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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 3

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a 4 4 ft COURIER JOURNAL FBIDAT ACS. 18, 11, Ovx hundred ml Its widows wbokaa kudi vara ton at eea rrHi la Tan, Mam Tn grata art, or keeping (rimli It tew TmtamLratA bu a aew pieee of araaie tba "new Irevmrtwn bUrem." aad tb f. A GcororrowB paper Utk "Oar f. teed ending thetr obit aery no, Ion win pawnm 1 In i that they an ttvl far at the lata of tn srsta pm lane." A rauan BeeortaUoa la Memphis, knowa aa taa rtcataaltutalyor taa ftuswadof Chrknv taa Fwttaaa Aamag mMtopitt, tta eaton Bataj abaeajdei wtta taa faada. Tbb eKdarmlatia; victim" and "tbe short ml i i 'tta an of taa aairtaa erow aud "the tonal pots at arilBn flBgered ra ora" la taa If empata Tn crtamptoa lmrvrn working ot tta My.

Brgrai not old la Jonm Hi Be fon to ehell have beea at tba bnlmM anay ywanbew hta A. H. A cartaia tTpacrapairal an la taa stgnstan waald Busy tta de am artm hta Taa Awful wka writ np woawa'a tiag aay cold paiaaa wnh their Ttetaaai, aa tar. Tasy are faaTb with awry rantli rtcwpt tar tar ail III a marelrnl rteaidaaea maa ta ban latarnred la their behalf aad aatated the iarms boeewe ef the rxMdaof the woaeea. Tn berenlcaa a of the work of kmp laaaaia liin 1 Talk Is aiiansUy rat'Ofcat e4.

Taa tolloa ia ar mnm or taa cwaaluaa of tba arrt Jawraala of tba uuaatij oa. thia ilnsilmsMl: A naw of JWaaViV "Tb porsta ara tea will ta be ts(l." i. K. Jl, taste aaa. exsaaaaWts mmt.

It soya tti bad Bsar hah ia (nUasaisli In atda aad sou syr JUtany Lyr. 'AtttaastsJ 6csmr. wML "A id stir a httaW Iret. Umim 'M asasM., K'rlw srowrta paraala boat soit qat piaai." Xm Wc.

ht. Bart Btcrabre a Tr eoaspleooaa aoee. Joaqaia Miner faea is raibslllshad thfa rsspiet. Go'oaei Pfc'a aaaa is what ant induced Ml.a Bnam to It biatostttora bM. Ganaral' Batlara oraaa of awn anaatlea thai bta raU y.

BanosTa pra beacia la eaM to ban ban oaa of tbepriartpal caaam of tha atra amonc tba doatora for hia bedy. Heaiy Clay and iirl Wsostar each sssnsd a aooa tba I wpn the mslua aarcr to ba rotsottaa. sow Joba Coohraas'a boss mwald alwaya hue by that atom aeaia. Mr. organ Is ajlaaily iadleaiin of tbaeaargyaad bum uuuaotaal onsiliwa that ban faaacna.

Train's aoca ia nporacd ta ban bsd a Banned inflaaaoa upon bis Tta larrnoantbe Trr'tabta mdtoaaof raalaa. flojaia Craairy ba a rcry ssaali aor.S. T. Com. JrsTix McCaktbt write from London to tba Ton Ma Mr.

Paweett ia a bl boia Imar. omaiuaa acboolboy. with pint 7 of aahVmUaan aad a loue naoc aad no nlbar par tlnalai awallnastlsa for laadrnhtp that I kaaw of. Sir Cbartaa DOk la a rood yoacg nu. with mat esarar aad a rnansnilslila (aeatty of arntlna aad BadUf in'ormaUoau bat ta an no atna aay asm tan or desided aasaeity tbaa fnr; and bads It ta avach too early ta aay waatan ba nally ansae to ba a Radical ia tba kant nan.

Than la cisarty no Mlrabaaa or ConaaU to be aandaentof aaahaiaiaralsaatbaa. If mi It nboa'd hanpaathat ojt of tba raaks of tha arti amttiaulu ibsnsaoaldartisi ibii cawaiaa popular antoaviroaaa wan to land bla tallawa aad to coarsaand by tha fon a ot akumnn aad aaias th aua aad artmlrallna and awa of attar cla arc. tbaa wa ahall ban a red Hadiral ao aatat ban. the Saai rr att of which 1 should not rcntare to pmpbsiy." CIAS OSCHAU. The Old Tiaae Kealacky Wateriaf.

Place Vadcr tta New Haaaxenaeats PorticaUn af tke Rates. fCormpoadrnce of the Courier oaraal. CcaBUBCHaaaSraUaas, Kt lu. Crab Orchard Snrlnpi are well rnoojli tooai) to nved do ex tended dcarriptioa, aad rcr i ily no putti.y. Dor many year post thk waters have vcn strength to iavalid to whom other springs hare bera ot no avail, and under good management the place has tviry claim to be oiuvdrrcd the "Saratoga of Toe West," albeit that ha been claimed l7 a doen obcr rtsorta until It has become noruetbing of a by ward, and tha qaotatioa Juark smack of a tuecr.

But Crab Orchard has bcea too much frequented to need a fur Iber introduction, and there only remains to be vca a description of the improvement which have been nude this season and some reference to the ruets now here. Lest summer tUc rc ort, fur some fell into and tie aau ient habltuea of the place aeem to have been i hary ot returning thia year. some time dar.n tae piin pet the lanre hotel burned doe and It was hardly to be expected that in th few week before the season otcned another buildini; could be in iu place. Lai Apitl, however, the protry was put np at auction and curcuaaed bv CoL laaae rthi 'hv. of this (Lincoln) eouutv, for Tae Japrk ui a new bole! was immedtatclv com menced ar.d pushed to raid eoutietioo, so that it as throw open for the reception of uesle the Ah of June, aud the aprinva are r.oar iu iuil opi ratiou.

l. on the new building aud iu apjoiutunt i over 1A.UM. and is niw burnitr? brick to Kiujt'lKe immediately a lare and handsome brick building, to contain ot cr two hundred and tifty room, to be heated by steam sud li Ated with eas. This build'nx is to front I be pvesrnt Ian a Wi feet, with feet in dcLilh each. Tbu bniidtniririll beued as a female tcbool during the sebolasltc year, and as a hotel dunntr the sum aer an.

This Is a novel idea, but none the Icsa a cood one, and ha many eat ti to recomniond it. It is proposed to draw no. nt its patronage from the boulh; South im 1 may nd thclr children here, sud may join them at tueir exiiminaiion. mini of them probably to remain turouirb the of Hie isoo. lue children will be boarded durine the seapon si the same rites as while at ei TLts schcel wilt commence wttb" tle of Hie 8chlastte year, the Urtb of rk ptcmliei Itri, and, we learn, with err we.

uvH prof of surtcs. TOE SI MHOC)tEST of tfc's report has proved an eminent sneer. Col. Shelbv is a verv wrlliknoan iitTemaa if Ibis section and 8latci wa on the staff of fen. moos mickner during tlie late war, and aitrtwards npoa that of flen.

John f. Breek inridn. Albeit this Is his first experience hi the position, be nilnht be to the manner born so far as success is a proof. He knows how to keep a hotcL The expression la trite, but be ia the courteous cren tlrman that bis bii hla family and his education would mark him. else what hra said would bars remained unsaid.

The lmproverr.ent already made, we learn, are but the pioneers of others more extended. "Besides the new proposed, the one nlreadv erected and tbeo'd "Calico Row' and Ptj rra tory, fandtULr to every z.iat past ycar.tbe it canon iitt be vastly in advance of thia ail the that tv make a snrumrr reort p1 isnt. The fare now is excellent; la intendc to make it admirable. The accommodation now trood. It proposed to make tliem as as po.slhlc, and it may safely bu aURa, from the evldcw es now at batd, that wall t'ae nvt aeaon the springs niil not only recover all lher olden but will enter upon quite new era of poj ularity and conei iat success.

Tna orrT. Tlerc sre now cecn one and ecn one hunjrrt and dit Vad erenly tlve narrc Ut. wi these many are gen till and one hund nti tlie hotel reinU tittiiru attneted hriw by the rare now in piTeie over the Hill tonne. Jest of the viluere, but there are permanent aots. LouisvHIe is iareey represented, and oher portions of the with the rkiuthera States, have fur asfhed a haudftotne quota.

Many of the lielow namea, from amon; the truest here, will be ami liar to dcr of the C'ocatxn Jot KSat. Amon; tlie LouUville pconle bete are Dr. and Mrs. Elliott, Mr. Dr.

J. M. Kellt and her two eons, Irvine and Murrar, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.

lifton. Mr. and Mra. 4). Ppratt, Mrs.

4. Klehard BsrrrU, Irr. and Mrs. E. P.

Oum pbn Mr. Winston, Edward D. Hobb and iamiiv, Mra. Gen. 8.

B. Eaekner and dauirb ter. Fro and Mrs. Meminjer, H. VerhocIT and sow, J.

H. McGoodwm, T. B. McBride, Ballard Of (meats from Kentoeky are Cot. J.

Warren Grinnr and daughter, Vlrainht, and Joerph Mc'Dowrll and family, from Daanilir; Mis Kate 8. Reed and Rev. Ji Lt''' from Lexiorton; Mrs. R. T.

Hart, Woodford ronnty. rrom other Btate are, M. Boulleaaent and famllv, aad i. 1L Collier nad family, of New Orleana; J. W.

Briscoe and family. A. f. Browa aad family. Mrs.

An ew od Mlsa Andrews, aad Mis Bettie Scott, of Louisiana: Jude James W. Knott nd wife, of Maeoa, tnorg.a: CoL A. D. "oadTomery, of Aazusta. Georgia; Webb Koaa, of Alabama; tieorrw Oold "ij, of iMatloon.

Lllaota; and W. 1. mcOalre. 01 Bt. Lamis.

rrom this Hst wraat not he 'nitted Col. E. II. Taylor, Ma Sir. a.

Monroe, aad Mm. OH. ado trow of rrank fort, Kewtuekv. Theae ara hot Dmiioa of the neat to which ia added a of racina; nna from all portion, of the Stale. The Turf, Flekt aad FarmbaTi irpieartiUUre la rrttr TrdTTee on the race, to the poma ot air.

V. T. itraee, a aoa of tba tdltn. Mr. Beader Brace, who, with Mr.

J. L. Brace, of Ute J.uiTi)le Advocate, aad a eonespoadnit of the I'm iiJiwhil, comrade Ike reprbe ntattvn of the area) era. wbat. rt pass mi.

FarthaaewBo corn ber aot portleulaiij for health, aad thoa well enoti to panic pate, the devlm yea It temp are amury end mrioai. Ihov who have been hera brfore will reaMCnber the walk to tba rid, tba prove tba brown and tha alum cprln: to tba Lovcra Retreat, and the drive, tn the Epoom icing and Etirmne, wcB, aad will anderaiaad tha pleasure their nnmon bera have la the note cxperienca. Kvery eveametaw yeruiiv People liavt a bof In the aew bill oom, Ute mimic belni furnihed by the Danville Comet Band. Thia fa wvrlitron, timpisid wf nan rcBtluiaia from les ville, diwim mora than a naeeine notara. They are all atdetewra, and not one of tbem over tjwcwty trn yeara of age.

Thev ramUh, ta fad, adraliabte mimic, aad, la view of all the remarkable re tU rieet. la Utuieoaneetlaa I am rrwUaated of ffrurid bop ti be eiree on rrMay nest. wan, prowiisn ta bs nry socccis I illns ban brea aca to asaay parts of tba dtata, and it la hoped aad expected that atrmuer from abroad til be Dre.ent. Taka it all all. Crab Oraaard 1 not a (tJ a la peat seasons, but everybody norma to be the time eeiy aanerably.

Now that the aana mrr kiiiot wr aionr, aad tba fact ot aba I. nwroUwi of the old bot: 1 tains' aitvrr naanVsiarnt. the rranaiadrr tat taa an will probably be spent area am oa anaca awmw iirqarmrn. arr rurr ui. I ban wrlttea too of tbr prrpanitlorK made for this mrctiaT since tha bclrmasir of the war orer the bprlne Hill course.

Mr. urwry arria, formerly of the Woodhtwa www nrar uanasruie, aaa arrnms tha proprietor of this track, and has ra rr. lata ex tmatrr iatproTrmrnta to nmke it pormbu a ra the mn before (. J. W.

Hrnt Reynold of 1 rankCort; George CadwaJIndiw, of acxiBSToa; uptam 10m at oom, of loula rUle, and semal other bone aarn nave parte of I taw stabsae ban. Too brat ran for the rat day rnmmtautd oa Tecsday. aad, with tbeoae unwed quite tbrra brtoa; dead beats In both. Tba follon Ins; ia the co.a for the II oilman Boon slake for thror rrar old co't and nlllra that bad ne'er started ia public, oast mile dash, lor a purs of P(OVV araarawf ffoMaraa' btsS I. TnatV aMOVkaataCs er Dr.

Undanr, ansa TVk by Monte. tenia Lee. by Mad 1 Pun be nr Konuom. snisssd bnw tan. Ai nils race resulted a dead beatbetweea Gray ttockim? tad M'nnie Lee time, VAt.

The aeeond dash waa woa bv Gray Stocking tin iwi nana aew aeroua. The second un wa for a prem'nm of ISX), vta. lrre for nil ea. As Ita ta. Urbowa horse Kos er and Mnllic Cad had bora entered, a arret deal of Interest relieved In I tha IVSU.

and ouite an i nanon iw nnui upanoL oaaer aaa the favorite from tha int. lue foilowiaer ia toe mull: T. S. Moon rata red ea. a.

Foster by Leaiaa toa.4 moid Ceo. CadwaUadet entered ra. Jfoilie Cad br 1 nmatoa f. W. Hunt Beyaoula entered eh.

1 Matllla by nimn 4 Lee Pael catered xc. file Jneaeoa by Light luna. 1 line 1: The aeeond dah waa a dead heat between Fester and Jackson. Time and the third dash was won br Foataw time I ar kJla Jacksoa second, and the other two dta bcobd oar. The seeoud dar'a nmmnuMj lik koidla lace, oue mile, over four hurdles three aua a iuui ice uieu, welter wrisrhta, horse on ned ia the count Knot Lincoln, Boyle, Mercer.

Garrard, Madiaoa, Korkeaatlo aad Pulaski, Mrs. horse to receive eTU, second JU, tiil.d to, whkh resutled as fullona: Keener Parria an tried b. h. January, bv er, tana, this old I St oU Farria entered b. h.

br Bocer Haaaon. yean eid John Uiittnoa catena en. nee nnd pnusrree uuknusn a Thas f. Cty In thia race the rider of eilkersoa's hone waa thrown at the second hurdle and was tramped upon by the second bone, injuria: Mm severely. 1 be second race waa for tha Mvrra TtoM siaLr, for two vear oid rolta and allies 1,.

iry tbrrr yer oid weiKhu. mile dash, for a puna of RJ, which reauited nfuliowa: a S. ra. Mann eater rr. e.

London by Ucbt nurr. dam Zmrvn bv Htm. i Was. 1 Jennlnca entered ra. a.

by uiip. Aa ralisa, dam bv Lea netoa M. V. with raterrd a. by Bay Ofck, dam by imp.

Syihiaa bit A enter b. e. Loeaa Cruoa br Ln Paul, dean hj Jo "tuner. ..77.7 Bai'ejr tn entrnd b. e.

by Lee Paid, ana uy imp. buveraan 9 Thne 1:7. The third race wa for the Harris House ore. of tlty, 1 it milca daab; for all aices. wa.

ty I tenUunav nam Dtaia, bjr noeereien. I J. W. H. Beynokla nlffi bey e.

Hamndqit, (ear yean old, by Melbourne, dam by ncytb lea. Time taay The races for to morrow compriae a lf mile dtch, for all sue, aad a seouud for untraitied Mtidte bomca, catch neixht, nhk from the ltoracaibteted, proauac to be lutervatuuj. 9i A Blaat from Bea. Hill. (From tba Addrera ef tee How.

B. H. Hill before ait lam oj ita iui rmvenUy of Ueoripa. WUh every inftrcdant mora abundant at heme, we aeud to the vriiciaally barren North for fertilnten to xive life to our oritflnaily now deadened, soil; with the finest nm and exhauatteae coal bed peepina; ak us from our oaa lull side; with the richest land oa the continent, we and North fur bread to feed our children; with the noblest trees that eter lifted their tops toward heaven, if we waat a rmer church in which to worship, or a am convenient residence ia which to live, we send North for tha plan, Aw the architect, ai for the bailuer! We speud million of dollars semlaic our ebiltftrn North to i educated, and reluae the smallest, pittance (or the endowment of universities at home. Our physician and sunrcona send North for their medicines to heal, and for the toola that secure fViU in their delicate art; our lawyen send Noitb for the books in which to learn the ru.e of for our people; our prcacbera send North for comments aa the Bible to tei ch their flocks the wsy of salvation; oar tdttors send North for type to p.

int their pa and lawyer, preachers aud editor mike lorur speetbea, my Ionic pnyers, ard 1 11 whole columns, thaukiujr God for ujrior Southern purity li And our politicians, sh! shades of Uetuostbeon and Cicetu, bend down and hear the niatctileae periods of true pa tiMiuc eloquence. Our politician strut, like rotidoiceudius: Jupitera, to the huotinca with Northern bat oa their hnds. Northern shoes on their feets, and Northern rests ou their backs, and prove to reaping crowds their nne quuled tUueee for orBce, stralninir their lunifs as the tbunder tmst doth tbevieldiiur loud, with noisy deannriatiuns ot Northeru wejkners snd trreed. and climate calories on otithern power and independence! Aa Indiana Opiaioa. IFrom It L.teyette 1 Ind.) DJIy TUh.

Dem There a sou of war existing between the Cot aua JoTRKaL and the corotrv pnrx of Krt tcckv, and noire of them coutinttallr til.tinir 10 mil 1 tn Tie imninn oi that 1 Since the recent election la thalr tc cne of tbe.e count ir lars come at the F.B J01. ml ait'h a bill it hss seen iu nhicb Mr. John liodnun isrusrzed fltlfor a Bpomtmcnis. to this 00 the pur, of tbe CiHwxa JcirMV Is that "bui in jw is tmsine. snd evny advci emcut in that iper ia rharved IT i ropcr late, ard .0 far advenlaer tnd na fTjIt a their tbiukin': boy get their monev's SQIi'j.

A retort is then made lli.t ibe paper qitur'relitnt about thia bill, while it) ior us nor, la pcnelortcd on the porty. its editor and its proprietor each holain? a luclati' tTftice. Ihe fact Is ail thia hlackmnlliwr of tbe press should cease. The pi Inter is as de ingot his pay for hi work as tbe mechanic or tbe farmer, and no one thinka of mrlctiag them eternally for every ente. prise without pay.

lie contraiy should he tbe case. Tbe press should be flrst 1 aid for iu advertasine, because It "cos a great deal for all enternrkm for which nocharae Lever made; and thia waa eminently true of the case in poinL Wo doubt verr mitch wurtber the Uemoeratlc majority In Rrntucky wmitd have been more than twenty Ulousanu if the Corataa Jot aaai. had remained silent or taken opposius; grounds. Poor Ilarlaa. IFrom tbe Detroit Poet.

Republican.) Tl uicmiuiU Gazette, whkii, lmmediat lv the Krntnrky election, nominated John liarian, the defeated Republican candidate for GovercoT. for Vice Fresident, on the rround of the dtstrruTulahed sbPlty with which be had niana rd the Kentucky canvass, does not seem to stick to ita text with aav kind of vliror as the later return, come In. "When the Kirir of Vnirhtcd tbe captain of the rapia. au John Paul Jones had whipied leni so letril ly with the Bon Homme Kit hard, Jenceaatiaiiticallv remnrked tlurt, if he ever causrlit the fe'low on the ocean would whip blm ninch worse that the Kinr would have to make a rtulce of kin. bsp.

on this pilnciple, tbe Gaaetto wlil break a rain. and nominate air. Harlan for tne i rerocicy oiun seeinr that the later returns .0 mncb worse for him. Mr. tla hvn made reallr estlsnt u.

a mate when victory wa hopeless, and he there ore deaerre a better fate than to be made ridlculoo hr the Garetle Ttai drnt Jr orna rsrmot apoloeire too bonihlr anils nflensivc and itijuiiou offleiouineas in'this bu.iues. Big Cora Crap ia Nebraska. One of our lane farmera proposed to a grata uwrr uay IO CT1D BIB VMM CtOB OC ra at arten eeata a boahe'. Many people an aid that It sriH aot be wor.h tea eewtaa basa eon afrai arret tn tne yield on the ground all over ant; of not fool their corn away. Let tbem go like MorrUl ork'rkendsll, Thomaa A Co to Aaunma, aad bay Texaa nttla, or buy koca naulea, aa nita the.r ondiliao.

Let inn eoanty beoome rrent fredrnn and fattealnc raaura oa tbe way to the Eaaten asaebrt Let tbe MiCUnd Pa e'flc are that tha I0B7 talked ot aeeond transfer boat (a put la the river, aid thia w.U beans aot only the araiauy of tbe Mht out bat oa of the great meet markets of taa Wsat. Tha time ra aot far d'W. nt warn the tee asea can will convey fresh meat vey moral te tat Cbl es and at. Louis artels chaatee for tbe better ara Jaat befon ear entariTiaiaafarm.

crn jtiobr a As city hewa. lath. jfWhst WiUlam Tell did ss matter of ft lion, Captj. Trav a performed aa a matter of fact, ba Cleveland tbe other eveaiag, where be shut aa apple om the bead of a boy pace dislsnt, sending a bullet etna thriMigh the enter of the apple, which Kmaioed ttodi. turbed oa boy' herd.

THE GREAT SPEECH. Carl Schan's Clear, Cool and Conprebeaalre ConclaalOBs toneernlaf CarrcBt' i Compliratloaa. Hour xiMbiutls Af. feot tbe Arerase American Shoot. inf'aal Stal blng' Oa paeitjr.

The SlnncleTB and Cormp lion 01 ui AvepaDlif an Party and the Banger of the Befollio. incsDEsuo sotcs or wjjlsixg fbTiowlng are the liveliest portlona of t. an Loanrx rccewt great speech Chaengo We am pi from tha nsat, with tta namful i wed aa tta pccaBar ieatrea aad tajiliailnas Wa wk aay, men necessary, thnatha nsml of poUtleal dWamllttn a laaaaaarrM saa ee van none aaajors aixineaa a rwa aa rraucaat run iMrtvnwaraiaerdaawnaianrtrda 1 or a ismauna.v rbnnetnr. la whieb tta ataulata i laiiaian let cecum sens natanUy aver balanced in tetpostaaen. the aasnatoa ns to the shiiiastn seanhwatr of the it eaaaauved.

Bu thm enthodlmsat of the bwulm ZTT'lts 'w ir snil is. iiii.ii 11 01 ttaiii Bt lm to their places tta aloa marred tha rkneof the rsvnailiiiasiy pbana, and the only good man for tbe p4iia nl dlsnatutM lm pn upon ansa na.nt insn asiasil to anna. I andersiund tae nrmuaea very well with wbleb tbe resnoval a Mules ts eomhslted. It Is ttaanlirrmtnlene. HhaH tta Mann wile out punishment Shall then be no dlstiaeCoa beineen nuelaaad loralment et i.

Toe an ex clenuuioae have wir. aound. nndl wah uht then ia a ainl ta them wtiieh in enl.Ued to napeet. Cut smniliwisl exelaauMoae do not ales. fmainh a snfe rule of poiuionl netioa.

1 appanl to your eommna isni. Ton speak of put isataa retain with tnsns noitUeal disninUUn. Lo )oa know want Itay snastnt sal AU tlie ao I'Ucal dlsnbuiuen null ta iiatrsn nunply pre ut thine nne bad tnfcn aa oath to support Ibe Icoatuutimi ef tae I'm leu atmn aad ttaa iom ed lb reintlknv tram beiaa aineted or appouited to ode acnia. ustlsta saaeanUv nlwndal tta dianbiuty bra two thirda vow af Concrete, la thiaapnnlihmm for rebeluoar Weald It not. aa anch.

aopenr aa a awn nasofcenr Tta pun bnnM nt o( arent oflense ontbt to ban nt 11 set tta element of rsnpcvtalMUlv as. It on bt to pnaMirUou to tta arrataawe of the lt la Mfdoaed. If a event r.ot i. env. what wenld yoa think ut tta wsadoaa of your Lnlalatnn tt it eaactad a law wrovidiu that I hose nta jniklllMl mmumaT ik.

of Ita pnbue penee. or I hues who nae eled In tta worn. lwwn. ov wny oc pnnisameut, no el adii to tta oin tti bleaxor Voui lanskter Woum be beard across Lake iJ rhgaB. weh pmiitbaienta oaly I ritnte, out ttay Co not

Lrs dr, a. iaudina to tta dec stars of Ita fnum! ontt. the tbrory of mrnf with renrd totnese politic! dUnbuitien enUrnir wnien able. rata rouncat nnaxavmne mast, then, have a practical obtan. Aad what oliyntt Ton acylbnt In town, nana of rnmist; en rsioued toprr wtaaa.

Adnvtted. fat du the political dianbilttin proU a alarle I akin wan in ibeeouth iu or in in. la It protertlon. that a small cla of foinwr rebels a.e ta.iliplJa to ofan ir the pee pk then lo.un pms eleci'na rebel to utuoe. ttay rnd In rvety neultburaood hiuidnda who are tombed by no diaaoi'au nt Ktw uo toe uiMioUitlee deutruy any maa 'a en paeity foruvererrr Tta muhiet la dune br ooe vil bowic kaife nnd nvoier.

Ineli ibli "7 eoiee anuiqi aeiiBer a ana nHout na 1 or JHm atnbbn capacity, out rather stimulates h. Tta nunchb Is done by more promote at in (Uvaduals. throufh their Inrfinnsi. en pnbiieupln aoa. Innt dure not depend upon obeiei poal oa, aad It ia rather lucreased tbaa dluuntatad by th mdlvlduaia being "perawatsd," aad be com axaa obnct of ajinpalhy.

hat. tarn, lalta rraelicml nta. ii.M tm til a 1 i I 1. But yoa mignl aay that nliU Tr nnuiea rlaas ot from the rhrbt of votias That would. Irdeed.

t.ce. euros. 11 would neve tm Mm. area aniens, prXHwially pownr but Is tt aot evideat that ta a republic, when tbe whole poutlrnl ornanlsattoa of soetetr la based apun tbe universally of the auarnae. aa atranment ao aataaonistic to the fundamental pnaripam or repuiui.

saiem can. at beat, exwt aly a nry hearted time; nad that. If it eoatia nra. tt saast enrnt dnarm aa (rent, aad nroater. aa thorn which it wna tatended to avoid We had It ta Mlanuari, aad I caa apeak from aay vaa laavrraau aaxtxT or nauraajvcamawKH r.

Tba easmeion of a Inne number of ettisens "TJ po pw iieni im. a rue muady like ours, must inevuobly hxsd to two result. First, tt tenet, ia the loos run. eicitebad trePag aad produce disorder. ttt1v id af tmi the former and prennting the latler The reason ia simple.

Tun cannot expect a people to bee me. or be. or remain luvaL if you it I of 01 Kimonufflur cltl aentbip without sen tins to tbem tta etondwa rtKbta. 1 hum in Missouri tta late rotate Bafuwo to conduct tnemaelres na quiet. law abidinc cittaeaa, and the only vio ywiTiv.

nesure wuica wa had todeolon aron direetlv fin. aioa mm all poll Ileal riyaita. No sooner waa disfranchisement removed, tana those disturoaacn eeaaed altoawther. aad wa bow enjoy perfect re pore and order, nnd rem ml good feeliuc. Tuu may nay tne esner mm taa adaalssloa or tbe lata rebels to the puue did aot produce the asm happy rv mita, and 1 admit R.

But I am eertaia also that. If la thoca ntntes tbe Into rebels wen still esetuded from the ballot bus. lbs disturbances occarrme there would be still more irvipaent nnu violent. Ineiecond mevttablr raeatt of dituTraau'hiae meat la tuia: lHsfinchiaemeat la necessarily nrcd by one paity to keep tta other down, la fa. t.

that ta tta object. Inasmuch nl ths ratine i me tens ot mer, ancBisemenv, wnieB wil nlwava be wenewhat n.ittrnrv, nnd also ap pl1 them tbrorxh Ita own Ins'txumenta. the natural tendency will ba that tbe ruling party kref a itsetf la power lamr ly by aa few aa possible of its opponents id vote, nnd this ia not found to ta nry dutlevH. Ofeoum, tbe most unscrupulous pohtlciana are tn snob thines the mott use, a1, and taiuz the moat ufr they will noon become very influent nL The rcu't la that tta party organization fnlni under tXe rraua emi at 01 the moat 11 a ttnatwithv element, for narlr Itnnnr corrupt. on ro band hand You ffiv a piriy, however pure tt may oe at the eta.

t. the power vo brat tin opponent, by amply keenini: thera away from the potla fnstend of ri uin the popular favor by rood conduct, and it w. aonn be an ffeasii mn a of demomlluloa, nnd utterly unfit for rood aoventnenx. Inn srvei deUvrred in the Sraata I nlsted a few Instanen of tbe eoaaummate vluaay to which tke at sr of dlsfranehha mept ia Missouri and rives rise, and wbleb. if had time to repeat them here, would make year hair stand on cd.

1 have been eevenly censured by some KepubbVsns for hsrtnc eo operated tn divine nri dvsnlse to the Damoersts by aboUablna 'II Iran, hscment. thus ndmttttng thousnnds of tbem. until ton esrmded. to the noils. I solemnly deelan I would do It nanus.

If 1 ennnot amia tain tta aseesdrwey of my party by honest n.eans. If I cannot presern tta power exeept Irr eorrupt prnetlen and raneaUtles, so'h a we had to Wltaen ta Missouri, and which drove the blush of shame upoa tta rheaea of every honest Itrrnbllcaa. ttaa I am wilbnc to let it so throsaw a pnrirymrproeesa. however nnpieanans it nuur be. Tta moral tone in pnrty clrcifw ta Miasourl has already chenr.

since the nbobtinn of d'a tram hineaseat. Victory ena Bo looser be by simply disunita the opponent, and It at found aeceaeary to order the rssrii. to the rear rat luoi traiannu. And new yoa must psrdoa me for refeninr to the sennelen mtcry raised ben nnd there irr nmrow mlnded partieanawbo ncos mae no harh er mm ta political lire thaa partlaaa sneceaant whatever cost. Jiee what Carl Behun aaa dona ta Misaowrl! He baa turned over the Htate to till lemnerili," and eo on.

Vea. look st Miasourl! Then waa ao mate In thia 'nion where the war waa carried on with bloodier ro it wmM Beri ely ked nnd eon vul wd by nohtiesl pnanlon. aad when aeirhbor pereeeuted netchbor. asv. when brother perse ruled orother with more relentless batndLook at rt Bow, and tben point out to me a slarh Mnre not only arnone tbom ttat were the scene of civil wnr nnd nciebtarnood feuda nt even emorg taeee in wruVh no rebel ssaiw or caerrilln ever Bred sub.

Know me one when to dey more perfect penes nnd quiet prevails, when the rights of tbe eraan, ipated aian are mora geuersUy and completely rvepeeted and where aU classes of soeietj, In spit of their former aninmaltrn. work toa etaer In more eordial harmony ta one word, where the nvnee peMdoue of if war tare rrrvee war to a more eomole reeteretloe or 0.1 eiow sne one Yow will eenech in vain. And when I enotider thnt an that wonkt ban been Jeor arutaed. Bay. rendered Impnnsibln, br a loean continuance of that eompt and ttran rlcil ijm of diafreaehlmmnt, thee, mv friends.

I feel thnt I ban ao tvevwa ta feel ashamed of tba part I took ia bringing oa ao harpy a development. Aad. bow, I am to ba tout that thia wsa treaaoa era net the Hepubhe aa cause, beenue taa ahohttaa of disfranchisement resulted ta aa acree of Oe eratie votenl The (vest objeetaof ths Hepuhileaa poHey. aa always aadentood them, un libet.r. iisf equal rieirta for alL la thia sense I nm a Pepubtlean.

Aad ta tlua sense tbe imblie aaennae bee ncharred ta atlaeourt, however arre tbe r. umber of Democratic voter amy ban rrovn. Ha ant atensi aad complete triumph; ao price that wa could pay for that trtnmph was helther tba treat cries of sai row arbarled parttsnne. nor the bull of exemmuaiee by the PrnMeat, would asake ma htat a amni ta fAgbt for tha asms reaulta "1.1 i rara Tea. took at Mia to her wh pride, for I know srwsethinr histar ta Botttics tksa the mm mil is and diet rtbu tlon at public ahaaderv Taa aaa aot 1 caaa.

I will ae discuss hen at hma th the notice of aam.Mlo.ta the teoraee: etaVoedoTto no the potet ef view from wateh I look at It. '0'fc h. Aaaerb na TTortca, dowa re taa latbsssa of Irnrloa. Tnia "a rrvs ne pr pelsttoa af the Latin tnduuT Afrteaa ahiars, wbeb nne BMhtea iaiTaawal. "fh.ef ttaa wonid peonuess nsvuWt ef 'ZIZ eewafwl sselmllntlon wttb aar notltfenl avwieea.

"rl bnuTtfal BNteesTewt wader Batumi taflaneee wakm. fartae TIs where prrtultted tta (rowth of Itns InatHalliraa wttb any awe nam at etahiltty taeeTTeelaae ama urnrttaalr tbaagbm fnm tba aavsnau wbtsb suelded aa, aad daws tbem ta thenwnath waaanm naiwna. Wa man, aadaona ta re a ttaas lbs siinsn' 11 mmr tlnsMt. In this iw prut aotbanr in men da. tnnt inas aannttr wsa net xranted toag aaa.

I admaa and ban atwava admRtad, tbaa. darinc aad baaMdlatalT nrter tba emaa of tta war. tt waa a aatanl aauar an to mjtrm those who bad hast tried to (Imlnij tha reaablletba aontical amaaata pra.nt oar ae i nrmatbe toaicnl 1 1 111 of tha coaraot. My' theory was. the, tba nialHIta ba whseh i.

I be Ma 'J th one tae til Wd tbe ao the tbe waa daa tb tb ato and be Of win 1 by wan w. wfth of ba foe ttaa their tlyj ftv me. aaJ ear tbe tilns whom 1 diraenittea, military aad tiwmiHsili a of every bar Bowta, Wa would bar nnu I bar fowth. in addttioe to tbe one whb already etna aa aa amen irowo aaa time aneoaa oowta wowa as Inenriwv aian, our Besheesatoraf anrenmtn. Tta aaasa tleaeftaa troteco would bn like awl nksilai ansmewt wita tae mreeraoaot taa por ta It.

ttutleaal it but vdnnti. only to draeam the aperl of the lint may WnU. snea: ia vaewemnsnrnr nam riimins an. rousted two nulla wrta tlmnennlnrs ansa, the mwf ef tbe aWyarhaW of ana Oraaawaw, aa of whloB provided for the naneseUoa ef the terri tory or tlmt sewnoueio tta I nirvd ntatn, aad th other for the lia.s of tta Bey of Saranwa. part of tnnt ten lloiy.

Tbe Utter ena Intended to be iianadnrd the lest tatted. Tha tta Pri sural ana. aewaramg so the CuaatWatloa, ens valid, aeedrdtag to tta OmatMatkm. aniens wmim to oy tae anaait ar the I sited atatea. It wse bettered that the KVpufeb of Deanlnew wan inreaieawo Wita warttke vaetim br tbe a I lllili itag BipwhMn ov Mevvi, is.

nw ins or bad ntilstaid yiiswnsliia af tha flnesrmaiint hr aian si In a. waei ten fenwnaaaB bv earrtrd aa by it tarns at baa Diawawew. The rtn snuliai threat, ned to lmeilis with th or 1 iimutnl Hrant. To af tta I at Baea sum by any foretew power ar by adlow eltlsse at hia owa, nsnp.ii to or aeetroy aay aeetua fmvw ea the sea, and ta protect Ban with tbe whole power ok tae niteo ncuim as ibelr eonuni in otaer werua. tta rnntilmt ordered is.

of tta eaned amsw 1 menu, nets of ws In ertean eontmeeney. eapeetlnr ttaa sontlnLnmil to nsppea. nicslns power with whom tta I atted illatra wena 11111 an I he did us ta tba faea at tba tn 1 1 unn of tha Conntitusinn waiea mveeta taeciai lint or the I aked dtwtn aad arnsat aasnttrd thia net af ay 1 naneinuied taase the aesyerana liiiai an aa aaxa rwauvwa ta oa of It aumt vHalarlarriins, aad that aota. tog ta any eegn ta ba eoamnnd wit this net una aaa ever lory of this republic osij moa ua 1 ae pewee to aeemn war la ey toe iwnuwina aenwnled to I naillaa and aot Jo tta Pi i.l it. at.

nnd tlue tor tbe sun pis res sod tnnt wnr. with ne should aot ta nnud a poo the panprs ttanetluaof tha repi nantaiire oc br If the lanruaua of lea t'onet Jutioa. thai Can. p. bar the power to declare anything.

If It la an a aian amekerr. that Ita haeeutire. the .1 I 1 am ss nower to ln.tiat wee ta.v. wnlsn pesnlry nwthorrard to do eo by aot of onareua. It ra admitted tnnt.

rf oar territory in Invncied by hostile fewee, or If our show un tecavd on tta auth xoa tta risk ef eenae is rtaa there ra no uvmii. 01 ew semsory. nt mere ra aa attics ea dafaan la entirelr em or aetaofwarof aa a nflain uf tea letted etatn la at taut about thortty from Cnngiiisa aar. ena w.tSo it an to consult I mum a of then cwdsn wbiie snea ne ueewanuu tOnntltutioB baa eannaalr wuntald rme bta aad akn laaot even aiwciasd by the an powerful Bioannh of tbe old world, tba aannerur af Oerautav: for ena be caaaow uminr tta i'mml tut ion of tbe kmpin, Initiaie war wtlhowt th roast ns ot uve eoerai vouncu. ir we now that power to him.

tta indeed the peaee ptosi si aaa nnomnsae 01 inn rle sn at lbs mercy of one ama; then tta sited totes, aa aarda th pout la attention, beeumn a Bwanrehy. nan aheolute thaa Ibe most powerful monarchy kurop. Aud that prom tha Pienidont aes aaarped. Caa peopsa, aaviiig aa lumny, permit auob aaarpc DBt '1 ta al.iimasue Imuhl Ia AfmJt ih. Presloeni'B n.

were only enlcnlated to prove bow wtterrr Indi fi nsllils at la. Ttaa ita dent ordered acta of wnr, without the eoaaeat of ccereea, nuuucy stteeaMa to denv. but it waa aatd that by amkiiat a Brujt it ot a treaty of aa reiatioa iik a forag a rinrrarat, tha t'rem ieai asu etmna lor ine ailed aWe a eore en inchoate runt ta ttaa Iimim which be tad the lowr protect by warlike snu a he would hove tta right to protect the aoitef the I ailed, btaf aaainet toman mvn aion. A tacte word wid suffice to show the ab urdity of that arrumenl. Th Preeldenl ee.

'j 'i i raaiiiiil his own set. By Ibe President's owa arbetrair act It re mid tha nrbts an erentsd the Peeeaanl Ita power, of hie ewaeretaoa. nt hat iwa nronrnry papaaurn. 10 Bote of war 1 I heir protection, la other wards, elthor a the Cenetintina mtrweta Coaerna with tta war makimi power, the PnnidiBt may ae furai acta aieu conrcr apoa nun nloBe tlin war mskinr eeer without the eeaerut s( tVarrees. iiv re trick he caa aeuuire the nower to Cvacresa bv the Lomuitulaea.

Yon e. how nl.surdlhis la. i Put even 1ms defeltm. nbsurd aa it nv doe. ai fly to the ease, for the treaty of anrexat loa anu aieemoty redted by the aea 'e; la evidently.

fliity beiar out o( 'enee. the so called inchoate ri. ht led etatt a Ban Lsjmiio had a a tt ea. hen then wa 1 no 1 rm u. ven of the atadowlcet kind, between ita r.iil rates nnd Ban I.iemlriro, the naty of the failed stales was ordrred tn una na tody atlm hine Baea.

aad our auipeof war a. t. nl did te part ta military opevatioaa, trv'i totting Ibe Loops of hchl.crileal ptu.y and the lire. Kay. mi thia very niumeut, if ws may telieve tbe newspnpeta they are at the me buiiresn.

tinder tee same orders the war pe of the 1 mud atmn vtuaily nt the mm. surd of a foielfia ndvestturer ia the West aaxa roa wiaaa i itunun. Tbea I prefer tha chauar ars 0 Barlaa. from Iowa, who diacardsd aU my.te rtoua le fd ur s. sad stnee hia siweca waa u.10 umia aavi aad probalily rssd by many faern MiwAnmricaaa.

1 ww teae tae trouble to esauuiai mora rloseir. lie eravin in thia wav Cur ahipa of war hare fourht Ckiaeaa pii atea, and eur land force have chased tba ladisua. without a furmmdee'arntioaof war. nd we ken looicni ana eooquered tta retain wil hoot rot nel derlaratiua of war, nod. tta reore.

the President meat tacesanrUy. by vurlus of tta Constitution, be vented with the power to aaua wnr, if he I enly earaful not to eVcA war. 1 nni re warn rail aa arrumeat. If It la not rsrte. It la at leant bnn.

Bat tlenntor Harlan did not atop there. He ar ruea, further, thnt the 'or amy ot nasnina, uuart aot mtaflrd ny tae senate, mujbt etiU. ia soma myateriona mi cewuun hi, acter neata. and tant tta Preei oat bad a alil to snake wsr upoa any nower al ius tne parson 01 pnweetlna taw seaae. to amtzciara mm joxr.

rentlemen. ae suppose Pi 1 el. lent Grant had a. cd, the lims of Louie Nspoleon. some point on the coa of rruce as a naval station.

a hen eofca tba eomnlicalion tatweea Frarn anu vw rmany. rnsisni iirnat tareupoa or dera our naty to Europe the pu pose of da fendln Lou Xspoleoo aa'nst 11 comera, so that our leaaenold interent sanv not anffae. The yenner i are aoooi toaltaua tne army of Lousi cries reeideat (Irani 't your hnnda off Louie I nv. aaade alean with him wbleb I am bound to protect kL or I'll aha.t:" But Ill's But slL Ader tbe battle of bedaa. Napolioa is dethroned, and a revolotioa ta inaueuratcd.

"moo that cries President urant. "ilua'l tooch Louis Ne ll. 1 muvt seep 1.01101 spuseon "11 bis throne, because I ha, made alea awlth htm I don't tolerate knLi Tin tray sound supremely rldb uloua. But if iiatmpui owes i. Louis Bapoieon.

you will save tae miiote siorr or tbe ir innnt ta. Pm.1 dent orant has the rleht. without tlie consent of Coasresa, to order warlike meaeuroe ia order to recure to uaea tne nillnr power over Maa Porn aeo. because ta has entered into a lease with klm which ha even not vet ueencee valid ta ita ronsenl of tn Senate. Tata nrof.ated toe su nun leans treaty uoon tta Miuriiu.

troasJ divisioa of the powers of thl repuhlle Is necadeciy new. xo ricaator Harlan baloan the ttoaor of the invention: aad a. raja ban beea favored with Hsaator Harlan', epeeea. tbey will aadimbtedly atudy tta aew doctrine witn tneir nccusuomeu tnoroufmnefw. Tbe nenator Saallr wound un bv Inslnuat ar that Ibe President's mam offnw waa ttat ta tal aomehow wounded alenatiw riumner'a pride, aad denied me by eppo'ntna aome Postmaster In oori whom I did not bke.

And proving that nmteriitood the virtue of dlecretioa. nnd also or. device ta hia own arxuasent. Mr. Harlan, alter this brilliant stroke.

cloed tbe debate a tr.nttin ro lay on th tuba, so that Mr. Htrmncr and 1 could not rertv. and thee betook h'maelf a sale place. This by way of anecdote. mrxAmrxQ EtU irrri.

tb'a Is a rratt of 'mnorimriem It" DOWr to Inviplrt the rtinjirr in ia a fow of ti emradnus rfytiYillty. It ram not HtCU Jtrt ri. rHl tOO 1 rfullT, DOT tOO CODk iv'rv ttnu fctierilrd airainat mm.m. TliaU rhia powr tkB from tbe rxrrritlre an4 trnaflfJvt to lvzi' LettT hrertcb the eoreriamiit raaa of the iiiofct bQKrtAVDt rhan a ta tbe theo rifP or coaaiixuiKrtiaj r7orazei.t; tt vji tviwt tiallT a tDUt)lllaaa DI OTi fo hi It mm nnta. fully tmewter the lathers of oarCooet.tatfua.

Aaa biv we etB befor a aaked aaTirrkdv tUm of thia pow a neurpfitiuB whlck only Uiroah a fni rnaate Bt fuir to cavae of hlooffabeti. Wbf i our alilpa of war bad aailed wttb the PrTwait1tit'a ardrri It waa tTot.4 ble power to pre rwot a bo Airy firtfyn advtntun mirht aT brriet abovt. It will mm dote aij tluvt amtlwwar with Hajti wmxUI bar foLfow. lo aiBBo iiTTir vara, aara tae Uiiko of UHifloB. A little war With Havtit acTiBcfil tb flower of ita lrrrrmarr armr Ai air of tbe Rliise bi a war wttb HAvti woald be wirtntrioua, bat towbatarpoawr 77rre ataada tbe aaa miTation.

No ptilraii daajr bo public tatermrt waa mrrd br oire railed for tt. Tbe boaor of r. auitry woalr bavf bera far haMter fruanled wHboat it. Not the hadrvw of a valid iriat ifB. Iloa esrve eit.

A aaked act of Minmtion 1'J? mr.Tly fUrthr rorrt arhfrnw of White Houae. Aad for thia tteOoautt.tiittna aad tlte atw a nt tha wtrw ad And can aa aa ac pasa without Mott eiwrgrtf? onppoi tti'ra of 1 nmnaa, 'birh pablio eoad aina tioaf It would alrtMMt aai mn. Aad thi. be VLKrXMh omcmr of raBfi pat who waa jruiltr of thia aa nrru bid ara aar. snsna mm sammn all oibtra to be rl.vre, wttb tb powtn heater of the Kalfful EaVt UtTrou kaow what that meaaaf We ara llrttu ta country where prt nt ofiea.

Out too of tea, the huthortty of Uw etH rottit Uotnilan what taa mr fart to day ia apt to lookrd anon ae lw mi Otmrpattoa r' tautlt authrnrt.rie. thPrtnir. a pn wtaldrjt Into ur r. furnre Pare I(l im mi. et.a and tb proof tat TZZSITVZ aoch a pow r.

for Pre. tJtmtLmtrm IMM oa aoaot oaly srsi a rewarded him with tB repahHe. And what wuithat algrdry? That hnnforward a rrAet arrant and willful breach ef ttat'oeattltoiioa a Prealdevit will be coruddered ao maeoa PnHlcw of trust and power Jo'd aot ho, oaled to blm Aod, tba Brpobueaa a.y will aueet ta Xa aefcwt a eaadldata for the 7 1 wnnwiua wa mn anemlv ba. prVer lAl. mea to ear other thnt la mentioned? bwt the quest k.a will be.

An we prepared to saaettoB "cr TTVB. i i tpiTSW, oar aryiroval, a partv? Arews prepared tosskthe peopia t0 em.hriu ad noctioa a precedent which strikee at tke nry foundation repabUnn an. iii.i.i. Kite services form sd Brilliant a pact "fy of thw repuhlle aot ead erth see frewtf If aaeb a woeeUoa shoe id a aheiMtrd ta tbe pnoale. at ta to be boped the aahe af eoakxrtitarlllMnl btPrWtr aa Mtbrn ceaaaary aaat a.

taa mna va. auatnai will aot betute to aa nnawor worthy Pa. If tbe Anaerteaa people lore InathutVana tuey wlU avvi allow thfr rnaifVata ta rrt mo frre at tbnt tbey may waa trifle wrth tbe fan lamraial lawa af tbe re a tw Ikeea eneiely meaii aad my attHade la thia aJlair. That rantv4 toaeb ttaWbeaa reaBibtatBb ttefhlakma ikatar namrai Mr agjtm i atrd myer tf to eompeae fariatml wttb tba Piartdeat for a vke of tbe atAblie htttiiat, ft daai ma ba aBJ will re it for myaeU iadlralually. I taia riew at fwdub aaraire.

1 nr. lit tan. ennanr ui a. anal rd etheen ceanuutaa war run, at Btntee a aseeeed to Beat I wse mi am ii wnh maw aaa aa tae rreesannt, wita wnr. mastnr fsniair deed tta BU enref nl tlon ta nil tta Bpin, af I ai ai I I as ry for hia of the .7 th.

i IfV Ti 1vrm yoa bow model of of i dltrersaeee tanewid bv ay poiilioal attUnds. By srere never ether tbaa faVailly. I aomplabi af nmvm I wouia vis rriiBnasit at, as eaeaaataf a attnrktac the notary of the riinlilrnl But if the rresvMW wore an rvm nnd most tall. aasm frtrad. wm msndehip a mill ail la bm from oroootnsr vtoiatsne of tta Cone tieteet.

BO VWWwae tpTWS tattln Of BnlltSOa asaaadr. whereas wa se at ta nine ai smm I ana act nad nl 11 som ilistios. the Beat. To ate tt ta a eeriowa, nend taa. know only rkrht aad duty.

I shew Id have been bat toe happy If I could aav mtrfhutd: to th aad lam Una niiiuinimisie 10 even dlieuthras, sad I am ruuy oTwn oc my 1 1 buiisisiihj wbsa I speak of a vielatloa of the ronatitutloa. I sbtatld never have spoke, ot bad I aot deemed tt my detr and wen I aot profoundly tn arent. It is 5nrvtctloe. a aoarietloa enn.rlia lonely forsaed. that thas Is a vtolniioa of tta ronrntrnti la tta meet hwporlut pnent.

whloh the aeeer mawet 1 wTallaeiy swff twpeart wtta aaa inrsanrtna tha adsimlnlna of then eoa etitetlooej tiawta parse by Beers, and wUhowt aaott of aubmrsaprm to tSe antwary freaks at timsl rcreeraai.nt. 1 am aeatmmna la shn. my oosvtetioas Ha aanavf aleree. law, them aron ns thnt I atsetea to mvtvn thnt Ihra a amy a by tha sneer aa run aa 1 a eve ens so apeak or a saw ta write. I oa.

I snail wot, ladorn a vtt.laUoa af tha vonetiswsmn vital part by snpraarramt, under nary ainwanuBhsnoen, Ita candidacy for ro nleellon of the Pre.lilinl who perpetrated It, VI 17 may ta beeped apoa Of. wut nui IHl rao bat dlsd it 1 wtMxi irUti. 7 Uwl mkxm I wmiA to i mm4 lb 4d ui ot 4twwr. 4PT etmwimomtt 1 4fam tltt tMMf fait WikW JMamMJ aBiy WakTaMaTat. mm mm txrw KM mr i 'e titmt mamtrml kmMmz oa wltie rttm Kttai fc rtCcrafi eaa grvw.

Morh tw doM we aofi frmrm Ufa eertal i el4 veota of iVmffladU(fA. fcytjt aot IaUMr fie tbrve le tae mmrtmttj of rfarUaff tbe mtv tunm, mm I mmit nlaikrl k. kM twa oberta; flnt VO intv 'tmUftrj aTaMmlrV ITll awaawl aad Mtat mmcmrfK and Uhm to tatrodwre a mtmtm raruat. aVamd aBWadrawnii atdaBalBUeA aa cami lJ etlraalaaal IbBtt eoai Of tlUemn.t3nJjtntp3aB mtwai cmuLtJoa Mrb we cmli I bettove If ww attain tbe arnoad tbrre wdl no eiaSeatty abat tm4 OrWs. It ta eertaialy bad 1 eaaab tae there ere ta the elrn Brrvh btLatrkaOteatta and rtfal.

aad that bere and there tee eh tie hnalaraa la hawiiv auft. totalatprra. aad ir are atitid: but that aaiMfwaa i ae weeat aad ta lat tbe luaaui a 01 a rreairat annnra ahmaaai rmtdi anna uaa imareweaceaare eoaeniarad aad aa tbe aaete eot fe of tbe Ttcnoetwiaaa amrtr. wbat the ejaa' xnet of the imwi iiMu aadrr tbta arateaa. Aa etnoer km oay to aerforva etrtaia duttea.

but for hia owa nmnioAuoa, wO twwara aai tut aoiltial arc a railur MIA riaHrlira it Iff hta. Bta, an. tn mum doit mm mnr. uui inea oom ntaa nfyweM an. in aftue or ute imlc aientwNia hdeUtr, be Will bata oaa daW to aTTVe Wmv tan a m.atmm at Jitt.

eel ack kr. who te better aualfled to ptnot a thAa OT thnt tMaMWaam. 4tr Im mraahaaaa muwia, I la ti floe art of ayeophaat aatt! SaaUe a larra puttioa of tbe cnU me rricm to hi the pof araeiua of that rlaaa; for aa adaUaletra tit nhkeb dfelmiotJoltcM ireroa tb civil arrrae to auc a a point, uoo at tbe rvprafBta tea and kwuftra of tha frew ln. Timv iWnk pat rr nawr im ceaUaary fo' tbrta to aialaUaia teetr i TiT na avoaie. 1 nrv qoanpna to tha, n.ia vinfumntM otaaa fbffoee the rmablnat.

aamj vassal psar amiA enaj rfhH a OI Qm tOv piopee, but at a.ere betltt(ara. for t. rrwrndi nt mmy rlaat or withhold hla far or moti. ha cte auaa. atar acU taoea tawora aa tabe r'wwLW) ad OBtwiveave ta aia irn am.

hfit eiaaa.lria4 wa. aLdSuk nt tim lrwmlaia.n alf. Ibe srroiatM of aia aulburMy ptrpaedi fT him the Baoat aHluril? UnipfAxX voa to uae the artiMMutiuc aad anoa.aic power aa a were na ebiurry of tvranay aad ourrutia for hta eel Ha etdn, and. all iadA avuirinaT to fmia hla taror, be him tmaJteve that, wbai rwr ha mir Art mil hn. n.aaitr im brT4tid niMare deliainad wita perforaiaooe.

Thrre hare boaa but 1'Widi ata wbe eoald riat taptatlona of that natiire. Look at our eiretwoa rrtiteata. la a greet mnajre tbey bare tH en aded froai the lolly level of irreat bat taera of nnaUilra to Bbm ttuarn la avivud r. aikd no aldom awa oi wnii mu a Tl ra lct have Ireen dfte rl from anrtaoi atiun la pfditk'sd i Cm, aad ytHtl their p'a ee to lV7 BaUw a Miawr rrai; MM BCaM UaM ar anOrMtSa 'UA, nmWl Uml blnntiUaT svf (Ka iinaar eaaf boB4r. wLh parvadva cur puiitdual lira The pH bta to ame the imB'ra whaW epnat Iruai ae aiaauleaa aud dtudawdliin ey tm.

a. d. la puraaid.aiB oa imw UrdvitMl oy yiMu rfaraw a tfd rator iTrVlailMlllL a kaBAl aktta prf it to pijyoaa ara ar iut the alMBlitioa of anv aoaneA'. ixnuiy. witaout qui a iihibib a tuoa, Buaor of thawnt atWot hve leB ov a prtavtb at anl ied KxecutAVtxbut eo far itf uifuii i iHUitr baiLiMLe La La toil blooea.

Lr, UvtU nt k4v itta Arat aC baa Ua. Ibe 1 irWYvM Cftrmmid a laaBti tl a toblfnt frOdat ibo co.v7t aiwit wf Timw. It 1 an run rmi4aB.tMi wnr upoa tbat totataia of tt4rwAaniWaV, be BaBAruav. and wfBaaiiWrwd Wats Ilia a. ra.e.mi..:.lrw.

of 111 dai a ftr Aii are p.avt riaB aud tacoafiM iaity iu iiirt vi 4 1 uiixu. ion tt qvri. ioa a brea tutai.tu to tbe Auoruer tiwatvral for him tt. mnU be aaawtfca ia tba at tire. then 1, tnipota iie I ant tre coatOai.

aiia wtil fa' I bnck upon aaaucsata k'km tha nLava wfeinh I taut tad bur tu inirjAr in my ii aMrritre ita or in ii'l aak r. Uiloa tn PrrtudrotUl apiHMat aDtm. tbaa exaBaviaautaa je anl that fioon 1 aoee to are fouad At the PrrHt at a ay aahiaawltJoa, bat tuet tbea tbe pownr of awmaag ammjaajg! lay alfamMt fy BHPI fjbl CTIIBe. 1B ttefcta r. or elulacioa of tbe ruia of tbe ae.

1 hia. In efxOjUBhCl.oa Wath aa kimrtMir im eaeaeiva of eciaU iarrtra. rxu'l at tlM worat ai.a.ea of pauvaaT aud rrawuaUy oA.vroy the wboto aat vn. Lut I wOt aot dwtaia you Wath fuitlArr detaXa. The ofjoakU of the reform ar that It would bnre a eTiia witn tt Tbaav ir tA frtphtea the HM th tha biiM ar of aa arro Cwui aid arMtucraiM ttarraut idCT aa it exUt bt vveial matce of Lb old world.

li'it aoNnly thinka t.f atroduE iitc auythuic like tbt. la a eountiy like tuia, where the oi gaae of public At "4 lTrT LiJaCQ Offices turn aai'TeraaiPBt rikM bar! ao tbd Kauwm 01 a au.toe iii a akcrnfy la alaioat aa iav iat UtJity. We are alao tdd that ererv Ame rl caa cnava baa a right to public poauum. a 1 be bee, aad it alkali aot be taken fra hiaa: but with that rfcat be ahMild a)ao rer.jaiza bin iuty to quaJify aioiaHi aa to beroiaa a pood ofticw r. So I unit mat btHi oraLia aataiiaoa; iat wbra tb orm cawi to be mmftm epoile the deeire to poAraa aa otRvt wi'l aaia be aa hoaorahte warwur.

tt ia aad ihat tbAjee wha twaa na runitni.iii f.mii. aam riaia ftvtB wulf tba oflieera ae to taatea. wU be the prlTaired olaa, aad Uint tuia aa etadrohinkrnt upoa ta rfefata of liara. Tea. taa pr (rvace ctvau to tatra of ability will ava eietewUaaaat upoa the rifbU of biorkbt ada.

Ibeprrfereare crea to booct wLi le aa eaf roeeHuaeat apa the rihla of thjevrw. Lut atl tbe.e arhua4iitd, will aot mtaad ta tbe wny oa lae aTwHona. Tna a kat, aaaoaa in aomrwhere alee. When ths Idea of civil i vie reform 3a once become popular, we aceM near irom aveat mnnr PotltleUma or the old Caitainty. we are in favor of tbiire I it, special wrucn it, beea made doee aot SUit US." But BO neon.

sith.n wUl suit tbem. and they wLi make aoae Ihemaelvra. for the almi le maim thnt ia their ueans tnev Bre ior tne nreee. variim or abuaea. la th a way the reform caa he prevented by ita pretended friend a.

All its aim en neuua rnoL ia wstcn tiiose silopery eeatle we msv aot be sMe to convert tbeiu. hut a'ae reireneutatlona. lamarinnYiha PtUch WOttld be won for thia mf.inH ih. I I vition or tne nd ntlal ortloe to one term when a Preaidrot eariiot be elected a eec.iod ttme. the temptation will no lauav esist for him Jo use pattuaatfc aa a mat hmery of erupt loa ticiie of aecuritut rrauminat aball then wltm fewer Benndala.

l.ks that ronnected a prominect newstmper cli air la the t'aat. who one day wrota ate article sa'aat the.a;miclatca.tot:, was sppoluted Coll etorof I o. t.u a the next and oa tha third declared I aiand, tmperntiveiy the reaommation of rraai reel raihlona trartaa tioo, if lie aua ui Dinaii. or raa i.n .1 Lr iiv 'eei i a. Hepulilt.

an; re. aiarked that the 1 reaideut dd not even five this the ordinary Jiy gooila credit of tbiity aai.a a PI XSlt tT IVKLTOtRLX rua Tars, seit in msrkct where eomciemea and Bf will 1 (en 1 li. I we aha I then have rrea'denta who i Lu.t borcrt'y trunk of tbie re'orm w.tremt ta ut tor turvdoy tha fdea bow much advanfaxe thev diaw for tbiniselvce from th. i ibiHlmil that pit able WJ' slaodia l'C. which.

In order to prveiem oftk aud icnasc, crock ada all be. er tron, lor the elect ka of a Pree'dent. before he ha roved Ilia I hia ill ele. turn w. ikst'el 'iue f.VOl With Which tta Llonf civil a.

eefea .1.. bu beea rceeitird by th tieet pottloa of tba "I ev an. ua tu st. i a. eery co.ln Ir Be.

emit of reviv.l oCtacwa Ihvr feelliim honor, in pol licet life, wEtch dtstinruiabed the f.rst ye. ra of this repviilie. will ta reeos' aad. It weU kauwa that WaahlB ton. I re hlem.

n.nmai nnic A i but ui'oaa, jeat berae. be betnr red to hit family, bai now come an far that tbis refusal will be rKlieuled as sirrpid prudevr. and aa eidurdryeyirrccratrd uVlicney. No, tt was no eraraeraticTn ef deltcwey: It was tbeentt ely rorrr. frelkig of enilemaa.

nt the head of in. eiete. wno lenicAlteil ins klira nwo. Bihlll Of But duly, to tmpert to he luilmrdiantn bia wwwewrw oi nut own noriona or Honor, by bet owa eiaaipte. However much be deserved a rMrf teat which be bad done the eounlrv mmudv vrr did or dererved move tafoea alter nun mo wmweo mat ne looked upoa OHIO.

a. an ol.lWrur opportaaity to render still mater serrlees. and not a. lmm alia cow to feed kiln and hi. kin.

aad be nrnM a every rove, mint off err under him the nme mun. a oi oonor aaa amy, out whan now a rrea turni puts a is cvusix. axr kaoTnxr.H nt taw Vthedorea at the puliilc erili then tha whole elMWusof Batterers eieUiai: "A trifle: who will Had fault with hnn for Ihat'" and he who fee la indecency of such nets, and espreesn his 1 1 7 uwn'i mm mil ox, wnon heart muat be full of black deal ens Bo. thaH. am nn lri1 A.

brothers in law of the Preeidewt mar. na he no woree thsa ottara; but when be puts eoi tothe crib the Chief of tbe rHate schee his aubordiaatn by hut example, which. k.l i I JTtilw a0 tbn nm aadf WIvm the 2 wcb rr, aewBata. nad tbn puta dnuora info bisb omcrm mod dlnitsoa, tba ea ar potntd may be rery worthy mawn. and tbv.rt feui mar be bad aotaiaa todo with tair rriTn.r tt Vot the Chf tho Htata baa By airaor1tnatre that, la ble eptntoa, aa and tbea crant hia larora tt tbe donora In aa oOi tal war, nd who win tltea wond wbea the ewr nrtii.

tbe blrb timrk alao take fJT" ad fire tbetr oArtal rarorti to the do Th Kew Tork rfrra ar mattor awt "wotr that while i nW can roa la faror of eirtl vt refOrnaa I'nltl nia a h. daUrewl tt 1 whom be baa haat iamored. tht J0 wf only pomieaj I aborwr BO r4r wut of aeiy efTVc al I the (rOTt rnmrrit. mtxr ibartiie declared aim aa a faror of cirtl arrrlce re faatlanallv aad peraiatwtlr leiauia oj. lac ial eoadart waa aaimt eerhahie.

axtrj w. re. vwtt la one tnataece. ear iln the trade ta roa arleaem sn far that tbe world laachset Irr Like 9anya aurprtsrd at thai from tbe hhem noettnm. when a should be exhibited be unitalaiia.

that to nm uevravi ww nu tirniaiin an eom aoeed. ntat amdtbea I sbnU not eenaw to nettle arsraie m. imi.ii laus aaweedeat. slrksr ttrsayt agin ar "ir taa aea fria, with aalth eaergy ot mr aaturs. I abaH not Htm to wnre the Vra nrscaw I I I ea Il I di lrt t.

a to la a wt fne any be out; our or IB a tkea. to avgf bisa oTrr tbf forty grvas tn aa ef eia, the could flf Ibe rea rll uie aai the nys ae B.atee lerxev I voter cwa awn B.frw what I ben antd hen, Ba ask than wta blaann ma wtaatae whaa tae. ey ass sir 1 i am mr em mi itc. earn. el.

1 nm fm aha stassllim mt err sohthml Mr fnm my whole uoea. aad ta wha evil hi Tn, my eoavwjtleei tha tba Ai usyawri rim sis them of ear public Ufa, mam direct their uw and weal aa tha ammtan of the body pot It is. They ban to ann thnt wham the hand ef alhlillvof km aiannla u. ea be people, aad thst the penpl auaandsr the todiatrtawta ttasr levers aceweeSatyTt rone water of galtae an sty. with the eered.

Wttb polite alienee ar smooth aaeeeh sure ovist ennnot be aradteated. It FINANCIAL AKD CO aeaer unit I dan Uur dl itaal Uae; cood paper htsaaaty pis aian per aaaa. vaa la. mt whaoh aatil I wbn renohed HXx.aad iixj. Msmn.

aVanaeawaa Ca, gaia aa nMaest Sirmbar aad BUnr xn Uovxmmtxwr Boandvaacsd. aad wan little men active. of mn taa TTxaiBr', in mn iu'iuii liaa m. Hawaiian VC1J. CunsBov tlaaaiU Tha fnkktwmg suotathm wdt shew taw wuii.i ef tba Bew York market durtag law pest tarn aaya; Ton.

Wed. Tha. Adv. On. Coupeaaa, llt ll i.

IIM'l III. tit lit', IIS lit I1SV If IM ll'H IW'i lis. Il" tl 1s if Is i vvi. ataawl.iitt "7 lli an tin? rf coupon Cuimey IHl llw Looaa awocas aaa Box? Then ta ey wtlbt tanoairat, yet then favorite arcantin an ready asl a goad rases. I'snai Bonds law rhsaged handa ta Eridgs bonds an la soma Haul, aad Bra.

mortsaga railroad boa da ar Bought, for. of Kantacky stock hi lnqnirrd after, bat bank Block genially a Jnartira, Par prion wen for to tbe foUowtag Hst, fiiialshtil by Mortoa, wait oaascta, IC1 west Mala street: ana aa. Bid. Asked. alumni Hanh Hmini! ceotom determmstloB.

aad I baasweabaat Ban to wait for the nasal ita aaaaan baa be eome taenia bin. J.CIAL umrt ao vwa Qui maa taiajsii I Tnca nar Kvwamsa, Aaanam Hoawr laaot easts so hws tta kalsaiimtabnahanatMlmr tai endtSenhs aedlssiitiiasa the Bar af the bunks tons aaraAiaei We maa hunt Ira at aara LM i stt a I It in earn day. aawTelsTwax'mme! then ft per sent, dawta the day, and the udrunn aaa day btgiamlly lam the aaa. TWawsav bajaamatah thia wire lag ill pt mi 1H as mi at to lis til 7 im .114 nt Pel i ina W4 tin tl .1) in rt i i K7 7.1 Tt .11 ll Katmnnl Bank. Plaaten' batiwsal Bank, City Bank of Amend Bank of Kentucky Bunk of Louiavtlla ai rilAmmiBaS' FfKi Kanaen' Hank.

Keeurily uemas Bank. west a kiaan 1 1 urtxt a Litv 1 utau ro Bank mora and Umva BauUt Mnnufnetureen' Bank tauuevui Insui tievasaa Insun Weetem 1 1' i tenlrsl rannk. JefL, Mad. and Ind. B.

B. Co Lueu, Cm. Lea. at. com a Cut.

nnd Lea. B. B. pref Louiavule and KaakriUe 1L B. tin C'ttaipany at urn L.

R. old. I per L. A ti. B.

R. new. per i L. C. A L.

U. ist san. 7 atu. C. A L.

ed awL, i per 109 at. a 1. It. ist mort7 nu A B. Cd 7 a B.

1st per 1. if uy ior unDsoremeata, per 1 "ity for bountr. ner 7 tu 7 el cl K.I at C.ty for buoia, terc Nl iry tor wnnrr. ou. a per at ity tor wnnrr.

new. a per 7 rtv for water wurka. old. a ae 'uy for wsat viaha Bew.ue.. 7 ty tor a n.

at. at. pn ity L. A K. B.

L. per o. itv for K. A P. B.

7 ner SHtf City for old nubilities, lo yra, 7 per City for old linbtiitiea. ft m. 7 ta a. City for ei boul purpueee, per Mtf Wster works boeds, a per tat Canal ooada, aetond iseae, Ira aa Canal bonoa, third name, per Waal nl PW i aenl fourth tame a per c. Nl Kentucky state boada, old.

per entu, ay mate ouruia. Bew. a per c. PI aio mver Kridjn 7 per nvaoacouBtv. aer an Muhienbttrx cuuaty, 7 per Lyc a county.

7perc Caldwell county. per c. 1 an 71 77 wet racxea county, pc SUV count bond, per e. Kew Albany City. 7 per al aaa county, new.

is per ofc, ul. per Marion per aiisvui Trsnafer Co. 8 per iyu Boada aiarked an Bold silk Interem added. Towarr aad Hemp ia St. Leata.

ITiaaes, 16th. 1 Toricco rccrlpta hare len wo hbds darlag re past week. The lao rrocs were 7n hhda aad wei bKea. aad i ooaen, am. asn nnila and as ftwwe iectlona and pansed.

17 hbds and bosen. 1 a. marxri una Been cry active. The depression aotalile last weak, in iwima aad medium leaf In chanced to mt t.vttr. and all ffradn close active and Aimer.

The reocipta this year an It aal iwaiaiKwHv same time mat year, and the proapect la geurraily better. The srcuvl sail of brtabt tobnet an. tt Is to be bp, d. becoming a featura, a a other betnr announced for Beat w. ek.

Ws quote, per till ll.s: Scrape. SO sua is. isttur) Hi a. WBfS rlanten luqs. fn common leaf.

97 x.S; medium uo. coou no. rMii; colore manufa, tur tae do. fl tl; wra)pers st Si to for medium to X'. jL UO for fine and fanc brudat; rectory dried abippina leaf, fx 3Uva.ll.

Bkbp becelpia hate beetf tit hale. The maraet uae ueeu rate aiveiy anu ana no grades but alrutly prime to faa, undre ised have heerf 'criaiuLlH ineasouly lu small qa.intities. We quote mm followa: Commoa h. mn ncleeted as baaetofon: medium eradea In fair AenaMrf for bamrlar nl guaivslia: strictly prime end a. rr apiuuen nt aiaaiou: in.

werr pniWH WM. UntlCl Bomi ra mt a am. ow aou at Vila. Immeave reach Tua total peach shipments of the East, bv raO roeo. loc ina wees peat iei dluj Tuemlsy.

An were the heaviest ever known in the uaiuie. uia otnrtmf on edneeday with lot cars. beturtlay, uatll tliev bed on Tuesday tiie enormous aia re rate of iJ cant, the laraeat ship iem u. mu oey ever snown. 1 Be following will atiow the motemtut for the week aud the total for tha acaaun: To Carloads.

Ba.teta. Pimna liVtlaU i i.n 1,1.0 a 0 w.o l.l ia.0 Hi. ik 1 13. jai.tau Kew tort i'adelpbU later.or i'eucavlvanl It I beater ltucore Total for the week Fttrii ua th .1 i I6.vuj airsiuu. liatur aad Ejcs in iacmnali, lttth.1 BUTTKB RcCf itrt.

from Km Wbb. an. a. hnv falit a off to Lorn riLent, auaed i rry wt ui tvrr pivvaiilaat. ia frtlDC fXBL With irm ww TT.

Ta 7 rin ".1 aaaa Hiaju saw WI IT UJ1I II jwkw too irr. a rrauit la a tttrr f.ot;a t' u7 ntM. 1 ca toca. tragi AltlHMidi ralm aoft. ae tm bi ia fa.

11 ii I i i.x ma r. ear si A a tMDw rrpef.f It im at i tc. Tae aorply f.xmi Ontral Ohio nnd IfHl. kn.i la alao bt, wii nineria af LUiw to Knapia. feW DaWkra evmei of nMwa a fal tie, lat the grrtcr portion told to ba tra inBe.

roj. nicraakie amount, hi wi wr. irgt oTer nnaold. with ao le whatr for it. tO lUP WOTJld BOW be aroawi ptewH bur nn hnvVPd evva at that.

An there la now ao paf km lna door, ao attlppfue aad bat a 11 al aimend. IKCa IVaOIIT Oa areata havl ttlH huttnr markat am anyvnin out a aatiafaftory roadl.ioa nt the frrarrt time, eaprtuaily aa th fcu. on la prtiy ii aauwatg ti ea. nwsT7 nuci as aw tu ina miit bdrueia here, art ft It dot mK arnn or at thia wrtt to bare anarh tn Dwt In It. If DhrM 1 nurora dr ar th araaoa it tuar be codAa.drTd ttttie rt arraai nairad'e.

Kdira uii Bt 13c for bst tuaikahrtbe BeHirlT boweTfr, are aokl to count and Cuxulle in. ter 1.1c. Tae of Nc pria boat. We hare beea emtherirur for two weelra from ltate rrcaangvf BtatnH ats a to tbe ral eatfmatrd afrraee of the wh2t crop ia omrrwm ronuiira tie EMate. 1 nv ate dlffrr wtdtly.

But we quf tb aatitnii andwba thry eouillct tbe read wtil aarti hlaow.1 nt ri att. la tbm ihrjrirfj mr. cbe heat farmera do aot ea to tbe ywld. tom wM it wi'l tm na aixtrea biaArri otnera that It will aot he "piittma tbe we iud mrrmz 09 about thirt ro. Ibe quality la KeAermJiy rrrfiieat parr'caiany tne tae mont ut wri mr prkrea, A inai Jprahle beea thierthetl.

ami fa lielnc fcrwigfi CO MlBtr. vi vb sU mil Hie mrai invra to rirbtjr fiay ttv or aixty la prtb4Veljr rnvmawAT aTOod rniUhTI. In Mita beis gnjnntr. tbe Ft eaa aar. marBlrv a Cr a( but 'r aw vu nu vaaejaj, trui aome xjW aa eunmy pooa.

Jatare rry bary. bueaa Vlata. tbe Hlot Mra. will a re rave 15 ot whet. all cofbd.

Tbe Adranee telle of a nitM. what fa Palo Alto etwiaty arwrafiirK Wi ftiiah wnm tm rotxi eaoaira ior a tantU'ie ta we, to a wleeat of aiea bave aaid no wintrr wharkt be ra.ard. Tae iHar reprta wheat ia eome lds ra Kutler eenantr tmMlrir OBts tvt. aarte tbe a wrage of wbent la War at ra. ia Maraanwa, aaya the Reporter, fi ny wheat win average lit, otbera to nera Tba Coarter aara, whataattally.

naitiae are talk'n of bayta Tba Hecjed aaa weiue anvw tornw a oat aa. ittallv. the bovine aew eon at to Mis the lanreet rteld nhethy I IA. tbe smallest Th Bn etste avers, niwma wtu ue ra. ncuatoa.

tb Mirror nya, club abaat wffl aot versE over or 7. tn mark larrer. The Joue i iti tne enrage Beatoa county will be IH; Belle Plnrne ntaa auta tt nt IX The Hamid thnt in Mahaaka, Borne farmer, put the aver el la. other, at IT. Thr Dubwnwe Than ntt the average ttai pari of tb Btuteto bo thaa Vast year probably I to la.

The Monitor etalma for Wrta nt nnsti nn nvenae at and ouality exnOewt. In Vayette eewaty the wn tne evwraaw wiu nw is er is. a ne n. Sola mtav toaoKrmiTioi hIT 'mVZ? "rja' Pavaap.

anV The Pen. reports lZm, Tta afiTjaul otarVy la Wmtarmro eanTswr a The Deltas Cesaevtetelle of a saeae rrerdTaTtall. swnid arnmh la ea? aew eats weights hswh.lsng ZZZllTLjZ.Zjr.lLJZJ?''? Mlpcwndn. Tha Kerutai nn reporm aa nkw ol7 ntata ta Jobaaoa avrenng er. Tta Otamlard PouSi Jitl rh ir.Jt wbntta Ik.

Tba Bvnna fm. the btxh my, th avenn ta Ceeeo (Joreo aewwty srtii ba i nporf saa geid of ntaanngtag fLTrTr'" Z'IaK'J'I eoven such ahlebtaevJtnlalv na avefaa high namea. bl wbot a fc. Unrth Wnt nye tba wweet ta Webater aad "Tknnsr anjomlor count. wlU avena ta, aad at af snow weal tbnt and will rata aa.

eualitr. Ta. Cedar falU bswH km sn I I B. ran. eBaMa Ptewa, txth.

Tfcd waa wee prsmm mawi ntns.miuetnii.iii. and tnmpiMi a record a dncawe af aaotae e. wmi. wm en ssa not aura ar the iiu.n aesad ta tba woal mark id but beakldii a a seiyas ef 7 pnaeeta bow la bwt aa ttay wer prl Uy awaaen, aha taman did But Un a A ar mM maysaay actlvitv dull, aid and from a haht "order" buarne ttan bea beea mile done. Tntan are.

ta tha .1 i Ji ai, rwl ta now a. dim i auhaa epwnrd teadney. wa.ts aoa wo her, yet not austLaWy lower, ea taa trj bsn and ta Bew Orison taanert. tta eoeton seop the Biawl ta tta Checked, tbe sou is peraaad to a age nlreadv done la Biinmii. aaagiairai eredat lo plain ta ttai piutoid from the arowtae atthmn of th year, baa, tt aaepr 1 I II.

llllll aei I tbat tta antieipaled rtH la the wind suae tan bsa area nrtairad fafly an on, bv tae prwtnsted draaab that baa aatintag lasa. la the town aoaatam tha wsaikat aaa bnw man i farorabnv but on tta whole tt taa bees aapropi eve, an aot mo rrnerni. nnd we nn tnpeed i mt ttaa ewe snnsnanwr ieet n.a wuse a eraernsvw on seas ecorn, sosi then nn etui nuinininrs i nmli arctaoa Ihat tta boll worm bn made its appaa aara, aad that the am deatrwaun hmaet kat tna eaarsnrrd ta aoam Beaaaef Uts antt te. uaeeoamin. ichandwd Tabaera Mavhea.

from tha wng, auag. u. i show a minted apward tne Tben ara verlaai ni talmiated la keep tha amrkat arm; oaa af which taat tne oie crop at sreny an ta. aad aanihar tha nntanaahas instill a af tha avow tag it ia ard aianiarlr hulanad tha thesn nria ta wtwvw utan swo uiiran erop made t. ye ar.

ii pan iran su nsnurei us unauaa antag tint dawta fnm eurven pcoea. i la isms a i aad aaaculactanar d. Bind and ntanld tta taX aaua or ten sassea ta at all rsvuraols laara wtil a aa avevaae erop aciaei a mat wnr. Week i Jaiy In i.r.nt July UI t. July LJ1 istnat LIM Aubsat Bt US 41 Fur tba mil mmillaa wnk a lam oner tta nnena tao i at rose, ami aw Bused.

xca ym arfcag. ad eacHad. yet dad. ail about ea. K.

a to nuts eawloun of Mia. sue arm aetin lammosta, srlsrntdllclat to day, aad liiaidi the psmn reliv wnnuag the auag party waa ta the market, bidding up pr en. ea stall ear rota, no aa to rnetea tb aiaeevan to paid aa setla monta. Tae aa oaialoaa aitadntim at thtan amy ba Inferred trt ta th fact that at ess tune an arent of tha in anus waa ou vine can wneai on ia and odertue to sell is setthmnat at gltaiw. Hsn i la apruif wn ameh it BoJl oa aavrly Loard at yelerdey'a ouotatluaa fur ter.

at hi 17: oneeed n. Vhuw ml aist. Mlisill to ai ta. leu a to at jumped aiAwaodlcally to ft to, srd doed aominally at ft pt for roand lota 1 he amount of options required to be nettled to day was ateell, but toe etoek of wheat ia waa mo very much lean lost at could be held what very bttle thua a mi. aiiea eucw eomeaese eoa OC is B'urket that they could have put up sue We to 1 U) per bunlnu it they and a) eel to do 'lue other upLuaa sen easier Ilea yesterday, but they wen utile Driver thaa Bum'aal aur.

aa tre tae sloa. I ii confined tbotr suwlma'aim luatarev i tta queer loa of to day, leav cc to iao. iow to Ae ran ef ttssif. Inter nhn.i .1 n. ieeted.

Umuab atrouc In aympathr th aew I oca teller Iae mouth iNo. a ri .17 am Mnr ovisru at 1 icj dl ws nnu on naere nt pi ureal ar. ck, 1 hi U1BI. Ucllev laentaantar aold nl u. nmv ywr tUMV, SUk, 1 pr aominnl al hi fl do at renjetes so mt wiatme.

I aaa sntas we.w reported of SUJ ta he. I apriaeatgi aVl; ACJUhs doataluBK; WO bu do at tl t. a d.tju ba So. ipriliK at bl 10: Plltat bu do at Al la ttaa i mat 1 ra.n) ha do at 11 IS: a.OJ ba do at uuu aa da nt gl 1H; Autvl bn do bu ao at hi Ml; le SU ha do at I V): I.llll ba do at gl OHVt 1 bn do vi oa gl.rialbd do nt At acta i.ou bantu I r. i uuuons ai ba boarlne v.

c. n. ow roKf.iea S.rut ntelo; a bn do st Cue; I. rial ba No. 3 re 4 sailer at amber at St 13.

Tot d. i t.u. aa was weak, aa averan derav a of bn ra. nr, una Aeon tna. una, iunwrtdop sd etro with frn buyout for abfpweut.

aidar ior t.u fli mm ae lu h'ew 1 ork. but f. ug later Wuta New Vwt see retairted lower, mid eur im. a 1 nan succeed, ui tbe to obtta wo advaiaMtalakefnidhta.

Ths aaaeed the areater rciatiieweakcainff nab coaa, mm few wanted 1 1 'warn tae close; 1 he leeunx. aowersr. saill ml nn tbe 1 nan tava Lna misteoa optius ay panics wkothauadit riwa.inwvw.,uiua laaaaauaiAL What ttay do With It Many of thna pasties we anuona to nu awt to day. nun lew take hold, VB Ul iZt.y LoJ aoLl nl rata Ute ul eel. eared to ii a So.

ler the Booth at Vfc. Oa 'Chaa ra tae optloa opened at use, cicuad ta i 4e. and cioera guu at rL.ft sold at Cash Be. eloeed delist lc hu. 1 nomiasily al th aamequota wunw.

nuu eewu SOU. SSIC WOTS re aortedaf atda) ba Bo. at 47 we; S. ba it at trite; r8Aa ba do at 17c; a.Wbadoatie: xObedoB 4.UXJ bu doateSwc; ri'oil bu do at tec; 17.4UT) ba do at iio bu reUoer at ire ea ba named at LWUbudoat tae; MW bn do a Uite: am ba do at ac; ll.Crl bu oo. a mt wmic auoat, aa do at aaa.

Total, iv, mv Tke RaU Trtatfe A trade hai at raas; an of Ute ara to wbi tbe IrihB BM rraant aad auauracturera of tbe pnan wbtb Aoaaj OTraatrera, aad tbe aMTBitad of wbAcb would atarpriee tboae aiaraimAntad witb It. Tba ahlpntaat of old raiia to tnia port am prtariikaJly trota rrylaad. alUiotizb oaaloaal trmrwum mrw va ciTBxi rrooi onUBatwaJ porta, aad a IVw froao the Went India lalandt aad lauuth Aakerica. To each aa Ktant Ixmm tiva taaaw taoreaae that tbe tleauaiui ia (ar la adraaoa of tbe eupply. aad aniea are made almoet altoMthai aw amaev aoa oa a pia oaaia entirvly.

Tae ad TBvniaa praf eaca by rata rora of Iroo for ea riii(t into a noaaufa'tura are eoDvi aieoce of rna and afaape for piUnc and At ina. aupe riurity of aaetal from tbe roriatknt tmpaot of wvLarbta ta which it baa bHa aubtel. aad the fai U.ty of workiac with avw l. oa uader bauaipalatioa. It la not aurprlsina.

tben furnn Ibnt we Snd enrcom of niJ rmiia i rwnrtm. pottrd acrnea ti? dftlnaticby veKaela. aad tbi Bc tbe All. liaalea by ear to th rail an ilia of iri or jobfuio or UavnTiUf. wbr th.

min atar Into tbe ekene nara for wbJch the Iroa id. Fbaanii like, rtar from tbir ahe to a aew bft. Old raila are a1 Inrcrhr uard be th railroad apik aad bolt BAagkarra and by maatifactiAreta af Oah plates and Ilivlfatr. ImaaiArts mmtm ier.e for tbe la at twraty foar baara br tbe rraakfort KasJeTille, df fferataarUIav Obto aad Mtaaiaslppl and Albnay railroaia, aad by tbe river ifauateac. by the Board of Trade): Article.

Artaoiea, Bacon, tc Itmoa. butter, pa rlaronnr. Lard, L.J Halt. aaa.

ri. Bills lira, Baikerel, pa II' "alia. tn. 1JI ill Cutton. rrt, lit.

Cottim raru.t. oflee. ts i bas Candles, Cement, Ctirn.

Cattle, 13 till. bbU. 111 thaia.aacfca...i 'tt Pork. lJ t' Pork, pes 1 Potatoes, JPli li: Bv. sks 31 36 buear, fSucar, KSi: rWd.

Sn "1 ni' oil tra. IMS I nur. bi i Ui. It. its.

1 Tobacco, h'da, grt Tobacco, hia: l.i I Whisky. 77. heat. 15 rv', at at, 2U i .1 t't Idle Ho.v. So Hay.

bales liuri. fa. tons. I. id.

t. Daily Review of the Vgrkrt. r.ACOISG The market to day ts atilet, but verv tirm. at latTrtiHc for X. and ih band waoe anu nwvt iooB product, raki to day 7X p.vvmn, BATT1NU Tbe market le Arm hot qul t.

ihnler quote rxt rs nt xc; No. 1 nt Ale, os sou ewasua nt teiu, inc. BEANH The market Is grm. bat little doine. Priuie white nnr from ft TaSx per bushel, sad hew gork at at mm Ji.

Bl TTh RTta eupply Is excessive btrcly of tnierloc snd bard to work off. Denlers qnote "cliaj qunlttin st KtftlOc; rood to choke st Waetern Bieai 1 1 .1 BMnjrl. I VHMW VVH VU fc.a10l. CABtrAflE New brans si own aron al at a 1 SD per I4d from grnt handa. CANDLES Prion an nnchnnred.

Pull weiebt stsr catidles are quoted at at Ii Vl', lie; li ox at Kitl.c; tallow at 11 II lie. CEBFXT AKD LIMB tre in tale Aan.n fl 1 Bl for cement, and I'tica line at flit I III pet HI. Bain to day 1,171 bbla cement at al Hi. CW EKME The market Is quiet. Ohio Factory i quoted at BaclUe.

Fine aou ie aoae ia the aia. let. COAL The market has erln advnne.1 dealer, rrnote aa brilowe: Pttiehurx st retail, deli eered. ale; Pumeroy at retail, deliverv d. tie.

frrKK Y'ltt mm intm nnd oootn'lona am aa follows: I sncy and Chulo Bio 9) i PhrurRio HV r.1 trtsid 17 ii lair Hio IhWuV 17 Jnvn. liieerBimt at nn Jin. eincapon a Lsewaym I elm rOR1triL Ta In rale demnn.l at maTW, hoab. 1 for boKad. soon, aad go 73 per bui kiln dried.

CO TTON Liverpool onened grm at a fee npbmda. adnaeed to aad ckswd atrmg at that tre re, wttk sales of t.en tales New York onened stroe a mwe for anddliar. aad alow firm at that Bewm, wttb sain of Mice. Dealers ae report tha autrrst arm at yesterday'a swotattoBa, aa follows: MlddBnx IV Low middltmr. Mli faood erdmary 16 Ordianrv HV COTTOM TAtUfSTba market as grm at tba advaace.

aad dealer quote mm follows: Ita ad. awe; no. raw. at l.v; na wav. ai rvue; no.

ow al lac: carpet chain, white, a almXaot colored. nr; eaadlewicK. at Bdm. eei.i. eaaba bought at 1U km thaa tha flgurn given.

OOTTOB TIES An awoted at raw ta. DBIID FBtTP Bow BoaOea an auoted at Am tha. Ne p. aches ta tta start et. EnOB Tb anueet la auset, aaa anien are aainBsl at tlsaiac ncounc.

asm ta any aar doa. na llwtsa. rviTOKR Tta miitnl Is ewie. aad Ii smote at (at tevetasoe, warn par oaaa, tan Bt tinea baca, PlrtTI Market weak. Trad quart th rnt i n.

Ii ai: at tb. at be. A a IIB Ibe. fl Whrteftak st fT BC half bbl of MB lb art for Noa. I aad Barring a.

onnnj rtrm.wa fnr pwraW at parawA aer raw. omuimw mt nisi nad mux anan. ujmii I 1 sndscaaa. lAtanak at asB rwhrstwmebi r. tta Infiu ninl hta sitai nalaa I Vta iaS ia tta Mta tta lam taasem Tun sa.

Buses, an a we ke Xd SO em trvem qweaartoo: Mackerel, No. 1 targe, gays No. YmVemm, BsajiSI; Be. g. laexe, t1ittT; Be.

aisrtlum. air terga. miaftli an bid. Kal kttaTl Bta, mt Bt au; k. Bl: I si btj to era and Bt arr aia tae ir Tbe Dd ac la ta nala rr quiet A'fcc ket su.

for Ota tea giur, 7.ew ela quart dtl prton ran ou wnh Cta ao atatata ed; I ebttesKw. Vbite, I emem I BMm ta fvobd saut lv5 b.lluwa Pine, Bagi pTVUl'B Tbe arret i aa: raara. hat extra fi nstj tais.i nn. it family. (aaay.

Baa A Bo. asl at ri.iVKrrn ua st per leak 1 1 for prm HI 1 1 1 TB IIbbbb lb bu. asall aa eoijai Priraws are bald at TSeav e. taa gusirry. rciHKtw phi ii aranHM.

uran anbnamamn. per boa 4 SJ repacked gt BtoAat: haver rmae per woa pa rca oaa tar poem 1 nt Be; Bnata saiisida per auwad txiaSlea. ClyggftO fihwa an Im aad ill! i UBAIB Wswaw B.w ares la Beta at Bt Bt aa ior rwa ta bulk, on nrrmL wua htadlmg. Ae. Maraet euasc svl TWmndnrM Mew atadtna.

Baaxar Maraet auaet, aad deakera guota aew at Aahiisaals rBfdBBiBllXalKB ml BV; Ba. at 14. and raw anal at 1 la. HAT The irk il tm arm mt awn made from aw. mul a.

u.a. i tlftt ail i sai i and Mw)e per tew sa r. hew aaa aetli a Bi Bar aaa 11ULP Tsar daamad aad prten an Ina. eavrs auote raw hemp at davsal. par bmv; avew na swMBaiW.

BOBrr Brash hi ham at BV. IBOR, MATLB ABB) fCfrxL XuM swlet at runantleeei ana km taci otmmt. I nan, erta msnt. mem aajei iron i.e. eteelVe; knm nun I stien SWT, asiav man iftaVt LaUTHgTl Trade Buset at gaolatlon: bog.

BktausBW(l7aaI per doe; aide euuer ieaxtar aHaSc: sktrtlne aSavalr: hndta aaeein per mat; appen aaaaaau; sips, evty. aa iae per fc: rnaairi PAI etty seat ft 61 90 pot lb; Braaoh aaaf $U)mmW fat do. MABCPACTvBBll TOBAOtJO. Tta market Is sulci but Arm. Virrrinin bnade raras from tao aBflta MOLAaWBB ABB) BIBrps Then la a astr de mead tor hew Uric.

a mnlsmsa. aad praam an well aiatttaail Ilralsra quota at per xaiwm. a. so wmmay. nwwpa an Bin fly, ana mm mt inn ibi uina awn an ami at wetaaue for iraau: aaa7aa fur primn, aad advgl for Son, oyTAL IVslars awots tn at l'VU at air, ana nipsruH aaa at at ton.

Trade wumt. ONIOKB Bew red an held at II 73 ner aot, loos, oa arrtvat, slum miaain as Bi un; pscaed, aufcix is. POT ATOKH Plains awata a baada at at tone: from mora, packed. Bt tt Baam to day of at btws. at a in.

POCLTBY Market medaraflr active. Chick and ia better anpply and held at Bt JSCae aer PKOVIHlONlUTnrTwml areeaed at Be for ot a. asua for lard aad Me for a a bob: bard ad vaATated to 44m aad Btuba. ratlr to 44 tea. porb ana bnooi remniayrg lABcbnaAea.

New torn re KBTte aieaa autrt at 9 ard at Se. Ctaetaaatl rwtrorta atarttet wut wttb ataady r4ebiae dcaaaad; bacaja at t. 7 aad 7 for ai ouh'rra. rtrar no ana eioar uoav nieadro ra dull at iySkT.lal sTw for nvfaa: lard dall aad Ba miaai at Kse; balk aboairtare at iiblVa. Tbe fe airg taia aiarbat ia hrmr 4 ddy, with a fair atavad tor actual ooaaamiKMettw aad prieea ara nainrr.

Itijk If satc Pealen aaote ewnr aadea at (, 7e, clear rib atdea at a He, aho Udara at eJte. Bavcob Itraura qoote eaear nt at 7je: adee rbavbc; aboaideca Haar Haaer rnred are Ikeed at lUc; plaia eaa Msaa PoejLDralm huii at tUftlS 90. lUsr Prtme leaf ia tteraa. beU at lwillOkc: irgiiiiitiLiia PALT eTbe aiarfcet ia attady at preeiiMe uo BICE ta eood llliassl and Brm at tuakaa for Bnnaooa; sakUe tort sriiliaa tain to day of 10 ta at se. BOAP la aacbtanrl.

with a fair demand IVel rs amda Ueraaaa So. 1 at l.Vs7Wc: No. at aad roam al 3a. rrTArU'ri Market aulet: atocka omnia: ld at auAivo. BI OABM The mnrkn la eteadr: trade mod erate ly active.

The auvrket la vary nearly ban of N. but tbe quota! gins will apply to runs anaitan. iwaawm quota a. touowa: Coa.aioa Bew urn aaa eugar ........1011 vetr ao nitrite: rulty larrdo 11S' Prima do IlVmEtif lLM dO 1.1111 Cm cd. powdered aad UW A ecfTce 1x41 BroCee Hl.ttlS't LttiaC I itVIH yePcw IV rirrieC Kull Tellt leweian lvkaaU Kl A Tbe demand la rood, stock ttrht.

aad am aia an takes rendby at giuayW per dL TALLOW AND BBEAHB Markee brink forth is. Tallow at 7n mas. tstran ataJanTjie. aa to quality. TriMilTnm TTinw.

una, tliislns auota nt tlmlSpnlmnheL VINEUAB Market fakr nod elder fa anoted at STav per barrel; appae at glu. aad wtae at tlx. WHIStT Hyk a Ina an quiet at Bis. WOOL Tba market It arm. aad dnllii a I.

aa followa: lawaabed a taevfo i4mmi CvsBldBg aVtia; barrr kakiua tans. LMUgrllW Lfavf Tgaacrd Jf arket The aaarket was a shade saeier to day on both wa enu mg. out pr en an not qwotably lower. Ita ahda, as per autcaaaat Below: Tba PK xarr Bocwa anld al hhda: 7 hhde rrecainr.are eoanty tanr nt pit. 12 73.

ten. la ii a. ii rs, ii ii so, ii. to gv io xv. ia t.

sa, rU.a,a,vgg, 70, OI, SO, I tat; hhda Breninndga county rues at gT an. 7 0: 11 hbds tieaorraua ooaaty seat at gl, id. sn. gMLH u. I 1 a.

lu RfaVl hhda Henderao. county luxa at 17 Kn. gta, M. Tu. 7 HJ.

TU; amis xenon rmialy rear at pi 7a, hade Da vi em euunty taef al gS 9 M. SI. a lu. jS. 70.

tu. 5 hhda Daviess owaty burs st gT a. 7 7. 7 7 I and Trimble countv bwf al gl aa: I hhd Trliabls euuaty higa at 1 had moiKm i nn i mil nl su. The larBnui Horn anld hhda bhdn Butler county leaf at $10 30.

1 70, W. bhd Feller owaty hrr i at T. 7 t. 7 (: hhd k'uhlnburg Bounty leal at id. 10.

hhda Muhnmburc oounty hfs at 7 tu. 7 90. 7 hhde acLeaa county tear ai re. iu. a laoa wctaea Bounty hum at W.

7 1 hhd swvpins a nt SO; khd Aim countv haga at TV; 1 hhd Breckia ridce county taps at 7. The Boon Borax sold at hhda: 17 khds Breck tnridre eouaty leaf a pa tn. a a an, lo (XX 10 XV S5, 75. bl. 10 VI, 70.

7a. in. 70; 7 bbd Oreea eonatr amf mt 7 ro. a. BX 80.

7 W. hhda Todd county tura aad leaf at 7 Bt, 7 BL The Fat a aaa' Horn XOhbda: I hhd Davien rout af at $11 ati: 1 bhd Bart county medium lev at aa t': hbds Warm eouaty msdiiira kef at 70. 8 90. and 9 ft: i hhda Barrea eouaty medium tear al fa ar.d I a); hbds Warrea rounty luca at (a 7 r. 7.

and 9U; hhda Eutl. rounty tuxsat an. tu. 7. 7 10.

and 7 bhd Wsrvea countv low leaf at VI: bhda Bar. ra county higa at ta. 7. aad tu. The Nnrva Taarr Hor tx cold IS hhda: hhda arm conary mn at pa no to a no a bbda Wnr county leaz it aiioi ao; 1 Bad countv leaf hhd Davien county lues pr ai: i and uavlen county leer at Jltl: bhda Hart eouaty leaf nt 97 to to Hi 30.

XI BEETS BI TavLEGBAPH. New Toaav Atut. ir. nttfMB tha tgainri i. fair and pru ee aara adraac oa ordinary aTx oat uitlinarr nni tat tw aniii diine eiW'dl og urlaada le.

Hour, the market 19 iv.aot't la bnyT faror: reerrpta in ftou barrkt: einar eetrD acd Mate 4 rornmoa extra 95 3 go.Ki to choice 1 lit Wratt tm eitra ji Ohio extra extra tH. Loala aC Rre Hur ti Vonmrm. ta autrt. Wlilak? tm Anacr a( Uu Se heat, the market la ddll aad laT fg HBed tt hw pTTndra; rcwpta lM.a mrbU; Noefaprinii fi ttf, I winter red Wret 91 1 ant SeT vn 91 an white Vtca 91 fancy a ml or Ind taa a 91 SA. Hre.

lailevand Matt aia dull. Cora, tb aaariret la dull prieea hat declibed. tecelpta bufb'la: ai xrd acara M4jAav; whtte Gala, th auarket te etr adv witb a md rm.a d. mai cg i ta ii.iuu baHbr Weatera aad Ohio iVfl. tae tact, ra eamae rate.

Har and Ho a ar Una. Coffre. tbe drmad aa fair market ftrai; Hio lVe. tuar. the mavr a ta areaay wna a taoaqrate amaad fair ta oo rruuvifs(se; cutha et 'e aolaaaea aairt aad nrn kaawi ka tar Tammmr PaatM.

nwutn. aruiie yir and rfbied Pravittiakm anu: mma potxt. aew il X7 II: artaaa efas. bp. Biltatl eilrr tVptd mbg in tvtmi9 a naoi iboremrt it aia.

ife a naa Lot areata are an efaaRpTfd. Middlea are dull; elty (ttrforxla Ssa. Ird te aarratuf: petane at am M'Hc; ttle rea derrd tse. Buttrr ia dull: WaattAwra lttdrmJO. nnd btate ttaAteTU.

Caeeee is ulet at He. for Bhtpptac rmdre rf extra. Avaaat, mane ia nraaer; no I tarta fl ar: vmterred Weau ra 91 dix. fcye, Weetera uata are aaiet at niteaoe. Laud ngit bayen and aeUere mn too far apart la their vie ea traeiaeiba; priane aajced aad bu.

gm avre aacaanaPB. IBT tauooae Tba aBuajrbat la Mkt iimyt.b a ritt ra for tbe daily pn aa bare be a mialed rcTa ina. iraae aa entire ana aa atuna ta early. Tbe real fnctpa of the raie are, that rn, ta aaiicipatmc tnetr wnnta. bonabt Iobbt bare of ataplra before Um riaa la prtc but tbe orjt ry trad hara aot ret me fitrwa rd to take atocca MT taetr anade.

antt tttara aom of brm art beetaalae to naurm Tba noto. thr tatdrior are ltrlnT and are ao hurry In anttt ipatinf their want a. Trade ooea aoout one mo am mter. aetVama. taaa rvat tVctcmber to bkrhr to brine a cood tvaf entire tiwte at rery fan Pdrta 80 Umg ad mfiey la eaay, erupa amndAat aad raw tuatd rvaaaJn b'sa.

prlre aatforaa. A rfba ranrAao. Aua. IT. Fl Br.

taa taaarfeet ta duU ad prio a ara BBLbantTPd. ebaL tbe demand aertir fAnd prtcn bnre adrnav lc; JSo ft Bttl aa 4 anan: ei aa i ei. aor bbu Auanat: rUtgittl si.le'sc seller ail yenr: thai aitenonathe market waa rrrerswr and active at (1 OUKkl frwmibwAaxam: 1 fHt 1 1 be sailer nep. tvmter una, ov mismi. tne mane wena' nn ie lower st ste oaan; lor this afterBooa tta aaarket wna tat grm nt ltar Angnt; tor seller Beptember.

Oata, Na A the men Ie coaler at Bagak. BveTSo tbe aaarket al metsofce. Kkarrey. Ne tne mar. arer at euvtai U. anaule butmndyMfaw. Man pork as firmer ai fit for Bet ler aepteaaber. iauw Sttic. awa. tbe demand ta ennd nl fwrl nrieeer nalee ns Min tn Cattle.pi ha aan ata kewattgl rtewtkts to Bugaloausn aara.

Becetpia th past ben: Ion barrehi of Sour. bush rat ef wheat, ITgara baabet rora.7a.oug kits earn, la. on baak tm rye. Ii barley. head taen.

ahipmiala: gaaohnrri la 4.uiw maihshi wheel, irttuua buabela eon, bwshrl. oata. aoa beawuds rye, a. buah bartay. gU head huca.

CtncTBwari. Aag. 17. cnaoa, tb amrket ia aad aacbsnred la awry rnpect: middling taa: family ga enagg SO. xsaaai, tba dual aad prion an dnupmp nd gl 19 Ceen, tta market la dwil aad ixrlem amkaared at Sle.

Bye, tha amrket la dull and ban deelmed to ear. as ist Arm al aotxtaa. an nnrhaas, Baw. ths a a moderete deannd at tamiae. an dwfl nad dimsad khgat ba reoweet, aad anmtad at lota.

market at mndieatsty nd soabtyanntd at a. In today of aatrat ik Lasts I hsr5rTBc tnm ant sh.inn. unit, ae aarraaas ee srop ra sneaed Uiesm nnd irket is steady te. Better end Mam awn. the gxogW I I at Lv tb nt th ly I to eta get guw aad nys: citca.

The soad for ta tha ta arhe an Inhlna Av auMe tbe much wnier rnarrmlnas would Beve te ta ait Ir te sett. tw7 'arTvi'i'MM taade to effect mlea Raeos. 1 mawnwrs ewerv re WmtUtrrhavtooBth. quiet and an. hnoed i the demand taaoed 1 sad gy ktcht kbda Hon and ta every respect.

Tobacco, anew, or iar T' rr? be market I dan And arms an Biawmau. ri 1 sh. sreM ta dntt and piatwa an nrrtianiiil. aad laaann very in ill: extra fafl doweta nstrn aa a vita at Wheat, tba market at Ifwat; tat red faffm etevmttar ft 11: No red fail a CaVw. he anmrhm hi Irani Ity dall; low avtaed tn talk as the trunk tie; yellow suxed noted tan, tint an aad tba market ta areevtied.

cVastne kews mtasd ta Bulk oa tha erne aVtleTaT, nekedmHeaSe. Bye, the mitanl ta mssdy na rS. Barley, the maraet at quiet: Bo bnerytas.wvdm.le. Mem perm ta quiet atglS kWrmta UAtunxnadordnlotsof aaoaidenue; sienrrrb 7ff Lard hi dull: aeaatitaq Ion of kettle aad rrfrns Xu)tSe. boas as senna mt 1 4 BK oiita.

tta mnrtet ta nvore active: lex 1 a and native aa for rta pnec bima. S. auu hnr retae Benr. a.U0 hesheta of wsaaa. at.

HO nuah elemirs. la.u rmebela onta, bnikiit bnrier, i.Ul hnataw rye, tuv heed hoxw Ls head mtus. a Blear, thw amrket la dull nnd prlees an aneun.l Ohm and lailwaa rAJ; Wtarotataand Minnesota eatra bally avwsavy. taea. ata nun naeHed ami market ta sseedy with a anWim Bntera ttSn.

Pravtakdw ua duU aora ta aaid at ai. tard Peti Arm as mis a. day 110 halve; enapmente iialee. Wwir. sb airtilhsmtMBewta Conmawl arm ernt ga.

Corn, the Basnet ia dull aad prions an at gua. Oan, tke amrket la dug aad anna an draopmg at t4a. Hay at care. Brnnht grmer al Men pork, aahw La mrisveqiu aawa deal ai omtaul. liaeoa la dull aad nasi I Prion i droop lmi is It wa One; laaaHtaaaa.

Baw Oat ran Aua. 17. Xlowr. aaaa a 7a. fa aad ga 10.

Cera ta I Onta an ta fnw dvwaad mt egyk, liny sad are nwmnnnaww. men pen ta dall at gl wee e. need. Bases, tha mark al la arng shoolden 7Vet rth Saw her eien. nl.

iaurd ie aariis vf, tub ta miB mt Mia nr. marling Uoad tig All Kaaarvwxa. Aua. 17 Cotton, ttamnrfcet at awn sd prim an anaiiasl: low i5un. Pioar i fsaavf ea.

Wheat gt mAi cTtm. as are Onto arajtaoe. Bye nag nm. Barley 4. rib SWe: eaear wdn rVe; hntaa, plaiB Ulc lawd.

lint at ism lljs. Baxvvwoaa. Aua. 17. runt, the Im nnle una an weaa.

vu, to. ens amvses arm mt sno Wimin eadknte. Onta. tha qwuW aad pi use ere week: paieae tva la. i pemn.

amy daM at atm' Puismaaa. Aua. IT rni iliam unta tta amrkm ta dull bu tan an turner; tta spot. sailer August or Ei ptieahn Ids; aeitar all tha yeea ll)u; buyer ail ita year Uc hadmea. tbe aasnd Is fair aad prim ban adveaeed: ssbn Arswwt XftVaac; aaUar gipiamlm taqtadts.

RIYERKEWS BdiT LKATirl. TxlIB BAT, tor aai fn aim mr aifisi hnmi nil. I CinctnuaU ARL'SUTON a. a. Deaden.

CAMKI.f A 5 r. a. I ineinnnii BkB FKAKIUg 4 r. a. NATWlLUAMd 1 r.

a. Arvtvala Yesterday. Ocb. Btvall. ClneiaaatL IVrwuda.

Cincinnati, Charmer, Sraaevuie. luaiata, welnanta. ttmcTa. Madiaoa. Bon Bite, Departarea Vestcrdav.

Juniata. rtnetannU. Oea. Buell. CiaetaaatL" Lomera Jladieim.

Ill i ntml Cmcinanti. won tlite, ileawleivon. 1 Tbe liver I aboat taticnarv. a 1th tivteen tncuca ia the pa. a dowa tbe ludlaa chut and gva Uet oa Pot Head bar.

Pour feet lanre a repoilad oa t'mar 1'ata mterdnr. and unlr twenty four it: hes oa I'reaca la'aad. Tbe oeck ete between tbie nod Bvnuevilie an hevma a rood dcl of troulile la eettine over tta ban. be siaitarmufsu was deiuthtiullv eumpured to any day tor tha peat week. At no aim jrci teruey toe werowry ws anon t.1 frr tislLid wr decidedly tta dulVm day ef the aeenita.

Kow tasa thai mine ta to lent de rnt aaith aot, but tne tadieatitms nre that nan will iwirw ama. dnnna tta asms wetn sn in lima lal li lsii.nts so Ita CoraikB Joraaab report tha cooditioa of the wt aeer aaa ne um aaa Witaiw ipur rivers aad their trBial urhie at varaoaa poiata. The Nat. William eon out to ti to. day at a.

Tbe KntevDilse. from New Orleana. waa looked for lam aixhL Card. Tbrarim Murdork. a retired sic am.

bom rasa, ta ta th etty. rantaiu Coarirr tVhtilU and Pmk Vsrbl left tor at. Lewis liataidai tuialn The LoCiaira No. 2 come ta krwa Enasrilta yntndny and raturaad ystaiadsg nwng The kfuille Khert ta Iraadinar for Bew Or. teaa and adwrruaed to Inn to morrow even Tbe Gew.

Boell left for CVnrlnnatl'vaeli rdar eveaiax with a plradid trip of freagai and pnn Tbe Ed. Hob arrived from WaeellBar with tow of fire brick and retuxMd wrtii a urw of mpty ha rt a. Tbe ArUcetrMk mud JL rf Amiiiwi ntw th BbBmBri boaU ior CiarbtaaU ta de be tirC aac at aiaA at dV at. aad ibe inUdv; Tb. buU for ZmpL JobaA.

rretr 1 eas tad Bew 1 aur WUl b. sauarhrd at Eelle TerBoa oa oaturday. The D. T. Lose tad Fcarkrt art rt ported ad bemg laid np at fewlr kley.

It la ramored thsa the tat haa ben purchavad by Cum. I. V. Mu Doaald aad oth. ra.

Cant. Lrouukl and Car. Beit, of BL Louie, wv re la the city yesterday for the purpoas of rontnctXne for a aew boat tor the St. Louis and 1 lunula nt ar trade. Ibe I ermoda arrived rom ClneinaaU yea terday monirig.

bnaging dowa a Upht trip of shipping 'reixht for the Chanaer aad Impire. tbe aril aa her retain trip te Cincinnati a Its. Cap. Thomas Hoyse. reueral agent of the CtaruisnU aad Maw phia pnokot line, ama dowu tram Clnetanntl yesterday morning da the mail host, and returned tan sight by the swawt kaa rndrond.

The WhHc river atntaers ban reduced the fan from Metaphta to Jackanapes from li to fn. Ballruad eompetitioa baa caused the redue ImvaB b. H. t. Ca4.

H. Wool folk received a tebwnm yvsterdsy from Bockport carina thnt the Bn bed pnmed tnnt place at 1 a. n. she win leave ifaln eveaiag for lliwili i Bauactuaiiv uw adiertited time. Mr.

Joha Wettull, one of the rtlcnanly pnrrttion of the is loos, oa tbe Henderson naekets, ta tn tba city aut lent Irr at present. rloek ba irkw montha' bard work bad creed Witk him t'apl. John P. Keleer. sutcrinlendctrt of the bt.

Louis pad Memphis Pa. act oompnny. re tun, to Mt. Louis last slant. He sijili I ind hiamt aa betas hhrhly pieeed both with tba rraim and general ai paaraace of tha new boat.

Kv of lleleaa, ltag bulrt by James Howard A for th ctimisiiy rrprew nla. IW. Drew, tbe mteatc of a new steering Bpsantu.lert for Bew Orleana lata Burnt by tmtm. ttmm u. e.niO.IIOS IOO Pilot a Associalioa room reeterdar from a w.

teSr.a. A tareaumb, of pilota and steamboat. am exaaiiued a. aenrlv nil ef whom wee. of o.

opaiiiai that i. wot ld pror. to be a crvat orovnnBt over the present mode of steering a CapL El'iott's new Memphis and White river packet, Enuaa C. BUiott, is i iin m.ln. nDidlv.

aad will hs eomoleted ..1 leave about th loth of September Her cabta la ruuy rwOTpn veu. iae pemtaax anetv dose nnd the aaa. bin err far advanced. Tbe Knm Kllioci even her enfiluibtd atata, pretests bnutl lul urtHtav. Thouxh aot ao lam.

be w.lL when nnt.bed and farntrhed. compare favorably with tie guest boats that have benbnilt around tke falls during ibe past twelve amtktt Tbe mpirr. Coramodon Huvbea l. Biaad. With Capt.

Bea ta tbe ofBoa, wiu be fornd al the Portland whurf thia avornlna sad will depart for Cain this evening nt toVlock posim siy. a no tapir nid to be tne hjrhlest lost sCost. snd will xo throuah witboot o. tlihtratdifcnlty. Ihe Impire aud Ella Hurnea S.oeq to th.

1' pper twmber'aad Kieer Pm kn Comi aay, aad uan oohie Btaaaaet to star. and will leave bete every alternate Tuesday and ridav ti nne tbe iow.water cartes im Co. an tb sgeata. Tbe Mewmhis Anneal aan ar.b.1. a T.

anrw wna rmu umi mm mna. na iwan. critical coad.tioa aad ainkine rapidly, thouxh wa ill ban sHrht bapea of a chance tu his caa which amy lead to hta rnoimy. Tbe Memphis nnd Arkanma Brver Pmket Company tar. been n.ww.

unv .1.1. njairnn TI T1TT for four yean d.n. coatpeay taa beea carry mt the mall Cor tb mat. yenn anttatnetorily to tbe people on Arkaa n. river and the Poatofftoe Depnrtmnt; but at letatag oat of Ihe baa ta July straw bids were put at lower rate, thaa the Arkansas eostpanv wen w.TUng to contract tor.

The bid derc rot betag reeponaibta. tbe Depnrtmewt taa awarded tta eewtrnet to the Arkaams company their bid. Thai will bs rood news to the pie on Arkanna r.ver. they will be fuml.hsd witbtbcnT Baaal taattarn ragalarty hercto fon. The St.

Lonit Times, of Wodaeadav, atn: "Cat. Ed. P. DU reeeivad a telexrnm yetterday from Capt. B.

O. Canoe, of the raultne Carroll, dated Memphta. etatlmr thnt the Jaws Howard wwaatdi ax rouad at Chocuw. Hta bea s. run rhaanel, and effect nail bio, ka tt off from tbe mom re of other bonta.

Tha CarroU wn dmwmg six feet, snd wn forced to And aew channel ia order to paaa op. tabe worted at the Howard twelve hours, bet wna unab'e to get her aflont. At tast aeeimnta tbe Crete V. aeunta wa. n.d ta tnalnc off tar ftiaxht.

nnd had nearly all on tbe bank. The Howard will eertata lost oa Biarb in thaa ii feot water (tha amount nid tn he ta the rhaanel i sad tt at mor tbaa likely that that tsonmg a Bamphia dto rarea will annonacc her etnr. But em If that should bs tta enn ata will tan Ntoetrtllre earowttr. which rm.1 sain, tar rtosew. of cettmx to New Oriesa.

wttuout much nun troohle dl cooins.Bv. lis truth ta. ne Ie too and tarae a era to venter, ea mm little water, ia additioa the Boward, then an others avouad set area Memphis aad Vtck burx. tae ind mg tha Aady Jnhraed. Capitol City, to be above ihe Choctaw, wait 'at to over: lom Jasper at same place, aad biee st besldn then tna C.ty of Alloa Dexter, aad nveral ottars beard from.

Tbe Bt. Loois Republican of Wednesday The rrrer at this point la stig on the do Tha bxbt nta rin bn been ealmasli d. coadilioB of the appn river km ana greatly Improved withia tke last two weeka. The dredxe boat Oagrey lal beea reBdeitar good srrvkw to the lateeeet of lUsnrasini tar week. pust.

Then Is Bow auntcawat water tba targe Ward boat to reach St. Paul. Tarn ta aot a very tarn ataowat of baaraw a to taw at tha pi sent time, mtn boat ret all frrisbt tbey ena carry. 1 here ia conaedcrabie fflcurty experienced ta aavixntlnc the Bl amvf rlverat orrtata platen Ne hnpiurt wmareported the coadriloB of the llhnora. CoL Was.

Bo, of Msmphta, wha taa tan tnktac a fnr weeka mstke. nnvs dowa mm the Northwest yeeterdsy. aad report everytbtnr ta a Bour eoadlUoa. Benrs that wtthm tha pent, i.methe Isattii mt of theetmuuy bn rnstlv to "fully increased, and tt ta quire nwposeilae i naainw ansa in tm irnaarorw wrouaht by the progri eatv spirit of th a aad prorie. CoL Bonwdle pmci i dd oa hta way to.

Meanklsaa tha City of Cairo yialsi ibay. Ths weataasr wn eery hot I al day, thouch not 4 hot mm tha day befor. Ua tbe 1 aic aeaal awart i uallasn ts reign. There Boa Mota. Whlpmiats are amdered by brer and knrk fmrht tartOa, weather haa doabtlen Bran bagu isadertagt dulf For river ec trttuttoaittihstee mli em.

1 n.q aimnia. Wbamr ta IT. Cotton, tbe das Bern mm 1.

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