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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 1

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rKUAT HOEHISG, HOT. 7, 1878. Kenwailxi tlis election to morrow in In Thirty-slita Senatorial district Tbc deals of Liri Kaaaa, the trail-knows wtren and muf of everal theaters, announced thlt morning. It Is at last safe for ref oswes to return to Metnpbls. Only one new cat reported yesterday, and it not probable that others win occur unless ta weather abould change for thanrorst.

Tbe aljnal victory of axwaitdbb Mac Scszre tn the Canadina PariUmeiit a triumph of honrtty over corrnptton. Tbongh the MacDohald government bu been la power since the Dominion was established ia 18S9, tue Ministry- In the fare of defeat has resigned. The new Cabinet win be formed by XhcKxaztc. Kx LKDt- General J. lorrnerij of the Confederate army ard one of the mott distinguished officers of the rrjrular army of the United States before the war, died yesterday at h's plantation near Selma, Alabama, upon which he baa I lived since the cessation or hostillues ta 1W5.

Ha mduated at West Point la 1838, served with distinction in Mexico and with great bravery and discretion in tlx Utav war and died at tha ace of nfty four. If we mast hare banajinfr and, while webtlie-ve la tbe death penalty, strike, as that a surer and quicker method would be better for the take of humanity let tassr be ao anea wretched bana-nag aa that as Wllliamtport yesterday-. But hardly I shameful was the careless work of tha therif than sv the morbid disposition undvlliied, which prompted the specta tors to carry ofl pteoes of the rop a Precious relics they are, fuf tooth, and that must hare been a senti menial crowd which surrounded the pillows. Bullion it bring; constantly shipped to thl country from England. At much aa 000 was forwarded yesterday.

This sum, with the large amounts previously shipped. ouht to aflord torn, relief to the commercial intereau of the country. The stocks of railroad and other corporations have Ho doubt declined a far aa they will go, and may aspect to bear of their advance. ForeUm capitalists will now invest, and it the enrresx-y which is la tbe bands of baaka aa individuals tt put in circulation that win be a great Improvement in business. Yet we hear o( new suaprnstont amon manufactories.

Tea DiUt in Mauayuok have suspended entirely. Tbe (bit-ago Tribune of yesterday, re. fernng to the election, aay "Those who think tbat there simultaneous Republican defeats are tbe symptoms of an ofl year and not the first tokens of a revolution-bad better study the returns by localities, and they will find that the keaview inroad have been made in precisely those plaree where the He publican party has hitherto been strongest in such counties as Kane, Kendall and Bureau, la Illinois; such aa Scott and llenry, in Iowa: such as Douglas. Kansas, and Racine, WUcon- sin, to say nothing of the State of Massachusetts, which Is strewn with local wrecks everywhere." This acknowledgement from a fair, capable and independent judge is worth more than all the opinions expressed by the partisan organ of tbe Administration. The voters of the Third, Fourth, Fif th, Pixth and Seventh wards must not forget that aa election will take place in the district composed of those wards to-morrow to fill tha vacancy in the Senate caused by the resignation of Hon.

A. T. Port. believe there is only one candidate aow before the people, Hon. Tnos.

L. jErraaao, a gentleman in every way worthy of tbe poaitioa and deserving tha honor. Mr. Jarrxaaos it one of our most sagacious, intelligent and succeasful merchants, is an upright, fair-minded and honorable gentleman, is thoroughly conversant with tha wants of the city, has bad legislative experience, and la respect to character, capacity and integrity is iuat such a maa as Iiouisvllle aeeda ta icpmsat her Interests at Frankfort. The votes, of that district should ao to the polls to-morrow and vole foe Mr.

Jtrrusus, whether he has op poaitioa or not. Taooga Antaa srsms to have carried Mississippi for Governor, it it by no means certain that he will get hi scat. Mmy of tbe beat lawyers of the State share the opinion that the proceeding were illegal, being In conflict with a provision of ta Etate constitution, which tbey gay does not authorize an election for State officers before 1574. There is a strong party in the State who will ue every lawful means to defeat the success of the ambitious carpet-bagger, and it is probable tbst tbe question will be taken to the courts for decision. Powers, the pretonl incumbent, and tbe Attorney Ueneral are both opposed to him, and their positions will them gleal td vantages in a fight before the courts.

The whole aOslr will doubtless result In a muddle, in which the President and the Attorney Ueneral of the Lnittd smsics will figure as prominently as tbey il: 1 in the Louititna trouble. The Preaidrui raay hate to exercise hi excel lent in determining a hicli is the latstui Mute government. It Is in'poible to anticipate with any degree of accuracy what will come of the discussions now going on in the French Assembly, but titer it much warrant for the belief that MscMahok's term will be extended for lea years, and that the Executive will be clothed with new aad atronaer powers. The message of Mac-Mahox urging tbe creation of "a strong, durable executive which can energetically defend society," suppress newspapers, was loudly cheered by the Bight, who, though letiaqaithing all immediate hope of establishing a monarchy, an deUrBuned to approach as nearly as possible. They accordingly moved that the Executive power conferred oa XacMAstoa for tea years, aad, oa the demand of OocuutD, ta saotioB was declared argent by a large majority.

Heron Es-Cbasswbiscb. a fiuiiapartiat, moved that the people 'be called upon to decid la January whether the tssooarcbical, repub-licaa or Irnpentl form ot go vara man shall be adopted, but the declaration ot urgency was defeated, evea with the support of Tanas and th deputies ot th lft. Tins indicates quiU clearly that US Right, though too weak to satabbsh a monarchy. Is strong enough to defeat any immediate move-Beat for the establish meat of the repab-lic 1L Di vacbb Beamed to comprehend Ihe sltuatloB when he declared that' the ItiBtsag. of th KxecuUve expressed the steiKraldsaue tor the adopuoa of a defl-nite form of government, but yet advised a comianance of the present precarious Judging from tbe temper of the aUatrcbly oa Wednesday any definite and permanent form of government will be long delayed.

So cbnngeabl, i. the aenli-mcnt tUt it is lurdiy fe rlik prophecy when a permanent government will be established, or what that government will be. Slaaalaciare ia I'lak. Sslv Liai, Not. iron m.nufactur-I mpanv has beta org.oU.d at 3en of accioewTsLiT twor nan.

a aetSorsttlii ay r. T' "lD; oeentrea at Hirer duck ahootut-! oeentred at Rirrr OS DIM t.IILB COTTOawooO. I or tske. Iroaj lMI. U-l SBviuh was over ti.OJO.Ood.

Haay of tka Dapa.rftars with Jay Ookw a-Aetaal Waat. Extraordinary FroeeMiogi of the Firm in Settling Claims Against It. The Penasylrtala Ballrssil 814 to Intend a Scrip Dividend. Goar. Plackaay Whlta to Ba Chosen Senator from ISmxyland.

0 CHANCE FOR EOBESOX. sane at tha Iff saauBevoa. ti, Nov. a Tha question as to the bankruptcy of Jay Cook Co. will come oa far healing in tha Mpresne Ooart of this District aa Monday next.

Tha ckief matter eflatanatwUl bt at to theeoart here obtains Juiitdletioa over the property af tbe benkrapta. patltloni having been Sled both la taJ District ana the Carters Da arts of feBaryhraala. Tbe petitions la th latter district were Sled Sett la polat oMtase; but on of th raatttlowe ta Um District allege an afHsr act haefc-raptey tbsa tboae recited la the Philadelphia petition, to-wlt, the fraudulent rnacealnieat and removal ef th property of tbe Una on the day t( Um aosveBaton. Jay Coakt A Co. are exerting; tneroaelvee actively to proettr.

additional tlgnatwe. to their agreement pra-vldliie for tn extra judicial settlement of their aflairs, cotwltbstanltiig they btve been explicitly notified by aotaa of th Unrest depositor that tbey will Insist na aa abaelute adjudication of baakruplcv. It is a matter of surprise to th unlucky depot- Itors that certain newspapers should be ex pending aU their sympathy oa Jty Cook A a torn of their depositors art In actual waat. There is a Very gloomy feeling amnng depositors it to th prospect of getting any thing out of the astat; and toast of thoM who signed Gookt't stfreement did to noon the ixprew atsuttxc that ai that had never be.n exposed weald be amply tufacient to pay sll the liabilities ut leave a surplus, in some Instances the Arm are laid to hsv succeeded In settling with creditors by payiag 15 per cent of their claim In cash, and assigning Northern Pacinc railroad bonds at 63 cents on the dollar for the balaace. Sots traaaacuoaa hav occurred to-day wher th aoidera of claims Id out tt 40 cents on ths dollar for everything.

It a matter of inquiry as to how parties sgsinst whom proceedings In bankruptcy sr. pending aosaeas theoulve of much cash, and the wonder la where their rearrre fund krpt. lis rxnasTLVtai atiLaoAD. Aceoniing to th New York papers of today, the Prnnylvani Ksilroad Company Is in snch condition that If It fails to borrow mon. pay cmh dividend It wilt the.

de- ire a crlp dividend. Th N. T. Tiuie Ms, the numerous rsilrosda leased under Mr. fcotl's manipulations, that they were leaed upon trrms bdaed upon a cost much Isrirrr than would Lave been sustained la any period except ote of lnlated prices, and much in tacts of what they now represent It looks as it this gentleman would have other ash to fry than bujlng Legialaturit sad electing (Senator.

tbs xw jtasiT LtoisLsvraa. It has been falsely stated that the Ltxrisl tore Jut closed In Sew Jersey wilt electa Senator la the place of Mr. Stockton. Th election tor Senator doca not com oft till after nxi, and only two-thirds of tha pretent State Senate, will participate in It. 1 her.

will t.vew aw (Mat senatore to choMa next tall, aad th ealire assembly; so that Mr. Kobeson't chance is really little better than those of Delano and Cretwell, who have so signally failed la their aspirations. Taa WstTLiiD srssTOn. It seems to be rrarly certain that Gov. Plnkaey White 1U be Ih next Seulor from Maryiaad.

to succeed Mr. Ilaaulou. most ot tbe Democratic memrtrrt elect having been nominated by the Inilucacd of a frtiBda. To ta AMneiated Fi .1 thb raaaioawT at Laaaauao. WaaaiaoToa, D.

Nov. Th President aa cornel hav koo to in LeeAOurg bu, tbs riasr SAiioasx aaxa. On t4 titer Moadayaext thei'irat NMion. tl Bank nl pay 3U cents oa the dolrtr. Th.

total niilltiet, i xe'uaiv. of capital stock oer IaXXmOTOIf, KY. Mebottl, Jail aad Flaaaeial Statistics itis oS ike Track, Etc. A a Kx-Lrg Ulator Xarrird. (Bwsclai Ditnatek to ta.

Coonr-Jau'aal Laaixoroa, Ki 0 I be nuxed train from alouat St-rlac to Lou sville ran ofl tha track, one mile this sld of Frankfort. No on. was hurt. Tbe train due here at 1') X) this morning did not arriv', jwever, uutll 5 o'clock this afternoon. aa ri Btras.tsvaTivt waaatao.

Marrird, la this city, this morning, hr Elder Turner, of Georgetown, Hon tJoan.l, ex-KipriMBtaUv. in th Keatucky LeiriaUtur (rum 1 nmbl county, to Miss Mart Wojd, of this city. No cardaa awcsfstaxTs Cap. Jeitle Woodrud, manaer of the frptrs-tfeuse bere, is sparia no pains to keep UxiDKton supplied with smuscmem this in er. K.

E. Male' Comedy Campany, from RotnasHm'e, tlnclaaatl, open one week's etganement Monday nurht ntxL Bat-a'a stock sslb. Harvey Helm's sale of tins stock took place cater da ia Bojlc county. Th sal wss a very poor one. Thirty ven bead of horses ti.i'J.

an surac of II ii per bead. tbb eaur raasa. Solxitors fcr the Daily Pren are sctirelv rsnvaaaing to-dsy, and report excellent success. au'iiciFAL ruiacaa. Th Uty Coancil meets lo-alrfit.

Tb city eoBector' report tor gsaSarnks sad October snows tSl.Sua tw received, with dit-buiscmeo'a amounting to tt7.1TS 49. Tha expenses art uau.uauy heavy, which la occasioned by lanpiovsments oa th eity school property. tbs cttt scsmoLs. Sevea hundred aad sight eaildrea are reported in attendance la tbaelty schools. Th Dumber is smaller than tha tlssa laat tear, but the schools an reported to be la a sauch better condition than than.

Th teachers an loud la praia of the efficient saaaag-ment of Hon. James O. Ranisoa, th new superintendent. tb eaa.Laaa ass tbs oovBaxataaT. Keccntly a number ot Lt xinatoa gaanblars wen broken up by a levy of old fines, upon which tbe capias was heal ap by th return of new Indict men ta.

They sou hi executive clemency, but Governor Leslie decided that it was out of hit powsr to assist them, aa th Council was th east body having loriadictlon. They now seek relief from tbat source, but receive bo encouraee-mcnt from that quarter, tbe plea of want of Jurisdiction bemg urged. a iso aims warrrao tbial. Twsnty-eight prisoners an coaSaad in jail, flvs for murder, on tor manslaughter, and two for rape. The following arccoaflaed on th charge of murder: MoataooaeTy Parker, murder; VYm.

Carter, Wo. Bmdahaw, James Turner, and Francis Pace lor murder la liar lan county, tad C. Bryaa in Morgan eonmy. The ul it la good coadilioa. Tee health of the prisoners is excellent.

But on dsath and one eacape hsv occurred 1 tb past trvea rears, Man thaa ail thouasnd prisoners have pa seed through the hnd of Captain 8. U. BOaip, deputy lallar, lu that OWINOSVUaLE, KY. Xcetiag of Barvivine Saldaers of the Mexican War. rssl Dtapatok th Citar Jonrtal.1 Owibosviu.b, Nov.

6, via Ml Starliag. At a taeetiag of the tarviviag ateabara of tb Mexica war. called by Bath aad adj.ia las eonatles snd held at OwiatsvUla to day, Joan M. P. BM was rails to the chair tad Capl.

W. P. Coiner seted at aacntary. Rcaasras wars pad by 0a. Ja 8.


CoL Hart. Cspt. Ls- eey. and others, and the Bseetfag Ft rea-Olwtloa eodovttsw tbe action ot tea Loalt-vBI CoavmtloB of BeptemSer last, and aV Jonraed. There wen tboal twenty or twenty Bve preaeaL SXVOZVH.IE, TEITN.

The Strike, oa Ike East Tsssessrs Raat na lb Ubl. atinawa Aktw airthsu Railrwna C.atenti.n at tile. Kjiktilxb.Tbwb., Nov. So of tha trevtwe betwera the Ksst Toeaesaea. Virntata and Urarala KaMvoaa Onmpaty aa It strtkntar enratoyea hot vt tskea p'aoa.

The companv K' a train of flfteee loaded freigbt cart from Keoxvtrie to Brit lot tedty. being the Brat freight moveat oa tbe lie tram Bristol to Chettanoore In mx data, Th companv still rrfa to receive fn hcht. The tinkers sttde no attt pt to stop tbe train, bat tent a commit. of their men oa the eaulne to prevent tar company's matter mechanic, who was tctiaa Utn piscine any sun menj neem ia barer ot the engine, ine am train ran rcewtarty. The men are qui, but determined, aad th company It Bras.

Th directory met thU aflaraaan. aad aaaalmonsly alop'ed aiwMlnttoalBdoratnc the sctlruc olBeialt I redoclag tattrlat, and permtUiac taeoi to rrgnlat tan pay at mploy aa they may Bwoxvnxa awn araata. The tsBlora of tb Enaxvtll as Okie mBreadavtrif at ask aamiaal a raflaatiaaot HMsr was, tb etawnan naa taupaeaisiy atarped la. rawnlarof a toaiaav aa caarraaooa costs a-rtov. Taw reasasisrUlives ot twenty Soother.

raltreada met at Chaltanoora to dar. aaaalasooary supie resoiu- ons stnnnme tbe Justlre of any leaarasawt redwe'bwi bf companies rerornltinir th riibt anv employ to re fuse work at ttie wage owereu: eoeaemnine In tbe klronecsi urtns, as unjuiiinauie anu, all rombtnatlons roe tb purpose of restntina tbe rtatbttul authority of anv rosspsnv by tntrr'erlnn with or attemptinir Vi tntlmuata cr reran veers wiinna to wra st wares sitsn. le4jrta acB otaar In ao ease to employ sny one di-v-harcrd on account of InsuhordroatloB or comorasiton to stop operation oa any rua4 by intimidation ol or lO'CrieinMe wiui uium hihtb work, and to nramotlv Inform each o'her by prt.u errcular of all tuck coaiM nations with tbe namea of the parties enraired. Tbe liroa rompsnies In th ailed Biate an Invited to co-operate. coat, auaaaa' itbibl The coal snlaera In th Coal creek and th mine are on a strike airainsl tbe emnlovment ol non-societv net.

1 hrlmtners are boisterous. I be train roro il L. I ml nltfht. irotnr to I'ctat rreeK. enroun tared olittructlons on tbe track, placed there bv unknown parties.

laaawiar discovered I heti batnac lions tios to avoid tn socldent. A TEHRIBLE AFTAIR. rr Citi 1. Kilietl hj rM Tl. Sher- ll IB Pwtrwlll.

CttSn LrriTB Rocs, Not. TwWrtlnT two groe, diiTiBc twtaw-hocM leim, tCoie bmmim bt from le. yoe ot the fitracn of LrOtHtk couhty. i tiiui.iiiK bi howfm, Eftirle, la ccKniAaif with two o( bis WtnaineD nid Hr. Javmra 8jltiTn, 8tavrtd in panmiU of th Eatrle waa an officer.

Atout dark the party came od with the tte-gruca ai4 tuuk. thets la charge, after a Utile tiOitKrf. TbeUamweDtonborne. iniriniliie oitbv Uie to Devioea eMtvped, aad rt-p trlrJ lo i be -ttftborbood, hieb cjnpitt4 al-mott 4 irhiiv-l of Detrroa, thit tbe Ku-Llui had atackd tbetB. and raiaed a jkj ol lJUt tbirtT Ct cruca to ro In parantt of them.

Thia luorriDat Bacle aad ht pieae rurerdtfi la ach ol tbe two h-ihiivea, whrn the wt-r? tnddentT roof rented aa armed bodv ol and flred uioo, killtate ttrrf thr Kitclt and Dort-U wumltntr Iumi. artrtr ot tbe atlitr, the Ktaend couolT tuaaasjised Aflf mcu at4 rtrt ra mraewt iaV tUe periuwrw ot Um drid The kUie fxruirt-d ri'-ar the line Ui; i Pnli -kit a-d 1. "k-t ani the err), wet dow to-ttitfbt to hold ao m-itutet orer the Jdir. ilOTHII MCEDIE. To-day the body of a man.

crama-It kirowa aa MarrT, a laborer oa the 1 alro aad Faltoa railroad brMaUre, waa i. ked op in the rirrr. The rik'ht aide of tbe ntitd aa clove la, aud other anarks vt tio-euifj rre found 011 the bdT. TUt jiex beid an nqurat, aad the jury dectdtMi ui the ertdravcta toe rxasaiauitr pbTsactao, the deceaa-rd waa niurOerd and ibe body taruwn in the nver about Dour nrevi a 00 ciac to the of He deed. NEW ORLEANS.

the kellocc Tat Sale CiBaroBBafcere t'aiade liaaera Keeaatarrd, Nw Nor. the of prjp-riy fr uiea Ut-mpUnl ty the otlicialtt, there wrrta bu 0 a-iera. ir ftrrTLiD. Ihe eoatrorertaT betwees Judje W. W.

and the Howe, lata of tbe Supretne benco. New Orlt-aua Tla.ea. baa bceu atuiablr eet- tltd. The Tirora rttracU its alleged libel, ith a pmptT apokfjr, and JuOa liowc wi: draw a bu luru taoa aaa BKAirmaTs. Benin aad Carat noted dtapradrea and hnrfliara, aia-9 etcapad fraea taa taji piiiHn on tbe lt loet.

by throwing rl pepper In the )ailer'a eja, were raptred thia eTt-nlkj; (ler a deaperaU: rr iLaricc. in which fkrtia aaa abot, aud it 1 belie. id aUoLUiy. cioaawaJtsaa' raBaDa. The lanisAsvai-ra on a atrtae paraded tbe atretU lo-alfrht, beaded br a braaa hand.

The piT.ocriTi waa very ordcrlr. I nnm-brrfd utout r'Ri, a large ntajoritT ltrrd. IbtTien carried t.u ba and iraiuptrnt.itse btarn ap lOpriitte uj.Ik, A THE GALLOWS. The llaaBint Wade at Williaaaa. IHeil Veaieidat Aa Atrial cae Wu.Liat.aiiT.

Nov. r. At lsW today an aiu-uipt waa tnatie to ban Wade, but the nie aa too luLaT, ne tiiccd airtiUl d. Tbe r'ir- La boar altortrbioie fur an otb-r trial. Wade told me ali-r to burry up.

aa be had aa apLKiitmDi lo din- iu htl wnbibe de 1 at He fid th- obIt thiair iroubliti' hitu ia whelhT the people be aurderrd are heaven or bell. Ihe rope btioar loo iutif, hi fuat atruck sVjuarely on tbe jrrouod. in thia uc 'cutaintd ataxcdictf, tbu'iua lrd, have arrf. Tae roi ctroeotf hu neck, and hie body fclloeer heavily oa tha aTouttd, na i aiwiD AOiuv. He a earned upon the tcaffotd.

and ar loi jr de ay to arrautjuaT the rope, the drop it anam 1 w.ied. Ue UU tuia time Uy tna. ihieattel. ilia ava to b3t fr wvfD mibutfa. After webtr-aTeii uiiiute1, he wa plated ta a coflia aud tasun chaise uf ty bU fricatii.

Uaaiy pnt-cea of ttc rope were cat off aud carrod away a railca bv the iptxlaWf. YELLOW FEVER. Oalv Three Deaths at Meaaphia Yrs-tridav Basiaes laspr.iiac. Kic. Bcsiaass mstbovim at a su rait.

Mawrais. Nov. 6 Tb boos nsortuary report -bona tbie da'ba from yellow (ever and fc.ur from ot her ctuees. Only one new as bat been reported in tb past thirty-six boor. tn.

Juniper, a lyroaiiuent contract-er and ttullder, died tills morula of.vellow ItVrr. The Memphis theater opens to aKht with "Watch an Walt," by tbe s'jck coin-tny. Th weainer 1 aria, and Uaisincta inipiovttt rapldlv. COBTB1BCTIOBS IB BBOOKLTV. New Toa, Nv.

8 Th assooat con tiinuted la Brooklvn at tb polllns; plac lattday far la Mrstaihla sainarer was itaily tl.Ouu. TtSTSkDST'S DtaTBS AT BtXMrBIS. Minrais, Nov. 8, ft r. Mortuary report: Tellow fever, other esases, same as the noon report.

Weather warna and cloudy. t. Loats aaatnal Lite. At. unria, Nov.

a. It denied on tbe bhtbett sutbarity tbat the St. Louis Mutual Lift Irafursnce Company hat tent tn a rent Kast to reinsure lu policies in some Eastern company. DxaTB or Aa old stbahboatwaw. CspL James D.

McOlonls, sa old iteavro-boatmao, brother of Maior Mclilnnis, of UamUton, Ohio, died here to day ot consumption. aanx oboabized. Tb Baak of Ht. Joe, a new Institution, with a capital of half a mllllo dollars, was orgamaed st St. Joseph, Ma, to-4ay.

BtatOBBO BA1LBOAD LBASB. It la sasla asserted that the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad hat effected the leas, of tbe at. Joseph aad Denver road. Chinese Jaatice in Loaisiaaa.

IHsw Orastas Tttnaa, Nor. 5 1 Tbe thirty or forty Chinamen who work a Mr. Craela's plantation, ta Terrebonne par tab, a short time since, tried one of tbelr number who had stolen vera! hundred dollars from soother of tbe colony. They founl him amity, suspended him by the beads to the joists of tb house, and wbipoed him. trior which tbey cut ofl both his hands and feet, and burled him aliee.

Tbe colored people on the place were afraid to interfere. Tue parish authorities hare tbe matter in hasd. d.ersook'a Trial lor Maraer. WatTCBBarta, Nor. Tne proven -Uoa in the I cdeiso.

trial ctord when Pcidue opened (or the defense, tit claimed that the t'tempt to identify Gas with Wilson or Wilson with the remains found hsd fsHrd. lb prosecution was urged by th Insurance Companv to (ret tbs prisoner out of the way to cap paying to Uot' widow. The Prue Fichu Kabsas Citt, Kov. ft. Tarn Allen bad a beneSt at tbe theater to-Blcht.

Hoeaa takes a beerfit Bwaday nleht, after wbirh both tear, for ihaaba. anxjn eftorta are Mill mad to have this city lb headquarters for la coinmg auil. JOREIGN AFFAIRS. 0Mttt- Bismarck Eeeommendt that German A.ttend the American Centennial. Buffet Elected President of the Assembly at Versailles.

Address ol the New Repeb- lican Captain General to the People of Cuba, Steamer Darned and Fenrteea Peraoas Th lBBdatia of HU Petrtliarf CI Bat. APDRKfa py Tna rarraix onntnu Nov. (ptan Jjq. TciUr tt dav isnt an vlht tal addrtttja. tht-r i nt ififf uf nrea-tingr int-r- eat to the public good and preatlze and hoaor of tl.e DaitOB a ta rvt'oraia of the rnrnal elate of adwira to the Cuba.

Ha jtotx)- to auhtf ct eTenrtniaar to im irratea wtrbin the limit of tbe Uwi. The isocial tin etioo and eaericiea of the prearot t-pocb will bej ihe objret ot iecial xued nation and coofU'i-DUou. eiudr, notwith- ULdtiic war baa been tulUated. wilt rek to drtrralf-e npoa th alacc for chaaeititr the condition of the laborer-, heeptne in n. the atmc'ittura lu-tereaia and rifhta of the proprietor, the nwntetiaBce of twoducUve litduAUy.

and tbe eeaerai cood of the ouaiairy. lie Lava dwo aa tLe baia c4 ale tvoitcT the priacipse Uat the mweloe of all rOfrraiaU to protect; '-ire Uat ltcouid-ie n-aolutioua aud extreme meaa- nraa alll adooted ounht to ceaae. Om- iiteoee auat ae ir-aewed; for, without tt, tbe v-evtaMtebaieAt of pultlic enedi. voukl tw uupsir-aible. tha tddfeM cuacludea aa follow: "All mar rat aeured that i aiH cKnoIr w.ih the tealructiODa of he auonai -irern to be atitlrlBS In mr etfsirta to procure peat-e, eocounuce rpediL aad pur ana fraud, Ukiajr care that none of the rreat intereau of the Ulaud ullcr, while 1 act aa your Ooveroor.

tbi CAJ-rrki or tub tiroith 1. Ttie j'libllc rcjoiclntra lat aiafht over the rapture the uttaiuer Virtolue were most criUiaaiaatic. Ihe Ooteniof palace, all tha 1 abliv Uujiduiiet aad many private bousea aeie illunMaalcd. Tonhlifnl iToreiou paeced through the pnecipal a rreta, which were thickly bun; tti Hdra aou tapr-irt horenadea were uuen tu tht; Cant lirtssETaJ and OrDyral of Maxitie. 1 tvre will Vr a arrartd parade to-muhl of all ihe baiWboti of rwluateer.

A IIVBKB KllUiI9H. 'facial dict-atrbca from the central depart oiei rriaort that tbe iutiir-at, unJcr en metid of Vrstcnt ar la, nvetttir made a de- etlorl to break IhrjUMU Tni I ul it orb ft-rrre rpute a bud o' Co mr at ttu in. uaiai uot- hJuJiod at tied KtsSU. THB BBC 1ST 1MCMDATIOK. Nt YoMk, Nov.

6. ioretarn papers con taio kocM) parUcaiara uf the inuudauou of M. Pelrr-burir tbe overll of the Ta ooer 14. The weather bad en uduujIIj warm dunoa: the dsiy. At il hjuauie evident tbat a etonu waa apuroat-U uj, aud toward It blew a hnrrtcaon.

1 be water roe rapid and the hw.r pun uf tbe Ua wrc cowpleirl) fl nJtd- x. tt. tbe water waa at visual is lt athuv the UMtal htii, Uiat it l)ood into many afreet hd nt hfra alcoe the treat Inuadatiop of is4 Ssjnv of the ihor i utihfarts en- freraliT ouVtT ed ln'o rivaxra. Treta In the Krdena were bnikfu or nunxfied. ev)t in lar nver wer-torn ttnr utd thrown arlot tlie fl aatiDt: brivJe-, -11 of (nch were more Um 'ielruphie (-moiunic 4-iLo aupeuleit a a.i iyot tue poU w-rr irfoao down aud tbo Pnj awiT.

At the tx-rvmiiy o( the V.i-ili Atrofl aeTeral (naatlnff fbiia wer f.oittd into the eUeia. Ihe wooden oa eetneat waa detroedt fncra were earried away, chimney pjta thrown duwa, and roof ton. oil. The pour epic ware paaic atriefcen, aad ihut ware obliged toaTMLtuloa the little prwptrty tht-y fiwsasKaacd, beiBat vtwy too tried to aawe tVeir Uvea, boom wejelakcoud in boau. A pour Izooau-aik waa aeen to moaat a borwa aad aliop away to a pi ace of aavltv, leavtoK hla drvkri la aaxtc to Iske-r fav.

The auaici Kardeoa wjre comptctrly under water, aad the proii-9 rhaJ the ieatevt fflculy savta the The tie, bant in particular ave a treat dew a of Uouhie, but waa at laat in thvfatT to the hvafvav police tat. on, where be reifluiutd for the nut. Th tlecie of the s'unn acre felt for many Dale runl 8t. There wure uj It-M thaa ftur fliea, and Uiv bead poiics iu aster waa at tie end aa cue diaasUr alter amt'bcr waa refKrted. 8ko affer o't-JH-eh the wrd Td to the oonh, aod tbe (.

urretst being no iiDsfer, wattr f-il asraj-idiv it had Itie lot of pro tcrt 5 aaa iianitn-, U' il la believed at bt. rcureurji tliAl liJ Lvc-a aau loeL fBANtB, r.i rrar i BEctipBNt or tub I'a st. No. I be Aaa uibly lt ti ij br a nr-aUiUittUa VuU' r'rtl kl Bulirt "a I prtawdtjiit, ihetifcUi riaini, a tbe Ttt aisLuuntjfcd. LUBTTiuaa row rat, M.

l.Tfj stay auhoiittcd au tcir.rnIl itiou oa tba fiuru of "the uTeruuiaui orj-t eke lot) tt fiil aam-ir ui tue A.UjhV witbtn the tiaie preM-nued 1'v'a IhuuMJav next waa aaaiued for iabaT on the taUrpcliati-ti. TBB BTaNIHWa COMMITTEE. The Left have been elreu a tnJorit? mi the httsrea bureau a rLraaw iTE. A Dew notion fee a pVebucite on Uu fjra rf the dovt ratcvt'iat i to be introiat cd, aud wiil be aopp-wted by many RepublicauA. MISiaTMT HOT kBaiOMBiX Londob, Not.

7, a. k. Tbe French mio-letry kaa out reaistied. The apiriaJ dispatch to tha ItaaeauC fort rd ay, aaoacittar lha reaiLation, was prtma'ure, CANADA, HTBAMBH HVABtaK DI'BXED. Tobo.n to, Nov.

Tha ettuitr, bond from Hamilton to Montreal, with iz cabin paaatngery. look fire about 8 o'clock laat biht, four tee a aiileiMrvru efaorc. oppt -He Oiibaa. A fire broke oat In the cenU ul tha boat near the enctnc, aad the flimeB pread with rreat rapidity. BoaU were im-oaediatr-iy rowered.

Oee went adrift and waa laat. Tue pasfenjxera aud crrr fol Into tbe other boat one of which contained nina pwsaona, IrxJudini, tha pilot, lad.ea maid and aaren of the crtw. Tha other boat cjoUioe4 thnttCaso pexaajtaa, iajauiudin; Ua Am aad wtn-o4 Baa'ea, purarr aad two paaaengtra, a baned Jamaa iMrr, a Mr. rarvaniar, of Toronto, aud Cva of the crew. Ikth bJaLi reached Uiv ah ore ia aaiatf.

There are loeuteaj BcraenB ta be acmated itftuffdKttof Cae4attt Carre Mr. KLahflsAov, tha cbael eameer; Waa. Spatkca. th ateward; Mra. Habssard and daotrhicr, of Brooklya; Mlaa Weiaod, of Kiiicttoa, tad Mr.

Wiar, ef CaawaWm. The were not able toret Into tae boat. Tbe laat aeea of dpi, CaritijxWl he aaa oa a plank la tha water. aAlaaAmrMiTAtat, raTaX Bill. WAT COLUalOM.

UiDOa, lwa. A Two railway traraa came In collision near Uuiham thia mominix, aud evtral persona were aUled aad lojuri'd. Nearif half a Bullion bullion waa shipped f(r Aiperca to day, tatvTea AaawBdrad tlwuad heizag for New Torli, TBB T1CEBOBJIS CLAIlf AWT. Mr Hawklo's to day kpsiaed Lo taeQaaa'a Bcrch fi-r an ertenaloo of time for further bearing: In the ra ut the TK-bborne claum-ant ulUI NoTcmber, IH74. Tae appticauoB was gituited.

CabJlBBAIw THB 'aJf BBICAB CBHTBB1V1AL. Not. ft -Prince BiFmarck, Chn-rel'or rf the aspire, baa laid before the rederal Council the mTitation of tbe Tolted hlaiea OoTrniBM nt to Germany to partlcipata In the ctntetinlal exhibition at Philadelphia, with the rccoumtudaliuB. thai it be A BEW BBT( IlfTlvO TO BB EXBCTTD. It is probable that tbe Ketch si, soon be diaaolveu, jed eiecliuba fur a new one ordered, to be held the laat wak of j-v t-tbtxr.

A Priaifieat Old Hobii. There ta now llvinr at the Lye, Worcester -shirr. Rut; 'an a. an old woman on well e-tshlisbed eTMJtwce, has readied tha are of cars. lit name la Sarah Hill, and she lir with a manltd daacbtcr.

Kor a number of eara pat ahe has ben reeelvina; two BhtlliEK a wek from tbe pariah, and she has all ah rc aarcrt her age to be in Bcrordane? with tbe jeara tT-a a bore, bat hr aaWroret waa dcwbed. Hba Bard shw area bant.eed to Old Fwlntord C'bareh 1T73, and that ahe Wt It temembered waJklra; there oa tbe oesa-iow, bewsa? at that tfaae a ttttle Trot of ba ta two and three jeere. Iter friend-p qued arparectly at toe doubt rnTertiint ca the subei, have lately obtained a certiO-id axtmeteli LOUISVILLE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1873. fnrd, abowiea- that th was BapUssd oa r. IS, 177a.

t'p ta laat vear saw tlca'-ly active, but alia has now take to hr bed. THE Elf CTIONS. CaaBBB-wla too New Ta-rk Paa-ara, IMaw Tork THbwaa The rtoreenber state etet, wbtrb tok place veateraav, mdicatt aotast at nay of a ra- aci a Barainet taa atpubucaa party. reaalla diHer widely truea Uosa of a yvr ao. ii.atead of a awtreptac indNrawnient ot adnuiiMlriiUofl and the dominant prty, there ttvai to be, tbeaa resalU htee aay iranloB, a Wioeapraaa oiaaa cuoa tun both.

It has not beea miuifeaied la an in-e reaped Tote to meeh aa In toe faJlire ofl of the Rvpa'jli -an. Oeaeral aftathy the proper aaa 10a it- 1 am mra-- pirtmiae of the auaaiaiairaiioi party a year atro taa been a tarly nofulliJ'1 a-td tbe neat, maaaea, not ready cl la their dlSsTun eo over entire! to tha oppoaluon, Aa.Tr eoatt nted th mselvea with a tacit ret l-ter tutrir pio e-t t'j atsytnr at hine and rt ai an. mere naa oeea ao locrea-- leanocratie vote, r-ut a larve falling oil la tbe Ht publvcso. A btlaot.a of pie'a in it-elf aud able to uxu 'h caie at ant tiiia? for a party that promiatta to ik boaeat and capable, and fulOlla lu promiaee. baa separated itaelf from both the old pa rue and vaay bold itaelf la readlneta hereafter to reboska pasaavnablp and proaoa good bot-eraoMrat.

Ibe Usaaovtata hate. meMiiuja, a triumph, and are ewUUed to all tha cooafort they can derive from It. INew Tork Uacaid. Fit the reluraa of yeaterday'a alactiona before ui. includins; Nm York cot 'd yaaeachur-etla, Virsinia, Wiaeowla, a ajeiseral collapse fcai appirenttr fallen npoa law H3tvb.ka party, laiuinaay, like a ctattt rvfrvabed with set wine, n-nsa aanuu ith itoaathswa: of hr aoeieal aatrta, aue Ibe Bttv-llve UiOUatbd nialontT of the Kw publri an 00 tbe ate th Wet laat fall, if cuupleUiT ot.lrterated, la ein.oat n-dut-ed tvo no'hiiC.

ortesp bdinc relta are reponeu from MaaechuMir Virmnia, Wircooam aud otLrr btatea. the Hcmocratic 01 Orttttter IU Ohio, It Uo be coot ended, at-t ideiatal; Lut iir-i ClJ ILe r.tsi, me Heal, the orth and the an drift 'Bt the eneval direc tion, 1. is evident at tnat tbe spntikltcs: ehuaa or ooer uave tca'Acrau ai atreiut-thened to'hr proportion ol a puiiticai cclne in ovemO r. lu the bistorv of the eountrv, aiace Ute time of VVaabii'iToo, er a more Presidential aucc- ss thaa thst of and lu our i-ulitlcal annaia we aave neer bad in a simile vr mj a general ahrtokahre for Uue dMUinant party from heavy nja riiua to small onea, aud to miuortuea, aa In Ihe popular whlriwiad of hh. arried fitnrral ilarriaoD Into the White wus fi.lloweu by a marked Doiltu-al rraciion in IbU.

and there have bees lone ohtr cax of this kiod frim time to tirrjt: fut we have had no reaeti't of tula rhatae'er to com pa with this of 17:1. touch- tbe distnrbietr forcea at wurk, locludinaT the deisoralutaiioBa, di via ions, diaadt-ctiona. Bt-d iuJturreacc ol tue paivy Lu power in the (Naw Yoik World 1 The rcTolutioD has fully Bet 10 by which tl.e bcputtiH-an party will be overtorowu lu every uuposTtaut state ui uie mon as laat aa eltcti'tua are held. A i nj cratK- Lourest ill br elected Ltrxt )ear, ad a Democratic frt tsldtai in 1-7H Tbe iifhteou v-rdlct which bat beea pro-B'viinced ataitist tbe tfroca iucora heteace and the ecaouaiuus cttrruptiun our Kepuoticau nilrr, bvs btcu haatebt-d bv the present btiaiaciat diaiuroaut tut the hcrouutia of ttu (cidict a clearly pt-rcelved by niauy uiind- loUaj -tore ib. ae Uouhle corn oieuctd at thtv are to-daf The mas of tiie t-jpir, howevir, are not a euatonae4 to fveitta tn tieir cau-ara; thty base treti pidifBseiit on aceotapaisAed fac'-a; tut Imb Lucy a a credit prostrated, lU'titd.

and iudutry arreat-d, the) )ntl hi the (nrveri'tueui rtipoaalhle wheu tlaic i lo uiher taue to wbicH they ctn -race the dia-ters. This Is what ht hap- ptiird ucw. ibe tide WBB indeed beeiuatuic tt turn long before these tiuauetal diaaatsera fii.eiD. 1 ue ascat-nt of the atrscuiiurai 1 was a sip turn, 1 h) 1 daauuciatiao tlit: xaiar, t'a std kit or- iuitiuUiea, ws a a uu'ori tsarrti tiQdem e. 1 ue curaife.

the Tvt Owovrutc party la Ohio in ataxia a S4 tr t'lrtH r.i--,,; KTvm vz 'J Kt-tha; the KepublKaa party hsd lost Hu and waactaviaic be Invtacibla. The fiuancits! cnaia haa oaiy accelerated a luoveiiMrat atcaiuat tbe Administratloa which waa alretdy well hcirun. Hu evea witu tha Hnan-iai cnaia a au ripaiaslioB, the work of Teste r-d-it will fiil tl.e Keabl.caa leidera with as-tofmhDN-ai as weal aa cmrmum. Taey c.n Uwt Oauread the fatal haia4riLnux 0u the a all. Tbuu art witched ia the hataUacS aud THE ELECTIONS.

Ovrr Twratv Tkoa.aa live Jlajornv Bv ihe liifiaia Itriaias, tily Iaeaaociats Rejaiciag. h-- in. Ho, i Ttie sua LiU-iai ut iLu wiU hoiil cr.nri aUi.ii Dirriit'K uKtit to ctAtiia-t tiie rrcat victoris. T8S jWSB iCst.

Kansas Livi, Not. 8. Tne Ktnaas ttly Tirtrs bas returns from olDt-ly ilistricts ot tvsnssa, sliuwius; the rlccUoa ufaixtv two upfHiMnn mrinbrr an twaaty-prvco ittfutMt Hepubliians. To. to heard 'rsim ran aot TDaicraally chaac.

tb- r.ait as to the oprwwtllww msiorttr aa I iul bailumti Kvbubiican majority la the ts-ute of twantfiH-ioe alrraJ? ovetcotue by tbe utipuaiasuas waia aaioa. vusaa SvAia. ICkKIB. mmn rovoKr.stioasL m-trht. tT.lT.

Not. t. 1 lrtu Rao-! FttJf tlurr. Hi (l: -p i m. irlty st anh nr luttr in Vabilitoti cun'y.

t-irar U'wos in ai orar id K. T' O-lvli' from. Tir Mni-rat llllres CDlock (tiara.) rasjoruy a'. .11, a tt It i a it: Jm i -iii-ilv. thirr (an ib Ain l.

vounlv yjur lu Kcbl lo his. I a in. Kaa-a ttie; kt rHotartr Btri DLK av. Turm, Not it Kiturna Ironi t'irhlv d.i til' t. Ml a --i tat Ti tular tti rtv-'t furm.

rt aidun it.U urnla. Tb? riT twrnty dia'rtc'a will probabl el-ci tTn Rrr u'-'i b- snJ b.e t.mti.''r. "n-? 'Sit li'iiU- iivrr, lb' si.b bjvr a nt) ic Ilia I bu'lr ot tact'' live. Ohio llrmuciai Rrioiciag. I i vmi- Thr lirmixraUc 8UU-L of Ohio Lred l.1 'i lt! 'bis rrroiuir, lo b4Qi i ill.

Iii mm rjiir snd rvalive victory o. iii New is, Wisja-in, sbU Ksiiasr. maw I'fcM'M. Baric maoaiTT. Not.

6 Tb. Journal put i it IT ll llatM-raU i ir i-rfKndtrt lirmoctat, and tin asvraiblv st "1 It.a.i, lauojcrjU 1 ikat-1 i Llicsu. irtiaia. CONSrHVlTIVS MaJURI TT ova TWXSTT 'illniiaMl Biissosn, Not. k.emer's serceate irtib un Waik.r'a ms)oiit in SfiT emn-thtttd citirs besrd from It nd hi, a i.Uol, leaTuiK net anuu fur aVcmper New Meet t.aa ia a(taad.

ILuadoa Koba Tha thlilv-Bvc sUxl gtibs, aow almost com st Woolwlcb, are tb rat af thcar tiurl intros art into the Bntisb If we except ibe batch of IfUle noantalli can-eon roos'ruct for tha Abyaslniaa war. Tb 'i baa Vw a.ww.11. by the army trid nary, it bard tube to a Jai-ktt of touch wrought Iron, the ssme anode of rocstrwrtloa nerBt; employed for makla the ligtit eud-plccra of Use horse artillery, aa also tbe atupcAdou tuirty eiarht ton Bo. stars, bow bribat built at the Beyal tua Fartury. fraetiea aa npert.DC bate diuoDttraU most cooclosirely tbat tbit coropefite system Is bet for most kind of ordnariec.

For some special pnrposea, however, very (bt arat la require, aa, fur lnataaacsu wbera -a-ruaa have to be carried over mouotalnou -try. aa also for arming tha s'cas lauuch.a asd piBDacle ramed by ear ox InM-clsdt, ard It Is to supply this wst.t tb it these s'eel wespooa hav. been 4'airiMxl. Th-iT wcivk tot pounds each, au c.u, tberelore, be carritd on a mulr, nr la the prow of a boat, without Inconv.nirace. Baiaa; bona iso fashssnee' from start Work of steel, the utmont stmiicth bts been oMslced, ths weapons rnorrover, la oil to harden lhm taueh at possible aturr to the pruper caliber.

The bare of tae gun is Uuny-aix Iih has lour, sard tbe tbe proji-ctile thai It Sirs is tour Itches. Tbe atraost rat ge of the new ana I rta'rd to be 4.0U0 yarda, rut Ukt will not be atuhta beyond, or, ai tbe aaoat, jsrd. brcau.etbe srirtcc (or which they sre Intended will sot iuvolve lou(-rauir Bilt). Tbty do not carry solid shot, but ocly thell. Heavy Baakraptcy Tsars.

riTTsnrnoH, Nov. ft The Earaosiix Corcrany and Cascade IroaCoopaiy have filrd petition vf ibvol.ntary bankruptfy In the UnHed S'atea xistrr'. office at The former Is the lanresi charcoal futiiare in Michieso, sad owns Imreease ti ruler Isnds. Tbe la' ter owns vast troe ore beds In Micbuzsn. Tbey tailed for SVW.aiO.

They bare raiau a propltiua to creditors to pay rii full il rxteeaioD is ittauwd. The principal blhce is iu Plllstjuricb. A Veimoat Railroad War. Ki Tl.aMi, Vt Not. ft Wax bas beta UtwoiD the Via.

are and Hudson snd the llaitm Kxtaaaioa Kaiiroad tot al li crowirat out of sllftd discr nidation tiie rnrnier sksidsi tbe latter tn iretebu. Ibe llariera Coa.iiaiiT refuse the former rmiauvlb rihi of way oyer fhur proper-ij to reach tbnr shops tad envies-houses. Ireath ol taeacral Haraee. fnsi. Ala Nov.

6 General W. J. flar-drtdKS st Wjthevlile.Vinrinu.tbis saaniss: tTA rnose flew snirst tclirrsph wire st ilerksverrllie. with Kirk aio.n- aa to aerrr tl.i fowl'a hesd from Ha body a Bcatly as it coal have bten done wl aa ax. WHOLESALE PANIC PRICES To reduce stock preparatory to aew purchases for aext season.

PITT1V1AW, BROTHER CO, ISTo. 40G5 Main street, Louisville, Win, on 3jatl01NriDA.Tr J3LOjtxxxxs, lOtn DM GOODS 11 LESS ill IlluSILE flllffill tISIl Their m.ArK s-i i.khi KA NrTttll.KHi POPI.IKHi 1:31 ft lCr-- CI.OTI1HI 1st NOEMl III. AC K. t'AHllMKHUBl 1 I. V.TMZ t.e-f-l (il irt'ltK l.AtlXl ArtlliltOMBsi GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Oentt' Wlilto Mlilrtai 1 tit-rwraari t.i nls' llioloryi l.liav aa lullarsi Oar M'rE, tlilr, bb4 foarth ttarirn will a ase lor the Whelesal Traf rfalace rate, Iraai aenteaaheraaaOrtsrarice.

HatUrarttoa raaraatee. exprrlae4 Dry rlaec4 Dry NEW YORK. Eight Millions Gold Imported from England In Four Weeks. Twenty-one Millions Greenbacks Held by the Associated Banks. One or the Stokes Juror Sentenced to Fine and Imprisonment.

Committee of Creditors Appointed to Consult with the Spragues. letter frosa Tie Preniaeat Wilssa. t.BTTrR moat rici rTtrnmavt wtlsob. iw Yoax, Nov. 1 At the aeaal a of tbs Aiueriesa Bociety at Newark.

N. J.t yea'er-it. the folio, iurf la'ter wa. from ics President WJ.on: "JiATICB, NT. IT.i.

To K-v. M. K. StrUhy- "Ma liaaa bib 1 tts not ptrmitttd bv ray doctor to keep tle promise 1 made you, and whieb I bad toped lo do. I take ureal Interest in vour work, which is aauctioae by pslrolism, kaoamauy aad Cbiiatiaauv, aad wish was la aiy power sid lo eicvatiuat tbe Ireedmea la lb south aad beloneio that poriioa ol ur avear eouatry.

Palate dowa lor tlou. Toons truly. HtNRT riLON." ATTavirTan sririna William Albreebt, seid 17. while In tbe oihoe of bit employers Teslerday, attempted t' kill bioisell bv a revolver into hi aide. Tbe bor bad been Terr lb past forttiiirtat He threatened lo raake icwtbrr atteinpt ah mid he recover.

K1L1.X1I A oklUJMOKB. Tbi rtor' iuc a in the scvlbe fac'o-y of H. Kail Cj j- Fast Wilror. tiiitft. (irauasiidel t.

aad Gilbert llejud, suiMriuUbavBt. M'LIMllll VlCAilvilAi. UOSATIOX. PrcaiJint Potter, ot I h. tb bol ill' of a new ti iiowu' ot one bin tired thousand di'Hsr.

ihe cft of a n-llrrfiin Uo dealles bir nanae a the of tbe donation wiiLbelil tbe (TL.xoaa bxaj suns r. The main cilind- Ui-sd of the cREice of tne Wautknrk! I-. mills lew out thia morning. Thoa.

C'niwe, frLOiao, was bsdy a.aidi be shut on Ihi and junio. tbiouuh Die wiui'oa, aavini; UicU. vt'cirk will be suspended tor a few days. roBs' jriot saxraNCSD. In tl' Oyer ard Tennlucr Court to dsy ltSTis seuteoced a rues i.

Centre, lite iitMh Juror In tbe fu.kea ise, to thirty dava' tajprisoDBaeDt and a fine of too free ut of lals loltu. wlailc til Uiai waa A rrtTOMl Cat DXCIDKD. In tne rt. of Uimsa vs. ex-CoMertor Mar hi, to rfcovi alleged excvasiTeauUet, Judire United Mtates Circuit Coun, baa necidid that under the of PVI proa-pec tire protests reasrdinc payment of dulue on iinf-orud griods are Toid and aselets.

Tn TaaasrOBTaTto!) gt bstioB. At mrrtln of tbe Cham'ier of Commerce this afternoon, a Dumber of statements show-Ink the sax untt ot the ditlerent prodaicts of tbe United states and tbe Lecessity of Increased fscilltie. for Tbelr trsaeaortatioo were present by sir. nam 'I Raajrie. Tb.

tables were ordered to be printed, aad copiea transmitted to the Senatorial Committee on Iraoiportation. Taa rtBABciAL caiau. A paner on tbe bate financial crisis and tbe resent sTnaeency snd wtnt of esaSdence in nanclal ettclea pr.aenU-4 by A. A. Law.

fn ne recomaended uitl la view or tb preceut ailuatioo snd that which may follow, the Chan. bee would respectfully ask t'oogreas, when II next convraet. If aaed be, to cause tb purchase of United State, bonds to stopped aad the application at tb. (old reseiv to ta redrrtiption of troasury Botes, rrscivina: tb power uf reissue. TWSBTT-OBB MLLLIOKS OBBEBBACKS.

The ssvocisted baclu hold about IJl.OOO,-OuO val teLdcra. EIOBV MlLaJOUt BOLD HSPOBTBTa. Tbe total amount of foreiaro Id received at tha sway ofSc from Uctobar 9 lo dtl I tl.bil.SJ. raTAL SHOOTixo Arraai. Juarph wss fatally shot thia mora-rrghy Mal ory, while the two were quarreling in the FaTi ward.

A atCBDBB IB JKBAIT. Jnlin iorcce, aged IS, shot dead one Miller ef Devrr. New Jersey, while risking the wife ol the latter. TUB rBBBBTLVAHIA BAILBOAD. The Board ol Directors of lb.

Peaaaylvsnla railroad will meet to-morrow and decide the question of declarlt The matter haa not rrTioualj beea considered, notwithstanding ramora. tbb si-aancas caxprroas. A large meetiag of th creditor of the A. dl W. Sprsgne Msnaftcturlng Corapsor, snd of A.

A V. 8prat-ue, was held at Providence ttils fon noon. Thurston, attorney for the Btiraguea. read a commaniratioa from the debtors, cTprewlng th? belief that ir an ex'TOst' of time la giruo tbey can pay all obligstJoBs snd retain their priut-work-, and prrhaiia ctber msnuftcturing property, ti pledging tbeir utmost efforts to tbat end. He added that the whole object of the 3pragtle4 was that the property ehoald he deroted to tbe payment of the debts, tbat the trusties lo be appoluUd abould be friendly to tbe bout ouly so far aa thai after thu debts are paid the property shall not be dlt-aljalcd.

It waa Important lb at tbe epp-aot-nintifthis e.nimit'ee should he su-h tbat it would be Inipoasthle to say that anything was except that which was good lor all. A rewmittre wa then tpio nU to confer with the oprscne ta regard to the srd s. po ntm nt of trustees lOHTa COBBOU.T' ISDtCTMSVT. In ihe Got is Bearlota to-4ay wa trade to qussh tbe Inrii taunt fiuti'l la lStl fjnrtr I t'o. ir ne gronad that be was iTiihciri.l raow rerefnr scss.a Tweeed.

fbe cast was act dowa the I'i ii-vt. I'OT Ki Maloi-i bt-. a 'oust gli '-f 'l Lf ssiaull with luteal kali AT NEW stock eoaslats in part of the followlag: kid COIUIKTaaad HKIIITN IIUAI lM II I A mild HOODHi II A I.M. I A whiti: uooirNi NAI'KlNHl iKIHlKllV aiil a 1 1 HO IUKHIKM1 Cravsitsa, llo-vrsi i B4rss Oa 1 11 1 m' OVL-rwUlrtai Vlaiclor eurra (ioo4 Salesssea aa fearCaih Bay. Jaaus Kingtwlll, while tbe isttri ta on trial for the murder of ataloae't falb r.

Tbe jury accompanied theu rnaact Willi a recommendation lo uiicy. hash us ait-Lt st arxspiD. Ten mills of Maayuek. Inv. auspsnj-ed entirely.

They usually employ seventeen hundred banti. Tbe mill employing fire buednd hands is tunning on halt Hue, aod otbirt on tliree-qutrtert time, tienertl Pst-tcrson'a mill, employing tlv hundred ha. 1. runniDg full tluse, but st a rediictaon of 1 per eeut. iu wiuiea.

1 be mills sr. all runniog on ft. 11 time, and will conwauc so until navigation eloaea. UOLIOB in rtTrlCOAT. Itr.

iloils, convie'ed of -nding oS' en natter Mirougb tbe msila and seo eneed to oce year in tbe penitentiary, mad. an uosuc-c Mlul altempl to ea. spa liolu l.iadiow alrcl jsu In wooisu'i clothes. TRIAL or srHSTOB TWET.D. Ihe work of getliug a ury in tbe Tweed trial ia proatr-iug.

The couuaei for defenee tekrd thai Inns be apointrd snd witnesses t'nru lo evid'oca to lue triers. The as dcuii aud eicejt- tioL. tskeo. lie rtvCtedioga in tiie Tweed to-dsy hsre been intlielv without ioterewl, coi'ftisline only of tbe exsnilnatltm of jurors, all ol whom so far bave been excuaed. THS LO ILL MILLS.

semts of the Lowell, mills hare derided to begin musing oa three-quarter time ui xt M'lDdsy evcniog. tiralAl or ab ausu mik alasT. Henry C. Ilerbtm, one of the oldest f-r-eiga men bants of tbia city, died suddealy thia morning at his recidence in Firth Avenue, aattd cighli-buae. Dcrtiaiu was In lvJf cinccistd aa artiiler with fanaout lireek fncale axbilralion, id wulcblbe lio lands and bayards were eoaceroed, atiCTa S1DB BAILBOaD.

Tbe South tide railroad of Long lalaco waa taken poaseaeioo of to-day by trustees, removing Key. Mr. bb.ppard from bis poaitioa as manager. The ruad hat a debt of ta.Ooo,-Ouo. VU COBBELL The comuaiaion to iu Te.tiar.te the an.

Exia Cornell, conslaling of ttov. ca-rrajatr. Joke I'. Van burvn, sod Hon. oidj.m A vy beelt met al Aioany to day and bejrso mvcstlgatiuo.

sw aacxswK-K bask aasi-alD. The but hank of New Brunswick, resumed buaioess lo day. AMIHJt aB Mla-IOXAKT SOCIETT. Tbe American Missioasrv Association met at Newark, N. to-day.

"The report oa the Chmtse in America was read, and lecoat-mcDdaiions uittle lo euiarge the field and prosa cute tbe work with renewed rigor. Rev. Mr. Poavd. in tn address on lot subject, stud that hltv thouasnd Chines in California would hold tbe balarce of power in ttiat Slate if they became and they abould be Cbrisliaa.ttd Kfore receiving Hi.

ballot. The on ttie Indiana ststrd thst tbe sdvsi uieiit of il.s raee ia CbrisUanily, culture al.d Uie arts of life waa en ci unvii g. lherep''rt niereiy cenaures the pis. tit e- ol SL'cnts in ueaungine in- ai llllilnl tue piac polltv Ci Bits um V. iea.

The r. rt on cducsUonal in the South was ercourscing and KeT. II-niy Ward Ut iclitr delivered an ott tne aill je. l. ibe a ualcx- peLdi'ure ounng tiie year of of a Lull UJS Ol fj in the $ull, on ae.

on the I dians. and he Laial ce as txp.T'dd in supior ling the tM vi rai i arid publications. Ttie ret. ipu ui.nii iiicjear iiuuuuicj to iiui.i mi raoosLti Tbe Brooklyn Union stste thst none the arlies rrt ebtl) imiicli bv ibe Kina's coui tv grsbd jury, lrciudirig the York Trtbute srd Fun, bare been arraigoed lo lo Ike ti.dit imenla. arnAuLt's Tact Bis Arroisran.

TI conimiUew ol dpasgue's creditors held a niiftriLce wi.h the mimoers of the 'f'itu( C-a, Bid sxreed upon Rufus ttsttimsn, Amos Lock wood and George C. abtii'gaJe as Uua'ers, and reported mis action to tbe ailjourntd meeting of crtditora, by whom it was approved, and ttie Ci'i liliu.d, with Power to f.ll vacancie in it. own botiy or th. uuataealiipa, audio aipiovc tLt- dead of trust proposed. TbK ItllS rEHBT CtiLLISlOB.

Tt.e InvtatigaUoa of the recent collision txtwrcn two Erie tullroad fen boa t. beiurti lire Loctl B'eamhoat ai concluded to-dsy. No results tr. Vet. BBICKLATBBt' STB1KB CONTHI ID.

The brick ls era' strike ttlll continues a ith ucceis, si piobahly in a lew days will btve concludtd in favor of to strikers. Among tbe Sims wbo refuse to make any Important corcessloa are those polMnii up the Western I aaoa Tc legrapb lb Tribune buud-h Dr. II ail', courtli, corner dijhlH. strict and Fitib Semite. rr Lai ba eci.vx.

lanra Kie.e, tbe vtli-kraown sctreta, died in ew Jersey at as adraaccd s-rj. siiilanor ma Taxxim societi. There waa a crowded meeting of tb Tsm-mtoy boclrtj to-Blght, at which all the great gi.a uf the iwrty were present, to contider Uie it port of lu comiulut lo natch tb ciertli ce Ol. Fellows, from th' committee appointed in waltk lb frauna at public headquarters, in a lengthy speech, detailed how u.e mm a from over two Sen atonal die-tricU, snd especially tbat la which Judge Led with wss tuaoiog, hsd been lataperwd with b) tbe police, Ibe delivery of the returns having been STstem.ttcatly kept bsck. and oidert having beta issue 11 o'eloek at night to th police caD.aiot to div the delivery of tbe Assoc is ted Pre returns to to Associate rres rrporers.

teat tbese latter rr turns mlgkt inlertVre aim Uie char gtng of the figures oa the police re-tnrnt. It is claimed that this action or the olace wss InspuTrd by Coeamisalooer Ctar-ick and a resolution waa adopted expelling tie tatur from the membership of the ao-ciet y. The rape. Bather. (Waerd La Mr.

It is rather difficult for Plus IX. to dl.rsl-s an old st rvstit, aad thoa. wbo once get round bim sre pretty r-ure to accompany hira to ihe end of his earthly career, that is to aay. If tbi lite lor a rnouKh. Among the Pope's id ta ia bis barber.

8tgnor Zanaiollui, hols, like fie Pope hlniself. a nsut. of Hmtgaslia. For number of years ibis bar ber trice was mere tlnecorr. at the Poo sbsved himself, but of lats years Pio Nona bas not been able to wield the rssor with suf- m-lcnl sleadless, and so langnliul haa com.

Into active service again, at.d nhaves lb Pope when Is welt esrty every morning, so tally, lotfeed. Curing lb winter that the operation Is always performed by cscdieligbt. rwuiinirc ai uie iwea r. orateu cnarac id kuar, esiiecial'y palace barbeia. We have ti liribg hire the Cbryalier Moron wbo was bsi b.

to the late Pope (imrorv AVI at da bote intlmsry with that pontiff wh. a nr wa moi) ti aiacr A spell art gave mm ta-tr li I.Kralure, a hicb be afterward de- i in an universal dlctionarr. comollid by him in yulamca Maria Intelligence. Nrw Teg, tin. Artlsed staawihlo frosa Hamburg, and Gaelic from Lit erpt oi.

Th old Bitttoa grain warehouse oa First Haa' lid, bar. ya.e.rdar esewra asnai sis or sasw. tbowsaw Sol i ai iii irauaeu. i us nuiidma a aa owaas ay a. Jaaxa.

I I 1 Call SERIES NO. 1,922. STOGE 9 lal IV ETV KT 1.1 rVuJi OI.I. AVItatl HKAli I.AUIKH-HILK HOAVIHrl i I. 1:1" in iiiiuNH.

ValI.itHIIH LAl CUHTAIN UOIIDHi l.liia-ii I Innattceirolilt. I tc lliiii.llaa-railala-r.l 11U' Hill I llvrry Iewort ptltaix. Order, wlllh araiantlv flllel at trreal PITT MAW, BRO. CO at Ue stare. B.

4 CO. THE 6EMUU COUNCIL BOAKD OF AlEkVaKNOrriCiAL. 1 Bl sstt3wlt TBsnMO. JW. 4, 1171.

wsvasnt FrtswUmi bavrxa. avatl tvU thm aBa Pri ben I tM BiMtsaa Ot Ik M0tliamg MMtBI wm rraVai aarffOt4i. Hr. (till praat4 ft ptitioti frtMn cttiitwa sVtfting ir fciuttraiiak, voiri mm i Ct-rrotJ to tb CmsslttsM oo iaa tvad Waor. Mr.

iut mwaiatl a tMBouuaaci of nIH ZsDa fttraiaaw lb uaa ul trwu ctiltvors ib aiUa- waa.aa. wbich waa rfvrri to too Html coca- ahitlswB. saisrn diartrirt. Mr Moats auLtBittrxl aiarat rparta of thj tt sWrfiMaltar ot eostactiooa of tbarfaM (Jo- 11, ir'ii, vtsactt wrre ottUnrmX be ated, CLsUIU ALLOWED. Jr.bti H-hl.

('I 6M Work on Hsaaias Ti ploav. VJW. for wurk oa. vtiart. ALtr4- tV CaaavAviUV.

JU iyTJ Oi, (OT ICiD t'lHOtlOsT MftlO atFt. Moats. mi7i in, lur Mla ati-awt w. u. riaLaii, jr.

fur ura lo ajdiiur'a Mi.rpbT tl.v-V for rplr ot wtiftrX uri ne. dj-i ior iron ra IfaicUA Eyti-iKs Iswwl tit I vt- work ok rov4 I ha tircdrrwotk. 0 for work on ro-vd bw. mibvva for repair of rraUsca. atsw f-M for rpavir of ti tLra.

aV. Brwsufcr. Kr P- rTMflar. Si OU Ut far won oa tr4W. ri P.

Hahn. i.K5 tor woik oo Cultoa stfwvat. Arnoisi 91 to urea, r-patr. kftr. mw li for work ou ruitofl irosu.

IViinla Lcni.aVV) 48 for Iron )pe. at4 nVrsfftr. IUxk (u tmr oa Miti. tSfits. tt for wot a od KaarjiaD A 8 igttcw.

fid for woak oa tfr. KefsiAasus tftv atn, Vi to4 for work oa aster. H. fl.ii wtv (or woik oa P. sPrtvl.t Ctx.

txM OH foe work oa nw t. joI auVntttttvi a rnoluttoa fra xbm BoftKl of Cn'iAiiu paiiuitiiBg JuftuMa to aatj rtot a fraaa ttaute, wbicb waa Ur Kodd i'rrdood aa to taiarova a th oo ooio aid of CalT at ra t- ruro TairJ to s-bicii waa r. aU. nit unmuei -ntJ avaa lb foJww-inr Tt-itt: Ye Praaajdat liarri aa-. Mrar.

Rel. 1 rirn-r, Ci'tinc Xjm, Oa.sti Hftaffrr, isaalt ainl Ujrna 1). 1. a oka-Mr. Radd autcaatlf; itT-atttd a motion rrcoavaidtr taa vova wbarabv tka soots anti-nsbes va paatftl, wblctt wws earned, aod tba roloaar waa rfarrd totua 8 rl Coiamnta.

vVrssjiswro Ih.tnct. mta Hr. likalZ-r. Cram ii coiTD3ifTa. dreiarc4 rota tha furtbar at1 turitaaa Mr.

c.utt rii 'b-Cofstaitwaa od Hallroada report aitoa prrwiitutM st utau'ur3 to trisyc. bar t1b la Praiea atrtaajt. ar Broad war. wblrfe waa Mr. sa.atl.rta auortUttt a naooa iroai taa Board or Ifut c'lmfM aak oic tba Comm aaiaD(rt of ikattiakiM afa4 to aaania ta pn ant of ffta Asrt aad tmaetivai of wharf oiuw at art booda wbirh was adoptd.

Ur MkSM trjtrodurad an ordaoaana to aloaa tM first altar ioith of K-oturkf air.t. ri taadlac from rturd Faartk atrf. wbtfa tv rettd. rula afiupaadad aistl paaafd Uta Coll j-j-mr Ysaa Tridiit H---Rubi. Pr-" lEAi.ra.

Htory. Rud Gutbrta, Uiibar Gaii It aad Biree-s-11. XaTft- Noan Mr tii.iWt introdarfwd a rftlut oo d'rtvrtnt (taa Coanpanr to ttac lam pa vn auaet Lctwten WaaDUt avnd CuaaUtUt, wbiOds aaa adopted. Mr Brrsa aubmlttad a maUoa torefaraio drr claft-aa to Jfttnt nao a. CoaaiBf toa Major and iNT Attorney.

ib waa adtv. Mr. fctror n.f roduced aii mdtDaaor to dtt at wall a wtl wtffa c-tnMit wp? at ib tnaarat-t-ta of Kif'ef titb and Frantic- trta: wbiob vtva rfsvd rula rur-pcuded sutJ paaaad ta tuUoa. ifcai YArrfaid-nt Bar re' atd Mar-. b'orr H'-hn.

Brttnr, R-idd. i.titbrits, Mt, fcbaffsr Gaott aad Bjrftaa ix. Nati No at. Mr tf)Lc waa diharved from tba fiirtbr oti c.f ao r.rd'uaoce io cotaatrur.t a atrro at or Dtar tha laterarctioa of Smi, and i'ljueitrHt'. Mr ft roe a hruifted tb fnllowiu ordloaootia from 1b Pnard af ContieirinrvB.

wbica a-r r-ad. rula aupaaxlad, aad paaaad by ta faliotr-n a rota: i aa Pre-aWrat Barral aad Mt-iBn. sorf, Rtibat, Bretn-r Hinld Outbtia, Miaa. UJoart, gbafivr. vault acd Brrnt-il.

Naia Anw, Ao rdiDm. tu die acd wall a wU with oa co tbr D-rtb widfa of Mad aos airvot. 4'tl' faa-t atnt of Twratr etJ3d a rttt. Aa ordinaaca to dia aad wall a tu witb br rk at tba ioircctioa of Mtj4 ad St. CavtaariBa itr-cta.

Mr Bfraa.rrom taa Cwaitth on O-aa aad wtatat. rrpoc ad aa ordiaaaoa to aa wail a well wtih brick at tba tBtacaactioa of fbaraa-u -set atr aad Broadway, wblab waa raa4 a aceocd aoo paavo Dr LoUoviBat vota: Taaa Trraidatst BTft and M-aara Hary Babet. Baa. Mudd. Jkuaa, Uiiat, sbailr, Uaua and Bjroa AX Jtara Howa Mr.

aubenttaad aa ardtasvoca froaa taa vt ard ot CoutH iia.fHi ta dc and a 1 a wo.1 wita or irk af tkt la'rraaatioa of Baattar arnia and laat brtdaa lUfai wbiaa waa na1 aa ralar tad to tba Cob oil taa oa Oaa and Wa-r. Mr. fiiroa aabmrctad a raaattatlaa fraaa tba Board of CuuDciUaaa rrquaatiiic tb -Vatf Ooaipaay to raaoast ptpaa 1ib ba ettra at Waal aad Urajaow altntaaa, wtKA waa aakapt-d- Brrwa totrodaaad a raautioo Atrwattac tba Oaa Cospaiir to piaoa a pea oa Biata airaat froa Piltawnia 10 MlaaHcfgoiL. atuok ru adopt- Wr Brroa, froa tbe fvfantTw on tiaa and Wktrr. aaajtaraatt ftoa tha fartbwr aoaatav ftratioa of aaordtaabce to nt mat a ciatara a Trjf ttriaraaetlow of Spnas aod rva atraa a.

ajatr. titlhaca tatrodacvd aa ardtaaaxw to ro-tdt for tba twabhaaaaet aad atafatiwaaoa af a nra Oaaaawt. wbita waa r-vd aad ra-farrrd io tiaa Cosn salt taa Kira Uaavariajaai. Mr R-Mld atabrnrtaad tba fotuwlaT aaparata ara-iayata -qa wrra aayaraMy aaprawd: Frank to tmarora tba aurr from Brwefciwtiflwa fo f3aMwi, hatwaaa Fraatoa and Jackaoa atrarta. HsijTmara te IwipTora ackfaate atraat froaa tba aawta a Jacbaaa ta tna waat bia af Hskacock atrtssH tf axwaded aad frotm tb aat Una of Praataw to tba aaa tar af Jackaoa airat.

A A. tHoaa, to i pro ra tba aldawasvka oa taa wart aid a of Twaatf Ural atrwat batwaaa. Jrtut-bod aod Orayaom. PhU Come, to I raoro ra tha alia froaa 81. CaiWrtra to Kra tacky aad batwaaa rac octal aod Tbira atraata.

Prill. Corrta. to ttnprora tba aidawalk oa tb.a aowtb abaa of Markwt atraat, Mwaarw rata aad KiaTctta. wlr. nw arabratttad tba fbTlowne aapara'a rraoiuoaava fnaa tba Boavrd rnaaan wbicb war ad no tod A mobatloa rwiitttrHr a-arktaaa A alkar to ttsxt a Uap-pat at No.

17b Fouttb atraat. A rr tola i too rqaTatJBC tba Wtmr Cotaaaaf to ao itjraata atrtat apnakUac aa to prafaat taa aopsarttsooa oat of wattr Mr. Babal aunw itUd tba ft4 iwiat ofaaaaaa ftoaa tba Board of rHia-oiJaaaa, aab wara aar-sraJir raad aad rafinad to tba Htraat CvMnoilt-lar. EaattM-- Dtatrto Aa ordiaaaoa to Improra a portion af tba aicawaifc oa both aidaaof Baal Broad var atraat. bftwaao Htsad araaua aod city liaita.

An ordtoaara to tmprora a portion nt tba 'Ut-waik oa taa aoata at da of Mary atraat, ba twstt-n Lost as atrrat aod Swan atrtt. Ao ordloaoor for taiDrowtac a part of aa aRay fr ai (Jaaa to Mary atraat, aad batwaau Lsoaa ac Swao str-ata A a ordtaaam for tamprwrtnc a part of aa altar from aa atraat waat to aa alia, aad batweaa Caoa aad Mary attract Mr. Babi aoboaifad aa ardtaaaoa, fraaa tha Board of CotioiisW-ii. for r--cooairtte'loi a pait of Market Mraat ta its aaat iMs ot ar-wt to tb or Firat atrt. wbicb Waa rr-ad a aocotd tlBa asd paaiad by tba tn-lrma oa: Yuf-rtaa'dt Barrt aod f'o'y, Batwi Brrirw.

Rd-1. tsotbrio. Maaa. Ottoort, tfbaflav. aalt aad Byraa 11.

ra oaa Mr Batai aohaibitad taafa'lawttu ra fotlaa from tta BjatJw of Cjuocitaaaa, waicb waa ad ptrd A laaotOtlOB prnTtdirtf for a foot ar-oroaaiaT arrros a laaraita mrr aoot IM foat waat of Prratoa atrai, at Batrt rate 'a asp waa. A nsaotutioa paraaittiaa W. Taylor ta aract a rranta il'-a-a. Mr Mo awhaoltlod tba foHVovla raatloaa frotm taa Bard of Cacttaaeo. wbtcb ara dowtad: A tawibiUoa dttwrtlao tba aaciaaor to bara baww-u ak tHataoatJi aad boa bffata atroata dt.fpaf'd.

A nia9tutioo drractlDg tba Oat Coo. a tar to IE WU a XOXDIT, Ue t'tk last, -A-l1 104 l-2. FOURTH STIVEtrr, wartjasa New Goods at TtcajcjOf A T1 Tl.fYR A fliaaah4 Tlaiatjisa m1 Miw ai nm wm am aa uiwiti nm um m.hid uu. lur win tjiij. JSt Rcvafls are all sisrkedl la PLAI FltJl RF.

All bit o4t ararf lmportaU.n. marked aad sold at SEW YUKK fl UUI.EAi.LE PBICEH. Bat. la aeiaiikriB 1. this, I will retara ta everv TASU EL I til 20 1 KTS 0 THB I'OI LAH at tale frern $1 an.

This a KEAL sad a AUVKKTIMhii RtiautV 1 Ladies la ae af haBd-atadr laderwear, Ue, 1'arla ao I ai w. satw asawveaa as, celieBt BiiB.rlBBlty, BUthiBf their Mrs nxi ailieivut DORA pi -oa ia oa FcartoaaU. atrrsrt, frwra Port- Mr m.wy. irwai to Uoaahtoo oa Tararoa aaa iU fit? buufaaa. Kaat-t-ab pr-ti e1 tba fbiiooii pctttiotu tor ttroLava, trbich Wfr giaaud: corral aoraaa Mcary ftrtb.

Chaa. Browa aad Barbra. I X. Schwab aad X. Btbaa- Mr Aittirrt.

frvm OoooMt-a aa Taaarwa aad I aflea-aaaWaisaAm- sawlassTa aJtataVrlt. awtassLaawl Ik-t foiiaaio oauuoaa lor kctisait wbicb wara 1 tats aaa. R-o IVhnjitl. H.tuh lUr.J. Bissk.

M. t'a I'-nsiM. rMt a H.o-a. Haoa Jv ba CaarwaaA) 4Jo Jataas ttwwr i t3oi nvtt aitcr. Cttartaa Myara aad-Aa.

cor rsa- ao aa a. Thoa Qrmfl, LeatMc. Inarda Carar. Baat uura Daaaaa Brobn Jos TV rail, Ford Broo rwtar Maftta Fiad utt. Mr.

tint it atibatlitwd a Fr-to uima froto tb Boa id of OoaaH m-a direnac tbUaa tjraoaat I to ptaca aaoa tip Wmt an txai wla4fc Cba uot aa aJ-'ptt-si. 1 Mr Miiflef ib rciiijcd a rvaotu'lon tl ronn; tb Gaa Loapksr 'O ctlaDaT 1 bf lavto ib- arst sidx ot llfih r-l. bsjtw-ro di w.indt. to ta bead ttu ttiat if ta-k itt WatlfAtat OB IL aaiiA aLTtat, jicb wava aiOtrtad Ao uttitaooa frm tba B-iard of t'i ai it th. timt i in of Cr.m l.n Ttt s-ar of Uia Ftra lv.rf nc-ut rra-l.

ni a is-p-odrd. a.d 1 I iuat its Mtwaiffsk. Hrre-i Ktoi f. KtFnt Ur-ni r. tluJ 4.

duUllKt, AiUawB. Ul LtJit, U.3r-, lisu-. SkiO iitri 11. Aa-oa. (kftvraitw iswo'iilt'-Da from tt 1 of uu ol tna-u Bare aaot'r1 aiptoviaa; tbt fuliomt Ht'trtwsi a i portii'ttutfU'a 1 I tO' at ravsst friniSul.

iat tu auoat; L'bariaa Oaat. ter. rtpori tot Osvaf KhsahsMh Brft. frora cntnr of io ibaot-utaar ol aiinaaau sktraywH, lio- bid A On tnatraa-rora, 1 Arportii aiu'it or Cbtoib atraat, fr'tn fb- osatsiar uf Jtnt-ii strtH io i bo t'eufr ot OriDa-trr aranii: 'wuat A io rooicaTtora. 1 Apponluamwot of drat aJiy aoaia of Bro.l- way.

ttwHwrt9D T-aiTtb aod Tbirttoau. auena. TrrDw Lroa. eootravuar. ApFrit4jciibaut Drat atj oortb of Oak a'rt, bftarao Fifth aad Htxth atteota, CoiliaOrnaby, coo i root ur.

AppcrUuootaot for a torrtr-vM tioi of Twroiy -fourth aod biariD atroata; Uaaauitvoa A Jodva. ctBirac'''ra Altt-r-1 ar'rtionniDt fr wall at lottr U(bo( Mfrcr aod Urajaua aarwaut M.rAtitoa A tora. Altfarrd apptrivOBmBt fjr ciro at fotar-aroiuto of aod ttrayauu airaat-, liaffau. aaaiaaea. coTrac'r.

aptrorttODOiaDt of wii iottroitioa M-ti aod tsrayaoy reoia, ami.tua a Ju lg ooDtraetota. Atici4j apporttoDo-avtit of Hra1aaT. brt a a a Nit ait-tnin an Moutcuniv.ry atrvdta, (aors idr oqi rsvetor ArfH.n ioi ui ot tiaoaik both aidr-a Ura ot'tM-t. batwrra Hrr-Ltaoih aLd blgbtoatitb; J' bo rooiractff Ait rd appr't boiriit aidaa hoth a Ira at nut atrot.

L-atwara aad laat lb, Lukr Lo da. coDtratlor. A tt-Kd aiporu OaBfttt if on to'fa of VaOisoa atrawt. txmwfoa Twooty Ld trr-i ard a boa feat art' i 3oc tract or Appur t-f oaaat of claiaroat tba ibt rarotioa I oi i ifrl aLd bclbj Yiiio ptko, Callab aa. oa rao'cr.

At arrd aavr ii.n.rot of rrfwoo irrt fr kb "dn-hi-a to a'trrt; M. CoJu A doa, e-otraettara. ArKr a-nt df on th ilia tf ta rt atrra r- as Fiaaklin atraot to drt a -or oorib el yiaLkais aixtm Aa.uat Ur contra' 'or AptwtartiDat aldawaik watt atdaofTard atrmt. batwaeo K-ouok aL 1 fet. Catboo' atxwta; Ba ratra a TdPff.

fbontraMori, Aitarasa nt aldawaik oortb alda Maia atratO, iratoD aud a ydn: Jrft frt rat: 0 -oald ontrt-jfor of I'lairrti at tba lrjtararot.i jd of ircood aLd Saipp avruu; Jjhn Caiiabau, coLtiactor. Antrtd apporttosoaMot of Ltca alrv-t. fr Paojt.tuD Lauittji. tfira-it; Ot 3udit. Btt- a'jbmitt--d an fii Ha 'La rrcprie-tuj Timt tb palouuic rt- the Plodivi wtlrh a aeostptss l.

A HBuitiUta wa opt-; to at-wt ara-a An Tbars.iay arraii. tv. Wl at, 7 uViu -k. abivb aaa an itdad or Isba kwil ul tU-imci; rrtr to Itv Arth 'vrttibrr lb wbnti aiur-ianhout lb hoard itttsd to iffiif. frtin TiBi ard adouiad.

OL1 bit LL-ti tatk. BOAKXJ OP L'OUNCl Tara.sDAT En 51x0. Nor a I.t rraaaut Cbaa K. a. aw Lb- TZk- tsvtx-rti aiCspt awUakafr.

Civ, I iMj a -ball ai bip Jouit.tvl uf psra ic ua Bscr iDic rvl obO ap metstk-e wa i- 'r 1 aor ft- Barns BtN Ot jeartlUOa. BO urJoatVo fcr a rat, tba aVb Vti a. utbaardly aloe af rotlaibii. tba quiatioa c'o takao os til t' 104 ur-otoaaca.

tba o'otloas ot tba to contrary ootwitxataBdiDa. tba af a aa ra-Jct br tba lo toaiaa rata: Taaa Mtara. kaya at. a.eU au -I'ri aidoot Looat and Mh ra. A B'arist, hrtaa, CiilTcrd.

tlsvaasitt. a. tttmon. BrAtrar. Mvboro.

O'Coocar at Sb.1lniro Vara. aioiioo af Mr. lain. t.a ra-JvyiJa- tbe ordloaoca waa rw ahro tba waa -o(td by lb folio! T- 'tdBs Tsaa Maara. Bryaa, frrmo.

Kaya, Lt trrta, MvAtorr. Miibuta ard fiar SaV I'rerid bt I. at a Aat Bsorli Cnflord. Orfbo. Hsnliun, Jffara'-KfU, Hfttoo avad AUm.

loura .0 A rQ waa rantytasa bt Rooor. tba 31 ah or. taturuiLc wn hi a i wcU toa. a r-si u-tloa alloatDtt J. In II ai ctae-ra wbeo.

tba QurattuB bb on 'b adtp-um ot tbr rtaOiUtiao. tba objrttiubat of lb Bajor 10 it cocttary to nbtabiiDat, tbt aana rt r-jrc'tti tj tba lo uiuac ott-: Yraa Prssaid-Bt l- en ajd Mara A'oiie Bour ir. Brraa. CnfJi'id. IT -r-on.

Ka. Krjt. L-ur McAtccr. Mi but 1 nron ard Sbailt'iirue 13 Nat-Mr. Haanltoo 1 nsotioii of Mr.

txanillrotl. th to fi ion aaa rrtoidr 1 aad tba rva' u-11 br f.ii an oU ii? a-i 1 Aioiia. h- wnirr. t-Lrturd rrra.n. ua ffttJavfLO nvra.

Lts tr-rlr. llatwo McAteor Bi buto. t'VouBt't 6d SadDuraa 1 Sam Nob-v A D.estaaa7 waa rec. trnm Hoaor tba Ma tr, rtiu rnniac Dti'iv aouoo r-u' ut Hn a'lcwina It. A Ko'hbsoq 0 an.

bt qaantioti iu takD oo ihe oMha rauiattoQ. iha otj cti. of tba to tb coitiaxy itauba'ab li tba aa'iao ti adfy'i-d br th ffHo wiea r. t-: Ysar- PTtorat Loan and A-Balla, B. urtirr.

Fr-ao rufford, is-raiao. Hwanltoax, Jftfarara. Eayp. Kfit I. i'rt.

rsmi, Mc atarr, MtibitiD, Ctaatiar aad a.bura 18. Natb- Nric. A rro Baaaaa wa rtwcriTfd froai bta Brtoor tb Maiur, wuinu'i, wt a jatiooa. a rr-ttciutioo aJ owior Middl-toa. Bartat and Buw abaa tha quaaM sa Oatasf takro on tb adt-pfloo of tba rruiu too.

ibe ob) tn oa of tla Mati to tba eontrary tbr aaoie was adupted by tb follfwioi ro'a. Ttaa-PrandrDt Looa; and Maosara. Aioaita, Boursiarr. Hryoa CUaTord. Irnrmaii, Haanittoa, Jrffrraoa.

har Salt Lfttaria, Maaoo. Mciitar. M'tborr, Ouaaaor and baadbura 16. r'ai a- A Ttto aaeaaa waa raciTad frooi Bta Eooar tba Motor ra'urt-iTisj wttb h'a objiaotioaa a rasio-latuD aliowlcgC Ws. a baa tba 4110a tica bwtttc tak-a oa tba a iptioo of tba raola-ttoo.

bta obloatloaa at tba Mayor to taa ojotra- rr 1 oioiiAaiaVodiug. tba hoiwu atluBtta tbr toTtowtaa rota: Pffatdaat Lane aod Maara. Ataatia. Brmrlwr. Prrao.

Clifford. Uariuao. t1aaitaa, ttrffrrooa. Kaya. Kail.

Laaataacida. Maaoa, Mtiburm. O'Cimmm axad akadbara it Kati Sooa. A rota tpraaaaa araa rwaalrod fro bta Boa or th Ma) or rtrturbfe. nh bia orJfiUaa, a rcaotttttwa alwtncOrabaaa A Raidajr- if.

wba taa auaauoa bHad taatta taa adopuoa of iba frMofattoo. toa ot)-cODa of tba Itror to tba oootratra BOkwubtaOAiiatK. taa a ssaa woo adopted br tba touootoc rjte: Taaa rraBiooat mo aan afisrB a'aana. Boarltar. Brwaa.

CliardL Ui Jrffrroa, Kaya. Lottrrto. Maaoa, aloAtoar. Milhata. OXsVacer aod aaadcaraa la.

BaTaBoaa. A BBiirt waa rafrad rrota hfa Uoa or. tba Motor. traoomiaia a taaaiouoo aatid bf toa Blakioa food CeMnroisvafooara. tbat thai rosoarcoa wotw aa asaat ao oorry tba if otT brnda t-UOT taaard br tba eity oa Job 4 It.

for rtty wharf aad Faltoa atraat tatpro a wtBta wtth a rawolaUoa tria paroitoaiaa to taa ttrtaktr a Food toaftai'aioa-ra to raak a pr maooat akarva aaoa tba aaid food tsr taa bor da. wbtcb wo" tWop'od. Tba (Ity Bwrtoa-T ruhmlttad tba followlnc aaf-ortmotaato, with oaparaaa rawohiuoaa aa proTfaar iba aam wbicb wra adopted Atporllaaox'Bt IPaorrata tvtraot. fpja Souta-yata to Kaatocky ouaat; Chaa. Obat.

00a croc-, tor. ApBorttoaoaaot a-iiaabtHh atroak, fraaa avatar of Oak 10 tor omit of Daaaaaaii atraat; Bw-ataa A rwatrao'ora. ApawrtiooBAtot Bichtoaath atraat. troaa tba 001 ar ol DiOjvb' 'rt-t tb rntt uf Orau by arraaa. Bowataa A aoatrov tora.

Acporiloooitnt ti at If acuth of Broadway, Twrlfta mi lbirtacah atrta; Tar-taeia LyitOA, raoi ra tor. Apvoit naritrD Ors allar oortb 0k atrrrt. baiwoaa rnxbaadBULbatrra. CjiUa Orraatiy. ooatro tor.

A rproimDt for wait at 1otrrcioa of Taaty Faar'b aod avaria artaafaa, UatuUtoaAt Jiavdaa. roo'ractora Aiiarad apoortiooaarnt for wall at tntsna). tioa of Mate aod Uraj son atiooca; A udsfta. cot tract ora A tarrd ortportlaamarat for eta tor a ot Vsst aod tiratro atraata; C. aaaisarr eoatrartor.

Al-rrrd apportioLiDrot of cU'era ctloa MaaToha araroa aiid frmot: atraat; Joaa M. Vaufba'a admiDia-ratur, contrar'or. Attarrd apportiuDrt.anr of latarauoi of Mrrr and 6 ray sou airt HaaitNi A Jodaa, coDtraotora. Attrad opfKntlooiaaat B-oadway b-t' w-n Bitaototatb axd MuatroBory aUaaco; Uaa. w.

ii coal rat-tor. Appottiaoosrat otdawaik bo atttaa Powaa atfr'. tai HveBtssBtb aod bsdtOta-aLa; Jots Brddrrvjao cmatta-or Al-arrd apporitaeaiwat rdmti W.iout rrrt, batwaTj R'arrath aod reltib, Loka Rttwada twowrra -tor. A it tad aoasor-ioaowat of atdaaalha oa both atdot of MadtfeCB b-taao Twentr s-ut1 'roa-i aod a poict tt issot waat; Jua. Mario.

o'raotcr. i.prrtioomsM of eiatam at tti lattwfw-rla of ooa 1 Bail airo-t aod aootbifi.U pdta. C. II. Co 'at an.

eoatracior Aitorrd tpaofttaaaBt of Praaton atraat fna "buedbtoa to a roat, M. C4usb A j. Coo' Atapwr toaot of widrwaik oa ba aaa of bj irvt froa. Praaklio i m' Urat a tay Bvttb of Ftaokaa. auaot, AvU4tait Biaajr.

ta-tracior. ApawrtfoaoFBttrtdawik waat at da of Tatrd bti-ml bMwaaa aad be Ca'ba-lao atroata, bairaoa A Tarry eaaixa-Hora. Ilil HE Panic Prices. nyjtnoj z.x y0Xyai9vLTa-8, TBiHtw-ia SriTITTT ry-C! ft fti fAsa. tt 1 aeveMU a as.

mm sa aM at SCHTJXZ'S 103 Fourth at. Aitarrd arportiooatrat at low a it north af to Mara atrrwrt, tja Prastaa aad a alLt 1 1 1 rasH-r Mroat awaoitrMr. App rirt'OiTtat riataro iDiavrtootioo 10 1 atd tiBiwp oraaua; J1.0 M.Cilaba )a're or. iirrd aptroniuDiaoot L-traa a tr'a lisamoa to LaBpVua atraat 1 awifatyo a aay ooctraatdkra. Tba Citt aoaiaaor aobattual tba claioaa, wbicb wera a ow4.

rt-rt-twaa Boo. at. for roaaira ba aa- gioo. Lsaaa uaboa. tw.

lor aarpaaUrs' work. rtua A Brr.rr as wore 00 aavar. Maaot. a ta work oa Atod, 34 1. rptra ao iaata owao a OrroswU tTVaa.

wa.ra 00 aawor. Mrd A Bro 91 4M tti. wra aa arar. M' Atw a i'aiiiy at far NOatMa Ice Mn tirao. ft Tt tr drain pp twrraa a aaM for wara ao dry Rail.

J'aa MitwsaaU ba-L I. worb oa aaU. 4s o. B. tb 4v for work 00 City Ball.

-'bora. Taylor A Co la lor work oa HaU. rat sy, Oaalbart A for work oa Or HaH Birr- for work na City 1141. 1. wire a.

fM for tne- ts tt. -y Hall a ti. bioajua A fil aa, lor auppl.aa ta Cit Ha 1 -a Uarta A C. f.JBW f.r Ctty Htt 1 Bt-t. a a-na rnrnii idtr Hl.

In it-lit Hott-r'a, t' i wrk (.1. I S1 lrb-ni )l'bdti- a. a-'C t-1 V. Work rca-i HvH.ri Ketr. Vwu 14 work un Faitua- y-Te 0 Ik-oii wt ibhsn.

ft "i osr jvtit-t- r- teL i'rti a-ire 1 ti- tasF-ti iir x.a a 4 Blr iir itttra oa tiit-fu atrcf. iirooa, r.o to.d 'niut: bt'Lt-f. ai.iaju fi-j-o-'ru 'im ti r- oLltr to a.fstrl fttid Waatiut and adt-rn Murfby. i ronaatruatrt( at'ay fn Pif.too lu t-'attja aod botwe-au Maraot aod Jt Ttri tvt.Q A -naAU. $1 rs-cairter 'Bstrtiitttwtita.

Vt i' iiaviso w. i aaia.y ue Fuilua a i. I ir 1 ftift-r- fl 01. at'. i3ay Fultua Tlet.

Hivk'rt A Ttftoo. f'T rt rair. bi Aitre A Caa-Uiy. yiT4 tor Biooaoaro-aira. I'.

Praoitt A fv4 w.rk oo aawar. Hin KrupuA H' for irck. A'ictiat krvtn-r 4 pairtoa tu um. s-r I (.. If aw.

on Sprtat a'rvtJt tt'tas-rij ai'd utirf. kra- irrat A for Intubar. '1 r. ptioip r-paua dry work hvaaa, i for atooa. I rr It Ki rr au'ituU eU a Catra of frtwf of Vt -if.

a riaia or Jso of fv's ttiA-b w-r rftrrd to appru troniittt aa. RiM at-r- frtu Harry H'ttakf. Strtatavry aod Tr.uar. tr tba JU'T. Aujuat rVpUatLttsr aud Wylolmr stv: itmhtsi at.d dat.

of ibinvnt uitf b.iods ot Sl.i.t.0 bajulat taxid oJ ty tba Suilt-r isiiu aUica aro leaitfJ ab 1 ft jd. it. D.aik)t tu tir-r 'rUaud mrkt. aui.aiittasl bu rL.rt f-r tba irtr fcdma b- HI i-'Ti, Otakts OOA rcalfrd Bbd rreaidvot Lots prraaotrd a rrtir- re prronakta irou' Jobtvauo to arejt a lacua bouaa.

Wbtcb waa anJ 1 -t. Fraaldaist Ucsai praarOtd ao lurttslU'l trJSB ba mpwca to vt-it l'(ufe a didiioj uf tba f'rodlAa boo ibta a a -iot; wbaca aa ac- erptad, Mr. JrHarroo. from Fiaaaoa Coasoalttea. ro-porttd tba to luoiiif etautna, tkli otua ai icwfd: Thttt.

t- to ry atr-w-t baoda. JobB Latlj. 4 W. Py "-tr-tst baca L. aid Bau-oad Comi-aaT.

9S, tracarortaTtoa. Pr Oil pie bv-Mloa poat (aortorn. J. L-la A i fr tfBh-r. Uo BttrCo for aupot i-iTB-r Tertj.

oo for F. A. cuasB-r' 9- tor pumprepair Laoi-1 Hro Il 70 tor i-ni jr. M. inoo.

I'. wru3 10 fur furullurt luf Cry TIsJI. Mr. J-ffrraa pia-o'a4 a rro'utiuc bItidt tt ituli'iotA to Ilootiar A tilasa tu frect bay alra oa rirntuB atrat tr aev.n Uaaf aud brod ay. Lit aa aJjp'ed Mr HcA'ror presvos a rvlrioi tor a luutaay uu I atre-s, txotii Praatoa tcCar iDitat adJ Mr Kms prrsrsitsl uilntn nrtoaT tba re, 't itr wt vt ot aCUvt Eas-ti-orr o.

iba t-'tts Ussi iirrcL abltjb ow rett otwa. tba t-sfrr prwattiua and rvi of ibt a'd aua- rtiad by a ta o' atAirJa ol au iti Biata-t' I titrv ai I pa sl. Fr. BiBiUrr. it.m tta Cmnlttao on Pnot--r rrvatru rd luituaioi aiusa, wbio! war a toaed: oLTtjaa J.TtuL, a-H) 4i.

for Ai a f- 41 for irlLtiaf It I', a rr, I. (AM, ft- p- luMlldt itstt fr yi. tor pnotio. Mr. t't rr i r.

atcu a pa-itioo frt-i itoit. Fov a ft ra abtcb waa relor t. iris on tCiorwtfuoa Mr Rr.htiara an oidicaaoa to di aid Liu-k at aa miariciioi fc iarvih irr'a. abtak oa read PO U.a tuiJii ilea oa tiaa aad a'rr. Mr Robieaoa praaaatrd a ptttioa froaa Ja-co Oak tBaso.

wbiofa waa re-rrrd to tAsiuaal Ct, BiiBiittta. Wtstrri diatnot. Mr. Ikui-ioaeo aaaLiad a pa'-Mtco frsai V. F.

cattd apt otbrra. a blob waa rofercad to ouaot Rmitta, Wfir-fD diattt.t. Mr. MrAVar prtarattd aa otdiaaooa froai tba Board of AwOc to elf a a taa Drat U-faa a ley arrtb of a.otoeky at re at l'atid-ca; troaa Third to uitb rat, watob waa rvad aod iba cbarttar t-ravaioa aod ruio of iba board aua-Iadwdby a rota uf twobtrda of aa ter a a art. and paaaad.

Mr. MiAtar pi af.ia.l a oaMit-OB froaa hat aoi Haar-nw lor tbttfr par atrrsri Luitibar b-' oa I lay atvnktW. Vb.rb wtasi aulnnf.tal Mr Uoa. -trraratrd a ordioasea fi-ota tba Boo u4 AiOui tore, oa aa.1 tu di aad i atsl. HO br at tie I tvf -a of Ktf-tteOLb a Ltl at tret a.

wbiob wa ral 'he rbalUr proti v.r OaaU robs ol Bnard BrtwoJtal a ote of tat- af ail il tDtibura ticct, acd baateJ by tba a Pr iz-1 I. an-J "rT-'a-r'. AtBa'U. brjaa, rd, tae-rotaD.

lirifHo, Ham L. ff K'ajr, k'l I swV, Hi ItniB. tDtr and bad burn lu. Nas "oa. Fr Cl Boitl prpaontrd tba ajpwiat cla osl, wlub its alio Vt A iviera aii otb r.

for iodaaio(. i Wbr fiil ir at iDtr-a. tad A u-0 ta at HmjI i i lratubv ooik at II aital br ki j' a fts si of Hbl an i t.iDa to i -'-a C. f.r wurk oo Aiua ua. abich aaa alitiaad.

Mr Katt i iraaLOd a pa'I'luo f-ooi A vary. ptrtlKDl 'I Hjuat.t a t-ib waa r-tt id 'o Orlrrmorr i Mr Iaaitrna praari'trd a Uflao troas Waa tfai It i air watch oaa rwft.riisj to tab Cosaalfaa oo Iarrna axa Eaa'-ro di -trittt, r. JrtTtiaoo irr-a-ord a cl tiaa uf 64 ia faTtr-f Jno- Aodrawariha. ab-ob araltrod to rowaitasJ' ta of Puluo bsuittaa. Mr Kara.

frw B-'Ib od Coainolttoa. ra pnnad ae ordiBtBtx piar-ribjat Ua a. a ac loablrh raKit) aaraina ta -F Louiaru aball rriAvda. obttb ril rd a ajjad at a bl pa A rraotuTloB frnai tha BaM of A -d 1) aiJjorrrn iin'tl Trirar arrD Vr. tl.

a raif past atrn olork. si an-lod to taa jub of Noeibr aad adoptod, wb-o, on tit i board odlornad. Attoa MLt-RUI. Clark. THE PACIFIO COAST.

The Mate ol Ibe aaarise r.ackl, and ik raata.a Yet t'apaaisaaa Karikqaakr Kevada, UL1V1 kAiS-yTuBB. -an FaaNcise-o, Nov. ft. Tbe rat. foil traTilT in ttii city l-l mutiL 1' rxirode from Gllroy, oe tbe srtiitb, to Ctiico, Pmir eounty.

un tbe nunli, as far as reuivtad. It it still raiiili-a tl ii.tervals. Ta. lor a goctl staatuas very fair. aii aisxec coavxxrma.

The Antl l'biarae State Oavcntaua In tkia ctty fa, taaa fotp waad till aext rsMsday. CBC1I.TI TO SEAMKS. CspL C'arkv, of tb atoi. huarisa, coa-vtctid of cruclt to seamen, oli'smrd tao'her tu-dty la the 1'. Ctrrnlt teurt.

till week fioea next Monday, rt to thMajctt that at. will ba srabted a new Inai, cn Ur Brosuid ttiat Bia firat flarria. arrestee taa aiaa. is a iwuenal wiishm. Iw bia favor.

wKtrxxo ia tbk ariBTB racirio. fin Ot tuber 11 tbe etbuoner Iosdste rsa s-Lvtr on Aloe I -land. Ni.nii Tacifli Ocrsa. Tbevi.sel snd csr-o are tntal loaa. Tbe rrasscasera and crew wer.

saved. Bias had a caruo of tiara. th lr.itH this purl ses-etsl as on taa since. wbbat fob LirsarooL. Tbe itritlsb atesmer tjasnxue.

recently la thc.bta.a atrvicc of llie Mail dita- f'sny, bss lc shailireJ by a flm hsrr to uad with wheal fur Livi rjxj if. matb aaaais akbsstbb. I'srrla, Srst ait's of the ship ftunrtaa, waa aneited laat mibt al a house oa to was -a unci II. he tot left ta ctty alnw tb. arrival of Ihe yMi In frt.

Tb. arraat csusr nstt faeiteiasat, and tbere were alM-ul one ttioussud propse laat Diirkt tn tha Tieinily of tLe oouaty jail. saaTaoAaai ib vt a da. There outtc trvtre stock, of tartbquvVe were fell at Ausuc, Ntva's, W-day. wa.

dta, Tst.soaarn raow vrr.ow to oravM. Fanle la ibis city ar nounc fir the pur-t'l of crFl rnt-lil's: tebKrsh wir lr-aa i ui rou, Ar.aona. totjUayiiiAs. Mtxicu. A Ilal" la Charch.

Ildiaaaaol a M-a'ln-1 K.r IT Aflf a iner'nia- abjrh wssiirld in Chrlstlsa ctaia! tbe ttber ertnlnir. I' laavilur wut to ti cbureb U. put i.ul Uie liarbta. taotaf iaa tLe ae 11. rl hm h.tint aed an looa tlaruaeh ti doer ai aaw a maa tltadia la ta aiidlloriuia.

1 be Jaiiilur called oat that ba was to pnt'l lsmrweot, and supposed i uisn would lease, ft turned ofl tne ass s.on sfler, Ih brlna MtstiaKif inte, out. cto.lJtbe fliior. In tb tin cumnif la) arranc. the rooms, be t. utd arveral of tb.

cu-bioa to th et. L.I Uf tiiu--1 comfortable bed, and tb mta bad evIde.tlT atayed in tba chareb qalla at huoic nlirbt. Tr laaltov bIm. diairuvarr tbat 'be aers.c had beea 1 1, aa aTrrl bittwa ot wiae tiuuk. Tb ta had evtdeutly saaaV a nmbt of it, Ji.

otjtet, boweT-r, eeme.d lo b. ir than to obtaia re whmAi.A, aa tu tilTcrwarc wa left la Ua.

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