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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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New Spring of Hats Arriving Daily at DEWENTER, THE HATTER and FURNISHER. READY FOR SPRING. r.r cnnmlotelv exhausted our stock Lfl TtlE, PEflRL QTRBET TfULORS. I MONEY TO LOAN Persnnal. Ken I Mnti' or Colliilcrnl Security.

Any Amount. Any Time. E. OvcrshJncr, Fourth Street. DAILY JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING.

LEGISLATIVE NOTES. -OttO'B Drink McLin's Kolatona. Cauliflower and radishes at Eother- mel'a. Sixty conta lor 05 cent sample sale. Ellas Winter's slaughter shoe sale Is Still ROiog on.

To Mr. and MM. Tony Saocknoy of the South Side, aaon. Soo tho buautlful kid tflovoa only 49 Golden Rule. To Mr.

and Mrs. John Hensell o( theS-iuth Side, a daughter. Youth's and misses' spring hool, 69 conts; la-lies, 98 cents, at CUo'rf. From ono to ton thousand dollars to loan on city Bon Fisher. Nlco spring weight jackets worth $5 to $10, choice OS oenitf to Jl.OS.

at the Golden Rule. Tho Garman Lutheran choir gave an cntortftlDmont at tho Sixth atroot school house lust evening. Tho fact that Hood'3 Sarsaparilln, fairly tried, becon os the favorite g- medicine, speaks volumes for Its excellence and merit. Will Small, Will Ubl accompanied by Mlsa Katherlne Miss Mario MoClinllC. Borl VanVoorat of Montioello, W.

K. McCray and Will Kent of Kentland, attended a dance in last evening. Lori! Cherished Eo lUh primroses as the sweetest of flowers. But neither roses lilies, nor buttercups are sweeter than the mouth that fair ono uses SOZOUON dally to keep her teeth white as tho driven snow, and her gums red as Juno roses. The Lyreimt Company.

The Lyceum dramatic company presented 'Oliver Twin" to a good bouse last night. Today "Tom Sawyer" will be given for a matinee, Tonight tho engagement will close with Down tho Slope," a sensational comedy drama. Awarded Highest Fair. DEL CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE. A port Grape Cream 'Tartar Powder.

Free Ammonia. Alum ex iny other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Tho Amended ft Jtutli HoiiHP.jt—Si'imte to Jt'otHlii the Indianapolis, Feb. '12. The Nicholson bill was discussed in tho House again this morning.

Representative longwoll offered an amendment to tho effect that nothing in Section 2 shall be construed to forbid tho sale of cigars or tobacco in saloons. The author ot tho bill Bald he heartily accepted the amendment. Representative Smith of HuntingtOD proposed to add mineral water to tbe amendment Hrst offered. Tbe proposition was rejected. Representative Longweli's amendment waa concurred in.

Representative Nicholson moved that the constUuiioaal rules bs sus- -ponded and tho bill put on its passage Much opposition developed and Mr. Nicholson, after some consultation, agreed to withdraw his motion. It was then agreed that the bill shall come up for final passage next Tuesday mornlcg at 9:30 o'clock. The bill amending the libel law, which had previously passed the Sanate, passed the Houso today by a vote of 78 to 5. Too bill simply changes tho present law so as to allow a retrac.

tlon to go before a jury as an extenuating circumstance. The bill will now go to the Govorntr A bill to require insurance companies to h'lo with tho Auditor ot Slate detailed statements of tbe character andQvolume of their' business, was passed. Tho bill was prepared by representatives of some of the larger insurance companies. Representative Salesman introduced a resolution expressing the loss which tbe Nation has sustained in tbe death of Frederick: Douglass. The resolution was The bill to abolish tbe office of gas Inspector which psssed was defeated today in the Senate.

Limited Mail." Among the attractions which Man- agor Patterson has secured for this season, none is better or more favorably known to the amusement world generally, than Elmer E. Vance's great realistic railroad comedy drama, "Tbe Limited Mall," which will appear at the opera bouse on Tuesday next, February 26, and tbe simple announcement Of the coming of the company will be enoujjh to pack the house from footlights to gallery. The scenio and mechanical effects of the play arc season entirely new. An entire nb- Sesllbu'ed train of cars, comprising a baggage, mail, smoker and Pullman coaches, the entire Jength abrogating over SOO and feet high, has been built under the personal direction of Mr. Vance, and is to be more striking- and realistic than ever.

Acting through the blood, Hood'a THEY ABE WELL TREATED of Bebeknh are In toe Affilr In Honor of Rokoao Kokomo sent a delegation of eigtby nine Daughters of Rabekah to thla city yesterday, and upon the Rebakahg of Loganiport devolved the duty of carlog for the from our neighboring city. The local Rebekahs remembered the royal treatment accorded the order from this city when a visit was made to the Howard county capital last fall, and fairly out did themselves in their efforts to repay ths Kokomo sisters' graceful hoipitality. The visitors were here from 2:15 p. m. Ho 12:50 a.

m. Yesterday after, noon at the I. 0. F. hall a special program was carried out (or the enter, talnment of the honored guests.

Last night after several candidates were taken through various mysteries, an elaborate banquet was served at tbe hall and until train time the hours were passed most pleasantly. The "Big Four" Bang several selections. Iho Kokomoms returned borne with the assurance that at some future time they would iclurn tho kindness shown them by the Daughters of Rebekah in the City of Bridges. The following people wero in the Kokomo party: A McGrew. Mrs Ethel McGrew.

Mr and Mrs Hurd Mrs Lizzie Llpe, VV Cooper, Mrs Ida Cooper, Mrs HArneU, Mrs Lizzie Crosor, Mrs Lillie Hall, Lizzie Ricff, Clara Chandler, Kate McCain, Laura Blue, Corena Sullivan, Mary Pdcen, Mrd Sadie Cols, Ella Nichols, Marv Ullrich. Mrs Jennie Maxry, Mrs "Henrietta Kucbellos, Mrs Ella Foster, Mrs Laura Brown, India Brown, Mrs Quick, Foster LonoraSmithson, Henry Smlthfon, A Smith, Grantson, Mrs Mattie Mattock, John Fee. Mrs Sarah Fee, Lowe, Pearl Puser, Mrs 'J Crook, ReltaSnydor, Mrs Mary Most, P. SAMPLE SHOE SALE. PRICE LIST.

SALE OPENS THIS MORNING. 15c Sample Lot Children Shoes 48c Childs Kip Spring heel 5-S Shoes 48c Childs Grain Button Heel 0-8 Shoes C9c Childs Kid Button Toe, 8211 75c Childs Kid Button Square Toe 7uc Ladies Kid Button, Patent Tip O3c Boj Samples Congress and Lace 98C Youths Calf Button. Sprins Heel 98c Youths Sample Assorted Congress and Button 98C Ladies Spring heel, Tip, worth $2 $1.15 Boys Gait Laee Shoes, worth $2 MO Old Ladies Lace and Congress, worth $2 I.OS liens Congress- and Lacfi Shoes C5c Sample Lot Ladies Slippers $1 Choice of Lot Ladies Oxfords, worth $8, size 1 to Boys Leather Boots I ilens Leather Boots J.75 Mens Rubber Boots 1.50 Boys Rubber Boots Mens Solid Plow Shoes Mens Congress Plow soled i.fcawyL*K^>-'j"'"*-i Moat, Ina Aloome, lialtle Evans, Rich. Mrs Key ton, A Oj'ler, Oregon, Mrs Mollio Jones, Mrs Millie Uerch, Annie Dobbs, Mrs Rose, Mrs Millen, Mrs Geo Breadbone, Mr and Mrs Stanford, Mr and Mrs A Campbell, Mrs Arnott, Mrs Lizzie Creson, 'Mrs LUlie Hill, Mrs Lizzie Rlotf, Mrs. Dell Klstler; Ida Allison, Jennie Conn, of Remington; Clara Chandler, Kate McCain Laura Blue; Cal Harrison, of Camden; Lorena Sullivan, Mrs Paden, Mr and Mrs Danner, Mrs Mitchell, Maggia Wolf, Mrs Richter, Mr acd Mrs lines, Mr and Mrs Ernest Davis, Jennie Smith, Mary Coafer, Keller, Mrs Flora Keller Miss Elsie Smith, Camden; Miss Ida Dutton, A Corbln and VV Burnett, ot SharpsvlUe: Gushing, of Daodsvillc; Miss Virginia Smith, Miss IdaSlpo, Miss Mary Show-alter, GW Eicherson.

Battle Turpin, Jennie McDowell, MM Wilson, Wilson, A McCamen and wife, Mrs Ly'dia Rcdmon, Miss Lou Langdon, Miss Mattie Dimmett, of Sharpsville; Mrs Roam, Mrs Louise Butler, of Goodland, ATTRACTS ATIENTION. The Tri.U of KHey the court Jloom Went Out nt 10 V. H. Rlley Ellis, 27 years of age; a team ster; having lived in Logansport for seven years; said by a number of men to be a peaceful, industrious, honest young man; a man who was, according to sworn statements, peaceful, except when drunk; waa on trial yes, terday before Judge D. B.

McContxell and a jury on a charge of assault with intent to kill Warren Knowles, one Sunday evening in January. The jury, after thirty men had been rejected, waa finally made up as follows: Henry Chilcott, Willam Fidler, Charles F. Sheets, John Guy, Mart Elliott. John Carson, W. S.

Stal naker, Hocry Potthoff, Charles Breck enridse, Joseph Polk, Samuel Dela outer aud William Furrow, For the crime in which RlUy Ellis was charged with being implicated Harry Worsen is at present serving ii e. The story told yesterday EUia in the presence of a crowd spectators that filled the court room and the epace inside the rail, and tb statement made by Knowlee, were substantially the lame have ap peared in the written statement made by Ellis few day alter the shooting of Worden, was in troduced aa evidence, as was an affidavit of Worden in which be said Ellis had no knowledge whatever, bis (Worden's) intentlonB with tion to young Warren Knowles, ani that Ellis did not know that hi (Wordeo) had a revolver. side introduced six wltnesse who testified as to the reputation am general moral character of the pris oner on trial. John Medlmnd. John Haw kin $1.25 1.25 1.25 1.

1. 1-25 Ladies Peerless Gaiters, actual Small sizes only. Meas Calf Cordovan ami Donpola Congrest and Lace, worth $2.50 and $3. Ladies Frenoh Donsolas, narrow squart toe, patent leather tip. worth Choice Ladies Sample Kid Button, urnle.s to worth £4 to ifens Pine Calf, spriofi style, toes, all Picca- sizes anil widths, worth L-id-es Patent Trimmed Lace Shoe dilly toe, patent tip, worth 99c Misses Kid Spring.

worth $0 ii'S Fine Press Button all worth styles and id Lace, Sam- and Congress, worth from 3.50 1.25 Cult, sizes. Mens Patent Leather, Lac Hand Sewed, best to Hen's Cordovau, Enamel, and Tan, latest styles, all so to s7. Ladies Kid Button ami Lw, s'imll sizes 1. 1 1-2, -2, 2 1-2. 3.

all new goods, latest worth V- 50 to $3- Hens Plow Shoes. OTTO CLOTHIER and SHOBR, feat Sample Shoe Sale now going on. was a peaceable, bard working man. Wm. Bopp.

Uoulleb Sshat-fer, Jno. R. Ray, P. B. Titua and others were )laoed' on the stand to show up the dark side of Ellis' makeup.

The estimony was all in 6 A hereby challenge Prof. PlUlin to epar a fifteen round contest for points only, with an unknown whom I may name, weight 150 pounds, nt any time may The and any public bull said o'clock, and geleoti conditions of contest to bo after supper tho case was again taken mllv nere ed on later. I further up. The arguments by counsel, C. E.

Halea'nd Geo. W. Walters for the M. D. Facsler and George Gamble for the de- ecee.

and tho court's locs to tte twelve consumed several hours, and the jury did not the case until 10 45. Should a decision bo reached before -9 a. m. today a sealed veraict will be returned. NOTES The big court room was Ql'cd with eager listeners of both sexes at all stages Of tbe trial.

The interest the case has' been unusually strong and sustained. Warren Knowles told his story In a convincing way, and was a good witness for the State. Riley Ellis said on tte stand that when he presented a bay fork at the breast of the officer who entered tha Medland barn in search of him, it was with the idea of defendlngthe property from unlawful prowlers. He gave up when he saw who the visitors were. The speech of George Gamble, the rising young attorney, who appeared for the defense; attracted much attention, and was pronounced an able, logical discourse, that would do credit to a much older ai more experienced advocate.

Two Boy r.itlent« George aod Charles Mackey aged 9 and IS yanrs respectfively. returned yesterday to their home at Rochester after spending several months under treatment at Lone Cliff hospital for acute mania, brought on by typhoid fevtr. The lads are pronounced cured. Girls mil Women for Clerks. don'i want in my i ffice; can't depend on they are always giv.

Ing out when most needed," says a business man. Zoa-Fbora (Woman's Friend) cures sick and nervous bead- ache and periodic troubles, making women strong and reliable. Sold by B. F. Keesling and Coulson Co.

In of The funeral of Lawrence Farley, who died Feb. 3d at Indianapolis, was held yesterday. A sUw of the deceased, Mack Langton of this cltv attended tbe funeral The remains had been kept in a vault since the death occurred, because of body watchers. The death was a oce, and could not be eiplaiaed. mutually agreed on later.

I challenge him to furnish proof Mike Mooney of St L-uia was at oao time his pupil as he claims and nm wi'llog to but uiua any HIBOUIU of money ho wishes inni iu no time waa Mooney underbid tutilng-v Jonx R. HOW HE WAS ACCEPTED. ro Imlooil In Way to Win Si-cri'tarj- una Secretary Chase was inordinately jealous of any apparent invasion of the appointing powur of lus office. His warmly supported theory was that each head of an executive department should exercise exclusive control of all the appointments and removals in his branch of the public service. This, of course, would leave the president absolutely shorn of all power iu the matter of making appointments, whether important or unimportant.

If the secretary of the treasury were to be supreme in tbe choice of an officer to fill tbe most considerable place in bis department, then the secretary of state should also be the sole authority in respect of selecting foreign ministers to represent our government abroad. Secretary Chase not only held to this riew, at least so far a.s his own depart- mcnt was concerned, but be also re- seated tbe interference of congressmen, and more than once brushed aside president, senators and representatives iu his determination to make irnpor- tant appointments without their consent or Brooks, in Century. Now The Orleans has this interesting story of two literary celeb-, ritics ilia recent iNsut-: Tho late ProL; Aytouu was dill'idcnt when mnkiijfr propels of to liinily who after-, bis wifo. The re-, aiiinileil him that ln'Core shcnM her oonsonl, it would bu nc-ccs- to obtain lior falhor's "Vou must 1110," the suiior, "for i could nut summon courage to speak to the professor on the' subject." is in the said the lady. "Then you had better go to him, said the suitor, "and I will wait your return." The- lady proceeded to the library, and, i tailing her father ufTcctionateK' by tboj liandTncntioned that the professor hadj askcdjier hand in marriage.

She add-, 1 accept his offer, pnpafj Jicisso di'lldent thai, ho won't speak'. to you nboul it himself." "Then wo must deal tenderly his feelings," said the hearty Christopher. "HI write my reply on slip of paper and pin it to your back. "Papa's answer is on the back of my; dress," said Miss as she entered; the drawiiifr-room. Turning aroundJ the delighted suitor read these words the author's -i-vnl ANN OPRKl a BVPATTKBSON, 4tU SEASON AND BETTER EVER, TUESDAY, FEB.

26. E. Vance's Beallstic Bailroad ComeOf Drama, Si3 TBE LIMITED JU1L the Wonderful A Four Act Excursion Into '-he Bealms of Realism anil Hnu. anoe The o-e juweme noveliy of a ovcade. Crowded Incidents.

over with merriment, Tbefl sbtof the'' Tne ThrilUng -H-ene. Ths Awe icsp ri-'S lv flclr jf, Ttie Blood innilliie TbP deadly at toe levn. TKA nT EO nome be pnto of nreate.1 mecaanlcal plar eve' prodoced- idvance s-lft opens Holiday morning. Prices: Balcony, 23: Parquet SO; Circle 75. SEE Incrcdulotiv.

party of tourists was being shown, over tlie'Critish museum, and in or.e oT. the rooms the keeper pointed ont a collection of antique vases, which had. been recently thsj up at Ilcrculancusn. "Yt'hat's that?" said one of the parts, with a look of incredulity. "Vug up out of the ground?" "Certainly, sir.

Perhaps some pains have been taken in. clcania" them, but otbcnvise they wore found just as you see them." The wise man turned to bis companions and said, with a knowing shake of his bead: mav say what he likes, but be shall never persuade me that they dug up. rca'lv-made pots out of tbe ground! says'a whale may live years. An elephant is supposed In some cases 400 years. What Zoa Phora won't do for WOMANKIND no medicine will.

Sold by KeesUnfcaod John CouUion-.

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