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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i i Hendersons of Indianapolis cordially invite your inspection of their Nineteen Four tccn ZIodcte, the first of which will be exhibited in the Clarjpool Hotel Lobby on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Tliis exhibit includes the New Design Henderson Four and Six Cylinder Models; also advance showing of the Cotfpe and Sedan types of Henderson Closed Cars, incorporating the Henderson Seat Control which appeals to discriminating lady drivers. Made in Indianapolis by The Henderson Motor Car Company, Economy in The mot gtupendous feUinr'erent ever conducted In i il.i 1 V. a fnr wears to 5 Jit' L' Pp. CJIT.

A ie UlSl WUi come ss the bir0et Suits Coais Dresses SWris You r.lahe the Prices Go a Shirts Suits YVrt ap ta 5 I sbolca of Yccr Gholca In Our ret Tbes7 laTieVt. ect tha malarial, alone. lead, alk try few. Alr Mfafct (m Uevtr anil Saw thm Dtfferancm9 Original Sample Cloak Suit Go. 4th Floor UirchiBtt Bank Eaildlnz CORNER VVAHINOTOl4 AND MERIDIAN Special Dens and Suit Black aud brown Icath 7 all Eizes, in this sale.

Get a TIorrlson Trnnk and save one profit. Any size or styi( 04: 'to G2S Do You Want Better Work? i You can pet it if you will'use the phone and call for our Km Order your shirts ironed on our. new "Perfects Shirt Presses' and notice the improvement over all other methods of shirt irofirg. The Esxelsior LaundryiMl VACATION. MONEY Comes From Savings Accounts Have You One? CENTRAL STOuACIl SUFFERERS, DP! TAME SAMUELS "3 P'f CAPSULES "I 1 ae bern a fi rty jearv I r.iy snatvtlr.S hasty ideals ht lunvh counters ani 1 I Kvt t).

at after a rr.eal 1 untcM torture until the at i vf i.i seil pC svs i Pi' i Ou ratu Om.v few tc aked tj' a Care 1 rstt et corn at.l caibui: i e. er anMr I rJ 1 Irl 5 e. tv xy. ret i tr.t fro at ftrrer.te l.

enn 1 j. irn" 1 i t' i if rv si 1 r. on. Oi v'i nckut vT i a i 1 i 1 1 1 rv 1 c'r f. cortro! tW Roady io lVoar ISC myvm.

Valuer Yaleea wg. is. 2Je 5 17 .00 Any G2rr.Enls$(lR0 arant Tan HOW Cases Thcraos Ectllw toes For the races, SI to G4 AUTO TRUNKS Made lor Any Car TRUST CO. 13 Ead Ma.le after the formula of a famous r'rettvh specialist. Containing tpaln.

erxwiiicsphates and other hartr; irgredients. put up In easy tc tke. pure gelatin capsules, sealed they are alviaya fresh sick, rnirr "tallets and pills. Immediately t.e cr 1' the stomach It dis solvji an! rl Instant relief from trUhirc. ftrrirhtation.

ftatulency. sour t.niavii. TJ tiath an4 all the miseries of siin row know It la to ave a ld frtonuirh. A prominent at Vcr. fhrles Stone.

Oaahler vf HAr.k of Yarrl a. Cola, writes: "Your J.P oilea have d'rve nie wniers c.i." Every user can't r.oug:i tn praise of them. erWiSosre. Wrs Castaaej. Cinc 'aaaX Q.

An Investnent 1 1 va Exp eriz: ci INDIANA NEWS IN BRIEF PXRCLtlU Oodfrwr, durnxr omonw Oodfrvr. chief th Mlaad Indln. dte4 Moo day, after brief laneaa. wu eTente nnoovrtXE Th Btxta la atiir oann 4m tn lha anlaat Gr Hart. ebarg4 with burning fcta home at Tennyson with ih Intent of collecting aa fnrormnce pourr.

Arthur afeDofiaM. eon ot Mm. iiobrth Mr none Id. an thtrty fiye. ef thl ettr.

wm kliled Tagaday la headend e. Hoa Jefferwm. Ma. Ha waa cnglMer the ic, at T. railroad.

jrrTER80NVnXE 0rf Waahlngto Me Ktaier. the county ai or from Wt to 1SK, has been eoed for the ratnra af 1M to the county aad tt per cent. penaJty. It la allrgvd a waa paid thia la exceea far atrflcea a the county board ot renew. WKHINQTON' Joank Hlcker.

aixtaeil. aufTared a brokea lea: aod collar bone when hl elht yearl4 brotber drove aa aeiormooija otw him Vra. William MarreU ahlelded her child inn tK kipka of a horee br lumotnr between tba animal and 1ba baby. an4 waa eraraly In jured. tOOAKBPORT rred BeaB fld ault is.ii arainat fharlaa BealL hta brother, demand ln a a abare of the eetate of W.

BealL hta artdenca la th caaa of Bamaal A. MlchaaL charged with the murder of Lwrl Flpptnger. Bl trust, na neen completed. XtrwcAfTl The anlta of Mrs. Clarane MohWr and her hurband.

Mrrwla Mohler. of Cambridge City, la which each aaked $. damagva from the Lake Erie A Western raIN road for Injuriea recetred while attempUng ta mm the companr tracaa in xua, aara oeen compromtaeo BRAZIL Mr. Ida 'McCuriouh, llvtng at Muhutu. east of HraslL waa aatioDalr burned Monday yenlng when a three a allon.

can of ml exDloded and net flra to her Julia Roberta. ae aoyenty two, who conduct a 6ah market here. waa arreeted Monday, charred with eontrtbotlnr to tti delinquency of rottag giria. ttm pteaa mm awity. COlXTMBUa A autt of the Bartholomew mmm nmmiariaen aaalnat Elijah S.

Carter, former county clerk, for I1.C. ailrgad to bare heea retained, bat dua trie roomy, nas oera aettied for apeclal pM of laaantty hi nlM on behalf of Walter Temple, who haa rn placed oa trial bre oa a charge of burtftary. Tempi naa errreo a ora un Uar char. i PRIKCETOS Mra. Samuel Bcott.

of Owena vllle. haa filed a la the Olbaon circuit court a rata Mbe Big Four Railroad Company for tlM damage. 8h awna flv hundred acrea In the Wabaah valley and allegea that whi tba railroad embankment broke the flood ruabed aoroaa her land and many acrea were made wort fa tee, aaad brtn pll4 wrr th ground on four feet deep. MOXROK ITT Ralph, tght year old aoa of Curtla Wheeler. Juatlce of th paaaa, I ufrrttig from gnngrene and tetnnua.

fell from a roller two wek ego. and th roller raa orer hla foot. The hi Jury waa thought nearly well whea th tw polacna dTkpl. Tb family ha bd many accldenta. Ralph acndeotaliy cut oft two anger of hla Hater and.

antbr eon waa cmthed by a SOrTH BEND Char! Baker, amwted on aaepk toa that be waa on of tb pickpocket who bar been operating among th rowd at th Billy IMiaday revival, may be released far lack of evidence Flfurea prepared by H. H. Re elm. t'nlted State weather obaarror. ehow that tb rainfall tn Bt.

Jooeph county on Monday waa tnchea. In th last two weeke inchea of motaror hare fallen here. Tneee flg ure are aald to aurpaaa thoee for prvrtou May. OWENSVtUX Mra. Margl Scott.

thl city, hae filed ult la tna uibeoa circuit court for Ft against in Kvanarui. atu urnwi A. HlhMil fnm Amrm Amm ta bar farm of Bt hundred acre, weet of town, aa the rn or ino rtcmi mm rtrer. It I allecwd th embankment of th I ik. n.

Imp nAm with och fore that tb aotl waa waahed off and aand and rrarei oepoaiieo. ma rug un auw wonnieea lor nraisf. ETJCHART The anperlor court graad Jury Indicted Robert M. Brown. a grocer, alleging a tainary offense.

Esther Smith, age eleven, la a and Mrs. V. E. Gary, of Mtllersbarc. we gueeta of.

honor at a. family rewnloa her Tuesday, ta calibration of the Pfty eaxhtb of their marriage. Mr. Gary to elghty thre year old. tv yar c)4r than hla wife.

They were married Watrrford. khart eomry. and have always Itvrd ts this county. Their eerea caildrea are au mm. 1 1 i Farmer Is Interurban' Victim.

ISpecial ta Tb IndianapoUa News BRAZIL InA, May 51 James Plls ht, a fanner, MTinf west ot thl waa In ternallT injured yeatrdy when was truck 'br an eaatbound car on th T. LAC lln. ii was riding; en a wagon oa his return from plowing IIOW CAUlllE DE YRLAC BECAME FAHOU? FOR THE BEAUTY OF HER i HANDS AND ARMS Free Prescription That Ca Be Prepared at Camille de Verlac. famous for the beaut of her hands and arms. In a recent interview says: "If very woman knew about the prescription that has caused all this talk about my hands and arms they could make their hands and arms just aa beautiful aa mine.

I am glad to have th opportunity to giv my recipe free te the world. It will help everv woman tn Improve her personal appearance." When I asked her if aba wouid allow me to publish the prescription, she quickly answered: Miiv too triad to have vou 'lo it. Turning to a desk, she wrote I it on a slip of paper and handed it to me. Here It Is: X3o to any drug; store, 'get a one ounce bottle of Kulux compound. Tour the entire contents into I a two ounce bottle, add quarter ounce I wltch haxel.

then fill with water. Ap tlon gives the skin a velvety softness and obliterates all defects such as freckle, tan. sun spots, roughnesa and ruddiness. A. single application works a marvelous transfortnation." It can be applied to the neck and sTroulders with equallv gratifying; results It is abS'iutelv harmless and will positively not stimulate or produce a growth of hair It is deliriously cool and soothing; arid it not affected by perspiration.

It wiU not rub fi Advertisement. THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS; WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1913 FOLLOVS STRIKE OF MINERS i WASHINGTOX. Mr a By a trtra xocm vota th acnat late yesterday adopt ed the resolution authorizing sweepinr; accornpnytng: tb stride of coal miner. tn the Paint creek region in ginia. The resolution nm r.uwuti somewhat different form by Senator Kern.

ufiti fnr a montn. the subject of many bitter attacks 9 MmnwnnltlAn. I Ol scores 01 jjccvuc Charges of Peonage. fnrler the resolution's authority the sen ate, throuch the education and labor committee, look Into ehairea of peonaw In Weil Virginia: of violation of the lm migraUon 'aws: of Icte rtorenco with the malls and port and of viin of he ContltltJon and Uws of th nlted States In the trial of cltlgens by a tniU Ury trltmnal. it wui mnipt combinations among operators In violation of the Sherman anti trust act, and allied discrimination by immigration authorities at ports of entry, and determtn vma n.t TTttoives were lmDort ed into Paint creek for Improper us.

The terms ol trie inoruiio broad that the com luce will be able i a nt everrthlng 19 inquire uuw which figured In the troubles between the miners ana ice operator. Second Investlgitlon of Kind. The investigation will be the second tn the tUtory of the nation, ao far as senators har shown In 'debate, to a atatjt hr a legislative 'iUn mlntnr region TJ1IR III LUC id.ho. was investigated by a bouse committe tn 19. ttl4l The committee nnsi ku wm.

naming; of a subcommittee to a nersonal trip to the coal trlk region to ixamlne be chairman ana son. Ms rtine ana iwfnjon "11,: nienims. looked for next month. VETERANS SEEK FLOWERS.

Will Help Children Decorate Graves at Soldiers Home Cemetery. rcnactal to Th IndianapoUa Xews ltintnN'. IntL. May JS. Several hun tba Marion Vat Inn a area vve Military home begun buni today for wild flowers in woooa

ueius uvchiwi from the noma, mi tbem to the sev rrs.l school Duiiamgs in uui viiy, wmn iniy win the home. This method has not alwayi produced enougn nowers. uo mai mers may be. a sufficient quanUty for purposes rm va nf tha allent drcJe, the members of the Institution Who are able Will Visit wooaa ana ueiua. ji iti ivW k.i irviilav mommr.

UJQI IIV1UB .111 commencing at o'clock. Robert T. St. John, or uanon. win gava vn muwu Oil Well Doing Fine.

rnBM.ial to Th IndianapoUa Kewsl': ktti.t.IVAV. Mar 28. Th oil well drilled by WllUira C. Kennedy CaV of Bradford. near cneiDurn.

ia anuwiu mnA la patiaina considerabla cx itnent among farmers and oil INDIANA DEATHS HAZLTON. May a. Green Hayes, ag seventy, retired farmer and civil war veteran, ia dead at hi bom la this city. Th widow. on son aau a vrTrnrfiT' Tyt wa Zt.

Jamas Wilson. age fifty three, a resident the southeastern H.IUT eountv. la dead hers, at tb bom of his daughter. Mrs. William Paddock.

v. t.j Vf it TV Tnur. principal of the RnshvUla high school, waa notified last night thst his waTs was critically III at a nonpttaj at aiaaisoa. ens vui reached her siae. ELKHART.

Ind May H. Joaeph rranklln Ilarrla. ag seveny seven. a Trarmanaa, aoddenly last night. Th wldew and seven children sumv.

MADISON. May Miss Evelyn 1 va mnt.M a member of th trig' a. Iaaghtara. died last night. She waa th daughter 01 iraat vteiia, inia salesman.

Mtvenv T.J at'Tntllam rfunvbi mv. man. age lxty.flv. is dead at his horn near here. I survived by a widow and several children.

inOANSPORT. May a. Mrs. Elisa beth Burton, ag lgbty two. widow of Hese kaUi Burton.

died at tn home ot ner aaugn ter. Mrs. Isaac T. Wllllamaon. at Royal Center.

Four sons, too slater and 'one brother survive. CAMBRIDGE CITT. May a. Jesa Hays, are enty elght. a veteran of th civil war.

la dead at his bom in German town. The widow, two son. Leo. of this city and Verne, living north of Jackson burg, and two daughtera. Mra.

Hugh Allen, of near Cambridge Oty, and Mra. Ira JiefX. Richmond, survive. SUPREME COURT. Abstracts of Opinions Handed Down May 27.

1913. REMARRIAGE OF WIDOW LAND BT ririei a iKOUViLi aiwtraw Davis et aL va. Fanni Thorn peon et aL Montgomery Affirmed. iurwin. j.

1 Where W. died In 113 his widow remarried ta UO. and bad her port loo of th real estate left by her deceased husband set off to ner ia partition In 1I7J. ah culd not thereafter make a will leaving her Inherited 1 iiMhiA lanu to ner mvuu bumwi. for her debts contracted during tb aecood mamaire.

oux ai ner omin 1. wu children by her first aaarriag. The surviving second husband took ao Interest In th land, either by will or as surviving husbaaL CRIMINAL. LAW KITPTNDED SEXTEJSCE APPEALS. Max Waltber et aL va State of Indiana.

Pike Appeal dismissed. Morris, J. il) Where a prisoner Is convicted of a mm and accepts a suspended sentence without objection, be can not appeal from the lodgment of suspended sentence. ID A suspended sen tence 1 ta tb nature or aa Introductory Judgment, and appeals are only silowed from final judgments, and such Interiocutory Judgments as are specially named ill A prisoner accepting th clemency of tb stale raa not thereafter protests and appeal from th judgment fee has been relieved or by tb clemency of tb state. WILLS CHARTTrES HOSPITAL.

CITT TRUSTEES. yi George P. Dykemaa et vs. Albert Jenklae. exeetiW.

et aL abash C. Affirmed, gpencea. J. Myers, sot par Hcipatmg. M.

li here a win gav on piece of ground to fhe city of Logansport for park purposes under rertaia esndtiioos. and another to th board at commissioner of Case county ander certain conditions, and tn caaa of failure of acceptance to a residuary charity. If tba residuary charity Is a valid beuuest th heir can not narit nf lull in li era. A gift providttig that tn executor shall ertrt a nospiiaa "a 1 a coat of from and cause to be cut In tne gione.

entering Into a contract to maintain It with a iu and a woman ef good Judgment, ts a goad chanty and and brq jrst. 3 The fact JbT statute previde for the aanMgemeut of cttv hoepnala doe net make it void. 0 The fact tba: tiw riiy Totd tu Tb fact a void rendittaa subae. auewt. tnrtdentally provld'ng for Ma manare 4nw aw a fie Jatfc If thai fniStM XkilSl a gaof gjgssj OPt woe 1 juny wlJ Pt Excluding "K' and "Incur able ease doe not mak tb beneficiaries too uwcertaia.

for eaforcemeat iT) WAP.RAMl Bl kdu jr ROU ai taa. Ed in X. Sand rsou et si vs. the Truntp Manufacturmg Company Joseph ID Then turbine water weeto were soM a4 wre warranted aad on ault for of poc the trial court m4ta sperial ftairag found that the wheeis did not fully comply with the warranty ia certain respeeta. and did not find what exteot they ailed it a not a fmding atmu the seliev The selr has the hordes, to show sale and IrrsrV; warranty ia a collateral agreement whK tb btrver has the burden of showing to take advantage of Its faiiure.

Z1 The fact th machinery oid i to become such part of a Plant that it caa not be returned and pro is ma, for a test ol capacfty a final payment, doe not sMft the burden oa proof of warranty to make tb seller have to it ow safciencv ef tet in ffpecai fitirg. TltTCgB. th test may be a condition raeest th aecastaac tta thing caaxgss It a 1 ww www qww wwj eas asai jwwwwwjw www i BROAD INVESTIGATION 7 KERN RESOLUTION fFOR INQUIRY IN WEST VIRGINIA ADOPTEO. 1 w. am wr1f irM 1 ORDERED BYSEllAlE Distinctive Motoring i i Togs 7 Ef Stetson Hats Manhattan Shirts Regal dnd Hanan Shoes Stein Bloch Suits Don't forget the Speedway Races May 30th I I II II warranty, th If any, to tnax extern a defense.

H) Where th buyer's arts treat tb property as hla. can not ciaim wmpmi anc by seller, he must rely on the warranty. ii Interest waa due en toe oaiancw i purchase price after the Ute th balanc was due by th contract, rt) Where turbine water A Inatall. suit nwi wiwi for balanc of purchase price, cross complaint on failure of wheel on test, the seller having proved sale and delivery, th boyer had burden to show failure when properly Installed v. 4 1 mi I ad la allowing appellant ,7 on cTosa compUint ana judgment ia oraerea on nm i v.

law. WARRANTT EXPRESS AND; IMPLIED Vfnrl.l Gas Ena lna Worka. Miami Ajnnoed. Myers. J.

(1) Vi here in nuoucivrrr wv rlnes sold on to aa electric company tn Nevada upon a written warranty to produce Us bors power when operated at TTi revolutions a 'mlaut. and auat was brought for breach of the written guarantee, th plaintiff was not entitled I Instructions on Implied warranty. Th evidence shows tb custom the ia to measur th bora, power at th engine and not tn net none power atter carry Jig live abafta. etc. Where the warranty is not written or used with Intent to deceive, but is understood differently by buyer than by seller it Is to be construed as written, not aa against tba seller because tb buyer understood the horse power was neasured as delivered through belts and shafting at machine.

Instead at th engine as understood by th trad. Ht Where th mlad a not meet there ta aa contract, bat where th buyer sue en aa ex pre warranty It is ta be construed aa. written unless fraud ha been used to create a different cotiatruc ttoo. Where th testa of horse power of the engine set up la Nevada uere not mad try proper means and against friction machinery, and there was no evioene the seller aaed fraud to rnduc the buver to believe i the engine would peifaiiu the work In th court did not err la teatructlng ii. i mm Vttw.

Mriu iimf mrv would develop unattached at Peru waa the power guaranteed. Appellate Court. EVIDENCE AVD IX PEREVCE3 DIRECT PROOF LACKING. XZ. Tb Wlnna Interurbaa RaBwar Company ts.

Ines Wllfiard. Noble Affirmed. Ibach. J. ti Proof that the passenger entered a car operated bv 4efndact aad paid her fare to deferent's coadactor.

or rtdnc from facts are to be inferred and ane tact ly admlrte by defendant, arvl that defendant's conductor Injured the passenger, aphoid the Judgment, though there ts bo evjdeoc regarding tb ownership of the road or car. T) Though there Is no direct poarttv evidence that appellant operated and owned tb ear and road, tbe whole evidence bnpU that fart and ap aeliaar conduct of tb trial ts a tacit recognition of the fact. 1 New cumulative evidence which probably would not change th result and without showing sufficient dUrnce. to no ground for new trial. Tb evMence does not warrant an order for renuasioo of part ef the Judgment on grounds excessive dara rrDGMEVTS rRArbrLZNT PARENT AND CHILDINNOCEVT PURCHASER.

7XTL Arvah G. Toung et al. vs. Elijah Wrier. Madison C.

Re rerw d. Fell. J. ill A will I direct that, my eon 8. shall have the weet eighty acre my land, with all th improvement thereon, aad If he shoo die before bis present wife doe then It araa ro to has children," gave S.

bat a determina M.fee and upon hia deth before hia then it nt to hi children as against a sTantee. IZt Where ancestor ie4 ia lt leaving a. determinable fee in land te hi son. remainder te son children, the eoo tw rooa' after filed a complaint for a construction, ag tie wiX guardian ad Utast ef th soa Straiiss uMotor Clothes" are built from fabrics that have icon the "pennant" Strauss "Motor Clothes" are tai lored by "mechanicians" who arc experts. Strauss "Motor Clothes" are accepted and entered as correct hj i critical "judges." Strauss "Motor Clothes" quality considered, are without competition.

Motoring and Oiauffeur Norfolk Suits Motoring Rainproof Driving Coats $5 to Dusters $1.50 to $25 Motoring Gloves Motoring Caps, 50c to $3.50 ai.j Mr arm 'a at torneya and Judgment rendered ultlng tit is In son a against his children, the property was mortgaged for ll.K and sold on foreclosure for tl. tn 11M. and thereafter sold appellee for the sou's chlldrea being of seven and eighteen years of sg at Urn. son naa nco cvun iwwjw. 1n 1 and hi tw children having no ledge Ot the judgment uniu jua suit, a complaint setting up the facts was sufficient and court erred in sustaining a demurrer te It 111 The son's action in employing guardian ad litem and obtaining Judgment without contest waa a fraud for which the Judgment should be set salda.

Where a Judgment waa obtained by fraud eev enteea years before II was sought f1 said against than Infants of seven and lght aen year (of twenty four and thirty five rears at commencement ef ult "it affords mo protection to aa Innocent purchaser for valu." 5 I MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL JXTX3MXXT PENDINa 77. New Albany Woolen Mills vs. Martha Senior, admlalstratrix. Clark ASlrmed. U'Tbe fact that the trial court rendered Judgment on fhe verdlrl after fiifng motion for new trial and before ruling, la not re veraibl error.

Ci Where a nlgbt watrbmaa who fired th boiler wis fcUied by aa ex pinaiou of the boner, evidence that the boiler at place df bursting waa leas than one fourth ita preperf thickness and that tb fact could have beers discovered for several months prior to the exifostun by "hammer test" sustains the verdict on tb ground of defect af boiler, and that it waa not aegligenew of decedent as claimed by appellant. lr There is presumption that th defendant maatar haa performed hla full duty te the servant, and a requested instruction reciting such a presumption was properly refused. RAILROADS STARTING fTEXS ENGIXE EQUIPMENT. Mil Toledo. Vt.

Louis A Western RalTroad Company vs. Horn Insurenc Company. Howard Afflrmed. Hut tel. P.

J. 1 In suit against a railroad for causing a fire br marks thrown from engine, proof that the. engine went by emitting coals as large a the end of a woman's finger, aad that the wind was blowing toward the bouse which was sfter ward discovered to be ea fire, and an alarm STRENGTH, as evidenced by our paid in capital and earned surplus of one million six hundred fifty thousand dollars STABILITY, as evidenced by our twenty years of growth and service; CHARACTER, as evidenced by the hijh standing of our management, are the strong points of this ccppAny Courteous and efficient service given, convenient location. Your account, large or welcome. IE in Ppr 1'pnn a nor.iE Fon CAViriC3 Capital, an paid la Surplus, earned 4 BeWts I ta WiW HI taVe iJami VI ttta tnlnutsfi of pA ninff of trtln, mipport vrrdlrt without proof by esprts thAl tv wll qu1rd drof ln would mot hsr mltt4 th llv.ns? ae wxi lai (hsit tkl wah (ft that I Humhtf.

mm. 4mm aa m. at Jaid iii tut Br tts aAVMa NEGLIGENCE TELEPHONES AND HIGH TT I T. Horn Company vs. Oscar Weir.

Clark C. Kaveresd. bheu. J. til Instructions that plaintiff shall recover on proof ef complaint (without mentioning con Whulnrr BHllrMMl ara curad bv othr ln structlons on euntribulory negtigemie.

Aa instruction mat it wss arpeuani aosomte amy to se that tts' wires did not make th streau I. ault 9nm in UUm. www iwwr Jury to the eye of a traveler from the end ef a loose wire. it was appellant ouiy to usa reasonable car to prevent Injury to traveler by It wires, but not its absolute duty to prevent injury. tl An Instruction thst If appellant received notice any of Its wires were toose ia the town and It did not make proper Investigation It wss negligently llahls for injury by hanging wire, was too broad.

Notice soiii wire were loos waa not necessarily no tics thla wire was 4 Instructions by the court overcome misconduct of counsel. CORPORATION SEIXINt FTOCK BELOW PAR RtCKIVEfta. TtCl Wiley C. Reel, receiver, vs. Robert T.

Brammer et Rand'rtph C. Afflrmed. Adams. J. Where an oil eonipasy wa formed te pr jt nt for ell and develop wcUs Sf.d Issued rn of stock for a.03.

and afierwurd. neceasity to rale moaer. oid 17.0 of storti at eoe seventh far value, and a raeetver wej thereafter appointed, be could not so Ad renover from the stockholder eufficlent te nay th debts. Th ree tver only acnuJre the rlghta ef the corporation and can sot ja to recover from a stockholder who has ful.y performed his contract se mate with tne com hut for the payment of stocfe lit The cred tvari ef th company who bal full knowledge of th term of tn suanc of th ock. had ao complaint ara) net tb atock holder.

cauee the stock wss sold below par. I The statute anthoriwes this disposition of the stock of maBafacturlrig and mining eompan lea upon the beat avaiii term, even though beiow iar i4i If any of th creditor extended credit upon the faith that th capital stork was paid up at par. they must preescut their own actloa and not depend upon tfce receiver, who eery receives the rights of th corporation. T3 I I LJU i a a Vf wf to 37 West Washington Street $15 to $S5 S3 (A $45 HAKES RHEUMATISM PROMPTLY DISAPPEAR aBBBB aUBBBBBnganBS Crippled up Sufferers Find Relief After Few Dcscs of Croxone are Taken. It Is needless 9 suffr any lotlfsrj, with rheuntatlsm.

and be 'all crippled up. and bent out of shape with It heart wrenching; pains, when youcan surely avoid It. Rheumatism comes from Wea' Inkc tire kidneys, that fall to ftter from the blood poisonous waste matter jan. orlc ci. and It useless to rui en liniments or take ordinary remedies to relieve th pain.

This only prolong th misery. Th only way to cur rheumatism Is to rmov th eaus. Th nw duwvw ery. Croxone. doe thlg because It na.

trs Hses and dissolves all the polsenous substances and uric acid that lodge the joints and masclss, to scratch arvr irritate and cause rheumatism, aad cleans out and strengthens ths stopped up. Jnactles kidneys, so they can all th poison from ths blood, aad drive It on and out of th syste n. Croxone is the most wonderful medicine ever made for chronic rh tism, kidney trouble, and bUdler d. orders. You will f.nd It different from all other ier 1 cothin else on eartn II IL It matters no: how oil you are.

or how long you have suffered, it Is lmpoiiM to take it Into the bof an system result. Vou Will fl. relief from the first few de. and you will te ir. how an niiiry a id suf ferlnjr win end.

An orirlnal ct Croxone er' 1 but a rri.e at any firt las anr sr All drurztt are authorlted on a positlse mnev.i;: Three a ar a ciyi often that 1 ever r'l to over come the worst bac rs. A tee RefresLlsg Lrti; ta i vrr.4 i. i ir. Ore XX gi i uY ii A t3 i ii.

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