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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 22

Indianapolis, Indiana
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A Personal Idea Ore aVayj hesitates about filing which rr.i'ht ba thourKt to ive a so liut is i sen. of mine to hich I convic must crive expression. I believe li.At ro mother should car her strength and nerves by r.akir. baby clothes. It is so easy luy parmer.ts plain but fine.

rn how much better to spend one's in makinjr them beautiful with lace and fancy stitching i3 i- TAOst women a pleasure; sewing; especially machine sewing, is labor cf the most wearying port. And there's no pood in taking such work upca or.e.elf. It d9esn't pay. Is or ef a series of Saturday tiii to young mother by manaarer o( 8. Ayres Co.

II 1 re Vs store. When making plans for Sunday LvirJ: of the Hotel English Cafe. Coming between six. Lvsy working days just past and six just about to arrive, Sunday should mark a departure from routine 4 in other ways as well as In ork. An hour or two spent at dinner in the Hotel English ivould be a most pleasant diversion.

The table d'hote dinner served. from 11:30 m. to p. m. at 73 cents is a marvel of good quality at the price, and if you appreciate ood music your first Sun- dinner at The English will decide the disposition cf a prt of each Sunday thereafter.

HOTEL ENGLISH CAFE Direct ratraaee corner Slerldlai aad Circle Ycu'll appreciate lLhcc3 improved Better for your eyes end your appearance bl fmitmtm of thm ttlJ mi inm It rmaovti kytkm jyatmmfj tr.R'.,;ht:y lines, no direr- ir cs la fusc'l leis. NLlI'il Cii' are more 'y It Is rof -1 make any ether bifocal. V. ai'h lei ercr.rac". orl carer feU3 cf i r.J InvlMMe tlfo---'.

lensrs r-st r.o more thin il style V. Ly D.t Lavj thtm? I ir "ile br It i r.l, i i V. II. II. ulin a Vnn.

i 'i'tiv l'r. U-. 7 i r. i I 'inf. ir; IL.icrr.

4 rt)irr. Is- Norr i T.m lr. rl J. fcUi.r a I r- I I 1. llrwt-k 4 i lir.

T. I i onnrf, I i i I I ON S- i i Co. I ri lrrl. r-t s. s.

3 2 I 5 i Made by I- u. ci tu 17 VV. VS asfitn-; tr a t. fi ads cent a word i uiiio ntiS or jurii.i VMICM? i cite to i-uy at i to l.e a t-ar- t.t-f i i.fitr b'j 1.1 at i- -1 i i b' ye.l i ill-; 4. or I.r i I I I r.

tW. FAIRBANKS FAVORS COMMERCIAL MERGER WRITES LETTER GIVING VIEWS TO CHAIRMAN HANCH. GENERAL ATTITUDE SHOWN Charles W. Fairbanks ha written a letter commending the plan for consolidating th commercial of the city in a chamber of commerce, This la one of many letters being received by- the cmmltte In charge of the mercer plans. The reneral attitude of approval which la indicated by the letters, leads the com mittee to feel that when the chamber la formally organised and the books thrown open for charter members, there will be a response whk-h will at once ruarantew the success of the Dew organization.

In his letter addressed to llanch. chairman of the consolidation committee, ifr. Fairbanks says: 'I hay not such familiarity with the details of the proposed plan of consolidating the civic and commercial bodies of tne city as to te able to make any specific comment on them. However. I am familiar with the general purpose and that I most heartily commend.

The concentration of eirt of the different civic and commercial bodies' will result. I am sure, in more direct food to the combined membership and to (he Interests of the city also than Is possible under the present plan. I sincerely hope thlKihe consolidation proposed will be effected," W. D. Allison's W.

D. Allison, president of the W. I. Allison Company, and prominent In various commercial organizations, has written Mr. llanch as follows: have always been In favor of a consolidation of the commercial rganl-i zatlons of the city, and believe that a great deal more could be accomplished for the best late-rests of the manufactur era and the business interests of the city 1 if the different civic orTaixations were united ia one body the business Interests of the Manufacturers Association.

board of trade. Merchants' Association. Commercial Cluh, etc, are different to a certain estrrtt. still they are all working for the inti-rewts of the city and the community In whioh thev live; at last, they should working for that Interest as well as their own personal interests. Would Savo Duplication.

a great organization, under the name at Charr.ber of Commerce, with all tbee Interests united under one head, but with departments to loos alter me special interests would save a duplication of effort and would accomplish a great deal more, in my estimation, by united co-operation than they woutd In any other way. The Influence from a body of this kind would be much greater than any ona organization or than all the organizations put together If they are not working; hand in hand. "I have studied the- plan that has been proposed and I believe it ia as rood a plan as could te formulated under the cireum-ftanres. I an a member of three of the nrsra-ntzations and am grratly in favor of this combination." May Improve the Cemetery Ground. fPperlsl to The lnllanapolla KewsJ NEWCASTLE.

August 10. Judge Jackson. In the Henry circuit court, has appointed Allie Brown, A. XI. JIlll and Moses llodson trustees of the Greensboro cemetery, and a peculiar situation is relieved.

"When people who- have relatives burled In the cemetery wltief to imprcve and beautify the cemetery, they were unable to bave the work done, because two of the trustees were dead, and the third lived In the west, consequently nobody hurl power to act. The court was pe-! tltlrmed to sppolnt new trustees. The condition had existed for a number of years. THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1912. RESORT FOR MANY CANOEISTS THREATENED BY- WEAKENING OF THE RIVERSIDE PARK DAM North Abutment Broken and a Flood May Wreck Entire Structure Park Board With-' out Money to Make Repairs, Which It Is Estimated Would Cost $10,000.

SITUATION that Is causing city rr. Uls much worry has arisen at Riverside jark dam, a ston tnicture built ten years ago to cr-ate tsiwtlng water In the A city's thou rw park. The north abct-i mcr.t of the- daid has" broken but has not yet sffectt-d the Impounding of the water. Th danger ll In a a condition, that may arise at any time. At present there Is n) pf.hlic ind wlih which to repair the brestx and neither the board of (uiMlc work nr the foard of park commissioners will aime tha responslhlllty.

The rark rd has gone as far as to notify the tlty council of the existing conditions and to say that It Is without nr-y to rrake repairs. The dam Is not in Itiverrlda pnrk snd memirs of the jark hoard U-Iieve It should the duty of the htwrd of public works to repair It. Cost $50,000 Later. to otlciates made It is that will repair the brokrn abutment. If hlsh water should come be-t fore the net-esJ'ary re pairs sre made It is figured the eoit will then excet-d The dirucdve fo-s of ihe water acalnst the break would, of course, be great b'jt Till: I Ail AG ED ABE MARTIN.

eipeakln th' honest farmer, did you ever notice th' load he takes In on a family ticket. A cantaloupe halnt even a good hundred one shot. 1 tittle Stories of DaPy Ufe No Demand for Gold. An Indianapolis professional man came out of a business house and displayed two ten-dollar gold pieces and one five- dollar gold piece. "Sixteen years ago I looked, la vaia over New England, where I then lived, for a gold piece when I wanted one.

Now I have three here that have been unable to get rid of ln six different places, as I didn't care to carry them around, and believed the business houses, having safes or secure money drawers would not object to them. In none of the places could I unload them. None bad the chulre 0r made some other excuse not ta tna Sixteen years talk of the free coinage of silver resulted In gold being hoarded. The Sleepin Townf Anderson Percefleld. one of the delegates to the Republican convention Tuesday, has fc -ht many battles among the Democrats of Brown county and likes to tell this story on them: When Will Vawter.

who by the way. has done most of the illustrating for James Whitcomb Riley. txk jp his abode In Nashville several years ago he found the rustic village In a turmoil of excitement over the approaching election. Accustomed to the drowsy tranquillity of Virginia pontics, Vawter longed to take rart la this new political life. Making his way through the crowd of folk about the tavern door and drawing aside one of the patriarchs of.

the village the artist Inquired In tones of eager curiosity: "How long must a live here before he can vote?" At this moment a busy, self-important little gentleman pulled him. by the arm, and rising on tip toe asked In his ear. lwhether he was Republican or Demo crat." As the word "Democrat" fell hesl-tanUy from the Hps of Vawter1 a deep voice cried above the bustling tones of the bystanders, "Why. of course, you can vote." Lev Shank Disappointed Crowd. Fpeclsl to The Indianapolis Newt FHELBrVILLE.

Aujrust 10. Although Lew Shank, mayor of Indiana-polls, had been widely advertised to speak at the home-coming at St. Paul, yesterday, which was known as Fhelbyvllle day. he failed to appear and disappointed a crowd, ieveral interurban cars filled with Shelbyvllle people went to tft- Paul, believing hank wouIJ be there. that would be as nothing- compared with done by eddies.

the damage that would be a AliL'TM fclNT. COUNTIES SEEM SLOW IN EMPLOYING SEALERS LAGRANGE THE ONLY ONE TO TAKE ANY ACTION. CHANGE IN LAW PROPOSED Although John T. Wllletl. special deputy from the office of the state welg-hts and measures commission.

II. E-Barnard, has spent three months visiting boards of county commissioners to induce them to employ county scalers, as provided In the weights and measures act of 1311. only one board, that of 1-a-grange county, has made any effort to employ such sealer. Other boards visited by Wlllett said they did not be-lleve the expense of a sealer would be Justified. As a result pf the refusal.

Mr. Barnard Is considering the proposal of an amendment to the act to compel commissioners to employ such sealers, as Is now done In some other states. Under the present law. the employment Is optional with the commissioners. Until the counties employ such sealers, In order to get at berry growers, dairymen, fruit packers, etc.

Mr. Barnard raid the question of proper weights and measurea would not be properly solved. Change Proposed In Ice Coupons. Mr. Barnard has taken up with C.

B. Tolln, city sealer of Ft. Wayne, the ques tion of ice weights. The plan followed In most cities of the state of Issuing ice coupons, calling for twenty-five, fifty, seventy-five or one hundred pounds, both think contributes to dishonesty on the part of drivers of Ice wagons, and makes the housewife an easy prey. It Is proposed that coupons for Ave pounds and mnlUpIes thereof, be Issued, or that the drivers be required to' set down on monthly sheet the exact number of pounds delivered "during the month so payment may be made at the end of each month for the exact numoer vf pounds de'lvered.

Mr. Tolln said the question of weights stid measurea had been solved In Ft. Wayne in everything except Ice. Until the companies change their methods -of treating their customers, and exercise closer supervision their drivers, he said, the problem would be hard to solve without action in the courts. Abolishing the Fee System.

Mr. Barnard reported virtually all the cities of the state, except Indianapolis, are doing away with the fee system in the sealing of weights and measurea Where the plan has been abandoned, he reported, better conditions exist. Mr. Tolln Issued a wamlna- to rul htiv. era Most coal buyers Insist on their coal neing weisrned on city or sealed scales, he said, but forget to demand that the empty -wa pons be welshed on the same soaies.

Aiucn coal is lor mat reason paid for that Is never delivered, he said. PLAN TO TURN GQVERNMENT COAL LANDS OVER TO CITIES Secretary Fisher Would Have Them Mined for the Benefit of Citizens, With Full Publicity. WASHINGTON, August K. Secretary Klsher has a plan to allot government coal lands to cities, which In turn may operate them under certain regulations to surely municipal needs, as well as those of As a first step In the plan he has rec ommended that the congress pass a bill grant! 6W acres of coal land to the city of Grand Junction. and meanwhile the interior department has withdrawn fro entry the land the city de-slrer.

Cities In Colorado. Wyominr. Utah. Montana, Idaho, and other public land WEAKENED DAM NEAR RIVERSIDK PARK. the engineers say.

The water would whirl around the end and undermine the base of the dam. probably causing total de- structlon. Another evidence of the dam's need of Immediate attention is found In the heavy seepage through the main wall. This will not affect the restraining power of the structure for some time, but the constant flow gradually will wear larger openings In the blocks of Fled ford stone. If this can be repaired now it will mean a great saving to the city.

Is the opinion of men who know. Sinking Into the River. The dam was built during- the-last Tag-gart administration, -while J. Clyde rower was superintendent of parks. It was constructed of Itedferd stone, at a point three hundred yards below the Erarichs-ville bridge.

The dam was built In st-mi-clrcular form, the curve being upstream In order to give greater r-lling force. The abutments were built with parapets at each end. Juj-t what has caused the north abutment to break lias not txen determined, but It Is be' li ved to be due to shallow foundation. The eastern end of the abutment has broken away from the parapet mall and gradually is sinking Into the river. Only a short time ago it was a mere crack, now there is a Large crevasse and the wall is leaning toward the river.

It I the rx-lief of the board of park rommlsnloneri that the water should be rtleased during the present lviw water, for Refrigerator Baskets For campers and automobile tourists the Hawkeye refrifrerator basket is one very important part of the equipment. It will keep your lunch cool, fresh and clean- Just a little ice will do for twenty-four keeping milk sweet and fresh, butter firm, salads, sandwiches and beverages' cool and in perfect condition. All outdoor folk should see these Ilawkeye Baskets. Call in at any time, well be pleased to show them to you. Trices range from $3.50 to $8.25 Charles Mayer Company 29 and 31 West Washington Street INDIAN MOTORCYCLE The, co ndiwi re'' 4-II.

P. rTlladrr S200 7-H. t. twla, 59n eyllader art nr TimnonPTMr' IJo.Jtl lVlli3 JL M.IM With its and tto ro In red any other rt i the means notice. either can not will nt re ft sl II -J At 11:00 o'clock a.

on Monday, August 19, 1912, the undersigned will offer for sale the restaurant known as WHITE'S CAFE located at 33 S. Meridian street, Indianapolis. Ind. The most centrally located and the best and finest equipped restaurant in the state. The room is beautifully decorated with tile flooring and wainscoting, expensive ornamental chandeliers and light fixtures.

Also, bake ovens and complete bakery outfit in connection. Purchaser mqy procure cure- vranc. I FA5C WITH OAI7 PRIVILEGES Ia.wa. --ss Fred H. Bruhn, Receiver.

m. i i states west of the Missouri river would be vitally affected by the plan. Abundant Supply at Fair, Prices- Ta aars ft T8 that the federal poli cy with respect to the government owned coal lands is to insure lor me abundant supply at prices which win yield a fair return and no more upon the capital invested In mining; and handling the coal. lie trunni in mij-i-c a fee simple patent granted to private terons or cornorstlons for the commercial exploitation of the coal deposits. He insists that all transactions of the city have the fullest publicity to prevent any opportunity for corporation abuses and to keep the federal government and the general public fully Informed as to Just how legislation of this, character Is operating In actual practice.

Rooming Houae In Wrong Llflht. Ira J. Baker, mho keeps a rooming nous at 12 North Nw Jersey street, saya his place has been placed la a wrong light in newspaper accounts of family troubles aired hp for Juuxs Collins In tha recent squabble between V. K. First and John J.

Wicker and bia wif. Mrs Oordla Uu-ker. Ths case attracted attention because In paaslng on It. Judge Onillna declsred a boarding bouse was no place for young married peo3. leaker said tb trouble tMt-n the Hlckers and First took' place at r-' North Illinois street, where ttja bickers and'Flrst Were staylnc.

Tueay of this werk. tha likrkers went to the Baker rooming houae. from the Illinois street number, snd vera summoned to city court from tha Baker houaa on the following day. leaker aald no arreata bad been madt at hla place, and that First had not been In the, house since be had had charge of It. t'.

the purpose of making a close examina- tl on of the entire structure. This, of course, would displease hundreds of bath- era. canoeists and other boatmen who use the Impounded ater for pleasure. The lmiounded water Is the mot attractive feature of Riverside park and tht loss of the dam would remove the real beauty of the city's largest playground. Many Pleasure Seekers Concerned.

It is a plea-sing thin to see the river above the dam on summer Sunday afternoons, iilles of the water's surface is dotted with small craft, the feminine passengers clad In their summer's bet, while the gallant commodores of the canoe fleet, enjoying the -freedom of coatlexs luxury, paddle the lltOe boats through "lver's I -a and out Into the ofen water airam. Without the daru th-te would be no Ivers' which is a narrow bayou, that wlniis In and out l--tween tree-bordered Lank. Th-re would be a loud wail from thousand -f Inlian-afolis throats were the Kiwrside dam to lo lost. Thcr would some wall. too.

from the. Indianapolis Canoe Club, which, St present, is building a splendid new- home a short di.tane upstream from the endangered structure Some Firebug, This. KEEN FIELD. August 10. Bernard Murray, son of a former flro commissioner of Hartford, has confessed that he et fire to thirty hotels and ptiblle In Connecticut an-i w-strn dunnar last four nimitlis.

No llvt-a w-re 1. but the vain ft prolyl ty iiotrojed la estimated at Man's Greatest Convenience wonderful ability to devour distance take the rider wherever he's a mind to double quick time the INTIAN is a hun-d times-more practical and inexpensive than method of conveyance. It Bives you to com or ro at will at a minute's It's a wise and prontaoie investment, for business or pleasure rtdlnp. Autos begin to cover the roads that the INDIAN take with greatest ease.

219 Avenue LU ZZS Nortn Delaware Street IL II. Keller, Bankrupt. India ns rmlia TnA 146-1 4 E. VVA-t I WOTO TH St. See Sunday's Star for Monday Lfoom End Sale News.

IMMIGRANTS TURNED BACK Mother and SonNot Permitted to Join Other Members of WASHINGTON. August 10. Nine-year-old Stanley Stewart and Ms mother, of England, appealing for permission to cross -the of the United States to Join The other members of their family and become American citizens, have been ordered deported. A special medical board at Quebec pro. nounced the little fellow fee hie minded.

The mother must return to Kngland with him as an Sr-companying attendant, but the three other children were admitted to go to their father at Omaha, Neb. Senator of Nebraska, made the thousand-mile trip from Washington to Quebec to see whether the sundering of the family ties could be prevented. He is said to have befn eat it-led that no other course was open. Terra Haute Man Hurt In Wreck. ST.

I.OUIS, August 10. Thirty-five persons-were Injured, several serlous-Iv." when Mohlle Ohio train No. t. from to tt. Ixuls, was ditched near here, last evening-.

Relief train were sent rrom here. train wu composed of steel cars, which were' makinc their first trip, and trainmen- said the steel jcoaches preven ted less of life. The train was running- more than an hour late and was trslntr I make up lost time. Amour the injured was M. HarroM, of Terre Haute, whose back was wrenched.

Anti-Red Flag Ordinance. SEATTLE. August 10. The city council by a vote of to 3 passed over Mayor Cottrell's veto the anU-red flag ordinance, hich provides that when any Is in a procejo-lon the American flag shall le borne with equal prominence. This measure was drawn by Mayor Cottrell but was amended by thel council, so that It would ohliKe lodges, at funerals and visiting mllitlatnt-n to carry the American flaar and the mayor said the.

amendments would make the ordinance Ineffective. F. It. I-sn ren Wsmp, Cepermtth aad Brass Finisher. Prompt atf-nilua gira to soda fount repairs.

anJ stet im tanks rs-liaxd. liuta phoauU. 1 Corgia a. Thlele IVanw Air Furnaces. Get our catlTiat.

tea -or west featuraa Tblaie urt bouts Msrtduua errmsH. rlaacrr Braaa Works. 414 S. Pennayl ranis aiumlDmn. brasa pboepboroos hrortx cast-taca.

brass railicss and work a apaciaitjr. Aatotnoblls 'aantrr riatea. Robber stamps. ssls, tadl checks, bndtraa. to.

CCU. J. UAYtH at 8. alertdiao. Garland Itaseburtaerm.

Special Summer Price s. KOERKINO a BRO Virginia ava, rsniarf. TV fIt to s-s KruM a IVsmW, 4T7 K. Washlagtoa at-, lor firntx-lass tumacea. J.

Q. Ferster. 1S Delawara St. Fattera anj eiocel works. O'l pSoot U7.

Last Chance Summer Rato ENTER MONDAY Sy tnonT br arrnnrlnc t5 b-rta or lnr. day, or fry mU. li- sifrr.E cnr A'ri: K. J. pret dsTit, 2 When.

i'Qonei 4.tI. SAILS 1 I More choice cuts in-choice half dollar cravats at 29c. Many snaps this month me vtirrrti aoe lor me man or Woman who Is curing on making their vacttion one of rfmcmhrnin-e as well as pleasure: we also da ail finish- TW fTZTT TGrJ ZL i i 1 "They're ss r'd -h In i ver v. ire fiusl.i." If you want a suit to bridg-c over till cool weatiur, never a than now. A-bunch of lirht-weigrht suits that were 16.50 and 15.00, now For Every.PurpGGO GTRUCTLTPAL GHAPZS BARS aiUZZZTP PiLAITZG SIIAFTIISTG COLD HCLLIID GTCSls REINFOnCIIG DAHO INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA OUR DHOADCLOTII, CILll LlllZD CCO CACHET i WK SAVE VOU KttOK ONt-TIllRU 14M i-Eir-En new ladewewSeat lailrrtaken.

7ho Excolofcr Lnndry Leads in Quality and Scrvica Cat. 187S Phones 243 TrTirTrf fT TTfiTV Th Problem of selecting paper for a room or AlSJ A.sJ mn entire house is a sitipJf but with an equal expenditure of money one person will achieve beanMful anj artitl.i results, while another will not- It win PnrinnrV T's-nc mi kidiati pay you to consult us. mJ JUi Uli AKD OHIO Gel yaur Films and Plalos tcr an uamcras a. We develop and print pictcres a bit better than the best. FILLIS AND PLATES FOR YOUR CAI.inrLA DEVELOPING AND PRINTINO OUR HODBY STUCKY'S DRUG STORE SiiSC' OH EASY TERMS THE INDIANA 'SAVUiGG a CO.

ISO East Market Street Far KLAL att'ort Rest Easy Double Deck Springs Combination Coal and Gas Range Burns both fuels successfully An il trczzl tiers Hartmanns You Can Save r.Ioncy having old furniture repaired and upholatered or new furniture made If you will aak ua about the prices and work of our factory. The Albert Gall' Co. IT aad IS XVeat Waaalaglea St. Real Laundry Service Family Washing Itaak rry Cents a Pound GEM LAUNDRY Cither I'koae 1TI uniFonn suits For irOTCH.r-O A.TD 510 to 015 Fayab Weekly THE ROYAL UE: i I I I Fcr First-Clans cr.d Service w.r:. 'i i i I a i.iOU.XiS fS '---i fl rrr.

to i Ci AiaiIIAi The Srortsmen- TO OMVIULC OS ALL CASKKTS. 22 J. reansytvaata Street. iiilOgOii RemoYcfl to 131 E. Vcsfi.

St. HEASONACIX HATC3 Ai AI Fan it Dt. r7-Sto7iii2 Is Just as Important ea mik hay." isn't what you but whnt you save tht yoti wealthy. Ftart a savinis account today with at least We add interest twice yearly. Its Central Trust VMmt Market Mrrrl t- caliifB rai lurill r.

I'O iiS' i S'. aU. Lastinrr Cental work Is eery patron v. tan crown. tr extract with the ct pain.

Have It daM the pal ws-. Js a i. Jill i i. i In JIvcry Is tr-rr i I Jm r.rviS. rr.


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