfur thJtl Union. Amonc bla prtalita ar much hlrh acorlnt; Jlvf aa th two and a hair forward Bomeraauii. flylnr Dutchman with double turn, and the one arid back aomrsaalt, and otita ao much daah and vim into Ma work that both In taking off and tn tb atrial tumblinc bla dlrtnf la feau tord br cuperb action.

In th rtnt nt hi tlmlnr waa occaaionally a trlflo uncertain, but perfect tlmlna ta merely a question of practice and experience. ttria HtO nhortfornlnf mar oon be remedied. Tb boy 1 also a swimmer of unusual ability and baa been credited with th rachitic the century several times around one mi nut In competition. I by th good work of their new anchor man. the trailing Bmptree cam to H'a and trimmed the JTospect Oaa team for three.

Veteran John 8trltt showed a spurt of old time stuff shooting with th Colts tn Caprtal No, 1 Iaru when he crashed th maple for th total of CM. which Included on gam of This tied the high score In that league. Iansbetn continues to ksock 'em dead, getting SOS ptna Pop Hackerd, after getting away to a bad start this season. Is rapidly rounding Into form. His CM for tb Ke We Bas meant rurtalns" for the Rotary Ave.

Will each team havina won one a ama in tb aeries between th Cooper Racine and th Hoosler Coffee teams, the teams belns considered the ''cream of the city." th wrecking crew got basy snd when the smoke or tne nnal hatu had cleared Gunderaon's a peed boys had sullied 1.667 ulna which es tablished a new one game record and tight ened th bold oa first place la Capital No. I uaag ue. Th score tn Ream's No. 1 ar lmprovina ewch week. Alt tb team sr strena theatng their lineups and this league should be among th best tn town, before long.

fterrtst was ths big run In th Printing Crafts Lamgue with r. which enabled the mm Buy It Because It Is Good Not Because of the Price LftRtai. ffooA Vou can lcptvd vpoo it. evben hundred of thousand oi La Kesta ar asked for ervery day by nam you Ca rest assured that it is something more than price which i tnJuencinx th demmad. i One Today IFtMILTO, IIAKRJ9 aw CO.

i 4iO TOB ACCO Tt. i II. IJAILKV at CO. tVAVAG CO. IwdlasjaaavHs, Istd.

Te rrw Haate, lad. la. Fert ayse. lad. i Ulsfrthatera 'Sam Tlmo 2t Compamy, XWesf, XidL, Malrt mmm C.

i i RUDOLPH SAACKE. BREEZY BOWLING GOSSIP AND DOPE Nwholt. In first aertea with the 0td I Time team txi horn the PrankMn Prea team XM I .1 4 v.d fi la. k.l. pert Mo.

1 lere, jonnny snm pui in incn loner Mss SM the Moose sopped th laat same. la man In No. Iarue, are still rllmbing. With teiTan doiiur the heary work, they put the skids th Puritan taajn for three. The dope was all upeet la Capital 1 league when th Pattern team, rolling a poatpnned aerie, took th fast sotns bnper.ftartne.

leant scroas for two gajnea lilumer. of th Paturns. Is gntng big. Ori' i Chln'irren. svlated bv Vlker snd Newlln.

helped th Capital AUey Bv turn bark'm Keuchlers In on of th best series roiled oa local alleys to date. Ifargllt t'lpped 147 whll Jean waa crashing th sticks for 31. In other worda. It will tak aom hard work to etay on top. Houthpaw Helm, of th Pee Waea.

after an. sfternaon's practlra, rouM get hut tn threa attempts snd the Bluebirds flew sway with thra soft on a. Tor Sale Ona perfect black hall: th best nlnepln ball In town. Ksarouassn, of th Central Loagu. Toledo furnlahexl K4 (Ivi mtn team at th laat A.

B. meat held thars tn Oil ca sent 17 teams, Detroit CO snd Cleveland tt. tAtry Cobler has a new alibi. Whenever be rails to sat rham he nrea away with "I am experimenting with a new one." Long Bmr Htll will now endeavor to keen Miller's Tank ee na out In front In th Commercial Letagu. Interest In th alley owner' trophy matr hee ts Innraaalng weekly, lanre rrowrta belns In attn1nr at all matrhea P1 losrlng is th schedule to data: Kernel, at jam: Bumh.

at th Central; Soltau. at lh Capital. Anacher. st lm's; Pollard, at toe Central: Prltchalt at the I'apilal. Me gowaa.

at Beam Kilngman, at in cen tral We have it that they sea singing tb following at Toledo: We'll prepara. w'11 prrr. That's th word, hear th word, we'll prepare, For you bowlers are coming, you bowleri ar com ln Th bails will be humming etery where; Don't you dare fail us thars. Meet us th ra in Toledo, or beware! W'l he ready wa re getting ready For th A. B.

in Toledo ovr there! Hrown, with lh Memorials In th Sunday School Laacua. copped th tin Insignia with a on gam aeor 0 t. Doe Kemper hs no re pert for window plana. now belongs in th class a 1th or decs I Brown, whose reputation as a glass busier Is wall known among local alley owners. About th only dllTrnc between thee window wrack era ts that Brownla'a bits are always clean, while Doc's sr more on tb Insld order, nis terrific speed sending pins ever several alleys before taking th outward course.

Entries foe the annual rlty bowl Ins tourney rloae next Sunday at midnight. Kntrlea received to date show signs of a vsry successful event. Th scores thi year on torsi allays hsve been larger than for several veara. which accounts for th Interest being shown In th coming tourney, which start on th Central allays Thursday. December M.

All persona or teams competing must be member of tb Indians polls Bowling Association. Entry blanks may be had at all the alleys or from J. Kitngman, secretary. The best exhibition of bowling In lorsl circles to dale was put on by Bart Mr Oowsn. captain and anchor of ths Elks No.

11 and Marmon No. team a Hoi ling with th Warm 00 team on Thursday ntgnt, be tinned Sol maDlea with nna a ama af Wtth the Elk on Friday night smacked the wood for CI. with high gam of 24. The last score helped Mac to the tune of one "iron wan." but oa Thursday night Ollls Tucker beat him to the lucre by one stick. Johnny Uoodwtn waa way off, which accounts for th loss of the last gams te The News team.

McCann. of The News, sending pins to the pit. of It? IK and IIP The rr nr In both the rantral and league are get tlrs heifer earh week. Mr. Morrison will howl Mr.

Irlnh for pfsaeea'on the ladles' trophy at the fanfral aJlerya Oe em ber 1 at in Any laiia lnterete.t in bowling are invited Th Brhoen Hrothera were In tournament form and the Memorial team didn't have a change. The biggest deal of the year In bowling cir lea was pulled off frlday njrht. when Captain Hackerd. rf th Ko We 'Bas, of the Ontral lyaru. finally succeeded in slsnlns up Hook Raasmuaaen.

s'ar lead off man or the Marmon No IA team, and formerly anchor on th Ben Hur flv. 1n th On tral Ieasrue. Thla materially Inrreaees the Ko Bbs' rhanres of ttaklng down the bunting In this ue. Along with such erer as Klmmel and this team will he hard to atop. Oiffln.

of th Cutters, wss the star In the Kahti Leagu last week Thompson's S3 and Myers's helped the Planning tesm In the Unk Belt League to nop two games from the fast going Ewart Works five. Windy Iihsw wss not present and his tesmmates a trlmtning from th Belmont No. 1 team. The Douglas team took two samea from the foutheaeterns In the Capital No. league.

Elmore aavtng hta team from a tf.iee way drubhlns with In the second gam tail Vacei went his for the Marlnea In thetr clean sweep of the H. and B. team. Mi gel establishing a new league record with 2.4 In his first game. fits total for lhre j.n.e rf C30 1 also some wood.

McNeee and WarkorT had an Interesting In a practice game, th speedy St. Marks downed the X. O. C's. 8 to IL Bllgner and Snyder did best for th winners, whtl loett and BochsUller feartured for th Ci For games with the Marks call Prospect between and I p.

ra. The Indlsnspolls Trtangles defeated the Westminsters, 3 to J. on th latter team's floor. Junior out of town teams wbthlng game address Charles Whitney. Prospect street.

The X. O. plsy In the seventeen year old class and would like to arrange games with only teams In th class. Call Prospect Sjuj after p. m.

or address X. O. C. man ager. 1401 South fcaet street.


May 21. ir.tead of Lrora Uon day. May Theodore E. My em. btsiicew rrtanarer of the pwit.

re ceived a nswf from Carl Fisher. ono of the track on, axinoi. ncins; the rhjnjf JHher. with Jame A. i and Arthur Newhy, the other ownn, are In Miami.

FTa Recently ther has wm criticism on th selection of I oratton day for the automoMl race. The day followinr the announcement that the erent woud he reumd 11 editorial comment Appeared fn The News critirisirg the selection of Memorial av It eaid that Memorial rlav waa to he held sacred to the mmnrim of the men who jrave their lives for their country, a day when the people wish to unite in paying tribute to the thousands who made the supreme sacrifice not only in th greatest of all wars but In all other wars In which the country has been involved, and that the day should not be given over to sports. i The owners of tne speedway replied to this in a telecram In which thev said In changing th date. battle In the second same hetwwen the In. Continentals dlanaapoils and FalroanKs Morse teams, the latter team nosing out by eleven pins.

Rtrttts' rood shooting enabled the Fm dales to take three In a row from Fulton a Abattoir team, winning the first game by four pins. Patterson and HwsM. the Harmon No. fa Capitol League No. 2.

rauae Bron Soulheaetema Hooaler Coffee Co. lougla Co. Marmn No. 1 Remmltter Hpllts Marines cleanup men. wer.

equal to the 'ask snd ijes nemmrurr cj'ina inppe. inree tout" games. Mccarty's leading Krauee Rroa teem waJ loped Irlsh'a Hoosler Coffee tesm for two games. Fattic's 118 being the downfall of the Coffees in the laat gam, which they lost by eighteen plna. Eagle Eye Mescal la doing well In fsst company, having been overheard inquiring th distance to Toledo.

Fans ar under the Impression Is going to tak tn th big show. Laughing Jlmmls Vnderwood is now a full fledged member of Martin's Marines. Ward, of the Midwest tesm. put on the best howling In the Manufacturers' League. A em mm hv him won the second same for Indianapolis Oloe Fernlale A.

Abattoir Hcthtrlnglon Berner Gelger Peters Tiger a Southeastern Reliable Realty Johna Manvlllo Irvin Robbins Juniors Bel moots his team from the Diamond chain five. The I'Uitun Bros. Engine Builders lost th other two to tne Hlnky De Chains, the first game, whlrh wa a tie. I start Baking being Iot on the rolloff three pins. The Sugar Creek twins, Rlllle Miller and Walt Bright, wer unabla'to locate the spot, and the Marmon No 34 team took three healthy wallop out of th Cltlsens No.

team, th 4's porting a new three gam total record of t.S. King's fast climbing Vonnegut Machinery team went from seventh to fourth place by taking three gam from th Prent 0 Lite team. Chicken Weasels doing most of th pin toppling. Amateur Basketball 23 XI is 17 It 1 11 i 1 Beam's League No. 1.

17 14 11 i Beam's League No. 2. Gold Medals JS Block's Optical Dept IS a 18 citizens Uaa No. 2 5 Indianapolis Moose 16 Cttisens Gas No. 1 15 Prest Lite 4 Puritans 0 unanimous 1 9 7 14 I l.S IS 7 7 12 i 20 I 10 II 17 7 7 1 7 i 1 Printing Craft League.

Indpls. Typesetting Co. It Stafford Engraving Co 13 Indpls. Printing Co 1 lally Times 11 Franklin Press 14 Book waiter Ball Indpls. Eng.

ft Electro Co. 7 C. E. Pauiey Co. 1 i 10 13 14 ao a SWIMWING AT p.

i 417 4: .187 7H7 .741 3 W7 133 .67 .47 .17 ,34 .19 43 .417 .7 ru .7 M7 .333 At Ted Flynn, present high man among; the dash men of the swimmers, clipped another three fifth of a second off hi tlm for the forty yard dash last week. With hi improvement as shown, there ia reason to believe that he will be able to repeat thl trimming process several time before he hits his limit, Elmer Vane and Thomaa Austin, two new men. showed fine possibilities. Vance for the dashes and Austin for the middle distance. Vance has not been swimming the crawl very long, but nevertheless has developed a very good stroke.

He ia shy on endurance, but that will come 1. 1.. i nr. wn." IT i rami i Au.uit auuwa) managership question will come up natunl, u(1 endurance, but at a meeting of the director and uck a grood deal in the way of form. stockholders of the Cincinnati club January 4." said President August Herrmann, upon hi arrival In Cincinnati.

"We have a plan of refinancing the club which I believe will work out to the sstlsfaction of all. No offer for the Cincinnati club wa made by MoGraw or any one elee at the recent National Learue meeting." Local Man Buya Nag. LEXINGTON. December 1 Miller Henderson, acting for Belmont Lester, of Indianapolis, purchased from John E. Madden the yearling bay colt by Ogden.

out of Rock Merry, and the yearling brown filly by Ogden. out of Oriental Queen. Beach Comber ha been added to the list of stallions in the government's breeding bureau, he having been purchased irom Harry Morrlssey and K. R. Bradley.

He is by Fock Sand, jt of Fairy Slipper, by Saint Serf and cost Bradley $14,000 as a yeArlinr. Texas League Meeting. FT. WORTH. December 1.

Walter Morris, of Ft. Worth, wa elected president of the Texaa Baseball League for the third term, at ft meeting of the leag ue official here today. It wss decided to open the 11S season April 24 and close September 7. There are six clubs in the Saturday Sport Summary Short ridge received Its second beating of the last week end at Greenraatl with the high school there, the Greencastl team pulling down the score of to ZL Th game waa exceedingly fast and both teams did some hard playing. Sfaortrldg was leading at the end of tb first half, but tn th last few minutes of the second half the draeo caatl team gave a btg spurt and cams out ahead.

Stevens was th star player on th Indianapolis team. At Los Angeles University of Southern California. 7. t'niversrty of California, 23. At Berkley.

CaL Mare Island Marines. 30, Mather field aviator. 13. At Ann Arbor. Mich.

Angus Goetx. Sault Ft. Maria left tackle on the Michigan football team this year, was elected captain of the 1)19 varsity. Goetx. who was instrumental In winning several of Michigan's victories this year, I In his second fear on the varsity.

At Philadelphia K. O. Loushlln, of Pou'h Bethlehem, had slightly th better of a six round bout with Soldier Bartfleld. New Tork. Trying for a knockout, both men missed many wild sw inga At New York Jim Rice, rowing coarh of Columbia university, was reported to have earned an agreement with Cornel! university to accept a similar position there.

He will succeed Chaiie F. fPopi Courtney, who for years coached the Ithaca crews and who retired becau of ill health. Led by Tom Campbell. National and Central A. A.

U. half mile champion, who crossed th line a winner over his teammates Koch anski and HankeL of the Losan Square A C. league at present: ft. wortn. uanaa ui University of Chicago won the Bve niM San Antonio.

Houston. Waco and Central A A. U. croaa country championship Shreveport. Two more clubs may be run held at Chicago under the auspices of admitted.

Galveston. Beaumont and the FVanklin Skating and A. Austin all asking for admission. Philadelphia 1 to have a fourth boxing dub which will oonduct weekly six round cosnesta Two ar located In the central downtown section, on tn Kensington and the Bswesfe la West; Philadelphia, At Detroit Perry MoOilltvray. of Chicago, failed to break the world's record fof th 100 yard back stroke of th 100 yard free at rle events in tne city championship Swimming meet st tit Detroit Athletic Club.

Is th first event fail abort 4 5 of a second, and mlaawd tb tatter toy thrse second, i DAVIS CUP COM SCHEDULED PETITION FOR 1 i TH NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP I TOURNAMENT TO BE PLAYED NEXT AUGUST. The mii Victory at' NEW TORK. iecember 1ft Reni7np tion rf the Davis cur matches in 1530, to be preceded br an Impressive nationaJ charar'onship tournament next August are nmon; the outstanding feature cf the recommendations prepared by the executive committee for the consideration of the National Un Tennis Association at the annual meet Ir.s; of the orsanlxaf ion. neit February. The committee, which completed it deliberation Saturday, stronfly advocated a revrval of International tennis play and tt Is expeod that the delemtes to the annual meeting will heartily support the preparation.

The Pa via cup. emblematic of the world team tennis championship. is now held bv Australia, having been won from the I'nited States team In VH. Wlldlnsr and Brooks being the players to oefeat the defending team, composed of AlcLoughlln, Williams anl Bundy To Defray Expenses, Power Is requested to defray, out of the editorial made tt plain to them that the treasury of the association, the es th day should not be given over to MMm of ariv team or a com oef (tion sport and that they were noi'jer 1 the Austra lans and New 7lan1r service, wss the big factor of the two ptnp It 1 about time for Sahm to con.e i The first Individual tournament cf the Hidal clean eep of Cltlsetis rhu No. I out wth an sllbl I iw ason was staged on the Capitol aileys in Item's No.

i Iagoe. tJ Tlow hoMer of who cavorU ehorlfield for the Detroit Tigers. Kiah aine ie nme honors. Havekard wa second for high total with a count The Individual standings for the Capitol league No. 1.

Beam league No Capitol league No. 2 and the Printing Crafts I.oague discloses the same leaders of last week still holomg their positions. The veteran Jess Prltchett Is ldlng the Capitol No. 1 League with a 133 average, a lead of one point over liar gltt. Heueleln.

of the Printing Crafts league. Is away out In front In that organization wtth an average of 1C. His nearest rival is Plebold. who is credited with a 173 aversge. Patterson' leads the Individual gtars for honors in Capitol No.

2 with a 1 average, Joseph is second with a figure. In Beam No. 2 Tegeler Is the individual leader with a average Nordholt. 14. is second.

In the Beam No. 1 League. Nordholt holds down first place with a 1T9 count Following are the team standings: Capitol League No. 1. Won.

1 ost. Cooper Hoosler Coffees Ko We Baa Kue hlers Cspitol Five Capitol Colts "iance Coal Co Fedeial Patterns Kernel' latnan Brra. Club 13 19 1 10 12 1 7 2 Australia the winter of TITO Lieutenant Iavi Robertson, coach of I the quarter mller, and Ererett Smalley. sprinter, are among the athletes to return to college. Tcr 11 Has.

Been About Butler Grid Ever Since He Could Yell lick) Fickle Fanny (Thurber) Sir Wellons (Ball! 8L Jud iDrsyer) II IT 1 PRICE MULLANE. Price Mullane. "19, has been re elected captain of th Butler college football team. Mullane. who ha been In th where lack of funds would prevent such service since sprliur.

Is exnecteH hark im. m. i1" Butl'r "oon Mullane comes the financing of any foreign tion team which lacker! runds to compete It is proposed that the preliminary competition be held in this country, probably late In the summer of IOtO1 th. eventual winner tci fKi1Una lamous Huuer rootball ramily. Both of hi brothers.

Joe and Dan. were cent em tn their day at Butler and when young Price entered the school it was a presupposed arrangement that he fill the Mullane shoe at center. He haa been about He. nntiu bowling trophy waa forced to taste the The cup matches would be played in I f1" eve stnce he could yelL and he sting of defeat Sunday night when S'triebock. hsllenger.

defeated English. English got away to a good start, by winning the first game, but was unable to win snother and Strlebeck won with (ease. Hign scores were. siriPwtK, English. Another recommendation advised llm "ft hall follower of tne last ten vears.

Itinr tournament Prises for 1919 to cer. Mullane Is now stationed at famn the holder, in four out of fle games. tlflcates or standardised modals, to I Taylor, but will return to Butler as authorize. ,1 ty the association. The 18 ntscnarged.

and will go rules of the junior hoys and rlrls" tour training with the Butler basket naments were changed to provide for ba" quad. with which he played last a national doubles championship. The 'f Dan Mullane returned a few question of the equalization of voting days ago from an officer' training power and the creation of a proxy com eehool at Camp Taylor, joe Mullane mtttee. in which the west is greatly in has been coach of the Butler football terested. were carried over to the an I basketball squads this year, nual meeting turned in tn resi 1 1,1 Sunday's Pony Winner.

frlWeXVhV resume hi. of the "'and Clark Domln Z31. and JM. Ills was seconfl 1 u. ranil iat a about January I.

mi. Betterton (Ball) SinSTle BCOre. lia ru, Willi I Hh. min Ijnlr. su.

I nar 1 I urtannt I CajM AT HAVANA. NOT TOO ILL TO SHOOT. rHlLADEIPinA. December IS. Chief Bender, old time pitching1 star, caused somethlnr of a sensation on Saturday by appearing at a local gun club and taking part in the weekly shoot of the experts, as only a fw days asro he waa sent to a hospital for treatment for nervous breakdown.

Not onlv did the chief shoot, but finished with the leading score of the day. William Curtis, state three cushion and balk, line billiard champion, is leading the players who ar contesting In the city handicap three cushion billiard tournament ganes at the Board of Trade, Curtis haa started in Ave games and ha won all with comparative ease, although play from scratch. Tonight he plays Hughes, who haa failed to win a gam In flv starts. Head, with three victor! and on defeat la In second position, while Oetsel. Leon and Washburn are tied for the show money wtth threo win and two losses each to their credit.

Amateur Billiard. CHICAGO, December 14 President George a Dry den. of the National Association of Amateur Billiard Flayers, has decided to postpone the annual meeting until March at New York. In the meantime the executive committee will revise the rules and submit the well known to every Blue and White proposed chanjres for adoption Mr. Dryden believes It quite possible to obtain a membership of from U.Oon to "3.W and a campaign of expansion will be started with thla end tn view.

The sectional associations affiliated with the N. A. A p. P. will be asked to start campaigns for members and also to push work on tournaments In theirs respective sections.

Llpton'a Challenge Coming. NrTW TORK. December M. Sir Thomas Llpton's challenge for the American cup. to be raced for next summer by Llpton'a yacht and a vessel to he selected by the New York Yacht Club.

Is expected to reach the local club today, according to member. A reply will be prepared at once. jmooth ASSOCiAI IN SCHEDULE TO START ON APRIL SEVERAL CLUBS, INCLUDING INDIANS. MAY TRAIN AT HOME PLAYER LIMIT. M1NEAPOLIS.

December 1J Th American Association League baawbaOU. I UCU1 VII AW1 the western clubs opening their cajn palgn in the four eastern citie. It wt announced by Presi'lent T. JN Hkkr after the concluding meeting th association club owner. On th.

first trip the club will play a three gaina series, while th gecond and th third trip will have four game each. A committee composed of Tnoma hlv1ngtcn. Louisville; A. F. Timme.

Milwaukee, and Oeorg MufthUbach. Kansas Cltv, waa named to axTaniw th iVt same schedule. The rule requiring each ebab to hava no fewer than four players who Had not previously seen service In CUa AA league, or higher, was withdrawn. Tb reguUtion requiring th bora team guarantee th vtatung team (12 a day wa rescinded. Th sixteen player limit waa retained.

Meet January 12. The association base hall men wlU gather hi Chi ago on January 13 tt tend th meeting of the NationaJ Asso elation of Mtnor League. They plan to go to New Tork In ft body to attend ft tolnt session of major and minor league on January 11 St. PniU. Minneapolis and XfJJwmnk clubs will have training trip this) seat son.

but tt Is probable th other flvs team win do thetr training at or near home. The Toledo and Coiumbua elubft may go to Kentucky for ft brief stay. but Kansas, Louisville and i polls expect to stay at bom for th spring trial. INTERSTATE REVIVES, ST. PAUL.

December 1.Th Inter state Baseball Leaati. which waa forced by war condition to dtacon Inne play July 4. at th conclusion of It first half season schedule, will resume ply In Thl waa df. InlteJy announced by Prealdsnt Frd CJoewich. The Interstate League, aa It atarted the season In 1 1 S.

waa made up of six clubs, as follow: Stillwater, New Richmond. Ellsworth. White Bear, v' South St. Paul (Hook 'Em Cowa). ftntt the Hotel Sherman.

St Paul. 1 was HE admirable art of the great actor whose "Hamlet" was America's proud possession for so many years was heightened in no small degree by his intellectual cast of face. And that fine, thoughtful face Booth always kept cleanshaven. In his life work as an actor, his razor was a vitally necessary implement whose time tested design gave perfect balance and whose long, keen blade saved time a silent character in the drama that nightly brought pleasure to so many, and one whose, part was always fth i fully played. Today, as in Booth's time, this razor's general design still stands unequalled improved only by the added safety and convenience of the guarded ge A Real Rawf It lies on your ch4ek the same right having angle as the old time razor and ''hefts'' the tame and has the same comfortable' rf it won't cat jour face.

In addition, its blade is double cdfed and so fives yoa doubled aha vine; mileage on what is the longest. 'T fT mmam Hi aj i j. nnmn tttt VUTLSaJatV a 7 a rTf strongest, best tempered blad on earth. Now add, again, the horary of a fresh' edge or a freeJt stropped edje obtain able at a rnoment's notice, and yoa 13 see I why seven million men hare changed from other razors to this real razor made safe. Make your change rocfay.

ONE DOLLAR COMPLETE; The Greatest Shaving Mileage At Any Price This set contains a Durham Duplex Razor with aa attractive white handle, safety guard, stropping attachment and package cf 3 Durham Duplex double edged blades (6 shaving all In a handsome leather lot. Get it from jour dealer or trcrn us direct; Additional package of 5 blades at 50c DURHAM DUPLEX, RAZOR GQ CANADA Wlrla Sul Ts Its BALDWIN AYENUX, JERSEY CITY, N. J. SrtOLAMn Chwreh ahrset VlMsW ntAxcs PUs a Asdre Frsrs Km im rare 44. Pari IT ALT Canetaatsaa) fji Vtai Mata 5,.

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