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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 9

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fakj is uamed TO REPRESENT INDIANA AT CORNER STONE CEREMONIES. STATES TO TAKE PART Gorernor Ksaly to day announced th a metsbere cl tb Indiana OxnrnlVi cf th National Lincoln Farm Association, ti; foUowto persons, all rllU: II Mrs. JaineS E. Bingham. Meradila Nicholson.

Ctr! W. Moore. Ililton U. Erown and Mr. Ft B.

WfDM. Formal DoCfictloM wet seat out to the appolr.tae Immediately after to appointments wer made. It 1 ur1er'ood lit ail Wiil accept. Th Ntnl Lincoln xarm Association, of which olk, of Missouri. Is president, Iu ennounced corner ston lay cererrjoriiee fr tb mmrlJ to a erected over th caraa la wiK.l Lincoln was born, th ceremonl to cbsHfd 'on th on hundrdtn anniversary Lincoaa birth.

Keouary li AH ti.s fctat tn Invited to send iprenta tire, end Ii Jiana wiU probably represented by commmioa appointed to Tb Indian commission will has Ct.arg of all memorial fund to col Wt tn th Putt, and will bar superintending power over ail observant eat of th cation, after hsring obtained by purenas tt. firm on which lAnctAa waa Wn, wltn th (alil Inta't. has planned to mem'rUl to cost approximately Of tr! sn Congress expected to sp projrist bill contain: such provision Laving been reported favorably. Th national association, through th various elate corrjni salons, will ruM th remaining l.r by eubsyptloo ny sum bHf. recetvsd.

Twenty fir States hav appointed oromiaaious an 4 eleven more have signified tf.elr Intention of doing ao. Matt than HM.wW ulcrtb contr11ut4 to th of iTMldnt H'xxit'Vlt will deliver th principal ddr at th corrvgr ton Urln. ORIENTAL FLATS SOLD. Philander Fltxgtrald Buys th Building and ftvn How. Th Orient! flat, in Oriental trt, ttwea Washintton and Market at ru, hav ben a14, th urcharr beta Philander U.

KltrrM. an1 th eon rat)on IllO.vo. A rtcttrd ot th trn eUnn wu rt4 with th county rcordr yrierday aftwrnwin. Th mi rty a old by th tTnlon Trut C'otnpanr a truate for Tt. A.

Klin(rliii and othnr. who purchaa4 tli flat aorn tm hko. Thr ar thlr ty f'ur ajiarm nu tn th biilldlnr, wtUi fronta of IU'4 fet In trtntai street an.J a d'i of 24 t. vfi modern duubl, houxea frontln In Market atreet. hrttf i) from th plant in th ft a.

La, wr lnr lulel in th A rMildfne at 2.H Cap)Ul rue he ln lil by Mr. FH erlil I 'red CHne and ottiera for ti.tiO. who alo purchaaed weny ilght lota In Korth e'rue. near y.gin atreei, for from llr. FlUgerald.

GRITTOii PLEADS GUILTY. la FInad on Charg of Sailing Liquor Without Llctmi. J. Thorn um Grltbm, formerly of Frank. Itn, In Federal Court, thta morn entere.1 a pie of aullty and wu arnl nn on the ctjarg of all Iri liquor without a llrena.

Xt wa that tlie (fTpti wa not tntrn tl' C'tnniitted. tritiMn ffuleit to appear hen hla ca waa everl 'Mki am and hi l. n.l ot waa 1vlre.J forfaited. bJt hh made (Jjia inomina that he i tm (riMii i.l a year aa o. had rlnce v.

la (hi city end apparent ry I awure tiiat he wa wnntwi at th lie Ma re wa called. The forfeiture the b'il wna aeWtet. Joaeph li. l.ealin. I'nlte Plana dlatrlct attorney, Te.

ottiu. a low fin and th eittlng iJ of U. forfeitur of th bond. FIVE POUND TOOTH FOUND. Tpoied to Hav Belonged to a Mta.

todon or Othtr Clant Animal. tSiecial to Th N.wa 1 in.LUrVILLE, Dcwnbtr 17. la aupvol to th tooth of taatudn waa unearthed by David tVUk i while he waa define on t.rhm farm. lu.jca north of thta At le thoocht had atruik continued a.xsw, when he f.vert.d It a piroe bone.

ly tt time he had a depth of three iir.l ooe 1 fllf ot he found a tooth mhlch pfirtiiod. It rlicha fiv poiin.ta. An litli, l.U Nrn apiit In three rt fouti.L lie continu i hla a anh for tnnr of th i the nsaatodon' Of other giant mut. ft i 350 30 C.Was.iSt. 17111 Cuy To cl the Grand leader.

Ever 1:123 cut cn a SSc Sla Do not fail to visit The Grand Leader to morrow and through the 93c tables with our usual Friday crowds. You will hear them say to one another, as they make their selections, ''Why, only 98c for" this! Isn't it beautiful! My friend paid $2.00 for one just like it." You will hear prices mentioned up to $5.00. i I I i.cnl cliic3 vi.l Lec er To nicrrcv; Handsonie $20 $3.00 Fur Pillow Muffs, 'P. orth $3.00.... Fur Sets for Children, worth $2.00........

Crest Bargain in Shirtwaists. Children's Dresses can't be made. .1 Sateen and Spun Taffeta Petticoats, great values Muslin Underwear that will keep you guessing hew vrt get them to sell. Cloaks for Children, sizes 1 to 6 years Kugs, Lace Curtains, Rude Curtains. Bedspreads, Comforts, Blankets, Umbrellas, Purses.

Muf lersu cr Short Kirno r.os, Knit Scarfs, and raany other big bargains for to jzu GML GIGGLED; V.Xl FROWNED Couple Cot Marriage Ueenaa and Decorated Buggy. SeelaJ to Tn Inrftanapoli Kewa.1 DANTHXi; Isid, Imber VX Toting ajxS av gix dxor Into town ahorCy fter nooa th other day and hitched bor to th oourUiotia rack. They ruahad to tt ewriiooM. Suspicious rpectatora a to tn eoociuon thX It waa marrta Uceite Ui touj waa after and covt a aiJt to th offlc. Tber fc found th two ajetun tii naary pa' to raaJt them man and Tlia th epectatora rot buy.

frarerai raira of old ar.oea were Ued th urtr. whit nubofJ were ttche.d In macy plic and kn of whit pr wer feUwued otr tj rig. Wi tit aht of PPr yr "JJr' wroch wa prd crt hx of Ui hurry, wer word tn bi. biaxk T'ere Jut Aboc ,2 1 and on another: CoTirWe'r Happy.

We re Got Our In abort tiro th two from the eurtnou, carryin ls Bcewe 'f lmnvod lately looked around. Th bTld to waa th flrat to Ocortd I aastated her to th ua hicf pro. Then Mr. wm'io oe plmaed th crowd ail the mor. Th boy.

th girt th He dror oyt of town, th crowd abouUBj, th girl gl Klin and th mn frownlBC. STOPS QUICKLY. Otvlea Invented by J. E. SUegelmejrer Put to Practical Teat.

A tet th Btleslmyr automatic trJn a topping dertc wa mad yetrdy afternoon at lAx. on th Chicago 41yllon of th PAg Four, between Iodlaopolla and Cincinnati, The tlelmeyr dertc waa Inrntd and patented by E. Btleg elmeyer, formerly a member of th Indianapolis fir deprtmet. An enrlne of th oonolldtd typ. capable of hauilna: flfty car at a rat of elxty mite an hour, with six ar, waa uaed In th teet la two trials th train, running at the rat of forty mile an hour, wa stopped within a dlatane of feet.

Th teat wa observed by H. T. Ho'itrh to and W. It. OaraUna of the Big Four, and th latter entlr crps; upeiintetid nt larlinaton.

of the Indianapolis division of th Pennsylvania, lines, and in lor Alexander thane, of th Indiana Kallroad Comrnliflon. Th Btielmeyer device an attachment for a locomotive by means of which a rail, operated by a block elnal maa, throws on th fore of th air la th brake reservoir, ahutttne; off the ateam by ctosina th throttle lvr. at th earn time appfylnc th air brake. It ia Intended to prevent railway accidents, due to engineers falling from any caus to regard a block signal. Th devtc operate aa effectively with th engln driver out of the cab as In.

A Company, capitalized at haa been Incorporated to auanufactur th device. COUNTY ASSESSORS MEET. 8eaalon Preparatory to Conference with Stat Tax Commlae loner. A number of county assessors of th Ktat mat at the gute House at 1: o'clock thht afternoon, pursuafit to call by State President A. Womack.

as eaaor of Marion county. Th meeting waa called for bo apeclfle purpose, but matter concerning th business of th office lit th varlou rountle were discussed tre laratury to the annual meeting with th htat HOerd of Tax Com mlaa loners In January, So questions of proposed legislation wer sched'jled to Come up. President Womack said at th opening of th aeaelon that the meeting waa to informal, and that no dennit program had been arranged. However, propoaaia for legislation judged necessary by any of th aaaeaaors would considered. It was given out.

All th important questions cuncemlna; assessment valus and kindred topics are scheduled to com up in th an nual meeting with th tax commissioners. SUICIDE'S CORPSE BURNS. Brewery Agent Seta Bed on Fir When Ha Shoota Hlmaelf. HAMILTON. December 17.

Louis Wetngardt. aflfty thre years old. agent for th Ohio Vftlon brewery In Hamilton, committed auirlde in bed by shooting himself through th heart to day. Th putol aet fire to th l.l and th corps waa partly burned before It wa found. Wetiujardt wa asthmatle.

Graduate of I. U. Married. fgpectai to The tndlanapoU New. CANNELTOK.

December 17. Dwlght Kewcotnb Muaon. formerly of thia city now living In the Veat. was married Wedrieadar nirht to Mlaa Ultlan Metx. of at th home of the hrtde's parent.

Mr. and Mr a. 11 IL Meta bridegroom la ril known over th Htate. having been, graduated with tit ria of 1AT from Indiana University. wiier rs waa a memoer or in tnanon Club, lie the youngest eon of th lat Fioyd iln, who waa one of Perry county' wealthiest cltisena ct tlie for 98 2)8 chiustmas 7, V.

I THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 19C8. "Zip" Wise to the "Dog Catchers" There? la a mystery at Washington and Meridian streets that a cumber of person ar trying to ciear p. Th mys tery concern "Zip," a tramp bulldog that has beta making th croatng his beadqaarters for six or eight months. Zip is a wonder ia dog Lfe. and caa recog nis a dog catcher as easily as can de vour a handout from th back door of a downtown restaurant.

For soma reason th doc selected Uertdlan and Washing ton streets aa a loafing place, and 1 always there or nearby, except at time when he 1 making th round of th ally door to restaurant. The dog catchers employed oy tn city hav had their eye on Zip sine th opening of th do; pound, and In turn baa had hi ere on th dog catcher, when th dotr sound wagon approach th Zip seems to know by Intui tion that It la Urn for blm to mors, ana disappear untU th dog catchers get out of th neighborhood. Th terra "dog catchers" doe not apply to th men aa far aa Zip I concerned. They ar not MRS. AIIIIIS TESTIFIED AT THE HAIHS TRIAL WIDOW, OF MAN WHO WAS KILLED AT BAYS IDE.

NEV LIGHT ON THE CASE FLUSHING. Jf. December J7. Mr. WUllant Annla teatiHed to day at the trial of Thornton J.

Halna, who is charred with bctnr a principal with hla brothr, Capt Peter In the killing of Mrs. Annia'a husband aa Annla eat la his boat at th Bay aide Tacht Club last summer. Halna' lawyer aaeerted that tn prosecution' witnesses wer all clos friends of Ann! and that there was Uttl doubt they had rehearsed the tragedy with the design of presenting aa unvarying atory. Ai new light on the case waa ahed today when Maine's counsel admitted that Thornton J. Halna had had some trouble with William Annla over th publication of a magasin article last June.

It 1 aald that th author submitted a manuscript to Mr. Ktpley, owner of the magasin upon which Annie waa employed, and that Annie Induced Ripley to return U. Counsel tor Halna stat th defendant then wrote a letter to Ripley, ssying knew why th manuscript was rejected, and concluded with th words. "I will get ven with him yt." Tha Threatening Letter. This la th threatening; letter referred to by Special Prosecutor Whit In hla opening address, according to counsel for Halna.

who further stated that they would ehow that there was no threat in th defendant' communication and that th epteode simply Indicated Annia'a feel 1 tng toward th author. Th lawyers stated that they would prove that Halna, sum itlme previously to this aCalr. bad Annla discharged from a position with a publishlnr company. It will asserted when th defense presents It case that Thornton Halns and his brother went to Bays Id to establish a home, a her the former young daughter. Molly, a sufferer from a throat affection, might hav th benefit of country air.

Will Not Ue Model. When courrf opened to day us tic Crane announced that be had decided against the us of th model which th defen had prepared to ahow th relative positions of the parties at the time of the hooting of Annts. "It la clear." he aald, "that thia model la out of all proportion, and give a faJs Impreaelon to th Jury. I would auggest that you obtain a photograph to show ita correctness, and then It may be used." Counsel for th defense noted an exception, and the Htate called Dr. Johnson MaaLeod.

of Flushing, to the stand. He aald he went to th Uaysld Tacht Club August 15, and found Mr. Annla lying on th float. "Dr. Houghton waa ther.

and there wer several club member walking about. Ther wer several gunshot wounds in Anns a body, ana I directed his removal to the hospital." "Did you aee Dr. Jones, the bouse pnvaician. tn th hospital "Te. Hav you seen him sincef "No." On cross examination th witness said bs thought Dr.

Jones waa now in 8yra cue. Accompanied by Wife. Dr. Leo 8c mock, house surgeon of Flushlnr Hospital, testified that Dr. Jones brought Ann I to the hospital, and that the Wounded man 'waa accompanied by Mrs.

Annla. Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell and other friends. The witness told of numerous wounds round tn An ni a body.

annla. lis said, died from shook and I hemorrhage brought on by om of th wounds Joseph iiloodgood. of Flushing, sail fed that he attended Annls at the hoe pital. Annl wa etherised, th physician said, and examination disclosed about twenty gunshot wound from entrance and exits of th bullet. Annla died from shock snd hemorrhsce.

Dr. Bloodgood saiii. One bullet nade six wounds, the witness said Croes ouestioned. Dr. Bloodgood said Annla waa in th hospital about twenty minute oeror was emenxeo.

you Annla idle?" "I did not." Mr. Mclnr asked that In view of the iacf r. i tie wunesa uia not see Ann is in death the testimony stricken out. Justice Cran reserved dectsioa. Pr.

Walter Frey. of Long Island City, th coroner's physician, described th autopev. He discovered twenty external wounds, and then tn detail described what he had don in tracing th course of the nuneta, Saw Her Huaband Die. Dr. Frey wa abected to a scorching cross examination, and then the erosotu tor caUtd Mrs.

William Acnl to the stand. She aald: "I am the wlf of William E. Annls. My nam Is E'len Annts. I wa present at a death.

Dr. scr.rooex waa toere. "lHd you ae your husband dieT Yes" That la all. aald th district attorney Mr. Mcletrr said that th district at torney should exhaust tn witness upon all her knowledire of the cas.

Justice Crane said it waa not necessary at thia tfcie "Then I have no said Mr. Urlmm. Justice Crane drew from Mrs. Aunt thst ner rusrn i arout I acioca oa August U. Mr.

Annls then left th stand. Point Pistol at Blrchfleld. Charles A. Blrchfleld. a member of th Baysid Tacht Club, described th shoot tug of Annla, after which said: TTh defendant pointed his run at in aad said tand back; he knows what hs ia do "I moved a little forward, and tha defendant aald.

'Don't Interfere. Tou will pet the same thin." The witness said he heard three dtaunct aad. separate shots and several others tnt came together. The tiring ceased after the run was pointed at me," said Mr. Birchfield.

Ann's then came from around tb mast. and whether he touched the Coat I don't know, but he teU Into th water and two men pulled him out. catchers, for th reason that Zip has beaten them tn many races. Zip 1 always on the alert and no on can walk toward Kim without beta boticed. New for th mystery.

Zip appeared at th crossing yesterday wearing a brand rew eoliar and a dog check. Hs sat down on the sidewalk and with his hind feet he scratched at his neck nnfli be was tired, with the evident Intention of getting rid of the eoliar. When corner patrolman pool noticed th dog forgot all about bis duties la th street. Th patrolman bad seen Zip every day for many month. and wa Pool, himself, who named the do; arly in th aumroer.

I am turt Zip 1 not owned by any cn, declared Pool, "and bow In th world did he get that oo.iar and check on him Ail th business man about ber know Zip a a tramp and a street loafer bee us spends all his tlm at thia corner. I can't understand how any on couta rex Close cnouRn to Zip to put the collar about his neck. It's a sure thing th dog catchers In disruia couldn't ret wuhin fifty feet of him in a week's time." movea away wr.en pool ap proacnaa in an errort to Inspect th cnecK. DAY'S RECORD OF VITAL STATISTICS Marriage Licences. William Davis aad Clara M.

Montagu. Marti C. Fpecht sad Cora M. Connera Job M. TJnch aad Nancy Cord rev.

Joha W. Claft ey aad Ida WesterneJd. i Birth Charles aad Slsabeta Kress, UOt Orange sin. Janes sad Annie Cash. V7 Harrev nor.

Joseph and Mary Cain, 141 Washington boy. Everett and Kdaa Mssssy. KS W. Michigan Waiter snd Mamie Jlnaa, ttll Fsndergaat rirL Thomas aad Carri Hawthorn. TT Bicktng Ennls aad Effls Barney, tVd IVoweU ava.

Hurry sad Blanch Jaooba, 1XS Prospset sc. boy. Wlnfleld and Osrtmd Anderson, tm S. East sc. girl.

Frank and Gertrude Qela, all XL Downey Joha and Annie McRoberts. W2X B. Olive aC. slrL Edward and Mary Olsso, C2f Prospset 'Toha sad UU1 Powsra. ISM Lambart boy.

Frederick snd Barbara Abraham, E. Sanders girl. Herman and Lula May, lmt Miller girt ruu iea ana auutis nau. ia mm boy. Charles and Ida Lenta lttt Beiaaer girt.

Henry and Mary Klaalng. U14 Naomi bov. Veatel aad Amanda Power. I2t W. MeCarty sc.

gin. Oaorge sad Clara fasts. US a. Alabama gn i. WlUlam aad Call! Woesensr, Millar st.

boy. William, and Evelyn Weasel, I7ES Mergaa boy. Ulnas and Elisabeth Deraalaa. 160SH N. Sen ate ooy.

Joha ss4 Philsntaaa Senate 1.. girl. Orandvtll aad Elisabeth Jenkins, IMS Mctaln giru John and Sarah Ward. W. Rsv bo Homer snd Ada Wilson.

U0 EL Twenty fifth slrL Burt asjd Ksllle Walker, 47 W. Seventeenth Death Returns. Fal WuerffeL Tt reara Cltr RosnltaL tv pnuia lever. Laura Nan. S3 years.

ZM Wyoming St, thrombosis. Charles R. Balka years. Via N. Meridian at Interstitial nephritis Kate otan, 4 ytara, ut Blake ah, vatva lar Insufficiency.

Roaa A. youndston. 114 Central tn. fluenaa. Mary Blum.nstock.

7 rears. TJttla Sla ters of the Poor, mitral tnenfflclency. Martha B. Chapman. 4t yeara lili B.

Trs bsi su. miersuusi nepatitia Building Xrwtn aetata, repair to Denlaon HoteL Psnn aylvanla and Ohio ata. ITSO. A. J.

Everttt. two story cement and frama business dwelling, corner La Salle and Michi gan eta. si.ew. 1. 8.

Hoillday. addition to brick building. Ohio snd Alabama sia. M.vXL Charles E. fimtth.

ons storr frame heuea. 1211 aeyatoBs gicoa. Josephine Thatcher, two story frame fcoosa I L'Diversity fltM. Marietta Robinson. Mhlaals.

Ill W. Baht sent tTS. Emma Powell, frame bouse. XZlf B. Merid ian sC; txao.

obn H. Gsjl tro torr rrame bouse. Dear. bora at, near Eleventh. t2.7uO.

COUNTY COURTS' RECORD. EXTERIOR COURT. Boom I Clrt Z. Wiley. Judge pro Tern.

Lrna va Mnehrman: mechaak 'B hen: find ing for plaintiff fir tl nrindpal due. and Hi. total, lit. and that Hen should bs foreclosed; judgment wttnout relief accordingly. Hutter Beld et al va.

Whltlorki aopeal Iron Kelly. justice of pesos; oa trial by court. Room sWaraes M. Leathers. Jadga Schofleld va Schofleld: modify deer snd restraining; evidence heard; plaintiff restrained from removing minor child from 8tate; takes under advisement ss to modi Acsttoa of decree.

Hamrlch va Grimm: ac count evidence heard: taken under advise ment. Johnson vs. Wlshard st aLt fore elosare; dismissed aad costs paid. Room Vtnsoa Carter. Judge, Jha Dam pies va Edwsrd T.

Kornelt flndtnsr aad luda sient ssalnat defend ant for hi and costs; decree of foreclceure. Island Coal Com pany vs. Henry la. ing et sX; finding and judgment asalnat defendant Henry M. Wing for wnaout reusr an coeta American Law Bonk Company vs.

Reporter Publishing Cons ray et ai dismissed snd costs paid. Oliver K. Ford va. Adama ExDreaa Conuair et aii oa trial by jarr. Room Clarence E.

Wetr. Jodg. Sarah Bay va City of Indtaaapolla: dam Jury returns verdict for plaintiff lor H.S9S. Bsoss SPUay ad re. Braadenbenrer va Dawson: anneal from Justice of th pear court; en trial by court.

CIRCUIT COURT. Cnsries Resnater. Judg. Sarah N. Cook va William D.

Cook, anh. mltted to court defesdant defaulted: decree of divorce granted to plaint in Judgment acalna defendant for coals. Final report filed and approved the matter of the petition of Samoel E. Springer et for drainage; trust clveed. Mad line Panvry va Edgar Harrlsoa; finding rescbed; Jwls enect agsiast defendant tor 1 and coats; lie parable oa leUt dav of each month, bea lnning the day.

0f jano sry aad tnerearter until tne full smount is paid. C. J. Doaiey vs. Mamie Donley; for di verre; hesrtns postponed until I m.

ta dar. Sosie C. Orajnluur va. Jobs C. Ofsmlinar: foe dhroree; suboiltted to court; evidence heart: takes ander adriarmeat.

PROBATE COURT. Merle J. A. Walker. Judae.

Wllbehatna Kach vs. rkaavnis M.iW et al to set aside will; will set aside; costs against plaintiff. NEW SUITS PILE IX WUtiam H. Insiey. doing bostaees ss Tna ley MasafatnriBg Company, vs.

Turn Tur tle.Wagoa Company; note; Circuit Court. BurVett Speaks for Postal Banks. WASHINGTON, December Remind lnr tb Republican that they" were piedsred by their national platform "to the establishment of postal saving banks. Sera tor BurVett. of Nebraska, to day.

speak tng In advocacy of th pending bill, said that they ought not "to jxiggl with th eonndenc of th people so recently reposed In them, and ther ought not, by procrastination to exasperats th people with th Idea that there are other lnCa eoces more potent ta controJilng legislation than th interests of th people. He stated that believed th fear of tb bankers of the com petition that postal savinsTs institutions would make for them were not well founded, that it would do in America as it had tn every country. take care of itsetf that it would tip its clientele rrora entirely different source than tb present depositors tn SOUTH BEHDYDULD TAKE THE PUCE OF HAMMOND PROTESTS AGAINST BEING LEFT OUT OF FEDERAL COURT BILL. HEWS INDIANA 44 WyatS rmfldmc. WASHINGTON.

December Repr eentatlv Barnhart I ta receipt of a letter from Stuart McXtlbben. of South Bend, in behalf of tb South Bend bar. protest tag against South. Bend being left out ot the proposed Indiana Federal Court bill. Mr.

McKibben asks that his bom city substituted for Hammond, aa South Bend ia mors nearly in th canter of th district it 1 proposed to create and ia much mors easy of access, all tha surrounding counties hav aocee to South na ty trolley Unea as well aa steam roads, while Hammond la only twenty mile out oe Chicago, where Federal Court is betas held almost Miutinrlv' an entire car ar.tinn nr Knuth Bnd la very much In earnest, and Repre eeiiiauvv uamnart nas taken up in matter with a view of seeing what can be dona He haa asked for av mafanuirc with Representative Overstreet whA is opposing th entlr measure. From pre eui moicauons it looks as though no, Federal Court htU would passed, uua session. Adair Offers Two Bill. SepresenUUT Adair has Introduced bOI to striks out th daU of Jun 17, ISM, in th widows' pension WD, which wa pejd last Aprtl, and aubUtU therefor the daU of April 13. which waa the dat of th paaaaga of th act.

Mr. Adair oeueve tn aet should apply to aH widows up to th Urn of th passar Of th bilL Renreaentatlva A dale imi. Inhntue um asKina; tor an additional appropriation Of for the Flvnml Pad Aral building. Th amount, $50,004, obtained last year, haa been found inaufflclent to erect the kind of butldinr the supervtatnr "hJtect 0f the Treasury thinks Elwood suvuuj. nave.

Dlsesss In Pullman Cars. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chief of the chemistry bureau of the Department of Agriculture. Is authority for the state ment that the Pullman Car Company will th next concern In the United State to be Investigated.

Th lntereat aroused by th tuberculosis exhibit her Is still felt in official circle and th movement for aaf and sanitary car Is a popular on. We have taken eamnlss of material breathed by th sleepers in Pullman ald Dr. Wiley in an Interview, "snd we ar analysing it to find out what It la don't know what It is. All wa know that it isn't air. I Danger In Railway Travel.

"Without doubt thousands of th caaea of infectious disease that occur day after day without any source of contagion ever being discovered, are caused by micro organisms absorbed Into the system during railway travel Outsld of a laboratory It would be difficult to find a more congenial horn and breeding place for microDe man tn modern upholstered sleeping car. Nearly all I seas breeding bacilli thrive In moderately warm and dimly lighted surrounding. Fresh air atjd abundance of bright sunshine are detrimental, to their growth. "Whenever a door Is opened or shut or any movement la mad In th compartment, clouda of dust are set In commotion and myriads of micro organisms that had been lying dormant on the walls and floors start off on new hunt for mora congenial habitat. This they too often find In th respiratory paaeages of the traveler.

Concerning Indiana People Senator Hemenwsy and daughter, Mlaa Hemenway, left for their horn In Btn vlll last evening and will not back until aftr th holidays. Matthew 'J. UcClarenc snd wife, of Muncle, are the guests of Representative aaair. otner lnaianiana here are: Mr. and Mrs.

C. Kelaev, of Evansvlll. and Miss Ida Magley. of Columbia Cltr. Fred A.

Blm. Secretary of Stat, was among th callers at th Whit Hou today. He waa accompanied by Represent ative Lsoaii. Geo nee B. Stevenson, of Torktown, has been designated by Secretary Root to take an examination, for admission to the consular service.

Postmaster Jonas Gross wlckl. of North Manchester, 1 In Washington, seeking a reappointment. A business Compel! tor som tlm ago filed charges against him. Senatora Bevertdg and Hemenway hav not yet agreed upon th North Manchester appointment, several candidate Deing in tn rac. The Bureau of Labor announce th death of Adolph Hlldebrand, of Indiana, who held a clerkship tnere.

INDIANAPOLIS MAN KILLED Frank Brady Falls from Sscond Story Window In Portland, Ore. Relative in this city hav received word of the accidental death of Frank Brady, In Portland, last Friday night. Brady waa about thirty yeara of age, and for several years was. employed tn th E. C.

Atkins AV Co. saw works In this city, but shout two years ago he waa transferred by the company to Its Portland branch. According to th word received by rel stives Brady was attending a meeting of the lied Men at Portland on the night of the accident. Degree work wa In Progress, and Brady leaned out of a win dow to clos a shutter, and In doing so lost his balance and fell to th ground. falling from th second atory.

When picked np Brady waa dead, hla neck hav ing neen broken ty the tail. Brady waa well known tn Indlananolla He leave a brother snd two alatera living In this city. Brady lived in South Meridian street before moving to Oregon. The body Is being brought to this city by the widow for burial. Th funeral ar rangements will be announced later.

annBTasWasaBBBBtajaaTssaaass "Houss Clesnlng at Lsgrsnge, Special to Tb Indianapolis Neva LAGRANGE. December 17. It has been long time since Lagrange has experienced such a "house cleaning" as resulted from the recent session of th grand Jury In connection with th Novem ber term of th Circuit Court. Senator Sidney Oaniard. acting as deputy irosectitlng attorney, wss in charge of th nvesUrations of th grand Jury.

With two or three exception th person Indicted entered pleas of guilty and wer sentenced. These case Included llUor law violations, perjury, permitting minora In poolrooms aad larceny. Church to be Dedicated Sunday. (Special to Tb Indianapolis News. OWENSYILLE.

December 17. The new Methodist Episcopal church In this city will be dedicated Sunday. Dr. W. R.

Halstead. of Terr Haute, former residing ckW of the Evansvlll district. will deliver th dedicstory sermon. Th new church cost IIO.ulO and is rewarded as one of the most modern buildings of th kind in th country. Tb Rev.

tL Toole is the pastor. The Methodist church was established her in Harry Thaw's Aunt Dead. PHILADELPHIA, December IT. Har riet A Thaw, eighty five year old. sunt of Harry Thaw, died Tuesday night at th Friends Asylum for th Insane in Frank ford, a suburb.

The fact that she was aa inmate of tb asylum for th was used in the second trial of Harry Thaw for th murder of Stanford White, when a defense, cf Insanity was advanced tn benaii or 1 Daw. Trying to Locate Factories. Special to Tb Xajdianapotta Kewaj LAGRANGE, December 17. Local citizens are working hard to make La granc on of the best oommerctiU points tn this part of tha Stat by endeavoring to locate factories and otherwise belpmg to Increase the population. Th officer and member of th Lagrange Tffusineas Men's organization ar aayicg they wl.l double th sis of th city withia th next two yeara.

Tl fT fl asm OF P1AM0S An unusual opportunity to buy BALDWIN MADE PIANOS at reduced prices during XM AS shopping days. We will offer each day from now until Xmas a number Factory 2 new Upright Pianos, regular $325, at. 3 New Upright Pianos, regular $360, at. $290 2 new Upright Pianos, regular $425, at. 1 Player Piano (slightly used), $700r at.

$185 CASH OR PAYMENTS. Buy HTOTC1 A im DHLy VV MM SU. 18 IL Pcin. St HOTELS AND RESORTS." HAMPTON TERRACE AUGUSTA. CSOXGIA Most marnlftoently furnished Winter Resort Hotel ta America Ideal winter climate.

Unexcelled ewlaln. Splendid orchestra Oolf. riding, driving, motoring, etc Writs for bookie. Near fork office, SUFlfU Ava cnnsyivaHia lxneo Important Changes in EfftetlTt Sunday, Dictr.b8r.Z9 lAltVlUJB DIVISION Train SI will leave dally st 4:00 a. m.

lnatsad of 7:10 a. m. No. Id dally at noon. Instead of 8:10 a.

m. Madison dally at a. m. and p. Sunday only at a.

m. CHICAGO DXVXSION The Chicago Egpresa, electrically lighted aleepers and coaches, will leave at 13:65. midnight. Instead of 11:85 p. tn.

arrive Chicago Union Station a. m. Local alsspeready at :00 p. m. AUCTION TO XIGITT AMD TO MORROW Oriental Rugs and Carpeb D.

MOOSOV, Persian Una Co. 4 W. Okla St. Board Trad Blag. HIGHER COURTS' RECORD.

SCrREMB CXJURT ACTION. Th Sunrem Court to day banded down tb follow tng opialooa and rallngs: liats. Fvaneia at. Duncan va state of Indi ana Ha none c. AfHrmad.

Montgomery. J. iluSX Lake Shors Sand Company va. leak Shors A Michigan Southern Railway Company. Lake Appsllaat'a petition for rehearing overruled.

Monks. J. UM Charles K. Boott vs. James Xa Smltn.

Hanoock C. C. Appeiles'a peUtloo for rehear ing overruled. Sim Chicago, Indianapolis A Louisville Rati way Company va Newtoa J. Hostetter.

Mont gomery C. C. Appsllant'SietlUoa far rehearing svsrraled. t. Pnonlx Accident sad Sick Penefit As sociation va Ellaa SUvsr.

rUutdoipk o. Appellant's peUtloa to transfer to Supreme Court denied, east. Cltr of Oraenfleld va Joha P. Black. Hanry C.

Appallee'a petition transfer to bu prams court denied. APPELLATE COURT ACTION. The Appellate Court to day aanouaoed the follnsrlns dactslens; art. Edmund J. Miller et ai.

va StaU ss rel. Jerry Hill, Henry Affirmed. Roby. J. Ma.

a Ion so M. Harria va Ed. S. Martin dale et al. Warns C.

Reversed. Hadley. 4TS. Tha Michlsaa Mutual Ufs Insurance Company vs. Cllftoo Tnocapsoa.

Vaadsrburg S. iUrvtM. comsioca. f.j. BUPRSMB COURT MINUTES.

tltlt. Chicago. Indianapolis Louisville Railway Company va Railroad Commission. Tlppecsao S. Appellees petition for oral argument a.

I M. e. Loals Railway fore pan va Frsd S. Case, Tippecanoe s. U.

Appeueers onec APPELLATE COURT MINUTES. I I. Lewis P. Shank st si. vs.

Chicago Jane. tloo Railway Ccsnpany. Lsport S. C. Ap pellant's reply brief.

M4. United State Board and Paper Ccan paay va bartholomew Landera Rush Appellant oner. Bankers' Life Association vs. Berths S. Agar, guard las.

Olbsoa Appellant's brief. MS. Celtic Savings snd Loan Association N'. vs. Jamas Curtis, administrator, et al.

Marion 8. C. Appellees brief. SMj. Hohrenatets Hartmeis Psraltare Company va Herbert Matthewa Kpancer Clerk's return to certiorari.

TWOS. Louts Doets, executrix, va Louisville ft Southern Indiana Tractina Company. Clark C. O. Appellee's pefdUoa for time.

Granted to January is. Faints st Father's Grave, ISpecial to Tb Indianapolis News. JEFTERSONVILLE. December 17. Miss Josephln DuMann.

while attending the funeral Of her father. Joseph DuMann, an aged French citlsen. fell In a dead faint at the grave, and at noon, two hour later, had not revived. Her condition cause anxiety. President of Swisa Republic.

BERNE. Switzerland. December 17. A. Deucher, Minister of Commerce, waa today elected President of the Swiss re for 1 by th Federal Assembly, ie will succeed Dr.

F. Brenner, whose term of oQce expire January L. WHAT'S THE USE experimenting with unknown medicines in cases of Poor Appetite, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costlvs neas. Biliousness, Insomnia, Female His, Colds and Grippe when there is as absolutely ears remedy, and that la HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Try a bottle snd see for ycrarself; also ask yrrar draggist for free copy of Almanac You'll find it very lnistractlTe and entertaining and well worth keeping for future TV II I' Bargain Now lor IT TnT77ITIT nf About That Calif brnia Trip I I Tha Overlssd Llniltsd is the preferred train for first class' travel to. California.

Carries standard A sleepers only. Its route is via Omaha and Ogden. Leaves Union Station. 6 05 p. dailjv via the i 4: GhicQgo, Uiluculico Pen! I Another.

train via this route at 10:10 p. m. daily. Car ries both standard and tourist sleepers. $7 for double I berth in ourist sleeper from Chicago to California.

Personally conducted tourist car parties to California via Kansas City leave Union Station, Chicago; 10:10 p. m. Wednesdays and Fridays. COMPLETE' INFORMATION FREE fvj Tr avaJlag Passsfli Agast 313 314 Lemoke Bldg Indtsnapslls, lad. itWW rtv! Lecrt? sryr V.

STEAMSHIP LINES. Pleasure Cruise 61 $350 AX3C7 LEA VI NO NEW YORK, FEB. lltk, 109, touching at 23 Ports of Call. Carriage rides and sJfht eecinf at eacB sort of call. No txtt it i except aide tripe FOR BOOKLET in a I cl OKLPICI1S CO General Accnts, Drcsdivay, U.V.

TVs a s.l 11 Smith Meridian St; Oermaa Ameriean Trust pena. BUI America National Bank. cor. sna aad Market Sta; peter Pflaterer. 11 Virgtaia Ava It) FROM NEW YORK Jry 2S, 1909 ti CHTYDAYS Tl $300.22 VV Tbseaetesey I 4 rOKTSVv 11 VV Of tears' I oycau, v.

xsnsoe All arrsnra tests sboard sa4 aanorsaadar Sireet ssaaage. aMsier SASBLafl ASlFBlCA LINE Isassrr Asxrlcss tsMlsfN 4MI T. CRUISE rreasel 11 South Meridian Herman Americas Truet Vt tl. ft. Amfrlxn National Bank, cor.

fennaylvaola aad Market ia INTERURBAN TIME CARD. LOCAL Ann 1 fJMITEU TKOLLKY BEKVltK FraalOln. (esassbTia. SeyntsT. i XasdavUls ad tstsrmediste Points th 5 pi uk rtvrr.sts y.ft i 1 3:0 fa ft DAILY lO OO Aa Ua d.

Old viom Mats 4 sew pfcose DR.PIERCES OdDtLGDERl fOR THE DsLOOD. LIVER. LU 5. Danderlne as rain and sunshine raises cropa It pro duces a tbica growth of luxuriant belr wnn all other remedies fail. We guaran te Danderin.

All druggists sell tt sve fcoc and per bottle. To IT ova its worli end this with 10c In stamp silver and we w1l ma'1 you isrr free eempia KNOWITOK DANDERTKB Chteajtro. Tt 1 fj ORK QUICK AR9 KCtPS I ORK QUICK AR9 KCtPS ITS kUtTIS. JVessot scstck or tajreenert rob, sitver or r'ate wart. Iie4 e.

rrDrrrst. a a ov 4 Fa r. free )' a sva a4 anaV SMS'. iesw MS sei free. tjea.

fcr raaji. ucgssseua, la t. I I I II NI VI 1 i As a matter of advertising we will put on cadi day from one to three siirpris; bargains. These bargains will be confined to: high grade pianosT i manufacture: e0 Leave e. 7 cz.

Grocccr Iluilucrc: PAYS nirjAPFa, end Egypt Offer tb sasurpasiaj ia Lnxuriota and CosJortaUs Ocasa Travel by kj wrest torn earners as a aa av si sr. "urciia," tea. Czrrzzh, izz. 21, tirr. 4 WL Lar aripls scrsw Isruia is Bs wwU Ser HmJttr swe ssrtis, TZl CHAM CO, VL Saw Turk Basasa Ckloar.

Missesaelta. Pbtledelpeta. Kt Lnu, ku Til. ae4 Jgwesrsai, ar yoe.l sins I Q02 'Hi FLORIDA If ye ssiiclpsts folnt Flori's tV's winter ot the acv tri ever a acv roats as put iato erv.i December 21 via ht Louisville Railrcdd sod leaving Cincinnati snl daily st IS m. arriving Knorv r.

mtam A fl ft A AAA 1 m. E. 1 1 Cl 1 A MAT. tl itas Chronts solid ri I room asd ftoserrstioe st, i esrs sad Siaisg cars The Best Most Atrrsctivs. Hours 7 sis ooerste fast alfM trs'osbetv Cinonoait. aei I Isli vslormatioa, time, raiea, sic address J. H. Diafc Pssa Aztnt, fj. 4 cq eiuoy YounczLr.

Tou may travel. sttii cV.urf ef amUMimtct without lsr oi s.cR sC i erviur other C. stress i. If I i ts ce or two It. I i.iS.

1 iiy never 1 ilsgTetl ress l.svar acU la.

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