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The Monroeville Breeze from Monroeville, Indiana • Page 5

Monroeville, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

11AEEET KEPORTS. I On account times Re 'delsheimer will sell full quarter barrels MosroiviLtK Tbarsdav Not. 22, 1894. of flour at 60ct. PEODCCE.

Corrected weekly by 1). S. Potatoes, per bitebei 50 IMfii. uer Ib 12c Uiilter. per lb.

Beeswax, tr Feat tiers, geese, per llr. 1 allow Beuns. per bushel Flour. er isack I lonr. rr bbl Unck.

Wheat Floor, per pound llb Mpuu Mill. itr bbl Jvew rk alf Ulover heml. ANyke Clover Tliuo'liy Seed 18c. 4c. i.40 Sc 1 2" 5.10 6 nil .2 75.

Corrected Weakly by the ville Elevator. Monroe Flour, per kU $2.50. 2auil4ic Oraliam Bartev Coru'Mfiil. new mid old.berlOOlba 1 Whrat. r.d and wniie, new Oat Bye BllCKWlltHt, Bur) bull iew York 2'Jo U.

l.JO l. ck, per iw Hs Corn. Has Sreu Clover Seed, red flevt sx .36 11. 5 2' no S2.75 14 17. VK I.

fUWUMieil Wool. ttj li i Cil.isKitl. It'" lbs Bran, pr 1':" Vtiiiil.tti rrr I'" Screening'. per bushel Oai Mu.i rutin iiO.l Corn, clsoii grouuu. 1..11 ui iay.

mieil an. i I'lnvc tiaw. and wln iil KIKW. I' VI'. riour, Middlii gs given csc'unuge for wln Ht.

tern feci srronnd Tuesdays and Sutnrdava. Cora T.Ieal. Tuursdays, McQcnagls Jonss, i i u. Grailite aild INXarble ivTm( i JjUJIM llJl.iN i aud all kinds of Cemetery work." Also' sione ami we invite all per eons an thing iu this line to Call on or address ns before buying. work guaranteed and prices reasonable.

Fiiii hea work kept in block at all GOME AND SEE US. Office Works, MONIiOEVJXIE IND. TOWN LOCALS. Frank Watermau ou the bick lint as we go to press. Lewis Fruit House, sugar as at any place in the state.

Fresh Fort Wavne bread every day at Glancy'a restaurant. J. cob Simons, bas put a new roof on bis residence west of town. Try our teas and coffees. The best in town for the mouey.

Lewis. Mouroeville is to bave another rail road, so savs A. A. Pnrman. Co.ue aud attend our Muslin sale Saturday at the Model store Special Bargains in iuiiunery irom Boys prepare for winter by buying i your skates at the Model Store.

mrr 1 W. I. Wass, was on our streets Saturday L.t for the fir.t time in near ly a year. Farmers continue to bring your Butter and" Ega to Fruit liouse. Mr.

Biabop, soliciting agent for the Standard Oil company, was in town to day. Ed ward's Bros are mom In the mar ket with a choice bargaiu for eveiy customer. There is some talk cf a Dew rail road coming to Mouroeville in tbe near future. Don't be bothered with a poor light when you can yet the beat ot oil at Ed wards' Bros. The mason work on C.

E. Somers new house ia completed. H. Krohn bad tbe contract. Kxep Wabm: This can be done and as low 1 I i i comfortably to, by buying your stoves J.

B. Niezer Co. Mr. and Mrs. Wa Sprague are tbe happy parents of a big baby boy welshing thirteen pounds, Trj flxePneka.

I For Heitlug. Cook and all kind of Tbe beat la the market. Go to J. B. Kieaer k.

C. The Miller hoaae of call on Main street ha been considerably changed around ou the interior. Wbrn you want good smoking to bacco tr cigar clippings to be iouud at the Clipper cigar lactorv. Mr Bukirk. a prouaiuent citizen of iloulaud.

suddenly died from heart truaoie. thin, Thursday morning. Mr. Frank Elks, Jackson town ship, returned Saturday laat from a weeks viait with hiabroiher at Ciucin uutti, O. J.

li. Niezer Jk Lave received the largest itoc a of btovee ever brought to tin, market. Cull auu aee them be fole b.iyill. The LaJie of the Christian church will give a aud Supper on J.nua. Uay lor tue beueUt of Itie new parsonage.

liev. Munay, is expectirg his father uiuiher, brother aud siater and tUe.r to take diuner with him OU jLhaUrglVll uay. Ou ucoouut of the mild weather' lu uiuer to reduce the htock of cloiuiug will make a re uuctn i.f z'o per cent lor caU. lleiuember that Thu.sday. "ov.

2'Jlh. let lite set apart, lor Thauks giving aud that appropriate services will be held ihia iu nboervauce Ol tUe Ui.i During tue pa st wtek the cr.cli of the Miot guu count have beeu hea.d iu ttcij uuvction ir towu Aiauy of lue luUoceut iiulo ouana aud rabbits have Uceu bagged. i he amiable daughter of Mr. and I ...1. jun.

UJU. eu iu uiarri iye iu rort vtayue iuuuanr la vl, JLnij. l.yau, to iiedeilcil Ho Us, ol the ouuuiit City. C. 1..

oiuers, has removed hid heauquai ia as lusurauce aud louu oUice iruiu the zis builaing iuto the busuieba room occupied by the Clapu.iiu muaio otoie. J( Ja lUiit bu iiness ip our business in towu n'Uiun brighter aspect in the near luiuie. We bave stood it thiougu tue K'eat battle judt closed and now look lor a change. IFioiiT Exciailie. We give 3b Ibtt oi 1 2 I'aieut Flour tor a buahel of ttaudurd wteat.

AUo exchange lor Bran uud Middlings. ELEVATOB. Mr. B. Crabell and W.

H. Baker, who have the contract of erecting the new frume liouse of Mr. lleury are whu tueir force of men pushing the wctik rapidly or ward. Ihe meat market of S.

A. Isenber ger, lias been remodeled during the i I past week and new furniture placed therein. The change adds considerable te the convenience and appear auco Cf the market. Keelev relapses cured. Guarantee j0 cnie Alcoholism, Opium aud To bacco diseases.

Board and treatment. $75. Home troatiueut at reduced rates. Thk Conway IssnTrTit, articles usually brought forth to rtnd Dwigut. 111.

the ir with hideous uoie on occassions James A Brown, one of Madison of belling, ou the occasion of the wed towushins most enterprising farmers. ot August Miller and Miss Ellen was at Van Wert. Ohio. Thursdav last. Marquardt.

Thursday last. August i. 11" Berkshier male hogs, ever brought into this eciion. It ii a perfect beauty. Illlffalo CIiop Feed, The 1 I1.U fr rllA LllM 111 tbi.

market. Cheaper then Bran and iti: i Middlings. 70 cents per hundred, wa, Meal $1X0 per hundred The band bovs are give a musical enterta our churches or ball various muaicai ueiec done, aujuhiug songs and essays on music. All are invited to attend when the date is named. Our farmer friends who reside a mile or two off of the gravel roads now are easily convinced'that gravel roads are what is necessary in this section and the quicker we get more of them the better.

This question is now bound to harrassing one to tbe farmers wbo oppose gravel roads until tbe; tail in line which every one is bound sr a to do. It is also proper for our town council to be making some preparations to fix up our streets. Smoke the Clipper and he Pnck.the twj leading Cigarsiatho raavksU. i i I vrwiTrtv ATOB. rehearsing to1 inment ia one ol s.

The program We Hitch the Dollar To a Bigger Load Than it Ever Pulled Be 'ulledBe a I 11 WinerrDit gains What will coot you places yon can boy for COc I 1 TT.l I Th IMF il Jravino ilnao ...1 1 Under Onr store bearted bargai $1.00 other at oar Pauia Sale Price. wear for Men. Women and Children from 19c np. Hosery, Cotten and Woolen, all sizes Terr cheap. Men anl UoJB wiuter caps at half prices, GloTes and Mits from 10c a pair np.

Ladie wooi Hose 23c, worth 35c. jj00iiH Fastinaters, Mens Woolen oyer shirts 4So Overalls 4Sc. worth 65c Table Oil Cloth, best quality 18c yard, Knit for men; Towels, Towliag L.lTul.l at nt TTRn.lber Handker Bed Spreads. Silk rordered mus supemler 15c. These goods sold to make room for our Christmas display.

Come and get some of the bargains, JAMES M. KANE 24 Caiiocn street. Tor Wayne. JnC Walking down srreet Sunday 'lust we noticed dandelion blcxsorus bloom ing as Lritjht'as in the spring time, Head the new advertisements of the Manufactures Sales lm Shoe Store aud Globe Clothing House, in this issue. ne trustees of the I.

O. O. cemetery at tliis place are considering the advisability of graveling the streets in suid cemetery. David S. Hcdelsheimer and A.

S. Bobmson. paid M. E. Ar a v.s.t tins normns! aud noon their return reoort r.

Argos condition quite critical. The following persons have been callers at our oflice since pur hist issue aud were credited on our roll of honor as paid up subscribers; A. Charley Taylor, M. J. Friedline.

II. Biillernian II. Krick, Miss Majors C. FIagu and Mrs. Majors.

Oth ers are invited. a young man who ents cast ot town, Henrv Minster, resides with his waren wiU spend a few hours each week for the next year perusing the columns of the Bkkkzs. He left bis order uhi bad his name placed on onr snbucrip tion records Thnralay last. No Epworth League services at the M. E.

church next Sunday evening. Public services ut 6:30 Subject of sermon the fifth com in and men All children especially invited. Immediately following the regular services the vote ou "the woman questiou" will be taken. All chimb members are urged to be pre eut and Vote. Mr.

Emanuel Dart, of Union town ship, Adams county and a well to do farmer of that section, brought to this office Fridiy last, a fine sample of white corn, one of the ears measuring thirteen and one half inches in length. He states that he has ten or twelve acres of such corn and the vield as an averuge is by far the best that he has raised for year. The small boys wore on band with their tin cans, sleigh bells and other directed the crowd under command of a captain io ms reUHian wiiere in were s.nisnea auu repaired to their homes. This Mr. C.

Hill, of Fort UB8" a rielit It was loaded into a wan to tlie ground The instrument reseivej but siight damage so says Mr. II ill. Ccmplaints bave ben made to us of interesting news that bas beeu omitted from onr columns, that bas happened in various parts of this section. It is not our fault, we make an effort to procure every item of news and have from time to time invited people wheth er readers or not to send such items in It is impossible for us to make a visit to every section.

Again we say our readers will do us a favor if tbey will kindly haul or send in all happening! in their vicinity. "We want the news and mean to omit none but it isimpossi ble to il witbont the Msia' Hni oa lu ol same to tue resilience oi auu juts. steirheim At the of MaiQ f. Zl and tumbled ou; the i A lata prominent patent medicine v. i fvWivy manufacturer once gave bl, op ion that we couldn make Braut ieMfSA wouldn't be the larsre profits made by Holiday FOli CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS AT oJJ be upon ns In order to meet the wbU of the trade we bave laid in an ex traordinary large Bt ck of goods for, notwithstanding the dnll tme thut has pi evaded, our ti ado has increased aud we look lor a heaiiby trade up till New Yeur.

The supar market has taken a drop of 1 2 per the last wek. so thafc all grades are that mnch lower. HoueTer we need not expeet manv changes in sugar as the trust that controls Ike market will not peiroit u. nth of a de clire we now quote Standard Granulated, 4 2c lb. Crushed and Powdered 5c lb Coffee, A.

4 2a Yellow, 3 2o. Brown Sugar, 3c. TEAS. is urnwii'K ciunf. me war in tue jast, iinna ana Japan, Ve of Tea but such has uot been the case.

TiierH is Teas on thiM Bide ns well as in Enrope and i he war scare ha piven 0lall to rwlnee and or off their surplus pooila. fortunate iarne supiiy on hauit ana win continue sell at our lat (juotations. Onr customers save at leist 10c to 20c ll. purchasing of ns as we pnrt direct of the importers in large qnamities and sell direct to our custi mers thereby s.vinif tneni the profiis of the mid. He men, such as the jobber and wholesale merchant, which are at least 10c to 20c lb.

Young Hyson, extra good. 20c. Cncoloi ed 20c, oOc; best 50o Younc: Hyson, choice 30c; best 50o. En.jlisb Mi ikfa t. best 50c.

Imperial, extra choico, 30c; best 50c. Oolong extra Bl ick Tea 30c best 50o 5 Guupowder, 0c; best 50c. Tea Dust, 15c lb. COFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE. All grades such as llio.

Java. Mocha and Hoaste.d. There has beeu a drc t) on llio CoflVe the last, mnnth rf iu I null uiufu is looked lor as the crop is largo in Brazil and the war beinc ovei pives a freo movement om he interior to the Sea board which was badlv interrupted the last two years. I '1 he Be 20c lb: Good Bio, 18c lb; Best Roasted Hio, 2 All Pack ngen astml such as I.everii g. King flee, Jer.

ey, and Ami and Hammer down to 22e. Old Government Java. Green 27c ib; Boa ted Java, 32c Jb' be8t Green. 30elb; Boasted Mocha. 35c Ib SYRUPS ARElOc a GALLON LOWER.

1 GoUn Drips heretofore sold at 4()c is now 30c pal lou, iew Orleans Molasses, JOc gallon for dark and 40e gallon for vllov. bright; eoods nic from Kentucky, at 40c gallon and extra good Vermoui Maple Svrup si in (ml inn. I OTT VTVyp TTTlvrTiC! A 1 J4 0 a Castor Oil. dou. What we sold at $1.20 per eailon ne now sell at SOcgal Ion; Fisti Oil.

otic gal; Nentsfoot Oil. COc gal: Machine Oil daik 20c gallon yellow. 3 )c gallon: Lin eed Oil, Boiled, 5c gallon: Laid Oil. at 70c gallon. Bow Liuseed Oil C5o gallon.

TOYSFOH CHRISTMAS AND UEW' YEARS. Our stock is large and well assorted. Xo eud to the Dolls, Albums, Vases China Sets, Dogs, Lions. Horses. Tigers.

Elephants, Drums, Monkeys. Par rots aud such gds as Santa CI aus carries for the little one. and'youn ciin be suited in buying presents from 5c up to $1 The Christmas Trpa be suited in buying presents from 5c up to $1 Candles are cheap this year: never have been so low; 1 we UHnallv had 12o for All kinds of Christmas Tree Colored jaiis Golden Dragons and Figures for Tree ree NUTS, RAISIXS AND CITRON are lower, than last vear. The very beet Ae Citron, per 15c; the best Shelled Alroonrls, per fb 25c; Nice California Batsins, Best. 7e per lb; London Layers, 8c; Bes't Zantee I Currants, Gc lb; Brazil Nuts lc qt; New Almonds 15c qt; New English Wal nuts 10c qt; Texas Pecans 8o qt; New filberts 12 2o qt; and Mixed Nuts or Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, 12 2c quart.

Wines and Liquors for Medical Use Only. All Native Wines, such as California Port. Sherrv, California Angelica California $1.25 gallon; Kelley Island Catawba, best quality fc'Oo per gallon; Alcohol is higher ou account of the tax being raised best qual it, full proof now 00 gallon. Scotch Ale, Londou and Dublin Porter 20n bottle. Whisky $1 25 $1.40.

$1.75 and $2 50 gallon. TOBACCO and CIGARS! Prices on them remain about the same as last qnoted. Hore Shoe Ping. 43c lb. J.

Mug 36o lb A. B. Plug. 25c per plug Tico Plus. 2: lb.

Durham Smokiug. 45c lb. Briar Smoking. 35c Ib. Mail Pouch Smoking.

35c lb. Sweet Conqueror, Smokiug 18c 'igars from 40c to $1.25 box. Harvest Gem. 40c box Royal Seal. C5c box.

C. $1.15 box. Ne "Idea 60o box. Artistics 65c box. All good smokers, Canned goods are reasonable this season, Tomatoes are mnch lower.

Hie verv best 3 lb Standard Tomatoes. 8c can best Pie Peaches, ICo oan California Peaches 17c can; alifornia Green Gages 12c can California Apricots 15c can; these are the large 3 lb cans and mo3t excellent, rich, vellow Fruits in heavy svrno OUK. MOTTO Large sales, and small profits enables onr customers to Save 20c cm tlae dollar by Trading at FORT WAYNE FRUIT It is reported that the condition of Mr. John Cline, who injnred in huts rociv on tiio iiiujcj c.i a. i Wayne road last week is quite critical, Bev Kain, was at SprincfUeld.

Tuesday last attending the meeting of the board of directors of the Lutheran vv rIle. nt hich the returneu uomj eunesaav moru.ux nimnfai lnrc with which to SU I Ua l.o.ii.'t lim.d that qualUy and quanitv are always fully appreciated as proven by the rapid growth of aale of rant VCXl ion Iu a.vfSLo. i v. Balsam, the lea'ng seller everywhere Large bottles, small doses, qnick effect, 25 and 50 cent sizes at H. A.

Shanks. Waned Salesmen sell a hoice and co 1 te line of NURSERY STOCK or SEED POTATOES, or both. PERMANENT and PAYING POSITIONS to GOOD MEN. We can give you exclusive territory if you wish. It will PAY YOU to write us for terms.

Address, Hie Hawks Nursery Company, ROCHESTER, N. Xi' 1 i Goods In vnriain inu A'W Tsars will i natnrallv was expected to advance stocks of dealers a Iff 1, Vft a 8c for a box for what Oruaments. snoh Decoration." Sr AND FEED Double or Single Bigs Furnished oat Hosea care one meal, dav or Short Notice and Beosouable Bates. readiness fox ses left in mr or week will re. ceive the best of care.

Stable ou ftiain street near i.oaa A. MARTIN Proot 3sl WOBK. IU illO UCI Ul AUCkMiv nut vaj IDs All work entrusted to my care will bs guaranteed to give satisfaction. ISAAa J.ONESis i.

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